Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 23, 1908, p. 4

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tf px0k vh r ffifte j 3fro rcss thursday july 2tt 1ww tht school op lxltny ob theree many a huillo nud theres many a high in the achon oftit try and therae miiny n wudi and theraa many why in the aoliool or ill try bat ita delng nml doing tlint win ef lev all though many a falluio and many n fall i for they never drop buck very far be- yond call in tlie aohnol of ill try bat t hit wim arid tlio willing soep eafe above par in ilto actiool of ill try and ita hopeful that nike jmt a hit of a urt and ita iurpuhu tlmt known every una of hie part and ita oaring arid dirllf that novcr loaahoart in th school or ill 4ry tito kings owni 1- you never lot a aoittit in mohai naeararihabija wirse t a olorgyruan hkptoiid to toll ms von onq satunlhy afternoon what inaapn ha would rvnd in clairoh tlio next morning tito imy got hold uf hie fathevviiihlii found jjiu plan nml glued togalhnr the connecting pugoy i in oonwtiotce th clergyman rcml to his hook tlio following dy itlmt when noah wna 120 yeare old lie took unto himself wife who was liar h tortiad iiyor tho i4 cubit lotig forty cubits wide bull of goxihcr wood hmlimvuivd with pitch in mid out after reading the pmag tlio clorgy nan read it aunlti to verify it then pnabing tack bis epeetaalos he looked vfevely athla congregation and aald i mrfruod- till- la th llrat time i ever sead that in the iltble but i ac cept it ae evldonoo of tho aeaertlon thai ve mr feaifully nnd wonderfully rdade human life btparhxba mr hltthha vftoringpglng cook tliurue one other tiling i auppoui you ahould know hllaaflannlgiin my wife ii a ctirono rivald confined to her room mim klannlgan thnl fine i wor afeord ahe might ha wiui lv thlm nhronlo kick or that am conflnoil t th kitchen ohiiroh whala that pfoca of cord t lj around yoiir flngnr for p o impel i my wlfo put it there to re mind me to poet her latter and did you pout it f no i alio forgot to give it to met llangfi nollcn you call that dog of your joint iv hunter- htallfi this la the clilokmt aidad atttil ilia oatoiara boy na h delivered the pnek- ngo i givs it waa your tlmnltiit orderm h aent maam yea aald little mra ilrhloly boroa your moijoy now hoy do you lonkoltp op l dont know onytliligaliodt liat mtvniii you dont p why my husband told mo if i pnhl yon yonvl glvo mo tint i colpt ouptnlu to tlio nmn at tlio wheel atibthor pint 4port qimrtruiaatflr jmy pneongor apodnom -gra- qlona i tlmta th aoootid pint of port ho baa oallod for within a fow nilnute how thotfi onptnlna orlnk dooalio know tntinh p well ho tiot only knowa that ho doeant know much but ho know enough to kp othflre from knowing it a durrani nob tir tatt autograph aaye an antiquary ta worth nothing while a holograph 4yb worth sl00ormore an aiito- taph of a ninn la hla alhtpla algnaturv 01a holograph la ono of hla algned lajttara and ita value daponda on it ldtarwt j know a man who found in itla gfrandfaibera oheafc a lot of important mttan of pranklln waahlogton aaron burr hamilton ando antt jttaraon he read thoaa isttara i than bb burned them flrat oattlng out th aptaiurea for the ignaturoa be got fifty oiuu aplaoav or thereabout for the uttora in their entirely be would bavo git from 10o to 1100 plece by thla loae of about uuooo the man learned the difference between an autograph and a holograph mbmnviho youth by boo- qpwtloh wrom time immemsrlal mankind haa bien inureaud in theprohlera of bow tf keep young or at leaat young look- 3 if to be 00 atd contrive to look 60 kj behave like 40 la not only olevar it eotddmndable jthe weat fade on the aubjeet are ditunetljr nowel and amttalng it la all fqaeatlon of will power buppoalng you are tltraeioore and ttn you mutt not think for a moment 1 tut you are growing old you muet get awery one to anggeet tliat you are a ier giddy girl a reeklne youth and toy pceeto 1 the thing la done the more rleoda you havewllllng to help ytutbelonger you remain youthful md loaeaelbly you heeome a monegth- ailan before you feel that middle age b overta you yfthm or vjck ytoteiuperorjce la the ronthef of evotj kind of vleeji when atrong drink olinlora and all aumnur eoinplnlnta are ao quick in their aotlon that tlio eold band of dnath l mwii the victim bofnpo thoy are awnro that danger la nouv if attacked do not delay tn gat- ting tlio proper medicine try a low of dr j i knllogge dyeentcry cor dial you will get hiimodlnto rellsf it actawlth wonderful rapidity and never folle to effect a ourev be not merely good ims good for eoitiothlngtliorcau antacetbe brain it opene the door of tatlon to unclean tuoagbte the epark tbatanklndlea lot- iw7 ttie gambling mania ton-5- ll ptetllenw haa awpt jrwv y j hhrentlre oouatry invading every fficiy 3 aoolety 1 foatered by the un- dr paivat aelumeiitdue to aloohollo k3r j tjjlmni- notpnly crime redno- kyllvedtok minimum whew the liquor trar- wuiaottwiped out but the vlcee whlob rr wbrkruloln the individual oharaoter at a- foaterlng parent without oat they ate likely to dle- thbboa mbtrk tj aiw mlnuter wae addreaalrig the wj it- v iihindf bflhool ohlldren i want to iwa to y momenta about yv4of thej inbatt wohdorfuu one of the fjjw lnoetliriporuntorgsni in the world- wrwmyrhtmm u le it that throb cfflvyiw ww war etopplng never ceaalng wake or aleep nlgbt or vwv w woolt oxl montil in h outyearlnapd year out m lattmat any volition on youriwrt ffivvhhmilwlntiapth unixm by w kmtirohhig hiyuinmir j is o0 jpol lho pouiitfor pr- hv fft olll voloo yt kbtifiillt i u th mtl gfeqoeibihbwtlka kyilajfjbiandbowdotouhk being wktx miw 3n v tjjinm whywhtvthomtterwlth siowswwlii flntthlnit in iuo morn yio9driwiin go w ilt agimy ttutiimi t upper i nouling but rilonyi mowl j sofwll lnoverl wht iom jwtoillhibinowf- 5jsots4tbwii kiiof fttett skrwloilofpomvrtr s lftvp of prftyi7 asbfjiimhimgiiiiii l wtwinlnguilriv i ni ffn in uu for iw m run uu i bad blood bad bowels bad breath i will uwmwrfily reoevau the entire ayatem and make the blood wn rleh aibl radearlng bella pimpla reaaioa lungirotta aotfall blood and akin tujaaea tu not what man doea that evalt hhn but what man would do brown- log oastoiixa alhlklgjyotthmmfl polluneaa la the outer garment of goodwill hare it needa no taatlmfinlalit la a guarantee in iteelf if teatlmonlale were needed lliey oouhl le furnlahad ri thoutanda from all aorta and condi tion of men in widely different placaa many inedlolnea are put forth every year and havobut an ephemeral exte- teneothen are heard of no more dr thomae uqleetrlo oil haa in reputa tion every day elnco it flrat made ita appearance ono right i hold euperlor to the vlght of lova duty mre oralk toounbaooldihohl day vaka a ltutlva ntemoqulaliii ttie bflonay h aalure oa wbi vaka a zutlve ntemoqulaliia tjlbut flroadh nrqaduia ueaay u uf- to bvworevafbalum oa aaab lhitoa vlille thob llvoat keep a good tongue in thy head shakeapoare o jl ttf fll 3 xt x k hutan af wallik and jack you and jnek alt next tu each other in aebool dont you wallle p part of the time oojy a partr -yea- alri jfloha atandlng in the corner moat 6f the time and what do you do then r m0h i generally atand in enotber corner y there never wwi and novor will lw a uulveraal panacea in one remedy for all lite to which fleehu heir yrhtafc would relieve one 111 in turn wonld aggravate the other we liave however in quinine wine when obtalnod th a apund unadulter ated atau a remedy for mafay and grlevoua llli by ita gradual and judlolou uae tho fralleet lyatenu are led into oonvoleeoettoe nd atmngtb by the influence whlob qulolno exerta onnaturea twn retoruves itre llevaathoae to whoroa obronlo aatc of mod deiporidendirand aok q tntfailnllfeu4idlaaewtidhy tranqulluing the nurvea duipoaea to abund anlj reftfealildg aleptlroparte vigor fajt caption of tin blood whloh lngaumuuuodt wiureoj limugh the velu atrebgtbeniufti6 healuiy tml- tnmbtbnjn4 hiissiiiri giving 1u tikdlgeiittv aii whtpb ruitnrellxiliunpna loowilibtojio mwilmljwiw btveo ffcoltlibllflholjfmpiirloitaliilq proniotesdiicsllonchkiriil- neas andhestionlfllns ndlhtr opiuntmorptiini wrmfakrol kor nauootic apcrfl llcmcdy i orconitlpii- tlbn sour siotnachduirwea worms ccmimbiio wrewnsh- ncsa o loss or 8u tocsitml sitfnatun o h new yohk exact copy or vkapkb for infant and children the kind you have always bought bears the signature of thirty years castoria chirtaredby dominion oovernmant hslabiuhed 1ba4 the merchants bank of canada huad office montrual imerait added four timet a year 119 dranchei rroildenl stall mohtaou allah vice rretldael jomatiian iloooaow eat general manager e imikbuih capital paid up 1000000000 bapealtaover 4300300000 surplui 900000000 total alula 13300000000 avinc sank deposits one dollar or upwanli will open an aecannt honey withdrawable any lima no delay ramkhbalk notes we hive ipeclal faclllllaa for collecllag iheaa we will caab themt once i dtilred at a low rate of intereet joint accounts when rajaaatadwe will open account i in two namei to that either one way draw the money huiband or wile ale aoton branch w s chisholm manager warmest kind for cold weather tougher horaehida will never be found because the beat is used or storeyi gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable- imuring extraordinary wear rcaiatance waterproof and the best working gloves on the sold at all mores insist on storeys iireproof market ronovrold his rvruntw an extraordinary experience with a tnedlutn la given in the oarl bohura mamolre in mooluree after reeelvlpg what purported to ha a meaaage from ffehlller lenerel behura aaked that the aplrit of lincoln h summoned to ull why preelent johmon had culled fiohunt to wash ington the anewer eatnr lie wante yon to make an important journey for him i naked where that journey woum take me an war he will tell you to- morrow i aaked further whether i ahould undertake that journey an ewer yea 1 do not fall i may add by the way that at that time i had not the allghteet anticipation he to what iveeldant jfohnaona intention i th regard to me wee having dlapoeed of tbla matter i aaked whether the aplrit of lincoln had anything move io aay to trie the iutawer cante xeat you will be a aena- tor of the united sutee thla atruok tneaa eo fanelfnl that i eould hardly wppreae a laugh but i aaked further from what auur anewer vrom bluaouht tbla wae more pro vokhigly myaterioue atlll but there the oover- aatloneeaatfd hardly anything ooukt have lean uorejmprobable at that hme than that t abould be a aenatr of the united atatee from the atate of mlaaourl my domlolle waaln wltcoualnandi wan then thinking of returning there i had never thought of removing from vltconatn to ulaeourl and there waa not theallghteat proapeot uf my evev doing ao hut to foroalall my narrative two yeare later i wae inrprlaed by an en tirely unaought and unevpeeted buel neee propoeltlon whlob took me to st louie and in january lfloo the legla- lature of mlaaourl elected me a aanator of the united statoe i then remeni beredthe propheey made to me at the aplrit aeance in the houee of my friend tledetnann in philadelphia for the overworked what are tho cauaea of deapondenoy and melan choly p a dlaordered liver la one cauae and a prime one x dlaordered liver meane a dlaordered atomaeb and a dlaordered atomaeb meane dla- iturbaucee of the nervotte eyttom tbla brlnge the whole body into cub- jeotlon and the victim feele alck all over parmeleee vegetable pllla are a recognised remedy in thle elate and relief will follow their ute 1 no man la any better than he ahould be nor aa bad ae he eould bo tho greater the difficulty tho great er the glory in eurmountlng it kpl- citrua the wlio and active conquer dn oultlea by daring nt tempt nt thorn itow k sauaiba hgaatate ef for dysentery summer complaints dr fowlbrs bxtraot of wild strawberry isaglmtaiitaiiuuiint it hu boeiv had in thoumodil of honm daring the put ilztytwo yuri ud w tlwmyo glvuiauufmuo every homo houidluivii bottl bom bborttavuraujorodufpr 7 prleo 35 eaniaot iui draggltla nd dubr bo nof lrt ni uoprtojliul drunlitiiunilug you into uliio io- 6olll sliwbrond tho o llul b dn fowuimo th w hro iub- utut- v iim a jboii idfag aiti wllto i wo liyo uid cnjowuwo kiriniiotgjiyiib bnyinmwvybnd wmwlm wto lw4l1lnthl bi a man whnae family haa to eat three tlmea a day on aeven dollara a week doeant have tmich time to hunt up af- flnltlee bo use thing more than a purgative to purge le tho only effect of many ptlle now on the market farraeleei vegetable pllla aro more than a pur gative they atrong then the atomaoh where other pllla weaken it they eleanee the blood by regulating the liver and kidney a and they ttlmulate what other pill oompoundi depreae sothlng of art injurloua nature need roowly for purgative powera enteif into their oompoeltlhn vvvbatwe can do la a ituall thing hutwajcan will andaiplre to great tblnga dant lbtalttl tbe way tq learn bow to live it to live and endeavor to incite tbe dead one to wake up toundatlon p4nelpla fbrettvvheu wtttindertaketo fill yquv ueeorlpu w give them our undivided attention and beat eare the patients wauarab our flrat con- elderatlon r8nfl rwe goaxantea ourdrttbto beorfuuafqgihuwell4epure and third our ctuttotaere ate euppued with juat what they aak for rauhatltutr inrflauever allowed v varjrri ukutry oomfodwlw if yoti- are a eufferer from- kidney dlteaee hrer cplalnd blood troublee rheomatuais eurjaho arrous proatraupn- we oonqdeotly reotlrd- fwilwv 0a m- the prohabllltlea are that tbe leaa a man paradee hla religion the more actively it la engaged in real wdrk womens ailments there la no need whatever for ae many woman to eubw from paloa and waaknaaa after suffering eight yeara uiuwonwnwaaraetormtoliealtlt by lydu k plnkhana vecretabl compound itftad her letter mm a d trudoau arnprur ontario write to mrs xhakham i tutfered terribly from uluara- tlon of th mmlnrae prgabji for eight yvetra i tried four doctor lmt got no rlfnd tliought iwouul havalodle one day iaaw an advertteement of lydla b vlpkhama vegatahle cmt- puund in the paper i untfor anma and before i bad uaad flvo bottle a i waa entirely cured i hope avry aaf- feriog woman will take tnvadrloe d am xydla ft mnkhama vetfetabla compound facts for sick women for thirty yonrn lymla k link- ham vogeuihlo ontntvound made from roota tind horlw iioh itoeri tlio ntandard romwly for fonmlo llby nndhupnaltlvely oti roil thmutamlanf wrtmtoik who havo itcon troiibliml with dlitplanemahthftl1aranuitlari uloo ra tion flhrold tumom itroinilnritlea poriodlopaltu itaokiioho that twar- ingdnwit fooling flatultmoy lndlfmir- tinrulbxlnofwor norvoim prostration avhydontyontrylt iwnt healtate to writ to mra imnkliam if you need ail vice about yoiiraleknoaji hhe will treat your letter in ronftdence nml ndvlao yon free itecntimii uf hor vaat oxperlonee ho htm helptxl thou annda aculreaa iynn mniui rutlbbgbs the 0rand rallwav livery koton hotbil tkblsi mill slrnt acton stvm8ii rioh dooblo or inula uppllml n idiortt nlc couufchcial tkavbllekh or- dekb rln pwlal luntlo w h rutleoge proprietor is it footwear voii ar look ing rort ifthats tlic case go to vvjiiiamev shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoea xub bem etc for people of all ages and sizes our large snmrrier block now ready for your inopection wm williams tbbokmii uuibtnt aoton paubnoin trains tli rollowln i hi ilm 1 alilrh rimcm ualit mil 1 aoum eoiva mtit riihw wt no 4 bjftm s 17 uttim t r tl4w np 1 vo hsim1i ill iso pm mi alttrklti toi aetnn tlia berlin olaara granite and marble works caejpbn dtlaun propriatee daiw uulmara olhlatuaa wabt- dlaummoniiifiril- navkera aod head lionet end all klmln bf- jlrtlsbccernelerywork wiinnri tieuistrcct 4gentr acfnn iiujbiiihhw hyatarla and i taiak and dltay apallt and the huadrad other troublee which reodar the life of too many wotaea a round of alekneaa and anfierlnf milburns heart and nerve pills have kcatored tluatauae 1 caaaalall women to health and strtntih young glrla bedding into woaunkoed wlwasllaawlthpaiaeaad haadaehaa and whoae faee 1 pale and blood water or woman at he ef ufa who are tr- vout aubleot to hot fleahee faaueg ef plna and aaidlaa eta are titled over traaa try- hur uaaea by uuburae heart and nerve they have a wonderful eljeot on a women ayatem eiautig paloa and aehaa vanlalt brleg color to the pale cheek and aparkle to the eye the old worn out tired out languid feellnga give ptaoe to atraagth and vitality eadufe eaama worth living piieeweente per box orsbexaefor 139 ab all droutrta er taalud direct an raoelpt of priee by tuat unoaicoiatoroota oat tbe trueat wladom in general le a reeolute determination napoleon the never falling medicine hollo ways corn our removes all klnda of corns warta ate even tbemoetdlffl- oult to retnova oannot wltbatnnd this wonderful remedy the email courtesies sweeten life the greater noble it bovee castoria vox inlsaftts ska guutsnv nauiiynllmmvinlbapm blgnntwrtof th mnnwho ihouu out hi otory from tb houmtop will gonorallv bo found to novo him good to dlipom of jill a30utms9 t tfc ill laxative bnxnkmilne novwloakn nolety llo in th fm nor n birthday prmont in th prtoo mark alothergrnvoi wbrm extarnilnntor dom not requlra tho h1p of any pur gatlve medloln to ooinpuu th our glv it a rial and boeonvlneod if you dont goailp about your troubl probably you wont tiroubla ttt boulp have von snspectm your kidneys as the cause of your trouble u yon bav bufcaolm ot bn fmt andaaklm intdmit rln ifttum auatlon wlm nriaauog pmlunoatlnglmtortlmyapmttunt bridslttt dphlt in tk aruw or any thing wrong with th urinary onjana than your kldoqr an aotoudt tbrmlymt diboill to onr kldrwy tromlo u 4rla to dp la r doi kltmrr bmm a trlal tlmy arotb tuoat avottv nawdy to b had for all kldnty and nrinarj inmbw m alld lbunoillaokoapaqtu wrlto1 til ittay daty to aiy a word boatyoir tooauvxldo p11u iml land draadfnl pain aapw ny lawk ao bad 4oobuneatooninbaoil aftar bavin wm wo boico rimlnow roort oomplauly oarm tbuka to yonr pllla iklgbly rrooiibdloanikldoyria prlo ho cantfmr ibettr bna for liuataftdliiodlrt ori canadian national aud ao exhibition sp 4 toronto flrealesi and best auended ananal ethlbulon in all the world every province smi lis erodud 10000000 in frlus and allncuou hammotli hatmdbaiid coantt grand art loan collection von lha rrl salon aad olhr ouwou oauarim lalraalloal hllllary tattoo aad aallallo swaoiaou the siejie of sebastopol with 900 rarlamara luteruallobal doj show international cat show 8000 live stock on view r- mm uttt uhf suifci mi all hutmttu mmi i ft tat ti1 cmr tub lutwto cue ar tames r ft o v evefty where j try n 0neills carriage works geohoetown ont for uccomkk blndera mowaira hay rakes i deere manture hay loadaravdalb side delivery if ay racks louden and woiimin ft waid hay fork and sting outfits hay fork robe mcconnlck binder twine hay fork track and all klnda of track hangare stone lloaia and hay racks oocktbuit wllltlstot and floury flows also repair for all the above machloea in the carriage line i have a- very full block oilhlggles burrtes and market wagontalt thelsteat tiylei my own and hclausblln coa manufacture at tight prices a few good tecodband duulas and wagons will be told cheap- come to thaae tbopa for your carriage repairing n olseills cirrrikcb lalorkb oborqatouin ont old iron ratf and rubbara good prices paid second hand stoves and repairs for farm machinery supplied morris tuxe boa 430 ao ton ont aoton htad laundry james webster having purchased the laundry business of 1 clavel desires to solicit the contlo- ued patronage ef the many customer who have favored the- business with their orders strict attention will bs paid to careful fllllsgof all orders aud the excellent class of work which bos always been turned out in the past will be continued jambs webster mill h treat acton oublph jfaeehfe block tfppr wymdkmmw gaasual conversation paper makers otobomtownont book news and colored papers jnobballbbil learn dressmaking in a week st mttna a cru3 tulliusmlft cfl um by om taklna li up w fcw no in builimm at tan yara and iiamfltar of iiiimm at tan yera and awan61lmluucwuantamua kaawa lo mpr nmr mw aa m m umv wm bai mawalto b km thl wiim n mv u lllllll ubmarbbd 1to0i oirtiai 11mum thb wblunoton mutual inburanoa company vatabuaaad 1840 buaontw ootture out tuunmt att alafrajsattm rfae valea laatiraoee oe w gibson painter papef hanger sign writer picture framer shop mill st acton op poslte williann livery trepalra promptly made to fnrniture tinware etc no nnneceobary delay knives ground scissorn sharpened co qrtepbs ftttentioi aii reaaonable prices i jff v acton pump t anti l tile works cb- ebbaoe proprietor our premlmb are now fully equipped with all the latet machinery and appllaaoas for irjanlttacturlng futmpm mud rump supplltg tiltwwtleimttmmtiutvim mtm mfrm npm wtttum tool mad rip ttappllu orders promptly fllkd main btrebt acton wtoodecaavinci 0bahvclioftiauto0mivritisirfa puhwe3arfl c xjuonesendl a everton eden mills tbe toeee quality ol manitoba vantlly and peuttry flour for sale at lovyeat prion our own malta bfcsftvbr v chopping dona and oil romad nn y paul for la y cub or wbaat and oah f mam henry hortop we want a reliable local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries ijorgeat kit of commercial and domes- tic fnilts large and small i ornameai al and tliada trees i lowering shrubs vines roitesi flue seed potatoes one of our tpcciaulee rtock that le hardy cornea from iih a permanent tltuatlon fer tight matt for whom tor rltory will be reserved pay weekly free oqulntuent write for pattloulam 8tone a wellington fonthlll nuracrloa ago acres toronto ontario sssmm 5ecurrld tphdmptlyv jwflojormjwttietitttlwwlbt5 1 piwents afeomroplnlanaetowheiht itupntwb uumlabli ba ty4nmbiw4an baan auoieauulnraflecutt by mt emdeot futlr mmintnffla la mentn ae4waabrattfllthmnilnattof- w aiipateh fcwk ilid nlofcly enure mvim itja lhnilii ihihett ret tslttrwirt ihrnuah mavffttv tffeettvemefalmtlmhluaateh brtswio ltitahit r paten kaaertsiy nd seueltera f

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