Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 30, 1908, p. 4

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je tton ftte rcb5 dav iuly tub riiv a my my yn ll lllllff t nil the dny an lil lln litixtu wllik a utmmminr tlllitrty rlblwrty tiling 1 on woiilrtn f annuls a thn it hlo uixe had dirt iiktli for nil of tlio task tliat lilt tt inn for iiibtnnro to day i wiiii r udlng nway of fulriouitiid tfikhiilh tmd ilia irauks tli lit 1 1 in y iiluy when ft my game liy ami than liu lieurnn on n horrible plan of worryltf hurrying ttcurrylnji in anil licking tlio enila of my iiom and my rhln intii im ifkutodle with wrnth nml ohftftrln now im n 1ic llilnu i w tljn my hu wan fiiiill hod hopntid hed fling halxao amd tmi thiatr a story uniw iti of ibthuio i rulrtrd hy it litnid a imruliif ywlmul ulinlanloti to ilal kuch imiiiminiil witseonn at work hy ifjfllt of tll tlhkltl at tile loek of ilia dunk ill til novelists cliamthir lltltao wnu iinii at i ho tlnif lint llin mov- ii km la of lli intrude urouand him ihti tiurtflmi whu whh worblnk tnoat iniluatrloiul muiwd a strident imiiiiii artiait hla m ration and litt iwliald hy lint i noon llu lit tho novelist eltllufr up hi iwd ida aldra aching with imi 111 iter what in it that uiakea yon uierry i demanded the liurylnr i laugh refilled tho author or ivr florlot to ihlnk that you should come in tlio night without a lantern to search my dealt for money whan i can never find any there in hrond day huh i stoma jn iv alwaysj bought and which how been ho yearn ha born tho altrrmtnr of iui4 baa boon inndo under hl per mono hu0orvtalon alnoe 1u infancy allow no one to dereivo you in tbla mltatlona andornrtaffoodnr bat with niidonduutirertha health of in leirienco ngodnst kxporltuent ilnd luiyxnnd liod sing whlln j would do notlilni but wimble at that fly icaeh lima ho cams hy deep wrath in my eye i never couhl lilt idol iiowovaf i 1 try i whacked for two hour with nil or my jvowcrs t and when it wm don i ant weary and toary wlillo lie waa no frcah a when ho had ihigiih john ksndrlck linn pp in h nirlialai tllsfl marihbbral oohpaw nothing in mm navigational equip mont of a ship 1ms lieen tho subject of more mi ion a research or receive more junloiin earn than tho mariners compass tlio popular notion of thn canipam nesdlu always pointing north and south la uull mora nccurato than ovn popular notions usually are kven undur tho most favorably con dition there nro only certain pucea upon the atirfico of the mirth whore tliecoinpnuu iiucillo doea point north nnd south and it la quite aafo to my that such oundltlona arc never founctf on imnrd of any ship but wo mint go further and any tint no more unfavorable position could lie found fur a oonipaaa that pn hoard of n modern ttoamalilp wliloli a complicated nifua of ato all tend ing toduiw thocoinpnunebdlofroinlta ftllrglaiicn to tlio mngnotlo pole of tho iinrtli warring inllupnoaa which mint twada ito oountornotcd by all aorta of device which hedge round the inatril- liidnt by nn invlalhlo wall of aonlllot- ing curranta of inngnotlim and ab if thla wuro not enough there are now huge dynamos to be reckoned with producing electric- current for all sorts of purpose on hoard id the midst of tlieao mystic currents tlio poor little compass needle upon which tho mariner depends for his guide across the traoklesa dop hangs sus pended like ouo shrinking saint sur- rotiadtd by legions of devils am appropjtlatk ravih ildrry and kthel ware crossing n odd on tjiolr rtaurn frnlu hahbeth school when they ancounterfd a hull at tlis auluiala approach tday lied jr terror faster and faster thay ran yy t pttarer and nearer cjima tha bull we must praypautd jcurry voifdo it litlwl pleadwl well knrol dqwn right here no wult pray running you ought to do it youre n girl iord0 lordj cant sobbed ithol you lo it tlio proximity of tho bull dciuandtid immediate action and harry roan to the ocaaalon loudly and fervently ho prayed ojord for what we are alxmt to recolvo make us truly thankful i a time for kverylhlng tho time for or tlioiims jlejectrlo oil in wlmn croupy syinpuinis apwar in tho chil dren i when rhetimatle pains iwavt the old t whuu lumltago asthma eougba colds catarrh or earache attack either young or old i whin burns acalda abrasions contusions or sprains come to any mouiher of ths family in nny of thiuo alluienla it will give relief and work a euro cnjit- tforlci con til ftitbsi ntul cuc mid ntojtu cenol lis castoria ilea mibatltiito for castor oh lro- muothliitf hyrupa it u xmcuant it plursi morpliliio nor othor marcotla itn fiwrantfco it dcatroysj avoriiim c jt curett ixnrrluioa tuid wind peothlnfif tronblna cure ooiihtlpiitloh mi aamhtillnto tho food reaulatcn tho mk glvliit lictthlay and iititiirul uloeu vuoca tho mothora kvrlcid astoria io blgnaturo of always advantaoh or or1edit my big sister has a bsa u hos mine hut i dont like him know what my sister d do if i didnt hko liar beau nn wlmtd she do r hhed send hhn lis ok and get him changed came wova got a charge ac count at tlio store he comes from tie k have always bought lor over 30 years charl red hy domini the ialntlllin 1h64 ahbltrationin thbantlpodamf an agreomonb waa recently reached between tho new south wales typo graphical association and the employ ing printer and publishers of sydney through tho mediation of the court of arbitration of now 6011th wale the see rotary of the sydney union is au thority for the statement that the award is working to the ad van tag of alf 00m posing room employes t that more are employed and all receive little mora for fewer hour than for- inorly all machine composition i on a ploce hasls a clause was inserted in tlio scale at tho request of th em ployer whlob provldo for a slightly reduced wage for those man who from old ago or othor onusaa cannot do the work required of the younger anil more aotlvo employes men who had grown old in their service so in tills manner sought to provldo for their contluued employment baho it again f tho family wero gathered in tho library admiring a apeifdld thundor- utorrfti when tho mother bethought herself of dorothy alone in tho nur- sory fearing lost her littlo daughter should ha 11 woke nod and feet afraid she slipped nway to reassure her latislng at the dojjr however in a vivid fjftsfa of lightning which illum inated the whole room she saw hor youngout olive hrnnoh slttlnff straight up in bed her big brown eye were glowing with okoltoiuunt and she dapped her chubby bandit while lu hop shrill volon allotted encouragingly bngit again j mil hung it agulo i delineator suffered from heart and nerve troubles for the last ten years if there he nerve derangement of any kind it la bound to produce all tin various phenomena of heart derange ment in miuiurhs hkart and nafrvat fllui a combined treatment that will eur au forms of nervous disorders a well aa act upon tlio heart itself mr john wloy douro ont writes i have been a great sufferer from heart nml nere trouble for the past ten years after trying many remedies and doctoring for two years without the least benefit t decided to give mil huma heart and kerve pill a trial i am thankful to aay that after using nine boxes i am entirely cured and would recommend them to all sufferers price m cent per box or s boxes for j 12fl at all dealer or mailed direct on receipt of prloe by the t milburn co limited toronto pel hants bank canada v mon 1 uuai- uj llrancliea vice rtealdent jowvriuw iiohokon utq ngerl v huiipuh uepoalls over 00 a 000 00 total aitata i31 00000000 one dollar or iinwanl1 nk dki08its oiar or iipwarua hon8y w any tlms no tlatsy intareit added fdj preiiilent sir ii m01 capital i surplus pamklata ive a good notion aald lloldliig itp to join die foraatry uaaotila- turn what fur i want du tree preserved in all dnlr vtmsrabla lrauty i want to are da monarch of de wllderneas left unduturhed in dnlr pactiful majnaty iln tlmndls praotlca of handln a man anux an telling him ti chop wood was stopped altaant mlndadly the young woman yawimd 1iirdoii ine aliri said i dldn t mean to do thut il wp raponded mr ilngerlong onenetl by inlatake the baby waa alow about talking and his aunt wo deploring tho fact four yea 1 old kllxabeth listened an xloualy oh mother she ventured at length do you think hell grow up kogluhw couldnt any of tie understrfnd him f ha turned out to be k ranch i a little toy was asked whojii ho thoiight was the moat wicked uiao mentioned in llw hllile moses reapond4l the iwy eftar some reflection whan requested hl reason for the strange chojct he said t i mon must have been thewurat mnn imtcause ho broke all the com- ihandments at once now my good man you nulsnt bring your wheelbarrow through her you must go r6und the other way at en t you aware that this is conse crated ground p well sur i didnt knaw hut what the harry war nt con ac rated too i horryd it u the sexton that was why drown i say green you are just the man i want to see you have known mo now for five years havent you v green ye urown well i would like you to accommodate me with a loan of ave dollars orern horry urown but i cant hrown cant p why not p qreen lleeause ive known you for flvo years facts for sick wo uv ipocial facillil j ir sale note uciiiiuai 1 w wu1 c onco ii ililril ii low ral of inlra joint accounts idler on rny i jei we will open tccounli n huibsnd or wile elc in two name o dial aoton branch w s chisholm manager canain national aud29 ejbition sept 14 toqnto owaleri and best a fahlblllon in all the world la ery provlrico scuds ito producls grand ai from the patla j lafermallonal 1 ooooo and attractions mammolb aftuhcdbud goucerli an collection other oldworlj oalltl ihbo and alltlo spofel innocence i hotter tliaq npanunoa i an uniiilllod llh i better than pardon boholfl ojlalvonxa waatte of cash muorlymy wlftf is affile tod with a wasting disease wliemwystlng dluaaal mlxsrly yes t she has a bad case of the shopping habit to our a gold in ond dav ulltl take s uill llrouaqnlnlna tsbut iptba monay l uuili to the siedif sebastopol wlij rarloraara idlemalloaal dod l inlcrnnllonal cat show 8000 livuock on vlew r rlw w l jj j 0 oh otf ball t a man may overtake a lot of people on the road to ruin but ho never meal anyone hollo way a corn cure is a specific for tho removal of corns and warts we havo nsver heard of it falling to remove even tho worst kind no othor medicine linn hoctvao ucoonjiful in m ho vino uiu huttorlnu of woinon or rccolvou uo many gen- nliio tcntfmnnlulm nn hua iyula k lhkliarnwvepfltihtocoitipound in vory cominuoilty you will llnd woman who imvo lwnn roiitorod to honltltby tydln k ritwmmwck- ctnhlo componnd almonb every 0110 you moot holt oltljor bofln iwno- litctl by it or hnn f rlomln who havo in tlio hnulmijt ijilwiratory at iynn juiiah nuy woman anydny mny aoo tho lllo contnlnlnu over ono mll- hnn ono hutulmd thomaiid lottora from women boculnp htaltli nnd horo nro tho lottora in avhloh thoy oponly atato ovor tuolr own nlgim- tuiva that thoy wore cured by lydui e llnklunnfl vcruuiblo compound iydla k rinkliaran veffutnblo compound iioh navod many women from hurglcnt onorntloiih lydla k ifnkhamii vckottiblo compound in mario from rootn nnd horbfi without drngn nnd la whole anrno nnd imrmlchh tlio reason why iydla b flnk- hamr vogotnblo compound is no aueccaaful in ikccaugo it contain in- krodlonta which net directly upon tho fo mini no orgtuilhm rcntortng it to ti lmalthy normal condition women who nro bufforlnp from thoao dlfltremlnp u1h peculiar to tholr aox flhonld not logo hhtht of thene fnota or doubt tlio ability of irlia k lhnltlmmii vegotnblo compound to robtoro tliolr lxoaltu old aortic will lw mora enioyabl if o wear haw hat or cap it your duly a a cwienloteltyoorfrlemu aboul la i onlafn iii ble ii you do nol wear one youraelt 250 nnd 300 hats at 100 straw hatn half price caps half price see them and take ad vantage lafootaines fur establishment 95 quebec sfrcet guelph ont we want a rcliablclocal salesman for aotoll and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries lament hat of commercial and domen tic fruit large amlamiui ornament al ami shade tree flowering nlirubs vines rosea fine need potateca one of our bpeclaltlch stock that u linrdy comei front uu a permanent situation for right man for whom territory will lie resarvod pay weakly free equipment write for particulars stone wellington pontlilll ntiraarlea sso aero toronto ontario tiic crand trunk raiiwav vaiul naicn tit ainu the berlin steam granite and marble works caartcn uhaun iiciiiicm an h nil n oleumi moiiiimenlr m nonca an i ill kla l 1 f r i hi nine maui rlrrn aod lleatjf this above all to thine own self bo trua 1 and it must follow aa thu night the day thou canst not then bo false to any man htmkospeare tho fear of doath is novor sti hhn who tins learned how to wliltton iialr thb plbaburb h1dnioht oilmttanb 8uioidk 1ooplo talk nliout thn midnight oil ns if it had noma vlrtuo attached to it write dootoi kdwiird kvorott llulc in wniuiinri unnin ooinanloii for august in truth four time out of five th midnight oil mvans that you have uoglsoted onio duty which should imvo heon attonded to iwforo the uun wont down unltis ouch night recover the ground lost in tho exertion of the day before you urn 00 nun i tt i ng suicide hy inches 1 and you have no right to commit snioldo at nil nkkdbd monn than words on tho mighty doep tho gryat oooan liner rolled and pitched henry faltered the young bride do you still lovo niop more than ovor darling i waa henry fervent answer then there wna an element alienee henry ho gasped turning her pale ghastly face awny i thought that would make me feel better but it doesnt i tho youngest girl of n baltimore family was reoontly much distressed at dessert to discover that there was loo cream for dinner oh papal exclaimed tho young uter reproft oh fully why didnt thoy toll me this morning that we were going to have loeoroam t what difference would that have made p ivotal sighed ths child i could have lieen expecting it all day i o sb bbs jp o xe x jk an idkal or patniorram im our nlijoct iw our onuntrj ivliolu country ami nothing itiit our aountry anil by the hlovalnff or goil may that oountry itaolf hooomo a vaab anil aplainlld v uionumant not or oppreaalon and terror hut of wla doni or noaoe auil or liberty upon wliloli the world may bene with ed miration forever i to prevent i betterthan lol a little inodlclne in the ehane wonilortul pellet wliloli are km parmolooe vcfrolnlilo 1iii nu tared at tho proper time anil wll lllreotlonaodlieioil to oflon prev orloiii nttimli ot aloltneia and money nhloh would go to thu 1 in all irrehiilnrltlea or the dlgi organe they nro on invahinhlo go ivoand by cloanilng the blond clear the akin of imperfection was troubled with his back for over twenty- live years got him brcry elnd of medicine bat doans kidney pills finally cubed him mra ii a ripper fanartoa oat wriuai i can certainly waommem your doan kldaay pula my hubaiul had been ireoklad with all bank for over twee tv flv veer i opt bin vary kind of nedlolc i could think of boa thay did him no moil a frundadvldhleitoat aerca cruoana kldeyyl v twokeaea and thay oorad him oomelauly 11 feab ilka a new man ao he eey anjl will navar ba wltheub a box cl doan a kidney pill in the bcaaa th prlc of doankidnr piiuim eonti per bos cr i boaaa for ii 29 at all dmilerj or will b mailed direct m neelpt l price by the doea kidney illl lu toronto ool wlllli flcnistfect acton pump xvii tilk works 0 b ebdak proprietor oar j n in o urn n w nuv c mipptxl ultli alt ho lute i unci inert nml appliances farjiianulucttirliit rumps mad jmnji luppltra tuo far wait cistorai cuivvrt steam 1ipo fitting toojs mid vtp suppll i o tier proiiipll l llctl main sntl i t acton pliable yet tough you might begin your acquaintance with storcy goods by inveatlng lu a pair of these honchdc mitu theyre excellent cxamplca of how tough nml pliable mitu mny ht made by our chrome proccas with the added bntiflfnction of knowing they will not become stiff hen scorched or ncaldcd dont forget to lm storeys nnd the 11 rememler ou by wearing longest at ell stores w h storey son limited acton i liftr everton m eden mills the ileat qunllty ot man family nnd pnatiy flour for enlo at lowoet prices our own make chopping dnno nntl oais itolled every day teed for aalo cash for v heat and oat henry hortop aoton hand laundry our dotilit can never sustain m ohcur nnd ennrago nro tho first esseii tlals in all ncoouipllshmont soul to hu innocent i not to ho guilty t hut to lie virtuous is to overcome our evil inclinations- ponu homo person havo periodical at- tuok of canadian cholorn dysvntury or dlnrrlinon nnd havo to use great precautions to avoid tho disease change of water cooking and green fruit la stiro to bring on tho attacks to hiicii persons we would reqomtnond dr j d knllaggs dysentery cordial us being tho best medicine on the let u havo faith tlwt right u miner cmplalnt u iia in fow drops nro takon in water whon you may have noticed bow much easier it is to exchange your money for experience than it is to swap your experience for money castoria for lufxixte and chlldnn tlii km you hm always bought of mliyl i i v in row drop nro taaon in waior whou r th m coin l trouble- will bo oxperloncod what thou dnest do ohorrfnlly ohoorfulnesa lu llm ntmnsphoro in ivhloli all good nffeotlonsgrqw dray a tonlo for the pliutd-par- melons vegetable pills hy acting mlhb lyhut thoroughly on tho secretions of of the body are valuable tonlo stim ulating the legging organ to healthful toaji tekn in graduated dnae poinuog medldna i ta tal ang ao need that they ean be dlacontln- banlaher and a uizz i foundation prtneixtiae first whon we undertako to fill your suoacrlptloni wo give uioin our undlvldod attention and beet oare the patients welfare la our flrt eon aldoratlon beoond i we guarantee our drug to 1m of full strength aa well aa pure and fresh third i our oustomera are supplied with just what thayaak for i substitut ing is never allowed iuinu0 okumr ooufounii if you ere a sufjferer from kidney dlioaao liver complaint blood trouldea rhoumauam neuradgu or nervous proetratlon we oonfldentjy reoom- munil the use at palriaa celery com- bummer oomplajnt sd si fiuxm of th fiowali ffit 1 at any tlm without raturn o th j o1rnu w ojs i k uwhhhyw at sroxtonts jjrywf lav hinlhrtr l wo i pie gavel oamtoxtxa psustas 1ln hind vou hw alwipi bottgfct whore is thu man so wise that he iatli solved tho mystory of hook and ye thoro novor was anil nnvor will w unlveraal iianncea in ono remedy all its to whl oh flutl i holr hat would relieve ono ill in turn mid aggravate the othor wo however hi qulnlno wine m obtained in a sound unadulter- state a remedy for many and mis ills by it gradual and jumoue ubo tho frailest systems are io umivaloaconco and strength 1v uifluonuo whl ah quinine exert turo uwu luutoratlves it re uov those to whom a chronic state irbld duponduuoy and lack of intuit in lire i a dlasose and by tranaiislng tho norve dispose to ounshnil refreshing sleep impart vlgorl tho notion or tho bloodltlch mnglnnilfttoxl courses throilpf tho voitiuongthoning tho healthy ani mal fit tlona or tho system thereby mokln riotlvlty u nooeaaary result strong ung tho frauio and giving hfo to jib dlgostlvo organa which natural demand ittorooaed substance result hnprovail appetite north ro i mati of toronto have given to the ubllo their superior quinine by the ltaon of sciential the wine approae uwtreab perfection of any on tho ajarkot all drugglste sell it bears the signature the trouble with tho averago man is he know how to run ovory mans bnilnots hut hi own w us amatar aa evsry beat el the jrtaiiiai tmauve bfymv4uiiiiae tabieu lovo that feeds lieanty soon dies of starvation pale sickly children should ubo mother cl raves worm is a terminator worms are ono of the principal causes of suffering in children and should be axpellod from the system a man can milt any job he hold whenever he feel like it except being married james webster having purchased tho laundry btuluotui of i clavcl desire to nolle it tho contin ued patronage of tlio many customer who havo favored tho buhinem with their order- strict attention will be paid to carotid fill luff of all ordrti and the excellent claim of work which hat alwayn boon turned out hi the pant will bo continued jamks wlsdbtlsr mill utroot acton biliousness liver complaint k vour toogae is coated your syes yl low your wuupuxion aallowi if you have alok hsaibvohes variable appetite poor circulation a pain umlrr the right should er or alternate eoatlvensas anil diarrhoea floating peok before the eyes your liver is not in order all th troulileaand diseases whloh oomo in the train of a disordered liver auoh as jaiindles olironlo conatlpatlon catarrh of the htoataeh jlaartbum water ilraah ata tnsy bs qulokly aad easily eitred by miliuirs uxruwir piu8 mr 8 olngerleh zarleb ont wrlusi 1 had suflered for year with liver cow plaint and althongh i triad wany msdlr etuoa i eeuld not bet hd of it seelna mllhurns ukallver pills advsrtlsa1 i ilaeldsd to try tbaw and after uing them four months i was aowpuuly cured si cent a vui or s for 1100 at all dealers or maf prloe w tarooto ont dealers or mallwl direct on receipt oj ullbura co ltd excelsior bakery wo arc headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wp also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con- cctionory t stathanv son hill attraat aoton paper makers vsonaxto wtron r i100k news and oolonisd papers jnoilbabbbr the best ever our brands of flour xvill make the best bread you have eaten yet we have seeds for jou yot corn turnip rapo millet grain xvnfited r noble mcroliant miller aoton feed nnd seed store learn dressmaking in a week to aaabl all la lfm w m placln uaclmi taaywy ti town in ontario tti latum itaek bow te out til anil nut lonltur any nr ml tram iha ruloit alilrt tvalit tult to ilia m kbqfata itrm you don t pay tin 111 you i ihrotisn and jnrfolly tatlifuif thliu iha ly eourm in canuu that th whala family caa buslncss ollcjle jfaaohleafoelr vppur wyudasnllt ouolph out gausual ghisauoii ii ottan iliiilneanl and instructive atvrll way auuonmatiuy twoipuan man apoke aa ellowa i what are you doing new i ui at- odin in oublph business oollbob rtialavlblill i bava two breuiara irsduaus ol rrlaelml maooortnaaa olabm otis is mrttlna dttaan tiuuiro rtolura a aar and pansm ai aaouiniarolai wmalur iijvetliar hi ana poaluon lu tlia naad otnee ol the saa this pamoub institution eenunuauy prapailns alittpuulna in ui way 1 uaafm kailiiuotw yoan man and woman ha ol iw tirislil youjii woman tor matppla 342 niw nmtnbai in builrum int tan vara uuahl ovar 7 ooo and auarantm tn pi to anynaa htwn tha ot 14 ami aniwttuam oawara ndmluilonaaimara inaa eaa tua bwa knnwn ta copy nr advi ami avaa lalrtunt whtra y war not known to ba tha eir ol thla onuraa no ailv aanulas i mir ia0o ooauaranua whoaiaijfavpvairwilli fl fltratfor1 onutto can uia wm baadara in van tar and traa w glnfison woodeaidravinct dhotencjravinc r tomes of any ct ass of cnghavlmofmadvchhsi 6 punp05t5xatatogue3hiuazihes tvc mjonesmc vkars experibnob a4ofaonmiokbjl lvlnliial painter paper hanger sign writer picture framor shop mill st acton op posito william livery ropairs promptly mado to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary delay knives ground stiabors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices w gimson y niriamur ir enlukhl fm ri6sratsqites mlaj waut wit i ait unanj scitnunc 1altjn ofjtny piomlilo gthmpmm roarputa iunhrco iitt mcatve jcait iely liluiiiralahl woobly ijtrumt trip pwusttw soibretovt bu wuhlnaloti liiiorciiint ixh u irtvapi ilalp sin tlnw ym art awlndlaali tin rsiirh ahatcli r nmdd tr voiir ii mim nil or1iniiromrnl nml wrxvilllo i vil cwotir nnvnlnn nat xhcilirr it airoml klantahla iteuctcd bpr1lloijaltrvarta it micrraalinlylr miii ctl liy na t- leomliirt fully iltil monlrtsll nilwarii iiuwt iiimllniiaiotmnnt3 at rmilnr lltcliiacutl ii hlbtititfffaraiwaaj istsx prwtirr 1 ihiwnilimnrlnn ft mft- rton ranah anvclal tint lea wilt nut char i lewrwwawivilbliltinlrrtlbnvmytior i aoaalaliyi taloul ixihiium ol mauilfa itartrasiiitltiliibi t marion marion j patent expert jnd ootloltor i

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