Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1908, p. 4

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p vm v 51 jc ikttan rcz jbb nnmhday ocioiueu m iiton tub kitkt a rablh 1 liu wlntl hltm ktroiik i tliu kiln hour d liluh 1 i hi hnini tlilnu tirwil tutlil ho i i in jilulioi ttii4ii llm i ithnr vain i m muli hi m u if nnlv tliny wiml i lui nu ujo iii ii ul ii iiuuh rhmd mv nmirn vinru lit trlh mow i in klti wits viiy pi mil it lumad hm in ltd i uwimu im hill it uwiirwil i run tin i hm iiik wind wit hloivlntt half u null- and rowlnu utrmtnur too mimpi went th string willi sudden vfr hiukltts in urn to tof til i in fillhitfl ilolil inn up o dour i a uwullow lienil u cull hot ilrliimilmvn ity lln wind if went ulttll it hum f wish lliii iiiiiuimi dlisy ii nhhisa spmt ir i ly iimjii ilw ii in liiniilih d iiuxmi k i f i uriuidiu uli ii lit xi i ny till lie if hi will inly in id hi d wii 1 hrtl kimil i imutfli fm um walla e i mather dltdlloom oonunoaumm u you widte up in the ilulit thirsty what waulil you dp ivm indnr ui hid mill hid ii spring whar would ynii d for a light 1 like a fftillior fnmi tlt pillow i that is light iiiioiiuli what wthili you do in of hn uii liillitt window mid watch the fir i nun pit if ymt wished to wrlto a lotto i p lakuu sheet if you wished i dinner take n spread if you were holing sad what would you dop look on the ited for a comfor ter tub mkaduhr ov a walk wlion hid song bus nana out of your i if try to walk to the measure of a psalm aid ii dear old i wbn had coiiid through the furnace of nftllc tlon the saddest nitialo better limn viono lenusit it still la music per haps the limit helpful tmisla of the great psalinlat ii hint wldolt waacsllod forth by amiailou there nra fuw christians whohavo tnivotled fur on life h journey wlio have not wallaed the algnlflgance of these verees i hear my prayer 0 lord and let my cry cnmo unto the hide not thy face from me in the day when i nm in trouble incline thin earnnto me i in tltb tiny when i cull nniiwer inn pel- mly olvo er o ibrtl unlo my praysr i and iittond to the voice of ray tuppll ontlnnt in the dy of my trouhle i will cll upon thtmi t for thou wilt ftnewor me thor nuvur wui ntl nover will k uuuorwi imiimou in one twniady for h ill- to which flwh l holr what would rvlluve one hi in turn would sgravmto he other we have however in quinine wine when ohulned in a mimd uiwululter- hied tutti a remody for many and grlovouh ills by ita kradual and judlclout iuw tlie frailest ytnui arf led into ooovaleecenoe and 11111111111 by the lnbuuuue wbhh quinine exert- on nature own reetorativefi it re iiavw thoee to whom a chronic itat of roorhhl deepondeaay and laek o ntcrvt in life u dbueee and by trauqiillklnk the norvee dupoeee to aound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood whleb being atlniulat courmue through thf veloa atrengthening tho healthy anl bial funfctron of tho system thereby wivlifc timty -a- uoceasary result strungthvnlng the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand increased gubetanoe result linpmvod appetite north- fop cyman of toronto have given to tho public tholr superior qulnlm by the opinion of scientists the wine approaohoe nearest perfection of any on the market all drugglata tell it j v thk lady poodlb a lly who kept a mttteourly pjimllr lost hf piit und culled im the nolle to flttd it the next day one of ihi force omim with the dog very wut and dirty thw lady was overjoyed and asked a mitultar of silly questions anioug others 1 where did you arid my demr darling p wliy inatini aid the iiffloiir a fellow bad hi 111 on a pole and was washing windows with him sure flee uworo it there are many who have been affllotod with sores and itavo driven them away with dr thomas koleotrlo oil which nets like magic all similarly troubled should inso no mini in applying this splendid rouiedy us there is nothing uko it to he hail it is cheap bub ha power is in no way expressed hy its law price thk wrong cat vor slit years n bitter feud had ex isted lwtwean the drowns and the jtoblnaona next door neighbors hie troiihlo bud originated through the depnidatlnns ot llrowns oat eni hud grown so fixed nn nffalr that neither party ever dreamt of making up one tiny however ilrowu sent his servant moxt door with a tiaonhkng not for mr hohlnson which read 1 mr brown sends his compliment to mr hobliiuon and begs to say- that he old out died this morning llnlilnsnne written reply was bitter t mr koulnaon i sorry to bear of mr ill own trouble uut be had not turned hi tif mtn drown was iii pbmobd in a man slfghtly itio worse off for tlmt whlc 1 litdhrlates hut does not elwiiys olieef wih uii blti way hoitie wlui im uiilllihd with 11 box pltket funoo wliluh bud ih ttu placed around a tree tit profvol it being somewhat untteudy on his llmha tli man grasp- il lttltl of what he supposed ais j picket fence and started to f hi way along it afwrroatliig aroiinil the tree for half an huur lie uihmed eomewhat puakltid nt tho extraordinary length of tho fence hut be kept huvuly on for y tln wiwiir however hie oi j01ir r bnj h down ouholtoxit of the box fono wu to the unapproachable sovereign hot water boiler tho so eloign conatmc liiinintlio uniy typo ofbollor inftilo tlmt can lo repaired ii 111 ethurry witliout taking down tlio wholo furnnco itn ufa will bo nh fong as hint ol tlio intuit biilmtjintittl building in ulileh it may bo intnll6d th mnvrrrlrt 111 t u bipi- llotlrr nior hrowh ill ll timiln up u aniruin iuitib nn i imoiliinb nnil miy liiril lirt nr ortlnn i in rraihly bt potted wrttt or our doolrhf tavl0rf0rbe8 fier austlph oht mtlanohhf 10u klna strmt weat terento im crale irmt waat montreal aaasbbbbbfabbbbmbbbbbbssbsbsbbv the worst of being a fool is that ex porta n co is nf no use probably thero is nothing so un certain as a sure thing the world la ood s world by right ours only by gift and tuff ranee t and it cannot go well with ua if we try to abut film out of it oladatone a blmple and cheap medicine a simple cheap and effective medicine is something to be desired there is no medicine so effective a regulator of the digestive system aa pavmeleee vege table flit they are simple they are cheap they can he got anywhere and tholr lieneflalal action will prove their recommendation they are the madl- cine of the poor man and those who wish to escape doctors bills will do well in giving them a trial nobody talks much that does not occasionally say unwae things worms in children if they bo not attended to cause convulsions and oftsn death mothei graves worm kxterminator will proatect the chil dren from these distressing affllatlnns bohemia is the happy land whore the sorrows of the morning are for gotten in tho joy nf the night we would ho entirely willing to look for the good tralfs of the people we dont like if it were not dleoouraglng work s9vw wfutsmj lis who limits bis knowledge by hie understanding dies of experimental ignorance to curb a cold in oni day taka a laisllvs uronatvqulnln tsbut a trtuuuia muud ibm ukhmh it h falls la em many a man who says he has ration al difficulties in religion means that he has difficulty in being rational in re ligion liver complaint the chief oftlm of the liver is the saore tlon of bile which is the natural regulator of the bowels whenever the liver beoonses dsransed and the bile dueta eloued liver complaint is prodttoed and la iwufeated by the tire- eaeeof oonatlpatlon pain undar the right shoulder sallow oomplaxlon ysllow eyes subayeoated tongue and hoadaehs baart barn jsandloe sour stomach water braab oatarrn of the stomach etc uvtr osmplstlttt may be cored by avoiding the above msntloeeueaasaa keep lug the bowati free sod arousing the slug gub liver with that grand liver reguuter laxaliver uvmn oompejunir mroeoiraweett hamilton ont writes 1 having sttchred with liver complaint for years ami tried all sorts ol remedies i was advised to try mllburne laxauvar plus i must say that after taking two vials of them i tael quite a ttaw nun and ean pios q5 oenta par via or 8 for 1 00 at all dealen or walla1 illreot hy the the t mllburu do llmltod toronto onu castoria xlin kltul von ifavo alvny bonglit anil which linn born in ma air ovor bo yonm haa boron tin nlcnutnro of 0 nil has boon liuultitindor iilx por- rr jum nonnl anpejrvbifnn nlnoo iu inntucy twamf allow no on- ilorivoyntt in tlilm ah ooiintnrfollav xmltntloiia and tikitasawml dro hut kxiwrlmonta tlmt triuo with nnd cudniigortlio iionlth of infiuiu nliul children ttxporlauco 11 tlnat jiiorlmeitt what fs castofja cnsorln in a lmrmloah aiibstltikto tor crtwtor oil lvir irnrlit rvim uihi hoollilni tiyrtipk it 1 xuuiumt it contnliim nu ill tor opfnits fllorpliluo nor othm ntinotld tdabntniutoj lit ngn u itn hit it dentin 1 worm mil mllitya kovorlmlmokm it enrce dlnrruouit t ml vi111l oolla ittrollovoav toothing trovblos euros constlputlou nnd llatdlnoy it aahlnilinti r1i vmd rogulntce tlio btomiuliimd isowoimi givluu i nnltby mid nitturt uloop tho ohlldrouri aimoo tito i btiorh friend genuine castoria always boon tho signature of the kind yon hare always bought in use for over 30 years chartered by dominion government kilablulied 1b04 the merchants bank or canada iiuad oppicu montkual l id nrsnehes jonathan hodobon liaq intereit added four times a year prealdant sia ii montaou allah vice prealdent- qfltiaral manager u i llandkh capital paid up m 000 boo 00 deposits over f 43 003 000 00 surplus 14 000 000 00 total assets ijj 00000000 avins bank deposits one dollar or upwards will open an acoaunt money withdrawable any time no delay rarmkh8 salat not sb we bive apeclal facilities for collecting these we will cash them at once ii desired at s lour rale of interest joint accounts when requested we will open account in two names so that either one may draw tho money husband or wife etc aoton branch w si chi9h0lm manager dr woods norway pine syrup is a remedy witliout an equal por coughs colds and all affections of the throat and lungs oaufjhb and qolda do not call for a minute recital of symptoms si thoy are known to evoryona but their darters are nob understood ao woll all the most serious affootlons of lu throat the lungs and the bronchial tubas are n be begin nlng but oougba ami ooid too much stress cannot bo inhl upon the admonition to all pepuws wffoetwl by the insidious earlier alj of throat and lung disease as failure to lake hold at once will cause many years uf meforlng and in the end that terrible soourgoof ooniump tlon dr woodi norway pine r3yrtip u not bold an a cure lor consumption but for affections tributary to and that result in tlmt dlaoaaa it qombliica all the lung healing virtues of u10 noruny pine tree with other ehtorbtint oxpeotnrant and soothing tnedlolnsi r reoognlcld unrth apd is absolutely hurmlssi prompt and safe bo groat has x 1 the suionu of this wondurfill remedy it la only natural that numerous pnrennsliiuo tried to hiilinla it ixmi t lie inmibtuijod ino tauhig nnytlilnu but ir wtmdi 1itt un in a nllnw wrsppari tlimo pluo treai 1i1o tl td 11111u1 prloe 125 co t a soul occupied with great ideas performs best small duties martin- oau to have tho children aound and healthy la the first care of u mother they cannot bo healthy if troubled with worms via mother graves worm kx terminator moat peoplo seek sympathy when they ask advice o j- m c act x j bmm tt llrj vw win iuwri bscfim utulue at the end of man is an nation and not thought be it ever ao noble carlyle hollo way e corn cum takes the corn out by the roots try it and prove it we often do more good by our ayro- pathy than by our labors webster castoria vor infant mad children tin kind yon ht alwi bqfct signature of tzrffzjucv dont let the old job hamper that is if you have found a better away with depression and melan clioly theao two evils are the accom paniment of n disordered stomach and toipld liver nnd moan wrctchodneas to nil whom thoy visit the surest and speediest way tn combat thorn is par- meloee vegetable pills which will re store tho healthful action nf tho stom ach and bring relief they htivo proved their usefulness in thousands of cases and will continue to give relief to tbe auffurlng who are wise enough to use them perish discretion when it interferes wllh duty more roundatton principled first 1 when wo undertake to all your eu osoriptlons wo give thotn our undivided attention nnd beet care tlio patients wolfaro la our first con sldcratlon second t wo guarantee our drugs to leof full strength as well as pure and fresh third 1 our customer are supplied with just wbat they ask for 1 substitut ing is never allowed pjuhbs oelkity ooutouhd if you aro a sufferer from kidney disease hvor complaint blood trouble rheumatism neuralgia or nervous prostration wo confidently recom mend tho uso of paine celery com pound this reliable and never dbv appointing medicine la a true disease lunfaher and system builder we supply the genuine palnei celery compound at brown aoton ont pan d o r a we- them the biscuits which please us must be brown nnd crisp and firm and dainty with a wellraised evenlybaked crust mother says buch buns require a steel oven scien tifically constructed uniformly heated perfectly ventilated pandora oven exactly tar whan you see a pandora ranie the sale is made m uaden terlnto fketstreal whiirle vaaiianaj ajsfikg taaaltten cojjary ii msv ihseh i j o tirt vmi iwiiti cfumy v faflnlsamlamsa wlthlrafrwnillrof the crniinlhle llllt- over whleh king icdward linn lon shimitliig there was in 1000 11 mniigilliihry tiirhgemaiit itetweirii a party of tho supporters of james 11 and llui trihipn of wllllnm nf ornngii ulih no n 0110 tn r is known as tlm imttle f oiomdule mill u lh sibjrat of a well known highland hxllnd tim ilauglih of onimdiilii it wmm fought in apill of khm monm mitntlis iiflrr the battle or kllllciflraiiklf a party or about lmh highland jtiroblt s tmdnr coloml iluahan whs surprlseil by hir tliiimna livingstone with it battalion of foot and six troops of dragoons tim highlanders wire routed iwo of tho leaders cameron nnd llalfoui itla said fought linked mud oacapod up the hill in that coiiitl tlon 1 be imillsd narrates that wo warn in ihhi sir every mutt when the knulislt host iimiii us chiiir a bloody buttle soon begun upon tho ifatighs of orcmidnlc tlie knollth horse they worn so rude they batlifd llivlr hoofs in highland blond ilutliur brava clans they boldly stood upon the ijatiuhs of jromdalo hut alas 1 we could no longer stay haw mver the hills we outb away and sort wo do lament the day 1 hat u er wn cam u urainda tho cromdata hills are on the oppo alio sldo of tho illver tipey from tul- taham llodge where his majesty went to shoot tbey extepd for auveral miles and aro well stocked with grouse rum lawvssn wontrrsjo after more than an hour of badger ing by the lawyer for the prosoautlnn the witness was inovwl to declare that bo had already told everything of any consequence you have told mo what you said to him 1 gibson this case will get into the courts some day now i want to know what bo said in reply declared the lawyer stsrnly well he said 1 chumley there isnt anything in this builnoae that im ashamed of audit any snoop n llttte lleehawkln four by six gimleteyed lawyer with half a pound of brains and lateen pounds of jaw ever wants to know what ive been talking to you about you can tell him the whole story w radby vi wui ao tood jf eavea weeks y aeliiirharily irmuiflur ynaa aeeale w 1 was no waak iinbodr slbe werklmm beilersnew iuutiwikaiii iiad oivbn vp aix uors or uvino heart yraublaolimd by hilmiihsnui asuvinui im aklnw 1 vt o an frlua n nt by hm mid would try doh of 1 bait- mr huamdjtaldi i kisfetiisfed rot you attolhsr bos rlht away i tmw we loim ami inres ap eatef lha third mlwu itarrmuy wsu and have not irhhaiit them in inr home irniuvknewalt it hirl hntbrin tor mil btiniri llrrt aivt nsrvavliu i would t n ssv liavo wen olive w vlirrt iv nerv pit en a ueai k 9 boim forlllx lamltm toroale ont one of the moat dangerous rogues is ho who is so busy regulating others he has no time to do th right himself ojsasjsjvscslxja lmkindvwhmnibeat basis tks ihi kind vw hm tlwyi bv happy is tbe man whose calling is great and spirit humble demos thenes when going away from home or nt any change of habitation ho is a wwo man who numbers among bis belong ings a bottle of dr j d kellogge dysentery cordial ohango of food and water in some strange place whore there are no doctors may bring on an attack of dysentery he then hat a standard remedy at hand with which to cope with tho disorder and foro armed he can successfully fight the ailment and subdue it not only is a aucker born every min ute i but onoe a sucker always sucker his alfati- e ee every boa or um ajsaulat laxative broamtotiw vobw not what hm wahtald a dallymsna man went into a cloth ing shop to purchase a necktlo for himself and going up to one of tho counters said i i want tn buy a ocok tie the shopman showed hi in some fashionable specimens aaylng by way of introduction of tbe new style horn is a tie tlmt la very much worn to which tho man replied oh i dlnna want yln thats very inuokle worn ive plenty o them nt heme could norgo to work baussoweak debkaehe is the primary cause of kidney trouble when tbe back aebes nr becomes weak it la a warning tliat the kidneys are liable to baoomo snooted heed the warning oheok tbe baoknehe and dispose nf any ehanoea of further trouble if you dont serious eomplloatlnns ere very apt to arlie andthe first thing you know you will have drnpiyr lhabetnannr- nrlphti niseaas ths three most deadly forms of kidney trouble mr jew ilryant arlehat n b was troubled with his back and used doan a kidney mils ha writosi- oonnotsay ton hiuoh aboat the beneflti i received after tuing throe boxes of dosne kidney pills i was fir iu tronbled with an aohliift iwiln aerosi is femall of my book i nould not ao to nrk and my book was nn weak i wouhl have to alt down it wonkl go away fir a few days bub would always return i was advlseil to try doan a kidney pw and t must say they ootnplo tely cured me imo m esnta per lux or 8 betes for l sb at all dealer- or mailed dlraot nn wlptpf nrlee try the dean kldoay pill ksajattt helpful advice von wont toll your fntutty dooinr tho whold tttory tilwint your prlvnu jllnotui you nro too tnotleat ynu nood not ix nf raid to toll mm lltilc- hnmnt inn mtifl tho thin you ootila not oxplaln totlio doctor your letter will 1k liolft hi tho htrictoat cfiiv udonco from jior vtujt oormapond onoo with blokr wimnri during tbo post tltlrty yonr nha may have gained tlio very knowledgo that will holpyotircnflo huchlotutrmtuiuiqol lowing fom giatofiil womoti oa- tobllsli twyond a doubt tho poworpf lydia cpikkham5 vc8etable compound ui conrjuor nil fomnlo iiuoiuwh sfrn frank kniuloy llndhiiy ontario wrltcu to mm uhnkliam when i wrote to jou some tlino ago i was a very skk woman aiiffarlng from female trouble i imd innamina- tlon of the feminine organs nnd could not stand or wall any dlstnncn at lost i was confined to my bod und the doctor said i would have to ifo through an operation but this i refused to do a friend aiulacdydlal pinbhame veactable compound after using throe bottles of it i foci like a new woman i moat heartily recommend iiydla r plnkhama vegetable coinpounu to nil women whoaulyerwlthfeinaletroableb tacts for sick women for thirty yearn itfdla e pink- hamu voffoumo compound mado from roots and liorlm lias boon tlio standard wmody for fomalo ilia and lna positively otirpduioubandbof womon who liava boon troubled witli duplaoamanbulnflamrnatloh ra tion abrold tumors irrogulftrltlob perlodlo palnn baokacho tlint boar- lngdown fooling jlntulotioy indlffoft- uondlxilucaornoiubproautitloil aoton grain elevator amd feed store we iuy ill kiiiil of crim jiki till all kinds ia tra u wi ii iu norval flour meals etc a noble m r moon mhmm excelsior bakery we arc headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and cnn- lectioncry t 8tatham t son mill mm ai4m1 the osano trunk railwav tavtfotltt thaind millltlliil vlllell h l tairt w hiilm in 17 a tn ai in 1a j mo pro i a tftll jroflinfr mill kfflkmi tmivk 11 llur in lull running ttuf t1 i jt r tr ft 1 i j iii all ordats p pu fim mill vll r n cvtry iljy arf thai will l mrunrimmajry niay tlour amd feed a full sock f i ll ur and ued liav hter ktliod ito itltown pfoinletor the finest we are speaking ol the appearance ol every ault that comei from our bauds hack one la invariably s tine cut a fine 111 and the finest dressera in town wear them we make every endeavor to plane you 6ur fall stook of nods challenges your admlrsjlon wrcigaoper the tailor agent for the btnndard rotary sewing machine mill st acton and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts in horsehide calf or buckskin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you get equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w a storey son limited acton ontario rcton iji yer ju bus lin the underlined respectfully solicits the naironsra o the pub lic anil informs ihem that wall kqulnped and stylish mm can always be secured t nla stsblss a com fort id l bus meals all trains between m oo s m and 0 io n m care hit nttenilon given to every order the wants of com merclil travellers fully mat john annilmturs pnopwisltost w- gikqsoil painter paper hunger sign writer picture iwfflot shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnqcesbury delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices wigimson nasiagawe lu mills lumbar 1 aih and shingles always on hand cheap dill slufl cut to order p 8avert 80n8 habsaoawmra f o w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main street acton opposite stephensons ulaoksmllh r shop all work guaranteed the work ordera left at a t browns drue store will receive prompt attention w h waufcll aoton dyeing all kind nf oarmante elannedt dyed and dnlshed ilka new on abori notlea bbueb as oeuta bolts sad ofsreasui ladlss ilk antwebrsaaa jtela1aaum km- ostrleb fltiaiss ana ripe itnl ititj luul sahis halimmhl wool lisiirtihaiiiviiatliiir thgemmkllco 8imri dyttt uid clmnr io umr wyulliui 81 bubllhl ins phone so ouhlill uiss pbrnvhh kan asw lfu the bbtlln steam branits and marble works casiir braun protfrulok oetlfluafs ami ikiilders ot hlaliui maus oleums monuments marlsrs and head mnes and all kinds of artistic cemetery work wmtatn fjciiistrcct annl aclon is it footwear you aro look- insf for if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all nges and sizes our large winter stock now ready for your inspection win williams th bbo mtn vlll blro1 aaton new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros cuelph art store everton 9 eden mills the beat quality ot manitoba family and paatry flour por salo ot lowest prloos our own male chopping pons and gits rolled every day feed for sals cash for wheat and osts rrff henry hqrtop patents paints promptly 5 ecureo inliiloi as in whtthrr ll h en sucealuuy rrkailtd tty kiduct fiilly tqutitvtil nffles in 1 hlsqijlibmaiflpram tydlspalch woik aihj nuiekly meunsyssb ashrandsr ihalnveiillitri lirgbsafrcfaraa- ntinliftint i istuiti prociirfxl dirotialtuarjen at ai s7kix w3baj mawow r mariojk 4 pnfnt cidart olid souoltow is id a

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