Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1908, p. 3

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we nm llnvljimrlcra fur 1847 rogers knives torks and spoons wadding irnte in solid 0hvar bllvor pint cut olni tnd fancy china wbddino iiinob marrlmum li census issued geo mill street hynds acton thuhsdav al huht 0 100s brief local items tho tlupuiilik liilrrhlnes uro now utlhik i nmy monday nitfht rain tvnn welcome if it win lint n lilt in one tlwlnoipncliinrimory good for a- hiimpur yield of corn this season itmifrow j mohrittinjf the fiftieth ifpnuersury of h itirarpomtlnn a k little xnnln mcolhliqii is suffering from i tuokiii wrist tho result of a frill from a swing flora id the bilclilnyors nro nt wortc on mr i mayers now residence corner cliurch dnd vrednmotf streets acton patronhted hid uooruetmvn sunday hohnol exonralon to llurlington flench vary largely inattlimadity ibe imrn of i j sinclair krln near ilnlllnafnd wob struck hy light ning on momlny night nml dealroyed iiy flro about twenty men imvo iwcn inltl olfftt tlio harness leather tannery ttto past week tim leather market is very unsntlsfnctary tlio linn new imrn of mr alex hprowl second line is nearing com- llutlon it will lm one of tlio finest liank burns in ilnlion w m ilntlr due who still bailiff of the 2nd division court of the coun ty of pool hnu n itnllire sale nt strectsvllhi on hatnnlnj mr john ii wntson returned on thursday from thedfnrd where 1m had contrnot for putting in ti cement curlwd well for tho g t 11 hundred of our oltliens took nilvantngo of clvla holiday to vlilt friends at ii distance many were the hosts of vliitora from outside gueljihe om homo week la in full lilnat it haa boon n grant success thousands of former residents have aomo hnck to onjoy tlio event mr hugh wnllace main htroot has sent tlio tiikk puichm a supply of must npples of last season in splendid condition pretty good for august in thonlnoncofltovg wilarker i ml j w hcnrrow will preach in the methodist church unit hominy morn- 1 ing nnd hor fl t walts of krln in the evening the drat hnr outers excursion to manltohannd ither western provin ces will leave toronto on august hth to bo followed by othera on august lllth ami 21st mr john duratnn of ucardmore orosoent hnd tho ntlsfortono while out shooting n week itgo to accident ally discharge hie gun blowing off the first joint of the forefinger of tlio left hand tlio friends of mr hooch makin- non nabsngnweyn who wu thrown from n horse nml found lying tinoon clous by his mothor inat thursday ovoalng wilt ta p loosed to know that ho h quite recovered from tho effect of tho mishap twelve members of the acton bowling club played n friendly re turn match with the ijrln club here on tuesday afternoon which resulted in favor of krln by a few points the acton howlers nro n gentlemanly lot of truo sportsmen krln advocate streotsvlllo reoontly installod mttnlolpnl olcotiio lighting plant at a cost of 2d00 nnd la now supplying oleotrln current ut six cents jwr 1000 tli la is the lowest rata given by any plant in ontario tho plant la oper ated by watorpowar from the credit news of local import bob hi didnt vult towmto many of our aluarna who lulniidid going to toronto to atteml thn limp tlon to fonl uolwrla this week wcrn disappointed owing to set loin imiiiku he daoldihl not to come wont lnui montreal toronto hud made grent preparations for thn vlult mlm hudson will llatuin miss annie i hudson haa nceeptnd re nngagemant ne tenrlmr of tho ill- trance china in thn pnhlla nohool for another yenr the hoard and nit i n tare tad am gratified nt tho decision mua hudson la enjoying hvr vacation nt her brothera home nt wnluwrluut alta anothec aln healdanoe oolnir lp- emr w i anderson lias thu fiiim- datlona about couipbtod for a- one new brick residence on the lot on dower avehuor wf it of hla prosnif t relldiinea it la to imi wulh two atorlna with cottage roof nnd will mid another to the numerous attractive reshloncn on howr avrnii f a wim i4lilon one or the clnusns of tho liquor ucanao ant just passed by tho province- of hiskatchaivan prohlhtta under penalty iho cashing nt any hnr hfuie vfngfl chick of a working man homo acton beta would do leas busi ness on friday nlghta it oohirlo had audi a regulatlnn in its liquor laws baath or jaeeb woidan mr w h wonlon waa in vunt aurora n v lust week htteudlng tin funeral of 11 brother tho late jacob wo r den oecoaaed was the eldest son of the uto win i wordon hr and ejiont hli boyhood nnd iarly mnnhood days in acton ho wan last in town during tin death nnd funeral of hla mother uit jcur oaofaratown rw en ctvlo holiday amohg the nttnrtlonn in goorga- tdwn big list ol sports on olvlo holiday waa a butsmll match lietweon acton and geoigsuwn acton won with a score of 0 to pluut did flno pitching nnd struct out bik men to tucks one acton nado two brilliant double plays both if taylor to wil liams and wllliinjiin ilynda acton made 12 hits and u atolen bases to oeorgetowns 4 anil i in tbe half mile race malcolm mokaohern won first place ftlaht hand badly uearavmd inuring tho fire at us arthurs rosl dance hurt tburxlsr morning mr henry arnold had tie flrat finger of hla right hand painfully lacerated in tho xcitemaot over thd non appearance of mr alak arthurs a window pane was broken to effoot an entrance mr arnokl graepad tlio tash to tear it out wliiif hr caught a fragment of broken blase wllb thn reault that tho rh nr a couple of inclias waa alload liack from the bone it was a terrible cut but la healing nicely a aunday flehool hay drive instead of tlio usual planlo tho method lit hunday hcliool will this year be treated to a luydrlvu the objective point probably being the springe on the mountain side near the eighth line acton cltluna band will accompany the parmlo nnd tho scholars will take tlagt which will give the procession an attractive holi day aspect nefreslidmnta will i berved at tho end of the drive the date fixed ib friday 21th august a number of kindhearted hrmors who wore young once tbanuelvos have generously voluntoed teuis for the drlvo any others who will 1m will ing to uke part will greatly oblige by reporting to mr n v moore tiled lath w1xxiam klmwaftd an atarteamed mrtttmf realdant ii uila vlelnlty ror 44 vmm it would 1m very human on thn pin of elderly people ganerally to oxpn thn wish that thtdr end might come as palnlesaly and iwacefully us that of the into william klnnard or lot 10 con 1 ksqutialng mr klnnard hnd paused his hist blrthiliiy and wua uble to bu about xy day i enjoyed three meals each day and a day or two befoni hie death walked nut to the wheat field where hla eon john wae harvesting next morning he felt somewhat tired in thn morning and hie dauyhterln taw ad vised him to lie in bed awhllo i intend of getting up for breakfast h wiui hie invariable cub topi dmong tho day ho gradually grew weaker and on httur- day night hn very quietly piupxil i awuj being in possession of 1i i fnonltlea utilll ainw minutes befortf uu demise aviiilnui klnnard wna n nntlvw of comhy aptrlnv irolaiul h was mnrrlad in lrlii7nm tiiiwil with mrs klnturd and their jthren little boys they came to caiiada i lila brother hugh and othor iimmlwra of pi fathere family having previously ssttlixl here thn family austalnrd n great loss in thelb new hoi lie in the iihlh of airs klnnard hn i tnr after their iirilrnl in tlincounliy foranuinhot of yanra tbny lived in naasaguweya but in ih77 they pur chased thn farm of mr hobt wallace lot 10 con i kequoslng which line been their home for over thirtv years for a numlier of ycere tliv old goiillemnn has ninde hla homo with hla son john whore lie line enjoyed all thn comfui t a loving sou and hla duvotid wlfu could provide deceased waa a mnii of quint nnd re tiring disposition but of sterling up right charaeur whose w rd was ns gooil as hla bond ho was a meinber of the pmabytuilnii c uili nnd joyed tho ostflum of tho cuntmiinlty tho funeral to the presbyterian cemetery at hodom un tueuday of last week was largely attonded dkath or niohand makmioiit a imoneer at ontario and thirty years in manitoba howlirb- stock nisino again rln olven severe oereat in return for their walloping- or aeten tht ikiwling groou was in perfect condition on monday afternoon whan the krln and acton bowlors f itcrd each othor in sevornl successive matches krln has cotuo out on top and acton decided to work hard on thin occasion to reoovor tholi prestige tbey suc ceeded ndmlrnhly nnd krln went home 11 points in the roar thoy took it nil good natuiodly houaver llko the splendid sports thoy nro the scores of tbo dny woio ns fallows i a vtifllt noon j llbbnns i m henderson kiiin j long w it tjaniorou j llobertson j p hush eklp jae harvey aiox mcmillan w con boy ir geer eklp g llynds jos ilolinob w ii cjnmeron j robertson j p llush skip 3 harvey alex momiiinn w conboy dr geor iklp skip ii p monro w ii fltewarl w monabb w j gould fl skip i icvino d m ilondereon w flood o hyndi j molntoah i skip 1 j it kennedy a j lehman w monabb a jmaoklnnon 17 eklp majoilty for aotou ii as others think kveryohe it aobtn haa is rlicht to hla own opinion whllo ovoryonn haa u right to hie own opinion yet it is wise to nlwaye consider what others think and profit by it nothing ninkes life so miserable or interferes bo widely with the useful ness of tho nvomgo person iu indiges tion nnd it is well for ns to give fair oonaldorntlon to whut others think about tills loilmiknblii iiflllctlnii a t brown is positive that in ml-n- na stomach luhleta he hna an uluoluta cure for imllguntlnn nnd tlio many dfa- aggrennhlo pymptoms that follow thlw dlaenat aunh na distress after entlng coated tongue hnd tiute huhsintnith j rlahop duhoulln lit kngtend canon sutherland wtu7 is acting aecretary of tho diocese of niagara haa received a letter from illahop dumouiln who is in knglind to the effoot that hi lordship expects to ball from kngland on stpt h writes further ae follows i thankful to eay we are ell well ndtwltlntnnillng constant attendance on all sorts nf functions amid alt my licnrt turns ever to home and my belovtd diocese clergy people and worktyyond tho great sea these hre daily in my prayers and intercessions private nnd public i would ask yoii kindly to convey to clergy and popple all so dear to me my moat loving romom- trance tell them i lliinli of thorn and of nll their klndnesieq tp nin and mint dally remembering ihow in my pre yere times our own farit and ralry lake i cannot understand why acton people rave eo about htny park said a well known cltlien th othor day who knuwe it well aotone park nnd fairy take liavn more attraotlona in many wan than the krln resort thare li snlil tbe lako is only a few acresna shallow pond and compared wlih lir palry iako here with its clghtyaltit acres of deep cool aprlng water s certainly not in it our park has visural ad- vantagoe enjoyed hy fow aiiilinro nr aevoral sltue on liotli tho snvilc nnd the woat shores of fairy ijike t would afford all tho requirements forn popular slimmer resort an enterprising man or experience could snnri trkn the surroundings the lake emid readily be stocked with bass end other fea tures he added think what an attrao- tlon it would be if nnponnftj to city people only mi hours rwilrnm to ronto and at an elevailim of 1000 feet higher than the city whlakeya work in aaaevwn two of our wellknown dtittuns loft iib last week for the parley or sixty daye at hard labor wlijoh tlmy will involuntarily ape nil n oaii mofllb- bon mlltohi they were it henoo by order of the heevo and ii w kentituly j p before whom they were oharged with being ilrunk and disorderly john boomer ami w j dundas are the offender flome of the boys invited uoomer rmm the dundee home on thursday night and ducked hi in in the croek near the aaw mill mrs dundee cameworo the iiingletratea also on a alntlhr charge to the above and wae flvh fn00or ik days the sen tenet helnv withheld in view of promise of hettcy- iwhavlnr a little boy belongs to thle family and i nn effort is being made to imve lilm placed in a homo where ha will not wlttleaa drunken orglse ote aueh aa dlxahiflsb llntultiiieo nml niirvotlbnosa they sell mlnnn with batlsfaetlnm i ooeurred on thursday v guaranteed or uinnuy back 1 be- which frequently disturb tin w hove in it and an may you neighborhood heradd the following sketch from tbo carman man leedor will be road with interest by many friends in acton and elsewhere nf tbo lata mr richard moknlght t tlio pepplo of thle community wero startled to learn of tho sudden death of mr itlchard moknlglitou wednes day morning although a vuffcror for tho past few years which often con fined him to his hum bu fought his trouble with grunt foititudo uud was about every duy tim day prior to his death ho wae on thogrounda attending duff or in fair ho had ronchod tho ripe age of fill yea re and h months mr mcknlght was horn in tho eounty of down ireland nnd when eevon years of ago came to canada with his parents thoy located in the township nf beverly ont whom he resided until ho reached tho ago of manhood when he wont to california in ibs no rdmalned tboro for three years nnd then returned to canada and settled in the township or mouth norwich oxford county ont whore ho was married to miss matilda fitnunton they cotobiutod tbulr golden wedding in carman nn tho 0th october 1000 in 1b71 he with hie wlfo and family oamo to manitoba and settled in this district three miles oast of tho present town whoro thvy roald- od until lio retired from tho active duties of farming and movod into town mr mcknlght wae a lfelong in em ber of the presbyterun church and line been an elder of st andrews church horn over since its organ izntlou ha was conservative in his political leanings but never took any active part in public affairs he is survived by hla wife five sane and one dauglitor thoy nro thomas who roaldua in homowood district william in wynd- hani township norfolk county on tario fiankln north dakota nmlth in lostlu baak and mrs trunk duottnor in vancouver cnawsonai oornvna tbo hum of thu busy throahoi will be heard from now on foi the next three months a large numbr of our citizens nro taking in tho old homo week in guelph a few from hero took in tho acton- and georgetown sunday hohool ex cursion to burlington beach on thine day mr m orowson has been appointed local agent for the brnntford wind mill company ho is doing a land ofllco business in that lino ho alio handles tho toronto windmill tho mlases prick of toronto nro holidaying with their grandparents mr and mrs u glbboni miss jennlo oroweon la spending bar vacation at her home here uib nfouwrtiiu tint nn whlftycca wri hi ju hot hay weald bsili tuffxr from thladutm nm tryaenwl baf iskwfifootujjiiv butswail ache artmjiiswisstite w javtt wits are vsrr small and yttf aaay u talm umerimmulllstnskeailma ubjf n allwcbbi 00- mot totc mr bmanste bifln social and personal misam mocalg urirlh la visiting frlortds in town mr t hhlelds of toronto was lit town this week mr dan v itltcliln sient the boll- days in ilamlltnii mr chlshohu itnuishaw is holiday ing at burlington mu luclndn bow pi wns home from toronto this week dr nnd mrs horo nt holidays with friends at lindsay miss aiiiilo abraham ib spending her holidays at pownssen miss little dills spent a few days in durlliitfton the past week miss minnie nelson le enjoying a couple of weeks in muakoka mr g goodbve or toronto visited acton frlciulsoii monday miss muggfo hhlelds of toroitto visited friends in town this weak miss maggie drun or west toronto spent holidays with acton frleide t mrs h t ilumlieratonu of kewton- bnok visited friends here this w k mihnou tjophlu and ftthel coleman visited georgetown friends over btlit day mlaiieu ifuxnl and lot us maoti visited bloifda in ajton during a i week mr jucksnn of fergus tflslted tier slilur mrs principal htownrt lest wruk alus katie brown nf mlltoli is vultlngatthu jiniiio of mr w john- htour mr w h chlshalm of the mer chants bank spent the holiday in london messrs h h nicklln g imuymnn and h g giinton arti camping iieur wlarton mrs it craig and children or west toronto worn in town u few days this weok mr and mrs albert lalng left for their home at burlington vermont on thursday mrs n p mouro went to oakdaln on saturday to nttend the funoral of iho into john tyler mrs john luwaon and master jor dan bavo baeu holidaying at ilenth cote the past two weeks mr win stopheneon of hamilton spent n day or eo this week with hla brother mr a htepbepson miss laura boadway of toronto apnut a couple of days this week at thu homo of mr itobert moore miss muly anderson wae in town lost weok to see about the lose by flro to her residence tho day previous mrs morrow and two little daugh ters of brampton were guests this weok of mrs thompson john street mr fred nixon principal of middle- town conn buslniua college wae in lownrenowlngaequaintanoee last week mr harry frankum who hoe been with mr a t brown druggist for for several yourw ha taken a situation in toronto messrs g j wallaco k b hwack- linmor and n ilyder attend ml thu drumuiois snack in alton last friday and saturday mr and mrs john flynn and child ren of vvatorloo havo returned homo aftor spending a wuok at the homo of mr joseph flynn bev g w barker mrs barker and mis muriel liavo gone to canning to spend a couple of weok at tho home of mr barkers father mrs ltev m wilson is ut present sojourning at penrith in tho lako district or cumberland sho is enjoy ing hor visit in the old inud very much miss jeaslo ward of the teaching ataff of tho disciples college st thomas la tho guest of hor friend miss j mamie mn sales her father mr j thomas ward accompanied her mr john colwoll of philadelphia i pa was horo last weok to attend the funoral or the inte william klnnard ho is a prominent manufacturer in the city and u warm personal frlond nr mr hugh klnnard and othor mem bers ol tho family a card from mr c k holllnrabe who with tho misses hulllnrake am on a visit to the old land states that thoy had been spending tho weok in london ht windsor oostle thedaylio wrote mid tho weok hofora had seen the king and queen at leads kvl- dontly having a good time milton be fo nn or bank of hamilton every treasurer of church lodge or association funds should at once open a savinos account for these trigt pundn we specially invltp this class of accounts and pay highest current interest geottgiltqwn mtanch w n mckoy agent mill street acton ihm wu hauuflil with tli hiu bulo h liasjtiht conducted that ii itiu tlciitft to toiitlnue tlio ifrcutly reduced price for six weeks lohcer look at this list of reduced price 31 pru inenf dnngulu iliilii and coihtroui rtgular oo for j 10 pro men doitgnbi bnl mid congrcwi plain rcgiilur 3 35 1 nnd regular si35 for insnh iiiik cir haiti ref lift j3 s for in prn nnn s patent colt illnt- tliers regular 84 no fur al pra womeas palcnth hint- ciibih regular 3 5a for 3lirh wnmunh doiigolun rlf vilnr 9175 for geo- mill st p fa- all account must be i h oxfordu rsgit- in pru womens dongolau lliit- inn rthulur 1 sj fnr 1 in pnirn women y dongola con- 1 nt i urchu regular ii 35 for 1 14 pairs mluea tan blutcliem rtjuliirl 71 tor 1 34 on ir m mlshon dongola hals nnd ii in tcli cru regular 140 for t m palm mitweit wuitt ox ford b regular 133 for 1 2d pairs infuutii bhoeu iulo and button regular dol for stovel acton icttlcdby the 15th augiiht h h unsisrortli july aqd allst sale no clogs here in the wheels op cohmiuce a clmncc for every man woman and child to save money kemcmber a penny jved is a penny gained this is not only a chance to save the pennies but the dol lars as well genuine bargains throughout the store in millinery carpets curtain wall papers dress goods muslins- plnts waists- skirts jackcls corset covers drawers laccs embroideries etc etc mens and boys two irtitt three piece suits gents furnishings straw and felt hats caps etc the groceries will also receive their share of tho price cutting a genuine sale of genuine goods with strictly reliable and honest dealing stovel the great shoe manh jj ullswortll yxctolni gbuelphs old home weelc dont fail to mark the dates but also if you need any kind of fine furniture carpots oilcloths iron beds springs mattrcscs baby carriages etc to mark well the stand 120 wyndham street and call and get prices special until sold sideboard extension tabic five diners and one arm at 1t7k regular price 4850 one silk parlor suite allover upholstered very handsome 4 pieces special until sold 1460 regular price 8000 telephone 2s3 j m struthers guelph for sale by e a r0bekts0n druggist acton seasonable gomntuuhon tloketei to toronto there la likely to bo conference with the railway authorities soon in regard to dally roduoed rates to to ronto aamo na that in vogue n tho western division from oekvllle for instance there ib a aiifrgoetton that qominntmlon rates should iw granted from ac too georgetown bmmpton and other points the question will no dotiht bo considered at confer ence between tho railway authorlfieb and representatives or the munlol- nalltlos to ho held at un early date- aeoountaj must be aietued all accounts due to the undersigned must lie bottled by isth august goo stovell shoe merchant sumirler goods ht quicksblling prices ends of muslins prints ginghams and chamorays odd lines and slics in whltewear skirts corset covers drawers gowns etc millinery the whole balance of summer stock will be cleared out during the next ten days this is the chance of the seabon to secure a pretty summer hat at a very modcrato cost henderson cfe co mill street acton the right house hamiltons lavorite shopping placli cheat sale of blous6s over 1000 in a tremendous roduotlon sale mens straws half price all must go not one reserved its simply a matter ol picking out the shape most becoming to you and youre sure to find that uhapo here look nt tho price tag then pay us just half what ita marked mens light weight 2piece suits onethird off the balance of our 2pioco summer suits aro marked for quick clearance at one- third off the prices and every suit is a perfect expression of correct warm weather clothes s6 this ib a generous offer here thoy are 800 suits for 96s0 1000 suits for 6t 1350 suits fo 1600 suits for lte 1800 suits lor vim w jkyjoodsand c0thlnft iii iinvtiiiiiaai ill ib guelph nearly half price and half price lor hundreds and hundreds of crisp fresh new white muslin blouses scores of styles and dozens of qualities for august september and fall wear women will want to buy them by the half dozen white muslins mulls batistos persian lawns and swisses lace and embroidery trim med some tucked and pleated open back or front short or long slcovcs 69c reduced from 119 08c reduced from 200 1111 reduced from 225 ltl reduced from 250 108 reduced from 300 308 reduced from 400 310 reduced from 450 416 reduced from 650 thomas c w atkins oann kino st et huohion hamilton ont jacksons jagksons our new syatem of ouh baying and cash belling enablea un to offer you thle week soma bltf snip 10 dos mens illaclc pen in 1 overalls with bib aloosmooku to nintch striped oxford medium to park slindoa reyu- foe i dos mens work bhlrti striped oxfords mediu in to dark slindoa retru- lnr5oto6j this week j 9 dos menh work skirts lllack drill with white stripes nnd spots reenter 73togjc this week 7 q0 so dec mens leurlniiand ties 15 dos shield neck ties ia dos dow ties til grand quality silk new design and rich coloring regular ago this week a or 35c do you net now wish to select yeur spring underwear and hosiery while our hum are complete 7 veu knew if you come now yeu can choose from a larger line than if yeu come later we wlah to begin selling our spring underwear and healery early we are marking the price oe these goods low holhat we shall not have any to carry over wheu the telling season in post these are the values we can give yeu ladles kmbrolderett inhck crutli- niere ileie if a q and id regu lar 3jc this wotk aic ladle plauk cashmere hose rlbhed er plain sliea hi ol and lo regular js ami m this week 95c ladles taffeta o loves new brown and un alludes regular sao this week ma drbsb doous specials illaok melrose cloth regular 1150 this week njc cream lustre fancy patterns regu lar iso this week sr satin finish prunella cloth regular fioo this week 730 striped crepeeti regular bjc tkls week 930 satin cloth regular 7jc this week 460 pearl buttons tlosen 90 corset cover embroideries this week 9511 patterns 170 3s pattern 030 450 pattern 3io 60a paltoriis 43c s lech silk k 1 1 bo ii bent quality alt colors regular 93c tlilaweek igo 4 inch silk rlbheti regular doc this week l ad a nig hhovlng of laos kmlirolderles andnrekstrimmlnguallatspeolol fib 11 res j h jrckson oeorcbtown

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