Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1908, p. 4

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hc jkttou jrc fjrtss tjiuthlay hi wlmukll l n tamil animalo i ii a v to known a oil k mm ml limb nun tiottfufc lij whllli niu in limb iiiith iiliiv lil im llli ii 1 u h m wilpmljit id bin him h ip iimkiiilllii ild uhj nil iliu iliuf milt in i hi tnulil imtulil in and nil my lu anil ir vo tr my it hi tin i mi outuili a in 11 uumiicliimr i ml mill ioiik hahl i tu in i i how utmu yuur 81111 halduhui jimhrimit nantiu in fitt h just a lay lulu i g in t inakid lh uil vi ly t ii im why ou invu i uj hhniini i y alyjum ii u n mi tm in in i nil wh iliy if mhlnhi i iuki tl tlm um i v if in i yuu kit k lliu irpm win whin i ymj nllli llm etulc j abie i hiithl i hi llthod m tll uhi clitlmtlqa a jviwutu siaiihlgs cjhniaiti ilatk nf tin mudlman i f ihi celt unit ib not id in t mm fi mi tliu winy t hiurj miiviiu i can nul yi t im i jinn noni wild a fmnkauipili in uiuiinii f l hmi nnvallat cuiiiiy inltmi whom n at was inttoiittr no win i ilt i jduliiiii in rulmti i for tin lirlilun la in ilni i x til mtii i id nth ynuiik i wnu koiu i hlu u iimph jiu ily miliik until i ul i a ilnu n lilu hot t ii li i huh mum ko mill lohiiiiin inn iikmi i tide to llulr iiiiiiiiii minimi hiih rum plnlni ii to p ip i u im in ik ii i coming uphtnlru jtnhiinl i ij mnurlci hero conn u pipn i hull putt ml to o nab i p miinu i inui t i mull ut up nml put i n ni ii iimi- m fin hint- toiuprri1 lli choir iki win utln onxuiut mliixhi p so if win umtklo the tun i au piuti il lint nipiiim vim duiui t dint npllnl tl cm t ml tit it would wiik h inn growtul hnritmio oii r iilto hiuju tu lng in a choir bald t in fnlm tin illnw you nil iiiiiiiiiuntl tlm l iowa hoy inn nolo that nobody luanl hi in tli on tin nitfiitilut wuua up tho odduat tin limit iiinmontmia ne social mu iiftmi tliiitu iittiich tin in el von to the most trillliik thin km thna at ii iiiiidoi tho hoatuua aiiid tun aour fuetd mnn mi inn ii ft may i lulpjoii tninniii of tin bull- oil rln mr htnlth r uk no tlmiil ymi mi rlco fi r no siiililiunhivunid vnhmiilntl il u aunocintud with tho worul inlutnkti of my lift vim know dour yem iiroiiiutd ti lut pin iiidimy i wanted ml llitr hrlik lnvv nil the m invt nnd ymi ulinll luivu it oh i yoirdtmr thine will i miw a pin to dity nlih diaiiiomls and pearls in it and i do wuit it no the rats intslliobnob tho nwrngu nit pota canon nxtrnor illnury utmnchy tin u unlllna ship bound to calcutta fiuili ciipu town oilio unit n it uilh iiuliiioii to tiy to rcdiicu tint nuinhor of tats which linil honrdcd tho vt uuul nt tho fonnur port lli it imit of an urdlnary cnak wan pinned poifrctly siunoth enntod with bronno nnd n tnont halt tnutcrd in the gontro tlin end wan llxid nn with two nnllu liilaucuduntlmttihould nnythliik touch it oft in tho contra it would p dov iu i ho cnul u an pnrtly filled with wntor nnd iniriid in tlm linllimt to wl lli i n a fmv incliob of tho top llio flrtit nlht over tun hurt dritri rnto uuro cnuilit tho micund nlffht nono weiooaiiklit it wnn finiud by tho murks of ratu feet in tho rcnsn nnd tho mluulnf hnlt that tlioy had ilia envnrod tho iixnot centre nnd look tlm bait im they liked uulf an inch on oltlioi fildn of tho tuntro nieiuit deith not tub iilallt name him wnu oxtraiiivly imnhful when who entered the flniiwt m uhop ii tike to kt bonn tlowi r fm n young nuuih hlrthdiiy party uho milil hhiuhlng a oliuuy red vou inluii lupllod tliopnlllu lot hit with a low tmw how would uwint wllllumudiip hhu wan all uniifudliui i til a f mlil they winildn t iuihwi ll fnlteiid nil un ln in nob a william t hou xwi ot ohm lie ii 1 u iculiouu jiyui nlery jor din i in piopiiiul fiom diujju known to tho prof hub inn hh thurmibhly rfliitlili fin the oun nf tli ii him dyulitnry dliiirhoiii griping piiiniaiiil miiiimor aoinplnlnti- it liax imon iuid biiduihu fully hy iniiilluil puiutlllniw tu for a nuinhti of j hum with gratifying h- iilltu if kiulteilng finui any uiiiiuuir oinpinlnt it in just tho mml oil io hint will nun yon tiy a holtlt it hi iim for 21 ooiitu flooiijno papa plvii yoiu old iniiiiny wan tmlng put tliniugh a toat in niiuiliinu before the niliniiiiig fimilly niu tiny at dim kiniimy pnpn no kul him tho qii at inn tlint had pimiil the wtittilon of tho nldm nlilhliiiii in piut youru nuu loiimij uald pnpn imw miiiiy me two tippled jind thitinpunul live fiuliul promptly mmweied loniuiy llellninitui ilmiiiiiua ldluon i no matloi linw wldo tliuwoild u thoio lualwayfi room fin a piiiauii wliomitiilon thing huttoi flolilwln nmlthi jim teat at high nhnrantoi in tint amount or fioodmu it will jilmnrh wllhniit going tu plieen an llm oil hull- in llm i in uium onl applied to tho bi at nf a pain in miy part of tho body thn hkln ubenibn tho ioolhlng llnluwtiit itnilfji- hrluk frlollmi nnd tho put i cut nhtnlimnlmnht lnitnntrilltr 71m romilt nf tho iim of pr tliommt kolimtilu oil have mil piinod limny win worn unnrvpfnlntnd with lt pmllilor and njioo ktiowii it hill nut ba ujiiuturt tiy it making a uthikb odueillv a thulh rlirl g in thftc l it milki to 1 1 tnimilo wiul i fimii miinriuiil hum- wlmro tlm gu tt aiihu ii h r flm j v h itm mlluiiuil hijh i ml h i svinutlu dlxfrll ulvil oi i uln i nirind by llm pnirlioi f lb vugik u ii iil hid i 1 1 1 io ulgu i nt i l ting fin uuiip r ii to i lb ii h ii ly mi wal limn mil mid hnmtillli mil iwial lli pioiul i ml lub n 1 uhitilimd in fiuntif 111 du i i film bill ii iiiwivn mid not n limti of the btlikin pixhiil liibldt all in irolug il b il i n pinpiititoi b nt ii box r ilhk ntaldu by oiu of tlm 1 muiidiih t i ia iiiomid iiiiiolig ilieuii but hi nun itifiiutd uviu to like u rii llgu lldbiikiiling ill mtrlk ha in p lnt ti jbw n nil viiiipli of tin ngiiii i liny hnvi on i in mm ti ubd hty h u mu iuhu ii i ftlnt mu mtiiki hill in ruiidii ti i luiutirliiltwniiinii icaualito the ocoaoion m dull htld the tihr nlliri uuilli to mu littli uhl ulm iiuipiiil tlmttudy whlli k fttlur mi i uiitu nt lit i uy ijiuii una ill ilium i blip powi jmiiihhui ijr iitluir b mhi tiluhgtlml nv in h idnd tin lltth gi ml pit i i v hi d mill in hull v urn p mm in j ilttli imi- hihi mil h a ii n lln il nit mim giiplng in ih ft in uli i mm ilituibi thin iib nuns plllal i in h t ii tin im l ill ii he i hi tiki lilt in uuh ut t u f uiiph mint huitb ii in i i mhi himuvil nuliil drn uitbout impohig tin pmalliix whkh fi lhm tin dm otitliu plllu not mi tuiufull pit piud at the opinit oeanck miiliiini la tlu it mi iliimimi you mldliki tiiik oiirllrntwiruf i win lik iomkliilligivu ui i oiul wifi b r ntipn f r iiiliiro wilsons fly pads cold fcv dhuccistb cflocias u3 ciuual 8tci18 10 por nscliet or 3 pnckau lr lis will idftt wiald ncnan hill tham mil lyln bout wkm ud mm diroetml buiilhuw tin- iiiijority nf trnr g toil hat iib im ur nit f umd out m itlurui imp worm i tunnm itor la pit mnut to t ike ann anil t ftt ctunl in ckmioyli g worms many b ivo trlid it with ut icaiilta ivofi hnor oal oriu tlm kl itent pns bfaaon wo have u life and hfoia tho per pntunl oppnrtunlty fn improvi uiint to cunic a cold in one day tall a 1 ilrurclita i w qi tab lbibiitb llromotjiili inn tal lot tuurblita rurunlllo inonay it ii talli in latum on oacti hoi 1u ilnll ciiuo i hilhvo in my heart that no man ii iltngethor hid utterly iiicorriglbh or titwnlntily impoltaa baara tta j9 i lll t fugnaur hukindvoilllihliirsb iayan you go but try to anvil muigli to gut hauk iii was weak and run down would very often faint away mm j ii amistronir iort i imaloy out tclb of licr uptnimcn vlth milqunna hi art and nluvi pill8 slo nnlch it h with onttltiiiln till iwnv your hrnrt anil noro iilu bnnoflttid inn i wan i ry tnk and run doun lind liifidnclitii tikirly miy dy nnd vory nftril would faint away in fnrt my dontnr iinid tlml iminntiiiift i would ncmt cuiim out of tlm fnint it wrnt througli nn of nur traviilmif aonu that i una iiiilianl to try millilirna heart mid nrvo ill i mill nftnr tnking tlirco liocn i nm ill id to re into it inln born a number nf j mm alum i had a fainting npcll and erirr ly ovir lnuo a hinilacho too niiirh cannot bu anid in nrnlwi nf mil b im h heart nnd norvo pilli for fn mo tin y lmo i rfrctud a perfect cum prjco of cviftn pr box or a hnxdn for juvnt ill dnilim ortlio r milbtirn co llmitid 1 nron to ont j in ii ibiltuy wi ting nldii out and ycni luivu nlundor kl i i dt i ii k i n v n t it in vi i y inn d foi iiniltx loin to think but wi live hy ibn biii tlm iiuimii ami follli ut iiiiitiklnd j hoi ii uover whn ami nnvei will b a unlvnmil utnnuoa in nun iiutudy fm all lllw tu wliloh ii nab in hnlr wlmt would relluvo one 111 in tuin would uggt h ato i ho otliel u wn luivu lioutivu in qulnhio wim win n ohttlnoil in a wound urmilultiii ntot uuttn n romody fm tniinj and gilovoim lilu ily ith gradual nnd judlolomi mm tho fialliut uyutcnm an led into uiiuvalimnitiito ami htiitiiglh by the mlllliiitn will 3b qulnliu intnn on natuiiiii null louuiriltlvu it in lluvoh ttinuii tu wluim a olnoniir tilnt of nioihld dnapondenoy ami lank i nt i lint in life it a dliuaiuo ami hy liliiiqulllxlng tin nnrvoh 1lakiuiiu to wound nml i nh ebbing eloi p impm t vlgui tn tlm notion nf tho blood which being hllinuhitnl oouuim ihauigli tlm vnlns utrongtbenmg tho livnuliy anl mitl fiinotlniir of tho uyutoiu lhoroby iiinkluh iiitlvlty a nooonhiily reault utrongtheulna tho fiamo ntitl giving hfo tu tho illgontlva nigiuii wliloh imtnrally dnnumd liioroasntl miluiuirioo rohitlt impiovod npitllo north- top 4f iytnnn nf toronto iiavn glvn to tho pnltn tlmlr htiporlur qlillilm by tho nplrilnn cvrsolrnitlaftti ho wlfm upprnailm ncrewt pn font ion of ny on rtio initivot all druikdat will it afcoclilwc ircparfltlnnrorab slmllnlliiij ueloodiiwlllctjiilii lliig llic slomach5 nnd uowcb of iromollfl dlrtcsllon cltrul- qcnnivllfeilconljilnsncllhrr oiminimrliliu lur xlliual nornaiicarie kn liaitamciilb aiwifiyl ttmwhly rnrconnllf linn sotirmniiujch dlnrrrttfe wtiriiis coiiviiiioiih h-vrjsh- ltcqi nml losm of stepr tacsiiww jutfno ff mfcw youk oastoria tor infantu and children the kind you have always bought bears tho signature of use for over thirty years clmlered by dominion goiarnmom kalolillalibd ifuij the merchants bank or can hkvd officii monritlat interail added four lime a yaar iiq llratichaa rcaldant sir ii montagu ailan vicb prealitont jonathan hodoron kin gdnaral mmiaflerl f iiiiiuuth capital paid up 6 ooo ooo oo dopoalli aver i ooa ooo oo surplna v4 000 000 00 total aiaata ijl 000 000 00 savings bank deposits ona dollar orupuarla will open an accaunt money withdrawn bio any hmo no daisy rarmcr sale notes a hivo apeclal facllltlea for collect ln tlicw wo will cauh llmmal ones if daalrod at a low rata of intersil joint accounts when roqiiaated wo will 0101 accounla in two namei ao that either one may dnw tho money huabanavor wlfo etc aoton brnnoh w s chisholm manager canadian national aurf 39 exhibition sop 14 toronto greatest- on j best attended annual exhibition in oil the world every province sends its products 10000000 in prizes and attractions mammoth massed band concerts grand art loan collection fran thai rvla salon amd oibar ouwprld gkllarlaa infarnatlonal military toflno anil baallatlo spactacla the siege of sevastopol wllb 900 prlorm idlornotional doj show intornallonbl cat show 8000 live stock on jvlew im filn tun uirj bltiti ui ill hlwaiua tumt j 0 oil uiatjw clu mall xuu cheap i a b i s from evebywiiehe lot tho gentle hrcczc of h summer watt your to mo the heat of tlio summor is at linnd bo rcntly with clothing to match a light summer suit or pcrlnpa a pair of troufcors would fill tho bill and fit you out season- ly call and sec us wm- goopeii thetaibor agent for tlio stntidurd kotiiry howliiff much mo mill st acton hlr con mi doyloi a timna oliuiaotur in always written in a thmiannd ways upon hluibolf for thoan who enro to read it 0aibtorixj itaarataa ltll ktllj vflu hlh hlwifl foutf uihtore lloautliig of thulr btiung puluta in a weiiknoau with hoiuo pooplo a sinking hollow all- gone sensation atthe pit of the stomach that is dyspepsia a romody wlilnh iim rarely failed to givn prompt mlluf nnd effnot pormanent onrna oven in tho most obatliuto oioea la burdock blood biners it acta by rejjulallns and toning tlm tlljlmtlva orsanai renmivlnp onatlvanha ana inaraaaing mia ajipatlla a health and vioi and reitorlng mm alloa fiuavaa rmlnoaalil nr wrltdit havo uoail llurdoek itlooil ulitorm and find tliafc fair medlalnaa oati plo auoh relief ih stomwh freublaa ami pyapftytla 2 w trotiblad for yaara with dyapepala ami oonlu gab no irallaf until i tried it ii ii i took three bottlea and bmamaotirad anil now i turn eat anything wltlioab lb hurting ma iwillraommentl m to all having fjtomaeh trouble kvor notion how narrow iniudod moat ponplo are who urgua with your why go limping anil whining about your coma when n 25 oont bottle of llollowaya corn ouro will romova tliotu p q ivo it n trial you will not re grot it our idea nf a roumutlo girl is on who no 1 1 da nut invltatlnue of horolopo mont pountlaitlon phnelplaa pirat i whon wo undortaku to 111 your biinaoriptlonit wo give them our undivldwl nttontlnn and beat onro llm patloiila wolfaro la our flrat oon aldoratlon fleoond i wu giiarniitim our ilruga to iwior full atrongth on well na puro and fro ah ihlnlt our onutomoru aro auppllml with jimtwluibthp imk for bulutltutr lug la novor nllowod ialhka dkmtllv ooupouno if you aro a aufforok from kldnoy iiiuoabo llvor complaint blooiuroubloa rhnumatlhm iiouralgla or norvona proatratlon wo onnfldontly rooom- muntl tho uao of palnoa oelory oom pound tlila rollaldo anil novor dla appointing uimllolnn la a truo dlaeaaa lianlhlmr ami uyutinn hullilor we supply the gonuluo llnoa ootory oompound at drown aoton ont its eueler for a woman to talk on any aiibjoot tlmn it i or hir to atop ojsvwolxjaa baantu uam towahmff bujnitan f 111 mlblojamioltbiiiikj andthi cook hlr rredareh urldga wbo waa in cjanadu moantly locturlngon engluh nalhwirml muald one onnfeeoail that hn iiwmi u dbt to hla conk waalay aufni intr naeutanoa when iim rdltwl llix new woalynli tun hook eotno ftiui yra mgo ibit the grrntaat aur prlan im ttver had in hla llfn waa when lia win muicoii by n nmhmnm who hud ilrlveii him hnun- why did yuu take tlm llulluhijali oluiruu an faat at thu allwit hull hlr krwlnrlrk rim rtilabriited oniiduotor of tha loyal choral hoolaly gravaly guvo hi a remaoua for ao doing whartifni tho rhbiiiun rrltln aakid liliu if h would imifoim ivroaln ivanaflgiiratiorr at kiif the climal hovlrtya ronctirta il olferid tfml hliii k ropy of tlio tijifffl tolrtoktt whlte the wdrkmiuf wera pn irug wiliiilnarr ahlwty for thn rorona thin fflr krmlarlok trlail iilat hand ut a faitaro oh thu trumpat an inetruniant liaknaw vary llttla about tha clurk nf tlm worka rntna to him rd ald i if you dont atop that row i ahull have in do edittethlng my man thrffataito ihhvu tha job that row wua at one atoppad li hb drawn at jumpawal chili voman nf chicago imva boon ariiuaad over h racant oaaa in tho afmihilpul jonrt wlntro a woman waa huaitjl for wearing jumpora tha worn ah wua working aa a bml carrier nnd alaimul to tho judge that aha put mi the jum pern haeauss they hniiipoiod bur loan limn aklrta hor okplhiiutlmi did not ailfllca for tho court uiul now tho club womon have coma toliaraaalatancn thej wlah the judge to oxplaln in what reipee the wearing of jumpers by a working woman la n greater offonco to public morale thnn tho pink tight on a ballot girl thla womnn ay ahn wnu aaved from nit oprntfon by ijydta 15 imiiklinma vtffftnlilijcjoninoiiud aim knuik juiihiovi jjndaay onturlo wrkw to aim lhilkliam ulmii i wrote u you aniua tlm agu i waa a vnryalou woman buffering front fntnaln tnonlilew i hadlnflarimh tlmvof tha f ml nine oraail and dould not aunil or walk jiny diatanee at laat i waa conflnnl to my lxtd and tha diwitor oiil i would have to ffatbtrougti an operation but thla i refuwwt to an afrlnndadtlmiilydiarllmuuhania vegetable compound after ualng throe bottlea of it i feel like a new had weak back wanu lie la vr baye au waa scarcely ama te tara liniments and plasters did no good but doans kid ney pills cured mr arch sohiiar huck point n iv writmt for yeere 1 waa treiiblail with wtak boek oftentlmaa i have lain i n lied for daye being aoarcely able to turn my aalf and i have alao bean a great auflbrer while trying to perform my houaebold dutiw i hail doctoffl attenmno me with out avail and have triad llnlmenta and phut era but nothing aeem to do me any gooil i waa about to give up in depair whan my huabaml induoad ma to try ioan a kidney pllli and after ualng two boiaa 1 am now wall and able to do my work i am poaltlve doana kidney pilla are all that you elalm for them end i would ad viae all kidney aitflerere to give tliam a fair trial doan a kidney pilla will euro all klnde o kidney trouble from iuekaclie to llrlftlit dimum and the prloe ia only so conia per box or 3 iwaee for 81 m at all dealem or mllid direct on roralpt of price by the item kidney illl oo toronto ont tho average married man liaa about aa much to do with managing fill home aa a mouio liai with managing the family oat castor i a set intuiti tad children tli kind you hmi alwaji bought dear tha elgnatora of one may got along without dot tore luwyore and preachore but the grocery- man indlapfinalulo 4 iiia lovata cm every bear of lb aanalaa uxatlve bromcquinido tabuu home paoplo think thoy aro in tho manufacturing line became they make promlie thoy are a- powerful nervine dyapepila cauaei darangomunt of tho nervoueeyatsm and neroua debility anoa engendered 1 dlffloult to deal with there aro many tcatlinonlnli a to the efflaaoy of parmeloea vege- uble pllt in treating dili dlionler allowing that they never fall to pro dueogomt roaulta ily giving proper tone to tho dlgeatlvo organ they re- tore tfqullihrliim to the nerve can tree a confidence mnn naturally ima no countlenaoln any man imtlilmiolf mlae luuronue alma tndenia i 1 do not iwllovo that ionian will evar do anything great or tranaoendent if alio trlea to got away from womanhood an unscrupulous druggist will try and sell you a sub stitute for tt fowlers extract of wild strawberry why decnuae dr iowlers is the oldest and best known cure imvinp been on the marlrtt far 63 years for dlahhiiota dvhbntsrv colic cuamfb pain it tub stomach cholsra infantum giiolbra morbus suumur complaint sba slcknbas and all fluxh8 of tiim dowels when they offer to aell you a pmpanc tloa muat aa good tbay have not the welfare of your health at heart but that of their pocket all honeet dnigglau 1 will lve vou what you aak for akkfor dn owlera and gei aha beet mr tbomaa miller alkuidale ont wrluei i buffered terribly with diarr hea and aakerf the drutglat for eoaaethlng to eon lb he gave toe a email botih of talelmofbuowvmmitfemhabxgob no mliaf from il a frioed odvfead me to geb drtfowhvs bib of wild strawberry and i wm cured after taking a few doeea inwwenalo i weenta and monura4 turad nyvrba t wllbnro oo uaaltad toroeieonb moat hrartlly recommend lydla k j who buffer with troublea iinuhama vegetable compound to all women whp buffer with female furs vur coal a nllned im jackal repaired sleeve eularai in the aly muni r line while till liel cleaned like new old autla seal re dyed cape mailo over any kur wofknawpropedyatleiul e toat aiimmar ralea call i or and dellverad al any art of can bila our term are c o ii at the loweal potilliln coat for nrat data work uailifacilrn nnn teed orilera promptly atlanriad 10 come early an i avi id ibe ruab oat prlcae are lower than my niber ciril claaa kurrlora it pay l get ily beat urvkw at racts ron sick women for thirty ymirfi lydla k plnk- liainv vogoubln cnmivmnd niatlo from rooth nnd liorbd iian iwon tlio ntandant romedy for female ills biitlhiwprwltlvuly cured tliniutands of womon vhn liavo ikkmi troubled with dlhplnrmentn inflainmntlon ulcera tion fibroid ttimnrtt irmcpilaritiofi poriodlo painn harknxlio tliat bear- inpfdown feeling liutiilennyndlros- tlond izzlnonn or nervom prostration why dont you try it mrs imnkliam invites all sick women to writ hor for advice hit lias tftilded thousands to health aimrosau lynn mass lafontaines fur establishment 95 quobcc street- ouelph ont old iron ga and tlubbera dom pn ih j 1 secon i hnimi nlovrs jin 1 rt a tu tot arm miujiluery w 1 u t morris sam i r t atmi out the berlin steam granite and marble works camps n bhaun proprietor dealftiiere h llulldera ol fllaluea maue oleumi monument marker and head atone and all kind of artistic cemetery work wllllatn cuistrcet pliable yet tough you might bcp1ti yotir ncqunltitance witli storeys goodh by inventing in a pair of these hornchidc mubt theyre excellent cxntiiplcn of how tough nnd pliable mitth mny be ninde by our chrome process with tin- iuhk hitlnfnctlou of know 1 no they will not become stiff ft hen scorched or scnldtd dont forget to hit storcjn- and theyll rcmcmlier you by wcnring lougcht nt nil btorcn w h storey son limited acton excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t 8tatham son hill strt aoton the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wbr iiimifelitrw mil illmt jntiwiiuu ol mkliiilotliloiiuiuailalnlllmtlainn work w ml dlrmi in ournaloniwal wnola aal urloaa luua aaviiia our u latomara hi it- eant w iiava ilia aul a iillaiip ami ii only naoltanlaa in llm llnniluluu mlin an oiw ila urouaily wa oau lya is it footwear you ar look ing fort if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes our large summer stock now ready for your inspection wm williams tho shoo man ulllbtmt aoton learn dressmaking in a week ploy up oseala ami ilo not ai driera tiv eenrtlnil oul in nor am oraerewe enirley hiwliniloe eauipetlllon hamilton sons oor norfolhadil woolwloli uli ouhlpii wghgsoi paintor paper hanger sign writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livory repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention reasonable prices and iwfnl witk i our mod 00 araniaa aa olllca siaaw braaarhuo bfhaal tlfatfonl onlarro can un wm bmlara tnwanlor and prai new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil arid water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros guelph art store rutledces rcton hotbl btwiglds mill street acini hiii jje sti isi1 itlfs tl hi anpplu 1 mi ihritc t n commtuclaiv i ham lm us oh rers civlii iccnl ttuntlon w ii rutlcdoc proprietor aoton hand laundry james webster having iiircbnac 1 tlio i inn lry biiahiiu of i clnvcl dcainit is init tlio contin ued patrnniko of tho m my customer who bnvo favored the btihinc t with tlielr ordork btrict niton ho n mil bo paid to careful alllagnrnll onion nml tic excellent clruuj of work which ima alunyii imlii turned out in tho paat will bu ontiniiail jamks wl hvilk mill strtct acton faper makers oeohoetows ont nook m vs and coloiiid papmth jnonjjaillleu we want a reliable local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries larccht lint of loniuiortlul and domes tit iniita larce and mini ornament al nnd ah ulo tree tlowcritifi alirabe lnon rorcu fine ktcd potatoes one of our spcllultich btncu tliat in hardy comes from ua a perm uicnt altuntlou for right man foi vlu in torrltorj will bo reuorvod iny ueekh free iipilpnicnt write for partkulnm stone wellington iouthlll niinorica so acres toroiho ontario woodenciravinc halftones aw clajis or cnoravixa im aovrprisi a italo6ueha0azwu c jljojesen00 wgimsoni hcton li uer y bus lim the undertlgned reineollully aollclla the palronare of the pub lic and informa them that well kauldtwd and btyllab hlrai can alwaya be aoctireil at nla tablea a comfortable bfia msele all iralrta between to oo a m and a io p m carefal allenllon riven to every order the wonti of com- meroul travellara fully met john jnzillmjvcs promptly secured writ or trnr iniarcuiiiii lnwiki laveaw at halo ul miw yoii awlwilaw btmi ua n rouf h lutuli i r mattel i yeutla j yentlon orlmiiioveiiiuiii niilwf wlllultiki free our ntilnlmi aaln wlictlmr it uprabaiitvi tleuiilat ii uebctfil appllcatlone titviusj baait uccaatiuy inwociilail jy ua w3 coniliicl fiilly ii ixil nfflcaa in mont ml lucl til ily ii iiril ftfllci wemilnaloiti uilhiiiajini sum 5ivtj i

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