Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1908, p. 2

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bosj m ikmimltill anion lu ur tuilurl iw hramkuiw at jlaardtuiia cminl anion no frluy itlli july lo mr and mr i- mara tnui naii uikntnliat mo nla dam a on hundey july lekeasue uu w4 attiktt la llil wmi sejas tl rmldauoa of tin n warftmur homiie i iii naciiat tfuif j lie win htwllia fllniie alia oiily uanatiur of win k wheeler to thomas kdwarl lmwu o kmuauif meclalaml liiaril at 111 jud clinrnh 0lytjj by llev 1 w ii llrmishall el a on tnmuuy july ultt mlu mary u only jr audu ji11 1 jtlo iii i tnmuuy july ultt mlu ml uiablar uf ur ami uri join ltlar of uek ii n u to ronto dtko uixmam1n kxlitmlnf onluturdsy july mill william kiduajtii ed hi iwi iiimmie inkmumintf atirdsy july iwii klliabaul uaolura beloved wife ot ueore lluiit eaed w yearn on month ruuiai lie realdenm vyadarlek htrml anted an luturday umh july kited lunil mil of jatoaa frame ead m bc juttftt 3trc jjrcss tuuk8day july iltf llk ltdirorial motjch dining oni uf thu nfltlccusttt uf tllo 1rlucovf wiilnu nt quelle uiit weuk lie bald 1 i dp in lit to sou old frlouria again nntl to iiiakn iuw phes hilt npiirt from such nvsnuul footings there is ttio wider aatufuctlon of romuing jiow enormously cniimln lite prosper d dur ing meant years thanks tt ttio foster ing care of siiccoesive govs rumen is ami the wonderful enterprise of i ik people tito august ilusy man mgalnn appropriately prepared far holiday reading ldsaosshig u nlco hulanco bettyoon tho gay and the serious thu a nan it mi in hot- of ilusy man muga- vino will ho found hoth seasonable and appetlxlng it la full of good tiling from envoi- to envor a graphic character bkiitch nf hlr william mae- donald and what tltli wallknown canaillnn millionaire philanthropist la dulng fur practical education will tic rfliul with internet am wall a otlmr nrlitlnnl contrlliutnn tlio inoroauu of tlio net dalit of oittmda from 1h7h to 1h00 n period of olgtitoon yuaru of tlio former novorii- moiit waa011rllxvto an avoraco of aviqfktrmlu par yonr tlio incrcnso nf tlio not dulit under tlin prose tit govern inont from 1sw to 1ihw twolve yem wiui 047inl nn nvcragn inoronao pur yoar nf 1057000 a cmmldornlile poitlon of this wan occasioned ly tlio trtinscontlnuntal railway timnet dobt in 1ww tlin last year tlio prosant oppoiltlon wna in power waa twfu por itood of poptilatlai nnd tlio net dubtln wrhal2bi por lioud tlio dominion tiovsrnmont bill to prohibit tho importation manufactura and aalo of opium ovcopt for medicinal purpoaoh pauod tlio house f oom- mona without donate if opium had iwan doing onehundredth part of tho harm in canada tho liquor traffic lado- inflt it would havotakan years to aeoiiro lu prohibition tho vlotlma of opium ara moatly chinamen oonflood largely to tho pacific cooit tho vlotlma of alcohol are found in every village and hamlet in tho dominion and iwarm in our large oltlea fill our jallaandaayhima nnd early gravoi wo are glad to aea tho opium evil go 1 wo would bo glad der atlll to aoo tho groator evil obllter atod plonoor the nashville tonn advocate says 1 tho american public la to bo congrat ulated that tho raco for the highest orloo within the gift of the pooplo is to bo thla yoar batwoon two litglwnlnded and patriotic men hoth mr talt and mr llryan have a worthy oonoeptlon of americas ditty to tha weokor nations more ospoc tally to those iwr- dorlng tho pacific icaoh of these gontleuian la before tho public ns the author of an address on christian mis- ions both the addrasae lielng now issued in pamphlet form no sincere reader of theso pamphlet a can fall to rlso from their perusal with tho con viction that tho public affairs of a christian nation will bo safo in the handa of olther of those distinguished and patriotic gontlomen twenty mills on the dollar tub earrlmatesi uhm1ttbd oiilt uf th moat impoi tntit nifntlnu of ibu council foi tlio year la that wburti thu iiioinlmri rmmt up their nx- ikinduiirea actual and ttatlmalwl tnkfl atock nf their rooalpu and duolila upon tlin lwy iipceaiury to meiit tbr iliirnriincm tliu nmctliik wan held on monday ovtmliig and our liuiulclpul fatlmru iiftor wreatllng with thhiga unanclnl foruovvrnl houra daclded that tha rata for the current year will b twenty mllli on tlio dollar on our aabiunmiflnt of nfiotkl moinlwra all prevent lteovo hwack- iianior in tho chair tlio citimiilttre on klnaticn praent- tl llluir llftaimth rvport nnd rtcnin- iiuiuded payment of accounts n fol- imvm aitom pit lilt pnijtm printing 11 voters ljt etc 11 0 a j mucklnnoi reglutrathin and imiatuuo 1 10 ito n w lluraehuppllrs flrrf kn- rlno mc iao n v mcuim repairs to grader plow etc torrance and whoulur fmlght ftiwl enrtngft 1 n m tlio report waa adopted thu rbulloti inialneas having hoan completed the jouncil want into com- mlttoe of tho wboln to consider the oatlmatea of rccelpta anil expenditures for the ruriunt year those wftro final ly arrived at ns folldwa 1 uetklftm taxes from 1007 hovunuo frnmcematery electric lighting fines llciiiaoa public park htreatannd walks tile etc town liall rents diuirdmoro h co on road account poll tax and dng tax 20 liillu on nsaeasiiioiit of ivkh 2ji00 a hoc 00 1000 000 00 laoo h at 173 00 him tu school truwrbbs kkibotsd rev j o wilson b a and a b mleklln j p tha new mimbth at tho nomination inat friday at noon to propose candidates- to fill tho vaoanoloa in tho hoard ot education caused by the retirement of messrs i frauds and j h coleman municipal clork mack inn on received tho follow ing nnmlhatlnna 1 a t dnmvn w ii pbnnv c c iiknobiiuon a k nlokmn ltbvj o wluion d a after the nomlnntlon messrs a t ilrown w h denny and o o hen donon declined to accept mr a k nloklln and he v j o wilson wore oonsequontly elootod by aoolamatlon mr nloklln was elaotod to fill out tho term of mr francis which expire with tho present yoar and ilov mr wilson that of mr caloman which extends to decemlwr 1000 ac tons board of imunatlon la now composed of the following gontlomen all of whom are keenly interested in tho educational matters of the town oko h aonkw cliulrman ii gninnuii j a mo wat dit b d auir a m nidkmn j p ltuv j c wimo b a oh th bowliho ohbbk an oft week for tha aeton bewlera la bxperlanoed tho post week hna found tha enthus iastic player of acton lawn howling club a trifle off color tho splendid playing of thu past month wni hardly llvad up to ao n result thoy wore defeated liotli on tholr own luwn and last thurailhy evening steelo brothers ouolpli brought down three rlnkrnnd defeated the moala by aome- thing llko thirty point k on tuesday afternoon throe rinks drove to krln arrntigud 111 follows 1 a jmuoklnnon a j lehman w j gould 0 llynds aklpi d m uehdar aon 3 gibbons j holme w r shlaholmt itlpi jr moore j it ennedy a a sooord 3 mcintosh akin the aaoro o lie afternoon was ilftoftftin krlna favors- in the even lap aaton came oitt on top with sooro of to 4b rrln will play heru nn olvlo holl- day kiou 08 2000 00 1a0 00 fil fill na w m 25 2mtrl 71 u00 00 72 00 no ot mm u2a0of 17b 00 511 fut ftoooo anooo mm 10000 4000 11 1 icxpkviiituiiicm ijleolrlc light plant ometary charities county rate general good rnnda free library dahontimia and coupons flro protection insurinn interest nnd discount printing anil advertising puhllohchoolb haliiflos hlnklngfund ht roots and walk town hall hoard of health grant to flro brigade grants to bond und volun teers contingencies 1h03 ot the bylaw fixing the rate of taxa tion and the times for tho payment of tho taxes waa left for n later meeting tho rata will however likely lie twenty mills council adjourned at 10 oclock aoton bvbhb up aoaih by winnlh a oiom asms with 4 11- ton ow bat tito acton base ball nino defeated milton in a ualtonpal league game in tho park hero on saturday by the scoro of throe to two in a conteab that bristled with excitement and linear- talnlty the gitmo waa juab close enough to kvep tho crowd on edge without shoving them into ilia depth of despair tha locale soured one in tho first innings but milton evened matters up in tho fourth and took tho lend by one run in tho fifth and the fana groaned as thla years team ha not dona much coming from behind however much to tho gratlllaallon of the spectators the locals got two run hack in their half of the sixth innings uosnoskl tho first man up inado a single n hydor by a clean drive to loft field advanced him to second taylor sncrlflcid the pnlr a snoki and hoth scored on k hydors long drive to deep centre field thoro waa noth ing doing after this and the visitors ware retired in ono two three ordor in tho next throe innings both llynds and lott pitched groat ball with honors slightly in favor of the former thoy twill hod good control only ono man n byder being doad inuidrd to first tho score t aoton halotom mxss iiocidav a rjltkhtrul ouubk at ouaatai pvoajldant and mr wmtron tha niernbara of hal ton picas awn- elation with their wlvaa auseiuhled at thn king kdward hotel toronto last friday to spend the day in thn city ns the gunata if praildiit and mrs it d warrn thn day provd de lightful in all resmicta and tho pleas ures of t ha day were partlclpalrd in by all the nidulbera of th misnclatlnii with thu exception of major pan ton of tho nlllton clamplon who waa ilmiuit from home during tha week tim company comprised tho follow ing mr aiidmr it d warren herald georgetown mr and mrs it while it former milton mr mid mrs 11 p moore free press acton mr and mrs a h iorater htar oakvllle mr and mrs w j plenty iteeiird uakvluo mr and mrs k a hairls jnwtlf iturllngtnn mr and mr 3 m moor uorald georgetown aftaf art hour spuiif in social inter- course in tha parlors nf tha king kdward lite company waa jnvlted to the dining room where a dainty luncheon waa partaken of president warren occupying the ohlef place at thn bead of tho hoard karly in the afternoon tha company was conveyed to torontos popular new pleasure resort scarboro beach and here tho usuhlly staid and hard working newspaper men and their ladles made the rounds of the gay and giddy attractions or this lakeside rendezvous thoy shot the chute and traversed tho scenic railway t ly did tho buixer and the hnmpai they took in tho tickler and the human in cubator and numerous other less or mom sedate concessions located there including thn laughing gallery and the earthquake tired out from theae restful recreation a corner of the pavllllon was preempted and a brief business meeting was bold at which matters of interest to the craft within the limits of tha county wore dis cussed and a resolution of appreciation to mr and mrs warren was passed for the very enjoyable character of the days proceedings an incident of tho afternoon was the arrival ot mr and mr j h deacon of milton who took the trip for tho ploasure of mooting the newspaper man of the county and their ladle they wore given a very cordial wel come to the company a normal flcbnol to train or ufa in ilia home itndowment pcrmua low rates and high- send your sirs anu nirn daughter sir- sm ter than ever wdtajft cats- to ski ou m alma college new telephone directory the bell telephone co of canada is about to publish a new issue of the official tclchonc directory for the district of central ontario including acton orders for new cotinwlions rhsiiflm of firm names changes olsiraet addtsusa or duplicate antrles ahonld its handed in at once 10 old home week wi soon be he a merry opportunity to buy the needed things at prices that save you a considerable during ryans great building and stockreducing sale wo have planned a right royal entertainment the only kind of entertainment the only kind of entertainment a store uhould kivc a bargain entertainment a few specials mentioned ladles blouef a uw aasattmant of ladles wklle lawn disuses in j sleave ltnt sleva bsttotiod hack or buttoai in frant seme trimmed with tucv laiartieas of em broidery and valencleuiim ethers with pin tucks allover embroidery or with pansl of cmbraldery front apleadld chance to lay in a supply ot b ijltle money regular pi and up bale price fsc for ballihavad mr ferguson arrived safe home last weak looking none tho worse for lil trip to dublin oxoept hi complexion slightly spoiled peter looks quite natural in hi old clothe again fill lug the position a foreman is all vary well but when a follow ha to woar a plug hat he baa but poor protection from the nun ray thla ho been great week for har vesting and abundanae of wheat ha boon teamed in the barley and oat are now about ready to out another pilgrimage of acton bowlora passed through to krln on tuesday mmbhousat tho framework of the fine now barn to replsao tho ona dostroyed by light nlng in june on the lindsay farm will lie raised next weak the crop 1 being stacked and the grain will be threshed from the atock mr w newton feel that the ad justment of the losses he sustained by tho recent fire was not very generous at the meeting of hal ton director at acton on monday a number from hare will take tho excursion to burlington beach to day more however are arranging to join the acton firemen excursion to niagara vail next wednesday tho llmo business ha nob the big rush just now wbloli last midsummer experienced u 11 a w modonnld 1 b 4 ii ii ii 1 1 rosnoskl 1 f 1 11111 n ityder a ii 2 a 8 1 0 taylor a a k ityder 2 b wmrus r r a 0 1 1 11 1 2 n 1 a 11 1 11 0 0 100 llynds p wilds ifb 11 11 0 0 a 1 0 0 0 a 4 1 holmes 0 f 11 11 0 0 0 1 total m uiiton ii is 27 14 n 1 if po a u telfer brrrr moaffoo 0 n 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 flamming 1 h 4 1 1 la 0 0 ohlshnltn r f 4 0 0 1 11 0 4 10 0 4 0 wto 4 0 1 1 a 0 00100 hnrtly o f 1 0 0 1 0 11 urpuort a 11 at 00 summary t two bate hit n itytlur flamming 1 struck nut by llynds 7 by lnttfl t base on ball off lott 1 1 hit by pitched ball n ityder pauud balls moaffe 3 1 sacrifice hit taylor k ityder 1 earned runs acton 2 1 first baso on error milton 2 1 left on base aeton 4 milton 5 1 stolon bases n byder taylor b byder 2 telfer lott umpires gould and peacock time of game 180 haitonpttui lkacltiu blmhuiil won luht v1 atmw jj 3 711 mhton a o 2h o buninutown 1 3 o 42 nomination not yatttaookptbd mr- d meorwiroitaaullcoaajdei- inv the llbaml ouuudature mr j d mcgregor of trafalgar who was nominated at the recent lib oral convention a the candidate for tho coming houso of common deo hon hn not yet signified hi inten unit to accept the nomination mr maqregor wa not preaent at the con vention nnd therefore there wa nothing dellnlta as to his candidature a meeting nf the executive of the liberal association hae been flailed for friday 7th august when the matter will no doubt be definitely decided track vounlir now por your own your children nnd you 1 rrundaoake- hlseasod part of tho air passage can hast bo roacbod by dry air tho branchial tube and lung can only be raachad by dry air hyoiuel is a dry air treatment from which you gat the iliilaiiiulo effect of living in the pino and kucalyptlq forests whore catar rhal and bronchial troubles dn nob exist hyomel destroy the germ that causti dlsoaio of the breathing organ 1 you simply by the use of a rubber in haler mix hyomel air with your in ward breath as it reaches the diseased part where catarrhal bronchia oroupor pneumonia germs are multi plying by millions tholr life 4 snuffed nut a thoy are tho disease their ex termination moan quick improva- ment a t brown hn the agenoy for hyomel and will furnish the com plete outfit for 9100 under guarantee to satisfy laviniiis mbkslenary cmnu the extenelon uf the laymans mis sionary movement throughout can adn i to he puahed forward vigorous ly thl autumn by ihe holding of a turlca of institutes in a number of oltles from the 10th of september to the 2nd of november mr j camp bell white general boretary of the movement will be in charge for three days in each placo nnd it is expected that dolegatea from surrounding point will attend the oltlv where it is planned to hold these aerie of meet- inge are flallfax ht john hamilton london montreal ottawa winnipeg vancouver calgary hegln toronto and kingston the varlnn denomh national mllonry boards are co operating in the campaign hows this w nffur otts nabsmd toottmluwerafiwanv imol04u4rtb leas aeons b wrsd by ball 1 able to wry cur obligations a t brown local manager nlurjaro navigation company burraxio niaoaka alls ngwyonk timk taulk dally aicept sunday leave toronto 7 jo o 11 a m 1 3 43 suit 5 13 p m arrive in toronto 10 30 a m 1 a 45 4 43 fl 30 and 10 13 p m clly ticltst office pround tloor tradara rank hulldlng 6t von 81 alto a v wabslsr king and yorrs bis a big snap in lad1a wllrtb lawn wauh uklkta with deep r smaller flounce tiimmad wltk larjie tucks regular price fr 45 adi6s ale price obc ladles navy blue black and whits duck watta bklrta wltk nalterna mt strlpea ad dot regular price ft jo and up aaletirlce osc aj dlaceunt en the balance of our stock of ladles white linen indian head pique and lawn uklrts w discount oh all white and cater ed lluslin wash dresses 13 discount all ludlea white and colored wauli bulla something new prlflce artliiir thu latest touch in bummtr collir worn mil ponuur in all lie america cllle qc j wallace mons outfitter mill street acton old iron rig and rubban whnt6d good prlceu paid second hand stoves and repair fer farm machinery supplied morris saxu box 430 acton ont fall term opens sept 1st toeohto 0mt this dollma stands first to pm tartly tbr4jb ad osmsjios tutit fo wbara yoq will yeu will hud our mradrj- sua ptwhlng to the frost tuslraupar- for thluiua ausblm tbam in wsi sua imm rrsiuss boaltlons oolmepn s aummar xatar any umi wltmr eatajtmnm wt j blimotr rrleotpsx qecnar yeoss sod ahsabdair 6u 8urpri8e ian hand laundry cha9 8uey propnotor to mv 1atromb i have now a wonderful new method at doing laundry work of all itlrtdf work is well finished and an injury or damage done to the finest goods shirts collars cuffs veils my specialty collare ironed to as not to be broken in lb wloa and flnlshsd so they will not hurt the neck work for both isdloa and gentlemen eioculed with promptness and entire satis faction and equal la the best ihe cities can produce the old clllien aclon willow street rear of henderson ft gos whltewear ladies drawers of whit ciuubric dp flounce with haasatitched iiilus and hem special sjc isilfea gown e while cambric with yeke f embroidery trimmed willi iscr and insertion kmplre style special gijo forf iij lodles skirt f white cambric deep full lleunce with tucks anil embroidery insertion and edging special ojc shoes 14 prs ladies dougela aud tatsut hal uoodyear welt cuiuh heals regu lar 4oo sale price 9333 10 p ladles deugola and patent bals gimwlyear wait regular ijjo sal price jus- a pairs ladloa doeicolu flutton heavy seles patent tip regular 3 no sale prk l3 is pair ladles deagola tlals patent tip mad i ura solas regular 9130 sale price s1b3 s pairs lad las dotigola mais arid hilltop medium teles regular joo sale price ti4s 7 pslra iadlaa chemlate oxford liajht bhoes ragnlur ijoo sale price ij pairs lojliea patent oxfords plain tee medium soles regular 9oo sale price s v 11 palm laities dongola oxfords patent tip regular lioo sale brlco i 15 14 pairs latlleu doagola osfords patent tip medium soles regular iljn sale price lo 9 pairs miaseu dongdla hau patejit tips sjirlmg heels regular to title price ii7s s pairs misses dengala bala patent tip cow haela regular lioo sate price 1 160 v inpairii misses oongola uals patent tip heavy soles regular f 133- al price inoo i pairs mlssau demgola oa strap slippers bow spring heals regular rjo to 160 sale price vl 33 g b ryan co aexph st auo glinrclj fthvn k1xtou llio uv mjilho wllaoi m a i ill sunday morning jitri ict in in sunday evening irnkn 700 preacher kac mr aahhury cuelpli ilftu lilnlicrinrnls pjioieuty fokite vouii bt aeton sov a8tkay ww imiihu var luin mi laiin ia ofmlt july riutlar will liullr clillbaby advliluu nillinit nikaukn lots j con 1 1c4wumiii or anion 1 o tetjdehs tolt iaintin tbndbllfttoruiainilutlubof tlis aiiuflor of knas viuial aclon will h jamvad u to ilia awauina of ituifiar ausuat wtt kor ravtlaulars sfil u john wiliiauh flb clialiinati lloanl nf mausaara we do what we say water- glass egg preserver costs only lie a dozen and will keep eggs absolutely fresh all winter rubber jar rings oorks all sizes atbrowi mill st acton mpbmffllmrp wtocit oivtial klftsoooj0 thu wbllinoton muyual inbubaflce coupanv uubiuhed 180 oaaaomoe otmljrh omt m issarsbs vsqul to wntmhmbt venn ill astftb also a sat fev vb ubim lasaraasa co almsaac maalajm rtutlbdobs li verx hoton hotbl btkblb8 mill slrmt acton btymbh k10s iloublo or inglg kuppllsd at nliortmt ntlca commercial tkavullllrb or- dbrs kwu special nttantior w ii rutledce proprietor gbuelph old boys honae sfiteek special attention to visitors from acton bring your watches for repairs and get them home with you same day o d- pringle wyndham st guelpli ont gtielphs old home week dont fail to mark the dates but also if you need any kind of fine furniture carpets oilcloths iron beds springs mattresses baby carriages etc to mark well the stand 130 wyndham street and call and get prices special until sold sideboard extension table five diners and one arm at 37ts regular price 4830 cine silk parlor suite allover upholstered very handsome 4 pieces special until sold msa regular price 8000 telephone 253 j m struthers guelph canadas growing time is most strongly marked by the increase of its telephone service the bell telephone go of canada affords service with subscribers exchmfe connection costs only 5 12 to 10 cents per day an extension set on your desk j i- cents per day 8peoial inducements for rural line connection over 300 rural syutcms now connected for full particulars consult the contraot dept or a t brown local manager nerve energy and eyeglasses a constant dropping wears away a alone a slight eye strain injures the health be cause it is constant tho strain which first manifests itself as a slight discomfort should be remedied at once this we gnarantco to do with glasses consultation free delays are dangerous satisfaction guaranteed phmb e a robestson druggist and optician the palace drug store acton rll strasrtl h7sts hklf price kt r s n6ls0ns os kvnohkiu btrbiat qublph let the gentle breeze of summer wait your summer swts to me tho heat of the summer is at hand be- ready with clothing to match a light summer suit or perhaps a pair of trousers would fill tho bill and fit you out season- ly call and see us wmgooper thetfaibor agent for the standard rotary bering machine mill st acton acton civic iioljdav proclamation vtrilktican u liaa tjoau deroruli aaiisvaiy ualoiti ta oli4rnl hi i rmjootl jay as blual cou 11 tliat momuy jrd auiuk eualntu at uil lollallly foi iiiauy lun o tat sum hdar lor ci in llolllay v11i blixaaa lliaraltu tiaaiisvaiv mtlavally aiiiraaiatl wlh lltat tta ualoiti ta ol4rml r tlist idotti1lvtoic thar iilaaa wbaii t irt si itoluta ami wliaraaa ilia munlcliul couti- ill liaa alao tiiioauil tlist alotilay jrj au monday 3rd august 1009 would obaarva ilia sue with ilia abova ami tiuaat that all c asm a ii hwackluuei llmtr haavaaofns juiylorj ik voteksjlist 1908 municipality of the village of acton n s4ii eoiilaa raiiilri1 uuttatt or iallart ot tlia hit mad uurauani toialdaat iravlaad a ur to s oticb la iterelir slvmi that 1 liava triua- tnllulorilsllvaiad to ilia imrsnoatnaiillou oollhaoiiurlovolara mat ael uia a lil haotlou to lie a utlll at all naiia aiitiaairltia lr ilia lut ainaut kotl ef tlia aad muntalm a atilltlad a vola lit tlis ssiil uunialnst mtlona for mattitiara ot tlis laataullva ly and al uulell ilaollona and ibsl t isisldlialwmnrattmatalui at my omea si tha town hall aeton ou lliafiriui day or july 1u0r and ramalua i bar for inauaollon and itiarabyeallupon sit 10 tat a to take im mediate pnueadliiae to liavs any errors or emmlalonaeniraoud aaaenllnsto law dated ttilabftli day o july lottt a j uaokinnok 63 clark el asid uunleliwllty notice tocredit0k3 in tha hatur or the kiuti or jehu heklnnon tau or the townahlp of nautsuuraweya in the county or halton rarmarvdeeeaaed notiob la liereby olen nurauadi to tha uavlaad utatiiu of ontario etiantar lsd and snisnd m sole that all eredltora and ottiers tiavliia alalma analnii ilia saute of ilia ild jolia reklunon who died on or about the althui day ol klay 1uuh arstenalred 011 or before iba elsmli day ot ausuat lus to sand by noal pr- padbrdallrerloa jjuanuunocotuiellias sed surnanim sddraaaea sod daaorlplloe uw lull parlleulare of ibalr olaliui ilia elateinentol tlialr seoounti aiid ttio nature or tlia im aril in if any jiald by tliaui and farther tshe notice that after aueli lul manllonad data tha hxeouiore will proosail to dislrfbuto the suets of tha ssld daoasaad amooa ilia nartlea entitled thereto baalna va- sard only lollis olalma of wlileli they ebairthea riae nolle and that tbe asid kiecotore will act ba llabla for the aald aaaata or any pert thereof to any tisrion or paraons of whoes olalma notice iball not have wen rooelved by iilm at the llmsot audi dletributlon ajalaokinnon ftolleltnr for daniel uaklnnon john uctcinnod snd maraarat hell hiaoutora dated tills tentb day ot july luofl a 1 m syn018i8 0 canadian northwest humebtbad nttoulationb judetlbyi bead of a amity or aiiy nisiabrar inysantof sea to tlia aiuni o onequarter aaollod oliso sore mora or leaa the homesteader is rennlred to perform iba oondltloue 00 unacted tlirrewltb under ona ot iba followlns p atie jilrea nar form lbs renulrod nnlilaiioadiiuoa by urluo on farralnn laud owiiad solely by tilm not leu than alotity iso id aitentln the vlelnty nf tils lioinoauad joint ownarelilp lu land will nol niaal mis requirement ii the lather or mother if the father le deoeued ol a bomeateaitar has permanent reeldanoe on farminq land ownpd rolely by iilm jf p ifi aorea in aaieiit in tu j tpuimtoart or upon a tioiiimtaad entered for hy iilm hi tbe vlohuy aucli boiiie- ataadarnjairiierfariiitirbouii ree del y jierfarm ins nun reel llvliibwilb tlia rather or mntlier urn 1 a raat llue sioluil 4 the term vlolnlly lu ilia two preessdlim paraaraphslb ilefliunt j ineanluii not mora titan flv kk lwlol tu la ni rosil sllawaiioas eroaied in the m assure m an 1 n dlalrlel 61 iiibti intpntlo hlsmontlianntlee in wrltluit ationld be ftt to ths gmnmlmjoiisr ol uomlnion fnds a ottawa of intention to apply lor patent w w oony nauuly ol tho utile tor of tlia interior for mep a boys only dont only read about tho ilutk wo are offering tli nt in nut tliu wiy to uava moiioy come and woe tlib bur- gnimi thoy will convince yon wo nre giving two dollar for one ilolliir on nil our deals in he lint lino shnv hnt at 1 the regular prlco cn at lofla thnn half lliiit munlli only moot jour friaudu in 11 now lint anil have enough left to blow yoiimolf lafontaines fur establishment 95 quebec street guelph ont

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