Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1908, p. 4

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ftljc xrhw vn 1155 iiilhhiu vi 1 ml h i ill thli i ivi pak i 01 rwmu iui i ii iv ii 111 ii flw lll lhln lilt rmlilinl 1 n iiuiiih i in i iii i ol nil i ii i 1 il oil- m m m l1i ihud pull in mklit ill in i ii hi i- ii 1 1 1 i u nil iln fl i i r u i uj ii ii iiw i ii liny ymil m u mily dnlli i il ii ihlim n 1 mhi ami in ii iiiily lilt m ami opih of nut nftlnw an i u lot i i ly i slu wulimt in it bi bui- and ii iillo ol linlv hint will ti mvi ti e t of fliu lint pdlj 1 ll 1 ii if on ii lull jnin vlnniih in i ol li mm illiliki in inn- 11 oi mini tlu 1 tin i u ii iiiiv llmliif iipi jhuy ii nil 1 ii 11 dim till til i ii for llnii inn nr polly ivlh ill mini hi ilv pidiwof lin ho polly hit i 11 lii 111 ilv illllmof fului aiidthnihlhlitif im i hivoiiiiuiimi ullllnit liihnm utll ullluul mm h1n m ltlntt aiiilulllilii hi inh milling on niu i mrih thn lkly infonlx till lli y i in it dm j uld pliim lld fn nmv yiur thumb urn ikiu-i- io tin ilv pihu of tuliuil i ill i nllll i ilm int in k wiin uiiiptm fioin wbuki y liu i nltil htiils jon i n tjhlttat howliinu htiiklngidiiinkugn jiinuirj inim mi u ii hhilnkiigi an oompiiul with liimiuy 1007 f h1ul in di idid rnllowu whlakuy 8i7u oei i htfcifihi i iluiiir hwih hhiw a uhilnkngc cninpm il will 1 in imrj 1007 of 91 l2it dmdnd thu whhikny 911 ii ww luu ik7ju mltlh mm tdwua ii fulling off coin mini with mmch hwi7 of 1051- i7j dlvhhd iih folio wi whiskey vjil tjiii bin no 201 i hit tnlul ilucrciiuu in thn rciulptn for thi i limn monthu umminu to lh0- 712 i ho tivouijl monthly iluuiiieii foi tho piiut ulno iiiimthu linn iiliu only how pd til id kihil obt tub ib 7 thu ilhtlili aiulinlnuhin glvie an liltoroallug account of the myatnrluus nppoarnncuj of ihii in tutno hnltte which liail 1 mi illy for long pnrinda nml which hud imdiluuly imen filled by honvy nilnx j v kingamill who linn iniil nhnut 10 jimrs mcperloncp in thu tnr noilh itntiu hint hit iniu known wutt rlinli a to bo dry hinuthu mid ulx wi liiu after thny hnvu ijlmi 111 luil ly nilii tlioy iuivd boonnlivo with llwh ho hna caught lull nuttrly imlf n pound in weight in n hole which hail htun dry for innntln only nix w links tifiiir tlio ruin llllod it 1 liu only pnuhlhlu uxplunntlon air klnifiinill nirru i that wh n tlio watitr in uhinriiuil or ainklng nod fnut dlmipp mi nit tin uh burrow dawn into thu uiiul mid hui niou dor- mnnt apanultre ii w in hit wml 1 mix ully do ii iiiiiiiiki t ikivk all your i in op il iiiiiliuih in wo nuly win n iii y mnud uliiif t 1 lu lol a hi mi inixinifiitlnilu tint m vt nun nhi v pupnlii pi inn u mild to huvi a xokcof line tin in a wlllnwly liir pin ny ll khtnul hiiii mid imjti 1 yi hh iiinsi huvi lam lauid in tin inn i i ijlloi l lt iuohiiiiui tmikiif itml ih n i an ti ii j mi haw ulilt yon am rulinl i dixtnr no longim i an till llnu hi 1 i urn wlmt ttiiki hi1iiuiic4ctl iiakul mi- it indnlihr aunt illtoulit who hadjinni in bin nun nil will ah lu lr mimokuan vllt4nndi laid ta air p tin tu dollar im uik ah llv lu t if all liftw fuiilly iuih aid- tilk- hn ah j k hah h i- ool di n jvb haw i dillat iinf hli- or aip nlir win milidfor tlcu ipil lnnjnf hlu wt r mil it wnsnfcnjn niui nayliif in tln town in which i mi llvtdlhat hu alunya had an answi li ad wlu 11 it iih nqulpd win otui fntmdiku aa iii t ait i jiimn dlntily bu fih nd uliw i andoiiiud hnnu ir ni vi r mind h iljl iln dm lor ke only a ullp of ih pn i ii md mr lldniotlit tlmt miu nf niu amnikni niilllonaln a lia jhi pill tflixmmifni a lltlin mi dmi my mi i iplld hi r liohihb art i nii had with a ipiiunly utiumniii hand dlmnuurd tlinlmtlir uni h it p by t am or fniinllnnr i l mlumilly a mini iu wnulu d upon tin uhoi i h if mat rlmony by a womanu tiaru hit ivo mil to in irijililkoil but if on can t liulp it dont lat it inforfiri with ymit nidi uiinithil at ahlimm in winter or liiumuiiiriiiriiilliiu viruablo pilla will copu with and ovurcoinuany irrag nlarltkrf of tin- dlguatlvo firgaiia which hiingu of di i ciliariko of rcaliloncd nr variation of tonipurntmu tuny briny nbnlit tliuy ulinnld bo ulwityu kept ut hand and onm tholr banallclitl net inn liimiiium known no ono will bi witbmit tliuii thurit la nothing nauuuallng in thoh itiuctilrc and thu iiiouldulloiitucnii luuthdiiiconndnntly til bin favohiti3 cxpltivrs ilia tin tim i in tim lint tin- i ho ih- tiii tim aaifulnniti iidfii 1 ulihiiiniiih hit hm glim cm it out i diuinuui- z-oul- uliiit mmy i taxldiiiiilht htuiri jnlrnmm i aloimianttwfiit tliuol luiiibi i manskid an i aiuailfhircnmut cuiiil i it puliiliit it 1 mumiimi lildlitlikm ytliw louinulki hrrorul dutulhi spliiuhl politician- confound lit ijjdciitloin r hang it i hgolutoli inii ui niyl coau hi i hit ft i mauninir itulihiti t two lbood doob of france a la w pint tadmi unnu n au that of tbu lu li ggid dngu huu tiuan intro- dnmil by tba iuu uiithoritlnw a tax ofhj ajiai mmpiimil on ovuty dog many own i h nv adit tint inn by paying ii aiiuir in tbali i onrliirgii wiipii tho iidiliiiiu iniikit oiiqlilrliai thu rim- ploiyi iloniom ilia nklutunra of tbu dogu nnd clin levnnna lu tnfrnndnd jliu fcut hurl tiff ui now paying ila mini ih to a muiiliai of tin n who ran baik tint limn walk along tbu utrontn at night baik ouuldu uvuiy iiouhu and whtin il ting rtphuf tiikiim no to of thu addroug and wi iuim tonnd tbu tax uol- leu tor neassunino an imrluhiniin tiavilllng in jail fmnhi wau lunch inipriutaid by u vacl- in mi of auurlran liuium iln was go ingilown n dnngitoiiw innunlnln road in a tonoli wlion hu unw tlunai ninlnonu wnida hi and oil in blank lotlitiu upon a wlilto boaid nalhd ion uaida tiani how would mi ulu to huvo a ilrokon nouk and n dhty hhlit on v lo to tlio imoinxn ljiiunriiy think it uvbif oiiii thing twiit iliinnn tlioto i unduralnnil kgbnrt toll it to urn huron when a notiplo got inatikd it la ttald tbny bocoino quito om lint again tluy way h takuu t wo lo uiakn n quill ud voukii u nhitiuuiiui what iu said wnllii wild a tiimdlitr in ii mil road lawlaiii ant did ou any i had twunt mlniihu to unit m that ii was twenty nilnnh l clglii i nayclur oi nall n had twlnty nilnulkh to ati mi hiiiik all ya did linvf ym lialnm jiil gomt a utoady jab and a atrct bouu may bu ouu way of saving tho youth of our county that wild youth may not ap- pittclatn until ii doiibtua lu years was weak and run down would very often faintawav mm j ii arnnitrong port i tninlay out tllu of her cxporlcnco with hildurns heart amd nerve pills hm writoo it la with grotitudn i til hnw jnur lloart and norvo pills bonedttod mo i wan vory tarak nnd nm down bad hiadachm nmrly mur day nnd ory oftin would faint nwnj m fact my dm tor hind tlmt laanatimn i would never count nut f tlio faint it wna tliroinjh on of onr travillina agenta tlint i wn inilnrid to m hlaim heart nnd n n 1ilu and afteir taking tliroo ixmca i am dud to riotn it linn hfen ft number of jiur iinco i had a fainting ancll nnd ncircil tver havo a lirndaclio too itiiicii rminnt bo inld in pmuo of mil luinih ii art nnd neno idla for in mo tin liao cftuctud a perfect euro price w ront per lox or 3 boxea for ii 2 t nil denlern or tlie t mil bum co limited toronto onl tim convi liitlon method of ap- pimilhing tin inatiitnnnhil iunullon may bo inti ih rtual hut it dooo not coinmxml itulf to tbn nvnmgo girl naarly wo itrnugly ua thn thitatro nnd autoinohili way to cuke a cold in one day tua itlm liroinn qnlnln talilat a nnruulf rafiinlltm uotsy if it ulli in am w urovinibiur0onaoli iini u4en hiimi tlini a it 1 1 i cally disappointing and diprrltig vvhun ptioplo jaat nat urally fail to livn down to tbu ilwad i n vt 1 w hnvu inappi d out fur thorn oahtoxtxa barallia kin v i1w mjfqbtw lii v wlntxi oaniint alwayn bu with iih but in uoinii pnrtlonn of tbu globo he iii lo bu tiylng in ulb bow ciumu ho can ruiiiit to it and utlll bu anfo irytiiirublliliuu am trnnbtial with iniiiu glvu them mol bur graven worm kvlormilniitor i uafp auro and oltuctual try it ami innrk tho inv prnvuinont in your alilhl aunlttiria it iiilw handy mint nvti an gia mi it inmndj altfiutid an killnhnrgli honthlank to a unuipanlnii ivhtui a hlg hdota ily ptlvalc miopjutd at bin land for ahlnn hn ulinti itoro f 1 lno rvngoinn mmy oonilfaof many iv man innuiat u iii 1 1 if whlln tunny nnuthoi la rriailu by a bluff thn iiiku aonio pimplu think of na tln more unholy glue wo totih many a tuan who cant talk much mnki a ii big lilt nt kmpl ng iitlll tho thlrat for knowlmlgo that moat boya fnul la not tbu aort that tlio tnnoh- ur of tho publlo uahonl lpopa on tap thorn nuvor was and unvur will bo a uuivomal panacoa in ono ruintuly for nil lllu to which flah in liuir what would rolluvo ono til in turn would aggrnvntu tho othora wo havo howovor in qnhihio wlno whon ob tal nwl in n nound unadultor iituil atnto n roniody for mnny nntl grlinona iiu uy ita gradual and judloloua uao thn frail oat ayatmiia am luil into ronvnluucutiro and alinnglh by thu mlluoiicfl whl ah qulnhiu pxoit on natnrah own loalorntlvoa it iu lliivoa tlioau to whom n ohronlc etatr hf uiorldd dnapondnnny nnd laok n intiioat in ufa i a illnanap nntl hy iraiupilllalng tho nurvoa illapnuia tn amiud iniil rufrunhlng iriwp imparl a v igm lo lint rtollnh of tlio blood whloli lining mtlimilntod oomnoa through tlio voina atrongtboitmg tho linnhhy ani mal fimntloiih nf ho ayatom tlinrahy making aollvlty n noanuanry roaiilt htinilgthciilng thn frainn and giving ufa u tho dlgoutlvo oigana wlilult naturally ilnmaml luoroiuim hidiatnhrio ioatilt imprdvihl nppatlto north- inpar tiyninn of tovonlo havo givon to ttio imhuu thole ailperlor qtilalnn lly tlio opinion of aolonllaw iln wlna nppronnira ntaraat kirfootlon of any mi thn iniukot all driigglstii aoll it ivoipobr h thcsllonchrr rful fttftsnndlfcst cortliilrts ndlhtr tkturn morphine ilorhintiol nor najtcotic tylm tufj fiutuxjt- atatfcinctivcdy forcomtlo- ilmri sour slommtidlarrhika wornuijconvuuionrverih- itcss a ifflcsimiu sitfn at new vonk txacr copy or wapa- castoria ttor infant nnd children the kind you ha always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria kxzdi cbarlereilby dominion oovernmni fata hi llil 1u4 the merchants bank of canada mdntklial it9 ilranche 1ikao ofiicii latorout added four llmaa a year ireildent sia ii montaou allan vlca iraaidant johatiiah iiooobok kaq general mtninerli f i mm mm capilal tald up luooooaooo depotlli over 4100300000 surpliia 140000000a toul anela tj 100000000 savings bank deposits one dollar or upward will open an iccaunl money withdrawable any lime no delay farmer sale notks wo have apodal facilltlea for collecting tliete we will caali lliemal once ii dealred at a low rate of lateral joint accounts when roquened we will open axeounla in two nimea ao that liber one may draw i bo money liutbend or wife elc aoton branch w s chisholm manager t lovrc wo invite you to exmine at your dealers a pair of storeys cowboy gauntlets they are one example of the velvety softness combined with greatest pliability and toughness imparted to our gloves and mitts by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortable buy storeys and invest wisely insist on storeys at all stores gloves made at acton ont by canadas oldeit glovers oh i v alu y ohillmd tll g of nhuadry he jwd no fur ma nww yprlt uitnmrnd aalil h llrondwmyltn th ntlir tiny lip atntjt wi wern tilllght in rl tnd glvn h ady littering h atrmil nar our mu mid litother way pay trlhutn to lb wik llidt dont go 1iri tbi iiiuu who glvia a won mil ida eent in a timw york ar l t our iiiipod to 1 dajrmi of flirtation tlie wooimh y i1i111 aakhtiuit ami all thn other imaaengure wntdh iiliu nvttr tblr pamir tn m how h roeu lmiut it my brother who mtiif front up th utit learned hie tlllllle of the nbw yorbera through eail mpreuc juataftrr he ratlin to town h noticed nn old latly walking lng lb atrewt wiitiloubln iwnualh the weight of a heavy mrlicl klrly bur ting with nhlwlroiia tuthfnt lm approadhiil her with a ohurmdlm i ierinlcjui iiiaoam to rllv y h4t weight ho aald reaehlng for tha aatuitd tlia old womad grahltrd hie arui kndyelletlj tlilf thlafl ilka th wlmnat in thn yooda iu aat- lunedtlii rdpmir or hie d intanllona and nenapri wrrnat hut hell never do that again hkiohtovlamo dalrth orsllla tbu mean height of all the fend now above the e la referred to by lyell ae lie big 11100 feet the mean depth of tho ocean la at laaab 1u00 feat that le it eaceeda tha height of the lend 12 tlniee hi i a la iwcnuee the vvtretna heigh te 11 f thf land although probably no leetf than thu extra mo deptlia of the 1 yet are exceptional halght while the ocean malntnlne itu depth over enor litoue areat owing to the fact that the a it r face of tho ocean to that of the land la aa two and a half to one the ocean would accommodate the whole of land thirty tlmee over were it all pitched into the ocean areae irom knowledge and hclentlflo newa it keepa tho muaclea pliant men given to inuaoular aporta and exerolata and thoee who auffer mtucular palna from bicycle riding will and dr thomaa kclectrlo oil bomo thing worth trying aa a lubricant it will keep the miiaclea pliable and fren from palna which often follow eonatant ute of them without aoftanlng them or impairing their atrength for bruleea pralna and oontualona it la with out a peer a plumber never taenia to plumb very rapidly but omehow hie bill aoon beta plumb full of dollare wh storey son gl- n li l hvory mother thlnka the woman iinxt door la envlntia of heir uhlltlron oasjvoxiia lis kind vbu him mwajwbwit bianuu blfhlvm iov pouplu arn mlaorly onntigh to koitp tholr trmihlea tn thamaolvei an unscrupulous drueelst will try and sell you a sub stitute for dr fowlers- extract of wild strawberry why bocnuso dr fowler la the oldrat nnd bait known cure having- hcoti on the market for 63 yenri for dlahrikka dvabnterv colic ckamiu pain in tub stouacii choibha infantum ciiolhra moriiub sum mi n complaint sma slcknierb and all flujcub op t tlowulh whan they offor to aell ynu a prepar tlnn jortsboad llieyhvnovtae welfare of yoiirtieelui at heart but that of tlielr paokeu all hnneat drusaiata will fveyoit what you aak for aktadr owrora and get the beat mra tbomu miller alundaje ont writeai auflerad terrlhlv wtlhiliarr hma and awed the drugnlat for aomathlng to cure it he gave ue a email itottu ai hiedlolne nf hjaownmanufeoture lait i got no relief fromlt a friend wlvlaeil me to gat lr fowieha kit of wild btmwwrry and i waa nured after taking a few doe tlie genuine la 8s oenta and nunufaa tutwl by the t milbun on united toronto ont ill fitting boats nnd ehoei cauae enrna hollownya corn ohio ii the artlolo to uae opt n bottle at onoe and cure your uorna money lant everything hut it often make good aa a aubetltute beuitke blfuttie ef oasitotlx ihaklitdyou him aunrs tm kltigftulumahrinbi a sinking hollow all- oone sensation at the pit of the stomach that is dyspepsia a remedy whleh hu rarely failed to give prompt relief aod eseet perwinent euree even in the moat ebeuaate eaaee la burdock blood bitters it aota by regulating aad toning the dlgeatlve orguu reewvleg eeetiveneea and inoreaalng the appetite and reatbrlag health and vigor to the eyatem mr allee suevea spdiuduid nfl writeei i have need llunlaok tllooil biture end find thai few medloine can give eneh relief in stoaueh troublea and uyapayau i waa ttoubled for y axe with dyepepela and oooid gat no relief until i trie d n i took three iwttle end beeame eured aad new i nan eat any thins without it aurtlag tee i will reoouhnd ut all having utoataeh trouble proof is liumhtuilb1i ut fyfu k plnulmirta vjrti oompouiul ouron fnmmlei lie awael tmrriamrn tuutely uirottajb tl jlmnire f blft mra uihbb luilrantiiftoiiont writes to mni lliikjioflii i waa aldu for ave yvara one doe- tor told me it waa nloeivtlon and an other ioldtne it waa a ohrold tumor and advail an operation no one know what i miinwed and tlie br am down palna were terrible n wroti to my alitor about it and jy a advleeileuetouka hydla v plnbhatoe vtable compound it hae diirerio of all my troabua j try n oneills and i did not haw to have the opera tion after all the compound alao helped me to paaa aafefy through cheng of ilf facts for sick women vor thirty your iylla k link liatnn vnpfotnlilfl vimpound mails from roots aiul liorlu uah boon tho itatilanl rommly for temaxii 111m ami has pmltl voly miwl thotuurwlii nf woman who have boon troubled wltli dlaplaoomontu inflammation uloerav uon fibroid tumor irroiruuritloh nerumllo pftttui ikirkaoho iliat bear injfdown fooling flfttulonoy indlima tlnndltlnoiwor norvoiu prostratlnn why dont you try t 1 mrs imnkham lnvite aul kick woman to write her for aulvlc hho has aruldedl thoujuaatts to hoautfa addroaa lynn afauul carriage works giiohobtown ont tor mccofmtcl itlmlrra xiawara hey kakae dre manture iu madai deln blile uallvery iuy hacba ixudei and wort man weld hay pou m sling oiifiu hay 1wk hop mrrnrmlcb hinder twine iuy 1 orb lack end all lilnda of track ltnnr hlone noela and hay urt coclthu tt wllliinaoit and 1 lur ilowa alao repalre for ll i aboe mechlnee irt lb ceiruae line i hive very full atock of ilu burrlet and uarhel waf oee all tb ln aiylei my owe and meuiublln co manufacture at rthi price a few good aecond luni liuagua and wagone will 1m told chaap come lo the ihppe for your cartage itapalrln j n onoills oroitoum ont the grand tmjnk railwav pauenoen tiiains alluhntoj al aolon a winn tk nn flora njavltfatloo gonmony burraio miibarev fallb kl timi 4 adih dally tttemt boaday leave toronto 7 o n a m s s 45 and 5 15 p m artlve in tocoato ip jo a m 1 s 45 4 43 bpo aad 10 15 p m city ticket otncefroend floor trader uank qnlldlag oillmt st alo a v webeter king aad t onae sta canadian natdonal and 29 exhibition sep 14 t o ron fr o oreiled mi besi auendedaotinal eiubuloi buuie wohd 10000001 la rrlim ahhkmmm ctmnrtu bverr fravluce scwb lis froiiclj grand art loan collection rha bmum uj kr ouwoil oalkrfu hlmilluil ululry tmm uj the sietie of sebsiopol with ooo tttlotmmwb international hoi show inlernajfenal cat show 8000 live stock on view m hb ud un unb mj m illnn 0 ftj eir run leiywbebe aoton hand laundry ja our ilttta ecocntrlcltlea are linrne pa tlently by our frlenda and ridiculed by our enemlea while we are entlroly un aware of their exlatonco castoria par muttui ouuno the km yu hm alwin boatht searc the jlgnatoreof a man who cant find an exouie to go aflahlng theae daye haant enough originality to atnnd off the uieaior mi elraela ee eveivbef el tae gaaalaa laxative lvomo4uloine uu am reeeedy thai awe neeeaeei eaueeter el tae gaaalae many a ao culled con ton tod peraonf llveaaeontlnuniiille dr j d kollogga dyavnlery cor dial m bpeody euro for dyientery diarrhoea oholora inmmar complaint aaaalqlcnoae and oouiplalnta incidental to children teething it glvee immed- inte relief tn thoae aufforing from the effeote nf indlaoretlon lit eating unripe fruit ouoiimliera etc it nclt with wonderful rapidity nnd nevet falle to conquer the dlaeiae no one need fear chotera if they havo a bottle of tlila inedlolne convenient i40u of people look thoughtful than lot it go at that foundation principle first t whon wo unduitnko to fill yoiirmiiwailptlona woglvo thorn our titidtvldod attontlnn nnd iwal cure tlio patlnnta welfaro la our flret oon alderatlon beoond i wo guarantoo our drtige to lie of full htrongth an wol aa pure and fmali tilrtt t our onatomore aro aiipplled with juatwhut theyiuk for i auhetl tilt ing ih nuvoi nllnwod ainya ugxritv oourounn if you aro b auffarer from ktdney dlaeaao liver complaint blood troublea rhoumatlam noumlglu ot norvoue proelratlon we oonndently reooto- jnend tho uae of patttee oelnry 0om pound tlife reliable and never dis appointing meillelne la a trim luaeaae banlaber and eyatem irtillder we anpply tlo genuine lalne celery ootnpound at brown aoton ont italwaya aeema aa if houaeolaanlng time and homely women all come to gether in a bunch miloiianita burdana life the bit loui man le never a companionable man became hie ailment render him moroae and gloomy the complaint le not aodan geroua at it la dlaagree able yet no one need auffer from it who can procure parmeleea vegetable pjilt ily regulating the liver and ob viating the effect of bile in the atom aah they reatore men to chaorfulnoca and full vigor of action congratulation ton leldom havo the ring of sincerity had weak back weal tie ta bee ver aal waa seemly aale te tara llnlmetits ana plasters did no good but mans kid ney pills cured mr arch bohnare bleak loint nr wrlleai vov yeara i was treubled with weak back oltentlawliihaveulnlnbed for daye being eeareely ahle to turn ny- eelf and i have alao been a great eubarer while trying to perform my heuaehold tlutlm i had deetem atteediiht mewhh- out avail and have tried liniment and puater but nothing aeeea to do me any good 1 wee aboac to give up in depefr when mv huabend ladoeed m to try poane ktdney pllle and after utrfng two boxee i an now well and ahle to do ny work lanmuredoanekldneylmlie are all that you elaln for them and i weald edvle ell kidney eafferere to give them a fair trial lteen kidney wile will ettre all bme ol kidney trouble from uaekaeke to ltrlghta dlaeeee and the prue la only 00 eettia per bov or 1 bovee for iba at all dealer or mailed dleot tm reoelpt of prlee by the dot kidney pill oo toronto onl amca webster having purchaaed the lnttndry bualneaa ef i clave dealrea to solicit the contin ued patronago of the mnny cuitomerwhe have favored the bualneaa with their orders strict attention will be paid to careful fllllegof all orders aad the excellent clans of work which has always been turned out lu the past will be continued jamky wkh9ter klluutreet acton fffssbbga excelsior bakery wo arc headquar ters in acton for broad cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con- iectionery t statham 9l son hi mmt aolon w gimsoif painter paper hanger sign writer picture lramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware otc no unnecessary delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices wgimson wih walker painter piper hangtr decorator uma strml aooa oppoilij slihrnaoa- nuciiimkh 1 shop hjpnalm the work ol vein la xcua i pcool ol lit callnc1 orilt fc1 1 a t drown druj slor line pranpl mllon w i walker abtoh learn dressmaking in a week jmwirflsuilhuiiwi ku lsfcrstllsl wpl at baartwa invwnor enj ptae thlttbamoub institution la eonllnaallir jweuahaaam mlung in the war eoltare ialakifwudiir or eyea g jtaibeaet- oeneaireea lo uaetior m aeooiihiolclaa the berlin steam granite and marble works callpkn aun hhu tllinrnnl rnlkltmi 1u- vro j artsub cemetery work wlllluii hcuistrcct 1 a aclon new pictures at- waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros cuelph abt btorb everton sms eoen mills the beet quality ot manitoba family and paatry flour for nolo at lowost prices our vjwn make chopping done and ojii ttolled ever feed for sals caili for wheat and oata henry hortop we want a reliable local salesman for aotoll and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries lnrgeat hat of commercial nnd domes tic fruits large nndanull ornament al nnd sliiule troea nowcrlng ahnibe vinoa ronca fine need potnteca one of our apccloltiea fatock that la hardy cornea from ua a permnnout sitiintloii for right man for whom territory will bo rciiervod pay weekly free equlpnmit write for partlciilani stone wellington ronthlll nurrorlch jo ncro toronto ontario mfeod engraving dhotoealdravin halftones iyeuiisortiiuiiiirriijw itaumuohuazirlu 6vc jljonesenoc patents wtkttgsmw patents phomptly securep re oiir npliiian in wiihber kianlaliu rented bpelleetlenenaveflaul eeiyhict fiilly iuimi uriiea ei jttwif h jllapatali work srtd esltweeeue v ti kffih ilfihatlrelenisa isclx wifiietagbi

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