Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1908, p. 3

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we ere hulnsrisrs foe 1847 rogerb knives forks and spoons wvddlnar present in solid silver silver plata out olaaa and fancy china wkddino ninobl mauri a a lfoeneee leeued geo mill street hynds acton jp aua miiy la loos brief local items i oulo llolidsyiird of atignst tbo orfoket club ha again started practice in the park x qulph old hoys horn- week ancuatav ft 4 t nod 0 rwiaaalng township council will meet on monday july 20th a rtflmber r young aoton ladles are camping at htanuy writ krln idoetlpg la a favorjta pastime on bselry lako theap glorious evenings hayhia la in ptogees a tbu vleln hy jlost farmers report good cusp lain ilroe lifer motloii pfetiirm la tbe math hi lit church neit looqday evening lake avenue baa been undi i re pair lately lb roadtrnjr having beam reded and pnt in better condition a oouplf ol photographers war in town thj week scouring pbbloa of various publlti and buslnsss buildings partners will ba unuauajly busy tble eeeeaa with tlia wheat and bartay harvests news of local import in following ao eloaa on tha bay- th intended concert to be given inroonriaouon with tba hpsysld flan- lay school baa been indefinitely post poned i helton liberal will nutet in con vsntloitatmiitnn tomorrow to choose candidate for the next dominion election the wuiiw institute will bold tbalr plonlo in warrana drove satur day afternoon juy 16th everybody welcome taring betkete arid cup 1 you are invited tt enjoy a treat id th utbodlsb obit roh next monday availing by viewing tha ufa motion picture exhibited by kalng orof 1 the numerous local depositor of tba derunct york loan do will delighted with tba lateet rlewa front tha liquidator that tba salvage will oo pay 0 per cant rev drourbtbenewpaatnroftba methodist church georgetown wa laoeordsd a vary cordial recaption by the congregation iii initial sermons iihv baen much enjoyed a nephew of itv mr wllaon baa taken hlghsst atittidlng in the bntranoe bsaralnallons in tba county of fee tba lad but eleven year bid and hit standing remarkable heveral boy lime a mined them aalvee el rice ban nock burn school closed far tba hnlldeye by srumsblna tha glaae in tha east window tba perpetrator of aueh dastardly work should be jailed thabunday school of georgetown and acton gleptlst will hold a union f ptonlo to burluigtod baaeh on thurs day 8mb inet quito a number of t acton ottlsens will likely accompany them an tbla delightful trip t owing to tha large amount of other work tba board of exaioloara for balfoiv have not completed tba ijrork of axamtok the papers of tba f entrance csmidldates tha report kwlll inaly ba out in a day or so bow- w- 4vr -ft- the anglican sunday school bnlo jkhmi to stanley park erin to t l the enjoyment df mt plettlee afield n hrln apeak much for tbla event vtha aon junlo baaeoall team ao- iompany thtnt to play a game with fv hutrwuium oowdy manager of xbconto tjme pqwpany work at x4mnous4wm appointed a director ai the company to fill the vaoanoy cwed by tba death of the late john moore at a meeung of the dlreebore 7a toronto on monday july 0 mr a p scott brampton aold jtlaatvaek to ol w oampbtll for tha t sobyarsohllde and tilberger co of ftcfoteafltot trt fine eyporf cattle avarag- inifi rjlnaty poltara a head having vld wore the recent decline in price nthf prlcersallmd waa very eatlifao- ffil si h qp rm wnftom tkatoih megl p4 rwtyagehjpejarhew at th foibwlng ofbosra noncomwla 5hlf5 wlft oompoae c wfw omogent to qiebeo i wv oamble oovbcrgt wra lmwy o cook i vt nloklln j agnew ifthywandjanicklln rvbaompoeltaeonipapy of tha 2mb jagtt ha oompoaed of 4u officer pvwncoi0mhiiond bqewe and nan fwtofetowloriugte will be aaeo wwpft lham in making up the ba5qtiebafli ooe oompany otb fer one ffiftk au bin mdwktgtti4rttool w p blashaasti 9jn cyiialiuidi0iulll roh msst if ihtn krveaa hoapltajkir prastdaqt and mra il d warren will entertain the member of halmm preea aaaoclatlon and their ldlv- bdndaoinvly at hair aqmmer meoluil onmthlnet they will meet th king edward hotel toronto for lunch at noon and then proceed to soarboro beaeb to enjoy tba afternoon and lo transact auch baalnea n may coma before th aaaoclatlon the member of tha county prvee will appreciate very cordially tbla delight ful outing to be provided by their esteemed freeldrnt ool davukeea hleruy honored lieut ooj davldeon commander of tha lt ilrlgade vmd atllllery luelph ba hail a well merited honor conferred upon hint he re eel veil a communication offering bint j tba command of the 1th arid 7ih brigade montreal dlatrict at h at the qoebeo tercentenary tin colonel baa elgnlnvd hie aaceptenc of lbs poellon and will probably leave about july 80th to lake up the com mand ula many frleoda here cordial ly coogratulaia the colonel upon thle dlatlnguulted honor ufaeiwmy oauaad br autaanoblla laat thursday while mr johb mo lean of erin was driving near the farnt of john mctfabb the beer dell very motor of tha kiln x urwafery waterloo came along at a rapid pace and frightened hi bore whleb be came unmanageable and ran away mr uelean was thrown from hi rig and badly shaken up th bore ran to ilockwood and emaabed th wagon beyond repair and pilled three cans of milk the beer wagon hied away tha driver falling to aeoeruln tba aiuouut of damage caused by bta maeh- i ttm oloeiou twetflei early monday morning tha local orangemen accompanied by tba aoton olusan band look train for caladoa east where th twelfth wae celebrated by various orange lodge gathered there for tha observance of that day ao dear to their annal eight or nine lodges took part in the parade through oaledon east at one oclock marching to the tnualo of balf a doaen bras and fife and drum bands aaalated hy a number of in dividual fife and drum tha high land pip were alao in evidence acton lodge received the pries given to the lodge who attended from the farthest distance line notion mature atatessaliunsat the ladle aid society of the metbodlatcliurcbbava arranged with meaer lalng bros for one of their splendid entertain men te to be given in the churab neat monday evening itotb inst these eiperleneed entertainers have baen constantly securing the beet motion picture produced and i heir programme comprise a very fine variety while these are not in some respect a perfect as at the beglnulng of the season thay are nevertheless all bghcse alma and will be thoroughly enjoyed by all who witness their re production on the vanvas the meear lalng have been continuously engaged for more than ten year in giving these entertainment they have appeared before thousand of people h all parts of the country and have invariably pleased their lafgeaudlenoe thle entertainment is well worthy the patronage of all both in town and country admission ifiu children loo ateinrtac otiiev b a o wlllouahby sttnnyslde farm drayton was the seen of very pretty nuptial on dominion day when mis alvena d daughter of mrs and the fate if r x a koecker and rev bertram a o wuiougbby b a pastor of tba con gregational obureb georgetown eon of the late bev jolyi wluougbby of barrutoawreunitedlo holy wedlock the oeremooy wae perrormed by th bride pastor rev geo b honey b b d on tba lawri under an arch of evergreens flsg and belle the btfde who wa given away was dslnt liar gowned in white duchess satin eu prlooee and veil caught with llllea of the valley and carried a ahraf of pink little elolse koecker niece of the urlds made a sweet little flower girl mr floyd wuiougbby brother of the groom acted as beet man the wadding march from lobengrln was odersd by prok b lott of toronto who also gave several selection dur ing luncheon after the iappy couple had reoetved congratulation the guet repaired to tha diningroom which was prettily decorated with the swastika entwined- in myrtl and caught with seven bels mr u irvine and rev mr honey spoke in glowing terms of tb bride good work and tm p seed regret at her departure bub wished for both her and- mr wuiougbby bon voyage the groom replied in tba most happy manner the gifts were numerous beautiful and well slotd guests war present from walkertou louies qleoaflan toronto georgetown cali fornia st catharines oolllngwood oraugevllle waterloo and drayton tba happy oonple left on the 4 81 train foe st catherine and buffalo the brldec going away drees was of brown chiffon panatne wltb cream bat en plume and veil rev and mrs wlllaaghby will be at bom in georgetown thle week herald pupils who afte promoted do you bat eu0ht ew pesjfds ta astou reeib know blovv eating arid reguur meals are of great benefit to a wrong acfclnej atontaob those who suffer wlh in dlgeauob ap4 fit stomach can with oars and nae of m1od stomaob tahleis restore the digestion to a healthy oondltlon so tht thay can ant what uisy wjwfc as any utae with fcmwpmomol- t llalmr ml gfmt dliwudi mmym uata of tkm puptha ejf tt estsela wh are ua hlsjhsr mam bw ih ordbh or mbrtt principal stewart baa handed out ti fullowlng lists of protunth tie in ilia varou departmenta of the high and puhlla school til uiuii bcittmu vuou jh to an wnu lowkh fcuiki j maodonald r nelson i polater s pearson o husband j gibbon b mullln p sweakhamer k hunter o hbarpe l auderson l wllee mum an rosw or uiwrh school tu in mnmminmnaniool e black h buok ii ilitrd a kenney if brown u ourleil n wllllawe u plank a plrstbrook e anderson k ilaok in the uilddle school tboe wbu take honor standing for at leaat four months will be recommended to write at th neat jr matrlculatlou and kntraaos irito lbs normal bchools evamlnallana wiw iiunnkttvroowto iiimi miju- an a nooktv ewhltw y aridersmth jvan j d hurt k hrown b matthew j ohrin ii warren if uoldhein o pearson e brown o lehman m lindsay l dunn p caldwell u olark j cbapnmu c rice m irlc rprlc ii aivrvy vtuiitmxd mvlasrvuica boom t sijhs nktnrsrrrn nuos n audareon t young o wordtn l heott j thompson ii agnew t hammond- k vincent v thomas lily wilson u bcitr a anderson f andsreun bioaiupim m collier l workman h thorns 11 stewart b taylor m pearson 0 ucleod j bmltb louie wlleoti rtutw uuw uolmitu uimtu fit mtuit ult- intyrvs lumm j intarson ii muwat ii reed j beatlle j mcgregor p clarke l xv ran a cutoug e itltobls j bmmckhuiuar v alger heaton l 1111 s camahan p ault msymon j matthew wom mum kkkhkovh hook to uism llhfuiw luiolf at chhatiua 1007 i young w craig v burt l patton o ander son c rice c mcleod o benton ii proctor e speight t morton ii mophereon h cutting at mldsumumr 100bv harvey h tucker y staokwan l pearson m thomas m stewart o workman jxehman a collier u wataon a johnstone b woodhall those who were absent for final exam and are promoted aa a result of the years work i j wilson m wll o anderson w ritchie ii ritchie m cfiivil s molhui g b barr 0 evaua ohhwsomsj oonnbms a vary severs thunder storm passed over here un monday evening but no damage i reported to have been done a number from bare took in th knox church sunday school plenlo from acton to berlin on tuesday tba work on the ehed hi connection with th methodist church hae been completed jluch credit is due messrs lslehman of aoton who had the con tract for the stone work the woik- manshlp is said by experts to be excel- sot also special credit is due mr edwin orlpp who did th frama work the ladle aid society under whose auspices the sheds were erected are also worthy of special mention they have sreetsd to their good names a monument that will bealastlngtrlbute to them mr robt nellie lost a very valuable yonng driving horse on sunday oapt o 6 gamble ool sergt wm grippe sergt f orewson and f wilson leave tbls week for quebec to take part in the tercentenary celebra tion there mr alex grippe who ba been absent in the weetfor the past three months returned home on sunday he reportc having a very enjoyable trip crop at present show every sign of an excellent harvest but the build ing trade le very dull mr crlpps visit ed several of the rornier resident of this plaos including mr robt allan of the portage who is doing well and mr john walker who live several mllee from the portage mr walker is a very extensive farmer also a model farmer a mr grippe put it ho is showing the farmers out there bow to farm mre john u crlpps of th maples returned homo on monday after hav ing spent a few weeks very pleasantly with hamilton and dundas friends mr jas orewson of guslpb spent a few days during th week at his old homo here mis reive t alexander of bishop stracban school toronto returned home hist nook for her vacation after having spent a couple of week with her friend mlee vera o oolutt toron to mr geo bhlpley of allsa craig spent several dys very ehjoyably at the home of hie uepbew mr john duff master orrle lamb ba been success ful in passing htsehtvanc examination at mid summer ulumayad mr jam delaney whose bm was burned by lighting on the tu inst had 11000 loeurenow on the building and s1000 on contents the building was erected in the summer of 1000 and during the raising when three bent i were up a storm cam on and tha lightning etrook on of th cower post of a bent and knooked it out in ths neighborhood within he but few year four barn have been de stroyed almost to un being those of j blnole r akltt j- near and mr delaney un wlilamoolueram-pectedri- ldsotolbijusing died on sunday evening of lasbwssk ye leave a widow sod grownup ftmof ib mourn his loss tb fdnerel tjik plc oh thursday from tbercfisnoe of hi mnlnuwmrttv l f 7 gtstt s0cial and personal mlee kva hmllli has raturne for the summer vscmmoii mr it slntuli kpunt bundy at hie frtlhere home in krln mrs m paisley of toronto visited frleode in town ual week uue mytl diiu 1- spending bar hollduyn mt llth home hers mi and mre a t brown are holi daying with toronto friends mlee clara cobban spent a few daya with friends in the old boms mlssas daisy and edith nlcklln are holidaying at eagls lake muakoke miss glmaon of mobile au is visiting her brother mr wm glmson messrs roderick and archie mcdon aid or loronto are visiting the old town mr thomas illalr of kilbride 11 pending a few days with his daugh tars here mleaevrlyrtamatthewetorbatllq i spending a few daya with her sitter mr j u aklns mr and mr tyoarrow of guslpl were gdoat of mr and mrs geo stovall this week mis uertrude hwackbamer i- spending a ttoople of weeks wlmi friend nt toronto mr j w hwutnd i spending a few uvfke at the home of mr john klulil ig nassmgeweya mi und mrs 12 j moore of toron n wi is guests at moorscroft two or three days during the week miss lottie ebhage arrived homr luui week from glovers iii n y to pend a month with frknds her mrs john mcoausiand and children of niagara falls n y are spend ing a few wesks with her sister hsr mrs mclean of winnipeg was a guest lost wseb of mr john first- brook st the camp at th flab pond missss aggla ball and minn hoi rnss left last friday for winnipeg where they will spend tits holidays with westurn friend mr prod eastwood sr foreman of the anglo american leather co a warehome in loronto spent a couple of days last weak in town mr and mrs a a secord mlu bertie smith and mr g p uayman spent sunday very pleasantly at th home of crown attorney dick milton mr o ii moore manager of h dundas star and mr j s moor foreman canada fltatlonsry co to ronto were bom for a weekend vulf mr and mr robt heath and babe mr and mr john doerr and mr will sterloker or uerllu spent a few days during the week at the horn of mr t u akin messrs ii p moore ws oblsholm a j mcklnuoti and w j gould are away nt nlgaroirth lake taking part lit ijie big howling tournament in progress then the engagement is announced of miss florence ross daughter df mr and mre bluion ross dunbar road roes dae to mr charles n ryan rln de janlero drasll formerly of george town the marriage will take place in london england thle month herald v blagvaeeftil drunken rowdiest a half score of drunks disgraced themselves nnd annoyed peaceful oltlssns by their drunken orgle and profanity in the park hut saturday night ib was a strange comment upon their status as oltlssns when people saw tbsm stsggsilng boms- ward on sunday morning arrests are threatened for this flagrant breach qf peace absolute security genuine carters little liver pills mum m airwtum fc wnw nntinuuil otlhi klok mil a5ott mil tlio heat of the summer is at hand be ready with clothing to match a light summer suit or perhaps cair of trousers would fill the ill and fit you out scason- ly call and see us the tailor agent for the h lands nl rotsry sewing machine l st acton wnj gooper heading off a risk go is liable to puff out of tb front door of any furtweo unprovided for gas escape atauhtne foresee baa atttosutlc gas damper dlreetly e with kepipc oupreeeor ri damper sujacunuy le escape up eblasey i ulustratloa bat beat furnace caa b operated vrlthout faaraelo poitjes raa i furnace caa b left without doubt aa to whereabouts of gas phat dose gonshlna oaa damper mean ts guaslilwe coal aocouatf it means instead of owner with omlwsrtivwace fravms lo keep checkdraft indewaltely closed to let oar gas when there twmwds parts of heslensr lo ess pert of gas pessujf up chltwney- drmft caa wlth all safety be ooanad and coal saved for sso4her daya daty tetooio mftntresl wutsjpsg mfciarys vfthmrrtf cucut picture makers the kodak season is here for your summer vacation book it id free dont you want a kodak ask for our new kodak remember when you buy a kodak from us we teach you hbw to uso it from the pressing of the button to the finishing of the picture prices range from 1 to 5 e a robertson the palace drug store acton a store full of bargains awaits you at the july clearance sate tb e earsnee event is store wide every usparlntsal it etsartng dsoks lo preparation for ibuumo caupalffl hernia another brief representative hit of july clearance sale ofisrloas i the blouses must go our entire slock of blouses to clear si 50c each oa ubt o walls lasm blooset 1 ac sad smb tuuuem maaaee le ejad seahmldeiy irtmbm aloe all season at i 15 fa j li elearlasjiit irjd sat- r rtousss prlcsi from is to m on sale at 1 5 per cent oft ubtaoc wall xawn pkioats ejsadembhildery trimmed mi 50 83c and tu sr down bloosas lacs and mboury trimmed long and short slssves msrked for qow ilve doseh white blooesstsjssul values all saaon at sj ll 73 ll olsarinsjiit irjo sach torwhtte rtoo 8olls7 uo and embroidery irimmsd long and shoit slssvesr rnih ibasss apsoul valor l clmdiiull5 for nlphctwnmi n 750 llij hd 130 boys wasti suits qnethlrd off tbbuitcotorlw wwhsnlu in houtf drown pfi pb ftndutoui mhll qu llnm and colore obinf bray md llianu br bojr from top jmn ddmd i yso l 1 50 and la 11 m onfrtblrd off s men white duok troosfrs 76o j rwmrewuij3imltroojrt fllshlljr hlm and uj 1 lomtrly ti and i11s cwrin 1 jjo pllt the right house hamiltons favorite shopping place m0 dainty prctlcal while blouses in a tremeadouf july reduction cletrlfit sale jt ll fresh new styles cool practical good- wearing kinds that every woman needs a style to please and a sizo to tit every woman absolute reductions for the july sale joc formerly 75c to 85c 7c formerly si 25 to i j5 fsc formerly jijo to j00 jl15 formerly w 00 to 125 ijl formerly v 50loj75 jim formerly w 00 6 i 50 52 w formerly u 00 to 50 5 1 formerty 508 to 400 simple rieat to elaborate lingerie styles in white mulls persian lawng batistes swiss muslins etc trimmings of laces embroideries inser tions medallions and tuckings short or iorrg sleeves open backs or fronts scores ana scopes of new and different style ideas three thousand to choose among we prepay freight or express chirres to my point in ontario op ad orders of s8m or more mau ordei receive prompt careful attention thomas c watkins coiwu kims st lur huowom hamilton ont seasonable summer goods rt quickselling pricbs end of muioru prints glafhirni and charebriyt odd lines and site in whhewear sklrli cortet covert drawers gowns etc millinery the whole balance of gummas stock will be cleared out during the next ten days this is the chance of the season to secure a pretty summer hat at a very moderate cost hendersons co mill street acton iivl quelphs old home week dont fail to mark the dates but also if yon need any kind of fine furniture carpets oilcloths iron beds springs mattresres baby carriages etc to mark well the stand lab wyndham street and call and get prices special until aold sideboard extension table five diners and one arm at 3778 regular price 4850 one silk parlor saite allover upholstered very handsome 4 pieces special until sold s8sss regular price 8000 telephone 253 j m struthers guelph m h h unsiarortli jtily aifd aiist s no clogs heke in the wheels op cominebce a chance for every man woman and child to save money remember a penny saved is a penny gained this is not only a chance to save the pennies but the dol lars aa weld a0 rt genuine bar throughout the store in mwwry carpet curtains wall papers press good mttslliu prints wauts skirls jackets corset covers drawers uee embroideries etc etc mraa and boystwo and three piece suits uencs foralslimf strawandedt hats cans etc i

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