Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1908, p. 2

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4efaurabfbj fv lid tia jtivu hi the jvtton 3fm rcs jiiuitsiuv ntnoiilii ii i iii kditoi1ial noteh i art immiimi ulitiift um hihiintii ui vliitik t i by tin lltt hlilltll ii ll h uwf rifllslll mltnlawlui to luutdi in hutnif llltoly to provit iiihliuliahh- rltlmuu uhiililpst lioiiuf iiu initlnluhilil i boundary line rt hut iltirlnlf 1 1 in hi i ll jinrru milium iluirh llltulllnn ottllwu hut out mldiius nuuiuiili mr ii with il horn it htull i iiiiiuu in ilu hin di rami intuitu r i ui inline nut u tlrrulur iri onlvllln a ul or it lu tlmt umuiiilujftp mr inhu 111- umunn from iflir iholituh lilu ihtriunu 111 lu acton tito in tout nop tfpoit umiiki nt ottawa dials with luudllion lip to tho tmd of huptiinht r and xiliitu oiit that i liu total y it lil will ho nounwhat loss than lintl in on mtlinatod lint la well ahiad uf hiut yvui h yield canadas total yii 1 of w limit iu now put nt 115- ittuhm ihhu1 of wliuli the wratorn piovlncus y hi lil ivh1h km birnhpla tho total yiuldof tints uaitntai7fwi- km imahiite nnil harloj v7t000 bushels 1 lit report utatoa live stock la ill good condition in nil directions who urn tin an tliievts and hood inra wlta nro referred to so nllhly by tho opposition in the present cam pln iwks tho toronto hob the members of tlio cabinet as it stands to day nro hlr wilfrid iaurlcr frank olltr wh uoldlnff win temple- nan hydnvy liaher l i llrodotr it w ciirtwrljihr tleo i urabam hii llnrdcn win ptirsloy who uro tho thieves and boodlers in this listp wharovor thaui men lira bbt known thoy nre niout reupcctcd tlio andnrsntinn of canadas financial position by great llritain la in ado evident in tlio congrituhitinna extend ed to tbu dominion government upon tho ability and foresight of itu financial advisors in brinuiiiff cut a xisoooooo 11 pur cent loan at par considering tlio surfeited condition f tho pjllt- odged market thin la an achluvomimt no country in tlio wot id except linp- innd and iranco could linvo rivalled to nriiingu such n rnnsldurablo loan at tlio precise psychic moment bhclws a mirpruing knowludgo of international affaire and ono moat ratifying to canadas woltwlehcra hero london rituounda with rijinpllinmitn on canadas credit mid her sin cess in those negotiations nassaoawtva fair a success splbndidb1iowino op honbbb nassiigawuyas minimi tall fair at caiupbullvlllo on tuesday liko nonrly nil the falls tills full waa favored with most dellghtlul autumn weather tho romilt wan moat giatlfylng it wan a joy to look into the smiling faces of irewllent didl and tlio inugttlo and piiliihtitkliig uicretmy mi m j ihn- ton au vv ua their board of dlreotora aa i hey would mm fur a moment from thilr busy labors in view tlio con tlnnniiu proreuulon of exhibitors and vlultoru nu thny nfrlvud from nil purtu of tho u ii r roil nil lug coiiuti y from early in tho morning until long after noun tlio showing hi tho hall hml many oxcullant featurom thedaliy oithlhlt waa flnot tho fruits and rnnta wor juat whut has been witnouueil at all tho fails i hlu full mid wtro fitnfnlfl on n l tho iniiiitiiiliu t utilea of gnilu woro highly nrodltabh tho hu1ha depart- ment wan well huatiiluiri ontl many fin oxhlblta of fancy work and aun in tint oultnary dcpirtinonta weru uiadi hut r wnu the stook at this fair wliloh uxmlhid tho entries of hnntou wore tiiuisuiilly iiuineroua and many fine it n 1 1 mil a were briuirht into till rings in both light and heavy ciobocb the number or cattle hiiowii gave liliinlfestiitlon of n well siistalnod in turaat in this important stock while in ehoop mid pigs tlioexhlhlt waa high ly gratifying in pnultiytlio olunacb wore well filled and tint display waa conshhirably lingtii tlinn tlint of many miro proton r lout shouru this fall tho vlaltiim lmhidod ninny promi nent olllxeau of milton cluelph anton hurling ton toronto and other nut- aide pnlnta naturally tho political latino nt prohtmt before tho elootornto wna n fliirnint topin of couveraatlnii tlio nashngaweyii people aru curtain lv dtaorvlng of aordlnl cangratnlatlnns upon tho biicoaaa of their fair of 100h impohtant announobmhnt a t iliown duulrea to nunfliincn to tlio roaduru of the lmcie pitiuw iliat ho liua beiinred the ngenoy for parisian fiuge the nini vehnm danili off ciiro and delightful hnlr diehalng a t ilrown is glad lu atato that patlslan hago la a tlgidly gnu ran teed lialr lohioifir it ouria ihindrnff in two woeka by killing the da ml r ii t mlernhaa t it atnpa falling linhi it oureb nil xtialp dlanaaoa or money bunk it in a limit plunaiillt hull droaahig napenlally for ludit ax it imikoa th hair uoft and inairdii- tho prloe la only ooalmigobiitlhiut a t ilrownii or by expipaa all elmigea prepaid irnni llroux mfg jo knit krla out tim mnio you know tilmitt ton o more yom will npprerhilo tlin dolltiato fragimiioo mid ileloloua flavor uf flfllftda ten echols of the exhibition muaakarriofca ron umxr vdah it lu buggealud by poultry men that a riw tliiingoa lu iu arriioginiimit of hit tmctlnnu of ihla elaas would bring otlt a llllirlllhiy itxhlblt no two to lid uioro hand uhnklng hi he fair than ileiulnruon i and ii um i uoo hot they didnt do it hi oiupauy of i arh oth i vtlmilm pint of pinning no llouu drippod by on ixhihlloi in tin pm l the night of tin ialr ii mwy ht riioviiiul by applying n libia oflkt l i in absence of who i of fortune nnd gaiiit a of ha ore null or nhji flonable fit kirn from tbu ground was favorably oiniiiented upon by vlxltora gonernll ilia dan lug of iho hlghlaiid iliim lyl haei hj oiii1i ralld fulh viilifcrouu uppbnihtt mr huyerw i young lu sp it ya and amply pioved ii llmivu hwimkbeuor rwiit thu held nltlt bt twoyxarbld i mulatto rolt he did ihesanifatmiltiui llrnlbcie weie htivuotpei liiihunla in the rlana mid at milton twiuty ilia red ribbons imlk wll hie highland mid national darning k fine the grand stand by mihu aonlo itmsmfid jllay nsbltt and hi ray brothem of toronto was ipilte an attiiiconn piper itous acted hla part to ptrfiictlon ivrbapu liy this time thoparlks who took away a tsn pound imuket of but ter and a bug of fit at prlzu wlntei wheat have dlscnvered the inuliikm they made and will return the goodu which do not belong to them about n tbniikund school chlldrtoi weru aduiltud free would it not iki a worthy act of reciprocation if the bchoura next year would make an ex hibit of at least a couple of hundred apirimima of panmanblilp and colored tunpa uf tlio dominion a lady inhibitor has sent tho fiikk plilmh tho following ijuratlona 1st why aro lady dlreotora permitted to lie exhibitor in tho classes thoy are supervlilng 2nd why uro thoy psrmlttthl to convorao with the judges whllo tho clasboa in which their own articles ar entered fur competition aro being judgdp wo paaa tlioqutn- lloni over to tlio office ra and directors for their conahuratlon among tho numerous prominent gontlsmon who a i tended the ialr were d htindaraon and or harrison the parliamentary candidate col unllo- way toronto i eimayoro nolson and hamilton quclph i oxvardon it d warren qoorgotowui oxwardona wrlggloawnrth and q rati am ash- grove t colin cameron kdon mihe james wataon secretary kramosa agricultural society t m j carton hecrotury nasaagawoya agricultural hucletyt a ii dovltt berlin j tom konnody itiglatror parry sound nnd others at tho concort on tho night of tho pair mr neil qihiob chairman took occasion to oorfgratutat the officers and director upon tho splendid buccom of tho fair iio aald ho had iwen con- ncctod with it for many years and folt that without any qualification what ever the fair this year waa tho boat and most succeaaful ovor hold in tho township of kiqucsink- tho treasury will now have a substantial surplus and thu society will lw annhltd to materially improve tho prlxu list or to erect buildings which nro deslrahlu for stook poultry etc in tho latter event however ho said for every dollar of expenditure for permnnont improvements at acton or nt george town thoro miiat ho an eijunl amount ixptndml nt tho other town foralinlhir purposes ohkwbonb conn ana a very interesting and pluaannbtlmo waa onjoyod in or wanna corueri mothodlat oliiiroh on tuesday night itlt inst tho occasion lie i tig n joint meeting of kp worth leaguers belong ing to the tilloaiii crewanna oornore and ilnckwood clinrchen a varied programme literary nnd miiaionl waa given by mo in iters of the itoekwood league and brief addrsasea wuro do- llvuied by the ilov d h taylor nnd jlr ilasll lohnaton a feature of tho programme waa a letter from tbu ilov mr kreoman of iort uaalngton i 0 missionary supported by tho ouotpli dluttlct kpwortli uiagnos graphically deaerlbhig tho labors and experiences of missionary life wllhln our own borders tho nieotliig whhj ably proaldod over by president iloltnn of itoekwood tho young people nf orewbtina corners and bllpiim nobly uiiatalned thnli ruputn tlfm in tho refrubluuonta served and in giving their guests real good time lau r lor oilthrle and ilarrlaon a auro winners indlcatlona wore novor bettor for tlio continuing in power nf tho lieat and moat progreulve govorn- mont canada over had mr thoa wntklna sale of i took on monday was well attended and the prlcea realised wore good mr jus mnllonnld of tiuidpli was aiiotlnneor muuira crewbon and voiiihi aro mooting with gieat aiioceus in belling oil atoek for tho i lull on oh nnd qaa co mr peart of potroun expert ol driller will shortly start operation a on the companys property near mlltou a largo number of our oltlaena at- toudod aetnn fair on woduesdny they were all unanimous in their de cision that it wna tho beet show over bah thoro the fruit inclal on monday evening under the anaploloaof the ladles aid of the mothndlbtohllrflh waa quite n ucnobi mra jaa qamhte who haa tveon vlalt- inglierduughloi mia hen luutx of iafmirsfoii for tltn pt two wookv roturned linmo on thursday mrs macolllns of montreal and mia ollrlne of i took wood vlwltid mrs m orawaon hi inib week mlaam wlllliiiuhim of a o ton villi- ml at mr win murray on hunday mimoohio kgcrtnn nfouolph visit ed at mr jaa flamhlea laat week mr jen hurt of toronto visited nt mr p hills last week mr wm hnyder or hlnra visited at mr h oiiiihiiib last week mlmtoxaoainhleinenta few days with oamphellvlllo frleiida during the wnak mia i hwankhatner and mrs j hroivu of lliualiouae vlaltl nt mr 3 murraye tuoadiy tub boa ii d or ktduoation day evi in is pi mini of kilutalloii met mi mou- ilug in igolar mttii ion mem eul 1 it agnew clialrnmn ino a mnwil i t anil ilv 1 ullni if liiudell and a k nil kilo ounce preutntd rt p nt and iironimend- alouoitaiirollowai i ii piliu ullll blip i 10 mi i 17 pph- i as 7 k ciniiinttl ml pin pill h h ci ih ri nt wiif oiloptid lhe nt i utility pieuunttd the rt port of the pupt l of the htldeiits who had fulli dot tint lul ibpaitiiiiuiliil exaiit- llhllllll t iidru illn i til thil while it ivo to i nil i lio nt tid io i u of i si hoot bud in it b en fill tin fin i lint thepeicentiig i ulnilil piwn ua the blgbeat eotioly noil t ininltleinbly above tlin nvi ntyi of tho proi luce waa most ifihtuying lothe hiniid imd muut lw to o4l lull rea d in vilut atloiinl math rs lo town altut tlim tinxlon ujioii matleiu mr hilling to the mlimil the hiniid nd- j 1 ioo iikwaiio ioo tliu tulnri iliu tul will li uatul lo clylic liu i ah ftlja ti tliftt ii rurrli imllixittly ikulllvt iui i ckiarrli w la ilia tin lit liluaann railllrh a nntulltiilli until lull fif ih curalu ubmi luurnany tlnu illroi ily u i ii tlm liloul an i tin ion in ainr lien i ilia btnain tliarnliv ilulrtiyliil lb tiiitu lallnn i ilia ilusaia ami plvllltf ilia pat- utii liaiihlli ly liiillitlnii up ilia noualllullnn ait bmlatlnti ni uro in ilolut it wins tlia i oj tlstiir tiavaan muoli aitlt in lla nuiatl uiwava lliat lliay okar olia hull it 61 ikillan tat biuthxb dial it fall lo euro huoil tar ii i uf mi j uilnjjyaco toulo o vail urn sir lllla tar i ibiliatlot ad in hlll tab a ot- albanai dlble olaaai luut hunday u licturo was given by thuhictoron die convlislon or ht paul acts ix next hunday the paper will be given hy mr llttloy and mr mclmthy will preside a small package ol jello makes cnouoh dessert for a large family at alt urocor io cents pun paokaob loos catsup flavor and preserver ib n lo neon t rated extract of apices it yivca labor and material prevents fermentation produces natural red colored catsup of flno flavor far ohonpor than splcou si cents a bottle tor aaln by i a uodkhthon drugglut acton ont georgetown floral go u georgetown cut flower growers runeral and wcddlngr orders a specially all order placed wllli mr u a ilobiirlian drilffqll aclan will roclv prompt ijtlenlloti the unapproachable sovereign hot water boiler tho sovon iii eoiifltruc- tion in tho only typo of boilor nncla that cn ho repaired ii r acohbary wiijiout taking down tho wliojo fiinmco its lifo will ho oh long as that ot tho tribnt hulmtuntinf building in which it may holnntnjlod tlin mlvrrrlan itll water holler ii r urowa ll ii la mini no r liurilir tuirla ami airllniis nmt any inliirrl pwi iir uiiilnfi may hi rradlly rrj iiili i wiliiimit iinna- eaaury oippnar br iojirj wrttt for oil boohltu tayl0r40hbe8 kakff- quallph ont rancmii 10u king r wat terante ia oralo treat waal mertlraal nassafawcya lumber mills lumter ibiii and shlngles ataaya on hand cheap 1111 hull cut lo order p sayerta sons juuioiwirri j o big bargains in wall paper at wce xr a brdwns some splendli offers for friday and saturday juat ltlvd a ahldnnt of job black silks contalntrtar nular 7lm mavy ohlfton rtnlahdtrrtt bltusk only sal priom boo m vd uagular dollar 1lail taffeta huu giiarunlmi woven en tulvuge friiuran toad fornix moutlia atahut crulklntr or mpliftlhtf kals price 7jc a yonl aeniamliar till ia regular dollar block silk we offer far 7sc a yard uaitular black taffeta bilk ktiaruiitr on twlvupfe u imiaiiliful piality jflle price hsc a yard rccdlur sv malk p u nnie guaranteed fr gnod wear alu price ftjoa yard t orat balai of comrortcrs kvary woman who atseiiirana of uttm vpolal comrirtr buyai at normoualy duo ad prlemi itrculur j3s conifortoih f with lurkey- retl hint or cation ere lied wilh plain lurkay 73 x 7 very large hale ith pflce i 4j kuritlar 9i 50 cotufortbji filing and back qf turkey red tliltjt and mi liniaro pattenim note 73 x 7 si1iiirlli7q flanneldnc at loo m varrd is inches wliu twict heavy uaiitifiloiial jty in llifki and in dark strijw patlerau tliebctit imanneletle in lli market for toe u yard flannbllt1k ijc a yd for u- while umd cream flanaeleltea 3s in wide extra heavy quality ragular rsc a yard for isjc a yd bararalmn in dress goods bale of paln dreet soetlh friday nun hutur- aj regular soc plalu llar- nthesfr in colorg tirawn blatb myrtle and tar diiiul 1 1 jfll r jirlce nc special prke 31k 11 yard reculnr 50c plain sjtl tlollim full rang of colors navy hrotfn fawn copenliugen grtty car- diuulmyrtle anil blnck our prke friday and saturday jjc a yi kalln aoths are narlkularly tond style tit in imtimer taffelta ribbons ln4dlnaintwllthh 1 in 1 in a in utul 3 ill l ben vride ilciivy ounhtj iwau tlful fluisli tl llk tlbhi i inclt in regular j foric ainrtl 3 inlli ittreij laju for tc n jard i inch is rri lot for 4c a yard 3 1ncl1 in rcjf am for ijc a yard colors cream alty black white navy brown reseda fawn light gray yellow alice hhil brnnie special offers in mens store we luivo tno much better clum men a uuderweir 1lrat lotis is leittt iniut ifro ikh mm h heavy knellhh nindu pure hhrtiuk wool vmlerwear imnui- tard unahriukahle full fauh lotted regular 1 on to 3 m accord i nt ti u irjca all round f 1 50 u piece man u heavy caalimeru hnk natural color with red and with bhla pucj heel and toe wom every where at rue our price nyc a pulr xfen a dtock cnshmcni hnco baaiittful aoft quality v rcgnlurly nt joe our price 3j0 a pair men odd tantb id dark neat twetid pattern ueuulir pruo 1 on our sprtful price st so menu odd panlu soijtl wonited cletlin dark iieat striped puuorun ueguljir prlti si jo our price fri lay aildiuturdity faoo 1 heo wo h ne aro atwohltiiy new nohjcht at clearloar prlcts will be fioltl at clearing prices a great shirt for a dollar mens uagllko shirts plain fronbi mid full pleated frnntn lu plain and in corded lotlm it neat pntlema mid it white 1 tiifl 1st comprise a full ranp ef spot paueras with or without pleats regular vain i 35 prlco friday and haturday all round a dollar each g b ryans mens store g b ryan co we do what we say p3- loofc well wear well dress goods hnd ladies suitings blues greens browns etc 7c 100 tm harris co limited rocksmood ina rartoau irrllaforoauloflua st al ghurcli allf bun day oct ihth biimby inornliiu himilay evnnliik aerv d fltlu illlllb f0ii saijk ami tt j won uhiiiaum iwoiuimiininc piioimoiitv for sale hr rolliulmlnslnla 1 u ii tlmnhy rfmmeitsoit hoaudens wanted toorilccoiilhlulallno a oily in if mltri w if toll ull foit nam- it n0tick to rrtrditous in tlio mtaltor or tits batata ot aukc- rindar ai 6orl laita or th vii- or aoton in tba county of hal top kfamntratr daoaaaad to 11 a o t tftltam aim 11 1 hi rrala4 notk k is i anal v blrrn fill liavlliu fluin auali at ilia a alaiauilara hum rtl who lied 011 or aim 11 1 uili rtay nf nitnil 1 a 1 luw ara rnn in 1111 1 1 ihmi 1 raiai i onlullvar lu ii j halili mio tor ilia finoiuoc en or man halilay nf uamliir a u ilrtiiu an t itanl linn uaillnulari t llialr ilali mioily iir aiiyj iml i ii smlltiaialtarlliaaal i ilaltlav a utor will irooeiu i dulilli his alil ilareaiail mi null i liu iatli liavlna rrar i only to ilia i tlm natura ul tlia it iluly cartlaatl nt ootolxr ilia an ia tuala of nlltlait talraa ot iloli ii tlisll limn liava ii tiotlea pauiltlila nttliday oroctoliar a i loom ii j mdnahil 11 1 aetou uol voiiuntbbil bounty ag1 100b wnriiliiir to imirclinrcrh ii 1 iii iilpntii afr lean voliinuar lialiv wavalaiipoliiu nil mtiat lia iti ilia form pi llliaclal allanlloii la calla i nf tli 1 lull i of a routh ar atilltla4 lo a uni air u i lullim jllv jj ii huiiimiioh h n baelloitsof ilia wliloh provolaa tin ola volunlaar liy il tula aliall lia aociail or raaouimad by l uaitailmaiit nt ilia inuilay wliuli is 1 kircirrsiiahiiiittbii yrtu thm ntb or tum wtrrimt ran tsb inn irjnt uud hv ilia ulnularemillllibbiiil daance in favor of tit yoluillaar oslli htpunibar wm alma ladies college st thoma ontario flul uiliii french ottnnu rawing wit- laundry njid library for one year 180000 endowment henco 200 p- clr for wgular courae t v includlno jutlii praneli atrnti bcience runoforte with board room beparate apartment for younger puplla newest fall footwear just hrrivbd geo stovel the shoe han is now prepared to supply nil customers with tho latest and best makes in fall boom and shoes increase your salary i 1rpr fraptrtllou due ii atund j elliott xobonxo omr atia tlia tlma to pomratnaa ii now oaaliiinilrailamlana fro 111 ulnar imiltim twllaaa h pltsd ihla enllajia jlitiln 0 11 dttaa till iova t wa pla ilia if noiblrin alt would miify u- tela ixovaf itfalta would 1 iliould aaluiy you iirlllr s smiirs bmeloymaul dominion elections october 261h 1908 vote for harrison for halton for school boys and girls the tedd boots give the very hirhost satisfaction in point of wear comfort nnd appearance repairing ilcitly nnd promptly done geo- stovel mill st acton public nifltlneh in th intoret f tlia lbrnl camtlaat will h hlil kilbride tluimliiy oct istli nelson irlday oct kill postviue buturdiiy oct 171b bronte monday oct 10ii1 acton tucidny oct lotli fall and winter overcoats a clean new stock awaits your inspec tion come in and try them on to assure you that tho style tit trimmings work manship and price can not be equalled any where oc j wallace mens outfitter mill st acton department of llailwnys and cnnnn cimndtt tnbnt canal ontllonia lak dlvtlon huctionxo 7 notice to conrjlactolls seamntcndum aliioia1 to tlia nnaar- lanail anil aniloraed tamlar for trant canal lll lia rioalhluain 10 o olocli ion toaa day iliosituofliolxir iduh for ilia woika eon- nww willi oomtryollon of hart ion no t ontarlouloa ilta omion of hie canal tlani ltoinoailrnaauillliofoniioflliabod- iraoi to lo oiiail into can tip 0 bni fplbar 1ww al ida oltlea of tuaolilaf 1 tiultiorot hi ueiamuninl of kail ways ana unal otta anil at tlia oltlea o huiur niamllnu kjujidmi- trant cana rboro out al whlcli nucoa forma ot land- ila olitalniht dlaa unilarlna will raiuirod to aoeart ibafalrwadm bolimlulu prerarwt or lo b nrv ara1 liy ilia llaartmil of labor wtileb oftadala will form part ot ilia oonirioi oontrafllora ara remiaat to iaar lo tnlml 11 not ta aonildirtxl unlaw aceordattoa witli ilia irintad a airlotly in onn i ami in tlia ciaa of flrtna onlaai t aliaclioa tba aoiaal alaiiaratna uatun of tho ooiipstlon and ilia plica ot rmldanea ot aaali matnbar of tlia nrro bum will lit fnrtaiiatf if ilia vrt tandailm daollnaa auiatltio into ootitraoi for ilia work bi lbs ralm itata1 in tha ortor ubmlltad tliaelianua tlma ant in will u ramrnad to ilia rmpaollva ooniractors wlio lamlaia bib no aooiitd the louait or any latitltr tint nietiitrlly llyorlur t k jonhh daiirttnii of llallwava and cbiibi ottawa hviuuinliarduli lutw io nsartlna lhl tdvarlliamatil iiiaiw wl11 georgetown wcdnanday oct atnt burlington tlmnulay oli iaad oakville friday oct ajnl at eight oclocic p u tho catidldau dr ilarrlaon mr jno u uoorefor ur a k uwis k c andothera will fpak at pnatvlllei hlr r- p hevd k c will apeak at llronla ljleubcoi a t thompson at acton mr petar modonahl okueputy tiyteuu or at qeorgatowii i ur ii m mowat k c atbiirllriftoii mr a k lowltt k c a a d mr kobert uokny jr at oakvlllo ladloa aa wall as gautumon invited ooo save the kino i n6 hh tho very latest now york and english styles bo sure and buy your hat hero style and value unsurpassed r e nslsqns qs itfvndhbk strbbt ouilph a pointer on proscriptione if you would have your prescriptions compounded from the strongest and purest drugs skilfully and accurately pre pared boaring tho full measure ol medicinal vnluo if you would have the satisfaction of knowing it is obuolutoly right como hero e a robertson paper makers abokokto wn out hook niswa and coroiiin papisrs jnorjtannun ourworkvviu bear inspection dbuggist acton aoton hand laundry acpn utunclry imtliiau from mr jimsb wjbaier will lau cliars mm momuy i lintl 1 1 io riitiafacilon o pleaslns nil ciibtnmarb who pulrnnltod mo ilurlru tha ihrau yur i waa hi liiitlnam luilora rtnil i am now in n holier pisltlon than aur lo do aatlauctory work llw uniiitry worh i turn nut will altvavs uoar inapeclinn j i clavel mid blrcol acton

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