Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1908, p. 2

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v wi s7p8 1 wjbrfxu wiiaom vaaeaa on th radar ool hth l fjorarkiniai t hona uallus bylbeuav k a uadunlr d ii alalatad by tba bar it w m a ai ula ullioliii imhi ilaulilar nf lleitioritii i cluvrnnr an i mn viaaar in thett- wlllumtl wilton dlhi altatam gburab lulb oiuiln utku mmli yr pimimaahfiulliiiu at tor urn onhatttrdsy utuob mil iitiiuuti mob or jjtrn a lallaraou u l ail as yeaie ttawk it har it lima bows main hlrvat aaloii on haiti lay tlair utlu calbarlne oleverly deusblarul william liana in liar 1mb year tasj ai ii a vlbm of bar tint lit jul it hi tali la lea imrnhetn aenua torouut kail woodmen llaarly belotad mil of ho w imnavluuilluhi sire 3utoit 3frre jjrccs tilltllmuay ootoilku 2j loutf henderson and harrison jotdully nominated t button teat monday jtouaina muktino amenvvahd at n crowded meeting tf tho ol tig tore of lultoti ijeld ht milton on muudmy mr tmv1 lldnderson wim iimnlnated eat the oitiiairvutlv raiidldstv ami or lurruou stood fn thu litwrnl lntrrst hihfclit urit dtllvvrvd 01111 nl mated miillt not by tint two candidate muj mr j w curry k 0 tf to ronio nli uilrhihl tin nlvellng on behalf of the liberal cnlmutr uoth candidates not good receptions pr harrison being particularly well re eelved dr harrisons fine meeting crowded halt kjetejria to hi ctaav end kutd prftainuuom of tftiblte afthlra ool thompsons ah lb perch not h a long hint i as thorn boon s llu u political tiirtliig hnhl in anton as whu that of ir harrison hut illwritt cttiiilldiitt mi tuesday nvi n ion tim imll whi crowded to tho douii mill llin lnru niiilliioi which liujlinlud many billion was nioht order jy hihi iiliiitlvn ihroiiglmut the hjitcliim wuit lllliirly ritivnltl or bitter netiti mid riimlirilniitluii 1 liny wert ii i ml unit a mid manly n tnnii und with hit oltjui tlcniiolti ouihdiinhtlra- of nil y li hi the clmlr wh iiikuiint ttlnlit o liv mr a miirklminrr imihiiimiii of llo lnnit mlinl avj outlon in hrlff h null lir ifittt mi ntittt kiiii inlnr tmllnir hkinm f tlx miry uruflfjiiik iiu inolulniriiiln ur ll4i nvimntnl fhli w frlil rjuil i nihirio tul twulw jv it un llltll iiiiiaiiiichi dr i in lum hh tlio coin inn fc urownitiittvn if ii itimi in tliti llmiaw- of oimirtotiy mditohial motkm during tli mt lv yr tti cnm duo ptulfln iutlwwy liu npnt on n ro more tlmn lx million dalura tr yr upon qiilpmant it atku wtnti ilk thli tliat bring forolttly to th mind th fot tbst th bualn or thu country it inorcaalng by ipi and bound dmpit tbli trmndouit it 6rm n fcellltlm it w t time found difficult to hindl tit liutlnaw o1tring nd t th pr4ent ninmtnt vary kvhiimtqi niln nd car i work- ins to the unlit of lea power tbs paopla of th united hutm ra maluing th naoeulty and importano of i national lord day alllanov tmllar to th organisation whloh ha bn o taotlva in oanad in pre mtrvlnp a rt day to th popt bnr- ally a call ha hn iwumi for a eon- ventlon tonrghnla on tho llned to b hld at pllubutff pa on daetnthcr 1st sod and 8rd thw olroular an dourilng th oonvanllon bay i tliu work carried on in canada under on wsluorganlsad national organlaatlfln u wall upporld hly nianl and u doing moat affaotlv and noourg ing work itav t albert moor glsner secretary of tba lord day allunn of canada will be one of tlie prlnolpal peakra at the convention plnedvrined reading u the led- ing feature of the november number of llod and qun and mptor sport in canada publlilied by w j taylor at woodatock ont the delight of eainplng oanoelng flailing hunting and mnmttuintttfilng are dwelt upon in tohaa whlolt glvw tlia udhwl tnuohfu of pmonnl eijwiwnoan to th pleauant ploturu of enjoyment aaoh one pre sent particularly notable are papure on the dtr of new brunswick by that veteran guide adam moore i deer farming for profit n aumniary of inqiihlea on tltu ubjjt made by th united 4uau government t nd wild itloe growing in nova sootla everyone will enjoy reading the itor lee with tba various dopartmnt the wealth of material included in thla number of the magaalne is surprls ing and include contribution that must appeal to all lover of out door ufa avbbbaat 4bbbbbbbbbbbbi ask ibal hrawvah tj asavfsa saeasah aaav aaabbaai rin w 9 haiiniaou lllwral onndllla vv the anglican synod of cnda wbloh waa in annual seejon in ottawa recently made a strong vonnuno talent in favor of ijooal option it waa recoimnended that full advantage be takeo when praetloable of the local option olauaea of the license law by aecurlng the adoption and en- r fommmsnt of local option bylaw the revised rtport of the committee submitted by canon ingles of toron to recoinmendad also that the ltcenae oommlssloneni should be in terviewed in every municipality and the request urged that window should be uncurtained and alt ohstrao uons removed which would prevent persons seeing into the bar from the treat at all hour of sal it ww aluo moved and carried that m league against the habit of treat ing to liquor should be formed th recommendation wa ntade that where local option did not obtain the hour of sale of liquor ehbuld be shortened aayy to mix thus rmpam at heme fey bhajonjr in- tdlentai weu in a aotue what will appear very lntrattng to many people hfrw i lb artlule taken front a naw york dally paper giving a simple preacrlpllon which is aid to be a positive remedy for back ache or mdnay or bladdsr derajigf mant if taken before the stage of bright disease i fluid rxlraat dandelion onehalf ounce i compound kargon ono ounoti compound syrup sarssparllla three ounoe shake well in a bottle and take in teaapnonful tloaes after each kneel and at bodmiu- a wellknowi druggist hare athoine whwjaedrgrdnghlm prescription tated that the ingredlvnte are all arntleew und can 1m obtained at a j small cost from any good prescription pharmacy or the mixture would be vl put mb if iwk to do so lie further u vhjid f has whl ibla pcvorlptloau pwri prfiearlhad in rhiimntlo afflla- m i wfc rewli he could js no reason why ifc would no be a wl if- vf plndw rmedy far kidney and ijrv wfa rsjtv troubles and baekaolu andllnai utwiiifwpfljjjj b m dr llarrlion wnsglven an ovation in his opening remarks after paying his compliments to the many ladles pimsont he said ito was pleased to meet thin large audience hi the town of aoton mr ilendersnus own horn lie felt that there was no personal quantum hi the present contest i it la a question of principles in a clear con cu and forcible speech of an hour th dr took up the only platform he oould and which the conservatives are using in tho present campaign and gave conclusive proof that every plank had ulrtmdy been taken up by the tiovern meat and waa actively lining acted up on he referred to tho matter of transportation l the effort for th betterment or tho farming interest i th opening up of the northwest the st lawronott houte i improvod postal facilities including tho rural mall de livery soma routes for which are already being arranged in ilnltoit county ho said the conservatives claimed something should bo done to keep the young men on the farm prior to 1800 the young men were going to tho united states by the thousands under liberal government thoy hava oome back by tens of thousunda and the farmers lot was so much improved lliwy now hud utile desire to letivo the farm itiifurrlng to tliu national debt be ahowud that under 18 year of con serve live rule it had increased 118 000000 while in 11 yeara of liberal rule the increase was but f 10000000 and most of this waa caused through the building of th national transcon tinental hallway one of canadas greatest nseds today canada entire debt could bo paid today out of what the people havw on deposit in the stivlnga banks and there would be more left in the banks than tlio total amount on deposit wlisn the conserva tives went out of power tho interests of the laboring people the emigra tion question the better consideration of ihihernieri ware alt ably touched upon in concluding dr harrison said a good deal uf emphasis had been placed upon the statement that he was an outsider more than half hla ii fo had however been spent in helton ui remembered too that some years ago the conservatives had brought an out- elder into hal ton in the person of the hon william madougall mr mc- dougall waa elected and hletorysoine times repeat itself he concluded go thompson of ottawa followed with a capital speech in fact ono of the most able and convincing political speeches ever delivered in acton the colonel i a very clear and forcible speaker and hla address was delivered with telling effect he was delighted with tha extreme moderation of the tone of dr harrison the candidate and the absolute absence of bitterns and personalities n bis splendid ad dress ool thompson in a masterly manner took up the questions of lha day he referred to tha prevailing references of the conservative speaker to graft and alleged dishonesty and lm pressed the difference between iniln uatlnn on the campaign platform nd in the party press and the making of direct charges from the floor of the house laet beetlou he said was the longest in the history of canada but in all that long session here was not a single conservative in th house who would jeopard his seat by making a spool ho ohiirg against any metnlwr of the government pur an hour the uolnnol held the large audience and made a telling speech th meeting closed with cheer for tlio king sir wilfrid umler nnd dr uariluon why so t0 college it 1 unnocetisavy to go to college when by our aorraipnnd enc course you nan hwooma an expert accountant oaaljler or lhwhksir by attidyhm li your spare lime at bonte we uae only th mot uptodata huslness methods and guarantee to muallfy you to take full charge of a set of books now is the time to start writ to day for particular toronto qnrreepondsneeoouge 4oxngilavi l toronto hindu lh brliunart have some of this its tho bcht dcbflert we kno anything about you never tasted anything one half so good jello the dbnty dessert will delight nil who unc it easily prepared simply ndd boiling inter cool nlul rcrvc jjo cooking no flavoring no bwectcning to uul no trouble no further expense get n pneknge from j our groltr to tiny and prove whnt wc cay in truo one package makes enough dot jcrt for tho whole family tite qnce ruwk rood co imnuo canaim hlofcut award oom medals l si feola portland and jamcstomm expoalllon sntiifnctlprt guiruntccd ii yon value 5i6ur health avoid cheap imitations jflivo coals a little more hut 10 okntb imclt lackagk sq7ve 5 q for friday aiqd saturday meia hhts the very latctt new york and enplixh styles be hurc and i u our hat here style and value unsurpassed r e inieusons os wvndhwjt strbbt oublph juet meeelved m alhlpmetit o job black silks cantalnlnat mswuhu 75a heavvy ohmbnrinuhedrafrattabtaek only bjelervteekoevl regular dollar black taffeta silk guarantee weven etl selvage gaariin teed for six month against cracking or splitting hale price 750 a yard remember this is a regular dollar black silk we offer for 7jc n yard black taffota hilu sb a beautiful o a yard regular gl guarantee on qtiallly sale price rflc rfjular bsc black 1eait d ril giiaranteod fr good wear haiti prion 6c a yard ormt of comforters every wbmsn who stouas on of theew bjpeolail comforter buyat att nermouety reduoed prf eea heauln a a lomforlors fin-i- 1 wlthlurlioy red chlnla r caahmero pallonia buiked with plnlii tuiketf red ttlio 73 7 very larje hale ptkc gl 4 heritur fts com forte r with facing and batu of tiituey red dt litis unit cuulimero pnttonlf uo 77 x 7 halo lrtuesr 70 m 1 feeling bad tkeanlwtamettonlghl vmvabtutofeltttmmat tuf smlm it sufabl im tanlittmi s4amfcwtiitlu npyu if if-iiir- wt ttrukyilmlaj better than pjsti tor uvr lili flmun 1 hww w tauah ynyul nt if bw aomk ski utfuki lm al ajantm auttm cfjllalafc gaaarlauwcaajtdammatajfc suwu bisaimmi oraatv puatw taj rtuuauutat as al tfctal jattaaatam liuata w maaaqh w taaihu i lu u man f j al sal ihmktih omslm l sail kvarnwa funnelette at too a yard 13 inches wu soft lifluvy beautlfulmisl- ty in light and in ilar it strlpa patterns tho beat iluiinefelto- in hie market for 10c a yard plannklfttls 13c o yd for ulc white iittif cream flanaelutles jj in wide uklro beavy quality regular ijo a yard for iian yd bptwlnailtf dress goods hnl of polii drew goods friday mid bulur regular 40c plain har atheasln color brown iiucu myrtle en dlnal reuulnr prliu sac hhdiilrite a trd regular 10c plnlii wit 1 11 clnllih full rmute of colom uuvy brown fiiwu copenliugon grt j ciir dlnal myrllu nnd black our price itlituy 11 ml halurrtay sscu yd halli cloths are particularly good style thlii taffelta ribbons in crtrrererttwidusj i in it in a ri uud 3 inoboit wide ucuvy quulity iteau llfvil fin 11 1 nil sillu rib bona incli lhregulfir7 for it u jitrd oj inch u ru tajc ft r c a inrd ij iikii ixrce in for ac 11 j mil 3 ihlii in re aoc for jc n yard colon cream sky black white navy brown reuda fawn liulit uruy vallow allco nine hranie special offer in mens store we have too much better cibm mane underwear i i ret 1ms la least lots i is re gotts uenu heavy kngluh made pure shrunk wool umlerwenr ouaran teed unshrinkable full fashloaed regular ti 00 to 3 so according to slie irtc all round gt jo a piece mens heavy caahmero bocks natural color with red and with blue spliced heel and toe sold every where al9 our price 10c a pair men black cosbmor hocks beautiful soft quality sold regularly nt joe wujr price c a pair uens odd cants in dark neat tweed patterns regular pf ice s our special price so men odd pants seuil worsud fcleth dark lleat alriped peturns regular price so our price frl dayandhaturdayajioo these two llneaare absolutely now tlowgut at clearing prices will lie sold at clearing prices a great shirt for a dollar mens neglige shirts plain fronts and full pleated fronts inplaltvand in corded clothu in neat patterns and in white this let comprises a full range ef spot patterns with or wlthoiitpleala regular value i si price friday and baturdoy all round a dollar eachv g b ryans mens store st amuivh glrurcl aoton hltctoit thn lnv matlbsw wilson m a r rh sunday oct ajlli sunday mornlntf service 10 30 sunday ovanlnk service 7 do ilrur bhrrli tenia itok 8alk d g b ryan co qi we do what we say for sale by e a r0bckts0n drtirrfst acton neglect ruins 100 witches whin uaw wear out ooe keep your watch clean and it is as natural for ll 10 go as for your hssrl to beat pkinolb has experience and ability 10 repair ana properly adjust witches pos sibly as great as any person in csnsda g d pringble the jeweller guelph no smoke usb no odor electrolene th oil that mvala blamu what ill electrolene electrolene is the highest grade of american coaloil ever produced and differs from ordinary coaloil in several important respects if you wish to save and prolong your eyesight and onioy the best light in the world better begin to use electrolene at once yours for light r f johnstone hrrdlnrkrb mill st acton ohaile palmer of merlin a local option town was before judge hous ton frttlny morning of five charges ol selling liquor without a llaonse ii was convicted on two charge and sen tenoad to twatvo months without tha option of a hue 10o p1hward 10o tfa raars at this mper vlll be plttmd te mm thai uisra a at leaw sue rtraa dlseat ins seuhm hu linn aula te sure in sil its mum sua tliitt is csisrtti halls oaurrb on tstbaonly ikwiliyeeuniuewanomnioihe msdlsal ralerulfy osuurin bslos a ormaum ilaiial djsasm rmtaljnh a eaasiuiiuoaal umt mini lisiuoaunlioirl ukta iaistmaur upon the biooa asit viumtis sur- a tk tauttb fshij mi its surailt ny ease thai it ialli to out aurl fqr 1ui of rtajrmsvj oiihmmy v 00 toledo ohle fehl atav or eeesupia qountbrpfeltgins mbhtalnobd aaas of ibs syiiea ottndailopotioedj strfnftti by bk mihffoa p m and asajstlos nature u 4ei ig if at milton on tooidtty thomaa orosler and hu sort milton came up for trial on the qhargoi counterfeiting thry iwith plaadedgullty and the 1 rat iter made a full oniifeeslnh police aaglstrilt smslda eenienced tint oilier ro htneyeai jfthepenltob- i tm brob4hl th prlonr 4111 b lijlgtwhililtgwiu bill in th wiwww f increase your salary i proper rreparatlea oosi it ituad utieobe j wagle jlagtjmmhm aauary l wruefoseaialefae w x buiottjhrliielpal pa lroeaad awaodwr feivaesty watch vouh tonoum if rurtnml susd coated he loofcltur olaaas aluhaaah wsalnt whn it la th morning after th night before you do not have to look at your tongue to know that the atoutuebts upsevtheheadleaa no appetite nerve on edge with all tbe sunshine of life clouded the real time h watch th tongue is all of tbvtlme iflt coated with a white ur or ptaatlmy with dark trlrumnpisf thoufth the stomiub doe nqttllyouargulnglntoabad way and hat thsr is need of allfna allona to poeltlvf so surev eo re- ilkbu in ito curative action upon th alonaeh that 4 brown th tooal agatts fklvtej guarantee dfeatlsfaotldn with every w otot boa or money bak w bhr ell kr7wc wool blankets 426 500 575 harris co limited rockwood l- uft special i for saturday only iron bed springs and mattress reduced from 5875 to sflils parlor suites 5 pieces plush reduced from 2500 to 187s call any day and seo the reductions on all goods j m strtjthers telephone 353 juelph fall and winter overcoats a clean nowstock awaitu your inspec tion come in and try them on to assuro you that the style fit trimming work- miniblp and prkcan- not be equallid any- where g j ijstallaoe ehs outfitter m acton qtjtaiity smm- paper at brosarais mill st acton pboperty vor bale w usjhhv hoojikrh or hoarders wanthd wui lj iflfothbm liross f 0lovr jtakeim wantkd ii a numeral lone llaiuit v ahuu wiutsrhi tmonle h utiatkit vou bale tn iii u r mllmiur ihaair for eul i ska brick ue8idknce fob salb oft rbnt that mainioilloua nw brlclt ratldanee oe ualo utraal slslil rooma with albeaaa eeabiy el 1 b main roouts have baea nwt mptnd slid daaotatatl hojl mster ilium hard walaf saavattlaiil unod labia hdmsi walks and simuid unlit ibebramuea tbaoaat- oot in in a oratelua onndltton vat terms sod mrtlaauirs siplytjii lbs umtnlaes w h roods also for sale fl parlor eoat atovae mlf reedem sad bleyelo la food eoadluoa u notice to creditors ft v o jmw ober ll iiibditoiih of tbe ralate of aotm maury v hoydatr mbo died on or about tb utb day afauaaat iww are aqulrad to sand paiueatars ol ibalr alalms tejamus hifvdar aston one of tba axaoutora ol ui aald aaiatf ttaloie toe lota day ol koanibr 1ww aliarwiijob date tba t at the nuvofibw flujrijuiino iii pioaaad tii dyrtrlbi ie amoiia tbr st be liable tor ii bsaelajmahal uia aaaate of ous thoaa enutlad uiaraio and ile lor i be said unit to any per liae baan veeetyad at ibaiaute vnioov tbose entltlad tbaratr mai wltlbolbellabl iifritfrm notllpjs notice toorkoitors in tha metur or th xatatt of alea- andef a bjeeord lt of the vii- laisr or aoton in th county pf hailtott henajrer deeeaaed notinn labtabvulnpurflanlto n a o liajt ouap isti iae an ibat all parsoas bavins ataliua ajjaluat the esials of tba eald aleiauder a bacurd wbotuadou or abool tbe bthaaynfhapuuibar a d idoh are dnttaaud lorhuilbiuuittreisidordeuvaf lo u j kle- hsbb oaaut lor lliohseouior on or batora lb slat aay of oaloliar a u iflosi tbatv names ad- dreaaaeeutldaaailpilnii and a full auumaot of partleulare of tlielr atalu and uia nature or tit rliy if anyltialil b tbain duly oarused aeten ont court op revi8i0n notiob i baraby olan ibat a omirt will faetd rjorauanftoibeoiitalovotarsi twin be jjd norauani to ibeoutarlo voter xial aet by hlsilonorjudaeuarobui judsa pf tbe county court of tba oouniy nl llsltoii a tbe oouaell obsmbar aoton lu tbe said county of halloo on flonday november 2nd 190ft si ilia boor of id ao o eloolr eu tali tar aud da- usmln ilia ssrsral eonitilalpta ol errors and obimlsalons in the oiera utt of tba uoolol pality of tbe vlliaaa nf aoton for tbe year ims allpefsoosharliisbualdaeaftt tba court are required to at uud at tbe said iims end pise volunteer bounty act 1008 warnlncr to purchasers evurv aaalonnisul of tits ilsbt of a sou lb african volunteer eotuiedioa land ftraal uiul be by way of aptioluuneiit of a aubtumts and tnpat be in tba fom provuua by the as upetilsl sltsutlon is called to sabseolloa h of beellon tt of the volunteer nounty aat 1kml htbb prewldaf tbal no asalsonuiit of tba mam of a voluntaea by tbe appolnunsat ol sttbau tuu sball be saoapudt or raeotpiaad by tbe department of tbe ibtf- autaolttkd a or or the asih uepuutbar 1hh j9 lees catsup flavor and preserver ii a oonontratad evtract ol poe it um utx and rolocll pwvent frranttlon produow natural rad onlond auup ol flue flavorfr ohpr than plow imoenubotlle for mib by v a uodbiithon dtugalt aelon ont oaslpoprodiicel ttm undwalafral i bow pr pkrwl lo porobam iadnyemt for all bntur bu auun poultry dllhwad m hla botu hill sliwl um oppmlkm bob ama blmlamlth hop ri imwufrodttcedesv 8yn0psi8 of canadian northwest homestead nnoulations gaad of a family or aiiv male over 1 yeara of sea to tbe extent of ouaniurtar seat loo ot iso ires wore or leas ii in tan din aii o m ta leader durias fl al least sis tnontbs realdaae upon and eulllvatt6ii of tba lalia in eaob y lor late years i year a bomttteulsr may itbetddaali the me- j fsnulna 1st tbanelubty bio bninasb may it be te daalres par- jlrtaneadullaeby lirluston irulne laun owned solsly by lilni not leas ii m aor ln bx in tuavlalnllyof lie may also nn so by lmus ibditloua sial ouclph xjuslncss ollcitc jsfasonio lift fit vpppr wyudhmt gl ouerpb oat k 1mrs1 class inalllutlon fnuiuleil in lh8 by 111 pretsnt principal famourhtalltelralnlnfi aoboolofrnaay buccomiiii business men both canadian ailil amerloan v disllnguiauhd ni tlio fountain bead snd aotirco of tim csnstllsn club lu canada huitkion in llslileal spirit ami teach ing us trained graduate are in ooq slant tlemsfld for particulars call at ihepollensofflce 137 upper vyndbara 8lreel orsildress haloolm qaocormtok b ai 4 prlnolpal i m

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