Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1908, p. 4

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ryvr r i vttt 3lrlon 3f ftgs thursday july 10 100h to a uttll maid hmr suoold ittuerudene grow j kp tb n or ovmp iaufljuneblim and the mr wboieeom emple fb anil fair asth boooy dajsl wow and the happy clover hew ebould htu lassies apeak at th la time of living r a t mm dcv and i he 4e0 through the flower an till each mortal fain would aeek joy bar llpe are giving how about her eyea and tan at tble stage of browing t xlke the clear unclouded aklo not too eager or too trtae bo that all the sees and hear may be worth the knowing and the little rrfaldene heart 7 an i for that were praying that it etrohg and ptre may grow i b jlod who lloveth children keep bar from all guile apart tqrtmgblleeniaxaeatraylrtgl th orohbarrita or thb waifrs spring le a busy tlne or the bastra of the swamp the moil eleln in ruasel and green who spdnt a ejus winter sleeping in tho nttid lw kow tba water are tuning up now or tho aaaaon hooib of the note are ahrlll and flute like and other are no deep that one ancle tbl musician moat be the bake born of theotjcheatrii the naualolen of the awanipe are worth ueteolng to aa la tbat otlttr droning orohestr which later will 111 tba naybelda wltb melody it i a eoletake to think that the birds nr tb only musicians worth our atten tton among lb lower animals just a the artists aye see beauty in tbe ikfceoeovered stump as well as in tbe flower ao the artists oar and witness in tba plaintive melodies of tbe swamp aa well m i the music of tbe bird rr sj i ambvolt aaaihartalooholiam a uw baa recently been brought be- fore tba danish parliament whloh propose to make drunkenness a nils dmnoanor in that country besides uua provision tba bill atlpulstee that x person found guilty of drunkenness mora then three times within twelve month shall be incarcerated in an ayrum for tnerjrlat subjects and there treated tat bla aloobolla tondanclor ahar bale ourd the local authorities ajtoajbllbtrty to forbid mm lo partake of ajoobollo stimulants for a period uf ate years any breach of the drunk- moaaa law will be punished by i near- oaratlon tho revolt against alcohol- tsn aa expressed in tbe above blllw is the mora remarkable as tba consttttp tfon of alcoholic drinks le greater per capita in denmark than in any other boropean country uowitwaiu1s bat doctor x must have soma kind ol stimulant t cried the invalid earn wuy i i am cold and it warms mo precisely came th dootors emsty answer baa bare tble stick la ookrbeeide tbe hearth and tossing u into the are t now it is warmi but i tbe stick benefitted r tb sick man watched i the wood first sent out hula pdfts of smoke and use it burst into flame and tie replied u 0 woraa not it is burning itself srfillc j ao era you when you warm v yooreelf wltb alcohol i you are hter- 1 mi ally burning up the delicate tissues of yww etomaeh and brain youths oompanloo i vv urn i mtmoafa punuumbnt e w bmrd how b impottd on bo- wy tvo wdl m imm to b wltr nd bwiglitoe4 goo manner t tbat mp b puwd blmmlf off u v tlppot kmltr wti furlou whn it ffoanavlilni out litii ifh wiytblng aver done to punub wmjorltr v vh vvv he waa hpelll rroottbe nimth amltare mnlon l ivc kinrbiuv amtm anrj rtowait n january onyx anowdrop braaryametbret prlmroi afamb bloodetone vlolat april diamond daby may fimarald hawthorn june p honyuefcl i july bubr water illy j jauahat hoooitone poppy rfcptamber sepphlr morning ldtya v october opal bop woembr- topaa ebryeenthemum xoenher turquojae holly i an mad to bllloiu headaoba on which i eauaed by oiemlve bhlb to totnaob baa marked efftet poo tb nm and ottnninnhil afpjrmenhaedaola thu i tbe aaaet dlatreealne headilabe on can haw jtbw u headache from md ma v nan tf m and from other cauu but wh ik moat eorncutln of all i tbe ltjhoto baadaeh pmile ve- uhttluwui our itaura it alniot iauaadutlr it will disappear a jli tba pm o 7ttlltaotioi fek ipatait there i in tbe tratuint of i1i- iffi vwtai why farmer loulpurm c imjg s ood apdrlciorblgb- lfaihdaughur i to mary the cv 2k isfbal a tie worrying about r tiif anything to iwjin avtaiiklbo the little girl wm lip very early in the morning tut the first time o mntal aha eaahriniodr returning iron the window ibe aim comln t all right hut tli angul have for- itlan to turn off the ihimii adam 1 1 totted at hu liotpiuict tluiughtfully v ii ha mild in lilawuiphalld wny tlirw a lorinlnly ana honor tlinl la in- duputnhly yuuii my dear and whiit u llint ad r queried our flrnt mother adnm builjfrily anilled nitlmkly nnn ilupute the ulalm that you are thn ort huly in the land he 11 i nlwny like wild the btfttullful young thing ziincnunt cur when llvrtalnlng why when it raining r h corel avnolt a big uuilirtilla when hi doesnt ley to k under u hlmaolf it almost wnlimly covur my bat llnwirril vou know thwy may tbat a llttlu uarultig a dangerous thing and i ve found it to be true haroldwhy ohl chop howard- toll liu laarnlng roller akntlng mul if you tlnrt lw llnvo it ilftnutrouu jimt look nt tliw hump on my lieiul 1 i wuh to rofiplutn said thelenater itrlda hailglitlly about that flour you kohl me it was lough tougli iimainp atainniored the grocer yea lough i made a pie with it ami myhuaband could hardly cut it h ttcr nre men whose only idea of a joko is to stupidly inquire foradla gram when you spring it on them to curb a gold im oki dav ta a ltuatlv urauaavqalnlaa tabul a itokflatai rotund all tttona ii it tall h b w aravmalibtlunoeamli h asstuu people have to become acquainted with luck before they believe in it and they are lucky if they ever get a chance cholera morbus cramps and klndrod complaints annually make their ap- pearance at the same time as the hot weather green fruit ououmbers mel ons ou and many persons are dshar- tw from eating these tempting things but they need not abstain if they have dr j d kelloggs dysentery cordial and take a few drops in water it cures the cramp and cholera in remarkable manner nnd la sure to check every disturbance of the bowels it is only the amply bajg tbat needs many props to mantaln ita dignity ideals and aspirations would be all right if tactless friends wouldnt expect one to live up to tbem no disease is bo quiet and stealthy in its approach as kidney disease that f s why it u so daiujsreqs it way imooma daapaaatsal before you realise the dsogar it hi therefore of great importance to recognise the early warning synptoinsi pain or dull salve in the hack bladder kin smarting asoaatlon whan urinating kjoinfc or surpresaad urination aadlnant in the urine ate htoauaain its early stage kidney dtsaaas la easily cored by doure kidmst pi ix mr elgin brlaabola vernon oat writesi 1 wu troubled a great deal with kidney tronbla 1 had to gat up four or five time every night buy urine contained a thick briokiuit aadlntant i bad a pain in the small of my hack aqd eotdd net sleep at nlghf i eommeneed using doana kidaav pills and in a wry short time i was all right again x am very thankful iq have found a care so speedy in its action ddena kldoey pth are wo per bos or s boiee for ibb at au tlaaleraor uailed dtmct on reealpi of price hy the doaa kldtiey pu1 co ibronto ool if weoould break ourselvee of get ting chilly n habit just a habit that wo acquire in tho oourao of a long win i nr we bould enjoy tbe beautiful spring tniiob more beers tat yhr 1alkiwvmhrwahq having finished pacing for the insullmenb plan ohiitm presents it is now time to begin to save up money to tfatlafy the claims of tbe summer hotel shark they are not violent in action soma pardons whan tbay wish to oleanso tn stomach resort to bpeom and other purgative salt these are speedy in their action but serve no permanent good their use produces incipient chills and if persisted in they injure tbe staneoli nor do they act upon the intestines in a beneficial way parmalme vrgetahlo pills answer all purposes in this respect and have no aupetlor a lower tbit always blooms in the spring tr la is the hlg red moving bairitse hgsatan itoitla lt ja to iw bope thai the folding umbrella will nof alio poaeeetbe quality of allently stealing away truth crushed to earth baa learned to yh loudly for an invusktlng oominlttoe rmadauoa prlalolplaai iflrst t wbfri we undortako to all ybur suoaorlptlonif wd gtvo thoin our wltvlded attnuoo beat care tba pouenta welfto la our first con- momtl llwtjfjj 2 i ft t illr rrrtwnri wo ffuli7irtoa uup uvuuitar f 7t boof full rtnuitftli aa woll ft puro and slrdi our ouatomeraiaro auppllod just what tbay swor i aubetltut- log is never allowed pawma otthbt oomfodwp if you axo a ahoffererftroin kwney dlsmlte iyer coiiiplajnwblood troubles rhoumaufm poufajgh or flertou fusi mam castor i a cyzz the klttd xon ltavo always booght suid whlob ha bn in we for over bo yearn hma borne tho algnatnre of anal hju beenmadu under his par- aonoj aoporvurlon alnoo ita lnflutoy allow no on toderr 70a in thfab all ooaataiblia imltetlma and most g mro bo experimenu tbat tiiflo with and endanger tbo beejth of infitnu nnd children xhxperlenoe ngmlnat esperlmens what is castoria ckutoru l a bormlem mibitlttlte ftrr oeurtor ij iaraw sjosio lroiia and sooibing syruna it fat llaant it contalna tielflioi opium morphine nor other nareoufl ababuioe ku ago tar 1u sjnarautee it desttroya worm nnd allays poveruhaeaa it caret diarrluea and tvidd colic it rouovna toothing trwubleg eareg constipation and putnlonoy it assimilate the pood resrnlato the fitomacttviuid howel giving healthy and natural sloop tho children laiwoeo tbo mother fcteiidv oenuink castoria always 1 hear tho 8gnature of the kind you have always bought in uee for over 30 years y mmw hm chsrtared by dominion qovsrnmani etlsbllshad 1804 the merchants bank or canada 1 huad ollice montreal interest added four lima a year 110 drenches rresldeot sik4i montaou atxah vice prealdent jomatium hodosom esq oenaral uanagar u v hidbm capital raid up 6 000 oooq dapoalts over t ooa 000 00 surplu 400000000 total auats 13300000000 avlnot bank dkpoiito one dollar or upwards will open an account uottey wltbdrswsble soy time ao delay rarmatrl falk notats we have special facilities for collecting these we will ouh lheml once ii desired at a low rate of interest i joint accounts wban rquetad we will tpan accouots in two names so that either one may draw the money husband or wife stc acton branch rtotiuaitmbt or thi mom a an vast what it that makes the nuinbar aeven a favorite prom the earliest m tble numeral has held a peculiar algnlfleanoe in all things it is th favorite number wltb gambler there ara eooalled seven wondara in th world shakespeare divide tbe human life into aeven age ulppooralee say that the septenary number by ita occult power and vlrtur tends to the sooompllehment of all things and is tbe dkpeneer of life and tho fonntaln of all ita changes in ancient tlniee a child was not named until it bad been born seven days and the teeth are first cut in the seventh month and are renewed in the seventh year in olden times many philosopher wrote treatise on the number eevn it was supposed to have magical ptoparllee for good and it is the one number below en that neither begets nor la begotten another writer divides the- human life a follows t at three times seven man reaches a competent age in the yes of tba law 1 at four tin seven ha a in full poaaeealon of hi strength at fjve thnaa sever ha is lit for tba business of the world nt six times seven ha become grave arid wise if he is ever deelgned to at sevsn times aeven be is in bis apogee and from tbat time lie weglb to decay 1 at eight tlmea seven he le in his first climac teric 1 at nine time seven he le in bis grand climacteric and at ten titan seven he has reached the allotted span of ur this number plays a promlnsnt part in evenle in the bible th creation took six days and on the seventh there was rest on tbe seventh day bf the seventh month holy observance was ordained and the israelites feasted sevsn days and rested sevsn days noah had seven days warning of the flood and the aeven years of plenty re foretold in pharaohs dream by even fat beasts aa were the seven lean years by seven lean beasts we speak of the seven haaveas and the mvanth son was supposed to be endowed with preeminent wisdom in abort there is too other number whloh enters into the bible so often as seven w s chisholm manager lu jacksons jacksons oor haw syatem of oaai bnjtotf and oaah balllritf hnablea tu to offer you thlaweok bora bis snap 1 ltikax man dlaok pnlni overall with bib auoimocu to match sbotoiioo tblaweek t 8 dos liens work shirts striped qxfords lledlura to dark shades regu lar so to 6 j thu week 40 0 dos mens work skirts black drill with white stripes and spout hefner 75 to oso this week so doe mens pourllihand ties is dos shield neck ties ia ddk bow tic all graad ipjallty sliu new designs and rich coloring regular ojc thu week a for 150 do you uat now wish to select your spring underwear and hasury while our line are completot vou knew if you come now yaucau choose from a urger una than if yeu come later we wish to begin selling our spring underwear and hosiery early we oro marking the price oa these goods low selkat have any to carry over when the selling season u put can give yeu 1 we shall not these are tbe values we ladles embroidered black cash mere hose b o of and to regu lar c this week sic ladles buck cashmere hose ribbed ar plain alsea b 0 91 nd 10 regular 35 and 40a thu week sjc ladles taffeta gloves now brawn and tu wades regular soo thi week w 330 dresbu3o0du specials buck uelreeolclotfa regular llgo this week 03c cream lustre fancy patterns regu v ur 6 jo this week su satin finish prunella cloth regular 4ioo tblaweek 73 striped crepeeu regular 8jo tku week s3o satin cloth regular 78c this week 40 pearl buttons dosen corset cover embroideries thu week 150 patterns 170 330 patterns 930 450 patterns 310 600 patterns 43c s inch silk ribbon best quality all colors regutnr 950 this week 100 4 inch silk ribbon regular- aoc this week 1 160 3l lach silk ribbon regular 17c this week 130 a big showing of laces embrelderiu and dress trimming all at specul fig- j h jackson georgetown x anyway a wallflower la always aura of strong and steady backing if every gold mine turned out according to the prospects we would have to be looking for soma rarer metal for our circulating uaalunj for diarrhoea dysentery stomach cramps colic summer complaint chol era morbus cholera in fantum and all looseness of tte bowels there is no medicine like he calm dear glrlsj and lat who will bo skittish it i poise that counts hollowaya corn our u tbe med icine to remove all kinds of corns and warts and only costs tb small sum of twntyflva cent to a woman it always seems a 1i0- fut wrist e of money to pay uxh with it and there ara others ufowle wild s ife baa bmaa nooekbold remady far 0 nera yea jaaalwanrlyolt la tin da no allow an unprlnolpabd draeam to ryabn oeta elwep aubututda yea to aeaulna dri rowllimuu hjturj bghie t xlltaim oo uoltid m autu u when the blouan waiat go out of faahloo bloba hair coliwe aalllns in there novor waa atul never will be a uurveraal panaoea in one rutttedy for ail ilia ti which fleeh le heir what would roller one 111 in turn would- acgravat the other w bava however in qulnlna wlb when obtained in a aontul unadulter ated atata a romedy for many and brteyoue lib by it gradual and judtelona ua the fralleat ayatama ara led into onnvajaeoenoa and atrangtb by the tttlluuiiuu whlsh quinine exarta bn ktnre ownimturatlvea it re llevea thoea to whoin a obronlo atatc of morbid dearjondenoy and laek ot intereat ibufe ja autaaaeitrifl jby irahqulualnfrihar nervea l to aound and relteeblog leeplmpart vigor to the aetlon of the blood which bdlng atlntulated oouraea thrbunh the rep tinimwtaront to publiqtnlr n fljwl atkbatanml tej northi inlna womans backache tbe- person who wants to be 1st alone la either mad or in love there u nothing equal to mother 0 raves worm bstarmlnator for de story log worms no article of it kind hits given such satisfaction a statesman of tb strenuous and big stick type on being retired would wake an ideal baseball fan was a total wreck prom heart fatture la mien hum the milan of milburns heart and nervb pills in quieting the heart restoring lu ww ma beat and impaling tone to the nam centres is beyond all question marvel lous mr darius carr oeary n b writ h u with the gnateet of pleatun l write you a few lines toilet you jfnnw tbe great blaaalng your btllhums heart and nerve rilu hav been to me i was a total wreck- from heart mure and my wife advised me to take your pilu after using two boxes 1 was restored to perfect health i am now a3 years old and reel almost as weu as i did at 90 price bo cent par box or 3 for tm at all dealers or mailed direct by the t wlbura co limited toronto out a wouanjwho is capable of marry ing man ought to be capable of making him support her and tbe gen erally i castoria wet lajenta tad children ftilwywhlaiwtbfct bear th etgnatitroo a youog mans palmy days an those when th glru want to read his palm t u a sliulat9 evefvltei ftf ik geaata uuuuve latotqtoltae tabws fully a important as knowing who to know u knowing who not to know by medicine life may be prolong ed so wrote shakespeare nearly three hundred year ago it is so to day medicine will prolong life but be sure of the qualities of the medicine life la prolonged by keeping the body free from disease dr thomas ucltct- rlo oil used internally will our coughs uid ooldt eradicate asthma overcome oroup and give strength to the respira tory organ give it a trail it it always m good job to make an abrupt end of s had job mlltiurn laxa llvff -pills- itctaliyittrtfas mruiahualnlarav4mmnoryi9itma jhlehl jattwhal ullbaraa laaaurw gggjil jitertbarn isfrfllawrme ekruig the ays- aeoriupgw lenuavw the- lmck i the mjnpring ot wrtmdnn organura it quickly oalb attention to troujjlo by aching it teliawlth otlior aympiqrriaveuchm norvoustioaa hoodnolie paliu in tho loin weight in tho lower part of tho body umt a woman fciplnlno orgajiumnootlitlmrnilauirtteiuioru 4 iiluch caae tho one aura remedy whlob sprcdily romovo uie caiuw nod roiforo tho fomlnlno organlsin to m healthy normal condition i lydiaeplnkham veqctable compound mr j a lallbortc of 84 artll- jerlo htroot quebec writes to mr jplnkham for six year x have been doctoring for female weakness heart and nerves liver and uldnv trouble but in iydla e kinkhama vegetable compound i ean safely aay i have found a cure i was continually bothered with the moat distressing bacuaahea hsaduhea and bearing down pains and x kept growing more and more nervous xjfdlasl ptnkhsms vegetable com pound roll vel me of all these dlatreaa- ing aymptotna and made me a welt woman i would advise all aulferlng women young or old to ua xiydla k ihnulame vegetable compound facts ror sick women for thirty yoara ijrdl k ilnk- harn vegetablo oomoound madn from roou and berba baa bun the atatldard wraody for ftmato uln andbuiioaulvolyorjmlthotuandarjt woman who havo boon troubled with dlaplaoenumta lnnammatlonuloera tlon fibroid tumora irromilarluoa perlodlo imlnavbeokaohnthat bear birlown fooling flatulepoy indlgea- tlondlnlneibornorvouproatratkm is it footwear you ara look ing rort if thats the case goto williams 8hoe store i carry a fall line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes our large summer stock now ready for your inspection wm wfilllama toanoibn minatrmt iotas tbe grand trunk w glnisoi t followlt i is tii in at ehlata iwaesaw trails eh at anton i 8 i gss no s i llbtu rlv4ptn mo 10 alt ualns la aln it iltrea ht l aumw so h mo h u as ms an p m ssoamw are r as lo v no v the berlin steam granite aii marble woiks oabvku drauh rop4etor umlra and ilulllr x hlaluta wsaji olfums xfonumtfnlr markers and if sad- aioees anil all binds o artistic- otmetery work wlulaai heuistfect ajnt acton painter paper hanger sign writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniturd tinware etc no unnecessary delay knives ground sharpened scissors and courteous attention reasonable prices w gimson weu made good fitting that we know how to make gloves that will paia with honprathe most crltl- r eat examination oa regards quality of sklun pliability ami etrength neatness of stitch ing and nit round perfection you can ptpte yourself by osklug for storeys at your dealers that they wilt outwear your most sanguine cxpectatlona is our firm belief insist ou storeya at all etores h storey son limited acton ontario surpri8e canadian hand laundry chas su proprietor to uv pataohs i have now a wonderful new method ol doln laundry work of all muds work is wellunlibed and no injury or damage done lo the finest goods shirts collars cuffs veto my specialty collira ironed so as not to be broken la the wing and finished so they will not hurt tbe neck work for bolb ladles and wntlemeo executed with pramplneu and entire satis julian and equal lo the best the cities can produce chas bubv tbeoldclllmn aclon willow street rear of llsaderton a co georgetown floral go uiud gbonoetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding- order a specially all ordr placwl with mr b a robertson drussut aelon will nclv prompt attention jhfc synopsis of canadian n0uthve9y hombbthad rk0ulation8 x vt jt 4vtir0 efitton fit oonlrlotj x uauaia uaaltoba aamtatabswaa aad ubartbuaejwi and sb bel rssweg hw mm of m awtly or atitmale avarlt yeateef a te ut eaufil of wcartair saun of iso seres wore o lie luoaaiommd tewwuh eioar one o eafurauatiel ine laua 1b saah year m three wattle ax sakds i aiaavsii brvonas3ln tontitsismbtr 1 d ilaauf9iiu3ls j wh walker painter piper hinyer decorator utla sinai aclon oppoalle 8tpbanoa buokamllfa shop all work insranlmd tb work of year tn aetoa is prool ol its ev- ordara uh at a t brown diuj stor will nealva pronpt sttmitlon w h walker mtoh the old and reliable granite and barbie dealers iwjtt wet we estl eureaaie mvetenas ai ewvaaaadtaalaltodamltiiaa he ean epatr- -l- nootnml teola messly w eaa glvs wess mm bun arils si ear easterner la usaai an bed use etdnwit id th tkw or lot ikae uyiht dselsr a at w ar isajuaaa ihon an m by emotd out nonatsiai foufjeli snmm employ mswanles only aad nsiy eommtluon hamilton sons ow norfolk and wmlwlob su auklrll subaoribsd stoclt 01iul llltm thi wsllinotom mutual insuranoii company odmihont lauad ihbusupio ett oasb ud llntaal t jeearues nqawiwlubeirteail npr t fe vb pisfoo laeataaes oo acton pump and tile works o b bbbaok proprietor our premlms ar now fully equipped with all lb ulsat macblaar an j aptlaaca for maoufaelurlnit fuapm and tump bapplltg talibrwijr ctmtrneulwru era summ ftp mtttug ttoola estf ip bapplfa oidere promptly aiuu main sthkut acton new pictures at watere broe new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water qolojji tl alwayn fresh ahdofthe best quality everton 5 eden mills 4yikui tfa beat quality el manitoba rmliy abd lpsiatsy flour fof sale at lowest price our own make chapping done and oala holed even day peed for sale cash for wheat and oat f henry hortop we want a reliable local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries tie iruiu urge andimiill ornament al and ahade tree flowerihg shrub vines roses flue seed poutees one of our bpeoultlea stool that is hardy comei front ur a permnneot situation for right man for whom territory will he reserved pay weekly t free equipment write foe particular btone wellington ponthlll nuraerlea bjo mm toronto ontario w0d6ravinci dhotoenciravir mjmalf tones m sllvcuis or mawnwnhmirnswg itauujcsjuhoks evc patents ssi ration orlmtti opt ii it t hi re ucf smiu wwi pstcti work si ouroptuintibsln rchaciiiinl in 1 ljpptrtllt4tlbtttd tbrotiaoe 1 mr ivjuimw mm

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