Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1908, p. 2

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r pwwwr n frl 1 iran sjws vjy u m iimt uiouuta 4k viltal dit ai lb fb i ntitlmadav allan uuulilar li 1av julvu taoluuta of ii i i until it i hair 11 itsfliu l j in lllaliiili miui flu iii mi 1 hclavlili ut in n frluv tih f t mr ail kit i ium ilirl wlf4 uf rwur uia m vb ilil yaar lial troiiin tiiuhmdav al ii hi i i ilftri kditoplap- notknt tho jdilcutfimiy mlulir tllmi imuiw foiinil to inun tun m a iluununl uiiicasu tnd buhuu ii from tlin tjuuhhhmi purlin luentury gituit will go to dm lliitllii flehln 1uiiii lliu pngiunts liiul h surplus if mikli wlikh will go to tlio bhuio fund nml neb of tin othir eo m mitten i mn i uiit pluu nln during tint ptrlod from iniiuury 1st 1imm1 tn decouihrr til iwi7 the nunc bor nf nllona nnturtillaid in cn rutin wi 17711 of tlit no 7u7u were from tlifl i lilted ntntm inul ij7 tvuro hilisluns lint jmp uii mi utmilwrs hm1 and thu liliuuu j i siirii tlin not ranin liitn roriii h7 in i u lit rut hnvo been nulumlltil up to haliirdny tuttt tho post itljlci- dopartiuent ruportul tltiit ilin snlo of pout n go stamps cniumiimiriitlvu of the qiiahua torcentuinry hnd rinched n toul or jouoooooaggrrgatillg buhi 000 thertt line luin a hlgduinand fin til stamps nil ovwr tho world it iu stated tluit the ibuuo of iho various do nnml ii t lona ulll soon lw oxhatibtid end no moro wilt iw isbiiud tlia host ntitlioritldh ostliiiatn i lie wuurn wlivat crop nt ljo000n00 bushels uguilng tlio yield at milv lluimu00tibhou wvbliru iiuthnr lly calculate tho pnspocts of tint worlds supply to ho such that wo are not likely to liava lower flguro than dollar a bushel for tliu coming bhiboii and prlco of ho cont b la regarded rb a molt coniarvbtiva oitlmnto tlin tlirco principal crops uro nbtlnintcd to iki worth this year nu follows wliont 110010 xxt liiibliala nt so cunts 902800 000 ota 117m1mm imilicu nt unu ll0uo2v hurley iiaooiu oubiipu nt 40 cant- 910 300 000 it oinlcma toul of 9hi120u0 tliora undoubtodty u a largo business in bight or tho merchant if thoy can hut mure tho stock to tupply tho demand won rnoai thopiiv holdkhb dr mcotvffora fnnitiiis link from klorn which won tho trophy nt the dominion bowling tournament nt to roato laat week nceompnnlod hy another btronp rink graced acton bowling green with tuolrproioncolftst tumdny nftornoon whan two very en joynblo gamvi wore played acton wm buccsful in ita contest with tho trophy aggregation and won out with k mom of 73 to w no follows knurr o ns tilt municipal council tv to b rld in r rajtatnd eortd intallimntai on uapt ittlh and novembar 14th ho milt bvlaw wah pabmbtu tiiiu ii uti t in ngulnr utuutn nt hi in on moiiduy w iilng oiiii dllnrsdniy 1111 mid willimiih pnu ml iholtn v hi tho clmlr ihu liiiuiiio ifiiinil if to ntitl itt kllh it port ii nd n oniiiundid pity- nu nt nf tlin following htcoiintu tiiiiliniltii1iir o siippliin i llllh ii g hutu wulihlug r til lllui oullwilli l ji wlku lh 0 main il urnvil iiyilnr li r iu1mi inning 8j0i 00 7 iki 21 m w 7 j it hu j uioiu p pliahor dr korr a hoblw dt wcorcgor kip o j fuahar h wluler k k htuiio v j itobb kip icrnv ii maoklln j it knnnedy w j lm w a j macklnnon 11 uklp 10 v m ilnndotbon w ii utowart w aionnbh goo lly ml a in skip a7 v klichr dr mogtagor a ilnbba dr kerr kip o j puolior h wliblar v j hoss w u ntnmi kip hbonixluie d m ilondprson w ii htowurt job i loin inn w h chlbholm 10 skip xih monro 11 slooro ii aklp m ii tj majority for acton 22 another very onjoyabln ninldi with n gentlemanly lot of hnwlora took placo on tho groon hoio on trlday aftarnoiii threo rlnka from oaltcon- tatting tho local plnyora two games wflra played in lioth of whloli acton wubiiooabbftil winning by eight points in the flrat nnd twelvo in tlin second with tho following aooroa flltht matim i liu ri ptijj jviis ndopti d v ity luiv ivan intiotlultd niitliorl instill- tuv i vy of iwanly inllfs on tho dollar fin tho war 1uw fot lut- ina poi ution of tho llhigp of ac hoi i lu by law h t olv t it us full riiinling i liu duii u for tho pnyiiii ut of taxtiu foe tliu cntu nt yttir wtio llxid foi hitmdii kpt uih for hist inuioll nu nt mid milimhi m i lib for tin il tiimllli 1111 imliiniiii mitott mid wtilu wis ngfithd of ihiiiiiioim tpiul hob fthuul lown i in will ut v that tin p uro 1111c tl up iniiiudliitily itiiir huiltli ttf tho iro ihlgnde n jtot ti d tolluicoitni ii tlmt thariiuwny lulu tlio lire hull win in vi ry wrtik vni d rondltion 1 im town hull t niiimlttce will sin ttiut tlin iilcnuuury n pniru nro iinub ihu hoove nporttil tlmt th luilld log noxt johnutun f- lnn stun or mill hint twin l by mrs lohn arlhurc inul liu ti imitid linck to tlin wlibiiud stun t line lust cur nnd tlmt tho 1 oinirll hnd tnknn no action i wind piiiclihuing iho front ago i mi me a sutlonii nt will likely ho hindi ut tliu oimcll ii next smi hi n i urn ii odjotirnoil shortly itfti nl no oliocu aotun iu btil1 in tiiu lie ad won from a mr- town in tho luoky klcht 1 ho locnl ittibo ball team scored tholi font th toiisi cutlvn victory overthorge town lij difoatlug tlmt tnam in a h ni ton 1oel ingiinganip in the park hero nu kllunlay hy tlm score of nine tn flvi mccuig who is to ho given n trial by hit to ronton was sent in tn twirl nninut tho acton and for biivoit i liign it looked as if hnwna going to hind it victory over tliim ills club acored one run in tlio first innluga on bits by luck und arnold and two moro in tho third when mckay wna dead hondod to drat ilotunu reaching that back on toy lor a error both scoring on wilds overthrow to tho tnll grass in right fluid at the end of tho seventh innings the visitors ware landing by four to two but mccaig weakened in tho eighth when tho local drow a charity mid found hi dtllvary for alx hits for a total or ne von runs kveryono hit tho hull nnd v llyder got througli with an nvorugfl nf 1000 on the game the boy hnd their hatting clothes on mid a total of eleven safe hits tolls part of tlio story of tho inst game between acton and georgetown for the senann onitofl after tho first innings hyndswnsln vincltde only throe moro hits being inntlo off him tliu georgetown infield played n whirlwind of a game hut wero nut batted and out gonemlcd by the locals and unable to locate tho sphere when hits meant runs tho score i actov a ii it ii 10 if ii h acton pupils are successful all who wrau sit department m ttailnhtlonai paiatawd but thl m lionons to oun moitf bohool hit iiunlu of tlio lemnt dopurl nmntnl cmiiiiliintloiih for normal i n tituim and malili iihillnii wine very gratifying of the sight studnjitm acton high hcho tlm following ii w ro iiicnmkfn noun vi i ruim k mahtlo chapman honors wliinlndrlmhll annie a ifarvuy i aiinii hiniilt rnon mxtiiii i i vri warn n i lltowil mr tthy w vvauon who is i llrniiiim ding iuii whs biirfossful in miitrlrnluthu rgfitown i wiunlntitjon nt mcdonald 1 b hosnoskll f n hyder a taylor a 1 uydeiljh will fan 1 r f ilymls p wilila uh holmes o f total u 0 0 0 2 i u 1 fl 0 0 0 i o o o a o a 1 anothai liidiiimjk hemovd iho iihttlnn of i jolin umoroii hue now brlukhuusir on bis pjonerty nu main ht rot b has nccintsluud th it moving of part of lilu planing mill about thirty six foot of hn front bat lifiin taki it mown this building was iriotod hy mr lunulas v mutgo for a pump fa toiy boiiih forty uuven yi ngo llttpiin inistd tlio pump hllil nrsh whli li hnd iki h opurntt d by misais daniel hliook now of ooral midi mid i utsliiu hull whn tho hittil willi in allium with the gold mi li in and put up mils building til nit oniliiniliito it it win afterwards titilii il nu n pinning mill by lhhage jtc nuiphrll muoroa mcgarvlu occu plod it aw u trunk mid valiso factory for sovi rul yiaii itamshaw a- hi thinuaid tlio building for a planing mill and opcrutnl a chopping mill in oiinurtloii i lunlly mr came rein piiirbauid tin proitrty nnd has in ills pinning mill iiiisiiiouh tluro for tl ptut llftiun yoars oi nion alma ladies college st thomas ontario hlh yenr i a leading cniiadimu lollcgu 1 uilowiiiciit allows ex rcjitioniiuy rciuouahle talcs a full j ir h tuition uith inkihi rixiiii mid laumlry i rl i if fut mmi ftnafifutrttr 9 ami upwatils 168 dio hail at tottenham wind alajo ooaa imminm dmjr qropai dtoyad rntttmhnm aug olii hundreds of whitlows lirnkon in hnnsea stores and ohurclms linmonso trees blown down hnllillrihb blown ovgr and tho crops debtroyod nrt bobin of the resiilta of the worst wind hail mid rain storm that luib ovar been known in tlila vicinity the hailstones us largo as plums were drifted in tho streets to tho depth nf afoot lolophono and tele graph wires wero down nnd trains went held up unable to gut clearing orders crops woro ciitas though with a reapor there will bo a heavy loss on wheat anil oats i l i o u 27 in u hoiuircruwv a ii ii ii i n v it 4 112 i 0 1 u 1 1 1 i 1 t o 0 0 i 1 0 d ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 i 0 0 0 2 1 f hughes j c tihortlll j carter f o bond aklp a mblloan a k urndwln w 8 tiirnbnll a htrong aklp ii mcdonald j ilutlor uf idkkm a klinsllo skip utit- ii mcdonald j dutler dr lnko a klnulio aklp w williams j o bhortlll j carter f o llond ilklp a mellonti a is drndwln w h turnhull a d htrong aklp aiti1n jub monro walter ilood a a hnnord w h chlbholm 17 aklp ii i monro m mnoklln v monabb w j gould in eklp m henderson 1 it kennedy job ilntmob geo hyuilu lit nklp a j tollman tames monro w h ohlbhnlni a a hocnrd h aklp 111 ii 1 mnmo w flood w j gould j mcintosh 1 aklp 12 d m henderson t j glbhoiib goo hy ml b joi llnlmoa 17 aklp u 7u iki majority for aotnn 20 guolph city chili wilt soiul ii rlnka of hnwlara tn anton on lliiiridny for a frlandly gamoj two giiines will lm played in tlia aftornonn fhat gaino oallod at one oclock tlin inooiid nt three oclock bklpa tor aotort one n olonk gnnto i a j mcklnnoii a a ranord w 8 oblajiolm sklpa fm ii oolook gairlai janiaa mointoah gun hynda win uonabb tuok d b arnold 1 b mckay a hodson if 12 10 gugglnnhiirg as t 0 1 1 i inrtnr 2 b driiminond c f wrlgglou worth r f meoalg p total it rt ai 1h i lly innlngm acton 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 7 k u gnorgotown 1 0 j 0 0 0 1 0 16 nummary j alruolc nut by hynda h hy mccaig i imacs on halla off hynda oir mccaig 1 1 hit hy pitched ball holmes i two hnao lilts tuck arnold hodson i loftonliasaaadtnnlli gonrgn town 1 1 aiiorlfloo bits hosnnskl k itydsr wllllnmbs hodson wrlggleu- worth t flrst bnae on errors aotnu 2 gnorgotown 2 1 stolon mmu eosnoski tuylnr k hydor holmss porter drmnmondt pass balln mckay 2i tlinn nf gamn 1 40i umpires davla nnd gould hwtompltki hkauvk itlioolli wttti u1mt lt acton 7 2 777 nnmfrw o ii ion mm hij i i ieli licoiimrroun j 7 222 ilramptnn won tho brampton milton mutch on httturday hy tho ecnro of 12 to h this result still limvcb aotou in tlio lend with hintnptonnoloboaecniid anton wilt piny milton in milton next saturday do vou bat iliaht hhnv ontlng and lugnhir meals a of great boneflt tn a wrong acting btoiimoli tliosn whn aulfor willi lnd- gnstliui and weak stomach can with earn and tho use nf ml o no stomach tnhlfta fnatnin tho dlgoitlon in n healthy condition bo that thayoaiiont what thoy want nb any tlmo without fear ot dlqtrosa or aufforlng aftor n taw dnya uao of ml niin atouhoh tablets tho iioadnaliea illxay fouling drowalnrsa iwid taate ift tho mouth coated tonpttu flatiilonco aluop- bisuncss dlatreis tit tor ontlng all theuo aymptonia nf a weak atomnoli will dls- nppoar nnd porfeot digest inn and good health will ho ruttorod a t llrown luu an much oonfldoncn in thn power nf ml nna toourelndlgoi- tlon tlmt hn glinranteea attafnotlon or money hack 1iloe fit aonte di1vathd hklp poii oatannil drujrartat a t drown la havlnar splendid n a porta from llyomal uaaa ilti thn poison gerum 111 tho nlr you breathe that creates and fowls catarrh hyomol simply catches those gerina on their way to work and dostroya them iho first breath or hyonicl ulr kills all oatnrrhal pal won ihls nmkoa tho air you aro breathing in word helpful it goes on ita way through thn air paaingib bronchial tubes nnd lungs charged with gorm dcstroylngpower that cannot iw resist ed it soothe nnd hoals tho wounded and inflamed membrane that la why hyomol 1b ao instantly helpful for nny distress nf tho breathing organs ooiiib croup bronohltlbnslhma or drenilod pnounmnla thoy aro tho gorm llfo that hyomol klllb complete guaranteed outfit 91 00 hold hy a t ilrnwn talk to thorn about it niwi notb8 nt onoigoe oathrdrnl authorities at kingston linvo through dean farth ing refuoed to runow tho loose of tho cullender hotel which for forty yenra wna undei lenao fiom tho rootory liat wook thn magistrate at kings ton impound 1 175 in in us upon hotel men and btemnhnnt men for infractions of thn llijuor law two provincial do tuotivob sjient n month in tho city nnd a round up nf twenty hotel mrn for belling liquor in prohibited hours nml two atoitniahlp companies for soiling without license wb iho result canada drink bill hi nnty one quar ter per bond that nf great ilrltnin dbapnbmi oamhdt bb cured rs lmfosaa atil tllm u iiohbi rammllat hssioms natiiart ity an n ifmn ol tlia isi li by eooitlju mnil wiitii jiinii oiihamiimuvruldji uuiuohuri tub whs lilt i uttals nibsinml ioi ir wliloji li dnlliino lmi au hihsiiisd eaudltlno ol luoousaiirftiis i one iliinitrsd dollars fov wir oorikatw clreuur lr j omhnbv00 tolle o holil hv druuiiliialiw i ska halls vaniuy hill for eouitlpallon a bwdoping victory will in all probability ho won hy the temperance forces in manitoba next deoomber bald aid jam ob halofl dominion counolllor of tho iloyal templar of tomporiinoo who hna recently rottimad from a trip to tho west whore he assisted in nrga nixing the campaign tho bontlmuntjn favor of tho aboli tion nf iho bur la very strong in mnnltoha ho added and am a wault nf nn act paused last spring hy tho legislature a very largo mimbar of iniinleialltoa will vote on local option or tho local veto na it u called out thorn the bar hag already bean abolished in hlnntrun or twenty muni cipalities and the prospect la very gnml for the carrying of the local veto vutti in nt least half of the remaining 101 niunlalpaflttea that would mean that there would ha prohibition in 70 out of 120 municipalities no wa the genuine worcestershire our new wash delaines at 40o 4bo and boo a yard recognizing the comfort and service n reliable delaine gives the wearer we have installed an unusually largo variety of these serviceable dress materials for early fall trade just received a comprehensive shipment of new pattern delaines for dress kimona waist and childrens wear bought with a knowledge of what is appropriate and stylish for each of these purposes can orfcr twcntyclght different patterns and colorings from 26 o 29 inches wide floral designs stripes checks and n full variety of spot and other neat patterns on white and on colored grounds prices lower values better than before 40c 43c and 50c a yard makes a purchaser every time seeing is believing come and see mens negligee shirts to 00 at housecleaning prices saturday is the great day we have gono through our entire stock nf mens shirts and have decided to have a general clearing up of odd lots broken sizes and surplui stock all are good honest wash shirts which will do you a good turn for a small outlay now is shirtbuying time come saturday of this week st aumos gllucl guaranteed pure spices for p pepper allspice cdovei hace tumeric curry powder celery seed garlic etc yji have tho very best spices obtainable both whole and firound li t brown will st acton hsorjoettung new regular 9i oo i 35 end lettlrom 15 tn 17i varluty and styles tn goat 77c encb so blilrtu lolorhiga 9l9j negligee bhlru good variety of colorings and slic sale price 88c such 9to negligee shirts in caloriagu of black and white blue ned white mutive nml white tan and white and grey and white this lot include five different llnsa with from two to four coloring in n line and affere a splendid opportunity of procuring an extra quality shirt for loo 93 o flannel hulrta with lounge col- lam to match regular outing blurts lu celors tana and blues sale 9119 93 aa negligee shirts of fine zephyrs with blue grey grounds and colored hair line stripes inlo 91 as ft on cream lustre shir la very dresay and aervlceable for outing weur sale 9l3j si 35 negllgse blilrth white greundu with ruined corda and hairline lotnred strips nolo prlco fi 69 jo negligee shirts made of japanese hand woven crepe uhlrtlngs noted for their good weariuj iv 9j 00 negligee shirts new stock new est and neatest patterns sale price lj g b ryan co we do what we say old iran ritf and rubbor nknt6d good prices paid second hand stoves an i ru a r far arm machinery supplied uoruis ham hok 4jn acton ont pripce artl7iir worn and popular in all ilie amurlcn lus gfc j wallace mens outfitter hm street acton canadas groiaring time is most strongly marked by the increaso of its telephone service the bell telephone co of canada affords service with 100000 subscribers exchange connection costs only s 12 to 10 cents per day an extension set on vour desk i 13 cents per day 8pecial inducements for rural lino connection ovor 300 rural syutoms now connected for full particular consult the contract dept or a t brown local manager ejtssr h h tjnsworth vantei l in manitoba alberta saskatchewan wrk krlng tor hx0oo men oaadwafm excursions to winnipeg it 1000 2 rraalilaalsfrem winnie tetmlnuwksmftirm labdrvra ar hhm within cerialn limit a vtssj s18q0 lift sj excursions leave aug19sept9 from m italians taranle to hrola line and euth lhr l ouaala mroktant fi poster dw ttmiil1ux yetoale your canning efforts spice wo havo all kinds wholo or fcowdorod tliov aro fresh and of finest flavor we guarani 0 their pwty sealing ma brials red bottle wax bottlo wax ii tins ready for uso 10c parafine beeswax and resin for kin you own parafino rubbers for soalors 5 and 10c a dozen corks of ov ty size e a robertson as 1 inlay 1 inrnliik uiinday jkniilii k iletw abbrili firicnititkic iou ha lb atjumilltvf i mill lit n ulirr a 1 ly t nu i ml al duoui liu hi hm furnish k0 room wantld itxv ikolklttv irnit hams a ff 1wlllti lo st 1 laiilcu l1 jn1 and officer oarnahnn baa not yat rdoalvnil that offlalal oap knvy la tho habit nf extracting our own miliary nut of thn happlnoas of otheii ahqust sale it will pay you to keep in closo touch with this store for tho balanco of this month many bargains on seasonable goods a general sale of genuine goods highest prices paid for farm produce h h unsworth druggist and the palace drug store ptician acton liquid makes old thiigs new for woodwork pianos thing having a varnished joi elert surface ineeh lurnituro or any- nnncd or cnam- rfcton applied with a cloth not a varnish but a surfao food wonderful for dustingt ty liquid veneerl on your piano it will ontiro ly romovo any si loky bluish an pearance and instantly rovivo ho origlnnl finish and leave the surfaco looking xaotly like now 4 ot bottles 25o 12 0 bottles 50o r f- jol7isto7e go i acton h7trd2lnmt2b tliifoiijmlutlohvtiliiia ro balif plial lmlr1 i i 1 nl i iii v htfuii v 1 i lly lal i 01h ltitu1 r fin rnuiluua lava 1 i mi i 1 11 iiiaul a gnml ulvtt lat hiiiiibr vor tiitniiiai 1uiiiuitll vtrrkitsjfvist iocs mtjwoipamty op thk muivokof acton notifil u i rl v dirri d al i tiaa irani mlliwl rtahvartxll ii 1 oie iiamaiitlnn kiihul j iii umailttv ta hal aal 111 all llutilciitl i ii a idblisllta ai lona a 1 11i uisl at my 1 tfloa at 4lll lay ol july icllori 111 to ubs iii lly al li sauiut 1 acllfltia fnr 7till m llaiattllaimuf r ii- t mdllall art irfi ami lamali a 1 iil ilarabycall tnllata proca4l ualaiuhlairil uyrfjlii new pictures at waters bfoa new idtts in inming artibtb supplies oil and water colore alwayn frth tnd of the best quality waters bros guetph art store hcton li ver y ikd bus lim tho umlrrilknc 1 rcipccllully lolicils ilia paucinate ol tlio pih lie anil in farm 9 ihcm that well equipped and stylish lua can nlwni s ho secure nt fill slabtos a comforuhlo hun mceis all i rain 1 hetucen 10 oo n m nnd 6 19 p m careful mention riven in every order tho wants of com tnerci it travellers hilly met john inzii pboitjidton new york philadelphia tliht ieolc a d bjivajto m attoiiding tliu iiimml con vontlon of tlm anitricnu ahhoctutlnn nf optkiins bu itig held in imuludeli hiii i cuing rtulailclphii the inlltrptrt of the wotl will ho upliit in looking up tlm latoht iikiii in nntil il gonitfi untl itns j linilinr maihln crj iu niw tiik citj if on mm1i the i itlhta ikht in crlassih ma a d savage guelphs lixclusivc optician iunn griiulini roj aim phone 517 guelpii for mcij apd dont ontv read about tho iiuli wunra ottering tlmt ih nut the way to mno money cojito mid ice the bttr- guinn the will cnnvhtlo you wivliro guiug two dolliirn foi one dollnr cm nil our thinls 11 tho lint lino mi in hntx nt 1 the regular pruo cnp nt lihs than hnlf thin month mil moat your frloiidn in n now hat linil liiivqonoiinh left to blow journolfi lafontaines pur establishment 05 otiehoc strcot ont guolph ont

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