Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 20, 1908, p. 3

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ftjjjiiimie wo urn llciilijinner or 1847 rogers knives ropks and spoons woddlnu proaanto lit tiolld silver ullvnr pints cut olnmt and rnnay chin wiidd1nq iiinob mnrrlna llnunini ununil geo hynds mill street acton dthc julmt jfm ijrfss tiiui1hi1av aldlhl 1 brief local items i j itfld uloinlllgt llhvl nii wlll our iiiu im m biltu i fptlnu p viiilmitjiilm n thud t m totally icutiiil lij hn on hrtuday nllit iliiitumiunr lightning jhi fnnm ntwhlumuueiiitoii wtilt uf milutuiiupted dv wulillutr imw uit n to ho nhlit lo get in thrlr crops mi iliiuy arnold ami dtnlci la building new rpululnl oil lilu propur- tyut iliut ymdhoiiini htrtnl tint mihtiii coin fiitlnn railed for tomoriow lit milton linn lieifn post pone until a inlii dut tolu- nn- uouuull tho ohamplumihlp baiuhitll iimtch hvio wlllillratiiptnii mi hntuidnj ullt lia olio of lliu moat u cio illy ciintuutiid tif tho honbiin mr it 1 macphtimxi m p or vancouver jirnllwr n iiuv ii a mnc phonmn him hitm appointed post master of tlmt clt mui mly mnyur of ilvrlliv bbiir voiy sweetly tin nolo hold tlmu my hnni in tin miilhndut church lant hun tiny ovculng john oordon hnmeinnii of nnnaa- gawcyu hud tint mufnrtimu to iobo hla trillion lliiynl highlit nu n ieiilt or mi nttnck or inllniuimitlmi hint wuil mr john prank brought li tlio first loud of now fall wheat ono dfty last week ll grndid well nnd wa purchased hy n i monro for nnhlcii elevator nt wlc messrs horn iliuu of ihu fourth lino recently purchnuud ono of the american ahull thruidilng outfits from win htiniutrict agent it lu glilng splendid satisfaction one of thit worut tliiindot utomiw thnt itvui ultpcl ii in township wan oxpuihinnd mi hunday tjnnaldombhi dntnugo wim ilmii in hilii village nnd other polntu in thu tnw mdilp uov mi illpatilrl of toionto occupied tin plilplt of knox church lust hiimliiy itiv 1 1 wllmm i a tlio pautui him letuinudfiniu his men- ll ii mid will preach nuxt hunday thero will im mindr all day long in tho dahy iluildlug at th caniiillnn nutlonnl exhibition toronto aug illst to sept i ith thin hi nn tint i rely now ilcpartinu and will doubtless ho npproc la tutl tlio hmuluy artornnim moils hlhlo rliuio which won npunod on tlio oth august in nt alhanu church wan conttlttitml last hun day with mr ilur- hnghniii pieuldont mid mr walter riuod an hucretniy uov lonrgo v ilunuy ii of princeton proachnd two wry ahln null impressive uuuiioiu in tho moth- mi 1st jlitiioh hint hmuluy hov o xv dnrkitr tho paatnr will niminio jjli pulpit nct hunihij ilrampton anton iituldooigetowil oltlstona want chimp lallwny intmi to toronto in thu form of commutation tlokoto oakvlllo notn thitn and tlio fltnr funiu thnt tho only rnmtlt of tho iigltntlon in ihu othci- towns will lie tho iobb of oakvilhtm prlvllcjri chnin- plon tho iiuulitimuy sutvlcou ot tlio hrln ilaptut chntch wore hold on sunday aim luh tliunpuakor of tlio tiny hov 1 j lrhloinan of oliolton- lintu proiiuhed oninuit and hoholnrly nor mom nurlng tho inoinlnr lorvlco mui ij7i0 nralmm of acton gang a olo that was much npircclutoil advocntp johns oramman thru wan 11 lad in u mrtaln uchool who would pitiuui in haying have want oan day tin 1 iulmt bupt him ininylngi whiht i am out of tlio room yon may wiitu have noun llfty poullilo if ihoiitad iiiiidu hoi wlion tlm pudntfoftuii iittnriud hn found that thu hoy hud dutifully pin- form ad tho tank having willtuu hnvu ron fifty tlmitb on tlio otlun nldo of tho pnpoi howovm mm thin mobbngo from thu uhmint 01111 1 i ham wont john wliltc a novel method a riiuio or hnuitlinll hot ween tlio clin ton athlatirtt mid tho iiiokuniivllln ilnnmuu wuu luokon up lit juolfbon- vllio n j last hiimliiy hy 11 hull ho- longhir to wlllinin ilaupf hmipf protoitud niialtibt jin k0 hnlitfr piny- ad on tho hahhutli tint hnll plnyoru rofiiboil to ovacutito hla flohl and when lio attempted to onfoi co tlm ordor tlioy tlirontonod him hnupf tlinn roloniad tlio hull tho atlihitlau woro red uhlrls nnd stnoklngb nild when tlm hull snw theto ho iiiado n floroo almrge ilftyom nntl epootntor ld tnrrorbtrlrkon all got oiitof tho xvny oxoept mlalinal holftnd oatohcr if tho athlullos who vmw tohdil ovor n foncp hut iimtnlnod only n faw ulrntonra vnrmor hnupf nya ho will ropuat tho porfnrmnnos if nny moro mundny linbohall ib nt tomptod watoh voun tonoub wlion it lu tho inorulim after tlio night hofniff you do not havo to look nt your tiiogun to know uiat tlio utorunoli la upbikl tlio head la iiohlng no appotlte noivoa 011 odgo with nil tho unahlno of llfn nlondod tho rml limn lo wattdi thu tonguo la nil of tlm thuo it it ih diluted with 11 whlta fur m- inwlhl 1i111 1 1 1 limuh avnlltmtblrthinit7irnaill ilooa nut toll you hy ufltito puluu of i ml iff pd inn that itlioada holp yet tlm noatlnir ahnwa thnt you mo ultlitk into a had way and that thoio u med of ml oua mlonit u fo piiultlvi uo huic ho rollnhlo in uu ouiatlvn notion upitu tho atoninoh thai a t iltnwii tlm intml uffdntt kiviib a uiiiiimitiii of miillafno- tlon with ovury wl nimt hox 01 monojr bnok news dp local import off for ttxm umrvt fllila ijnilng i im pant wmik tlitirtliiiu hi on iiltiiin cxoihw finin ihu vhlnlty lo thinmlliwkui imt 1ihhiy llilili 11 hn hy tlmt i it via toronto 1 mi toiuday chiviii wnut hy iln- t u via 3hlnigo mid ht paul nnd you t it- day auolhoi hit of ton cut hy c im a uwollon of county good iloailm mi donald mmlrognr hnn tin tflvi n tlm ronlrai t nf turnplklnu nml nnulllng 11 uu tlon of hit ut mini unit ht twton tho rorpnriillnu llinltn mid tho hi k thun h tlm nmv mad will iki hiiivlly cofitccl with univil fioin 11 pltoutliiia v wntklou proifity on tlio flint line- safin on by klav dr c00u tlm pulpit of the hupiut chunli wilu cicciiptrd lant holiday tifuruoon liy itov uf chna a vuttk nt llloiinihuhln j dr rinkimuhl a afilo dlbfoumo oil tho huhtl of irajlr tin ri watt a hit go an grcgatlon nil of wliuiiicr lad to hfar thlu talented tion of acton ngniu an aolonlan at aa viaao mr jijorkthmiorflinnf draiitird waa in town youterday runowlug in iunliitnucnahlpu of thirty flvo jinm ago- hn will hiyumoinhind im wjnk- ing nt tho vnldlvry hiiblluini with tint iiitii y h htnuy mi tilkuraonu iloikhud with tho artim of toda hlit found wry fow of tin h 11 u of n thhd t a cmitury ngo v hn in thogueit of mirf w ahloiny wot wotht crop thn continued wnt utitthii nf tin- punt foitnlght hits given i lie famiim a lot of nnichtty regarding their uln pert and other grain cut and utanding in llin flcldn hhowuia havo followml nnrh ntluir with duturhlng fremienry vviy iiulo damage hna aa yot hcon dono nnd tho faimnra hopo for dry woathor now to unahlo thorn to hopbo thotropand got riady for threahiiig euotrla llffht wantod kfllr hovnrnl cltlium havti lately plnlnod to riiicu pkixm that tho current from tb el ec tile lightlntr yttotn la frecpnmtly my tnrdy in coining on in tlio ovonlngu tho iiro and ijlght cnmmlttne will nurely roinody thla promptly when tlicli nt- toution ih called to tho mattor with nlnotantlib of tho byatom itndnr metro it will ho profltahlo toglvo thn penplo cm runt a a early iib they dituiro it mothodul hundoy bohoo hay ihda loud weather ib hoped fm for tho hay rfihi of tho muthndut hunday hclmnl tomorrow iho moinliini of tho srhool will luiomhltt 011 tho oliuich lawn nt 1 to oclock the bchohua uro nil expected to hrlng hagb tim pio- vlnlon hiibkotu will ho taken cant nf nt tho church nnd innvuytd to tho pic nic giimndu in n upulial iig lltilla nnd hatti and 11 football hhuiild ho hi ought along the pruceuulon head- d hy acton cltlzenu hand will mnvo olf nt two oclock ohm p mr ii ii wordon bkoic to aoton on oivlo holiday tho luiblnotib plncc nnd ruuldenco adjoining o mi if ii worden toronto woro deutroyod hy lire whllo ho nnd hlu family were away on a tilp to hamilton mr woidon thnn docldod to roturn to acton nnd tho family havo removed hero during tho week nnd taken up thdr residence on mill htroot ho will go into thn wholeunlo produce hiuducbh imjlng huttnr rggb nto from tho fm mem for cnuh nml shipping to tho city thla should provo a good huuincho proposi tion hero work oloaod tor two woaka ono hundred nnd thirty flvo men worn laid olf laat pililny night hy acton tanning company thu instruc tion holng given out m hen they ro- eolved thnlr chuipiea that tliem would ho no work for two wooko tho gonarnl doproulon lino affected tho jonthor trndo oomowhnt seriously nnd thla company hna n largo ntock ready for shipment ihiyrra nro rxtiemoly caution nnd will not order heyond probont neods it la generally expect ed thnt no soon ua tho big crop of hn woat begins to movo that money will becomo mora plontlful nnd bimhiese will hooii improve ohoapop dpoad in milton tho ic innf appears to hn 11 very popular innovation in mlltou it ib nldo oncournglng 0111 peoplo to pntron- ixo homo induatrloa nnd hy mi doing to keep ub much money nt hum good n that which la dnlly luipoitod and aohl ut two canto por largo innf ohunpur it ourtna to ua it would ho good policy to buy tho homomiido nrllclo pationlxn thoho who holp fo koop tho town up who pay ttucon mid who spend what thny make right hvrn in tho town itofonner with tho roallom or war hpaalnl oltorta havo been mndu thla j oar to prodhen a apoltnotir at tho dlun nutlonnl kahlhltlon toron to aug lllat to sept i ith on a scalo that wilt bond everybody away mar veiling at ita magnitude nnd renllam thn sulgn of hobiiutopol will ho faith fully represented on 11 atngo 710 feot hy immi foot with ltmh pel farmers nnd with tho hirgobt utretch or scenery ovor placed on any stage it will ho upward of 700 foot wido hy ikt foot high nt tho highest point addi on chrlattan stawardahlp iiutond nf thn usunl tojila for tho kpworth longuo thla week mr a v drown tlio froaldont nrrnngoil with uov ciias a uook p d or dlooinflold n j lenorat huporln- touilnnt of ohrutliin htowanlahlp for thn daptlst churohou of tho northern htnteo who hua boon visiting fiienda hoio during tho woifk to givo an ml d roan on monday uvonlng thoro wna n good ut tend none nnd dr cooka ndilroaa on tho subject of christian btownnlahlp wna highly inturoatlng ami full nf iniplratlon nlong thn llnoa of tho ohrlatlnna gotting using nml giving of indnoy dr cook hna glvvn tho auhjoot ot tithing nnd steward ship critical study for many yonrs ho la tho author uf a moot helpful voluino entitled 1 htownnlahlp nnd lina published much othor ninttor oignnttrwrl1ihtliniiiii hint suhjoot flip lvn y oui a dr cook hua hoon wholly ongiigod lu piopagntlng thla mutter in iho itaptlstoliiirohna of tho northern h tales dining that tlmo imlmn unveiled 1110000 nillna vlultud iivniy mtntn frnin mnlnu to ntlfortila and luia illutilhutetl many hlindroda of thnuannda of pngaa of atownrdahlp lltomtmir hla uplntidld otforta linvi ihenprodimuveof great good through out tho ohurxtlioa social and personal mlus kva hmllh hua letuimd to iwvllln mr john mcmurchy hna nitiiiued lo hla duties ul norval mr 1 knrr ihuwn let 1 to winnipeg jealniilay mlt florence holmea haa tiikeiia school unai nohlolciu mr hohert mcllvihlo infton monday for hla homo ut willund mr j iyfe of calgary altn wna in town during tlm wet k mr hum koheita waa in toroulo for 11 brief vlult thla week muu lottie a moot n wna home fi mil toronto fur n week mul vlalt mr philip iloluiao wna home fmiu toronto on n week ond viult mlua jtan hmlth returned to mxou iautuui k to t nun 111 tf hei tt aching mix myilln mhuiiowu ih mending a few ihnya with fiienda in tdiiiulo mi pud willliiutuou went weul on ibebmvomttri en iirvlnn thluavci k prliillpiu nnd mm htewilrl mid clilldinn t v tu r ued b nu fe oji aihulny mihu lihi iiinn uf utiaiiihvllkt in thn ghaat of hnr alhtnr mm n p mono minu j bill 10 put via ut toronto ia bpeiidlng a fow tfnyu- with tlniun btir- mluu murgnrot llennntt left liaj week to resume her school diillta jit tcuttlu- hy mauteijobii mllhiumeiu of wlkei- ton vlulted tin liiendhdurlng the week mthh ijou mqmaiiu of henfoith ient the wouk ond at tho home or mvllto htatluim mm aim mcdonald of cilu visit- ed nt tho houiw o mra a p hmlth thla week mia koht agnew mid mia lee llynda vialted friends at llenwiltiniii- hiat prlilay mr albeit gibbons uiii home fnui drln laat wull to ulttud tho ftiiuinl of hla mother mr j 111 11 en t mnodouald la now with tho canadian northern hallway at hudhury- miaa ci n collier of mdclno hat apenta fow dayo with htr mint mm w jl colliei mr win ilurlhurt of ht cathm inoa spent a day or tu lust wcok uith acton frlondi miaa lilly u camiholl of italllmifml la vialllng her mint mm o campbell vlotoilavillti mr ii 11 campbell of hamilton apeut a week ut tho homo of mr win dnndabo rough miu win j oh 1 ml on 0 nnd daughtma left on monday on a holiday outing at victoria hat hoi hov and mta d iltayloi of it tit k- woudt utu upending 11 couplu of uieku nt oiluisby puk mouum ltlthmd nuir mid hiduoy da r lieu loft fm ih nuilli wnl uu tueaduy moining mm w h colliei mid hlldiu have returned ufloi a wiok vlt with mm m luallf nurvul mm job mntlhewa mid aha p c mail dock spent thu pust week with friouda in toionto mr thoa uamble la attending tho annual mooting of tho high cmut i o l at muaford mm maltha vincent mid muster karl havo baaii spending 11 week or so with filondo in toronto mm win hohlnaon of guolph punt n couple of daya ut iho home of mlo t drunt lake ave mra co liny of llalowel hua boon visiting liur daughter mm in in on firot brook thu puat woek mto hector johiiuon of johnstown n v la vuitlng nt thu homo of hnr father mr a htophoiwm mra r h jolinatuno mid children of dutroit mich hnvo been upundlng tho past week with auiun filuuda mlaa n arc nee doucuu ia spend i rig pnrt of hot- holidays in itoston and pilnco id ward itdnnil ho former mm a v hmlth bus returned from a two weeks vult with fiienda in monck grand valley mul dgoiton mr mid mm john harvdy wuio nt wiilwnlown tho putt uek attunillug tho funural of mra alex hohaiunn mlaa dmum huwtliuriie who hua spent 11 couplu of montha with fileudu in oahnwn rot tuned liumo laal week hon cull 11 ii campbell attorney- denorul of mmiltohu paid a visit to mlltou friends on tuuuday cham pion moaara grant nnd imwhi whale of toronto visited thuit aunt mm hoht macphomnn uouer ave laat week mlaa dttuuilta of intulmi and mm margaret kontnor of drln iirti apond- ing tho weok ut tho homn of mr alfi ed opnr mia ii p moo if and mm j moore of toronto will ucelvu at mooroctoft on halurday afternoon nml uvonlng mr o w luiniortiian of colllug- wood and mlaaeaghidyaand margum- ito vlaltod friends in acton and vlt in ity thla week miss flo hhorlock who hint huun holldiiyllig a fow wsoks wltli mibb modonlild fifth line hna rotumed to hnr homo in tho olty mr iroaniuii coleman left on tuna- day via ohlcngn nnd st paul for hnmlota man whoro ho intends to apond oavornl mouths hov dr chaa a conk and mm conk and son of illnomllold n j havo hoen spending a fow daya in thn old homo here the past weok mr nntl mrs h oolotnnn of hock- wood vlaltod acton friends thla weok it was a pleasure for her many friends to boo mrs onlomnn aftor her recent llllinso tho mibboh dulay cnmpboll and murgnrot logan of toronto hnvo re tumod liomo after spending a fow wcokbwlth tho formora grandparents ut victoria virtu mr nnd mrs win ilnrrlo of toron to nnnounoo tho engagement of tholi daughtor caroline w to hov albeit p qulrinhnoh of darlln tho wedding to take pluoo early in heplombor mr duncan modonnld our ho 11 ihu ain nnd ida mother mm d modon- nld llnlllnnfad nnd mra fryer loorgntown vlalted at tho hm of mm a f hmlth during thlu wook mra i lttwsnn of act on nnd ami mnalor jordan nml mlaa maude jin- dun of thla town lolurnod hiiluiday ovoulng aftor holidaying at points nlong tho loorghm hny oriingcvillo hun meant w 1 h mectiunell or mlltou mid altfk and dr kdwhi hohmtuim of toronto uhvo for a shntt hip tu th ohluuuuliy sailing on the allan lliins h vintorlan on krhlny mm 11 lug oliniuploii miltonh lluto aft miiim mil a tax inln fur lufth a likely to liotbuuainoau that of 1ihi7 s inllls illuid hit 11 hoped hy thn town uliiull thai dm i uinoiiilcul mmuigejiim7 of lust jeiit with 1111 imumnii uf llluhm in humt muiiinnt would have made a dm lion possible but unexpected nnd unavoidable nihlii imiu to tho exploit tine will plow ill this hn arruunl nl loo utile money b in mued in jf7 ftl uihiki puipiuet tluiu lu an lieiiiii now of uhuiil mtkw mid about glio nimt be paid fur good roa thmu lu a lowwnf im omit of aulw n yi on 111 mum nf tho town rutting olf thn wah 1 supply or thu fraud trunk hall way champion ttm hull tali at aotan ihu ulthem mid ilhectum of lipnu ing agilt iilliirul motility urn now get ting ihvwn to woik in i iijtuwt mid liiom- luitt htitlt fill pah ihutl ewi thla yeav at alkuu mi oi t v nml 7lli tluilllejul lll hi in- tlm pillltem hamlh ihli wiuk u then a will only honidiiiit huh hofdin they are icudy foi dlklillmtlori kveiy rmhuiit the ilintviit nhmild take an aetui lntijiiu in thlu pont for thu vali b loogx to tin 111 and to mauu it a surlutti the unit ei u should havu the hem ty ope rat io 11 of tlio public hectnlcy iiarymih hint on hntnulay getting maid m iji uhnpe foi tint nttiaitlvn prli 111 noon to he uuii d th cnopplnn mill soon to ba opaiiad 1 1 will be t ly giiairylng iiewwhot it tt ihu fuimluk ummiinily nnd iho 1jililikhn imtiplu r ai ton that tho chop ping mill bun in to ho reopened tin uddii an the machinery can hn jui into ivoikliihoihu milt lliown who iimvld tu lliitpiilni hiut oprlng was heioluat nuk and coimulttil wllh it niiiiibci r himlneuu men rmpi 1 ting the maltei he v aa liuro again yesterday and cloned with meuura lleaiilimno k co fm 11 liauu uf lha properly mr hi own iu a liftlong resident of tbu coiniinmjty and la well mid favorably kiumnyilii u well iilfunlntcd with thn ivtiuliemiiitu or tho farmers in iho ninttlr ul grain dipplng ami will ho able lo givo hntlitfn iin the on me old atony thu mlltou hofoi nior iniya wluttu thu reauon now that thn town ou iu nhctile light pbiiit that thu atriul lights mu not on oveiy daik tilght wliulhei it iu htippiuid to ho a moon light night 01 nntl poiiuerly when a company hud tho lontiuul or light ing ihu htuoth them weio mrtaln nlghtu id the uiiinth whnti it waa uup- poaed thu uioou wimhl furiiluh all tho light riiiuliid y poihaiilmiu and if it hiippeiuil tit hu dtiik any of thnuu nights tlm litkimiu hull simply to put up wllh it hilituue the company weiu not paid fm lighting tin mtitetu 011 momiligbl ilglim lint now the town owiiu its own jibuti hutu 11111 bii 110 guild leuuiiu why the atnieth uhoiihl not be llghtt d nvciy dink ulglit and it wax uil uiy uidltnlito to the town that he lightu lieu 1111l outueu- iuy nlglil of thlu wcwu al nine oulock mid from that hour 011 it waa so dm k that it wan iuipiihulhlo tu see ll font nhuid nf you nnd worn it not for un occuhiotml hush of lightning mm would have had haul work finding hla way homo people coming from thu lutu tralnu especially would have a rather poor opinion of tho town huuly tint peoplu of milton havu a right tu iiumj tho mtiouta lighted every daik night mid tho oluurli ian should ruceivu his instriictionu accnidiugly a popular idea used to puvnil thnt nil tcna wuro pretty lutu h ullke hut bulndu tun ia piowo n plmaut surpiuu to thonuauda of pmtiiiilar ten dilnkem hold hy grocom nvur- whure mwnkvfgiumilhn ittml a savings account is your best friend convenience no formality in open ing accotinty or in depositing or withdrawing money pxjvacv infoiiiiiitloii us in suvliiffk accqtirits is confined to trusted clerks pledged to secrecy gkoftglctown branch vv n mckay arent kc7i j7jn fr a auv jt rcv ciira jza7t rj sxma i our acton trade y is steadily inereamn in repairing wntchc- h q we are yivin special attention 10 all work y 1 from ilalton county y q we want your trade and will try our best ty q to do your work well i gc d pringle i jewollor guelph 3 kfliwwv i vi v wwiu av wavav vvavivs5w cure plcb rteodirlio suit fuluvuall the uiwmm intt- iliil ma tiilltmu alii in if hut ejairni suclna lililtwm hwca liroiiilucm ihalnm tflcr tut luu 1iiln in tho ill ad whllo hit ir 1 ml reiuiukalilu siucim liua bita shown la cu1i1 tf iiiulmr yet rtirixitl1e jwr ihito sm cimlly viilnalilnlitl imlfintlnnciir nrjaihlprrj vciillnu i 111 an iinirliiicra in nlnlmwliliutlioy alio cornrt iltlbtirtloflliohmiblitllmiutmri nr aiinnuiiinlalliolhiwui lvonltllinyoitlr j c a w atari rrtiimililadi nulylhd rrissltii townl tail tort iiltirtianllliii lulltllaiilluvslii a tuatllicy w ll tutwil nut lininiciiliylliliiiu ul ilihiiikl ulll kilo lii oturtmy vttsm tliatltiry will tun w ugtuiluivliuautlliuiu llutftirllglcktjj ache elhrtito mil talltraviiu very tuny lolotco ononr limiilljlliieliiioiltwl rlrlly yrpnlnliiu anl dn nnl itrln ilia tlwr rillfl hm wry tmall ami i if onoorlluhllllllllblllloillmml tlirrsraiiirlfllyyifjnlnlilo nu dn nnl urltui cur prlt ut by tliclr guuuo aouoa piujuwail won uiin lusiottn tu rv nu squikil u botib umn tfaifflmml cures constipation ft dyspepsiarheumatism 5j better than pills for liver ills get a 25cft box if vsold icywcxwhviu ahlewi5 medicine cttlouis tor sale by c a robeittson oruiffflst acton let the gentle breeze of summer wait your to me tho heat of the sutnmtr at hand ue rctd utih clothing to matlh a hlu summer suit or peril ps a pair of trousers would fill the bill and fit ou out siason- ly call and ee u w nj- gope te wmj pi ujni czc jit thetaihor auuil for tilt si mil ml itiniuj klwiiijj miiliiuic mill st acton your canning efforts will prove successful if ou use sm h spices preservatives and sealing materials as wt can furnish spices we have all icmtn whole or powdered they are fresh and of finest flavor we guarantee their purity seaunq materials ked bottle wa bottle wax in tins ready for use 10c para fine beeswax and resin for making your own para fine uub13ers for sealers 5c and 10c a dozen corks of every size e a robertson druggist and optician tho palaoo drug store acton phnil august is a great month for savings at this store generally b pea king august is a dull month for business we hate a dull timo wont havo it if wo can holp it how simply y offering economies which shoppers cannot resist wo are cleaning up some btoclci and mafiiny room for tho now fall arrivals dont fail to see thoso unequalled values 175 pieces pnncy striped ribbons different colors 3 12 indies wide formerly 25c clearing ot 15c a yd three taries blouses reduced i lublo viilut muni hi hliiutow formerly eti35 cloariiift nt 75c formurly 3imi lluarluic ut 8ioo 1 tahlo whllo muuliii hloitaca formerly djc ulonoinir at iqt 1 tublo whlto mitaliii bloukiii all olhci hi m t fits uubjuct to a ilbcouut of as pur tcnl wash dresses underpriced liiiiiuh 7s miiii droimeri to tloar at ftjo 1 iadloa f7sn wnnh droui011 to licut at 9s en j iridic 67s wnult droiwoit nt 5 sw l5o iudloaiijn ioo lndloa j75 jso jo jj35 i uillca s30u hl3no i inilloai 75 pryooodsand dp guelph stovel the great shoe man mill street acton ihmi woll imtlifiil willi til hikhiiioiiu in jtlttyiiiilnitcil 111 it im lin itudtm l ciintliiiio tlio ifrnlly roilutcil irkuh for 8ix weeks lq1mcer look at thin lint of reduced ntueu 31 pra ni e tiii pnitjxilii iliiln nml iunrtmu ropiiur jj uu fol j 5 0 pra moils douunlfi 1ft til mid liiiin mi plain rtjiiliir ja 35 for 1 h jinrn tuonu houriiiu ibdii and culf llttli regular viij fr 1 ru if pra mentl llmf culf ruin rajftilui j 35 for 10 pra tmits putnit coll hint illcm regtilur at iki fur 31 pm wninoua iutiitn hht ihcra meiilar 9 50 for inprti vyntiiliia 1 lonjmliin rtn- ularimsj fot 3 i 4 3 71 i j 1c1 pni wfiiucitii oxfcnlw rtju- lur i i tor n iih wuniciuu uoiiriitan ilut- tti tlkularji 33 for in ji ilfn wtimunu dnnljtihi c011- yrti t rtkitlur ll 3s for m pilrn mumii tun illuueiaiu ruular 1 75 for m tmirn misfit hmtkila italu ami itbitiliurx iluitlar tia tor it palm mu i white fixftirdii rokilur i 33 fur uu pain infant mmr t 1lo and lnjltoti riutiltir diil fnr 1 ill 1 so geo- stovel mill st r k all ulwunl t acton mul lifticttlitlljy tho isth aiiuit the right house hamiltons 1 avoultk sliolilno ilack great sale of blousgs ovor 1600 tn a tremondous reduction salo nearly half price and half price lor hundreds and hundreds of crisp fresh new white muslin blouses scores of styles and dozens of qualities for august september and fall wear women will want to buy ihcm by the half dozen white muslins mulls batistes persian lawna and swisses lace ajul embroidery trim med some tucked and pleated open back or front short or long sleeves 01c 08c im 118 18 htilll 150 reduced reduced reduced reduced reduced reduced reduced reduced from 119 from 200 from from from 300 from oo from 450 from 650 thomas c 1st atkins oorinhr kino st eait huqhion hamilton ont jagksons jagksons our new byitem or otuh buying and ooab soiling e nab ion us to offer you thio week some big snapo io dm mduh hlack lluiilm ovurallu with bib nuo umkti tn iimttli ufrii- hir 8jc tollioo thluwcvk toi a do monu work aiilrtu btrfpud oxfords medium to dark bhuden roc larsotonj thu wcok 43c i dor monu work bltlru hhuk unit with white slrlpeh and himth itoffitor 75 to gje thla wouk v 0 aodoi monu ioiirliihiind lien 15 doa slilulit neck tlei 13 ilui ilnw tlth 11 gruiad ipinllty ullk new ichiroi and rich coloring uerulnr 35c thlu vcok 3 for 35c do you not now wlwli to itoloct your spriuff undorwunr nnd llohiury whllo our linen nro complete yon know if joucamo riow you can choouo from 11 larger lino thnn if you come later wu wihii to begin bolting our bprlng undomoar find lleuiery early wo arc murk ing tho prico nu theno goods low hi that wu uiull not hnvo nny to carry ovor when tho hciiihk ueaaon in pnut theno nro tlio viiiuch wo can give you ladloii isnihroidorlil hlack ctntli- mcre ilnae bl 9 0 and in regit- inr ssc thin week littllou hlnikcmbmero iioko ribbed or plnlu nltn hj q n and 10 rogulur 15 and 40c thin week lnrileu tnlyola glovun now brown and inn uliadci regular 50c tills uock 330 drkhk goods hpfcial illnck imulrouo cloth regulnr 01 30 thlu week q3c crtmn limtru fnticy pattorim rcgu- lar 83c thiu wook jre tin tin flulhh rrunolln cloth rogulnr tfi 00 tlilii weok 73c striped cropoou rogulnr sc tku wook sjo iintin cloth regular 791 thlu weok 4c ptarl iliittunu doaon so corset cover embroider i mi thlitwtiok ajc pnttbrua 17c 3jc pnttorim 93c 45c pnttermi iu 600 pntlornu 430 s inch silk uibbon heht tpinliiy nil colort rugulnr ssc thlu week ijc n thlu 16c 3 j inch bilk ribbon rogulnr 17c tit in wook j 3c a hip blinking of rni011 kmbrnldorlcu nnd urcsm trinimltigu nil at bpoclnl img- j h jrckson ceorcbtoimn seasonable summer gcoods ht quickselling prices ends of muslins prints ginghams and clinmbroys odd lines and slics in whllowcar skirts corset covers drawers gowns etc millinery tho whole hnlaiieo of bummer btoclc will cleared outduring the next ten days rhi in tho chance ril the seuum to hecure a pretty summer hat at a very mudorntu com henderson c co mill street acton

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