Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1908, p. 2

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vu f 7 tff sr sir ftn to djed lb at roan i yasr utbstn rwnrybv w 0atll out nn vbnrmx 2rs torl llaau kvarum b4 dl bis summer ratim itlmtbr i djr of toronlv in til ruth jtu be cton jfm press tuu1wday july 21 1hk bdltoniall notib asa rusult of tltu hlifh temperature grain is culorliift rapidly in southern manitoba mini harvest is certain to imi touch ear hot- than tisiml onbu ior- ust plalrfstiiecontllllunm nra fur tad vanocd ndj grain tleulere ami farmer re sanuln if rnornious ylolitv it i noteworthy that the mumprer df tha franco hrltuli kxlilbltlo in london ttagunj ndvartleo it u tha- frreaiest kki1aiiu ever hold in oreat brjtaln it oover one hundred iind forty acre arid nouviuii forty aore of rmlldftiffs theuamiulan national nit hlbltlon t toronto tstin oxooad these satieties in ovary wity nneseaalnn two hundred acres of grotirul fifty acres of hulldlntfb suxl 91800000 00 worth of flmproor structures it i safe to tqy also that in the matter of attendance toronto cad boat gnat london for returns show that the average attend ana per day at the francobritish k hlbltlon only reaches thirty odd thous- and while the attendants at toronto kshibltlon average to tha eleven days during tta existence fiftyfive ihouund per day in the speech from tha thron at hie alone of parliament on monday the fol lowing interesting reference was tnadei when parliament opened in novem ber but m eorloue financial depression prevailed throughout the adjoining re public tba effeat of which wae far- reaching involving in a limited degree all those countries having business re latione with the united ejtates the crisis in the money market that follow ed dpupled with the diminished value of the crops in the gvalrl provinces seriously afteetod tha yearty increasing prosperity which oanada had enjoyed during the preceding eight years the preeent hopeful outlook for an unusual ly urge crop of all cereals and other product of the country will it le be lieved mark the beginning of another long eehee or year of plonty and pros perity qonalderablo complaint line made lately that certain men in acton wko are known a being on the indian llit have been notoriously drunk on several occasions it may not be gen erally known that these unfortunate persons are liable to a penalty of tlo to 20 and cost and to imprisonment if found with liquor in their possession tor under the influence of liquor or lingering or loitering in any place where liquor le sold or dispensed for a period of twelve months after their nmebve been placed upon the pro hibited list further while on such list he may be compelled by a magistrate to divulge the name of any person from whom he obtained liquor the place where and the dale when the liquor we supplied to bin and if he wilfully refuses to disclose this information be v shall be deemed guilty of an offence tftod liable to imprisonment for three month the person lupplylnf liquor is also uabje to une or imprbnnaneat j i- vtneeeareamendutente paasm by the i v vjs4uratlblonof 1908 wja i l tfm u r ayt mfbawm annual tif i pxkt j l outur of much outiad ltr mv lipir 8t aluna imdh en drlw tfilltlrftbrioy ml v ifepitl i ti thing- prlmt it woollnmt da lfffwisjj vj ull it the propni ol bt sw a ui ajbw know had tht 1 aoagli swsws ii aeto brid fit utttbumduwllt ni dy lht ws v- mfaad pllly oritni tot tb ffiviaouw tbdrlvwniuohiljoyl b5c 1 jj j bntruwnwrrygoroond ly comm m v riwt y tb tba ohlldrtn uid parbap the ib i ija- hoallol wltb tb adulta th a otoo tluiadaaaatnadtobquluatbobia baild- v lbgtbabatandlmll 1 i v wrt tpally o 00 tba baaa ball fluid 1 i butlfwlllnot batlght to aay much ii omoir in oaa tbay gat oonoaltad ia tbera waa a llttla inpldeot wblob foraatad aoma marrlmant the natlopal poet aaya when ohapwan ulllea itentbaatraet and drontby naabora naabon maah and to on one doea oof mean tolntlriuat that then war any droutny naaboi at stanley park that day dut aomeona who la pattloularly good at prulloal jokea ordered a keg ot at tha hotel at srln to eent over und when tba in vited gueata gatbaved round tbay found theraeelvee treated to not the veal s but puro adame alt from the i etlppou another eaw a he enj iiliij winimmumni1 wiw bbi wbm lv7 njor oaolnlbali tliey exolted oonifder v aiw iwly i f olvllled peo- to i pi wh arhred from aelon and it for all deeerit olfttlidd there to walk worlly fflbss vhat tlloee who give jiivthoialvea ollt to be ot a javega rooa w 5 tflfnssha tenant pfstamley park would odpitkh either to eolude euob ourloel- r or if he wci admit them to put them in iron wlllftalf n people wertori ehow issi ftthai would ho doubt inoraaoeihw barif iothln inoreof intartefto tpsthatrerrrortfroriraotd theuimlvel n were mali ibei wthe dinner mid taw protld- gfijelidleeorpr albaniicbinhi fflhl r wi harty liuh mueli onidlt to blnjialf the niagarajtournaaient our bowlera madf siiriatidld hhtnr- insr nad had linjorable patlnar won thrbv oamksi out of six this was it record year at the annual toiirmfinmjt of iu ontario howling ansouihuhu at nlmgnra on the iakr ilia entrlvs were more ntuiieroue than evet btiforc tutiiiprlsvd 70 rinks and nutnornus entrlvs in singles and umihlsn mnklng a attendance of considerably ovr 1100 lx friars in ad dition to uo ninny more friends who aciconipunlert tbam to n joy the atitlng tliu ntcosnltaled not only the twelve greens on the uwn at the queens uoyal lnit in addition the four greens of the mnrohutiu club up town iurlng the wok nugnnton the- iako was alive with bowlera and this prstty arid liutorlcul town had many attractions for the vuitoi in kddl- tlon totlie cofi tests on the bowling graent v tho rink frodi tlio acton uttwlig club nnfile thalr third annual eulry at tills tburnament lach sqcceeslvi year hagven uioju now pointers and oddltlonleilperlence and in the con- tcits this year they made ajr exoeed lniily ttrodltabe showing in thai trophy competition thoy went up against one of hi catharlwv crack rlitke ami nfter a keenly contesteot guuitt were retired with u score of iii to 17 in the association they won first gums agalunt oasr howell bub in the second game lost to bt timons both of toronto in the consolation matches tlmy won tb first two against strong and experienced rinks and in tho third found theraselvee face to face with the trophy winning west- mount rink brought up from mon treal by mr willie brown the popular president of the association this year tho acton players well re membered their first encounter with these splendid howlers at the tourna ment of 1000 en which occasion the aoore whs ii to m sgslust our boys but thoy put up n different proposi tion last wesk it was a aee saw gaiuo front start to finish a friendly hut a most keenly fought contest aoton led for two ends then the uontrealers took the lead but were again captivated for an end or two an unfortunate fiend make tba score 107 against acton but at the close of ha game the score stood 18 to 11 hep poo ling this game tha news eays i the wostmnunta did not coma all the way from montreal for nothing in the fourth round of tba consolation play they managed to gat one more shot in than their adver saries the actons skipped by w j gould and won 14 to 1h mr browns nieti did net do all the scoring at first the actonltcs got busy and passed them then the montrealars took five at a crack on the seventh end making it 107 goulds men held them for a while and took on on tha final end bub it was not enough to win the score ending at 13 11 the scores of tba various gsmts were m follows i trowy aoton bt oatltasuhilw ii p moore w o yielding w s chliholm william petal a j mscklnnon a if itogera w j gould o p owey kip 18 skip 17 amo01atios vtnarr upcnd aoton cajch1iowkixtok w 3 gould w j gumming skip id skip youimf notnro aoton bt tlmohsl you w j gould w o parson skip 11 skip 15 consolation nltcond iiound acton imw deacn w jt gould t ii mcdertnott skip 18 skip u third hound aoton ht oathajunlta w j gould h coalfield skip 111 skip 0 vouimi nouho aoton wkstmodnt w j gould w brown 7 skip is skip jd mcgregorf was nominated candidate for he s of oenimeem i 14 70 it la remarkable that in tha six gatulh aotop playm the total score t just threepolats agalnsr them that they malutalned themselves in tba contest for sic rounds ii very credi table when it u known that suoh old- time trophy winners as dr hawk went- down in one two three order and ib v llghtbourne tha president of 1007 was bowled out in four games tha trophy was won by w b smiths rink of tbe victoria toronto one of whose players was john bain who is in his 81st year j b wllllson of the onnsdas toronto took the aasoclatlon prise owing to thu rain on prlday and saturday the consola tion contest was not completed it will be played off fume day this week watch youth tohouv if urred and coated uw a loolunjr qlnaw tomaah tyumtonx wheh it is tba morning after the night before you do not have to look at your tongue to know that the stomach is upssti the head i aching lio hpptttttf nerves on edge with nil the sunshln of h clouded the real time to watbh the tongue is all ot tha time if lb is coated wltb a white mr or possibly wltb dark trim rilnge f en though the stomach doea ndt ull you by tjiofiutepln- otlladl- gbtlon that b needs blip yet thocoat- idg shows tfiat yon hre getllntf into a had way and that there is need or ml onn mlona ii so positive so sure eo tw- ihibls in ifs ciirntlve aatlon upon fbe stomach that a browh the looa gent gives a guarantee of eattsfac- tloh wltb every 60 cunt box or laoneyl back fatax amlpdnt- at opitur saturday srrioonbprlntas of guelph and gait ware ttfbavepionlob bl mt plinth uke 0or twfkoty of tbe fluelph oraftimsn taridout bout isj willknown throu0hout o j notwithstandlrtg the rain whlflh prevailed last friday there was quite a rwpresentallve gathering at tha convention of liberals i eld at milton to nominate a candidate trt contest tho county in the coming dominion elections the nomination waa made by w j l hampshire of ksquselng and was seconded by d o cameron of oak- vlllv mr mcgregors only opponent on the ballot paper was oont rolls r w h harrison of toronto who is native of llalton and whose home waa formerly in milton he fs widely connected in the county it was dem onslrated dearly however that the convention wanted a local tnan t carfy the liberal standard in tin coining flgbt mr mcgsegora vote standing n the ratio of almost two to due given controller uarrleon f thatoholoe of the convention is in some respects a surprise as it was thought by many that j y deason ksq the popular inepector of hchoola for llalton and the liberal eatidhuu at tbe last dominion elections wonld accept the nobilnatlon again mr dsaoons nanis was called several times but he signified trt tio delegates his desire tbkt his nantv be not put in nomination aa business reasons pre- vented bltn from being a candidate lie pledged his warm and unreserved eupport to tbe gentleman on whom tbe delegates placed the seal of their approval mr j d mcgregor the newly- cboeen candidate is a native of the county and one of our most pro par ous and well known farmers uu inn for many years been a staunch hard working libera giving bis whole hearted support to tbe party and his nomination will be particularly popu tar he was referred to by an enthus iastic admirer in tba convention frl day as a william jennings bryan in eloquence and he will appear on the campaign platform aa a worthy oppon ent to mr henderson the present member mr v g inwood general secre tary of the reform association for ontario and mr k d wtfrren of georgetown tha liberal candidate ei the provincial election last month were tbe principal speakers but short addressee were given by mr usury robinson nd several others mr in- wood ehowed tbe urgenoy of getting a man in tho field as soon as possible it rested largely wltb tbe liberals of hal ton and all the other ontario rid ing tb insure tba return to power of sir wilfrid leurler and hu govern ment for if this provide sent nn un reduced delegation of liberals there was no question bqt that the preeent government would be returned to carry on tbe pollclee which have bben eo largely responsible for the present prosperity of the dominion ahotmbh v1ctohy nob aotoh oeoreretowa saae alllata took am- other pvop msew est ejaturdajr in rearranged battle array tbe local elob dafoaud the georgetown base ball team in tha park nn saturday in e haltonpeel league match by a score of 6 to 1 mcdonald broke into the game at tbe initial sack for the first tltnethb eeasofi soenosvl waa shifted to left fleid and waa replaced by n ryder ublrid the bat with too exception or the second innings when the locale scored three rune on hyndv single and errors by kereberand tuck after two had been retired the game was a fine exhibition of ball and waseapeclally marked by lightning fielding by tba home outfield williams and holmes pulling down long difficult drives that bad ovary appearance of being extra aaekarev- jin tba foarui a two baaa bit by will la mi who snored on hynds single added another tally and in tb aoton half of tba eighth two mor crossed the pi by clean drives by n ryder taylor williams and hynds the visitors only run earn in tb sixth two hit andatq inriatd error being responsible for it tha georgetown filoa are showing improved form but it was a hard luck game for tbem they out batted our boys and had fourteen men left on bases tbeecdrei mcdonald 1 b sosnoekl 1 f n ryder c aoton a ii 1 taylor a s bkydr willie far 9 b jne r f hpluee o f ii po a u 0 10 a a o 4 a 4 i 1 0 a o 9 1 1 0 total tuck b- kenber f r arnold 8 b mophereon a guggensbttrg e br g arnold lib hpdeonlf mccal p bowman r t 30 0 11 w 10 4 akoaoktown ab iu m po a k successful enteance pupils itr re p or aoo rupfi si i it the sjaesi 1 0 h 8 a ii o o h s a i a o o o a i n s a 8 o o o o a a o o u total 41 1 18 lu 10 a dr inning i aeion oaoioooa oeorgtowo ooo001000 aumnary ilelt on boaee acton ai aeorgetowoi 14 b on ball off hyndiai truck out brjlrnujftjir uotklg 101 two baahten ryder 8onokla wuuwjhophrin etolen- bat n nydar william uynda mfpbf raon and bafleon i 1 b on orroef aoloo 1 eeorgtowo barnedrune4ot9 time of gone 14k umpire aroold and joan hulfbxpiuu utunii ttimmd wok tow d bmwrto 8 l 83a aotoh i a 090 ulltom 4 oaoiwwr 1j t m8 amahjiow gtftfmm i wllai whll dolhk kioerirjtorkontbe roof of o d w t floor belbw dlr outwioh ruritm aa pan cbnt the following candidates who wrote nn tbe kntranc examination in aoton have passed the standard for pass log left prcent of tbe lot i niimlxr of marks and 40 per cent in aoh subject tbe possllilf murks obtain able was 060 i jessie purvis honors ml kivacau 470 mildred matthews malrsl workman fred william annie imrur maggie mcdonald arable mctavleh irene hnyiler george moffat llertha llrowu katln morru l lirlstopher moffat iflnssleuroiiintst norman marshall the following though they did riot make quite the rulreiiient oh the total were recomn sriiled nn acoouttt of their good work invaoh kubject or their age t norman tubman ilarluura cool kthvl gntdhairr kred mcfiaiigh- in tbbs momlllar thesehvej been passed and f hair certificate forwsrovd to princi pal stewart the certificates w 1m presentett to nl tbe students win wore siiocassful at the annuallllgu hchool coucert the showing above is highly credit- able to acton school of the 11 pupils in thai entrance olaas the tuition of mlsa hudson 111 wore successful equal to about 70 per cent thupuplls from the rural schools were not so successful of the twenty who wrote at aoton seven only passed lift per cent it is expected that most of the twenty who passed at aoton will enter the continuation school here whim you 00 holidaying a oelurhsrul trip aereew lake omt- arto to hlaeraimonlheuike to those resident in this section one of the most enjoyable and inex pensive outings available is a trip across lake ontario in one of the splendid boats of the niagara navi gation companys line and a sojourn for a few days or a few wecka at nlagaraonthslake no other point on tha lakes has ae fin a boat service the cayuga chippewa and corone the regular steamers on this line make six round trips dally so that there ts ample accommodation pro vided nlagaraon thelake is delightfully situated as a point for a holiday rest or outing board and lodging may be had at very reasonable rates among the summer hotels none is wore boms- like nor attractively situated than the oban conducted by mejar colin mol- loy title hotel in popular with guests from all parts of tha continent it overlooks the lake is convenient to railway wharf churches pott office etc and yet is in a quiet and retired location the oban has no bar attaohed to it and is therefore the more dealiable as a temporary home for holiday vliltors in addition to it natural attractions nlagaraonthelske la rich hi inter esting historical feature it was tba seat of upper canadas flret par liament i was a strong objective point during the war of 1812 1 the head quarters for general broovi has two oldbortsbt george and mluleeeuifce and across tbe river le fort niagara garrisoned by united state soldiers its 1000 aorea of camp grounds what tba ullltla or central ontario have their annual drill ita three oentury- old churches with their respective cemeteries are all points of interest and many othere are pointed out by the older residents of the town brocks monument rtd tha adjacent battle fields and nlsgara falls wltb its many attractions are conveniently reached from this point i thsl towq ejaxesllon tb houa of cfocamoii adjourned on mond a ottawa july aothtbe fourth slonof the tenth partlfsaent came to a quiet close at noon on this tha 896 tb day of tha session lotb absence of hi hxoelleooy sir cliarteapitsnatriclc attended in tha senate and read tbe speech from tbe tbrobe which waa eo unusually long dooutajant he waa not attended by an eecort uon was be re ceived hy a guard of honor both or which were dlipsoxed with for tb first time on record at sir obarlev own quest the usual salute which marks the closing ceremonies boomed forth from nepean point there was a meagre attendance of members in both housee for the closing ceremonies tb address called attention among other acts passed during the session to tbe manitoba grain act and tha gralo inspection act which while proteotlng the high standards of western grown grain from inferior mixture eeoure to tlm farmer tba increased vain attaching to thoee standard- i 1 heres pleaant newa dont let it be wasted st a ltarfel sweeping reduouons in every department throughout the store during ibctok ryans great building and july sale millinery areas value dent overlook the millinery dspart- ment heme of the moat extraordinary values of the season trimmed beta that will stir yeurenthuhlaam when you see thehl kea the hats and see the prices trimmed millinery half prick mala leghorns chip and mhelr flaps halfvric ulrlv and ueys straw tjsllor ifats half price kaibroldsrad and linen hats half frfc hat shapes fancy straw- chip arid mohair regular gl no to jm aaleprlce ladles llaea hat regtlur sroo to ssg sale price loc a ends klbheu pal fancy dresden and stripe 4t aches wide regular soi le frooper yard half pflc plpwsra keaei popples- zfolale etc half prlc women htnmi meeluvear gtolta mandfcavahlefas eta in larv variety ladles white embroidered wash nltn good buckles sale price only loo white kmbtemsrenvwash belts with styllali buckles regular price esc sale price 13c or jpr osc ladies bilk girdles and belts in all colors regular price just half tjc joe and 73c sale fltudddd klastlo bilk llelts in white and black rsgitlar 3s0 and 30c bale price lulf laoe and ribbon slpeelejn our buyers made an enormous pur chase of laces insartlpn and ai lover laces in hantuame pearl point tor chon etc 1 h tot goo nn sale at oace at leu than half price pearl point lace and insertion also torchons in white and cream from ft to ti in wide worth up to isjc building sals price only jo pearl point lace and insertion in white and cream wlilth from 1 to j in worth from iso to ase building sale price only ic lo pieces allovsf lace in various makes iu i table for yokes and blouses regular prices sn 7s0 ami ioo build ing sale price asc 30c and io we will mso put on sale other makes of laces im black white and cream atjd all at reduced prices ribbon rlbltons in plain awl fancy strlms aud plaldi regular ssc and jjc sals price isc whltewear peetaus if you wish to buy nliht fiowns aud skirts which cost little to start with which are worth more than they cost wad which are perfectly finished in very detail you will be interested ii this salssof white wear ladles gown la fine cambric empress style regular price gl 00 sale price 73c ladles gown in fine cambric em broidery yoke with frill of omhmldery around eck yoke and eleovu regular price gi jo sale price f r15 n laihss gown la fine cambrlcy empire style yoke of embroidery fosertlon trimmed with loco insertion beading aad lacs insertion regular r so sale price i fs laillos fiklrta of fine cambric deep lawn flounce trimmed with insertion and ribbon and edge of embroidery special price 05 ladles skirts of fine cambric deep full flounce with two rows of lace inser tion end lace edging regular price gt 1 vale price i 3 r lauuw ajommer waeb drsnessi at blij tttkjjuotlons you need plenty f cool fresh frocks to slip lato tnose warm days secure them how at these eacoptleaatly tow prices a beautiful display of white lawn mull line etc wash dresses mace and erobtaldery trimmed regular prices up to go eo your choice for f s00 each an discount off all white lawn mull and ifaailsqme tcmbroldery dresae at the height ef the seasoa princess dresses beautifully designed regular 00 sale price f 1 isj g b ryan fc co we dq what wb say nabsaoawava mrs thomas belltomipley irvlslt ing at her nslces mrs wm uolaugh- lln the mason work of alex crawfords now residence is completed and the carpenter are there now it will be an uptodate residence when finished there is soma wbsst cut about here but tbe wet weather has retarded tb harvest mr j if uolaughlln who is attend ing maeoortulpk business college lo guelph waa bom on sunday mr and mrs charlie if orton spent sunday with mr mortons parents at mounteburg mr and aire john gllraore of nsl- sonepentsuudaywilhmre wprtnk mr john ulaeklock who went to see hie mother who is 111 in manitoba ha returned home mr hiram donatd or mount for est who baa been visiting bpr parents mr and mrs christian krank has re turned home messrs w douglas and dennis mc laughlin have started work on mrs lindsays new barn at llmebous mr wm crawford who has been elok le slowly recovering nothing le eo infectious ae example ktngsley while thou llveet keep a good tongue in thy head shakespeare surprise canadian hand laundry cha3 suey proprietor to mv patsohb i have now a wonderful new method of dole laundry work of all binds work i well finished and no injury or damage done to tb finest goods shirts collars cuds veals my specialty collars ironed so as not to be broltsn to the wleg and finished so they will not hurt the nee work for both ladles and natlemen executed with promptness and satire satis- faction and equal to the best tbe cities can produce cuas buby tbeoldcitlien acton willow street rear or hsadersoo ft coe pall term opens sept lit mow best the merits ef 1 lei suuabsm sapserms tobohttt 0ht oorewveaieana alexaada iu niagara navigation gompnoy b0waio muoara rxlia w yo time table dell eicept 8edday leave toceeto y jo o n a m a a 45 awl sti p aft arrive la toronto 1010 m r j 4 45 8 30 nail 10 1 j p m city ticket ofiioe arooail floor trader bank enlldlo 61 yoai 81 ebo a p wabeter kin eadvone st feeling bad satmmt s w ri iw itastu tji luttu mi t take n rtallet toalht vmwewtetmunmblmm tut 4m4m b ssbftsi us attlitmi l- wilamfc sub t4hl m fmi better than pflto for uvgr nu u imkua skh tug m adbw ciaa lumummtimixkmk ma mi mjiumsm alttamsmwlmuw w i hut m4h y m el sf thomwitml cmamslbo l40llvytssm mmt for sale by e a robertson druggist acton 3u7 retiring sale george stovel shoe merchant acton is selling out his entire stock at greatly reduced prices bargains tor everybody get n handbill and see the sacrifice prices sale starts friday gbg- stovel mill st acton nineteen suits onty balance of our new york importation of ready to wsar costs and pants your sir may be among the lot end they ire a bar gain i i tio so bulls at 13 00 suits at 14 so bulti at if 30 salts at 18 50 t 50 730 fliji ssmm e nblsons wvmto w lot the gentle breeze of summer wait your siitpmer stilts mm for a kinds of pollpalfifni usrs to me the heat of the summer is at hand bo ready with clothing to ran toh a light summer suit or perhaps a pair of trousers would fid tho bill and fit you out season- ly call and see us waijgooper agent for the standard uotary bewlnf machine mill st hi- llnv mellhi a 1 ti sunday evonlnk nan lea 00 jlttu bbrrlisimtnli propkjttv ioil sale amuunnn or ft tor rr apply lo w ii lilinmp yonss ml aston notice to c0ntoactobs ik umutiici r i will i st aoiau flntomth vsnln bhtlijuly tswaolook rof s r kmilm r undaiw rv ii 1 lying msabtwmit a 10 ii lot brisk cbureti j i wuom miu unl t 4iuitdewnoi coirortlon lln snd tbs rfltul tiui l county f hljlnr bxecdt0i1s notice to 0jiiit0h8 in the mattefor tbe beuta or tfofan hosm lata offth vlliaca ofiteten in lh4 county of halloo atanu- raeturef daof notlob u lirilir sltsii pumusnt lo be m vlalons nt miiiimi th aliiji lint lttud to tlias sli v sli i isli i unlma sslnat ihs nui or his sltrfvs ustnid jobw aavafjsjme a b 1u r- woalrl ts u auiiver thlnm d alra in wtdltm on etbstorl ttashtti day of july uw totui unslsjzz afior tiilt44uuin sne alio h ur ummld sftb day or july u uxmuiom win twom to kussvtiir olelms snd will not li id num or keny pinm ni ndsh eumi noues shall noi w lo t bt umf of sbsb aulmbntios uj ircnaiiir notice to ckkditoiis in th matur or the katate or john m oklnnon late or the township or maumjreweya tn tha county of hal ton rarmar deoeaaad notiob u liartby rivi itirassnl u rbe usvumi hutuki ol ouurio iummib and susndlbb si 1 si all ot4lor anotbts jouat w lisfois tba vina nlslws uu uakiubon vol msf wh 1w ulrrt ismli day at a use ww o sand by mat mrs- pfifltod inthslnuqiy of llaltan rol uluw 5 r to sny naranii e wra botlessmsu not lisve wp nwalvsdy the urns of iupji dfrulbumort kllsltor lor dsalsl uekldtia jobn uatosai siusrursi usjl hmmuten dstsd tbli tanlh day of july luos jsat synol818 of canadian northwest homestead rkoulationb albsru s ssesptlnsusttd sd bet tmn may c r mn persoo who is tba sem bssd m a family or any waja or id yasnof w us ssumi orodtvqubiursmileaofuo serohoi esg ttis requirement a- if lbs istber ormotliw ii tlielsutssts somsedk el liouimitajsv liu tmnnsaeai nsttlmm ob farmlns i ml owned solaly bvbtm not lfm tbsn sshtylm serai ht ssuut lo the 4 lbs kuunestsad ev upon a bouissua by hi hi in the vlolulty snob bows lay perform til own rsldsnes dtttlss wlui ills fstlta- or metlvsv v vlelnlty in the two p to the fetuiai otuws of laisnl v v 00hy deiiuty of the stlnliter el uie interior new telephone directory i the bell telephone co of canada is about to publish a new issue of the official telephone directory for the district of central ontario including acton orders for new connect ion i ehsnise of firm nsmsi elunjfoof street eddrssses or duplicate entrlet sliould a handed n at duplli onc1 t brown local manager thetailxor acton sometliiqg new the best ever 7 itxelrror ihe priifce artotii rab lvtbst touch ifl a summer worn mot popyliu in kll ihe allmlua our brands of flour l will nke the best bread yon have eaten ypt f we baw sjerjbsjotyou yett 1 cam i turnip huteti n isslpahis green hellg insect powlw and everything to klltlpilrwt and pests irah louse dtoff wilnot injure e ira sate plants or i jfisfe

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