Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1908, p. 3

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wo nre iiiitmrini or 1847 rogers knives iorks and spoons wotldlnjr lrrttb in hoi id silver ullvor ftnt cut quum snrj i nnay china wkqdinq imnob mnrrlnuu ljans lauad geo mill street hvmds acton illic arttm jfrcc jrrss thuiihdav alllimr ii it lia kindly iv i tli iilmilifpt nttmnptld hlm li brlcr local items yliit nirul chimin nil ru utmii on m nudity nix kxiiiosinirviu pull lit actmt titli am 7l1i oclilfi acton clllons hand villi rivo utt ripim nil niui it nt ihi own hull baud htioij to nluhl tlloltjioirilmwi it oii 111 is ink i ii j u vuum holidays no iuifr will ha usuml tliluiuil till tiwl of hill has decided to limkn win mi nil linda of weeds foil nil within llunopoiiitlnn mrs itobt atiioi favor l llm imi iut hi- of old country paplir mm llolton of tirt suldriu with it raoi last weok now in iv i hum llouiltiil lonigiitown u into of taxation lu ul mills hi in year with a special rate of h mills for etrutit sprinkling i ho methodist hunday hohool hay drive on tho 121st inst will ho a vary peculiar outing with thu cuing folks a to i onto hoy wan sunt to contra iluon foi nliio months by col donl- son last week for miiutlilii windows tlio chopping mill project u begin ning to iiuhunui ii inorc practical iseuo thu mill will prohuhly hi- opened ry shortly llov w mcdonald of knox col lege toronto txi upiocl thu pulpit nt knox chinch hint nundny with much nccoptiinco ho v mntthuw wilson of acton very acceptably t onilm ted hie services at tit loortiuu chin tli nn huudny last georgetown llciahl carpontom aiu huuy topnlrlng thu homo on mill htioitt owned hy mini mllly andcieun whitli was dnmnged hy lire on the lth nit kir jonl liulln innught a very lino until pi u of spilng wheat gnnso vntluty to tliiu olllin hiht thursday which muauorcu il feet 1 inches noxious woidu nro glowing un- molested on uitiiln streets nud in numerous vacant lotu tho municipal authorities should iciiudy this evil tharo ii ro shv ii at small holos in thu mill htroot mucndniii lond which aro dally browing larger thoy should ltd llllril with broken mom without delay mr u matthiuu of he i hi has movod to town mid tu establishing a coal oil huninoaii hurt dolivortng from liotiin to hoiibii in town and country illronls in odvanrngots tho finite pkkmm to jan 1st khh to any can- v ftln subscriber dont liorrow nil- other minute maybe your neighbor dont wflnt to loud olthor it lu not u vciy good index of tho efttcienny of thj street llhtln system tn hnvt line or two circuits cut off on dark and hormy nlrhts as has hoon tho casr on not urnl ocaatlonn lata ly aro tlioso bhniite still lucking p it ucoiuti to ho popular in cortnln circles at present to eacrlflctt the moiutrtchits instors oldorv nnd tho rank nnd fllo ur following th now f mh ion that tho porsonnl npnear- nnco nf tho dovntcoo e improved firavely questioned nsptclnlly hy tho adlei happily wsddtml in ouelph a ohiirnilna homo wadding wai sol- omnuod on wednesday nt the real- denoo of the hriilon mother tiondon uond when mlaa h illniioho mmliloefc was united in nmrrlngp tn mr h y durnott of winuipog tho ceremony was performed in tho drawing room before a hank nf pnlme nnd ferns nnd white sweet pen hlnisdms artistically arranged tho ofllclntlng clorgynmn wnsthorov it oioigu wntt mim kilnmnrtln ptiiynd the wedding march only tho immediate relatives of tlio family witnessed tho ceremony the hrldo who wn unattended wore n handsome rnho of not over tnffnta ilk a small rnrnnnt of sweet pens amlahouqiict nf hi iduu rnsos charming ly showorod complottd tho ery lie- coming hrldnl inatiiini mi mid mrs ilurnott will leulde in winnipeg whore mr umiiou holds thn position of ailvortuing in aim gov of the winni peg telegrrtph fluolph mercury dath of mvm pewty browns ythsr the wliibhaiii times says i tho death ooourred on tlmrsdny pvonlng last of mr a 1- kliniiions in his imii year loceusnil wim taken iii with typhoid fever two weeks pi lor to his death nnd fioni the hist his onie was a critical one mr hlminnns onmn to wlnglinin fiom inndon with his parents over thirty yonrs ngo nnd lind cantlmiod ns n resident of tho town ever elnre iir it nuniber of years the doconsod hitd onnductsd a job printing huslneis horn nnil pr it fow years puhllslied tho wlugham jour- nul up was n man nf many good parts iiu was wholn touled unit would nhvnys do if good turn far a friend for over twenty years ho had been nuiinootid with the wmatnn army ho will lie intioli inlssml hy his eonkradeu nnd friend nnd tholtereaved family will have the sympathy of tho community in tholr ntlllatlon ho is survived hy his widow nnd four sons arftl flvu daughters vl i ifirnlo uarp- r willie aiclilo alio isnbelta gertrude nnd oi are nil of whom nro residing in wiiibiiiuii and mrs imroy d of anton mr heoitsfaor dbolinibsi liberal convention on auvuit blsrt to ohoc nsiw tim ijiiipiiii exenutlve mot in milton last ivldiiy whim fun i moorcgot not i lml them that for buylness reasons ho could nut iimnmt tho nomination tendered him to ho eiindldato for the cominnnu he thanked lhem for the aonflduuen thoy hud uliowu in lilui nnd vohliltevrd to help the naudldato to ho ehnsoii whoever ho might bo a general aouvuntlou is called for prldsy august 21st news of local import t- allans blblv oimm ht a limn- chiiirh lllhlo i hm whirl win tnrtid inst hiiinhiy iifler- ihhhi nt i ocloik will ih ooiitiiiudd next hiinday at ii when mr hurling limti will glvu u pit put on uhn chuicli of tho upper koom at jrrualuiu men nf nil ago nrtr invited blihopwavnor india vultmaoion huhnp i- w warn of iuaknow india has lweii ruiiuwlng arqunlnthn- ceu in his boyhoods home in krln townahlp thu past weiik the illuhop prearhud u very able mid t rfuctlvo enimn in tho methodic chinch hal- llnafad on hunday itftertioon he madu the yukk piiicmm a pleasant cull on tuesday tin lllshop mid the odltor were frlimds nt oolligo over thirty year ago t th ktfn mill kivuji county coiiucllltrf maltousld of wellington telephoned to milton n few dsya njjo for the aqdreas of tho chairman of the road and bridge com- iitlttee of haunns council whom in wished to consult aliout n largo hrllgii nu tlio toad dlvidlow ilultoil nod alllngton which he said was lo dangerous tuta artd needed hiimedi nta repairs he ivaa put into com liliinlcatlon with the chulrman mr hnackhamcr of acton ohamplon avi aeton boy im kdenu at tho annual meat lug nf vi m htolal rireiusns assoelittlon hclil at thoiohl lastweek the following officers were elected president charles allan ilramptont vicepresident w illrroll latullton i hocond vicepresident adam martin thnroldt hoorotnry george tito mas niagara falls treas urer ooorgo klklns thorold mr a i inn is n son of mr j p allen and wa burn in acton th methodut fulplt in the alsenco nf the pastor hei o w ilarker who is holidaying nt bis fiithora horns in canning tho pulpit of the methodist church was ably fill ed last sunday by mr j hcarrow in the morning and ho v jen watts of krln in the evening mr hcarrov occupied mr watts pulpit at con- ingsby in the evening next hunday the pulpit will lie occupied hy hev goo honey h a ii d or prince ton llo killed t ouelbh tho ouelph mercury says i on sat urday mr alox crawford lost a valu able horse through a simple accident in this olty the horse lulng one of a team was employed in hauling him her from nnsiagaweya to ouolph when crossing the pavement the animal sllp- ped in n very simple manner and in falling broke one or its legs tim animal a valuable one and worth at least 9jfht had to im destroed and mr crawford is that much out of pnokdt aotort quoit club matehea the emlhnals of a series of matches hot wean meinliere of acton quoit club were played on gibbons rink on tues day evening j irishman dufontad v h campbell with a score of tti to i w d anderson won a default ngnlnst j campbell the finals will lie played off oino day this week after tho above- match friendly gains were play ed between it ilehnett and b munn v a p thompson and n mcnabh also j lelshmnn and c itmointosh v w anderson and ii campbell the club has had numerous ititersutlng games this season deth of nv hobert hume itav itobert hume m a a retlroil presbyterian minister died in toron to on thursday at the ago of 71 years ho was a nntlvo of hnllon county having i won liorn near milton ho graduated from knox collogo and toronto university and for 21 years was pastor at ht ooorgo i then for lovan years at arkona mince tho termination of his ministry there he has been living retired in toronto his homo being at 70 admiral bond whore live the widow and only son ttolwrt d hume of klllott hume bar risters biremsnsi mxoutvlon ueeoaei tho oxcurslon of acton fire llrlgado to niagara falls last wednesday was quite sucuessful there were over 1mm paiungere on tho special train engag ed and the trip to and fiom tho falls was rondo in very good time acton cltlxens hand accompanied the ex cursion and their music enlivened the proceedings and rave an added pleas ure to tho excursionists tho time card allowed about eight hours at tho falls and overy moment of this was enjoyed in viewing natures most wonderful waterfall nnd the many attractions of tills popular locality this annual treat provided by tho flro hrlgnde is iiiuoli enjoyed by their innny patrons death or afro john modoujrall friends here received particulars this week of the sudden death of mrs john meuougnll nt tho family residence iflh hroadway seattle wash on monday urd august mrs mo- dnugahti maiden nnma way kllxabeth kelly mhe wu born ut dlintroon ont hho was married some fourteen yenre ago tn hot sorrowing husband nnd line slnoo resided in doattlo with tho exception of two years spent in canada part of which was at the home of air hugh mcpougall aotun six children are left to mourn tho loss of u mothers care and love the ynungost but a few hours old when thu mother died mrs mopougall was greatly be loved nnd will be sadly missed in her homo and among her many friends kenney bo sjtoro broken into about half past ten on sunday oven- log three young men who had eomo to town some hour previously on a westbound freight effected nn en trance to kenrjoy bros shoe store through removing couple of panes of glass from a window on the south east side of the building a number of young men who were passing at the time saw i light in tho store and on looking more closely discovered the men an alarm was immediately raised and the burglar ffvd through a rear entrance over the fence mid up nowe avamittheir piijrsuere wak ened mr john kenney who joined in the pursuit and together they located the men behind the o t it tajik but railed to ohich them ilia burglars only succeeded in taking one pair of booia nnilapoekrit case iwkmglng to nr iawioii the contents of which went afterwards found near tho tank social and personal mi mlchuel iwihib of oimlph wuu in town imbi wok mu- ulluii williams i- hollibiylug uilh ihimlalk friend mr alex lumslinw has gone to i011- 1 m to lake h sllimtlim mr gordon joliiistonr of oinlph was in town this week mr hurt i holmes was hoiim from hamilton ovor hunday mr- k h hlce spent civ in holiday with friends in ilundalk miss 1 4i or moore epoul tho wut week with ilerllu friends mlix fdylha hinlth spoilt i ho pant week with friends in ilerllu mue mvrlls and wllda mccrelght are holidaying at kincardine mt j j holland of umutltoit was in town a day or two tout week muter arlof ii1m sftent sevvnll ttayri thu week with frleihls in toronto mt allterj hwlndlos ofkewiuajket stent a few days in own last week mrs henry ilnuor aijd children ct ilrampton are visiting friends here mrs w p camplmll of toronto visited actnu friends the past week missus clsru and mailo oooduvo of toroiuovwtidfrlvnilijherfl this week mr itulsion drown u buffering fiom serious ukack of iirlerlul ihouiiia- tli miss lillianking or pubton visited nt the hniiii- f mi hnbt llounatt this week air david csrty ji took in tho old hoys nemiloii in ouolph last week mr j o hhnrtlll or gait visited at the parental home at hihlnafnd last week mr t i chowu of ilanle was in town on monday renewing acijtmliit- nnces alias h lei in tircinsword of nnrvnl is visiting her friend mlas iaou denny mui helun nilklin of guelph is visiting nt the home of mm a ii ilrowu miss lliadley ol guelph vilted her friend mub annie corrlglll on clvlo holiday mr l mcmillan of toronto was in town visiting acton friend- during tho woek miss nellie mulhollund of toronto is spending it months holidays at tho parental home kov dr metavlsh of kingston spent a day or so lust week with friends in town air nnd aire holnnd perry mini of iondon spent lateral days this weok with acton friends air t k mcculhun of hamilton was a guest over hunday at tho homo of mr a ii nlcklln muihattlehaniihj ircilcdon cast la spending n few days with her filund mies myrtle matthews air isaac mclsuao of drayton visited ut tliv home or mr john arthurs jr last woek ailss lillian mover of berlin spent evoral days this week with aliases daisy and hdlth nlcklln air and aire kdward held of hop- worth spent the weekend at tho homo of air lloht bennett mus mildred carroll or toronto is spending her holidays with her grand mother mrs win carroll rev w ii coventry n d mllo iowa was hero last week renowlng ac quaintances in the old home miss ursula odonuoll of toronto is spending a few weeks with her friend miss ireno mulholland ailss klla mcphorsoit ro turned on monday from a six weeks visit with her sister innocliester n y mr wilfrid motavlih or the now kingston was tho guest of his uncle mr arch motavlsh last week airs h l johnstone ailss kdim nnd master orwell spent holidays last weok with alllston frlende mr and mr bertram katon nnd lube of toronto visited at tho homo or mr w ii donny last woek air and airs william atild nnd me st or fred or toronto spent a plena- ant week visiting friends nt churchill air joseph and misses agnes nnd cnsilo mulholland spent last tuesday nt the old boys ilounlon in guelph mrs jennie matthews nnd miss myrtle spent a couple or days last week with friends at niagara falls n y ailss gertie cooper formerly or aatan 1ms returned tn her home in harriu after a three months visit in toronto mrs kastwood nnd children have just roturnod from a two weoka visit in harrlo with airs cooper formerly of acton air john huisoll uml ailss margaret iiubroii loft last woek for klkhorn alan whore they will spend a number of weeks ailss alargaret huisoll arrived inst woek from her threo months visit with friends in new york buffalo and iloohoster miss lroua kaiser or tlarrle and afr john glaanor of west toronto spent sunday at the home of air alfred fiopor mr a 15 bradwln manager of tho gait lie former was one df tho bowlers from unit on friday ho wns a guest at alooreorof t mrs a hlsch and daughter irone mrs luker and mrs hpraen of cin cinnati ohio are visiting the inttors sister aire henry bauer principal nnd mrs stewart nnd children went to fergus last thursday to spend a couple nf weeks with friends thorn nnd nt hluavale mr j it smith who removed with ills family to port credit last fall hns roturnod to aotun and has seaurud a lioiiso on beardniore orescent kuglnaor cttas j quantlo was homo or a day or so last week ho had boon spending his holidays at the tercentenary celebration at quebec air and mr i d alann and master donald came up from thu city inst woek to visit the father mr hugh mann the trip was made by motor oar air ami mis p flayers mid child of oiidlph called here on tuesday thoy were onronto to niagara falls and other points on a two weske driv ing tour air anil mrs w i dlk hnvo tho sympathy or their friends in ihr hiss or their infant sou who illod on tuei- day in the hospital in toronto whore ciiptiilnnnil mrs d i hchtilu or mniifhnster kngfanil am visiting at gnelpl 0tptuln hrlnilt mm om ml d no t co acton ut the 21th lom kill- hi hie we mlsiui aiiiiui itugers nod nellie fulton htrahanift isma and mary mcphersnu or freelton 1 nud muriel hmnll of kllhrlili hnvo liseu standlng thspist week 11 thohmiieor air win johiihtoiie the rondltioii of mr alex arthurs who was bo so vitrei y burned last week litis hiien steadily improving ilia post fewdny it will be some time yet however bifore ho will ha able to imi about uguln airs percy drown was callrd to her pti rents home at windham n couple of weeks ago through the illness of her fiither mr a 1c- hlmmons who was selkixl with typhoid fnvur mr hlmmons died otr wlw july mr hniwu was up to the funera1 mr ilrowu and i ami returned hotiie on tuesday evening air ami mrs ii p ilfnoro went t ht club mlrh onhuttirdsy tirtuiid the silver wtidding of afraud mrs l ti hullln her mother nnd all the brothei u and sister of mrs ilutlln with tbelr wives niul biiybinds were pres ent thu first tlum they hail all been at her hoiim together in twenty five joarv tho occuslon was a most sn- oyablr iiie dr duck tntlarmo itygprovlrtsr- w a iawrciuo went tn iulermo a few days iiro to visit his uncle dr buck nnd brought hack tho good uewu that the doctor was much better though he bad not regained lliufull 11 so of hly limbs be wus up nid able to walk with a little nsslstanre lie could speak us distinctly urn in telligently as usual champion hilton bhade old well at tho firemens tournament hold at thorold milton won ilia hose reel competition nnd tied for 2nd in tho hook nnd ladder ovout tho victors on tholr arrival homo on the train nt midnight were met at tho station nnd escorted up town by a tnrahlliht pro- cession hoflikd hy tho band and again mh for allium reformer 1 vrv rins itoavd indeed these were tho words nf air percy hcoord assistant llharlnn of the hulfulo law ilhrmy when on a visit to his homo town inst week ho was examining the mill street alacaihim nnd spoke hi terms of high est mtttsfuctlon of its splendid condi tion hut it must be kept up by all means by leuuwitl of broken atone when neceuniii he said mr uncord is mm of our huge property owners nud ratepayer he is always anx ious to seo alioii make progress lib public impromiiiiuiitb and ad- ises tuat efforts ho coiitlnnad lo endeaviir to locale additional iiituiu- factories nunnlntf newspaper running a newspaper s just llko inning a hotel only different when a man goes into a hotel and llnde some thing 011 thu table which dons not suit him ho does not raise hades with the landlord and tell him to stop his old hold woll hardly he sets that dish to one nnd wades into the many dishes that suit him it is different with soma newspaper readers they find nn article occasionally that does not suit them exactly nnd without stopping to think it may pi on so hundreds of nthor readers makn a grand stand play nnd tell the editor limv a paper should bo inn nnd what should be put into it bmi puoph nro becoming fewer every yeai absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muit bear signature of 6 feesjeille wrsppsv dstew vsvy sssall mu ss rot nudicur ro diumui ro luouwst rantoiridiivu roi c0mitimt1oii rai uimw ims mi invicbmfujiioi ttmm wuat ilwuw cure blok mbxrjki sr bank of hamilton boaud or d1uotom 1 3eitm ftalt 0er kilkra iiu 1 b iujiovo citmi a mr c c blfo- georgetown branch w n slckay akom capijal paidup reserve fund 2500000 2500000 i our acton trade 3 is steadily mcrcaainr in repairing watclict s ft wc aro civinc special attention to all work y q from ilalton county ty jc we want your trade and will try our best w to do your work well g d pringle jowoller guelph constipation vauuixi kjrkuiijlh wtwi t4 mikuiut u cmmwusm uj uwh cntthlm nswohuukkalcw tknhtuiiiuimlvauibbnu hm simsmliniuuikulii tluuitilimmuhu4jbswlllthub tuwimtikjiktybuuihiiuf hummitvouilmikwt thybim hw uuj iuv ut b fan ruu vw ijl woni u4 vnur bum ff h dftlllw i1um 0t 4at l cms3mbm tu fill wi 4 u nfjtuik betier 1 han pills for liver ills 1cauuwlimwudiica s4loulmo tor sale by t a roblutson druggist acton let the gentle breeze of summer wait your to mc the hent of the buinnilr i at hand be ready with clothing to match a lijht summer suit or perhaps a cair of trousers would fill the ill and fit you out scason- ly call and see us wla gooper the tailor agent for the mumlunl hotury hcujtift mntluno mill st acton guelphs old home week dont fail to marlt the dates but also if you need any kind of fine furniture carpctb oilclothb iron beds sprincs mattrcbtes baby carriages etc to mark well the stand izo wyndham streot and call and get prices special until sold sideboard extension table five diners and one arm at htrt regular price 4850 ono silk parlor suite allover upholstered very handsome 4 pieces special until sold 1000 regular price 8000 telephone 253 j m struthers guelph thr hv un mlilnlght prowler it hil iwn ukn nllml tlmll- around itc lut two irlvl rulilliow i mout ii 1 i ilooly- jw- till pnt weli i formar httrhctiye iz3klus in mgns furn you mustnt expect to find theso hero all month their remarkable prico lowness will march them out in double quick ordor hurry for yours all straw hats half price all 350 and 300 pearl and grey hats at 150 14 dozen menn balbriggan shirts and drnwors clearing at 89c 17 dozen mens suspendors nt 17c n pair dozen mens 50c suspenders at iisc a pair 13 dozen mens 50c work shirts at ullc 15 dozen mens 75c work shirts at sgc boys 75c shirt waists or 49c 16 dozen mens fancy sox s pairs lor 8c our jvcens th1lorinc shop msliink mens cloiliti lo suit the individ ml uiloo ol ilioio who wear lliani hns developed into an exaci science hero we try 10 please you we enibwly your idess in the clothes we mslta far you i lists why you csn order s suit rem us with the uililacllnn o knowing ihsiji will be dlftaient from ihe oilier fellows ii will possess llielfillo louche ot individuality which wsll d rested men dommd end ilia cobi will be mighty reasonable fikyoodsnp cpthinql h guelph the right house hamiltons iavoiiiti biioiiino 1latli great sale of blous6s over 1600 in a tremendous reduction salo nearly half price and half price lor hundreds and hundred of crisp frebli new white muslin blouses scoreu of styles and dozens of qualities for august september and fall wear women will want to buy them by the half dozen white muslins mulls batistes persian lawmi and swisses lace and embroidery truii- med some tucked and pleated open back or front short or long sleeves 0c reduced from 119 08c reduced from 200 si iis reduced from 225 lio reduced from 250 i0h reduced from 300 swoh reduced from 400 na10 reduced from 450 im reduced from g5o maf 3 c watkins 1 sr east h uohon hamilton ont stovel the croat shoe mart mill fttreet acton in ho well ual lulled with the big sale be has just conducted that lis lum decided to continue the pjrently reduced prices lor six weeks loncer look at this list nf reduced prices at pru mens doiifolu tlalu and oiibrcwi rcfiilnr oo for i m n prs mens uunseln hal and congress plain regular t ss for i 86 ss prs mens don rain hals and calf llalu rulari3s for i 18 16 prs mens max calf hals regular 33 for 369 10 prs mens patent colt hint thers regular 94 00 fur j 4 si prs womens patents illut- cheni regular fjsn for a 71 in prs wemons pongolnn reg ular ii 73 for i ii in pru womens oxfordu regit- lar i jo for ia pru womens uougolau but ton regular 1 3 for 10 pairs womens pongala con gress regular 81 35 for 14 pairs misses tan liliitclisru rtgulnr 1 75 for 33 pairu misses dongola hutu and lilutchoru rcgulnr 140 for 14 pairs mlsseu wliilu oxfords regular v133 tor 33 pairt infanu hhucu luce mid button regular km fur geo- stovel mill st p 8 all account must be settled by the 15th august acton seasonable summer goods kt quickselling prices ends of muslins prints ginghams and chambrays odd lines and sites in whltewear skirts corset covers drawers gowns etc millinery the whole balance of summer stock will be cleared out during the next ten days this is the chance of the season to secure a pretty summor hat at a very moderate cost henderson fe co mill street acton jagksons jagksons our new byatem of oub buying and oath sailing bnablou ua to offer you thu weok boms big snaps 10 do monit niack denim overalls with hlh also nmocku to match regu lar 850 to 8100 this weok figo 8 dox mens work bttlrtu striped oxfords medium to dark shades regu lar 50 to 65 this week 430 0 dns mens work skirts ulaok drill with white stripes nnd spots rogiur 7310950 this week go ao dox mens pen rlni land ties 13 rlos shlold neck ties is dox dow tica all grnsd tpmllty silk now ileslgns nud rich coloring regular sjc this week 3 do you net now wish to select your spring underwear and hoalory while mir tinea are complete you knew it you come now yeu can choose from a larger lino than if you come later we wish to begin selling our spring underwear and hsklery early wo ore marking tlio prlco oa these goods low ua that wo shall nut havonny to carry ovor when tho selling season is past theha are tha values we can give yeu ladles kmbroldored mack cash- mere hole tlj j 0 and 10 regu lar 3so this woek sic ladles dlackcashmero hose ribbed or plain sites hj t ql and 10 regular 35 nnd 40c this week 350 ladles taffeln olnvea now brown and tan shades regular boo this week r 336 drubs ooodu specials black melrose cloth regular mo this week qic cream iuslrc fancy patterns regit- lar sc iblawuok gfls htiitln lliiish prunollr cloth rogular vi on tlita week 1 730 striped crepeaii regular 850 this week 530 satin cloth regular 75c thlu weok 4h0 pearl buttons doxeu 50 corset covor embroider leu this woek 350 patterns 170 330 patterns 330 450 patterns 310 000 patterns 431 5 imoii silk ribbon best quality nil colors regular 351 this week too 4 itioh kilk itlhboii regular one this weok 16c a pig shoeing of lacsu hmbrnldnrlos and dress trim ml tigs all at special itff- j h jrckso qeohgbtomn

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