Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1908, p. 3

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we nr ilastiurl0ra or 1847 rogers knives torks and spoons x news of local import wd dlntf praeanta in bolld silver bhvf plata cut aiaea and fancy china wuddino thnoa marries llooniioo issued geo mill street hynds acton tiivhhdav jiiiv i00s brief local items fln hum it weather july exits to morrow rirniiisnh ovciirhloi nest wednes day mnlurdny will bo kmsuclpntlon day 1st august t to thnl o- jersey city lrjniie game in ouelpli next tuifijny tenders are asked fur the ph in ting if the oxterlor of ktiox church are you going on the firemens excursion to llie ialla next wvdnes day a doon of actons young veople i pic trokwl at htnnley park erin on monday acton voters lists for 1wh mv been completed and nro in tlio hands of the clerk good morning i ilnvo jou rohew ad your fiiii pnjwn subscription do it to dny the sermons liy kov mr cranston in knox churcli inat hundny wero much en joy oil heo tlio siullos on tlie fanner faces tli turn iityi it means smile for the rest of us ton a large portion of tlio wheat crop in thla icctlon lina imen homed in splendid condition the lit ick work of mr r v hon- tleriona now residence oil hower avenue la uuuplolod hoove mwacklmmer liaa untied hla proclamation for civic holiday newt monday hrd august milton council a now after a gai engine works which lliey hope to have located in tho county town the oltlsens hand rave n delight fill concert from tlio town hall grand tand lastthtirtdsy evening mim 1 mjniniiioiiti of tho high school department litis nccepted rt engage inn lit for another year ilov mr ashbury of liielph will preach in fit at bans church next hunday morning and evening our citizen will lie able to take a trip to guclph on civic holiday to en- joy tho old homo week proceeding tho annual drum men hnaek at alton will bo huld on friday and haturdoy several of our cltlsous will attend i mrsd williamson uuolpbstrset favored tho funic pjutkfl with a beauti ful boiiojiiot of oholca nloander flower lait weak ouolpha old homo week all next weak will nttract many of our cltlnena there la nn itttrnctho programme for nvory tiny mr n w hunt or the beard- moro a co tanneries has been laid up tho post week tho raault of running o nail into his right foot muny of our citizens aro arrang ing to go to toronto next week to sea bobs britains great hold mar- 1 hall during hla visit tlioro mr win johnstone im very materially improvod his residence and grounda this spring it is now ono of moat attractive homes n town mr j dohblo tmd his left hand painfully brultod and iscoratod in ono of thn rolling machine at reardmorea olo loather tannery on monday mr of a black has juit completed tlio aato of a conaldombto block of property in guolph to the loudon machinery co at a very satlifactory price tho whont crop is fine and i believe tlio yield will ito heavier than we expected mid a welhaallaflod farmer in tho thick purhu nfllco on tuesday next sunday the quarterly com munion sorvicos ill be hold in the methodist oliurch iova fonit at 10 a m the saauiuient at oloie of even- ing aorvlcu mastor hiirold kpori had ouo of hli feet painfully burned by atopplng on a pleco of hot iron at stephenson blaokimlth aliap on tuewlay afternoon while barefoot owing to tlio ilrouiona ovoiirelon to niagara rails next week tbo fhmb phkm will ihi laiuod a dny varllor than uaual tho itfift having doclded to take in the trip on innue isnt it about tiinn the llhw wera placod in thilt willow street drain the work on which was started over two months ago tlio residents in tho vicinity complain very atrohgly of the delay tho doimind for ta halfcant ter centenary ptamp has exhausted tho local supply thla particular denom ination u llkoly to bo valuable in another decode na a stamp ourioilty with phllfltlllst a card just received from mr a m smith who it touring great britain with tlio canadian tiowlera from brighton kng aaysi we ar bera bowling wo havo lost all our game o far by good healthy marglna tho fit km vutum la the paper tho poople look for enoh week every body reiula it tlio subscriber and ths subsarlbora nnlglihor who borrowa it wouldnt tho borrower feel better if subscribed for a copy for himself mayor davis or oakvllle waa fined 910 and coats in ull 2loa tor giving pbrmlaslon to trim certain hadetmaapn tho slreet the treea were trluiniud contrary to provisions of a town hyhtur and tho municipal officer brought notion far dumages aeoountoi muit ba attlod jlil oeootitttedus to tlio underalgned tnuit itn aettlod by ittth anguat oeo s to veil attno merclmnt when ovoi heated take ft glaaa of load salaila tea it will prove most refreshing ah delightful no a dip in tho eea miss j j allan eyesight special 1st will he at the dominion hotel acton on wednesday august ilth hours 11 a m to 0 p m mr sharp lmmy tld ilin irgaoy of vkkml tvlim by ilia late mrs jamen hhnrp to tlin mntlio- dut church toward nociihiik n duw paraonaga hna wen pid by thw t-x- sin tot of tho ttutnto to tlio imnirtp tniaui hoard annukt tmmnm convention ttia nnniml coiivvntlnii of th vol tin tntif flremenh awoclatlon of ontario will lw hold nt thorold nn augitat hid 4th add ftth tho annual damonatra- tlflii will be held on tlm fltll thr acton fire brigade will imi reprosontud at tlin convention by mer tiioiiikb qainblx ami chief smith nmriy m drewnlnjr aeeldvnt a papular young townsman narrow ly ifiped a wrtvry grave while liath ing in fairy lake on monday after noon he got beyond hi depth and being unable to awlm was in dire ex tremlty until rescued by a coiiplu of oanipsnlons io will now leurii to swim n earnest nu hna on olvl holiday round trip tickets will lie said at single ffrstclass fare to nil stations in canada east of fort arthur and to i niagara falls n v by the o t it i on acton civic holiday monday llrd augtiat tickets are gooil for all trail a on uaturdtfy and monday and to return on tuesday 4th auguit ths hew knlmmeot at0 el it laoka very uiiicli nt if the matter of a now trance aud galea to fair- view cemetery is going to end again this year hi talk at tho council hoard ttirr mrp soma fine doeigne before the council cltliena would appreciate the adoption of one of the designs and the erection of tho gates this summer a taltnud von of cuaul mr it ii clark son of itev dr clark of georgetown won the exhibition scholarship of 1w at to ronto university two years ago en titling him to two years at lolpslo university germany on recommend ation of tho chancellor tho scholar ship lias been contlnuod for tlio third year and mr clark haa coitaented to remain notwithstanding that ho takes his fit i degree next month muels mt toronto rl one of the regimental hands that will be at the canadian national exhi bition toronto is that of the itoyal canadian regiment at present station- 1 ed at halifax n s thla hand by general consot la acknowledged to be the equal of almost any band in tin brltlih military or naval service it conslats of fiftytwo plooos and la cop ducted by an irishman who hb some body bos described him haa muslo in his soul nimsly michael kyan in addition some thirty other bands will furnish music at the exhibition an kajoyble leaujrua imtovahanjre upon invitation of acton kpworth league the leagues of tno slloam and orswsons corner churches vial tod acton on tuesday evening and pro vided the programme for the evening the visitors numbered about thirty mr bsslljohnstone president of tho visiting league occupied tbo ohnlr the programme included solos duets instrumental and literary number by misses wansborough dennis uleavo and johnston and messis day and near and speeches by hove d ii taylor and o w barker and preal dent a t brown it gave manifesta tion of splendid talentamonp the young people at the close tho young ladles of the local league served eako and lemonade and a delightful social hour was spent death of mm jeans sfxune after many months of iii health mrs james frame passed away last saturday evening foryoarasho was ailing and m few months ego suffered from a stroke of partial paralysis from which tho never recovered mr and mrs frame came to acton from oalt eight or ten years ago deceased was a woman of quiet and retlrlns disposi tion those who knew her well hold her in high esteem she was joined in wedlock to her bereft huihand thirty years ago the pair were childless 8ho was ail adhnrent of tho presbyterian church and the funeral service was conducted by itev mr cranston on monday morning the romalns were taken to oalt by tho morning train for interment in thn family plot there jewlah ceremony of otvoumetelon tli seoond male child born among the bttttlan jews who have boon col onlslng here tbo past three or four years had his hlrth in tho homo of mr l stnrkinan beard moro ores cent on the 17th july in accordance with the custom which all jews hold to be a most soared command the day for the clrcttmolelon of the child the eighth day came on saturday for the carrying out of this rlto itev p dolgove of one of thn toronto syna gogues cam to town and the cere mooy was performed at tho home of the parents at high noon those who held places of honor as assistants to rev mr dolgove were messrs s jaaevl ouelph t and u saxe b goldstein and mr and mrs j frank- el acton tho child was given the name of morris at the conclusion of the ceremony a shower of nuts and sweetmeats and ejaculations of masai- dvor good luok wore inada un nil sldee of the room by member of the large company awemhled a few christian fellowoltliens were present oa invited guests oldlere home from quebec tired but with the memory of on of tbo best outings in tholr experience the acton contingent arrived home safely on monday and tuesday from the teroentenary celebration at que bec there was much hard work sthl the men had time to enjoy homselves thoroughly and on of the boys ex pressed the sentiments of his com rades when he said t m was tho sight of a lifetime and i am not sorry that i went along j would go a long way to see another such spectacle they all describe the great review or the troops bytheprlpeoofwalecof a usgau cent demonstration owing to the ex oesslv heat some were exhausted however there was no eoiious illness whloh ineakb very highly for the i man net in whloh the camp were con- 1 ducted there was of course the usual grumbling over the army rations of beans hree tlmee a day hut withal they had an exceptionally good out ing there was quite a blfc of work for ths soldiers hut they aooeptedfeln good spirit and managed to get as muoh tloie off as they hoped for an attmtetlvo othr profaaaor graham of the poultry de partment of the ontnrlo agriculture col inge jiifllph hwa ncolvdd nn to lakn a almllsr polloii ut tbo htorr agricultural farm of coniirfiticiit nt 02oo n yrer th pmf wa foi met ly hob by ida brother c k orahnin who gmi to virginia ft uat obawrva ajunday lwa honm of our uiiauliui jtttv fillow oltlxmis will mptlm to owrvu cap- adan huiidity lw nmio ftmtfully or they will find thumaelvee in trouble cumplaliita were laid ikfore conatablo cur nuba n lait week of unseemly do ings on sunday tin lnw la atrlot and the enalllew aevere adult bible olo at bt albn a young mana hlbln class la to be for mod on the second hominy in aug ust at st albaua church ntil oclock it will ite held in the veutry the hector hopea that thla rluaa will upply a need tlm la much felt among the yowng men of tlui ongliigntlou queatlonannjl dlbcuaalone will lie in- vlted bb6v harvaiaiueomat itobert korf of hamilton covered himself with glory by winning the ijco mot re rnoeatlhognitieenttlieolytiiplfli london kng hehas been doing aomo wonderful work at the olympic games and his victory puts him wttb tho top ruilg bprlnlurs of tbo wurld korr ran in aotou n tmt tlmea ntnlhlnllo fnn- tcits here and alwuys enme out awlfi ner- a valuable oonatlon tho lutorsat which dr jiihu m mac- donald haa always shown hliuuclf fo have in tho aotmi rh u hna been further manifested by hla ptuaontlng the school through imuclpal w ii stswart a handsome coiiijiuiiud sulci o scope and a bell jar tlieau are vilu ablo aildltlona to tho exlonalve sclunco appliances otjho high hcliool dopart- ment oakvllla s40 municipal ci alt oskvllle li going ahiiid in thn mat ter of its expenditures nt a raco horso pace the ontario hallway and mun icipal board have validated bylaws passed by tho inunlcmllty authorizing a total expenditure ur 7o0ftu nnd in creasing the rate of interest an tlio townedobontureafrom jj to fl percent or the total amount 10000 la to bo expended on waterworks i 910000 on electric light plants i 2hm nn tho high school and 0000 on tho public school the msrormef offle moorehed on tliursdsy evening kdltor white of the milton reformer was in hl office for a short time and left to at tend a meeting in the dowar block on the opposite side of main st on go ing out lie blew nut a lamp which stood on his desk tt n mlnutea inter he happened to look out of a window and saw his office windows illuminat ed he rushed across tho ulreot and into his aflloe where ho found tpilto a blase on his desk he tried to beut it out with a tain coat but finding that he was only fanning tho flames and as there was no water in tho ofllce he ran to the town hull nnd sounded the dro alarm and tho brigade turned out but in the mean ii mo two of mr whites good uolghliors put out tbo fire with water from buckets no ser ious dstnugo wmb done merely tlm scorching of woodwork und tlm char ring of the baoka of aomo of mr whites books and paper social and personal worbk than onions bad breath from itidlaeauon cannot be overoom with perfumoa ninetenths of the attentive breath is a result of stomach trouble it can not be overcome by breath perfnmoa or any other palliative mensures if you have a bad breath if thore is heartburn katulonco and gulplngs of undigested food i if tho stomach burns or smarts t if thorn is sleepless ner vousness lieadaches ar any other symptoms of indigestion use miona stomach tablets and got woll afio cont box of miona stomach tablets last for a couple of weeks nnd will ward off a doxon mild attacks of indigestion while its continued use will give an absolute nnd complete cure a t brown has seen so many cures mode by miona stomach tablets that he glvos a guarantee with every box to refund the money if it falls hbwb longboat tho indian broko down at tho 30th mile of the murnthon raco at london on friday ilayus a u s athlete won wireless communication has been est abt shod uccosafully betwoon tho motor balloon of an airship battalion and a teres trial wireless station several messages were oxohangod hi the course of an hours flight lovl wodge a woll known farmer pf foothill committed suicide by hanging on monday nftornnon the next meeting of tho church union committee will bo held in december and not september as was formerly decided upon absolute security oenulne carters little liver pills muat shhir signature of ass p m w ir b niwiiatv rbluuiiutiisv niittiniuvn mcmtttiratidst nitaulwiuh mr henry hell vulled rlatlva in drnmpton on friday mr kohrrt hynda of glanwillurus wna lionin ovwr sunday mine initio graliem of krln vlalted acton frli nd laat wrek itev d ilngriw of heaforlli vlalted anlrdii filuuila ynutflidny mr w ii adunie or toronto via ltd frlonda hero thla week mr hilton jeauu was home from guelph for a weekend visit mr nnd mm william brown were in toronto during the week mlaa gertie johnstone spent a few daya in toronto the past week mlaa iwarl stewart and master har old are vultlng frlaiida at fergus mlas koheiia clark ijienta day or bo last week with friends in toronto miims dalay and kdlth nlcklln arrived homo from mtukokatastweek mlas ileasancamatheson of ooper oil it vmted mt- n f moora idle week mi junisa mcdonald was t h e frnmlnrry hound for a few day this week mjaenelllu hyndsloft monday on a holiday trip to gloversvlldi and nr york mr thomas brunt of torontoepnt a day or two inst week with acton rrliunla muu a til it tovell of toronto is vuitlifg her friend miss mauilo mooilea mr and mis win meule and eon of chicago nro guests of irhiolpal stewart mibrcb ilortua hpofght and clara cobban left on monday to visit friends in detroit miis lily mcmurchy is spending a weok or so with ft lends in cheltenham and other points mlsa annie porter bpent the first three weeks or her vacation with friends in toronto mr a i nlcklln left yesterday moruhig on a builneas trip through tho western provinces mibb kdlth draiier of keswick has been visiting her friend miss margaret bonnott tho past week mrs john kenney jr and children will return to day after spending a j fortnight at stanley park mrs lawrence hunter of toronto wne a guest at tho homo of ber brother mr w ii- donny this week misses b and m barber aud m shurpe of lmohouii spent sunday at tho homo or mr o c speight mr hugh klnnnrd or philadelphia arrived home on monday to attend the funeral of his rather the lata william klnnard mrs ii d davis and habo loft for her home at mitchell on tuesday i lor sister mse ada holmes accom panied her miss louibo mclean or windsor spent a duy or so lust weak with her brother mr f a mclean of tbo mer- chnntn bunk mrs lunn si end mrs adam lunn of gait were called to the bed- eldoortlioforinorsdaiigliter mr jas frame inst week r miss hat tie bingham und mlua holan connor of chicago spent a few dnys during tho week at the hamu of mr robt bennett mrs john forbes and children and mrs lester rico and children left last week to join tholr husbands in their paw homos nt saginaw mich mr frank warner who j now in parry sound was in town on satur day ho had boon npxo diubuin at tending tho funeral of his father mies hagey nnd mrs llanos of philadelphia pa and miss nell la hagey of waterloo vuitad at tho homo of dr iloro the past weak mrs sarah little who spent the last your or two with friends in portland oregon arrived in town a couple of weoks ago and will sputid the summer hero mr and mrs d henderson m p arrived homo from ottawa last week they were voryglnd to got borne again after tho prolonged session of parlia ment mr and mis w monubbntid family hnvo iwon enjoying tho past week ut creomnro uiwl cnlllngwood mr mo- nubble homo for a fotv days but will return in u couple of weoks mr john matthews of toronto for ninny years an esteemed resident of acton celebrated his eightieth birth day last saturday there was a family rounlon to commemorate the event mian amelia huahnnd is hnnio from hnminot hoapltiil kile pu for nn indefinite period tlio mutes ada wood and grace cuughoy of isrlo aro spending some tlmo at miss husbands home tho filends hero of mr rev d ii taylor rock wood wlm last spring wne tho victim of a fractured limb were pleased tn seo that she was nble to visit acton with mr taylor on tuasday uvonlng lovu that feeds beauty stum dies of starvation i bank hamiln no tar no paper brentford roofing is cheaper and better than shingles it is fire proor water proof acid and alkali proof how our brantford asphalt roofing cels la muov from the imji 1 wool full katurateil and touted mi dor u now prnoetn with allmlt u u ruhtier like iloiiuuly loinpruuril roofing foil caalad nn imtli ililca wllli slllclte rnlu the action of vapor nthu und fire not nuvted by lion i or cold will nntktlck in roll eiully sfflxml put up in rolls si intvieti wide und n feet h inches lone containing lol nqitare feat heavy cajilnjj trapped in r f- jolstoqe go hkrdwkre ont right house hamiltons lavoiutb siioitino ilacb frfee trips to hamilton for our outoftown customers your r0ohd trip fares will be re funded during tbe balance of july as follows up 1o is miles on purchases of 1000 or more up 1o 25 miles on purchases of 1500 or more up 1o 40 miles on purchases of 2500 or more up to 50 miles on purchases of 3500 or more up to 75 miles on purchases of 5000 or more we arc particularly desirous that our out- oftown customers should share the bargains and moneysaving chances of tho great right house july clearance reduction sales and we make this special refund of railway fares offer so they may do so without extra expense no red tape or delay about the refunds simply present the return half ol your ticket to the salesman and the refund will be promptly made as above r it mtahm tl siammk uiuttumta tluw tfc u m t ih stammh hj mirth ikmd th r j mi nrt01m m jv kmirlhxui mtipwwkmiyliuwulmw lrl citaimioi r mlmwikll s3 for sale by d a robk drurjlsl acton stovel thireat shoe man mill 8trikoton is no woll aatludeil with til sit salo ho continue tho gronl six weem look nt thin 1st of reduced price j si pru moils dongola hau and csngress regular 300 for 10 pru mens dongeu bal nnd coiigrerii plain regular 3 as for 95 pro moils dongolu bnln and calf llalu regular 9335 for 16 prs mens llox cnlf bnlu regulni j3 for 10 prs muns patent colt llttit- chers regular 94 00 for si pro womens ptcntn hint- chers regular 93 50 foi 30 pro wamona dongalnu rog- ulnr jr 75 for geo- mill st conducted that he has decided to cert prices for longer nr women 0ord rgu- as swis or ilj j pru womens detigotou but- regular 335 or 1 51 a palm womens dongola con ni regular li 35 for 1 1 4 pairs misses tail blulcliern a 6jeulur si 75 for 13 faint misboh dongola ilnl lutclteru regular 14 for 1 s 14 pairs mtues whlto oxfords gular 9i 93 for 5 an pnln infants tihoeu lace and itton regular 60c for 0 ovel acton thomas c w atkins coplntpi kino st cut huohion hamilton ont h h unsworth no clogs here in the wheels of commerce a chance for every man woman and child to save money remember a penny saved is a penny gained this is not only a chance to save tho pennies but the dol lars as well genuine bargains throughout tho store in carpels curtains wall papers muslins prints waists jackets corset covers drawers embroideries etc etc mens and boys two and three piece suits gents furnishings straw and felt hits caps etc the groceries will also receive their share of the price cutting a genuine sale of rjenuino goods with strictly reliable and honest dealing millinery dress goods skirts laces h h unswortli p h all ccouitu must bo nettfr the hill auguut mens straws h hct0n jacksons jacksons our mow byitom or ouh buying nd ouh balling bnablm nil to obur you this weak borne big snap if price all must go not one reserved its simply a maticjl picking out tho shape most becoming to you and youre sure to find that uhape licre 1 at tho price tag then pay us just half what its marked mens light weight 2piece sui onethird off g tho balance of our 3piece summer suith arc macd for quick clearance at one- third oil tho priceu and every suit is n perfect exprosaionlf correct warm weather clothes so this is a generous offer here they are lo dos meum black dsnlm overalls with bib aluismoelis to match regu lar 8 jo to 9loo tills week tyo h dos mens work shirts striped oxfords medium to dark shades regu uraoto6s tills week 430 9 dot mens work skirts black drill with wlllte stripes and spot rag utr 7jtflqsq this week 90 ao dex mens feurlnhand ties 15 dos shield neck ties is dos row ties all grand tpinllty ullk new designs and rich colarlng regular ajc this week 1 for do you net now wish to select y lines are complete t veu knew if yt thnii if yeu came later we wish u hosiery early we aro matklng the price en these goods have any to carry over wlion tho selling season is pant these are the values we can give yeu isc 300 suits for j 1606 suits for 1007 1000 suits for 007 1350 suits for 9m i8cjsuity or guelph odsandwthnq ladles embroidered block cash mere hole 8 o tf snd 10 rega- larjso this week sic i ladles nisck cashmere hose rlbbetl r plain suee hj fj rjl and 10 regular 33 and 40c this week ago ladles taffeta gloves new brown end tan shades regular goo this week 330 dresb goods hfbcials ninck melrose clotlt regular 9iso tilts week 030 crean lustre foncy patterns regu isrbsc this week jbe satin finish prunella cloth regular 9ioo this week 730 striped crepeeu regular 850 this week r sic satin clotlt regular 73c this week 4i0 pcnrl buttons dosen in corset cover embroideries tltls week 330 pnttsrnu 10 33c patterns sje 430 patterns 310 6ocfauoms 4jr 3 inch silk ribbon best quality nit colors regulnr age this week 190 4 ineli silk ribbon regular aoc this week 160 3 inolt slllr ribbon regular 170 this week 130 a nig showing of laces embroideries and dress trimmings all at special pig- urea j h jhckson oeorcbtomin

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