ffww spectacles eybclrssbs tim only olacn in town where you can have your oim ntuii rtid niiri wo bep in loek nnw lento ilcrawa 1 ampins i ramoi ami oil fitlln mil nhlojor itii bind of work we can tnr wlill you wall manniaoe vlouhbub laaubd geo hynds jkwkmilt acton ndws if local import the months roll of honor tllic jutoit jfm rras tiiuiihiiay irililih h uuu briijf local itcmij tlijiukflvlrif day muuilny nov dili lliln show ucxltiiiimlny nml 1rl- u nniuiiuitvtja lnr next tuowdiiy kli lui r lldii hi 11 f idmntlun will meet hunt monday tvinliili llitltoit county ili lit milton ti- ilny find in nidtrmv mr ih deacon hhiooliiiaficcloi j vlalted hie schools hero thla week good morning have ynit renew ed your piiki im nn auhacrlptlnnr mrs albert karlylmaantil hti hum d hit iltli line ii ulr 07v mnyor nowstonri of ouelpli will liolil n nicntliilf nt oaprlnuu tliu f veil ing itev m wilon m a went to i lorn 1 1 ton mi timtirtny to attend the meeting of the hj nod a inonllnp of nil interisted in tlio chopping mill will he held in tlio town imll thin evening nl h oclock many fanuora nut now busy with tholr potato rro it l turning out htll anil the ipinllty iu supirlor awry liumimiliik nuuhiimi r tlio woman j institute was hold in tlm town imll liixt illduy af iinonn mlltuii wuurwm u yleiii i ikilug installed thuuighoiit the county ui tlio juiioid rifbldtiici u1o la being im proved a cjnulpli mull nil the iiulluii iml was llnad ijllo mid costs last week foi freqiliiitliig one of tlm ban noma nf tho city the hcoltuli tnnrort company in tlio town hall jeoiljotown this nv fil ing linuyi tlio inspires of tho 20th llegliiiont hand tlm lirlpkwnrk of mr w i amtet sons new iioiibu on dower avenue is rulim tepidly and is now up to tlm second a tore y mcaanr clmrlca and william hcott 1 iw f pnrolinhcd the tliomna fiomorvlllo farm on tho fourth lino kaunalng wllllnni ho mat rent c tor ted tho sale mr tlioamimgi of acton line pur- ohaied tlio illytlier estate on dunilos ht woit toronto for the sum or thirteen tjimiannd five hundred dol- inn on tuesday evening of lust week tlio employees of tho lion woollen mills were tondured a hnniuct hy the president and directors of the firm herald mrt i watklua lot ill con 1 ksqueaing will soil hla farm stock by auction next monday 12th ootohsr nt ona oclock jamos mcdonald autloneor itev g w hai kur will preach hsrvoit iioiiib serninna nt wnndatocl on sunday the pulpit liore will bo occupied hy itev win a tarry of ionionhy mr it i monro ithrasacl tlm congregations nt mcourdya wcaley and munna oornors trafalgar on sunday on tlio laymens miaalonnry mnvamont dr ilnrriiou will hold pulillo moot ing ut kdon mills nost tuoaday vtn- lug and nt hronkvllln on wodoniday ovanlng mr d moomgor will nlao nddroas tlm mootlnga mr h 8 wllllninson n momlwr of tho lutp firm of j d wllllnmaon ft co guolph died on hnturdny at potroloii from lilnod pnuonlug rciii it ing from an ulcointod tooth thostiulontsof tho uppur school of tho high school upont satu inlay nftornnnn on ii hrri hntittlng expedi tion upon tlioh luuin they were en- tertnlnod nt hinoliiim hy mrs ii ii wordtn miiihtiofl the unniinl match of tho kramnaa plowing aaaoolntlon will lu hold on the ath of novomhei on he fuvm of mr huinuol pimrt in isitimoia there will lie four olaaaofi for the plowmen tlm first nf which will he open to the province after hiinn out of pouiinuulon for two months while being in tho paint er anil tlticnrutnid linnils wllllniuu line appeared on the utreet on tuesday morning in a gay rnnt of crimson and gold it curtnloly luoks uinni attract ive than when it eanm new from the eliopa throe yearn ago the work of repainting la highly o rod i table to mr j si ruddy georgetown juoathm hulp poii catarrh drunrut a tbrown u haivlnjr plendld raimtiha worn llyamel uaera loa the pnlaon germs in tlio nlr you breathe that creates ami fends antarih ilyotuof simply oatohes thoie gernnon tholr wny to work nnd iloatrnye horn the first breatho of hyomol ulr kills all catarrhal poison this mnbob tho nlr you are breathing inward helpful ic goes on its wny through tho nil iiuaaiiges hrnnohlal tubes nml lungu uhaiged with gerinde- etroylngpnwtir that cannot horeslstodi it soothua mid heals the wounded and inlhuned mom bra no tbnt u why hyomol id ho iuatnntly helpful for nny tllatroas or tlm breath ing organs colds croup bronchitis asthma or drouded pneumonia thuy are the germ life that hyomol kllli onmplote gunrnutoed outfit 9100 sold by a t ilrown tllt to hint about it ballinapad a joint moutlng in tho in i areata of mesarif hugh guthrie smith welling ton and dr harrison llaltnn will lw held at hall inn f ml on monday evening october ittth tho eandldntn and other epoukora will iiildreaa the tm- ing otiarity requires ito other lottoi nf introduction tlmn a roal need kvnlauo pvlavai thu month kvangelulle servlnns will coniuiniii n in llm mellfodlat churrh iilmut hun- day tilth luat or poaalbly u week miller mr and mrw aan gordon of ottawa who are popular mid aun fill evangpllalh will naalat llm not tor in these acrvlcuw whlob will in all probability cnntlmm for an vers weeks conform no lvatarua convention hev ci w ularkur and mis a t drown went to ingoraoll on momlny to attend the ninth mnvniitlon of the hamilton conference kpwnrth league itnv mr darker is hecretary of the conference league nnd had mnrh to do with arranging hie prograinum which covers alx aoaalona and has much of interest to tongue workers the delegates expect to retlnn bnuio on thursday evening knev collearem haiwphnblpmi itnv alfred dandier d 1 nin cm from hla own pulpit in ht innma hnjunreohurch toronto on frldny his ilsdalon to accept llm position prnlfer- ed him hy tlm hoard of tlnvernors of knox college as jniccttaaoi to the lull principal oavoii hev dr gondlor la wftlliiallfed for this ifnportiuit position ills iipjinltitmoiit will re- celvo the approve nflhe irenbytprlau church nt large piahsrnion ilavve another ontlnar a isblrig vnrty compilmg toiincll io- c v hrolght ind meaaia w htark w hayora and it hlliclnlr tv turned homo last jfilday after sptiid- ing u week llahlng in the waters of the georgian liny and notawnaniigii lllver in tlm vicinity of new iowell the weather during their stay was vuiy cold nnd stiff galea prevailed whlili intel ferod with tholr reaching tlm beat llahlng grounds they hud however aome rare spoit and aiicceed- ml ill bagging a considerable number of pike pickerel liasa and porch numerous friends in town weru favor ed with n division of ihti spoil nnd nppieclnled tlm favor the w m b convention the foui iienth annual convention of the woiuund mlsulmmry society of guelph dlatrlct will lie hold in the methodist church here next thursday mill inst the suasion will open at ii oclock the forenoon will he devoted to repoita by hie auxiliaries of acton llolwond ttlori guelph norfolk nt guelph dublin ht hnckwond nnd the circle of nasaagaweya luncheon will ho had at lj lift oclock the afternoon session will open at 2 oclock and the first hour will bo given to routine business at ii 10 nn address of welcome will he given by mrs o c gpelght acton mrs ito v crews ouslph will respond at h u0 an address on indian work by the w m s missionary miss v hudson chllllwaok will he delivered at 100 tliere will 1m a quia conference led by mrs l it guild hockwood the convention will close with the after noon meeting hiltons apple ordhaihsa nuraory in on are getting ready to send out a large nnionut of fruit treee again next spi lug tlio applo orcharde ure taking the lead mr it j hare agent for v d smith co wlnonn baa liooii selling elnro tlio middle of june anil liau oompletod seven ship ments and bus three more to soil yet before midwinter ho has been selling for tho anme firm for nine years nnd has made a minute study of tlm stock therefore is able to collect the heat atoekfor planting mr k d hmlth la a grower of nursery stock not a johlwr in buying trees a few cents oxtra on a troe is neither hort nor there if you gat a right tree and true to name mr hare would like to show some of hie customers some of the apple orchards he lias sold the inst two years tliero is just about two per cont of dond trees they are doing tho boat on the rocky land in tho south end of nasaa gaweya and tho north part of nelaon townships do not wait ton late to place your order ns it isrutoublofornll nursery men tn tiy to get well sold nut before spring aud the vnrlotlea that oil iwst run out first and as ihuuu growers will not allow tholr agents ta ill another tree nn a variety after tho stock is exhausted it pay- to order early so you will w able to get the exact varieties that you are n anting tho apple industry wo hopo will soon iw ope of the lending indusii luu in tblu part of the province reformer a delljthtrul vlalt oversea mrs sydney smith and mr allan m smith arilvod home from tholr trip to grsat britain and tho continent on thursday of last week tho trip proved a most enjoyable one through out and wae crowded with interest from beginning tn end they spent annalderablatlmo with friends in kng- land ireland und scotland and tour ed tho principal points of interest knrly in the auminer they went over tn tho contlnont and spent consider able tlmo in france germnny swit zerland llelghuii and italy visiting many noted cities and tholr ciithodrale art galleries ointlos and other show places the finest scenery of swltaor- land was visited und considerable time was spent in paris and berlin they paid visits to tho old country hnmea of both mrs smllhu father and mother and thoroughly enjoyed searching out tho old land marks their stay in london kdlnhurgli glasgow und belfast hud features of peculiar pleasure and interest while pwslng through westminster abbey they came across tlio brass tablet bearing tho names of the bravo canadian sold lore who fell in houlh africa and found the name of gunnor w j moore of actfln among thorn mr a- m smith took in purt of the tour of tho canadian dowlore in kng- lamland scotland he was also nn aovoral of tlio bowling greens in ireland wbllo nt belfast mr j c hunter of that city who wm one of the winners of the international bowling tournament presented him with the ph of bawls ho mod d tiring tho contest the many friends or mrs smith will iw illlighted to know that her- health le very much improvod hy her trip and she le feeling greatly benefitted tborefrom mr smith re- inem horod the editor of the iiiku phkmh in the generous nnd niuoh- uppreolntrd gift of it beitittlful allver- uiounteil irish bhiok thorn cane which wan nut from a hedgn at daily mona county jvntrlm within sight of tho buthptuae uf hlu grnndfuthor tho lata thomas moore- butndlnjr or tho pupils 1 ntwt eix- amlnsuons ml no llolldayn at lltoll and public oiioolh the that examinations since tlm sum mer vacation were completed last fri day with result hs follows i continuation h iumh mtnnue tttiimu clnss ia speight i white k black m dichmomi ii black and worden eiinl m moffm a mi- dcnald ctassh v mullln a onilen ii husband ouasiii- ic qnrvln i graham k smith h drown and a dills crpinl m ohrlen u johiistunv k andui son a kenney ii hurdand a first brook equal highest in a1gebrai whlui in history- a- speight i in geometry 1 white and a height lequal mlukllhi ikmh ronu 1 biasim tuiiibiill 1 molfat ic cotv d brown class ii m mattbews c motfal h ookfll avorbman clave iiin lubiimn v willbuhs ioum ii class ii it nolaou and 1 mcdon- ald iipial d fbutmc hbavpandh poarann eiiimlt clasuih- 11 mii1iii0hwaqkliaiiiir k itunloi li htinbauil highest in co in position- 1 wll llama nnd m turnbtill eiual f lu arfthimttkg moffat in gqngniphy 1 foluter number of hjgh school studentu en rolled fur the month i i number of 1iibllo hchool students uniolled rot tin month af total 211 w ii hrnu mii illncipml miaa k m hwimomi absisimi imur dliviitmit srlvunmnid atkinson j77 puny wiitanu ath duotby nlon hu liiella ited 2 vlctoi ciliimltu 2i ity llaiiui 212 tola ui t li ivkdlw hvan- jill iiabel an- dloiik ktlnhed wiitol77 krmist blown 2vi gladys iliuiaii helen waiiuiilll total i mihmal ullihon leitchii mkiiivii ilkivlltjiicnr hi ihbeatilce gialuini 1uui ida cwrnuhah ii ci fred dull jew lauretta gibson 1cii wllma johiibtonelci boss hwaokhmiimriin total 101 jr hi ida young w7 nellie ander son 1177 i luxe i agnew lli gladys wordeu it7 karl vincent iui lily wilson itw totauoo mihh m v bitvnicrr tuarhur tllllut hurvhtmunt hr llgonlon dauer oil bert mowat 101 birdie porter 171 clara anderson 121 bene v g ihml bulht hills mv totamlvt jr hiinydoe cutting iw mabul barr wi jessie mcgregoi lv4 bertha wilson ltd jennlo peaiuon ill harold mowat mb tuulfioo mimh q mt intviih teachor huhtii iicintmint hr pt ii winnie pearson 1m lillian johnston dlh itoy brown wl george agnow t0 hnrold kennedy 2ji mary labman 221 total t7o jr pt iljoan wilson 1110 vera harvoyllia harble itltchloil0 annie colhorlwh hilda tucker 2h3 myrtle thomas u77 total 7fl mmw m it hoimkm teacher flktii ihirillthicnt hr pt i nolllo masturu hi bosu fltacknan 05 johnnie mcgregor r1 annie carnaban hi joilo mclood 73 may cutting 70 total 100 jr pt i johnny kennedy ftt johnny cloury 01 lloyd mohuiiih ik lucy kdwurda 00 olllo mowat hh joo hymls at total 101 mihh k kicunv teacher norval tlio funeral of itobort noblo took place from hla lata roeldanco hero fri day afternoon a brief service was hold at tho house at utk conducted by itnv j mcp hcott of toronto und there wns n public service at tho pios- bytorlau ohuroh of which mr noblo had boon a member for forty ytnra this was under the charge of bis pan- tor tho rev w i turner who was asslsttd by revs m little r h cameron jtimaa argo 8 v noxpn and ii wolta tho chief mourners wore hla two sans major a i noble of nnivnltind dr ii t noble or to ronto and messrs william thompson and polor tilling tlm pnllheuiein woro mwaarn hubert hunter w j umgh willhiin mauiidvt william green jainna morgunuoii and james fiddler employe of the hi to mr nublu thu largo number of inon employed in the industries carried on by mr nohhi attended the funeral hi a body a lingo number of friends fimn toronto georgetown acton and other places were also piouent among them being mr lames gohlle mr william holder dr allan mccul- loiigb dr john caven dr w p oavon mmsrs john gartahoro hon- eca jones w ii bailey j l hplnk arthur while o b watt p j kennedy j b austin wni hnrpcr win wllkle burga qundy w p hlnalalr percy knight frank m ami row alex wright w j north w 8 b laurie samuel campbell thomas alderaon geoigs lalng d 0 cooper fred llvjngtone w r carver thomns kirk j a poor charles hotidorsnn pbvbidb the following la tho hoptoinber re port forn s no 10 knpioslngi hr iv olasetona hume flla dredge mahal kerr ida livingstone jennie maoarlhur jr iv classsarah korr mary llv- ingstnne hr ill class harvny dredge mnry dunn tatirasprowli howard mnrlln isalwl drodge laura hmlth willie mills pt 11 class marie mcmonomy jaiuei smttti jr lt gordon bate joseph mo- mensiny olarerioo wlnflehl glass a martha jackson willie gove florence robertson arthur butler fred jackson queeny butlor noia wlnnold welllnglon ganlnnr bvsslo dmlth nhmlierni roll sit averngo ftttou- dance lib j u camiliklh tuaoher the nem thilor6d suits btunninc dppoote pob pkll knd inzintbfj lazbjtrimo a showing which ih noteworthy lor its distinctive style elegance the uuiu in tint collection arc without exception artistic creations cut in the latct fashionable uftcctk and faultlessly tailored from the finest of fabrica in the prettiest patterns and tiliiidingtt we have ever shown and better values weve never offered smart tailored suits in lancy self stripes at 1500 distinctive tailored uuits in navy green brown satin and button trimmed at 2100 plain tailored suits sell strapped all colons it is ot kmc tailored black suits sizes 36 to jo at 1000 many other styles forkadiea in a wide variety of fetching new stylttoarc rtow on display iicdomibto dry goods and pothno guelph s0cuu and personal mis lumes mclnm of midland u peiullng a couple of weeks with acton friends mr i ilaiicu of toronto is ppliid- lug 11ow dayn with bis acton friends miss clara i mooro visited friends in aahgrove and georgetown this week prof hull of the a c guelph wan in town on tuesday judging fruit at llie 1air mihh mamie mauatau left yesterday nullum her studio nt the college el hi thomas mi john husxell and miss russell mimed tioni tlieit tiip to the weal 11 hatuiday mt win miihiui ti fmnlly nltenil- i i ho fuiienil or the late cluia w h whiter lisgai aut filday mr it t linus of toronto visited at the home or ids staler mrs n i moot e dm lug the past week mr and mia thomas gnwdy of guelph visited ut the home of mr win humstreet on tuesday mr ii h harwnod will go to ham ilton to dny to attend tho annual con vention of the brotherhood of ht andrew mr guidon wrlgglobworth lain of tho merchants hunk georgetown has i ma been appointed teller of the branch nt yaiker mr and mis n f moore and momniu young and taylor attended tho f unci ul of tho holtert noble nt n01 vul last friday word has been received nf tho safe 111 1 ivnl of mrs morris mrs bowie and mis hmlth in iho old country after a very stormy passage mr nnd mrs thomas ststbam re turned on tuesday after spending vera i weeks with ftlends ut clare mich nnd other points i miss geitiude agnew relumed on monday from a fortnights visit with hor undo and aunt dr ami mrs l ii wilson armada mulilgnu ir it j ilowat late manager of tho bunk of hamilton goitrgotown lieu been appointed manager ot the farmers bank nt southampton mr itfgnr w jordan advertising unagor ot tho warnor instrumont co llolillt wis was a guest last week of his bister mrs dr lawson alkieoed countbrpb1tbrb thomas n croxlei sind hla bon hil ton arreatad nt oakvllle and milton counterfeit bills bnve heon put in circulation at a number of fairs tho past week or two and the aiithoi llles last saturday an ested thus n crox- ler nt oakvllle nnd bis son milton crozlei nt milton on the ohargo nf circulating thu counterfeit money it is mated that the father circulated at least tlili teen oftho spurious 9000 hills nt tho fah at oakvhlu last friday nine of thu hills nro on an american hank nnd the other firni on ilia farm- era hauk of canada tlioy ara poor imitations and would immediately lie dotei ted where them wax any suspic ion some of ihu couutuillvlt money wns found in young croxloru posses- alon when he was taken into custody tlio bills ure 95 and 910 denomina tions nnd are photoengravings paint od by hand thocroxlms live at 0 gornird st toronto and a search on sunday night revealed there a small printing press nnd phntngrnphlfl materials tho crosiers are of n highlyrespect ed family a number of whom llvo holweon oakvllle mid milton absolute security genuine carters little liver puls muetber blbnttur of isiwjlmiu wrper btow you cuimnt make a text of scripture bore nny daepar by twisting it like a oorksoruw vary aaaau totajcewemfaw carters rot auuesk rii imstu nm hummifi rottoinsuns tn tomtipatim roiiaiuwhis roi thicdmriuioi cure klok kkatixawk bank of hamilton thb most important factor in the invest ment op 3avinos is security bank of hamilton capital reserve 2500000 2500000 dpoiuof sioond upward rclvl gliorgijtown branch w n hckay agent brushes with life strong wellmade brushes foi every use the solid back btayin bristle kind that saves your temper and saves your money hair brubhcs tooth brushes nail brushes bath brushes shaving brushes clothes brushes etc phmb e a robertson druggist acton nflgtoct ruins 100 watches whin tin tvaaiw out one keep your welch clean and it la as natural for it to ro aa for your heart lo beat imtlnclif haa ehpertance nnd ability to repair ana properly adjust watchoi pos ilbly as rreat ss any parson in canada g d pringle tile jeweller guelph aifflmf cures constipation ipjl better tlliin pills for liver ills got a 25afsb6x hiewi3 medicine castlolls for sale by e a r0b1ts0n drufglst acton h h unsworth wo cordially invito you to inspect our dlsplny of millinery nnd new fall nlorlliiuiiuho a few hpocinlllck of wliiili iho latest ntylcii and bout valticu are shown millinery jackets rogers i furs dress goods skirts underskirts regal and llcathcrblooni hosiery d a corsets rugs- carpets and curtains hens clothlor gents furnlthlngs highest prices paid for farm produce brokdwky clothing i makino its mark in guelph with tho dressy men almost every day we are taking orderh for this stylish clothing it coata no more than the ordinary kind and insures the wearer the proper style and fit a broadway suit or overcoat will give you satisfaction and comfort every time our purpose is not only to make customer but to retain them and to this end we guarantee every garment wc turn out but after youve been introduced to our kind of clothing youre not in a position tofully appreciate the force of our remarks concerning it and you certainly cant form a correct opinion aboiitit if youve never worn it suppose you give ua a trial order if the recent chilly weather ha caught ypu with n iliabby suit or top coat less yourejust the man that this store is looking for broadway suits at vzm 1500 lo kwotj broadway 0vcrc0ats 10 vzm lft 10 slip ir and give us a look tiik imoru8 stohi benor scott co wyndham street cuelph the finest wo are peauliih of llin apposrance ol ary suit iliai conieu from our hands ljcb one is lnnrulily a fino cut n ft nn cm and till fiucm dressers in low u wear them we malib every endeavor in plane you our fall itoil of kimkis cballonflot your ailmlrailnn wfn cooper thetilor agent far the standard rotary hewing machine mill st acton the right house hamiltons favorite shopping plac1 carpets curt ains the best values that ever came into canada the most exclusive ntyle the largest- var ieties the bebt qualities and far tho best values procurable anywhere now is tho time to buy new door coverings window draperies etc vou will find just the things you want here at less than you expected to pay tapestrycarpets 45c to 5100 brussels carpets 95c to 5150 wilton carpets 5165 to 5250 axmlnstcr carpets 5175 to 5235 room size rugs wiltons axminstcre fap- cstrics kensingtons and gobelins 5750 to 61 lace curtains 98c to 35 and most stores ask from lo to 25 pir cent more for qualities that arc inferior to our thomas c watkins oonmn kino st eat huohioh hamilton out jagksons jagksons our mew byitam of oufc buying and oeuh sailing bnablea ub to offer you thu waok soma bitf snaps 10 do meuu illaclc uenlm overnlla with bill n1nn nmocln to mutch uetrn- lar 850 to hloo tlilw week mjl b doi hene work blilrts sir i pad oxfords medium to dnrk hlmdcit rtju tiirjotofij this woek 41c 0 doa men work hklrtu llluck drill with white jtrlpeu and bputh hefjimr 75toqgc tliuwook ju ab dei metth 1ouriniiaud ties is dm shield neck ties is doi tlnw tlun bit gramd quality silk now deslgnu and rich coloring regtilur jjd thin week 3 for aju do you uet now wihii tonolect yoursprlus underwenrnud houlory wliilu our llnew are completer veukndw if ypu come now yen enn clinoua from 11 liirqer line than if yen come later we wish to begin bollink our hprlng utulorwcar mid hosiery early we are niarklne the price oh thene jjooilu low ua that vo ulmll not linve nny to carry over when tlio aellint season in pant theso nre the vnlncu wo can elve yetl h h unsworth hct0n ladles rmhroldcred illnck cnsh- mere lime b 0 ol and 10 rejrw lar 3jo this week no lndles uliuk cauluneru how rlhlwd r plain idtou h o nl and regulnr 3s nud 40c tlim week 35c lml leu tnffcln gloves how brown and tan aliadm regular goo uils week i 330 dukhh ooouy hikcialh niack melrouo ctntli riiliir tfign this week i3c cream limtre fonoy put terns retru lar bjo tbu week jbf bat in finliili pninolla clotli roeular hi 00 thluweuk 7jq striped creieeu rcffiilur flje thu week 51c satin cteth reffular 75c thin week 4h0 pearl buttons doien sc cornet covor enjhroldorleu tblu week 9sotnttarus io 3sc pattorim ajc 4sa patterns tiu 600 patterns jjv s laeh silk uiliben heat qtiahty nil colorn rearuhir av mh week kjo 4 inch bilk uutlien rcjtiilar aou tblu week 1 fie 3t inch bilk rlhliim reuulnr 17c thin week no alllff slinwlna ef lihpm kmliinlilniloit nnd orotm trltiimltiki nh nt spuliid imjj j h jackson georcbtown