Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1908, p. 4

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txiit ttan jfrcc rtss mi ima h mm ii r hnw iihuaurabt ninnlch andtka u ml di i i 1 tir im i 9 m hi ii nl in iiy hiiiiii qn ii 1 oltl in il till mom k ai 1 iiolty ill mi ill y llinoumu m huh in mlllltlk w r liiui in in uii r ii bt hi ll hill 1 lllhi tll r i limy day 11 i 1 iimk iilil l 111 l my itioi ji u hi hill kill lilt w mi while ilu ic- intr lrluut ll itunlti o nut i liem nil tlio ai 1 nnytl llkuu eyoii liui or ill ii u iii l tjllllitt willi will i havo for that p w 11 dour lllll a ml tun 1 hliv iilli 1 want to ti ymi i ml llnir lwyl r mnl ini in mil ilu finmi 11 ai 1 flux i fo hi uflr iitnii u vi ru to im in nl mr ih ix h mi ill t ill ami willi i 1 1 mil i mid pun w ii tlilll luntliihi lifjtlv mi tin- utl 1i111 ami uiiytlilrm li llmt yon ran or j ilea h ait i what fur tuv mam 1 any rhulop yon dfiir tin sdhud of your own uwuxt vnliu and your kiiitl prt suiii i alwnya tim ii in of tin day lllto ahntloiib t l awy from your wml unlit mill uvi u- ltiii rest dux juut in tint wnv i love tint inset ho ivlian you tint pliurnliiir our iwi- llfflit tan with ii special thnunht in your heart for mi ii citrtaln to rivo nw thoao all llioae a oiaamtttk soliloquy i nm not much of a iiintlirniatlclnn lint i etui adil tu tho hoy nervous truuhhs i cun subtract from 111 a pliyulcnl r mirny i multiply hi nolle nuil palnu i ran divide hie luontnl powcm i cun talo interest from his work and discount hi tliniicti of uucrnus a phi tor all hoiisuns winter und biiiuiuar in liny latitude whollior in torrid nona or arctic tumpointure 1iirinoli nu vogutablo pill can iw do- piidfd upon in do tholr work tim dyapitptlo will find them n friend al ways mill should curry tlinm with hint ctfitrywlinro thoy nr mudn to with stand nny climati and ere warranted to keep tli nl r fronhnisi mid ulroiiftth limy do not prow alulw n pinllty not pnuuitsuid in niiny pill now on tho nmrkat a do voi it linriiilt llvml in a en vat near which a uhoplierd fuldud iiib1icu many of tint aliei p luting stolon tin aliitplicrd was unjustly ulltod by hi in i i it iiu iiiiik minciriicd in tlio theft tlio hormlt beliiraa innncant niiin put to dintli imffan to uapct tlio oxlutfuirunf a dlvino provldoncr unit vpuolvcd no longdr to per plot him wdf with tliu iindliutii bavarltlob of re ligion hut to mix in the world in tmvtllliik from ida rotlrniiiont he wib inut hy mi inicl in tho flguru of u iiuiii who anfd 1 am an nnel anil mn font hy und to iki your compnnlnil on thu road tlmy onturod a city and hflwfud fot limlfinf nt tho lionaa of ii knlfflit who antartainod thorn at ji gplnmllrt otippor in tho night tlio angel rouo from it la boil and strangled tho knlhth only child who wm nalcitp in th orndlc tlio hermit was nfltoulblmd nt thin imrlmrotib return for bo iiiuoli hnupltality hut whi nfruld to iiinkit nny remnnbtruncn to hl oompan ion niikl morning they wont to anolhor city mora they wont lllwrally r- culvttd in tlio iioiiho of an opulent cltlzon t hut in tho night tho nngfd rohv and utole a golden cup of lnnllm- nhlo vuhio tho hermit now conclud ed that his companion wai m hail angel in traveling forwnrd tho noxt morm ing lhoypiuibedoviirulrlilgflulhuttho middle of which thoy mot a poor mnn of whom thu atigol aakod thu way to tho imut olty iluvlnff vccul tho daairod infornialloii tlio atigal pimhed thu poor niiut into iho wutar whoro ho unu litiniodlfttely drownod in tho oviiiiiiib thoy urrlvcd at tho hunsn of a rich man und hugging for it lodging were onhrod to nloup in a nhed wllli the cuttle in tho illuming the angel guvo tlio rloli man tho cup which he had utohtn the honnlt iiimixitd that the oup which wan htolou from tlinlr friend nud hiihruotiir uliniild lit given to iuh wlu iifuid thitii a lodging began to hit nnw doiivliirihl llmt mm eiiiiipunlon wiim ii duvllt and iwggid lo go on iiloni lint ilu ungel bitld ilvur mo mid ihpuit when hi li it in your hi rmllugo a iliiplii nl win kllleil hy hht mastiii jin wau intioniiit of tho hiippiirud iiltiniuit t hut hud hi not huuu thvn killed hu would liuvo ooihmlttml oilmuulu which id would hnvo died impenitent hu innatur ondonvora to htuitt for tho ituiritur hy dedloiitlng ho romalndor of hlu diia to iiiiiib mn doodu of charity vstiiiightd thitclilld of the knight hut know that iho fat lun who mo in tent on heaping up 1 1 lieu for ida dilld in to ucgleot thoho iioib of pttlillo iiiuninmtnflii fin whloh ho wiih iwfoio boillutlnguluhod mid to whloh ho huu now returned 1 mtulo thi gohlou oup uf thu lioaplliihln pltuou lint knnw that f i oin u life of nil icunt temponinoe he imciimp in ouitutipionvo of uibbbb- ing tlilx cup it pmpotiuil drunkan und ih now thu must nhutiunloua uf mei i threw thu pom mnn intii tho wutui un wtiu then ho urn t and re- ifgloiiu lint know hud ho walked nun half iiillu fmlhei he would imvn iiiindiltnl i mnn in n utiitn of innrtdl nh i 1 givu the golden oup to the rich nmn who jerund to take ua within lila roof hit hua thoroforo ra- oelvoil hi rowurd in thin world und in tho next will siilfer for hla lnltnapl tnllty tho hornilt full protru at thenugola font ami riipiettlng for- kivoiiurh roturnod to hlu horinlugo fully convinced of tho wisdom and jim i loo of ciihio government tho kingdom of hoaven a nob wait ing until wo have dadldud mi tho bio- logy mid liutmvy tliu dovll wild vtorlaca otit night n prtiv r uoldlora wuro tiling tori ifil illllng udvmtmh u ml i fid lanlm mill vi lloiiu blghl- ut i ln i xp liiiore il i giitliiiiul ui mid tin- i impllio li lh tianwaiil an lilhnii iimii luhned with i iiioulli u hiutllng imli at llii iilv bl mhiiiil hul h i i ki lhy of hi- i ollllll- in iruw ill hi lug iiim throat lu iiuh ii unld i noilooll in imyu yo luivtt aitfii bom noiiiliifol ulgliti hut me ululrr middy iiutd to uipilut uo had when uhe wmiiid in mud a mwipipir uhrd to hoy two and hold oim in i nth hand iihout a hiijouut length opart unit then dhe bomellmini dltroverud hvr iij ua looking into fitrli olhir over the hililgv of hi r noai ior tlio retimlitiltr of the night tin re wnu iltira pcrfict pcncf ihvyhimtlw kaclliiil nnvoo -n-r- voummirkltloiwiinximiallyhttrlhutaliln lo ih fiulie illgcilmi ah the utomai1i doiiilnuti irtho lieivu nlitlwa a rouratj of iarnnhhia vrtahl- pill- will atlll nil illtthulwincen of thla imractirand hy ruuturlng tho atoumrli to normal acilm rulleve iho uurvea of irritation thinii la no krdiitlvn like micm nnil in thu ciirrediun of irrffgillarlllea of the dlgeitjve proceaaea no propamtlou hua iloue an elfucllvo work an can iw uhthled to by thoiibinid make it h into uover to any uny thing you would b nalnumol to hnvo your motliei hoar have you suspected your kidneys as the cause of your trouble h you havo butkuua trailing of tba foot and anklea froquont or auppraaaad urlna painful anaatlon whan urinallnff lonkaltiutlnglforothayea grutllilrat brink duit depoalt la tha urlna or any thing wrong with tlia urinary firuana than yimr kllnaja aro antoctad it la rully nut difsoult to oura kldnay trouuo in ua drat ataga au yoa kava to do a diva doamb kidmky pnia trial tluty bra tlio moat affaotiva ramady to 1m hail for all kldnay and urinary trouble lira alfrad lebuno black capa qiw wriloai i fool it my duty lo aay a word almiit your poaiia kidnay pllla i auf- fared draadful piln aoroaa my baok ao bad i con nt itoop or band atar having uaod two lioiaa i faalnowmoatoonspiauly ourod tbanka to your pill i klglily raoaumanil uoana kldnay khua 1rioa do ranti par box or s box for gl s3 at all daalara or aaoi dlraot on receipt nf prlo by tba dow ittdaay fill co xoroalo oal hoimo ahlnuu with a double luator wlion it 1b aot in humility an able utid yot hiimhlo man lu a jowol worth k kingdom ponn pounaattlon prlnolplaai plrat i wliou wo undertake to 1111 your biioacriptlona wo give thorn our undivided attention nnd boat enro tlio pntlonti welfare la our drat con nldorntlon bocond t wo gnorantoo our ilniga to ha or full strength as wall am pure and fronli third i our oiiatomer ra auppllnd with jiut what theyajk for t subati tilt ing la uover allowed painuh oulkhy courotmn if you are a aufrorer from kldnoy dlnejuo llvor complaint blood trouble rhoumauhm nauralglu- or norvotu proatratlon wo aonlldontly rooom- mend tho uio of palnea colory com pound this rollahlo and nnvor illi- appointing medicine la a true dlaoaw bnn labor nnd ayatom imlldor we atipply iho gonulno palnoo colory compound at drown acton ont kind worda are the ready ahango hy which a man pay hi way to iuccoss oahtoxlxa ihl kind vl hw aiwty bamw sunuu wfnalua induatry llfu above to input ion novoo toouitk aooldinohh day takatllailroraoqulnletliut all intulita raluttl uia ttioaay k ii oa to aui ie wurovmalinalufaoamali iloauaauu all uducntlon ahould loud to action ooctlio through imluorotlon in eating greon fruit in hi mmr many children boooina btihject to oin1ara tnnrbua caused by irritating aolda tba aot violently on tlio lining uf tlio intobtlnoa palna and dungoroiiapurglngboniud and tho dell- cato eyatom of the ohthl auffere under tho drain in euoh eaiea the aafoat and unrest nmdlalue la dr j d kollogga dy went cry cordlah it will check the lollntiimntlon and save the eliilde ufa lovim a wiak pot and ao the grlppo haa aettlad hi yor hetul mm mulvanny t olm afraid it liaa mrv ohhnon olin nfrald it htw mh u re that grippe in a terrible thing i and it dnobiilwayaalttlu in thu wakuat apot ao it dooi castor i a tlio icitul vnn itaxa alunyn honglit nntl wlilrh itmt boon in iiho for oor ynant inut borno the kltrnntnro of f u htut boon madu undor bin or- ljcj47wj5fij l urvlitlon alnco iu infancy mw fcttesw allowiiooiiotoaoccivoyoillntlilii- all ooimturrouk iiiiuntlniu anil jiintnagood nro itufc ilmiriinciit 41mt trlllo with nutl ondangor tlio health or in hui tu ami children exprloico ngoliimt t3xnrlment what is castoria ciihtorht u a himiihm ntilihdtuui fur cantor oil panv jrorlc jrop nnd hofttlihio ftyrup it lit alnnauiit it oontilfiiu iioltlicr opliiiaif moriihlim nor tin f murcotlo auiliktiiiiio itw ngo lw it irunnuitoo it tlrati y wonim iilut a idy h fovorlahtiohn it cure dlnrrliouti uud wind colic jtrallovoii aw tiling- tr mblou curom opuetluulloii mid ilnttiloiioy it fumluilliitoii tlio food rogulutcm tho fttoiikm ii mul joivl living lioullby nml nnliirul aloou tlitt clilhlrdiiu ianiiociitlio mothora irloml genuine castoria boars tho signature of always the km you have always bought in use for over 30 years chartered by dominion lomrnmeni halabllihad th6 the merchants bank or canada jiiiad opi icit montkiial imarail adilod four ilmai a year 119 dranthei proaldant sih ii mohtaou allan vice 1raaldant jomatham houobok vm general manager ii r iixiiokh capital paid up id 000 000 00 papoailaovsr 100300000 surplu 1400000000 total auati 13100000000 savins bank dhposits one dollar or upwardi will opa anaccaunl money wllherawable any dm no dalay rarmer8 sale notk8 wllle joint accounts wlion reqiioiisd wa will opan account a in two namea ao that alllter one may ilnw ilia money huabam or wlfo ale acton branch w s chisholm manager for diarrhoea dysentery and all summer complaints dr fowlers hxtraot of wild strawberry 18 an instantaneous cure it ha been uaed in tbouunua ot home during tba poit alxtytwo yenra and lw ilwayi given aalufnctlon vivtry home bhoiitd luive a bottle no a to be ready la cuo of emergency frioo 3d oenti nt all drugguu and daalem do not lot aomo tinprinclpollcd drugguit humbug you into taking uo- eaued strawberry compound tlio or iginal la dn towlehs tho rest nro iub- lututoa un 0 dodo utlihridgo altn writ 1 wo luivo uaod dil fowlbbh ernuor or wild bnuwneitnv nnd found it a great remedy for diarrhoea bummer complaint and cramp we would not like to be without it in the of course nil plillaunphy of kfo in imply to live but tlio quoetlon booms to bo 1 who uvea oulmtoxtxjl smhuui 1ln klnj von lliw hyi btimw if tboro lu any person whom you dlillko that in tho ono of whom you should nuvor apeak ceo 1 1 if wo wish to lw jiut judge of all thlnga lot in flrat pureundo mil- hulveu of thlu 1 that tluiru u not ono of ui without fault no nmn la found who can ncrpilt hlmaolf honoaa castoria for xnltati uld ohlldkn ida kind you hin always bought dear the egnature of pino foai here niako fine birds hut thoy dont maka thorn tnfete nny hot ter there novor was and never will bo a universal nannooa in ana rumody for all 111 to which fleih la heir what would rollovo ono iii in turn would aggravato the other wo have turnover in quinine wlno whan obtained in a bound unadulter ated atato a remedy for many and grlovoua llle dy its gradual and judlolou uio tho fralletb yatomi aro lod into oonvaloaeonoa and atrongth by tha influoiu0 wblali qulnlno oxort on niituroe own reatoratlvo it ro- llovoti thoao to whom a ohronlo etati uf morbid doapandonoy and bwk ol intcroat in life is a dliueao and by tranaulllzlng tho norvo dlaposoii to bound nnd refraahlng aloop lmparu vigor to the action of tlio blood whloh iwlng btltnulatod eonreo through tho veins strengthening tlio healthy ani mal function of the eyitom theroby making activity a nooeaaary reault atrongtlioulng tho framo and giving llfo to thu dlgobtlvo organs whloh naturally doniand ineroaaed aulmtonoo roeiilt improved appetite north rop lyman of toronto have glvon to tlio public their superior qulnlno ily tho opinion of aolontut tho wine npproaahei noaroat porfootlon of any on the market all druggute tol it oharactor u a perfectly educated will now man tho oil or tha people many oils have come and oono but dr thomas koleotrlo oil enntlnuu to maintain ita poiltlon nnd inoreaao its aphere of uaofiilnoia each yoar h sterling mialltlea havo brought it to tho front und kept it there and it can truly lie anil ad the nil of the people thousand have benefited by it and would uue no other preparation ileavon according to a sum i boy idoa u n phico whore nobody waihis lila face helilho with a word a young girl wnu pnahig lu r mgml grtat aunt one day when ubo middi uly atopped laid hr band grntly on tin- whltn imad and imld iiiuv pretty your hull in aunt alary 1 jin hlmpln woid hi ought a ijuii u hindi ofplohuuiw lo the wilnkled fi and ihiiiii wiih 11 joyouu iiilvf 1 in ill lull f ncunowhtilgiinnl of the npnntiiii tliu- illllu lioorh ay a young niiin ouco uald to bin mother i vou uhould imvn txaii a 11 lit hulhttf lo day wlinii 1 ifiiuilked nun- ally what a prutty gown you have 011 and how nice you took in it hlin ahnoht cried alio wa ho plenaed i hadnt thought before that aurh a little thing would bo likely to plenae inr i never oxpect to out nny cooklea na good us thnuii you uaed to mnke mother an id a imarded ittiin one day and ho wan sliockid when ho saw ovl- ilinit dwllght lu lila worda for he re- ihrmhirod that he bad not llioiight to buak it fore for yoara of nny of tho thousand comfort nnd plenuuich with wblchlirr akljl and lovu bad tilled his ihiyluiod hisuiiahb a traveller visiting larla for thu his tlinn itccaivio initoh intpreatid lu i lie lltlleltoy in white onpa nnd apron who deliver the wnroaif tho pastry cooks ah i bhiii thu traveller one day to onn of tho youngsters who ijnd brought him initio rakaa t suppose you get the ttonuflt of one of thoau rjikes youi self sometime p pardon sir but what do you mean t you oat a cake now and then ehf kat them alrp oh no air that wouldnt do i only lick thorn as i come along womens ailments thar la no nd whauver for ao nmtiy woman to autfar from palna and weak nnt narrouanaa and alaapicundu anmniu liyaterla and malamobnlla faint and dlny apalla and tha hundrwl othar ironblca which randartlia life of too many woman a round of alaknaa and buffering milburns heart and nerve pills have nattered thmimtidi of canadian women 10 keiiih and strenglb youns girl budding into wnmaihnoii who auoir with palna and lieailacliaa and whoa faoe la pale and blood water or woman at tha enajino of life who aro ner vous hubjaot to hotflualia faallnn nf pina and iwadlm eta are tided over thoa try intf tims by milium heart and narve thay luve a wondarfol affnet on a womans ayatam making palna and aolte vanish bring eolor to the pais oheak and bnarkle totneaya til old worn out tired out languid faalinj glvo plaoo tn alranotli and vitality andlifo bmih worth ulnb price 8 eanta par box nr 1 lxtxea for ii 2a at all druajfat or whiiimi dirunt on rmalpt of price by tjixt mliurco toronto ont tho man who spend tiundaya dreaming over heaven often spends the week growling over tho dirty city ojlbmtohxa buratba 1ln kind you lliw tiwifl bfli it la hotter to lie nobly roaoinbled then nobly born itusuln bwa a almatar avary box of tha ssnulaa aullvo bromoquiniiio tbuu ndv thai at em lia 9mm day measure thy minds height by tlio shadow it oaata drowning oonntleai havo boan tho cures work ed hy hollo way corn cure it line a poworof ita own not found in other prepnrhtlon a man who make f rlouds easily anil keeps thorn i euro of onjoylng llfo 18 wl na bean in ua for over 30 yaara and la ennililared by all who havo uud it to be tba heat medlolne for tf ad blood bad bowels bad breath it will thoroughly rnnvftu tha tntlr ytm nil nik th lilaml pur hah un iwt rarlns itnll plmnlm kcum hlngwnrnii rrulll blood tbu iklrtillumm l icevonrj u lemuck ltd u ofltr yea ir irll but zsnbiili corriblrjr lb inowltr of lie bbciebts villi fie kuui 1 le cliirlolnri ilidlitwi and wrillr or ucleot crce brui d i i i 1 loelr conlait wllbont nmo nplo wound or mm p ub l olrtnl tor i day and not raoe of animal fat or mineral belien d that it i aullabl for uo dalleal aara ulear or ehrenlo wound th rult znrbuk on th irlrry i faolutfy tr irm y ii t i h nliu d purill w it aluiy hup ln frah arrd iwat vlth jkiwrub 1 iiftiriiiajlrivrifjf mduh rravar a rrrlrl it to u jijslsil 1- olvn him iambuh na- fopl av baka or hllno proo1 baglrr completely healed ivin viimai jm mkouii nr it lnnla nirrl rlrairnnl wrlloii wllla unllilnif alinul in u rfl i i rtt mi a rtulf nail whlli ptnrirnliil hi iikii l itavln an ualf wniinl 1 lnllinl ittt will an1 appllril 1 inllon lnl mil imirninv my finl wii in it tnrhlinr mnitlllin vtrv ntinvi in- flamcl a nt nlln ami i aihffrril oriil ln t it ml tn laf tif wntk aa i until nnl luar lo pul sy font nn iho aro it ml i rfhrrd llnnrt imlinnltt tir all tlavi f mirfrrixl nlrnf ealn i i nl i 111 mm frlnl lrnnalu nir m kantlluk an flfir tuln ll a tw lnt my tniil wi wnntxr- fully imiirnvaa 1 prpvrr with kant nnu anil ulaar rlnawnrm llfii lnriara raili monti nniinn 4 l salt rhmini alraalnna miolrfiixa aula tjiirna sratija anil all ihln inhtrlf ak bhrl ttlxcaafa if all alnroa ant nru- awbbb el ua nr kamtluk c rarhln far erica try it at our cost band this coupon the name nl thla paper anil ft oneoent atuuip to pay return postage to zani- lluk oof toronto and you will reoetve e dainty sample box morn proof tlint iydlw 12 lnk- linnrmvvgotiililoooin pound euro nick woiiioii mkim it morim ib ontiulfl st lontixalwrltoa to alrh pinkliam i ivft in very poor heiilth and itoo- torott for montliu ncnivlng very llttlo imj it 11 fit i bad lost all aiuhitloti wri nrrvoui and hiibjeet to dly apotta and painful period each month a friend aiiirgcated hydln e pink lama vcjtotlilo lom pound a the f roper meillolne for mo i procured a tollln pt this remedy and ik fan tak ing nnd itftforo it wa finished x felt u milch italterthnt i oonllmied it uue and uo it a thorough teat with tllb reauli i am today woll and m muoh hrallhlar girl than i wn tlinto year nao i linvo no tnnrn painful ptnrloda ilvaxlneaaor nervous trouhlra racts ror sick w6men for thirty yearn iydln k pink- linmh vcgotamo conipoiuul liatlo from rootii nhu hcrltit imii been tlio rituwlnrd rnmedy for fomnlo lila fiiidlitumihtlvolycitrculiouhfliulno wnmnii who havo iwett troublod with illnplnrpmiinth lnllnminnllnnulrarn tion llltmld tmnorii irrcgulnrltloh luirlodln pntnh hrtrkncho tlmt onr- ingdnwn feeling hattilonoylnillpwfl- tlnnhtzlnehflnriiorvoiiiiprohtration wliy dont vou try it mr imnklmm invltou all ah k womoti to writ lior for ndvlro hlin has un id ml tliouaiid tn toiilth add reus iynii muu ouolph t5as ocas dllcjc mhaomfi fiiwif vpttmr wyfilhmttt hi ommtiih out a 1iici ctash inilllutlon fuumhil in j hh hy ill praatani illnclpal iamouhk the trnlnlntt school til many auccauliil hiialrtoiamaii liolh canalii anil american iiiinoutsmi ai ill fountain haul and anurc uf rim canadian club in canada huikkiok in lu idaal aplrll and leach intf ua iralnml iiraduniea are in con slant duma tut ior pitkniri rail at ilia collaa ofllc ij7 uppar wyitdltam ulraal or addraaa malcolm maocormlok ba prlnolpal evertom edeh mills th um tjualtty q manitoba family mna paatry flour for inlo at lowotit prloen out own maka chopplnif done and oats rolled every day pead for lata caib for wheal and oala mm henry hortop glaovcs we invite you to exmine nt your delcra a pnir of stotfeya cowboy gauntlets they aro one example of the velvety softness combined with greatest pliability nnd toughness imparted to our gloves nnd mitts by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortable buy storeys nnd invest wisely insist on storeys nt all stores made at acton ont by canadas oldest glovers wa storey son fiirpitiire carpets etc if in need of any kind of fine furniture carpets oilcloths iron beds springs mattresses baby carriages etc dont fail to mark well tho stand 120 wyndham street and call and get prices special until sold sideboard extension table five diners and one arm at 8tts regular price 1850 one silk parlor suito allovor upholstered very handsome 4 pieces special until sold qm regular price 8000 telephone 253 j m struthers guelph tlio caiifulidii junk dopot pays cmli for old iron rags rubbers and fowl second hand utovott and ropnlm for farm machinery supplied morris baxb proprietor dox4a actou ont try j n oneills carriage works guorqhiown ont 1 nr mccormlcu dinners mowers kay itakea deere maniure hay lovilef dnln side pallvary hay lucki louden and wortnun a walil hay 1orl and blln omnia hay lorlt itopo mccormlck hinder iwlna llay fork irack and ill bind ot track hanrora blone hoata and huy racks uocbiliiill wllklnann nnd ileury llowi also ropalri for all the nboo mkclilnei in the carruffe line i have a very full utock ol dubblea surrlei anil market wadorfl the lalait iiyloi my own nnd mclaiinhlln gos 111 en 11 fact uro at rlht prlcei a few qood second ban 1 diirhibb nml woflona will he bold cheap come lu thoie shops for your carrliro ltopalrn t j n oneills ckrrikcb iniofjks cboncbtolllin ont new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros guelph art stork aoton grain elevator and feed store we buy all kinds of grain and sell all kinds ot feed as well as norval flour meals etc r noble atorlatoi n r uoorlb manaafai the oram trunk railwav pahskhohii tiiaino rillnwu ft i till uiii at wlilcli r k i dyeing diidii aa luiili hull u i 0renal iwljva milk ami winl ttriin jai liu iiiiiiim iiouh liolldnol kiiiuox hllllari uilihih aln hi tie it i luiii anl llua nlwaiiail dihl and rmlil j i lr an 1 wool llatlraua aiil vaalliaf f latiovatetl al tii gemmell go sloam dyijrh and claanera iof rpperhnillnmrfi i tlbhllaliad 1bb7 pi toy 1 co v cuvavh mlbb ilint man acion arfnt w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main blrdot aciflti oppoalie slcnliernons dlacltimllll bliop all work nuil ran rod the work ofdera left at a t drowns dtag slora will receive prompt allsntlon w h walker aotoh kctotn 1 v hj x bus likt the under sinned respectfully lollclla the patronako of the pub lic and inform a litem that wall a comniritblo hua meals all irjlna between to 00 a m and 6 10 p m careful attention chan to every order the wants of com- mercljltravellera fully met john jjlillltnjutts pnofmaton excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we alho carry n splendid stock ol groceries and con- lectioncry t statham fc son mill btpmt anton wcodeac raving dhotoengravinc halftones or ajilf cu35 of emgflaina advtj juonesen0c patents dkbmns otnatvmohta ao vrjki 1 nr liimuitf thhiuamn era hip a hoh you era aw litdud batiil in a niubh akatcti 1r mndil nf yni1ii wnllon ariiiirnviiistil nni wew in iyt it our opliilmi no ttlirlhrr ill pobmi palaulalltt udlit arrllcallanahlvasuc baaii mirermhilly itiucniel ly 11a sf aiidwaih iifltoiti lliln iiiikiilttaiia to nrontbi ryduiialcliworknnililitkblymciitevauhla bilifaailat uieliivnllii llli7t ratri ji nnta rmctujt llirouoli mat ion fc ua rlon re4l o aooclal natlca will nut curaalh ovr to iifwhwimra lulilniicii tlirouaiies uwdniiil itnbll marion rsc marion paiant expert und bolloltor in und bolloltor 1 tmsssasbb

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