Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1908, p. 4

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ffilrc cton jfm tts tiiuiwday hlp1i ullul 10 mm omkbodv did it iiiidlhiu iiiiiiiiiik liluli mul low i wltliw lall till cup ll illlllllluk uij nulvu ihmikii wliiiiwn lie tllil hlulit ii u nail unl it vmii itml hid 1 uuimiv1i iiiolln liii eluirm i linnu if itlnlil mi tlin parlor flout y wliiiru fa my i tin crlee war ury i ami tint hmibuliitm liiub iviiorulnn it be f homebody loon it i yin tlmy di 1 anil not n imirsmi to uxy tiling lo j ned will upliittur uml lint rnmplaln and marytty wuin till it looks llki rain atul tin family mita it uliiithtm on and liitnta ami bnnta till hie iliiy i honifllhhly i wlckul nlil honwdmdy i no end of trouliln you innkik or hie iliintluu liuiitlntr lifro uml tluro i ltoliu wub uniltr t ho motrin ctiiili ned u hy n btrik wiftuii dp w waa on ft null of the riililrn fincn and ma run rv u llttld priilc rmi o alia titer i chanced to any in it nioriihiff bnuntnr oilt through the bnrti tvlnri tin wont to 1111 wlion tlieyvtf been hrvlnjr hny mow lido i ootiraaudnalut as to tact tact in so ratf nmonp ofllco lioye unit one seldom hilda any evidence tlmt would uccin to prove that u it elaas tliho little worltoi a are possess d of that vlrtnn to nny considerable do grta its ruviiruo imwevcr la qnllo common tbnekpol nco of u wast crn ralhvny nffllclul who la not oapec ully nntuil for lila priimil lwnuly la n caao which lllustriti a this fnct not lnnjr k while tlio mil way raun wm seated 14 1 hla dunk the hoy enter tux and mildly renin rltci i fl en tinman outside to ton you air who la it hobble p li iniiilrod didnt ftlvo his immc air anlil tho lioy woll what doea lie look like do mandod tho nfllclul mtituly lookln kat with ml huh aqulnl eyua thought it wan you air whan ho fin i como in euld ilohhln an jnilloaunn of tho increaslne pro greaa of hi temperance movement throughout tho dominion la the rf- ccntcatnlillbhniant of n canadian pro hibition journal at winnipeg the new temperance organ la called the hotter day nud atnmls for dominion prohibition with a party behind it tho temperance preaa everywhere con- tltlltoa nno of thfi mobt important in trunienta in furthering tho intareat of tho ennsv mid tho now factor will unditihtdly prove an tifllclunt m wfll a wttlcomii un operator in tho wmk of prognhfivo t mp ranci- rufonn not only in tin wouitrn ptovluccs hut tliroughoul ilio ivholu duinfniun in a nutshell dohhlu mild thu hlxtory tench r you may tell two of tho limit impor tant ovinia in thnllftiof uoorgo wiutli lngtnn woll btild johnnie mwitylng m eaally on hu feot mo lu with hi whu tl wull in wiih horn tliw iwhdiiit wiiilhil will pr- hupu tlmt wuu an important event ha ttuld it would he nueleai tndon that and wo will lot it go for one l tham now toll mo nnnliar boohlo shlftod hla pobitlnn mhhad ono ot tho frooblpa on hla noio rrtloo- tlvoly and wmit on i and than or nud tlion h lltou he illed ho aald pallia dlaappnat ilafaro it no one nood buffer pain when they hava avail able dr thomas jaleatrla oil if not in the hmian when required it can in prou rad at the nanruit atnre all merohanta keep it for anlo uliouina tlam and all iwllly pnlm dliappeai when it u nppllvd and ahould thoy n- turn at nny time ex per lo nco tuftohnf tho uaer of tho oil how to deal with them tho total mimlhir ot caaot docketed at athena on uhnwa a dnoroaae nf 44 par cont compared with tho slv months of 1107 and in numhar of armtu for drunkonnoaa tho deereahe 60 per cent in thl a contro wna nparntod until six montk ii bo tho old nut hijiinr dlatlllury in america to thoctonlnf of thin pithlloty-own- m1 drink factory nnd tho abolition of tho genornl liquor hiiilneah in tho tata on ii ito lurgidy attrlhntud tho notahlo imprnvjfuiont in tho police reaorda of tlio omnmunlty all clfeatlvo work la tho reault of oonosntrntfld thought and poriever enae mnrdon no miiii la hint hut by bu own don- aont dlogiuina thorn inn hu ii dllfeicitoo of opinion on mout biibjfoie hut there in only one opinion an to the relluhllty of mother graven worm kx terminator it la aafe sure and rffoatunl a noted tbbtotalbr hlr ibiiho lltinnti tlm foundor of tho ystaui of niodilin ihonngrnphy wu from hluoni llewl youth u ttroiifr torn paratieu mvnnale and u ooniitltuont teetotaler looking hank over ii lung mild htroiilioiiu caieni he utirllilltud largely to thin piaotlue hlu longevity and itrdnoue iioruuipllbluiiiinth main tain inn that tho nan of alcoholic hov eragea wuu not only uniionnaaary hut detrlminiitnl to it uiiiuh imat phyeloni and uidutiil imllvltlua mill dlteotly tin ptiaod to tho pilimlplfe nf the hlgheat morn i mid nulentlfln cnolilng what in a name not buoii rnaiiih tlm utrentu nf dnf ralo thetv nre mon in itlohmond who are poor indeed i st louie laut hulntly hh you know and town of hcndlngm ponplo can not nutd at paytnn utara nre nlghla ita well ae vhlle rwtarlokehurtr hnn many jluie and junke td llttlo mirth tin t jollet dlaplnya and peaae relgne oor tho aeeno nt nnuloavt narrtn than a doctor mi inlto wiiiiii it i modlohuin ii iif- ih follnwliiy pit trilptlon wlillihluih round ymmllugty in lp fol mi lliu k lu i a nut i lining bund up lemie mimm r uid lluulty i vv-t- mimpillml t hiki i long mii minn lo n mil ill lb f i l0w llg pl h lipl ii w ii lipplllllh1 in my pi i- ii il null having in n phi id lb n by mono good fi irnd dim t woiry h pi nn nud iur mho it d nit hint loo xwjrt an i vi j a tutdlly ii loo ul iw sliep nud itmt iiboiidantly i in bent piytrliui um doctor dm doe tm jutol nud d itor mi rrymau npmul iibu mil miii kui rgy i acii day than yimnml woik like a mini hiildnu i be woiki d tq d ali 11 liukiful a light hait ivb ifing ibdiuou luallhfulnioilghlv a n mint think hi lu huluail bo i- ii avuld pithifoh uml uxliii ui nt a lllllu nngi i may bo fatal ynumliohoiiptloiih woituu bi in our undvldei alti nl ion and iwh1 yue ihoiuitlenlhwiirmouoiir idnt un uldeiiwlou ruiiouil i woguuiaiitin qur diugx to i mi of full itn ngth iui woll iih pure luul frt uh iliinl out ciutomeih itie hilppllid with jiiwt what theyiuik for aiilmtltut- log iu uiivui allowiwl pa ink h c hlkiiv comikjoho if yon aro a tuilferar from lldiiey illuluhe li er complaint bio ml trouhloa rhuiiuiatum iiimralglii m nei oub proutnitlon we coufldi nt ly nroui mend tho nun of ialmt a otlmy ioin pound tiiih r liable and nnv i ills- iipixdntlug medicine u a tine dlminu lumlaher mid aysttim builder wv uupply tho g inline ialneu ci ii ry omnpound ap urown aliou out it la not linw much wo have but hnumiinih w unjoy that innkia imp pin ens hpiirgeon wilsons fly pads on paekt ha actually itlllad buahal ttflllh bold mv bruceiiti efiofitm u oiniral stobib 10w nei paehet er a paotiqle tor 3bo wwllllaat uiheia eaaaow until t lancuhk wo weave n thread of it every day and at taut wo cannot break it- mann to cunbaooldinonb day tikn tkiatlv luomaqlilnlna taliltt all iruuwliu rulmi i tti uidiiay it it falu in tiirc l vv urom ilmnturaoii ubii hoi kletiitu wullvo no moro of our timo hire tlmti wo lite well oarlylo oa0voxixjl b f y08 vm l1 we may ha nu gnml nu w pleiiac if we pb a so to ho guud milburns laxaliver pills mnny paopln ranko a mlitake in think nj that tho only nltloa nf a pill la to mnvtt tho kowou but iv properly propartd pill ahould nt bennlklallv upon tlin liver nnd tlio entire jlanduur and teemtory bjtdm thla in jnht wliai mllburna laxa mvar iilla do and by thulr aiolflo altcratlva actlun oiiro liter comhlalnt itlllomnou iniinilicu conitlpatmn puliiunoy lloartburn llenilaofie dyipapala water ilranh catarrh nt ilia htomacli co ltd tunaun vdiii ilrontli and all dlieuua arlaliig from impuritlea alogglng tho aya tlmy are small an j tuny to take nnd do not urinn uunkfln oralckan they may iw inn if an n inllil uvatlvn or a stnmn piirgntivo nocnnlliig to tlio duio iviraut iinu n vial or a viola for a 81 at all den 1 um or malted direct on rtwlpt oi prion by the t ullburn co ltd toronto ont nothing can hu tttily gtcitt which iu not right a uuro foi khaihiiiiihuii tim in- truulnn of urln aeld into tho hlflud vobdoib ib a fruitful cause of rluuinm- llo pallia thlu irrtgulnrlty la owing to a deranged nnd unhealthy condition ofthnllvei anyone hiibjuot tn this painful nffuotlnn will find a remmly in piirmolenu vegiitahlo illla their action upon tho kidneys is pionnunced and mout tiftiudchil and by raatoilng healthy notion they correat impiultleu in thohloud gimluu ih hut tho habit nf amino morn donply mid otonrly than numttbo nnmmon ihlnga of earth do 1m ha 8 out of 10 poraone aulfer at aoma- tlm or other from pllea so inyi a great medical aiillioilty thire ii no dlteato camei mote pain anil wtelclieilneu than pllei i and by riving nlntml immmllnle ce zamiluk hai won ilioprnluofllinumnilnnf aurfrwa itymi nro lufieilng lei 7nm link ctrt you- mr null devon wahliwonil onl auffared wllli nthfa elltlit yean a few iwkm of zam link cmeil hint ho ilnce iayi i have had no telum nf hut trouble an that i know ihe cma u permanent mr c 11 kroil lcnnnitvllle pq willeat i hive proved am link a feat cum fnr pile from which i buffered acutely or a long time zanflhik alo cure euli ulecn burnt alwceaie tnuinei1 wouniti tiollt aeiema and all akin twtilile sou aboaalldrud 5 lila and blttraa ni frerri 7amlluk co wortlfi 3 baufi for 105 castoria tlio icitui you hrto alivitim rioitpltt nntl whlrli luut licit in iiho for over ho joan iqj4 borna ilio alfitiitiro of j0 lu bniiulo under lila per- jfttfa nliipcrvlaln iilnro itai inntitey lvgf sccca44 ajlawitoohotolowivovmilhtlilk all oomitorfoiu lmlfntlotiu nnd tiimtnpoml iti6 lxporliuontu tlmt trltlo with mid eiidnttpnr tlio lienltli or luntiitm and clilldron enporloiko ngnhmt isxpor intent what is castoria tosorhi lw a iiiiiiiiiinn wtbutkuti for cuwtor oil jaro- ifoilr llrqpu mid xootlilan hj rtith it u 11 muttit it 4 0iitnliim noltlu r opium jllor lilnn nor other nuruid iuilhui itu iiuo u uh uniruntoo it doathtjn worm mid alhiyu vovorluluif hn it rtiia plurrliwn and wind tollc it nuov4ui tuothlin irt ulilm ruroa ooiutlpuuoit nud ilutuloiiy it nhniiimlnm tlio 1twid rogtitufcj lio olouiudi mid ilowilu ulthiif uttliy nud niitiirttl hiuoi tho clilldrtiim iauiiccmi tlio mothorw irlom genuine castoria alway8 bears tho slrnntura of tbe kind you hare always bought in use for over 30 years cliarlercdby domlnlnnd nornincm i mntulnhrd ihfi the merchants bank of canada 111 ad oi 1 ich monihim inicrcbt added four limn a year 119 llranchni rreildont sir 1 1 m is r v al i n vice 1 rol lam j i itiun iiohuhon hk uenrril manafjiir i i iii inn h laplul ill i up llrooudooui depoalta over ji ood 000 00 bur 4 us loouoduoq loiat aeli t1 000000 00 savings bank deposits one dollar nrupuud will tipen nn account money wlilidrawablo any llmo no delay farmer sale notes wo have iptcljl fnclliilea for coltoellnr ihete wo will ciuh theniat once deal red it a low rile of inicreat joint accounts when requeated we will ojwn accounli in i wo namei ao thai either one may dnw tho money huiband or wife etc acton branch w s chish0lm managor vvc invito you to exminc at your dealers n pair of storeys cowboy gauntlets they are one example of the velvety floftnees combined with greuteat pliability and toughncas imparted to our gloveo and mitts by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortable buy storeys and invent wisely insist on storeys at all e to res gloves made at acton ont by canadas oldeit glover w h storey sor louil liiiiiiur iu tlm hmiltll til tlm mini 1 hiulnuuu in it pitlhiin htnnlliiu cabtoiiia b the hinj you han ikayi bauam hfdaloi f it iu i0v11 and juutlrii wrmiklil dill in llftf tlmt miikii llu limuity iluuiko imm for diarrhoea dysentery stomach cramps colic summer complaint chol era morbus cholera in fantum and all looseness of the bowels there is no medicine like it linn iwn htihld rimuxly far as yr you can lilwuja ruly on it hi tlmo of need to dn juat what w ouint for it do tint allow an unprlum pitied dnijtulit lopnlin off a cliddpaiihatltutonn you tho annnliin or inwleri la niiml- factiiredhyihnt mlunini co urn i tod toronto out tubtonty cu jo r diarrhffia ihitvo iimd dr un kobt rahm vowlara hut of uurleton ont wild htrawlmrry wfkal far tllarrlhua abil i think llmro la nut a itetter rwrnwly to iw found u i hava a arga family mid all mibjnot to it i vvoulil nob lio wlthnnt it hi tlio hniiao na it la a fpiloli mre and tho only thing tlwtt will uiu0 tlietn if iittitclml with cholurn or mimmtir cnmplnlnt of nny kind annd ut ouco for n hotth of dr j i ktdlobga uyion- tvry unrdinl unit nan it iicooidlnp to direction it imto with powurfnl ra pidity in iiibduinp tlmt tlundfiil ills- inimii which wonknna tluatronrobt mmi und tluntroyh the young and itallaiito ihoao who hitvn naod thla oholorn modlolno any it ncta piomptly nntl nnvur fit in to difocta tbomtmh euro t1110 vitlnut la thu hnala of nil ortllyle ojl1bivo x1xai biirtth ltl voij llltt a1 b rrczirs aunthuioau la invincible m arena aurollim lltoro nnvur vviim mid uovoi will ik it nnlvortial mimcoa in uuo roniody fur all ilia to which lluxli u holr whut would relievo one ill in turn would nklfrnvitto ilia othora wo lutvu linwiivur in qulnlno wlnct vvhon ohtitlnod in ft aaund nnmlultor- uted atnto n rcmody for mnny anil ifrlovniib ills hy ita ariulual anil jmllolniia nun thn ftiilliab ayauniib nro tod hit itiiliucmuio nnd atmnffth hy thu iiilhiiiuuii whbb qulnliiii oiortm on nitturoa own 1 futoriitlvfli ft ro llnvoti thoao to whom a chionlc at at l morbid dtwpnndimoy nnd litek o iutiivut in llf la il iilnuobii rtnd hy trimqulllitlntr tho nor vow dlspoaoa to hound nnd lefniahlnu aloop inipnru vluor to the nntloit nf thn blond whlah holuk hthuiihitoil nouiiiiui through tho volnr utmntrthenuip tho healthy nnl in ltl fnnotlonn of the lyatom thorvihy mpkliib dntlvlty it mioohiutry rosuu htrenktlmiilnp tho fioinu aqtl riving llfn to the dlkoatlvo nrffana which naturally tlniimnil luoroiuied anltatanoa ikfliilt imjimvnd npputlto north rop a lytnim of toronto lmvai given tn thn puhlln tholr riiporlnr quinine hy thu opinion of kolonllut the wine itpproiiohea iimiroat ptufoction of any on tlio irnu km all urumf ibu foil it rinakoh hota don t imi drlnklntf nt thn harrow whno you nhnuld iw drlvlii tht plow lliint idot youi noimi wlthpublliitm u palut dont bt iho piibllr hoiiitt llvt on yum piiviitr iioiihp dun t iimku your noan bliub foi tho in of your nioutb lb ink llraldlinn thxo ilaibuna tin 11 drudiuia tbi 11 dumnu drink injuria u uiuii ithtinmlly in tnnihlly nnd nlirnnll drink hun a halt watr only drink no wlni und you ii not drink too niiiob dilok wont hurt ynti if you tlon l drjuk it druiikardu drowit thcioai ivihoii dry lund lie who five on lifk iwnr wllf uoop himin hlabwr ifymiyut tho iwat of whlukry it will ut dim tkal of you koiip fur from l hu bar unit barrel put jflaaai a to thl no iyu not to the llpa httiiiik drink la tbu drvlla way to mint and inana wny to che davll a driinki 11 mans joy la 11 obr uiuun anrrow wjipii wlnela in thfr wit la out whore thn txut wlnu krown tlrf worat la drunk wblakay whlalta tunny to the jravr- thegomeandseesign ho aid to matrimony v in 0110 of dip philadelphia public urhoola la n litllo pjlrl pupil whose an coatora und cortllgloiilata have ver hold that the prlncljtnl end and aim nf ilio llfn nf n woman la iimrrlnyp thla llttlo irl la well up in moat of her tudiea but she haa an lnvitrto tile like of suornphy nnd it anvina liupna- altilo to touch tho etmly to her tho other day her tenchir tmido luiuttlunr hy hor aomulnp unwillliikneaa to learn herujeogrnphy lonon boot to itoalaa inothor a nolo ruplcatlng hor to men that the klrl utudldd her laaann lhn nasi day ahowid no lmprovemont howevtr and tho teaohor asked hoalo whother aim hod dellverod the not vea maam wai tho reply anil did your niuiher rend tho note koala uaked thu teacher vea muam what did elm uayf ity mother an hi that ahe didnt know freography an alio got married an my aunt dldu t know uaotfraphy an aha sot married an you know ifeofrmphy and you didnt iot mar ried was a total wreck prom heart failure in lurk cnaei tlio action of milburns heart and nerve pills in quieting tile henrt reatoruir ita nor mnl heat nnd imnnrtlnr tone to the nervt centrea la lteyond nil question marvel loiu mr ditrlua carr oonry n h writ a it ia with the arenteat of ploaatim i write you n few linoa to let ycu kntw the rnnt hleasinff your mtlburna iletrt and norve 1illn have been to mo i wna n total wreck from henrt failure nnd my wifn ndviaed mo to tnko your pills after using two itoxea i wna restored to perfect health i rtm now 12 years old nnd ficl nlmoflt na well an i did nt 20 ivire w cents per box or 3 for 81 2 at nil dealers or mailed direct hy the t milbum co limited toronto ont not vnlnly tlooa ho strive who can en d 11 ro procter impuritlea in tho blood wlion tho notion of tlio kldnaya boomo impair- ni impuritlea in tbe blood art almott an re to fallow anil general derange ment of of the ayatcm aninei par- meloo vegeuhle plue will regulate the kldneyv 10 that they will main tain henltby action and prevont the eoinplloatlona which certainly como when there la derangement of these dollcato organs aa a reitotatlve these pi mb are in the flrt rank power iki it over an groat baa not bnlf tho might of gontlenoia hunt castoria for infanta ud children the kind you have always bought dear tba tjicnatnre of patient onduranca attalneth to all thing st teresa llano with nut notion la a tad undo- or feltham 8a ile alanator u on avrvbos of lha lenulnt nxatlvc brom3qiiinjno tabuta bn rauadv uut at tm us tea auqr boo thitt thou lovoat what iu involy penn whonavor wo will what u good wo aro hatter because we willed ilnw- ann no disease is so quiet and stealthy in its approach as kidney disease that la why it is an lutifpmiib it may haenma tleap seated before you rmllxo t lie ilanger it la therefore of firent imjwirtsno to recognise tha earlv wnrnhik sjmpttimai pain or dull aohn in the hack huddor nalna aniarlliift sensation when urliutlliih treotisnt nr surpreiseil urination seillment in tlia urine ele btreaiiav in ita early ataoo kidney disease la tmsily cured by oatb klonkv plujl mr rlftln ilrlaeunla vernon ont wrltesi 1 waa troubled a knut deal with kidney trouble 1 had to rot up four or ave times avery night my urine oontalned a think hrlek dust todltmnt i hail a pain in tha small ef my bach ami eould not aleep at night leomtnanoed using ttoana kidney pllla ansl in a very bherl time x waa all rlht again i am very thankful lo have found euro ao apaady in its aetlon doana kidney pllla are me par bo or sbokm for tlfis at all daaleraor mailed ireok on reeelpi of prioe hy tlm dean kidney fill oo toronto out tiiih mlffii im pcriniuu ntly attarhod tn uut front nf thn nmin hullilfuu uf tlin iydi t 11 ilnklmm afadiduu ouumny lynn mann wliut iah thl klprit moan it incniih thnk ihiijiil limnetmnn of tho ijtltnmtory olid nu thotitt of fluliik inihluekh ih lionrmtlydehtmd hfiu idih tlmt tlioro iu nothliikulxmt tlio ih- iiwurt whioh iji uqt m nud ubovo- imanl it nlcniih unit a nprmniknt invita tion in vxtcwlud tl ftnyolii tninfiin and vorify nny urn nil ntntiiwnt inado n tlm ud vortlwoinontji of lydia k pliikliamv voiitabin compound ih it a piiroly vegotnliln couipnund inadn from rootn und korlw with oiitdnigh v comn nml hen do ho wonimi nf ami rlra ronlinu- nlly iifto nji nmrh of lknmtu nlotold cotno nml hoc wiw tlioro over nudi n pornon a lydia k ifnkliittn and in tlicrw any alrfl isnklmm now to whom hlu woman aro imkcd to wrllol como nntl htie in thovaut private corrosnondenro with nick women rniuluctdl hy women only nnd aro tho jottorn kept ntrlctly conildrntliil gome nnd ben havo tlmy rrally got h ucru from nvor ono million otm hundn d thomtand wnmuii torrchimndtnuiv como nntl heo havo tlmy proof that lydia l ijnkhams voprotnhlc cvuupound lion cured tliounatulh of thcno wnmun coiiin uml hro thu ivlvortlhomont in only for dnuhtom thn frt at army of women who know from tholr own pothoiml oxporionco tlmt no mrdlr ino i tlm world oqunlh iydla k iitikhamti vngotnlilu compound foi fomalo iiih will htlll go on uhinpf nnd iwlnpr itrn- ollud by it hut tho iioor douhtlng nufforlnn woman imiht for hor own hakntotuughtconudtiixforhhoalho might jufltnh woll rtgniu nor health vauul no it tiiainu acton i 0kan thlak ka1iwav grain elevator and feed 8tore we buy all kinds of gfnn and ilii nil kinds of pccd an well as noryal flour meals etc r noble r u- 1 tor rl if moollat mnmgr w- ginison painter iiptr hanger sign vvrilcr picture lramcr shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary dclnj knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices w gimson canadian national aud 20 exhibition sept 14 toronto greatest and best ah ended annual exhibition in all the world every province sends lis products 10000000 in prlzm and attractions mammoth massed band concerts grand art loan collection from ih fmtim salon and older old world galurtas international military tattoo and kaallillc spectacle the siege of sebastopol wllb 900 rlomr international dog show international cat show 8000 live stock on view rf filit tbi lain unit u til itlwtlue ultttm j 0 pu mosew otf fuu c ii e a p v a r k a from ev ebywdere is it footwear you are look ing for if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes our large summer stock now ready for your inspection wm williams til bhos un uiu btrmt anton new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros cuelph art store the old ond reliable granite and marble dealers wh mniumtirr anil illrwit itiipavurt df 11 lillidani unnunmiu ktiil llmnitni wit if w lall illraol tn our ouitnintri at wliol ilpaa tliua aavliitf our eilatomara w iwr wa liavn til twat aiipljaoaaa and ilir ttia lariaat anil iimi atoek ot tlranll in tti pornmlan or innr tlian any lliraa itaalara in tha waal wa ara imitliuau ilaaian and am uloy up afauta and do not annoy or vaal qua- oniara by aaiidln out ignorant attanl to aollall ontarawa amoluy inaalianiaa only and daty ooiupatlllon namilton sons oev norjolk and wooyou bta quulph excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we also carry a splendid stock oi groceries and con fectionery t statham df son hill strt aoton fur coals re lined fur jaclieia repaired sleeea eularrsd to tbe stylo miiitb re lined while thl bet cleaned like new old alaska seal re dyed caps made over any lur irvork now properly attentl- ed lost summer rales called for ami ilolucred al any part of can lila our terma are c 0 d al the lowest possible coil for flrai claia work satisfaction ruaran- teeil orders promptly bttentled lo come early nnd avoid the ruih oiir prices are lower than any oilier ural cuss furriers it paya lo gat llie beat service al lafontaines fur establishment 957 quoboc streot guelph ont old iron n una flubborii mrnted i 1 im 1 1 1 uil i- u vn in 1 nu m for f inn ii 11i11111 r rf i 1 mdiuu- sam ii irl al out rutledgps liyery kcton hotdl sthocqs mi i si 1 a i 1 s1w1sii uk il iillc ir inrli stiulii i ni s it lb commhutlai- i ka 11 i i us or hi rs j vm ittriittun w ii putltdfir proprieior aoton hand laundry james webster havni iurtli 1 c 1 llu i 11 ih biisiiili1 of i chvj ilc in 11 tit tl o contin ued pjtrui ij o of tut 111 1 1 eti lomcr ylm linvl fiv rl th lti im with their nnleri stria iilcnli 11 ill 1 t ftll t careful fillinc lull r lorn a 1 i i 0 excellent clanu of work which h iimji htin turned nut in lit p1t 1 i in t atimto 1 jamks u 1 hstut mill street acton lisry bus lin tlio unlraljncl repectlilly tallcll tho pauonao ot ih pip lie an 1 informs ihcm ilia well equlppshl and styllah illjra can aluaii la secure 1 at his sislles a comforiablo hut meeis all trains between 10 00 a m and 61q p ni ciroful alicniton fihen to eory order tho wants ol com mercfinravellcr fully met john iniluliktuts proibibtor paper makers ikoitouro 11 v ox r hook mvh and 1 oiouiti iapi lis txoruauweit w00dairavlnct d hot en ci raving twyciasorei jrposecnial0 jljonmnm tones purpmeo tni al0fiut5 fwrazwcs c so vkaws dnianti coivniahtbj aa ankinn smirtliia b kimmi siut rtmehwit mm nutf joarulir ijr cii i11i1 frojliiir mh luhm iiu utiin oufukl loarulif niir m in it 11 frajlii iiffisrm wmflid hjttlcs willi lubfillhrfo illtlib iikaii w watr wuart mr smiwitsi nunh 8c0i new york f rjlo nr niir iiiioicmiiib i im na nvrf in and mow vnil aro awlndtad 0 roush akacl or modal of yonrtnl lanllin oriiin omiimut nml wa w ihlaayotir iraaniir n iltilnii aatn ulirllior 111 nrotwrnivl imlrulalila 11 tj arnllrallaigalxvanfiant aaii aiuyrmlnlly irocoutd hy na vol xinilikt fully aitulmiail orlra kiontima ii t ii ubloni llijuullflra i aid tpre nss lyillrlrnwiiuniiilinlculyiwcnrwur krillwi iana53 tateuta rriwutrd tlimiiqli kfarlon fa ua1 rlnu ranhaacla1 rtolka wllliinirshmlki sspknlsc thmxai tufniilliiuk j marion marion palnl eorl jrid allol jvmi

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