Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1908, p. 1

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voiiumb xxxrv no 8 err tmbmripum veld lij utim acton oktawo thttesday morning jttliy 10 1008 sskanpuee wca pmm rf aiim single oopiesthbbk cents v i originally the intention had beert to pat blm in the church j but be bed had a very undistinguished career and tboee lotereetsd in him then dlsanaetng tb problem had decided that be must go abroad and cam way for himself they had aleo arrived somewhat aw rowf ally at tha conclusion that a great daal off time had baao inst and a great deal of unnscseaa money sptut on preparing harold foe a wholly undls- tloguhbedfjrtut he wa4 ifcota ud lail but ha had lib pahfcularglfu tr any power appar ently off apiilylauoh as be poeeesead to any practical usr atiwentyrae ha remained practically where h bad beenatalxtren not altogether an un- eofumon tyu nor a eohtary oommtnt an tba curlnua ayitem wt call adaca- uou he ihu farther oowpllatad matter by falling in love wtlb a ptalty girl lio had been up with some friends at oxford for oootnemorstlon week lets go hom how abd aaa batty urged bdle fathers at ttdeuilntter and wont be b4me till ever ao lets hee intaraaud in a eaae there and the circuit judge happtna to be a vary old mend of hla hall likely atop and dlna with blni thus reaeaured hverltt permitted himself to be lad through tba wood and up tha hill to tha old farmhouse which waa all that waa left off tha once euh- alabtlal patrimony of tha oeesele it waa a pratty old ptaea charmingly aat on wnodad alopa eonitnandlng a una panorama of tldsbury vale tha faw aoree etuched to it however war ponrand unproductive and for many years lha oaaaalla had lived on tha bnrtlrland of poverty tha hurdan hud bean too much for leonard ouhiii wife and aha had sunk undar it early leaving tha yoke to ba tarried by betty who waa actually the mainstay of the wholtf fimlly hbe had eetablfshad a mail poultry turn which by strict economy end earaful calculations ah managed to make pay and on daltye efforte tha actual upkeep of the place defended her father hrmed he uiid indlrfarenllywltbtlmhilpotaballlir and grumbled over the thankless wok due ha hail nevet thought of coating a bow af a venture i hie whole qujirrel waa with h hard fata that lind stranded hint in gueh n iinprofluhle fxirner of the world perhnpi however growing older he aw thing more atairly j and fur thla reaaonhad given harold kverltt a mid reeeptlon when he came to woo he had raf uaad lila eonaant lihanlutely for bidden them to meet and told bdle frankly tbatherduty to her ranilly waa to marry money batty reeding her ohlokene in tha red of the euneet mw them eoutlng up lha bill and her mouth aet a little hardly bdle did not trouble uerealf about tbeptoblenuofdally living aba wee like tha butterfllaa or the bee who alp rrdrd every dower rvrry- body loved her because of hw aweefe look wbllo dotty grown old and plain aa aha often told hereelf through niuob aervlng had alwaya been relegated to tha back place which no wouian how- ever unattractive can be expected to eojoy or eoret but betty waa by no tneana unattrao- uve she had a atralght lithe figure i a clearout aotnewhat darkhued fane and a pair or lovely haul eyee her expreaalon waa al way e grave i the had no time to am lie so people had grown aecuetomed to lavleh attenthme on the pralty iliter reaervlng for the elder their reepffot oriau betty had wgun to fret and chafe i elieoftvn avundertd what had happened tu her ahe took ao little pleaaura in her dally taike bhe did not know that it waa only tha prlng in bar young mood too tba natural dealre of a wotuane heart for otue recognition j the loosing for per- aonal hmpplrtean which soroeatogentle and elm tie rich and poor together they sought betty in k lowroelled parlor o the house iwcauec it waa naahy iwtlme not bnjing hut there thy oaniu bub to the liultryyard shneaw tbeiu perfectly hut did hot turn to greet them at oner 8b felt indeed that after ble interview with tbelr father yaeterday bverltt had no right at hlgbcler be aroaa oouio nod speak to ue were ao mlterabla hjirold and i and w want you to helpu she put down the corn tueanura out of which aha had been reading bar brood and namto meet theln reeling that mia ought ttiba angry yet unable tof keepup any ahow of disfavor they were ao rldloulouely young both of thorn the mere thought of marriage in connection with aiioli children waa ab turd yet betlylieraelf waa only twentyrour wbatlelt you want the asked with a great ehow offiaperlty but her weati ymruiibeuonaiure would asaert iuif ant after all wdl waa more ilka ftqhihtthfcnaelaterj uha had mothered hereotnanyyaare you know you ought not tobe hero blr bverltt she no llke oh but hang it ill mim betty dont b too havft on u when you rail- in jove yoraelr woull under- atd v v 1 betty in lovat wuwhi ede with litu oh hrow betty will oavtr be so rooluh we want you to befrieni us ulss betty continued bveritt h knt myoh weaak im gqlog abroad im- madutcly ti iiiy raotheva iwjatlvee in jm resuaacaa jdvurit txiursoat horm1mo as vm aotom ohv pf year acrtouy a zl vaaat tuf ab erlbuoae aiaeoatlnaad when tba tlata lor which uiey hav been paid haa alrael the data lo wnleh avarv aab friptonla paid jw denoted ea the 4 vwiasatijlj 5s tt pattieirjl vmb eee- arat laaaruoajv oaaupr ue for owane oi- oojtrmrt eavameaaseata bavbeia the ofllea by noon a twe- vllawuuffiftctofp your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or btonea if taken to the rook wood ohopplng mills floni v datmeal brin shorts the- bestat lowest jffce harris dt oo tlmltwl milos okay m d c h meoiu umaasbwnisllmmi aimcuvmm arc jl datjlt md cm u i m nil to hia i tjrat horb t mmmiiw tomlt u10sovuo wa an tomc vjl tijwlpicotlaujkm riejjtist t tm time for a change half prfee hat sale going on hall price cap salo sthlon hall price and- lem for aome shapes must clear out entire ilot i moth baat -ior- sale alnuei fori stored insured teb6deltead lafontaines establishment 95 qnbc street xbarn dressmaking imaweiac tbljijrness oucjjc gausiial gonvcrsatlon wjljimaillllpimlltlllllltl-tlftl- n auaiais oottaaa oa41omi rbev i ftrttflnu excelsior we are headquar- 4- ter in acton for breaii cake paa- try etc pf firsfj claii quality wea4vc8fy splendid toek of griirlelifld con ectiooery the big hardware store for lawn mowers for hose ftr refrigerators jor soreen doors vmt windows pot linoleum zfor garden tools fir netting for hammooks omr mm m ahrajr wifct the bond hardware co ttfltflhlifl glasses bar llw shuroti nty oa corifortaoly 8hpm lo fit my nom llountu gimmalftmj for dm ytr loom rrlodlag qalch nptln a d savage codpbo bwclmlvo ojxu0li ouelril ont summer school ilktoai wrlu lata earvall tenslll ohhtllaii uaimbhaj oollbob ffaaurjaa tauwt nlltbu of w rhaw l city converiiences hotrfqht to y bows yodouldeelay auibroom la roar hmne wilr hot and cold water nader jpreteut required why oel have it and be op p datet by ihe ooitprbbsbd aie btbtbv thla is wttatfolly aoeonplltbed even thoeth you have no water works tyetem- within reach ifthlalplefftlsyohlwrletoday orders may be left wlih mr speaeer hwoud aeloa for voilierpariktiliri writ geo b b gr1nyer co nmnmaarmld uwllav oohtrmtoim ouaaurii oht omiran sagi and bnbbera oood price paid second haadstova and repairs for frm machinery supplied morris 8axb the best ever j hh our brands of fjour will make the best bread you have eaten we have seeds for you yet tcora ttirtiip rape mwet drain wan ted tj 7in0blr aoton peed and seed store flactrrj for oni aoni home booiunirethehaaterlakee a bunian lire and elothee it with the beauty of ilia brace and seu the radiance of hie toeaoa to shine with it clear light on soma heaved face and handjd hand tvlth llleownealntf we etrar while day by day their voleea tender- erarowi tiji audden at the patlhf ofthe way theip and thy ifla tiharlot amlle and o o she passed on the loving and the loved we know t not whtrewe could not see for tear ilut lo soma realm from doubt and fear rernoved she wesra the beauty- of unfading rra ftmtllnir she walt- serene aod undls inayedi pw lot her eyee in elearer light bu- hold tito hoele of god in ahlolng vanka ar rayed tbeangelguarde the prorhet aw of onward with them her tlrelre foot- stepa nreas tier aoul takee up their strong exult- ant call and knowe the truth our haarte but dimly gtteaa how jode great purrioee fold about us all with ue with them unseen yt near at hand i not lovlnor leas for that sweet heaven ly birth bhe haa but joined the glad immortal umid who do tha mtutsva will in heaven or on earth who knows what nobler errand or hlegraoa in waye untried her eager hande ful fil p or if her with awlft unwearied pace tread the familiar natba before ue when etrenjrth is mal and courage nlntoatnid it nay he here to whisper at nur aide l o ralnt nut rear not ajnoa the master mid all power la uifne and i with you iiltlde jf bri ysntun ttwtbinfl trilssrinhrii u ijjj bra uk bolty uld tlu girl aoboriyt he hlwuya know tho young limn lookvil tlubloiu and tuggod hi wouuobf thoy wro oundlng to gathar in a quiet oounlry una on a night in vabruirythayoung oftha ymt thay war young too and ralr to look upon and pprlng wru in tb air mid tha aaaaalam twlllar uf brood ingblrdr hall naar oonmnt aald kerllt gloomily and attar all why ahnuld bar hedoeant know anything about ma 4 but i do aald tha girl naitllnghar head oa bla arm with an upward glanoa 0 eonndanoa and ion whlob aat bla pulaee dancing again in tuna with apringl- voil donfc do juatloa to batty harold bjbe rtjally awlully good lo alwaya gono to bar with my troulilae alnoa notbar dlad i and if we both ak bar aholl intanada with father i am aura laiagobuk now artdwtln but bveritt did not aeam lii any baete yonr bur doaant ilka ur edl daant aha told you that r no aald bdle though her tone waa n little trained uhaonly think you dont work hard enough and that you bare ooat your people too niueh money but you nuutht wind that in batty 8be oent help it poor deeri abeabad toeoonomlwararalnoeebe waa born of oourae were frightfully poor har old aha added with a little uugh and thata what niakre father en die- egreeuble woat of the time well the trouble la im poor tool but ill abow them i oah aeulra aot- tblngyet if thay glint me ohno any way yon belkne in or bdlr dont your yee ilea good tutd me yeateiday that be had other vlw foryouedle aald brerltt in tbkeune glooiiiy tone of eourea that meana tbleobap ilollamliy kt tha manof huuar any fool ean aelhal perhape the beat thing 1 oan do la tn elearitut and leave hlujajfalrueld harold i wouldnt marry ouy llollauiby ii tlirre waant another nian in tba world ehe enured blui why think of him juat aa i would do about father iain lira be i nearly mold hadieitlooklt and ba baa lha riionejpi ajid mraiioli id a woiim auffloe or two ineo of hi auw i oant kund ilbo ijkab v but h the froelle ip t hlglarnynodoi aeethat onlariorall descrtbiog marjeft- mi djbbci wmrt bdlrtam ttaye iny lord duke a fair field fcftvi vvvvii i po it than if youre 0 knn on it eh lhellh little flaahotaplrlt if thu u wbai you wanted to aaylta ell bverltt nude nd rerlml anawr ihtle rnd aflermuoh mora iprer htoholmhuluaod for her or unliakt im iiiiyftr t wkudldnik nawr but lurnod bar mm ed bverltt aa be threw bla area about ber 1 aod preeeure from man ilka hrcaaeiu la bard to wlthaund if you won on our aide it wandd help a lot til do what i oan repeated betty euedlly with ber eye ellll on the ehlekene yoor fatbar told me yeeterdey that beexpeeted llollemby to deelere hlro aall every day that be bad ea good aa aakedforbdl already yoowoot let lhnl holly ber willy ooitulfyr no no repeated betty eteadllyi yhi ball not be hullled battyv got one of her moat uplifted mood eomlng on harold lete go but ehe haa promlaed end when betty promuee ita aa good aa done krtjlt thanked her she inurrupt- ed him by tailing bdle ahevught aa well have ted now be bad oome and that ehe bed better eee about it i then ehe returned to the feeding of iter brood sbahad puahed lb old eunbonnet far baeli on ber head aa if ita weight on- preeaed ber and her band waa in- the weaaore among tba nam though her tbotigbte were far enough away when eomeooe ebe name through the peddoek end interrupted ber n tell dgura of man in riding garb a ellgbtly bitter evpreeilou crept abouthergrave moutb ea ehe told bereelf that hollamby had doubtleee oome tn eea bdle knowing their father bad gone into ttdemlueter bhe bowed to him gravely over tbe oorn meaaure eeattarlng with botb banda o that ehe might not have to eheke hend with him oood afternoon hlel oaaeella aald hollamby i uw your father in tlde- lulnater a eouple of houre ago and be aaked me to call to tell you he would not be home til ute thank you very rouob i evpected he would etay to dlnur with judge barham ue generally doe the lint day6f theaaalaee la your later at borne r yee enawered hetty 1 but abae enggedi biean therea eomabody with her juat now eomehody who ie etaylngtotm will you auyt thank you but i want to aak you something bret batty if i may oome- thlng i have wanted to aak you for n longtime i need your help yee aad befty dully but did not add that he wee tired of helping peo ple end wanted aomebody to tblnk of her needa and oarer 8he gueeeed what be waa going to ay that ehe would bave to lleten to another pua that aha would intereeda with bdle 00 ble behalf 1 and for the brat tltde in her life batty tbaeelfao- rlaelngaud the uurdenbeerer rebelled agalnat the role ehe waa expected eter nally to play you work vary bard betty aald hollamby admiring the turn of tba writ where careful betty had put hack ber white alaave i never come to ulgheler without finding you working likelike a mrvnntr i have to aald betty aoberly i thai la no other way but your aleter ahould help if it niut be done mid hollamby unex pectedly betty looked at him in grave atir- pilar it waa hardly a lover apeaoh and aim had long deolded that hollam by alao wm bdlea lover what alee oould bring blm to blgholere and make blu patient with bar father garruloua talee of the oldlline gloria ofthaoaemllar youve been looking tired leuly you want a holiday batty 1 ao do i still betty made no anawer but im not likely to get una unleee ke atotan he want on they oame yeatarday and mked me to atand for the county and ive oonmnted howeplendldl cried batty entbu- elutleally i have alway thought you ought to go into public life that waa what decided me he mid quite gravely do you remember tell ing meeotuo niontbe ago that x waa neglecting my duty f betty flushed a little i dont remember it and i am cure if i mid it i had no right yea you bad i want you at my aide alwaya betty to keep me up to tbe mark she llatened thinking tbe word etrange but not comprehending in the kuut tbelr full meaning she simply thought he wished lo please ber for bdlea hko when doetihe election take placed tba general election oh not till january i want a couple of months abroad before that daily mid i want you i dont understand mid betty simply of ooune when tha election eonim on well all do what we can father will bo simply delighted uollkiuby laughed a little and look a step water to ber betty look at in i what do you think i am talking about r why tha election aud you want we to help you if it ie with bdle i am afrtildrr i dont want lo talk about bdle thank you ba aald shortly you are fsvonly perebri i want in thl world ft i you i aiu asking betty do you heerr asking what rj tha corn lueaaure fell from her limp band and a frightened ebloken cloee to bar kklrta flew away in terror asking yttu to marry ma now betty kasoonai ever lb can ba ar rangedand go abroad with ue and help m when we come backto win the election i ball never win lb with outyouv u- u waving eyo mthl andhewu puastedby thlrtaprealon atonoeln onduloueend imploring betty he said bendlog hi hand- oiiioheadtowardeher is it poeelblo that you dont lioowwllmbigibrouiih u tn hlgtiolera to ofwn latly ltwrtibdsr andlb make adlhrror h wbupigriyiirttjyrnoit 1 m4swp n taltsli i wanvio uktji betty to give you a good time to give you your ohanor but abovall i want you became i love you with my whole heart oh 1 erud deuy with a little flut ter of strange oontent wbloh oorlously wrung hie beart how wonderful i if you only knder how tired i am and bow glad twmty ybaho aoo rullf o aavd oepladlfrotm yluyrm rye ef jalyls mm 1rayerai tot rain ware read in bt albaaa chureh an sunday the aoton pmkm prmm hegan ita uth vol last week it ftltl leads the van aaa neatly printed village paper guelpb uerald and the ralodraraton telrgraph aaye wa bad ocuslonto apeak in termk of praise freoentlywben tha editor put a new prees in tbe vnw piuum offlee itht ite niodeat proprietor thought we were giving him taffy w always speak that we dtf tblnk tym eon- grattilate hjm on hla oonunued aue- oeaa ilralu tlrov beer wagon vultad aoton for tbe brat time in 0 year in daylight last friday tbe licensee were received in town tha same day on the farm of mr j u thompson erin is a calf fine end healthy with three ears on the right hide of tha head and a welldeflned born in tha middle of tbe back oo saturday the creseente won from the young ontarloa lacrosse club of toronto the only game in 80 mln the remaining time pf h hre having elapead without more goals the referee decided in favor of the oreeoents a singular coincidence is in the fact that gheeley to wbloh plaee uev it phllllpe removed waa deatroyed by ore about conference time and hlp- lep from wbenoe lit olfford removed here waa destroyed by are on friday laat inaeevere wind storm which croee- ed here laatthuraday levelling feneee uprooting trees etc the greatest damage hereaboute waa tba total eol- lapee of mr adam oooka harn on mill qt it bad been moved a few days be fore and placed upon aumporary foundation a couple of boreee were imprlaoned in tba debcla willing hands aoon removed tba umbera and it waa found tba boreee were very alight injured nwlylnsulled 1 0 6 p officers i- n on p- mclam i v gj t ellis j b bi fraocui ttesur lowry i per secu p moore 1 1 p ojas melam 1r8n qh h wordeu l l 8 n git marahall 1 wardsnw williams ooo r oarvln 1 i g jt a speight hep to grand lodge- w wuliama rev j w rao pleached on himday venlna in koox chuwh frou 1 car 0ll and 7 il 1 for ye are bought with a pr 1 therefore glorify god in yonr body and in your spirit whlob are god s- and ye are bought with a prlw be not yetheeervantaormea referring particularly to the defiled merit of tha body by indulgence in in- toaleatlng liquors a a beverage on saturday a young lad eon of mr h 8 mcdonald waa down in tha wll guiding the pump into proper position aootdeut1yoneofinelevere dipped and allowed pump and chain to drop into tha well tha chain struck the boye head cutting tba ecetp in keveral plaoea pr lowry was called brajo fever was feared for a time hut he ie at preeent recov erlng a reeldent qf oakvllle declaree that there were more drunken pereone on the attroeta there tbe night tbelnipeot- or issued permlla to aell liquor pend ing the receipt of tbe licensee than during tbe whole alx yeare of the boottaotln llalton bounin aoton july la to mr and mrs thoe stathau a daughter boiimin georgetown july 10 to llev and mr robt davey a daughter bornat umehouw july ib to mr and mr robt ii davidson daughter dtkdln toronto on sunday juljr is katharine wife of william flret- broukt formerly of aoton aged 60 yw thhm1horamdthhmajorkbjy some uvea are pitched to a minor key snoh persons are the hut to mallxelt but everything they know or talk about u tending downward they novor atrlke a note in lires tahorue with a full and joyouetone the aoore is written inr flats and there are meny elure proepecu are dark buslnew is iwwr the world la growing worse notlilok is right life li more like fitotnadu oloud carrying death and dluiter than like a golden day of opportunity but eobgs sung in the minor itey grow tnonotnnoua it te beltai far to tihirt from it eorrowjul kweetneu to the bright buret of tbe hallelujah ehorutt the minor key mutt not make tha mejorkey vrarltyr oiiawi oreioibhoa tight pasaea front the inoaq toe earth in one and onefourth eeooodev aatronomen tell ua that in bar eolar system tliere aro at least 17000000 comete of all sliee saturn la newly 000000000 mllea wr from us ind bla rloge while i7w00 mile in diameter are aup- imesj to in only kbout a hundred fymmwmw oouflrined wwwwp oyer twp oeiv twlvdlongeryls tri mopsam aomaronmiavr onee on a time tbe jeetere focjod a moat engaging charm 1 about the man who read a book to flnd out how to farm but now tbe collage graduate goee forth to ehow them bow to mix up soil and aeeda and aoob and educate the cow tbe man who found out how to farm br working at bla trade dont stack up wish the farmers wjn by eollegee arenue he may produce as large aroropj bat then he ddeentfknow what ommleale by nature mlied irtduoed tbe grain to-grow- it isnt all in pitching bay or wrestling with tbe plow tbkt make a man eocoeed or fail in farming veoturee now ittjcnowlrjg bow to thwart the bog thai reaetaurioh hie era vntay he loaflitg halt thellmo and still ooofe out on top yee aeleime with a kindly hund haa djpned into tbe game b to ahow the modern farmere bow they beatthewollmajf tame and now the oldeet eon eomaa home from college primed to abow hla father bow to run thm plaee n tte way that it sbouldlja trt run uvm ow uovm the mother whose boy becomes du elpated and a criminal never eeaeaa to love blm bhe does net love him for what he is but for what be baa been and for what ehe hope lie may become nobody can eee aa mother and when ehe look upon the bloated features of her wayward boy eheseee something tbe world cannot eee 1 eheeeee a sweetfaced utile one cooing in her arms and making glad ber mother heart she doaa bob re member tbe pain and the eovrow and anguish the sleepless nlghte and the daye of anxiety ble wandering oouiee haa eauaed but ehe remembers only tbe eunny spots in the past the day of peaaa and hope and love when the child waa like tbe water of ufa to has soul she forgets everything that be in ha wrecked manhood thinks abew will alwaya remember and r5sr urea up it her heart only tfaow awat memories of her darlfng which feed vj ber love if ahe eoiild only go beioe lll again and lead ltm from the oradk tnk out toward the mountaloa of ufa how much mors ckireful aha would betoj poliitout the paths of plaaaanteaaja and peace abd wru him against hdm which lead to danger and eassts4 ijb as itu with a motpereuve uv may he with the lovaf of god we- w cannot understand why it iabjalfaivad ua all ao much for eurely there la bo t good thing in us now all we uka sheep have gone aatray we bate turned every one tb his owuwayji tbe lord bath laid on him tbelolqotty of usall he banooondetied but haa done all that eveo goct ommvv dotoaeveua v r qurely it must be that g00v lover nai not for what we are but thv purity that waa in ua before the fall and for ttat whlob he would v seleotad v 1 there u but one rule of atrtotejwrejr fl ity that amanebs4op thw be to live as pure and perieejtl he would have hla wife uveiitqif aaaoolatlona hablta and leogj he would have bar avoid idea of one aeale otoiorala ftjefltib and another tor thaoaj wrong end until ay ypnoimso olaed from society y ue m that would turn mo out in the cold world social fat iwufe blood ot- tbowure fcli bounding pulse of our ltle fineiv eon or daughter ahould he allonj leave tha shelter of homtt- lgn thoee prlnclplee that underll gpvernmtnte the taugbt the aweet hiw ofc lovea aake la thatei childhood be hkely tf r la ealled upon ioohoyl awmadefor thejireat country and good of the pepphv not tbeboy brougbvqpvtobol respect ill that goes to mamvnrif dohlemaa and womanhqdj fl tbaee telnhlngs wbonvbv maifg the broader flelda that le bel wlut girlbrought up wltl brother give her future lotoithek ln of young man who ipjuh llglon dftflaa the u thatsf oclal life denlrablft iiliifii wd judgment ja mwbrifvm wlllkthewu tbafcluruateve andslough to laa4aajtatt to destruction hhbuld ovee4tofj fear the future if we do oiwihh duty f xt us plaoeour fcmbl to tuako men loyal hod tryo a w rihtaht take three bowls and land rtflnfctss atpw inthobo-labonaendn- u muoh ko water jour hai bean in the one iti thli othek k loffwatr in the middle tspwr nm water kfyvm now hold yonrvlght liand latna water and jour left uand lntla6ojif denly fuoe ikith hand in thk lukt warm water and notice t0 effeitjifef hvut it the one teattd i bllndfoedvai ix good ile of amusement wim y jli aokued oaijarutuu bub face of whkuownjbjn women troiu ulo magalnekibjt t with boder out from othsfj gumlkm ij annlmulsa uiemsmil wre oovpsbjr it with biu and other eosjsg faat onemieomnimadifali ties on eaob oftwfntbrfoiinlka eulat thsmumong thegmajat one gumlnguio gteatjbfnutt tarfitortealp mwfr oounrl anol that

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