Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1908, p. 1

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iwmfmi wht jufn stu prjess vofjumk xxxiv no 10 mry itulwcrliillom fa lit in ailvabt acton ontawo tiiutisday mobnino skptkmhftll ij 1008 lutmcilplloh tiic r m rr ann binttljk copies tihl kb ck en th be ttou jfrec mss s ruuisuai kvuuy riiuimpav uohnino r u v vwa ktaak i-vim-u- omm 1ill htillcijt acton out trim u huburrlaxlaar ofcj dollar ear yaur strlolly in advanca all eub- wrlrjllona tlaoanllniiea wlian th llm lor wlilrli iliey linva imaii paid hae x- plrad riio iltilt ta whlcli avery ub- acrlutlnn 1m imia u dpnaud on lh ed- jraa labal i4vc4ulmm 1uu tianalnt advar- tlaananta 15 ronl mr now par i una or flmt iiseriloii i om pr una for cli bubiaiueut irmartlon aivbrtlaarrfonta without upaelflo dl- action will i inserted till or bid nil chtirtfoil ccnrdliibly transient ad- vartlaeraanla must lia paid in bdvano advfriubmenlwlll it chaned ana eacli month if d to i red var ohsnei aftanar than above mentioned ilia com- position rami bo paid for at rafeuler rata chanso or en n i mot arlvartlmmanta miit bu in tlio oltloo by noun oil ture- rtay account kayatilo monllily knhllalr omca 10 vluat mnaat an ion m c wiitrn uaaars jc and j hardy cn will racsiv tor u natta- subaerlptlona and advertisement tend where our readers can fm or cbar a our paper wlian la kim i and ir uooiib kdltor and rroprtelor t sustitfhb blttttaty hos gray m d c m mcgill ij 110 i bdiwsuiujh i l 1 b outflow uiuaaa luttiau uiniatl amociitiou bto 3fflo prjrlek fl tract talon out e d auit m d cm tiaali offlm hoiin p lu nuiil oallt amwitad irom rmldancr vradar i to fl and t to 0 fr a l hoke oradualo of univanlty of toronto 0mfl at rti1nc on willow blral-b- iwnu maraltnta hank and town hall lliona no do aoton ont toiih u uaononaili ud ou iroprlalor and huioriutaiidni iiauuky iiomiltal plata ol wotiiau for paiucliari a lo aoeomoiallon au addram ilm t uamay 1 o oil i lmoal a j miokinnon p luftkima bomorron ootitbtmaim orvioaulll hual in htoiala llloob fljaorfalown ilranoli uam alrmt opan wadnaadaii anil ualardaya laikponhbdivlilou coqii ooanly of dal- n0onvbtrabadiviraandliaamiranm 1141 kiubjaiadl uouaytolmilau ovirich larry niau ii look aoton ont du j m ukll ddb lub dlhtlat aotom ohm at iuldiioa oornir uui and vradatlak hohoa oaaooath or toronto uhiybmit tbe lalaat anahlhatla ad daalrad at hoekwood f oaadayt u j p cogiiian penti8t 9 oublhi vofiay at aston a now lmldliibinawomoeornaf ol wmd- liam and cork hiteaii lualpli i ovar omoaa of unalpli onutlo liivhliuant and uavioti uoalaiy rnitiqm cork lt fliona is uiscxliummo vs tt1 kd j hardy ft co apvcbtitluo comtbactohi and ncwicorhitirowpbkti 30 rimt streoi london bc england byvultori to iouiloii n wlllba ivantlvaqulrad ion to wboni adla u puahoio nunan hooelllndlin wvuduam 6 qoalpli onufu abmubi hook of all klnda taadaw ctdav itariad lula of ovary daadilpltonaaratullyboiiiid rohbrnaaila4 prompt it dona m altniaon moenbbb ii 1 uootth mnmk oy uibruaa xiioehbrb filauodba koltnaaimraiilrad laaoad ktvaaldmom in tlia avaning rw praaa offlw aooh u ubmbthekt ijrolllllid adotiomria w for tha ooantlh of wlllnton and hal ion dtdatalaftbltbairnaa vaiaa onlaa aatoa or amyrudauaaln aoton will ba promptly uodadto taruia itaaaonabla aim money to loan on tha moat f avorabu amaabt ai tit lowar lauiorimoiuilupwtr li lowait rataa of inwraat la w jam us mpdonald llcunhln auctiohkih rnrtlia eomillmol walling ton hal ton waurlon wautwoilli and tha my at onalpli balaa aonduolml on rauonabla tartna and ulilaallou niiaranuad in ayary pub vor urmt dalaa l apply to ho btf r j kimn llcrnbi ii auctiomkwb rauonatila larma ordan br latur to mlmoia p o taleplioga to altmom or oapr naa or itlt at pimm pant offloavaoton w i raoalva kiln ad a to alunuoa btmborinhd utook oaptiatj ik006m the wbllinoton mutual inburanob company tbatobluhad t80 ua4 offlo ootbijhi oht inboiianob on oaali and mutual plan any uabratim raqulrad will b promptly tuod- w ii nbnny aianl young ht anton alaoajrant for tlia union iniurauoa co nalaud nahagawc lu mills lumbar laili nml rlilnnlta alwaya on hanil clioap illll ilufl oiii io orjf r p sayers s0n8 va8saoawbya p o try j n oneills carriage works gkohoutqwn onr roimccormuu lnd mowan haykakm daaro maniura hay iujart daln bida uallvary luy hackb lbudaji and wommin a wald hay fork and sling oulfila hay vait hop mccormlcb ufhur iwlna llay fork track and bi idndi of track ihmfteri eilona lioali and huy kacka oockahutt wllklna6n and i uury ilowfl alio repalra for h ih above maclilnaa in lh carilim una i liavo a vary full stock orllugula surrlai hid uarkal wajjoni all itio lateat mvlai my own and mtt aimlilln coa manufacture at rl4l1 iirlcea 1 a fw good aecond ban 1 uuitbla and wagona will bo aold cliaap com lo ihaa aliopa far your carriage kopalrlnit j n ongills otrrlrcb works caorobtown ont your chopping will be done piiickly and well on envw plates or stones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shoru the beat at lowest prices harris ooa surprise canadian hand laundry cha9 suey proprietor r to hv patbonb i have now a wonderful now melliod ol dolnjr laundry work of all klnda work la wallllnuhod and no injury or dartinga dona lo lhafinht goodi shirt 1 eollara cuffa vaali my apaolalty collar ironed to aa not to ba broken in ilia wins and flnlihad ao ibay will not burl ilia nack work for bolh ladle and gemlamon locutad with promplnaaa and anllr aalla- fact ion and equal lo ilia boat iba cltlei can produca chas suey tba old clllien aclon willow slroat rear of handaraon coi jafaaojffaaioolr vppsr wyudbmta st oumlph oaf a pirbt cla8b inilllullon founded in 1iu4 by iu jpraaant trlnclpal famous u tho training aoliool of many uccaaiful builneaa man both canadian and american distinguished at iba fountain liead andaourc of tlia canadian club in camda bupcttlok in lit ideal aplrit and 1 bach ing lu trained sraduniea are in con atanl demand for particular call al lh college orlce 1j7 upper wjndham street pr addreta haloolm haocormlok b a prlnolpal city conveniences brou3ht to yotjr ho mb you would enjoy a bath room in your htma with hot and cold water under creiiura wliarevar required why not he it and be up lo date ily ilia compressed air bystbm tbla la luceeatfully aecompllalied even though you have no water worka eyalem wlihln reach ifiblalnlarealayoii wrlielo day order may ba led with mr spencer hatband aoton for further particular wrlta geo e b grinyer co plumbiniriwd huttlnjr oontntatom oublph ont evertom s eden mills th itoeie quality 01 manitoba paunlly ausd pauttlt flour tor sale at lowest prices our own matt chopping pone and oata nolled every day feed lot aale ch for wheal and oal hewry hortop refrigerators at reduced prices for the rvtit of the season at the big hardware store two monthv urc and a rc- ductidli in price as an induce ment to buy nowwe do not want to carry over the few we hnve left prompt de livery t ottr pykm ir alway ulkl the bond hardware co llmlud retail fh6ne 07 oublph tiithtfittioit glosses hurt lite avei sliur oti a hay on cnmfnrlauly shape 10 tn any note xlounllng 6urnlecd for one year lento grlndlnr quick repilr a d savage guelpb fkctutlvfl opuclan guklfh ont central business college toronto the large and beat equip pad tcliool al in kind in vita you to wrlta lit iu new catalogue fall lorni from sept lit addreia w ii slnw rrealdontor- f it shaw secrelary yonga and garrard uu aoton grain elevator and feed store we buy all kinds or grain and bell all kinds of feed as well as norval flour meals etc r noble proprietor h p moors manajrer georgetown flrorab go geonoetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specially all order pltud wllh mr v a itobrlon drurqlil acton will rcclv prompt altflnllon w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main street acion oppotlte slepheniona dlackamllb shop alt work guaranteed the work of year in acion la proof of lie ex cellence order left at a t drown drug store will receive prompt attention w h walker aoton the way to m ti s k o k a this summor is by the lake shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing muskoka the maganetawan and the best country in six provinces for the holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the six railways of the canadian northern system to the in formation bureau head off ice canadian northern rail waysystem toronto parirtj you nifty tnlk about apartmenta or tho flnoht kind of flat 1 and tell ill tout your grand hotel the atvolliiat one at that you iiinv ravn about a irianalon or a villain fur homo hut ill fto you nntt ait hi iwtttir yut and tlmte my hoiiin tho dearoat wife that ever lived nnd bthluiirldi liyjlnul htr imir 1 uettluk fay 1 iml aay i yaii ouylit to bear her aliitf i ulmii nbo puta the klda tn iwd ut night ahp murmured eoft and lew thosn dear old tunea nur mother amr ytinm ilnd yrara ago afid wbon tho hablee tired oul nrc off to llylow iiftird r nliu klmrn vm ami tycke ou in will under mothflr bitnd and tbnii wr alt tountber thero and trflu nwlilhi and ttcnin a lrlldltik rajtlbte of oiir iiwil hi the fh 1 hjhta dancing qlraiu thn ulnp may have hi palacea tn nvy atlfitiu my heart r m it him oil hi- biiiii daalraai imve llll thn battor ttart ah f dive tho ilrh thlr mil unions fine wrinruw thoy rlmnco tn rnnin ilut fur inn my utile cntlno uuat tin home bwoet hoiao i clilcngn itocordiiorehl hunday mtikaaind sfrlrcl yamilrj itrnbing tlic lost straws flv caul william 7nolthi the wlndnwe worn y npiiilil tn the fulkat no hmithnf ulraeeniml to aqtar thn awnlnjr rnpnu huiiu limp aud life- iak tin blnllnpa thut were hound in day hmlil dhl not till- iniin llm hull omnn tho clatter of tho ctttinhtu ui thny work ml in other 1 dices ulreudy eiuptlwl of worker and oncimii twice nun or the women pokeil hoi hfiul thniiiiih thu open door in aeo how annn uhr could not in lo clean room no hox htitlltt iwnt weurlly nvtr thu type writcrdicr flylntf flnpir wrltlno in the ndilrtietow fnuu n huge hat on tho dank bualdn liir whllr ut h itonrby utile the oftlco ttby ullpped in tlio circular which thn nnvdliipiiu woie intended in carry to hu iih il had suemed the lht straw whan juut he torn chvulno tlino tho office mnnnuor tmd hrougtit her the vnltun- inouu lint mid hud ordered her in aee hint tba circulars wore aent nut that ovonlnir iiu wti fjolun nut of town and had loft ently thn other clurka had slipped out aa aoon ii hu hud dlauprhnred anil with only tho nulla tun cc of tho hoy ulio had tn uind nut km circular in hi hurry tn rot away thn rnanager had not evon loft tho ubimt eupper inonoy an alio would get nothing in rut mil ii the tonohod hor tinardlna hoittr it would bo ion d nftortho regular dinner hour and ebo would lie lucky to get any thins at nil it won nearly 8 oclock wbon tbe last envolnpo swallowed up the laatolroulnr and alio wae froo to go the elevator had stopped tunning an aho aiiii her lielpor fitcnd a wnlk down elgljt nighta of aalra tor tho third time in aa many linure stella told horeelf that thle wuu the inst atrnw shn wiib not lined to thogrhidlugtnll of the city nnd nvou tho ivgulnr work oamo hard when hor father bad died and hi wlfo hud followed him tn thn gravo wlihln n fow month all of the llttln uavlngu had gone tn th phyulcinn and thn uudortaker stella facuil tho task of aolf aupport hravely onougli i111l there were time when horn verified nerve wtire ruhliotl to mwuima nnd nvon the llttln thing of llfo how henvlly upon hor thn extra wnik coming at the aloae ofapnrtlonlarlytrylugdayhailexliauat ed her vltnllty llttleaaty alio oumlm aboard an uptown oar nnd bank into a loat gltd that thu hoiurgnlng melt wa ovei nnd thut ho did nut have to btaml up all tho wuy tho npprnnch of the nonduotur rniiand her fntlu her ulhnrpthin antl aim npentid her puiai aa aha ghtuood into thu ohiingo oniiiiurtilunt ahe gave a cry of dutiutj thu pncuellmnk nuvur well flllod ovun 1111 pay iluyn whb hare of coin favorlthly aho tuiuhled lla oiiulnta into bar hip leplnclng tho iirtlolaa after slinking thorn nut una by nun hut thn 113 co ut which had tieen there whan alio returned from lunch imddu- appeared that bluff dont got the conduo- tore volao whb iirki and unfriendly ho had had a row with tho inipeotor on the lit trip and hid lit huuiiir had not yet aiihildrut youll linvo to pay or got nlf lit added stall looked up with the loan trembling nnthohnavyfrlngo of laattae wo dont have tn takn i oar for tlckntn jot tho ooln p not daring to trtiab hor voice stella hook hor bond und ihnugbb of the tliroo inltn wnlk ntioad of hui thn other last atrnw beaaine inalgnlflaant in tho face nf the new trouble the conductor reached up to pull thn rope hub noma the nlaltf a man roae and ohooknd him dnnt get off mlaa stou innkod up into tba friendly fuoo and amllod her thank through her tears iva got the flhauge handy you uiuut lot mu and you thu inonny alio mild 1 am very greatly obliged tn yiiu i fnigul whole i live wiib tho mi- blushing bin tn 1 mm t juat you forget it ton until ynu uoe unine one tliat needs it nickel real hud and tell etn i aent ii i in snnk hunk in tho anat rejoicing in tho fuot that mtullitsunnfuiluti prevent ed her rlhiitilug iiaiiius the aisle whloli nnahlthl him in 14gtiisl her toad ily without uinlinriausmont duappolnteil at tho turn affaire bed taken dm conductor retlrod to the roar platform tndtivlae tiow name for the inapuctnr and hlvtla innkod nut nf the wlmlnw with a now unif nf cnutaiit- liient nine ninnlha the had lived in tho city and llila was thn flmt time that any one in the throng nf men ami wnmnn iiuilpniibml in tjiu riiah of tho workaday world to ho frjamjiy com ingat a tlmewhnnthn utt atraw had nearly bl thn eltcol of tireaklng her aphltir not imt buck thncdiirteey was dombly wotonme hjia tnrniul uuiplolnuw imwover when aim rnao tr lnve ie car and found that her companion was follow i ng her ii 11 roadher thniighta with quick comprolmkalon i live on mil atruet he eaplalnrd with a frrfnk oullf i live at 1217 i uvh at 21 1 mhe cried hliiahlng lo find tlint alio wita ihned to knnw ttint he llvtsl nojtrliy skerrynr hn huim1 1 any i know llienld udy if i cnmnnviiiiftnr dinner will ynu let bur introducn tm nod go nub trolley riding p hu ulrn tn rifle up tn thu hi idffe tluroti mini to be a lirerxu tlnri htella nodded if thn puttlriihtr mia ukorry was willing to net 11 a tlpununr aurely a trolley ride was prnpoi htelta beanietl on thn young man my namun junk murr4y ho wont nn anticipating the introduction ollneahlella mai1iahn volunteer ed in return ill he glad tn go riding with you mr murray id hate tn atuy in tho house till line beon such dreadful day whon tho m linger tulcl me in stay and get out lot of nlrenl ii it seemed like tha hint straw 1 hat hrnko tho canjule hirk thou tho idea of wnlklng home coined worsrr than that iviat straw may break eiuialit haol he aiild willi a smile hut we nlnt nmielx ynu nee thenx iilunya eome nun hanging around in lift i hi load win n it guts ton hsavy stella flished i1i111 h gralnful glance aa ahe atoprwid in front of hor line tiling place and watched hint era the ttreet to the flathoiiio where he lived with hie mother mr hkerry sitting by tha imaemeut window in tho deserted dining room grncj nly cnllod her in coinnln while thu thud girl atu llm- hulf wanned fnnd her landlady dilated on tho good qualltloa nf i lie mm my mre murray was 11 uiviuwr of the baiun otiurcli biiclwl lo which thn bnaiillng mtwtrvsa iwhinrid and the uon she tbomughly wppiuvod nf nut until nfltn 11 did they got back from tho i till ley ride fin iheio uhb a park waldo the bridgu which was thn terminus nf nil plnisuro rides thny hud to d unco a little and jack twice trout ed her tn leu erentn ae thny etood nn tho atupa nf her boarding dace the man looked dnwn into her 400 and youll lot 1110 call for ynu again soon hu asked dont wait until tho straws mnko loo heavy a toad htella nodded an aont there arent going tn bo any more straw she declared i gueaa tlia only etraw was innellnesu and im not lonely now and youre not going to tx if 1 can help if wns tho hearty reply and otollau henit boat fatter aa slio realised that aoon alio would bo nulthor lonely nor alone unlike tho camolu load hor luit straw had led to happiness a oh at with thb oirlal i heard sninolkxly perhnpu lr was a prude aay tho other day that fashion ably accomplished young ladles con- elder it a dlagraoo to enter a kltabon or know how to make a louf of bread now wo know eome scnslhln ghis who do not consider thuniiolves dlagraceil if they are found helping their mothers anil moreover wo know what tbe above mentioned prudn said is trim in many instances hnalnty at the present tiny demand thut glrla ahall be what lliey call 11c- compllshed 1 and tn fulfil this demand tho mothers of christendom tench their duughtera that a knowhduit or all that iwlnnge to lifes duties at homo is not nne of the requirements that manual labor must lui consonant with di awing room cultivation and en their lily bunds slip idly over tha piano keys 1 they wnltsi in the innut approv ed stylet u input a utile french or german quote poetry and sncluty says they arw accomplished doubt- less they are and by und by ne all modern fashionable do they win a husband now is thero one nt tliuli boasted ac complishments tiat will help tn make or blase a home t w know that inualo la pleatunt and limiiv is not linn 10 where ihnre are nn eonga or sweet harmnnlaai hut u knowledge of the piano will 116 1 help a woman discharge her wifely duties anil a smattering of french or nn lihillly to wnlti grace fully will tin hut llttln towards pro- paring a palatable dinner for a hut- bund when be coinre homo hungry modern glrla have not leas ability than our grandmothers hud 1 tho ovll all lies in the principle imhltuml n early year if mother will teaoh by word and deed that idleness is an ncooinpllslinient then what may wo expect p whore shall wo look for tho tiuo women the blessed homos in the yuure to aonio p tho woman who can nil lifes station nobly nnd well can not learn too much if she falls in her home she will fall in at 1 for thore rest thn husu nf hor nlminate eucooti tub wiiono on aryniing 1111111 bud tieen calling now nnd then nn a young lady when one night as ho eat in thfi parlor waiting for her to oome down hei mnthor colored tho lonui instead and naked him in a very giavo uloiu way what hlu intentions wore he lurnetl very red anil uiui about tn atammar some incoherent reply when suddenly thn young lady called down fiom tho bond nf tbe atulra 1 mamma mamma that is nob the tine coopkrativib kxpbhimbntm three hundred and aavett furtnsr lliroiigtmut ontario conduct rd evperl- meiita with autumn sown crops during tlia past year itaports liavo ihiuii re ceived frain iwentytlit of thu couulle nf tbe frnvlnce those counties which furnlshm the greatest number of good report of aucceaufully uiudlitit- od e pertinents were urtice norfolk mlddlomra irey and llulton iliee- puriiuentera deuertta much credit for the good work tlrey hajfo dune for thanihclvea and foi the farmers gner- ally aversuo rohutle ol tliu carefolly coijduoted co operative eiporluienta with auluiiin sown oroptt are bore preaonted in it very conclio form winter wheat three var let i of winter wheat were distributed last autumn to thoao farmer who wuhed to test soma of fife leading varieties nn tliulr qwn farm tho following are the average in yield of straw and of grain per ucru 1 luiperlat aiiiimt 14 tons and itfu bu 1 abundance 12 tniib nnd 2hi hue 1 and no t lied 1 j tons and 22 2 bus not onty did the imperial aiutar give the greatsst yield per ncre lu the cooperative experiment throii ontailoin iwm nild lu 1007 but also cnnienratln popularity with the ex- porlmonter in cacti nf those years tlia imperial am tier will again ho ills- tr i huted throughout ontario tills luiiin ae one nf the three varieties fur cooperative experiments the dawsons golden chaff which we dis- ttlbutcd for cooperative experiments ingliniit ontario in each of twelve ytnis previniib tn tho autumn nf 1000 id which la probably grown more ex tensively in ontario at tha present tlmo than all other varieties nf winter wheat comhlnod has not been included in tho cooperuuvo taste since 1000 winter lye of thn vuiletles nf winter rye distributed in thn autumn nf 1007 tlia mammoth white stood first in average yield nf grain with hi bushels and the common second wjth 28 0 huihohi per acre lust year tbe mammoth white surpassed tho com mon tyo by un nvorugu- nf ti bushels pur acre throughout ontario fertlllxoia with winter wheat in thu co operative experiments with dif ferent manures applied 1n tbe aprlng of thu year the average yield a of grain per acre fur the paat five- year are sa follows 1 mixed fort iii tor 27lt hu 1 it rate of soda 25 b bus 1 muriate of potash 257 hu 1 and superphosphate 2311 bus thn unfertilised land gave nn average of 224 bus per acre tho buperphnapbuto wnu applied nt tho rat of 1120 pounds and the muriate of pot ash and the nitrate of eoda each 100 pounds per aero tho mlxod fortlllzor 11 is tod of onoitlilrd the quantity of each nf thn other three fer til iters bore en honed the usual coat of tho for- tlllxoru aa iibcii in these experiments is lie t ween four and llvo dollar per acre fnddat crops in each of five years thu seed nf hairy vela he a nd ol winter ryn hue iteen distributed throughout ontario for conperatlvo experiments in testing those crops for fodder pur- poaea in the average or the five years oxpcilmcnti tba hairy vetches pro duced slightly the largest ylod of green foddor peracre but in 100 ft the largeat yield wno produced by tin winter rye distribution of material for experi ments in 100h- ae long a a the supply teats material will bo distributed free of charge in the order tn which the applications aro recoived for ontario fanners wishing to experiment and to report tbe results of any nne of tho following teste i 1 three- varieties of winter wheat 1 2 two varieties of win ter rye t 1 five fortllluvei with winter wheat 4 autumn nnd spring applica tions of nitrate of soda avnd common amlt with winter wliontt ti wlnlor earner with wlntvr wheat nr winter barley 1 0 hulry vetohae and u inter rye ae fodtlar crops the eltui nf oaoh plot is tn ho one rod wide by two rods long material for number ii mid 1 will ba sent by nxproau and that for the others liy mall o a zavitz o a c guelph ont aug 12th 100h an bxokllentpneboniption a rather eccentric yet 0111 in out pliy- ulaiun wns called tn attonil a middle- aged i loh lady who hnil imaginary ills after iiiiiny wlsn inquiries about her symptoms and inunnei nf hfe hn ask- el for a place of paper and wrote down do something for homelindy in the gravest innnnrt ho handed it to tho patient and left tho doctor heard nothing from tho lady for a long time on christmas morning be was hastily summoned to the onttnge of hor irish washerwoman ltnot myself doctor ll nif wrlit that ailing yn aee i was after go ing out into the black chirk net for e few bits nf wood whon inn font struck tills basket it stood there ilka a big mercy us it wee full of soft fluina from mrs walker sho told tne that your metllolne cured her doctor so u yo plaxa in put a llttln or that antno on mo wrlit ill imi none tha worst for me nice present its a powerful remedy said tho doctor gtavvly and more than onoa in after year he wrote tho pioscrlp- tlon 1 do something for somebody thu moth and thb ritamb the myslery of tha moth and tho llama has been solved by prof jacques loeh like many other insects the moth lllee to the llama for thn aunio reason that tho aunllnwet and cnrtulu other plunle tuijns tnwanl thn sun this nlsn explains tho odd antics of the june hug kxposo such insects tn diffused light and they will tnovn toward the centre nf brightness slow ly hut expose them to a glare and tltey hasten rapidly this la why winged lnaaeu ii utter about so jeyly in tlio direct sunlight twkntv vktalia aoo mr jns matthews left on haturday with three horse for the ktposltlon atdurraimn y two men warn lined 120 and coats ut orangovllla for stealing it ride on a c i k freight train owing to his continually increasing business and its demands for personal attention mr j i mcoarvin fias laen nhllgid tn resign the iitmlclpal clsrkshlp tliecannda jlnve works bus luieti repainted und renovated throughout the whole of lint four stories jtcovo htnrey fined alikrln nian 1110 am coats total vi fm mug drunk ttrnl dlsorileily on tho slreot he iiaii spent tbe nlflbv in tho coll two grain buy ore for anton tills mli mr kdwurdnicklliat ib store house t the ot 11 and mr j a murray for mccruo and i low tor of liinlph east of thn fieluht shrda an inloiloutei il river was nn doubt the cause of a milt up opjrtislto havflls tin shop near thn main and mill st corner nn saturday evening in which two buggies wero badly ninsh- d and una nf tho drlvor pretty tfuiorely stunned a biilllnut mntenr honrid across the north western sky tail wednesday evening ulmut km it wn of great rig 11 undo null bad all the brilliancy of nn euctiio light while itehlnd it re mained a pnthwuy nf fire the family nf mr alex grant hn celved tho following ominous mra sage from winnipeg 1 jessie badly burned nut x poo ted tn recover f tho morning paper stating the fatal burning of a woman in winnipeg led thn friends bore tn fear for tho worst nnd mrs w p llrown has left for tho woat lo inquire for her injured slstoi last saturday mr unlit klntlard win lending a pair of colt to water when 11 calf and dog came running down tlio lane startling the colts so niddonty that mr klnnard was thrown against n projecting fence rail then tn th ground and was trampled upon he wuu unable to rise for some time but ills mother seeing his plight camo anil helped him nd rib were broken but vory severe injuries wore sustain ed about a week ago mr benj ander son a neighbor of mr klnnard met with an accident under somewhat similar circumstances but one of bis rib was broken from tho colt having stepped on bis chest dr lowry at- tsnded both the injured man tho editor of the newmarket lrn who had lieon visiting frlond mooro of tho fmstc pitghh anil bis estimable lady hnd written up quite on account of acton for tils papor some of the points weiei population 1400 1 two fine brick churches storeys qlovo works emploping 1m to 200 hands on itio lines nf gluvea and mitts und 200 lines of moccasins 1 mouarvin ii oou trunk factory 10 hands 1 heard mar b gos tunnory almtit thu same num ber d20u0o or vw0oo nf hemlocv bark bolng used liy tho firm 1 three othor tanneries all giving autnn tbe name of tho leathorhend town v also memtluns fairy lake 1 the new cemetery nnd the ilrass hand it of erring to tha latter which had boon in continuous organisation for nearly 20 years tlia only recognition tho efficient loader mv j o hill had received was tho protentutlnn nf a lieaiitlful ollver enrntt he utso prom i ted any deputation that might visit newmarket tn enquire as to flro protection a cordial showing of now waterworks system ilenve w ji storey proclaim n sept 10th as olvlo holiday upon the re quisition of tha undermentioned per sona 1 a 11ainy day a rainy rainy rnlny day i itmulif itslinwus it iiiiiiiu and many nn eager fuot must stay within unclosing doors llut mid tho altered plan di utrny ilia uladness of llm inxirl y may not instead unine qnnl jny thu rainy day impart f within are laiki that may la dum atul gniiion foi idlui iioiich and honks and fi lends the hidden sup who iiiirki iuky thai low ra and wbeh tin- nullum morning h teaks atjovu the oiistem hills and every woodland vturlih 1 ivuki anil every tnhfrl puke thrills in nicniorlasiif todu tn morrows share 1 and lu that coining day shall ihvell a litestlng wrought by tills iiyplllllpili4twing t lllltrtlliia kannav lira j itaklad 11 11 jirnin wjkidd oh iiavfll if llrannan john nalaon jnlin nalao ii itatnalii j a 11111 n v uoore v t bpalact w ii ilufladsa n maaarvin llan1roa uolu co w i iiman jftmpli olilttiolai tliot aoa j a uurray htaeav iawao j uoloirn t hal manemtaoo ct illll j i wonlan of tho 111 flritiu or builnois man not- oil uljovo now 1008 thero are only ii in acton and the business of tome of tlioni nro changed qt the othor 17 there are at least tl or 7 dooensed whilo thu veteran iteovo hlinsolf has also passed away 5n loiix in aoton nn aug 00 to mr anil mre john hurvoy it daughter buiw in aoton on aug 00 to mr and mrs olias fauckner ft daughter diicp in milton 011 aug ill john kenneth youngest son of inspector deacon in h 1 10th yoar dibd at iciorn on snpt 1 ilv john duft in he 02nd yoar maiiiucn at lynddti hyhovr o a moo re of plattavllle mr cleo titownrt nf tlio paris transcript to mlsu mlnnln forster daughter nf dr for tor formerly nf acton miss mary drown huu rot u mod from h short visit with friends at lyndon dr morrow nf qiiqlph foriiiarly nf aoton bus boon very 111 for a couple of weeks inthouolb little nnwinun moth or had faith fully tried tn answer his questions in regard to death nnd tho futuro ufa and ho had ttoon told that whim he died just hie aoul would go tn heaven ouo day lis camo running in from his play anil in excitement cried mamma mamma if just my aoul goes to heaven what am i going to button iny panta on to p delineator a prinor in ovbrallb prince kdwnril or wales has bo- unme qiilto skilled in using tlio hatn- nierhlsel nnd flle at tha wnikehopu of thn loyal naval oolloge osborne whan work is nnlabod dressed in his overalls ho joins in the race with hlu feltowworkttra ncriuw the flelda for tho uiuul uuulttng thoni at tho college tltcaant nbio iiuo it 1 1 oops orms pleasure after all is iiluch affected fiy thoqunllt nf one negh- bnrs even though nnn may not be mi smuklng teriiia with llieni a pkuv nt lulght facu u surely iiliiii tliati a dkcoiitcuti il cross nuv 1 and a bninut that has tho air of being iuhafilld is prefernhln to clout d uhuttera and un social blinds including every ray of sunlight und sympathy wo like to see thu glancing duti ful light through thu window of a cold night or watch them as evening daepens gradually cneplng fiom the parlor to thn upper storks of tliu house neariib wn like tn wntrh the little children going in nnd nut of the door to play or lo school wn like tn si o the while rolled hahy dancing up and down at the window in itu molhnr is or thu fulhir moiling his nuws- pnpsi thero at evening 01 any of these rhurfnl impromptu homo glimpmi s which though we 11111 1111 paul li we will asset t go to make a pleasant iinlglihni tn llunu who live for comfort instead of wliow sad indeed sumii mornings on waking it is to oe thu hliudu down and thn shutters ilusul nnd tn know that deaths angel while it spared nur threshold had ornsxod that of nur ohiieifiil nilghbor had tn mka thu white robid baby from thu window and sou tho little nilln at nightfall born into tho house hnd to seu the innocent llttlu fares piosmd ut oven- thlo ugainsl the window pane watch ing fm the ikur papa who has gone tolil long home curb pon 1vv roihonino the person who takes lainbks through tho woods is likely in stiftir for days thereafter with itching bunds sometimes sulferlng real ngonj from ivypnlsnn poison oak nnd ivy nro much like tho copperhead snakuu in hills in that both seem tn try hard in tort nro huninu beings with theii polaon and will do so if they comu ton aloir especially lu the apilng a pliyslolan onco told uu that there was nothing that would cutu ivypoison qulokty but that dnctuilng it and letting it alana took nbuut equal time 1 ao ho advised washing thn parts quite often and lotting it taku its course now tho cure consist lu a very simple adherence to two things 1 preventing the spreading nf thu pois on and drying it up quickly itu spread can ba prev ontud only by h nub ing frequently wllh hot water t its aura by anointing tho altettcil parts with tinaturo of grludcliu procurable in any drug stare aa aoon ns tlio skin has lutop drloil kvery camp outfit should contain a font ounce bottle of grlndoliu its euro is vi t j mpld und it soon stops tho almost unlaarablo hahhig by which ivypolsnu iu llrst notlcod this remedy is a veiy old one hut it is not known 11 woll as it sliould be- fort t hnd htrcnm baitoainb in dabibu amongtho deacons of a ptosby toi ian cliurch in nn ohio town was a good old gentleman familial ly known ae undo thomas although tno deaf tn hoar ho wns alwnyu in lik aooustom- od seat at cliurch nnd his xuul in relig ions work wab untiling owing to a shortage of song books in tho sabbath school soma additional onoa warn 01 tlorod by unclo thouias whnuppils ed tho pastorof their mrlvnl nnd the inttor ngroed to nnuniiuce tlio fact from the pulpit on sunday morning tho pastor made thn pinmlsed an nouncement ftinongothei s cnuiludlng with this one 1 parents wishing theh chlldien bap tised will plena piosent thom ut the close nf tho service the good duaoon jumped to hlu feet nnd in tha hi ml voice peculiar tn the deaf bawled out tliost who havent any can got thoni ut my house foi ao conts npleoa i as uncle thomas and his wlfo had alwaya lieen childless this startling information almost bruko up the nu ut- ing success mugnxlne when a girl tries tn dodge a kiss she always umnnges in do it in a wii that onaboshr to calili it sqiiun- nn thu lips after onco tasting 00 one wants an oldfash ioned cod liver oil prepara tion or emulsion bocauso vlnol is a much better body builder and strength creator for old peoplewcak children and for coughb colds bron chitis etc if it does no good we will roturn your money e a robertson orua gist aoton

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