Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1908, p. 3

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iwt- -n- i i w r haailijawmr for 1847 rogers knives forlfe and spoons wadding presant in solid silver liver plata out olaee and fancy china wbddino ninob marries moeneae laeued cbo mil street hynds acton ijlje cjon xtt rm tbdbsday july 21 hks brief local items rather wet weather ibr harvest lug four weeks of the school vaoston havebaseed v wrttolnallonfnr rchottruhrrt noon totnuhfow rracturvh v i tori liasotwtf mutch bar on batimlny afternoon ttibjftnlor liflmbntl team ve the seniors lu thepnrk tonight ato alarga qharttlty tifhay w dam g4 liy tba heavy rain of last weak a bvy ftt aoume pretty girls are holidaying for a week or two at h tan- ley park twe brlckwprk of mr- w wlite nawhoueaon lakeave le etiiiiluled and lb ioof is on aotonoltuens jwnd will glva an opea ajrconeert on tlieband stand f rower avenue thle evening for being drurtk and disorderly l clave wa oned 100 and cost on monday by a knicklln j p ray william cranston of wcglll university montreal will occupy the pulpit of knox ohurcb next sunday vaeunaowio holiday will likely be obeerved on monday brd august the dale adopted by the majority of town and allies tb deputy minister of kduoatlon ha notified the secretary of the mil ton board that the model school will b discontinued aoton junior debated an krln tam lu ifrln last thursday by a soor of 1541 the game a the result indl- eat whin aay win tulgwell worth a trip through the country at present to mo the abundant i crop of golden grain fall wheat is balng harvaetad and la a splendid yield the maple leaf juvenile baseball tajun want to georgetown tuesday afuwoon for return game with um i ivbuapo and loet by a ecora or 0 to r joseph montgomery has kind- v ly fewoiod the fnate vnitau with a copy vt the auckland new zealand lllua tntted waekly new from hie ttome tempi i fhe bapuet sunday school and ibabpworih league will accompany v ifckmirgbtown sunday bebool on vs thar senratnn to burlington next i ithe kpworth league la arranging vi for fc graad opeb air concert to be bald in tha ifcatlog hrik about the middle vofajigt an attractive progmnm i v being arranged iu arnold baa taken lyf ijjoliigig msk joaepha pariah and la jtf valybacoulng acquainted with hla mlfr hoekf- hafaorutlng very favdrahle lfejjmpreaajni on kll edea mfei 1 projwta pre ethi nnder oonauat ir ivvm ftnaecuvlng a chopping mill for l oltlaene and farmere ijhoabme achenid will be aucoeatful lmiimtb l wrtjha rueh for fall chopping com- ymp mathodut mlnuur died at borne at ohmeby park ufj v jwb jameek dyar for aftyelght ijffycjaapiii thjhmt mlnltk atma af looftoaaday hv mr dyer brtbe methodut church here jytoiffrdwnliig young ihmbftbbapuatobttrch wut 1 viihi jfebat v topic beaolved t yjti tk q biort gooa tb tiffi bfdaoattd by four young people of iaocletr- v miwtndowldg ot berlin for- mjlwitobftlw baleiaute brampton vbauiofedadbr ro in connection i iqorgatown greanhouee the wfrfnr rawnlly tendered hla friiiinatldtihralil vvillvadrttwoheynnaa in town to iuove the houeebold vafficbof hleniotber nnd family to a j thay have hen itajpccthey left acton but tjakjtn oanjuaj fauna ihp vil nlolpat autborltleji jitfatop tbe drunken prgtaa jyp hicame notorloue at night ajfjwlytoot hava tbey jaltapfoetophhe outrage t pulpe eopcrvliloo would aoon ji a nyrhvingitoue park 4llmt tlturtday alternoon ipfitoptfale cetepibnlvf ad- lvroraiiiiule hy kitmayor jvps vx oounclllbr fearl impbalt wiif vj smytbe a held in qnartatt t 1ooal fubermen kvtryninotaafuletch of black ahnelle uka on tueeday tbey wiwvaii qnartatl tof looal avaryaiinotmfuletch of black hnelle uka on tueeday tbey good juki bv plflalon court kll he hopkewhat be wmftdatib vtm trout tbalqg wpabla to hrjng it up iito jmt towad itmhow thelra it was tfjogrwlhae nite4 of a fuh it waa a im idhuv iom here a gratify ogly itjl news op local import hitiiy in renewing their frkh pjima iuih acrlptlona laeb tbureday mwwry george doushux kquelng and joel leelle of krln iwth remarked that thle wa tha thirtyfourth llnu- thoy had paid for tha paper for thirtythree uoceeilve yeare they have neither of them mined nn leeue their name wera amongat tha first on our 1uu a mammoth iproduauon there will lie a thousand performers in tbs great spectacle the siege of sebaatopol which le to lie presented nightly at the canadian national kit- hlbltloh toronto from august 01st to september 22tlt tliem w iii 1m thirty thousand square fret of scsnery while it is proposed alto to discharge guns and mortars and in fact to preseht as vivid a battle scene a any mimicry of warfare can be honor wan byhlw kdlth- nleklln ab therocent examlhatlons at the normal bolioolpubllshrd fast v- hay ufeakdlili nloklln daughter 6t mra k nlsklln j 1 hood at the headof the candidates winning bun- ore- ami the fovcrnorgenerare gold mrdal muanltfkllnwbo is atpressnt holidaying in muhkoke le recelvlojr tile congratulatlunir nf liar many rlonda two years ago her slater mlsa palsy won similar huiim- at the novroal 9mth viaay ckmfortblr vaulad a note from lie v father feeny who removed to oakvtlle a few weeks ago sayst f find 0kvllle and snr roundlng country to be very charming rich in farm products with a paradise or fruits of all kinds needleaa to state i am moat pleased with my new epbwre of labor i find also that i have a splendid people under my care yet for my acton ff lends of all classes i will always have an affectionate re- membrahc dont qo wartridet hoounmr there wlllbe no grouse or partridge hooting in ontario thle year owing to the increasing scarcity of these two specie of game birds the ontario government baa decided to prohibit the killing or taking of tbem for one year from the ifttb of september next ordinarily the open season for grouse and partridge begins on sept ibtb and closes on dec istb but tbta has been cut out by a special order of the government heme vnm the wee mr 0 mcmurchy arrived borne on tueeday from a four weeks rlp through manitoba saskatchewan and alberta he says the crops are mag nificent and the farmere are looking forward to tha largest harvest to the countrys history while in saskat chewan ba had vary pleasant visits with his old neighbors messrs g roa- mii h andt ismond and k and m glvena or tha kaitlll plains all or whom are prospering there aieuueuv atttlatiee at rieoawettfwnj a big amateur athletic tneel will be hawat georgetown on ome holiday monday august 8rd under the auspices of court credit no ibs i o v the event is sanc tioned by tha canadian amauur albeletlo union there will be a ug list of athletic events write the secretary for paogratume tha band of tha rh reglmeat will be in attendance programme will com mence at 18ft p n admission to park 2so monster garden party in the evening j m moore secre tary f aston wine fresm the buelpa haou acton footballtaam went to guelph last saturday evening to play nna of the serlae of games arranged hatwaen iwogualph teamt bus of rockwood and the local team te guelph scots whose reputation la weltknown as a good team wra their opponent and considerable donbt was felt aa to the reeult of the match the game was clean and fast a good exhibition of football and no goal waa scored in the first half a shot by webster of acton in tha second half scored the only rosj of the game although the soota made bard attempts on goal to prevent defeat the soot play here next saturday ertnlng lunai breau movtne metureau the lalng brother whose home la in anton but who spend moat of their time giving entertainments in- fhe unlud4tat are holidaying hare and aooebta la proposal from the ladles aid of the methodubohurob to give an exhibition of their splendid picture last monday evening these gentfe rasn woo their reputation for aupeiw ploturea many yaate ago and- their cntartalnmant monday evening ably austajnad jt it tfaey jhavev vkrlety carried by no slbuar company and the reproducing machines are mo4t skllfnlly handled hvery series of picture ehowh was enjoyed by tha aulanci tliv dog show the wild animals of the london i zoo the die- play of fireworks and the autouioblle pictures wereihowever espeehtlly attractive 7 111 pea eye asjsray on thursday juoa 18th two boys- peter wluon snd manuel hunter laft the 8heltet of human and child- ran aid society of guelph city and wellington county in ouelph and did o without leave peter wllaon la a manly clear spoken bright boy about 14 year old ulsoomplexloo la dark mahmsi hhiftar la aomevhftt shorter than peter sallow sklunad and eornewbat dolt in manner both yawdreeasd in old clo pg dominion day another boy falling himself joe davldsoa lst thi shaf- tor lo thaaom manner joo is ai anwtl boglub boy eays be is erteeni but must be yonnger fiairi is a inanly hhle fellow quit offhand in his nuha wore a cloth cap he say faaa been travelling about for adma weak anrf on account o his amajines rmonwe jjihjaotmvel ontraloswlthqnt thaier ylogm w gehersinhlogryewlu the officers and members nf st andrews brotherhood will bold an opensaaslonon wednadeyvj6ly 20tli at 6p m in st albana ohnrch when the rector the rev matthew wilson will speak on the principle of the nrotbarhood all young men cordial ly invited suajrauartmkeep off pstvementa there are several cyollst in town who have bean violating the law lately by riding on the pavements the offanece boncernliig whlah com plaints have been made have btren committed on young btreet and put k avenue on monday evening a cer tain delivery clerk ran into a young ldy at tha corner of mill street and park ave knocking her down ilir penalties for violation of the uoyolu bylaw are heavy dx attest tatefcfcn with pmmmirmim the milton reformer saysi the many friends throughout the county ofdr buokwhl regret e learn tbat on tttursday last tlnv at ih dliiti- tult in palurnio he rtealvhi strokr lle wms tiwuud aud niddloal hssutance while the stroke was ryit rhy iuiu the dr will he oonllmtllt nmin for some oniev with t trained itiicni in atteudano u rinerarej caujrhi in jhav aopav mr lwivlnsom of ueduv llrttok farm kitlueslng nutt with a painful accident on day last week white un loading hay at hla bvru the h6letlng rope twisted and while he was straight- enlrig it the horse was started and he thumb and forefinger nf hu right hand were caught and he was pulled up bodily by the linprlsoowl flngera- n bones werebroken but the fiugera wui v painfully bruised mr atkinson tur- fered excrtitlug pain for a few cttiys but the injured mabiber la now mpldly mending maeepuea to the bride end oroom the members and adlwtfntu of the congregational church tuodered a reception to rev b a g wlllough- by end hie bride on the lawn of mr and mr j m uomu on thursday evening after refreshment wero served sotntf entertaining musical selection wre given by mr frank j barber v- w a prater the hlssee kllsy mis matthews mis mo- adams mr howard hodgson mlsa b mokay during the evening the friends became jwqualoted with tha pastor wir who promisee to be very popular with the congregation at the close of the programme rev mr wuluughby heartily thanked the friend of behalf of mrs wllloughby and himself for the kmdly reception that had been uimrrenv- herald oetttswetes awaekhamep buirare loee last thursday after ooutractor h swaokhatnerhad three f he semi circular behta for tha new bam he la building for mr hugh maun queen btreet raised with block and tackle and guyed securely with ropee they fell during the night the rain fell heavily and at frequent intervals on friday as a result of the soaking the ropes shrank and every hour became more taut until about six oclocck the excessive tension pulled the bents out of plumb and they fell with a crash the bent were twslvs inches square and were constructed of inch lumber by the fall the timbers ware badly a mushed up end are unbt to he used again the lose to mr swackhatner will be con siderable wejeome to kev hr clott and wife on wedneeday evening of last week ar reception was held in him baptist churchto welcome rev mr gait and mr gott- several good selection were read and interspersed with singing by the choir rev j c wilson b a gate an excellent speech eulogising the bit pastor and giving apeclal advice to the church ending by extending a very kind and tender welcome to mr and mrs golt and daughter th quartette from the presbyterian church sang very aooeptably reflecting great credit upon tbemaalvesr and their leader mr a t mann hev 0 w barker gave fay wellchosen remarks ex tending cordial greetings to the new pastor and family and hearty good wuhea for the church refreshment wsye served at th clot and a soolal half hour apeht before going bbine the wewtev ssn th special issu of postage uujp tbeommamorafe the quebeo ter-cen- unary itre on aale at the pott office these atatnpa wtllbe sold in the regu lar 3rgnd nbns of tha usual stamp 111 htf ohi ttfl the speolol issue is exhausted in to the nutn- berwhlchwlllbesold in the regular way forue it u safe to say that many tbopsands will be purchased by btamp oollector and other to b preserved as aouveolrs the are eight stamps in the opinplet et and the cost hi sixtyone ofnl thflrat i a ijalfeent stamp in th usual oolorbearifr the- head of hs prino and prlnoess of wnlee following ls ths oninbent hairing theplotuteeofcsruerabohampuilni the twocent king edward and queen alexandria the flvasbengravd with 17 awtauon ds quebeo i ths aevenoenti uonteajm and wolfe t tha tencent partenat poor 1ottast cham- plain setting out far the weet and th tweutyeen the arrival of oartler in ims tha engraving are beautifully clear and the whole arrangement hr hleuo- only ten pays more op the the ten clearance moan a that everything summery has got to go and within days its too late now to count pennies or consider costs tho smull list which follows is but a meagre representation of what a visit will disclose jagksolsls jjagksons oar mm sjitm of outa baring ul ohh blllng biibln m to obdr you thta wk bom big bnp why mikh wash drbsues i vou unl liuy ih mkimul not to ton lion ih drudry of mklng thm i j oa wb drmh for joo 37 j byj 00 soo 7ao 300 lawn waists half 1hicb and less cluranco um navar found a nfh to mny flmtlntf wllfc thm prlom miu hl and im off ngnur i 330 30c 73 iloo nd i3 childrens drksses print and oinomau at dili price 3n cfalldrma drai m 130 j j h00 100 ioo 30 siiier suuhehy undei1uuslin8 heuuced liny jour aapply now whit prkm bordar on troolmuv c0e8kt covers lu md murofdary 330 for aooi 330 forajo 630 wad 730 for 30c lioo for 73c gowns 730 lor 300 100 for 730 a3 for 173 skirts 7e for vx 100 for 730 133 for ioo 163 for 1 as drawers 350 for 3c 73clor 30c if 00 for 730 hisses datiiino suits 193 for 173 luluaj 1430 for 330 libjiogrii loft fi filin mopilajonh dnj that h tut bn iri qutlpfi lariioddt6rtiidiiipollo linwiafifltomonilbiwulifei m biri od vnr iw mi ol lbp hpd b dtiupw wbo fwi ia lbkfmmornmunlcadto tb inpw jmvip uhmli aulpb tbl u ss wjsonibij wn itfjr tltfoj fwnl ifwmti ftb opgbtr ppininmitrlth irujblft6 doii to sjtop the i irti of oateyrb rfsry cataithtroublsaare increasing not only in acto bub al over th country cumto garto jwfaaaaini to our it samd lire in tb no ihroal abd lupgk foiisfc be da5roy4 and thla ean be done only by breathldghyomel thert lnrrdaobrrotvrtpiri drhgsdngwhsd hyoief w wedvno tablet orllqald mixture wwbjr the digeet loo i5 often dsetydr r- social and personal vxreove wllllamm was in krln on tuesday mr j hi warren of toronto wa in town on saturday mis bva smith teacher is horn for tho summer vacation mr john smith of jarvls spent sunday with friends jn town mis aon le corrigul la spending a few day with berlin friend mlsa alberta brown is visiting friends in aberfoyle this week mf it storey wa home from to ronto for a few day tbl week miss hanoi arnold of georgetown pent sunday with acton friends miss lottie k speight 1 spending a week or so with friend in toronto rev j 0 wilson b a 1 taking hi annual vacation at ootllngwood mrs dr ault and master percy visited frlsnd in toronto last week mrs w gurnoy or wlggham ha been spending a week or so with aoton friends mien until oram of toronto ha been holidaying with friends here this week mr w unit night operatorg t h has takn a situation with the cana dian northern mir kdward uoltuea left on monday to tukb a position in the g x w olhoe toronto miss doris chlsholm of london u visiting at the home of het uncle mr w s chlsholm mrs aleoiocklfnnd babe of toroo- to are visiting at the home or mr thorns bbbage mrs william landsborougfa and mis bdlth william ylslted wilton friends last week mr hay watson has taksn a place in brownadruif store and will no doubt be popular there mr wilson and mr uvans of caledon bast war guest this week or mrs robert bennett mr aud mr h p mimre spent several days last weuk with mr and mrs k 3 moore toronto maetejrfred williams went to dundalk on tuesday where h will ipend the summer hulldays miss jedlth modeland of brampton ipeut sunday at tha bom of mr joaepb holmes bower ave mrs alex secord and mrs james flrstbrook visited rriends in hamilton and toronto during the week misses ltsxlo and jean bums of neepawa man visited their uncle mr peter monahb last week dr w j graham or new york waa a guest at the hokue of hi slstsr mrs n f lindsay last week mr john purqs of spriugfleld mass i spending hi holiday with bis uncle mr georgedouglsj miss duff of boston mmaaarrlvd yesterday tospend a few weeks with hsrslster aknox church manse miss alice m chapman h rturq- ed from st thoma where theha been vlattlogjrbr the past few weeks mr aod mrs frank 8wltr of hilton visited at the hone of mr wllllim ussoo church st on bun day dr stewart of toronto general hospital bas been the guest during the weak of principal stewart bower ave messrs w a storey and a j mac kinnon visited dr mackinnon brothorolr the latter at buffalttdaring the week mr and mr s bi cunnlnghsntatid son and daughter of washington d 0 were guest of aoton friends during the week principal inman who haa been suff ering froitin rather serious case of blood poisoning in lit hand is now reoovariiig we are pleased to sute milton reforlner mr and mr bert mason and uis muriel or inglewood and mr and mr amos mason or v alton were gtiesuofmr william mason cbhtcb street over sunday mr arcby macdonald of dnlatb minn was homo for a wssk op fn vul alma isoo flrewussi ladies college thomas at very- s9a pya all charges for tegular course pvv hwiudlug lsfln french german bcumce pianoforte drawing with hoard room laundry sad library for one year separate apartment for younger pupils xibiixlxilocj8 for the jkjtlidays there is a lot 6l enjoyment for young and old in a hammock these vacation days no verandah or garden is complete without one come where you have a good selection to choose from in all thades and colorings from ioo upwards baby hammocks at 35 inbilwtbloonii w obtslk roturnx to tb wat on tumdar h u iklng upmilldpyogta in biulocw llnw in hbi uwhonj uf jionb san brolbr of mr morrl 8k klnrom to ruu but wmk fu aptndln l moottu in aotoo h wnb bmk lo put in ibo thrmtwiu iuil- nc of lljiungrulninn wpioubgiiisirm irf popuhilfjatnoavy 46il cfc m091 p pr mntwmnj wlthwpgploo iq oooiuid p lb opillpoali kglra yvittjt on- ifirlo fttb tr4ntaih uibruon lift iiwjsiiw4o lil wkwl mini t 1 thelpalaoeldrug store aotoh quelpli old boys 10 dot men black dsnlm overalls with bib also smoclm lo mitch regu lar jo to gf 00 this week 69c b dot mens work hhlrttutrliwl oaforda medium to dark e4hkdes regu lar go to 6g tbls week 43c 0 doc mens work skirts black drill with white stripes and spota reguar 7stogo this week 90 to de ueas feurlnhaud ties 15 rios shield neok ties a bow tie all graad quality silk new designs ami rich coloring regular ajc this week do you net now wish to iwlect your spring underwear and hosiery white oar lines are complete 7 yeuknew if youcomeaow yu can chootte from a larger line than if yeu come later we wish to begin sailing our spring underwear and ifeaiery early we are marking the price oa these gaods low so that wo shall not hav any to carry over when the sailing season is past tliesa are ihe value we can njlveyou 1 ladles kmbroldered diaou cash mere hole i tf oi and io rega let tar 3d mf week sic ladlea hlstik csshmere hose ribbed or plalnvslsj m n oi hnd loi rgii1ar 3s and 4or this week 050 ladle taffeta gloves new brown and tan shades regular gob this wesk j 33c drkrh goods hpbc1als ulack melrose cloth regular stjo this week 03c cream lustra fsacy patterns regu lar ijc thulwmv t uatln flrilli prunella cloth regular giaov thla week 730 striped crspeeti rogular sjc tkls week sjc satin clotli regularise ibis- week 4b0 pearl buttirts doseti i jq corsetcovoremtrnldorittblswe ssoppturhs 17o 30 patterns vw 8i0 4 q patterns jd 600 patterns t i 43c 5 inch silk ulhbon tmt ius11ty all colont reaalar ago liweefc lea 4 ineu silk ribbon rrgulsr 900 thl week irje jlineh silk ribbon regular 19a thl welv 13a a blghliodring of lac lemhroidarlea and pre trimming all st special pig- urea j h jkckson cborcbt0uen the right house hamiltons favorite siiopfinc place free trips to hamiltqn for our outoftown customers your bound trip fares will be re funded during the balance of july as follows up o 15 miles on pukhitet of 1000 or more up to 25 mllet on purchhet of 1500 or more up to 40 mllei on purthiies of 2500 or more up to 50 muet on purchase of 500 or more up to 75 mites on purchases of 5000 or more we are particularly desirous that our out- oftown customers should share the bargains and moneysaving chances of tie great right house july clearance reduction sales and we make this special refund of railway fares offer so they may dp so without extra expense i no red tape or delay about the refunds simply present the return half ol your ticket to the salesman and the refund will be promptly made as above thomas o wattkins oohntll kmo 8t kat huqhoh hamilton ont home week- special attention to visitors from acton bring your watches for repairs and get them home with you same day 3 pr1nole wyndham st guelph ont seasonable siiinmer goods wt qulcksbllino prices ends of miishns prints olnrharas fnd chardbrays odd uses and sues in whhewear skirts corset covers vlwoowos 2s cleared obt during the next ten days i viit li- i i- i iv vt- v t- i miiwxxjxiji v y genuine bargains throughout tho store in mkiinery carpets curtains wall papers dress goods muslins prints walits skirts jackets corset covers drawers laes esadromeries etc etc mens arid boys two and three piece suits gents furnishings straw tlnd felt hats caps etc the groceries will also recoive their shnro of the prlco cutting a genuine sale of genuine goods with strictly reliable and honest dealing h k tins worth h h uns worth jaly arjd tdgiist sale no clogs here in the wheels op commerce u a chance for every man woman and child to save money remember a penny saved is a penny gained this is not only a chanco to save the pennies but the dol lars as well guelpivs old home week dont fall to mark the dates but also if you need any kind of fine kurruwe carpets ollploths iron beds springs mamwfefc baby carrlagos etc to markwell the atandao wyndham street call and get prices special until sold sideboard extension table five diners and one arm at tolts regular price tne silkparlor uiteallsoyerijnpholrtered ver handsome jjieesbpeclal qntjrsod 6f titt regular pfjee fsopo telepttones3bi vmjii lii im si asmyhlitfvfhij

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