Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1908, p. 1

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mmtet wht return- jfrn ftoss vollmk xxxiv no ii acton ontaltlo 1iiuiibday mollnino hicptumiiku jo 1110h uutwrlilim rn lino lnranm sintjijis copies turk clsntli t ttou jfm jjwsfi tvrnim or uulnrlplih ofcj dollar par ymr strictly lit nil vs tics all aub- rliitlnlb illaconlluilnil whan ilia tint or wliu h duty huvii itean pld intm x- plrtiil iho ilfttn lo wlilrti ovary sufi- orl 11 la imlkj u do no led on tha- ad- jraaiul adywrttalaaf lll trnnalolit ndvar- tlaonientu lu cqiita nor nonpareil llti lor nm itinarilui cnnih iur una for mtcli mu baa na nt inunrtlon aavartlaanidiru wlriiotii aimcino dl- lanv wll iia wirtcd ill forbid 5 ltd clihuned accordingly- tramlnt ad- arllaomanla muat ba paid in advance advprtlaonienta will lio changed ana inoi ludiitli if ilmilrfd var ohanttaa oftanar than kbnva tnanllnnad tha com- position must la mid for nt tabular ratau chnna or muat bu in the accounts payalila mcnilhly knatllsh olflce id ylumt hlraat lon don id c where mesar u una 2 hardy 4c co will ranalve for dm now a utiaorliitluna nftd advorllaomonta and wlioro our r our pnti j try n oneills t uuninfbfl xmrfctorv f109 gkay m d c m mcgili l it 01 knisncanii i h tab qlimoh 1kb llbitisif ubmoai alftochtiow etc dolce ivadaiiek utreai ci d auit m d c m omoararrjijiaii a liluck ocm iar lllll and a and t lo 0 john ijtivaty oblee uohm0 to j p ni wain ml la amwfiad flora raaiilanor trad ink ttiraat aoton ont d ft a r hoke flraduataot univardty el toronto omuaat milupt oil willow hlraet-ba- twaaii uarolianla hank and town 1111 itioueno on al ton ont toiin u uacdcwami up cu irojirlolor and ilueorlnwndanl maiuiky iiohtital dliiuoiof woiami vor particular at to accomodation al address lio 1a uaatay iq oitt lxoal j mioeinnon luuirraa holiorroa couvmyamcxa oniomuiii buaal in htoia- llloeti oaornatowu llraimli ubiii tttraal opan wadnsadaya and haturday otarl slark fourth division court oountr of list en oonvayaiimraiibnltuaandiulfaauiirabaa ileal katau affanl uonsy to loan ata orfica lrryinn a llloak aoton ont dit j m mia ddb ijd b dmmtiit adtom offlaa at uoildaiioa oamar lllll and fradaiub trtoii llouoa aninoit or tohovto uhivbbjiitt tlia latait anahtliatla uwd ii daalrad at io ol wood fuitdajt sr j i c0g1ilan dentist 9 oca nu formally ol aeton now loqatad in lila now otnne oornaroi wtod- liam andooikhtraaia inalidi i ovar otnaaf of sualpli ti uiiurla invaaimaiit ami tlavlnaj mlaiy uiitrea cork lit 1 liona 10 ujsctllaifxo us tg ahd j hardy ft co advlutising cohtbactom amd nuwb cobbeipowobmti 30 ilaot si root london eg england a pita ol tula 1apar can ta aan fra ol eliaraa liv vliltor to liqimon 10 wliotn ad v lea aratli will b glran llraiiuirad f iltanoib hdnan iiookdihdbii wynduaui 6t aualpli ontarlt ovarwinuiimatara aoooiittt hook of all ulnda mail to ordar liarladleajiofavarydmorlptlonaayalauybound rullnrolaitroroiitldoda m alluiaoi lioknflkfl prmlrau offloaaoroh w u ncmhtiteut lioimuau aootionksb w raaalva mini art l la atlaiillon jam us mcdonald lichnbitii auction rnt a vor ilia oonntlaa ol walllntan llallon waiarloo waiiiwortii and tha lily of uualpli halaa aonduaud 011 raaunabla larini and atlilaoltoii riiaranuad lu awary eaaa vor tanna daua ata apply to ho a 0tb- llninavpb onr motauua ml and btora iload uuhilll ont tararviiooa 1t ouatph m ualu may ba arraufltd at vahh iknii otooa r i kprk licrum 11 augtiowmm ordan by lattar to mlmoaa 1 o lalapbona ta lllwoaa or oliirlima or lli at vm 1pmaa i aoiorl will raoaua 1 111 in ad la la atlattuou sunttomnhd htook oavtiau hmooom thb wsllinoton mutual inruranob oompanv watabllihad ib40 haart offloa ouuiifet ont ihhukancm 011 uaab and mutual plan any lniurauaa ri ulrud will promptly tun4 i w k ddhnt aganl young ul nassagawc lu mills iimlmr laiti nnd hlilnftlaa nlwayi on hand clioap lllll ihiflfliii toanlrr p savers sons xhbaojiwya f o carriage works ghoitaiitown ont tor mccormiciniimlrr moww ilayrabaa deerd mrinaura llay i4ior ualn bklo delivery hoy rada iiiilan and worlman ft waiil hay fork and sunu ouifiu hay i ork ron mccnrrrtlck lllnder twin lay iork track anil all kindi of track ilajagora slons j loam and huykacka cock ili nu vlluinaon and j lnr 1iowi alao repair or all ilia above midline in 1i10 carrlano una i hava a ry full atoeb of iliifijjle burriet nk market wagon all ilia laloai alyle my own and mel niiahlln coa manufaclura ai rllir pike afewjdoj accond lianj hurkids awl watjn wjll la aold cluap came lo llmia aliop for your crrlno horulrliik j n oneills crrrikcb uiop1ks clohobtomn ont city conveniences brought to your bomb you would enjoy a baili roam in your linmo with hot and cold water undor rroasnra vliorover required why not have it and bo up lo daia uy tlio 0ohprbs3bd air system lllla la ucceii folly nccompllilieil eien i lion ah you litvo no water work ay 11 em wlililn reach if ilila interttl yon wrllolo ilty orders may ha i ft with mr spencer iluiband acton tor furibar pirllculara write geo e b orinyer co plumblnir and hutlnir conlrmotorm ouklph ont your chopping will bo done quickly and well on either plates or btoncs if taken tn the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co ijosurtcss ollcflc jtfaaonfo tltudlt upper wyttitbam hi guelph omt a first class inilllulion oumd in 1hb4 hy it present principal famous aa ilia iralnlnr tclioql of many aaccaatful builnesi man both canadian and american distinguished ni i lie founlaln head and aource of the canadian club in canada superior in ita ideal spirit and teach- ins ll trained praduniea are in con hani demand- for particulars call at the goliettooftico 1 j7 upper wyndhim street or address malcolm maccormlck b a principal surpri8e jin hand laundry chas 3u proppiotop to mv patronb i have now a wondflrliilfiawmbihod ol dolnjr laundry work of all kinds work is well finished ml no injury or damsaa done lo lhrineal goods shirt collars cuffs vena my ipeclalty collar ironed 10 as not 10 bo broken in iho wlnt and finished so they will not hurt the neck work for both ladles and uenllamen moculed with promptness and entire mill- fsxilon and equal to ilia iwat ttie cities car produce chas suey the old citlien acton willow street rear of handerson ft ooa everton sms eden mills th baat qunllty ot manitoba family nnd patattry fjour for sale at lowest prices our own mtaka choppina done and oats rolled every day faetl lor aaiv cash for wheal and oals henry hortqp refrigerators at roduood prices ior the rest of the season at the big hardware store two months use nnd a re duction it price in att induce ment to buy flow wc do not vtant tq carry over the few wc have left prompt dc livery diif irlc afa alway ultkt thb bond hardware co llmiumt 4 retaufhona 07 aufillfit l w aro on 1i10 lop runf of tha ladder of aucceia lo day tin causa ab liava alwas done our best 1 0 plena our patrons we va always recommended lyfllaiie and lliey havo plenaed lliou- anda of our patron 9 iia before you not anoiher pair of ey lllascee a d savage flualpiia uiolnaua opllolan ontario gualph central business college toronto the largest and beil anulp- pad school of its bind in vile you to write hr ltn new catalogue fall term from sept isi addre w ilsinw frealdonior e r shaw secretary yongs and garrard bts georgetown floralr go i georgetown cut flower growers tuncral and wedding orders a specialty all orders placed wllh mr e a roborlion druggliit aclon will rccake prompt attention we want a reliable local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries lnrgcbt list of commercial nnd demen ti milt lorjja andsmull oninment- ul nnd hhada trees dowering tmriibu vines touen fine uoed jwtateeu 0110 of our npcciuuler block that lu luirdy comen from iih a permnuont ultuulion for rljlit inuti for whnm territory wilt bo fexaraod pny weakly free oqulpnitnt write for purtlcularu stone wellington fonuilll nuraarlca 650 acres toronto ontario w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main street aclon opposite stephensons ulactismlllr shop all work guaranteed tha work of years in aclon u proof ol ita ok- callenca orders left at a t rrowna drug slora will recolvo prompt attention w h walker aoyom the way to miiskofca this summer is by the lake shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklots describing muskoka the maganetawan and tho best country in six provinces for tho holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the six railways of thocanndinn northern system to tho in formation bureau mead off ice canadian northern rail way system toronto atirtr missions thito orn nxwiy doaurl placne 1nr nwny imiyoiut tlin ann whorn tlin iiiianllttlitiid racaa hnnyor foi tho uoapol plita id tlimti far if wllilnrfioio iiiiik with vlceu ovorrrown jul llm rutllufafltlila nml bloaatu mlnlutuih tn vo 1 1 in qwil if tvn oniitidt ii tli mo iirnacblnu jeans wlih wirt crncifltiil vn chii aiiid u iieaiinki tcttrlilnif tlmt fin lliotii a huvlolir ut wo riin hji tn lift tbi anrrow knim boniii lirtiltihr in dfufmilr wit run htdn in iimuo tho innrrnw or anniri ulutcr lirl1it nnd fair tikto nm iiiilw hi inntiy ronlon 1 1 mi jul ai unit tin fiitliluhlur lr tlin ilrtuil of im0 nnd liulona know ifnt jouua nu their king if wii rnnnot uo mid food tlinni wo tun irnii a bclplnu linrnl hcmil iiiiuhsnnfr in lind hjcl ami fill ii i tho lnidn cdiniiiinid il u kivh in fnllrat iiicnanro an tlin ind hn4 prnupnrcil nnrh 1 npiii luvirt litid troaaiim an 1 hi- inly hcrlptnrca toiicli hund tin jnnlnmatloii tb it tho word of ilfit in iran 1 11 llui bona of inda orimtlnn until nt bninit nnd onr tlm una w h whltncri in ohrlatlnn hiand- 1111i fttutl yamilu itrnoina why silas changed his opinion lly ihtrm luntmlm mthh j3to8d0rarq tll nii 4 hlniibl wp dont want him hunti mpoko wltli lln tlmt nu 11 ruin carried nit in fnrn it i kiiiuv hi sort lot liltn kill n lit tin tlml nr 11 ulttn liunifry nml boll bn finmlnu nml spiiillnu our fun hq oniit utaiiit nnytlilnpr ynn know i wilt ujihintul you onnt alwaye lull frnm n fotlnwu innkv hlfaa imighod acirnfiilly icnn toll all i wnnl in finni hlu uuiku ilia linnda nro nu uliitn nu n rltlu wull go toumrrow inalpud of tbnrudiiy nnd u bu ronuu mound llm h lull blin wiim tno mid ibiitll in llui ond nf it will did nut nppum iitiirntlirr aatiu- flud wllb bu luiitliifi pluii hup 111a a nuiiii wuy tn ti cut n follow bu ubjoot- ud iluu iilimtyu ihou iikntuuw uvtiu if liu ilntu wfiii good clntlilv hut tlko tniuiy pcoplu wlui offur objootlonu will did nut dlijict otiinigly itimigli tn rcfuiii to carry nut lilu buitboiu pro- gramme hu contnntcd iiiiuhoh by grumbling nnd tbun did tlm thing nf which hu tluiippinvad wi1011 krniut will tit wiilkid up to tlin fiirmhniiho nbunt noon hid imat day miu mnc arthur tlm miirilud buiit nf hlluu nml will grouhxl him clionrily n tho hnyu nrnnt here uliu mild thny wont hunt lug over on ualdtoy thu innrnlng sinunl brtoro uu urine tbuy dlill ilrnimt it cl aimed nnd to hii uiirprlau tlin cnlor roao to hie ohniku 1 thought they werent going till thuraday hn uuld spcnklng to lilmeolf latbur tluui to tho biikiini wotimn lulling nt him from tho door way i hioiovn thuy did talk of monday ft rat i dont knov why thoy ohunged tliolr inlndw wont you atop nnd havo soma illiiuii with 11a f alio wont nn in lioaplliihln lotiutry fnalilon liither and john will ih up from tlm fluid in 110 thill iinw tlutnk ynu vrry inuoli hut i gurbi i wont mtop today iiiicbb touuhed hlu hat with a umilo hut nu ho turned uwuy hiu fin o hhudownd liu intel huflii looking f nrivn ril tu 11 hunting trip with the it twn utnlwart country lioye wlnim llmt phybliiu nnd frnnk freckled fncoa hud a peculiar nhitrin for hhi hn hiiud to think hint thny imil dn- libnriitoly plnmind tu blight liltn and ynt it was hard o explain what imil linpiuinnil in any other way hn utattuil ucroub tho flidilu in tho ill- lultlon of hlu boarding place wml tho winding putlvtook him pnut 11 duueitod fnrmhniihi clmngml tn a biiviu gray color by thn action of wind mid weather its impty wlndowu btnrlng hlnnuly like ulghtloha eyes noai tho old wulbcuih tlm ilhbnn guiaa grow rnnk unit tnll and souip spotted lilloa mlalng thulr imndu defiantly front tho wood grown gardim gnvo n auggoatlan of honieufe long pitat km out gtiinn- lng up biiw 11 liilln flguro in a pink plnmforrnyliig hiivhi of him and ho wnu nluinul until that hu ruriigulitiml tlio ilttln nuphmv of hllau nml will tho dnillng of thu fiirtnhuiuu hn hail just loft a moment tatur ami thn clilldu feet bounded 011 iho imnrila covering tha milium well ernest luoboil in vnln to uoo tho jimmy llttlu llgmo ranppoar bo- yond tho mn eon of ribbon grau a eudduii feiir onlight him by tho throat nnd hlu hnni t uuniuod lo atrugglo with in hlin like 11 filghtoutd orentui bant on abcnpv lie ran forward awlflly thought it keen led to himself that hie fonttvaro wnlghtad wllh lend thn rot ion lioiirtlu cnveilug tho old woll lind ylnlded nnd in thu praauurn of thoahllda light foot kmyat dashed tliotn itblde nml saw a pink plnaforo far botow it did not occur to ismest tlmt ho was glvon an attornatlvo thorn wnu intt nnn thing tu do anil lis did it throwing uuldo hla alioocantl hraulug hlinuelf iignhmt iho slimy minima and thinutlug hlu hieu into tho crovloo hntwoun them hu hogun tiu inngdtfuooiit thn child canin to llm biirrou juit aa urneat lenolied iho witter wnd tha liny frit for tlm bottom nr tlio wall with nnn fuhl hu hu uonnd hu urn around ihnluip llttlu body it wna a mllnf lo htm in hod llmt thn whtur wm not nvtir hu hvad nu hn hud feu rod it might lu au hn uioih upon th hnt- itiiil tin wuter ivaoluid tn hlu armpit uu not tho thu child on hlu alintilder iiptfiiklng in him mioiiurmgliigly mini drew a imigbiimh whnn tho ilttln fal low in gun tn 1 y thatu right oily hn aauurid hliut itll clear out youi liltigu and mnylw get thn folku to lionr you au noon nu hu hud recovered hi hrealfi uufilclinuy h ll his 11 id by vigor mn shouting llm iiilnuleu drnggitd by tlm pos sibility of waltloglongfor aronruo had nutortiirrml okrnuat kow wlion no bound of hurt lng fiuitcnmn li anowor to ida iimiutej call ho reallxml thitt thu aitiintlon m us more set ion thni ho hud hiippoaid jlliu dualfltii of forty foiitdnwn tlu wllppuiy ulonnu hud hmni dlhlonlt to liiiiiii out fncnmlierdd 11a ho wnu with the avolght of thn child waa nut of the iioalloii tha wutnr of tha wall inppiod by a uprlng atvuud very cold p d thing gave hhu en- rauragatufliil tlroyll inluu thlu lltlla follow aoou yn i bought and whim they ingin tn hunt foi him tvoyre hound to find jm hlu biavn hum i would jiavn untiu hud hu iieanl 11 lontfli sal inn gullif on about the fnrmhfiiimfi tnhle it that viiy in in ulu ollyu iliniipmmiil again mrs macarthnr ivak buying i aposn tins gone luring oft to youi mother nnd wn bluint umi him iii uiiiidowu her huahiuid laughed it plenties her to have liltn no crnxy to get over tbuto i dont wonder he likoa it hha doeniitdn much el bo but iiinuuu hlin au long aa ho will stay iluu got to learn not to run olf tlmt way though mia murarthiu pur alatod ileu old enmigli now tu auk ponnlbiiluii and then the topie chntigid juut au mr mocarthm viui lenlng the hoiue lo go hank to hiu work hn ptood for a imimiiut lulnuiug hoe n 1 u lo mo i jioard myrotiody cull i- said its the chlldruuat tho nrhooltiotnio hla wlfo utibwnrcd its their recubb 1 ham now ntul thuy innkn audi a nouit hint you can hear tticin iib plain iiu if they vie aarnau iho n trout hho unit 011 with bur work alnglng oftly mul her hiiuhnnd btiodo hotobb tho field hla heart light nml hlu uun- burned fnc wearing liu cuutoninry binltii monn lillon luiy etundlitgdeep in wnterwhobu chill aeeuiud to havo roaelieil hla lientt wna doing battle with the moat unllda temptation of hlu life help vmu 11 it coming i that wna the lilltnr truth kiueet wulte was facing it might not oiniu till too lutr his 011a oliatico for hla life waa to 0ii111i1 thnsa allpivi tlliny utniieu lujfoiu his ationgth altogutliei forsook him and that iiionut leaving the child behind hu tried to maku liimielf believe that it would hn posbililu foi him touuinmon iild in lime tn rescue the iidantloned child but even hi thlu umetgeiiry hla common senuo iejected the suggestion chllkd uud era 111 pod iia ho wnu ll would take hlin a long tluin to ranch tha bin fare before he could hilng help from iho furmhoiiin tho child would hn dund hut i en nt stand thlu uiiich longei ha thought iletter one than two an overwhelming eageinegu for life tho prlmltlra instinct inipluntod in overy living croature wna tippoiriiobt for n moment hnlf uncnnbcloiisly hn atrote to loosen thu clasp or thu llttlu arms about hlu neck greedily his gage sought tha olreln of light above thu cltclo that stood foi life and uun flhlno and warm balmy air huildenly he found himself speaking aloud oh god 1 cant irnva him i ilu both or nulthorl hulp mu hold out till help cniuoa i thn itmptitlon wnu bent en ilia freny nf fear was over anil new eotii- age filled hlu turn it hold on tight ollyl he encouraged the child 011 hlu shoulder my nrmu uiu gulling so stiff that i cant help you iiitteli oily wnntu mammal walled a diu- cumulate voice nbovo him ollya cold i tha ilttln wall died down plaintively krneitt ihouted but hla own voice waa weak and hoarse they cant luinr that from tho road he told lilmutdf ha looked hunt at thn opening above ids head that seemed now nliuustnu far nwny au the couda it might hn the last he vua to see nf iho beautiful world au he looked a lung pointed niiujlo wit tin lift over tho broken bomdu mid a dogs intelli gent ayea looked down then the slondci nose wna pointed sky ward and a long quluurlng howl lirokn tho stillness nf the summer after noon huns nnd will drove up to thu farm homo with n amlllng grayhalrcd woman sitting between them i uaw tho boys patting and in ado them hi lng mu along uhn ex pint tied springing to the ground as lightly no a girl i couldnt stnml ll nny longer without seeing oily mrs maoarthur came forward hor comely race tinning nshen ollyl aim replied hasnt he been with you 7 i havent ween him since before dlnuor i aa tho llttl gioup looked at one nnn th cr thn plaintive bound nf n dogu howl came to thnlreare nt that moment a sound of terrible signifi cance it wart eoiiid tlma oven than lieforo oily and tho chilled ox h misted boy who had saved ida life wore brought to the surface hi on tu hand wero 10 0 ramped that hn whu tinuhlu to grasp thn rope lowered to hlin mid hllns was obliged tu descend the inpn wus ue cured undor ollya nrtnpltu and ha waa draw 11 up ural itrnest follnwed and when they laid hi in upon the grata tlio ox haunted hoy fainted mul itwnsaomo time before be eoiihl be 1 uvlvod au a 1 tile mili did not find ifeaey to aukiinwlodgolilmiiolf inlstnkon but in thlu instunne iioiifubuloii win a relief i ihuught ha wnu a inamhypiimhy urn i of 11 fellow hncnuau hlu hands were white and he didnt look its if liu hud over done any rent woik tell yq jvhai choked hlliiu if eier im half iiu much a unin for nil my ulne ill he bntlalleiir it lunt enfu tn judge hy appeals mice will ngruud and in uttering the linvhiiiioind wutlinunt lie had the reeling nf ono uhn minounoeg new dlieiivery tub iiofish ik bkbbdalfi wall grim tail the thin man nn the right field hlnnohora tha piny hasnt lireii so brilliant so far but what it can lio watched in comfort without the 11 id nf aiiioked glnaana i suppose you refer to that last error at ilhorl anld the fat fan who was sitting next totilm it wna pretty rank htlll you eunjt bluma the sliort- atop hes just getting over nil otnrtk uf pink aye pink eyop why pink eju lu a hones dlannsii ilimiitn being fun havo it too jutch it finni llm irorsiiu isup- poie aimuied tlm tbln man sarcawllc- nlly i aiippuau tlioy do tho fat man uuiotliored a yawn w another argiliniint ngaluut thb baseball trust hlncu theyve had a iiinuapiny m the 111 n 11 u tar l uro of baseballs tho poor player lias had no protection whatever u he isnt willing lo rink hlu health the trout can 11 nil plenty of other men who would lie only too glad to take hla pi lice there used tu lie u time when only the moil carefully selected horsohlda went in tho uinntifacture of baseball cuvura- hut now that a soulluau cor poration tin a got a monopoly of the liuuliirsu they hand up most nny old kind of pinkeyed foundered nag with spavin lo thn poor long surf 01 lng play- eru why they wont oven go to thn trivial expense of storiliaing the hldoa befote theyre turned over to tho apoi t- ing gnihla aeiimatreuii who uawb em on the balls just consider tho number of down trodden hull tosaera who are out of thu game sulteilng from charlie hoiae and do you know what charlie hoi so tap nothing but another kind of spring halt they mil it that because thoy traced tho cover nf the first bull that spread the disenso to a decrepit old cuh horse named charlie look at tho chanrea that pitchei la taking out thoro now first ho hik ed hla flngcie then he rubu cm on tho hall then ho licks hlu fingers ngnin and then look nt there what did i tell you p tho umplreu just called a balk nn him all tho papiru tomorrow morning will blame that poor pitcher i ut hn couldnt help it tho cover of that ball like as not was made from the hide of a balky horse the pitcher merely caught it frnm the ball hut what are ynu going to do about tills trust problem ilaueballu arent good to eat yon cant reach em un der tlio pure food law theres no way you can reach em i tell you sir it that young fuller that wrote the juuglo hook or whatever the uaino of it wnu could only thats tha second passed ball that catchers had complained tha fat man lie cant hold anything tha tu became the pitcher ib using n spit ball hardest thing in the world for u catcher to hotd theros a chanco of a lifetime for somo bright young man tn invent a blotting paper mitt for handling spit ball aftor this observation thn fat fun was permit ted hy hlu neighbor to enjoy tha remainder of tlm game without in terruption now york hun tub country journalist it occurred to tin thla weak as wu ran over our forty or fifty exchanges to bote tho mnral tono in them anya the colling wood hullctln these papers are of all sixes and grades from ovary variety of town and are edited hy practical men who are pretty wall acquainted with the world tho flesh nml the devil in not one or them did wo find a defence for immnrallty in nntr one of them did tve hud a sem blance of defence for whiskey in not one of them waa there n trace of vul garity mid none taught nr justified dlahnnisty neither could wo llnil a snoor at purity at religion at tho better tlilngu nf life in imiuv nf them wore lilts of excellent ndvlco little hninoly sormnnn on temperance frugality and indiibtiy all of thoiii were loyal to iho homo town mid ad vocated honest principles in govern ment and individuals wli rover thoro wnu mention nf public school it was in terms of praise to bo unto hero and tlfoio were some fun poked at bliatus o mo scorn at pioteiica hut the nota in every one nf these two score papers was for decency pro gress enlightenment morality and ot these editor wo know many per sonally ami of all thonu wo know not one is a drinking man not one la n gambler tint 0110 is a lltiertlne most nf thorn arc well read moat of them nro good judges of pooplu and events a pretty decont hit thoy are 1 lu fact we ilntibt if any othor profession can offer a higher nr oven nu high a showing ilesldeu all this tha country editor isprovei bin lly i die rut freehoat t ad in overy way no stray printer goeu away liungiy if ho has a quarter no public- biituoiiptlou list over pastes hhu without his mite ho gives free ly of tlina and spitoo to thn public wel fare this is not ah effort to throw a bouquet nt our contempomiles hut with piiul we hollnvo ovory man should magnify hla calling and wo are proud of ours printer and put is her toronto that debt it is a bmahoiioripiw sttrevahu apparently not worttiaiohouu thought why nnt then pay up why ho com- polled to suiter tho mnrlllloatlon of a dun t why tint tnku that little thorn nut of your finger at attoop it will fester if allowed to remain and cause ton times tho trouble why not re lieve tho conscience nf that little londp ynu contracted tho debt knowingly nnd willingly hid you nioitn tn pay itp ouilnlnly you did then why not dnltoncop 13 very days delay increases morally the amount nf your obliga tion he in outlier inn that your little debt and a thuubhiid other mens llttto debts miikoi a little fortune far your uredltor twenty ykai1s aoo baadllmat snap shot from our imbub or sipumbip in ib mr philip ilrmitrrnl of peek mich n former reuldstit of at ton has nearly inut hlu life from iwlng kicked in the uhdninnri by n horau ho waa pnaulng in a tilarusnilth shop itev j u miilluu of jergiib preach- sd in khun church last nunduy al the cloeri of thn morning services bn referred to the linprovkinents recently effected by lowering the pulpit nnd arranging the rhnlr hf the real of the thn mlnlulei remarking that un angsl could not win the sympathies of ilia bea 111 r flam hie height nt wtilrh the- pulpit forruetly stojwl tlm lelugrani vefm rud tn lust week recpecting the binning of miu alex jiant of wlnnlpi g daughter of mr grnntaiton waa follntfed by 0110 announcing hor ih nth hhp sacrificed iei ufa to aave bur rhildien while m wing nl her uiarhlue n lamp ilpist on tun- mid hu lotheu lopk hie in stead id ttyiug tirput out the llameu sliii ran to hot childrens room to save tlmin which slut did but wna loo into to save herself being inaoneiatcd in her lower iiiiiiib her youngest child nuo nnrrawly sucaped mrs grant lingered until about h oclock next morning when death came in the municipal coiuull ihieo lax bjtawu weie pashid one to provide foi thu puhlle hchools ut mills tn rnlsn dl772ii one to piovlde for villngu expiiiihe at hj mills to raise 10jlj7 and a llilid for dulienturo dnlit town hnll 2j mlllu mid eunic- tery 1 liiillu the total rate ia there- fine 21 mill patau for payment were flxd for october i and dtceinlier 1 curry hound has never had a liquor license mr w realty who original ly sold tho land having n clause to tho ilfect that ouch deed should become void if liquor should hu sold on the property howevoi perhaps it is now public sentiment which holds tho fort for there la one ward in town not sub ject tn the provision and thu protests of residents piovonted a proposed planting of saloons mrs henry orlndell and two chil dren of quelph havo been visiting fi lends in acton mr and mrs 1 prancls anil chil dren havo left 011 a visit to iowolt mich mr and mrs d llandarson hnvn bean at milton for some time with mr hendersons mother who is vary iii the old lady is 81 years of ugs mr and mrs alex living of thuu- salou 1 mrs is a wallace ul thom as and mr it grant toronto whose slater mrs alex grant met so tor- rlblo a death nt winnipeg vlsltod their parental home bore during tho weak the death of mrs huriiot hcechor etowe who is over 71 and has hud nn tipoplutlo stroke lu hourly expected bbo wnu thu wiltur of uncle toma cabin nbbobo apttcn all madam said the honk canvasser nu tha door was opened hy 11 very comely maid i mu soiling n new hook on ntlquetto nnd dopoitiiient oh you are aha responded go down there on tho grass and clean the mud off your feet yesm nnd ho went aa i waa saying maam ho continued ns ho again came to tho door i em soil tako off your hat i never nddressa strango lady at her door without io- moving your hat yesm mid olf wont thu lint now tlion nu i was saying take your lunula out of your pock- utu no gentleman ovur carries ida hands there yoam nud hlu hands clutched hie coat inpelu now maam this work 011 ell throw uway your cigarette if a gentleman usru tobaoan ho ib careful not to disgust others by tho habit yoam and tobacco disappeared now iiiaani nu ho wlpod his blow in calling your attention to thlu valuable walt put that dirty hand ker chief out of sight i dont wnnt your hook i mu only tho hired girl you can como in hnwover and talk with tho tady of tho house hho catted 1110 a liar thlu morning nml i think aha nosds something of tha kind a ooldknnod bnbakpast tills lu i pretty country ontertaln ment mid llieonn in mind wau given under wldo spreading trees on the inwn of 11 pretty suburban homo says a writer in womans homo companion for hoptenilu 1 great bin mhos of goldonrnd were dug up nnd ti iiisplanted into jordin- lorea mul nrraiiged on the lawn with tlin grass au a carpet mid the trees ns n canopy two tallies wore used in ihocentro nf ono was a largo glided tlarlng- shnped hnaknt idled with gold on rod and tied on tlm hnndlo was 11 butterfly how of pule yellow tulle nml festoons of tho bhiiiu oxtondod to tlu four ear ners whoro were plaaed four amall baskets nlso tied with bows of tho tulle thn second tnhle wnu reuplwntl- out with lull cutglass vaueu filled with the lowers mul glass emidlostloka with yollow emidleu and shades the plnou cards were white edged with gold qoldbaiuhiil ctilini wususmlanilthn same gulden lint can led out in the menu cantaloupes oieani eggs oheusii amlfiiunu oranges in orange- peel bankets all will hulp to carry out the golden color practical sympathy a gotilleiiiuu was 0110 day relating to n quaker u title of deed d la trust and concluded hy anylng 1 i could not hut feet fur lilm voillyfrlend replied tho quaker thou didst hght in hint thou didst feel for thy neighbor hut dldut thon feel hi the right phtuo p dldulthau feel in thy pouketp i ubfcsd to kill 11iiidu i uaed to kill birds hi my boyhood hlueblnlu mid robins and wu nu i hunted them up in tho mountains i hiiutrd them down io the gb n i never thuiiuht it wau aiofiil i did it only for fun- and i had rare spoi t in the fmixt with iho pom little biid uud my gun but one luviiitlfnl day in tlm ipilng time i spied a biowu mid on the in merrily swinging- uhd i hit plug aa hnnpyusbirdrouliibe a ml riuing mygtui in a twlqkjlug i irml lailinviihii yau toinnei jvr a iimiiiiliotrfiu little thing unite then olf to the liusbeu llllnv i followed it julrulj uud uoftly and then lu in y oumv i loiind itlgjiteloae to jt next full of utig one tbellitht bird ih ad on the ground i poor blnlku4 fin food tlyy vin hill ing 1 ilat now they could ueei lie fi i loi hip kind iiiolhi 1 did who hud lovtd them wnu lying hure binding mid duul i plckld up tbu biid lu m iiuguul i utrokid the wf it motheilv llihig that loiildiievenuoin fei d iiu ileal young ones nor dart through tlio nil mi bulft wing and i madii n tit in vow lu lhiil moment when the heart with much hoiiow wnu stirred that never again in my ii retime would i slfoot a poor innocent bird 1 iib iionohbd his moth 81 the mi in u stoiy of obey who attend ed college about 11 hundilil riilhsfrnni here who was about to graduate he wrote buck lo tho farm foi hlu motion to come hhuropliid hint nlm 1 mild not do so hhu said her cioiiiib weie worn nut mid she hail nn money to buy new ones foi hlu 01 ranlou the boy said coin 11 unjliow tbu poor mothin went in hi r hi nt but wnu not utyluh i he cm nreiimnl up hold in a fnuliliuiiihlu church tin son was prnudei of hlu mother than of hla hnnoia ho walked down iho aisle to tlm cenlio of ttio chinch mid took hor to one of the liet scats thorn weru tears in her oyim and she huiut out weeping when her son pronounced the valedictory tbu president pinned a badge an hlu coat but hn took it and plniiod it an hlu motlieiu faded diess ns he bent nnd kissed her wi ink ted face the hoy with thlu kind of pride will bn hu honor to hiu cuuntiy nnd hlu god may hiu number incronwo and tho shadows of hlu loeinusu cover tho world ex a uimplb explanation mydney poitor tho popular utuiy- wilter who is tho imst known to tbu public by hia pseudonym of u homy got murriid not long ago and uhnrtly after tho wedding n literary friend gave a ncupllou in honor ol the author mid hlu wife iato lu the even ing 11 woman approached mru iuitii and uald may i ask 11 quuutlon that i have been dying to ask your huuhuiul foi a long tlmop why ceitaluly replied mru por ter well continued the woman why does your husband iilwajh have the ladles in hlu stotlus ueai crepe de chine p i glvo it up was thu reply lots nsk mr porter whenuipon ho waa aallod ovar un being nuked hu volun teered tho following explanation 1 to toll the truth ho said i only know two kinds of goodu calico and crepe de chine when thu git u cant worn calico i makn them weal crepe do chine thats nil there f to it an bxtravaoant woman mrs holla du hi vera president nf tho icqnal tiurfraga ituagnn of new yoik said at a recont dinner 1 wed hnva had tho initrngo wo women long ago weie it not that where women nio concerned nun are inolined to ho 11 little onfall a little ohurllsh tholi treatment of wouu n u on ft pnrwlth old hiram donlltitou ticat- uiont of his wife he madu her keep a cash account and ho would go over it ovory night growling and grumb ling llko thlu 1 look here hannah umutiud phis tors fifty ocnth t threu tootli extt noted two dollars theres two dollms and dfty cents in one day spent for your own prlvnto pleasure do you think im mndo of money p uaxpbnob wasted a witter in thu dundee ponplos journal tells a stoi y he boat d lately of a highlander who had been peiuuitded to buy a ticket fur 11 ladle hu won first prlxa a hyayolu hut nu being told of hla good fortuno instead of hugging himself with dullght he said 1 wool thats just ma luuk buying two tick ets whan yln wad a done im jlft a saxpeuoo wasted it strangthena mid vitalises with old age comes feebleness mid lost of power t tho nrgauu net more slowly and lesu cirootually 1 the lilnod la thin ahigglsh mid watery 1 diges tion is weak and food is not asuiniilut- d ns it used to ho vlnul repnlri worn ho and elioeks tha natural dnollne it tones up tho digestive organs iildunssinilu- thin miikui rich red hi noil nnd- strengttieni every organ in the budy in this nnturnl uiuuiior vluol loplucps wouknoua with strongth vflinl lu not a patent uieilleliiu but n ilellelous and liver propitiation which contains all the medicinal body build- lng elements of cotl ler oil in i con centrated form lakmi fropi cuds llveiw the uselosu nil ollmlunleir and tonla iron lujdod it lu hcoatmi we know un well of what vlnul hi inado that wi olvnr to return money if it fnllu to benpllt m a hoheitson dnlgglut aoton

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