Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1908, p. 1

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itjibwsw ht jetton jfrtt tt voijlmrc xxxiv no 18 ry hill crllilloit 1 lit iii ail acton ontauio tiiuitrday mokning octoju5h 30 jftoh uuwrli don tnct ii t rr aiilmi bindlk gowks tiiimsk oijnih iftlji ttoit jfttt fcss lrtwa uf huburrlihioa ow ilollmr pur your alrlotly hi udvitnoo all aub- rliillniih hnloiitlihiotl wltun iii tint fur wlili li duty jiuvu itotm paid liea pjrtnl ilia ilulo to which ovpry auli- torlullnn la inltl la iltmolod on lit ad- jreae label alviillauk 111 trnrjelokt dv luotnoitla j7 conta per nommrell una tor llrat insertion i cents ppr una lup tci aiiliaoiiuunt liiaertlnn ailvertlaonicni without apoclfla di rect ion will lu inanrtoil ill forbid aim elmtaml nacordlnaly rranalont d- vt rtlaominta miiat tin iiuld in advance atlvnrtlaomiml will 1m chanted one arli month jr desired vor ehanife ertanor titan rvbnv mentioned ilia oorrt- position muat do paid for tit regular rat cltanpa for contract ndvertlssment taint bi in tlm nltlca by noun dn furs- hay a acoounta tiayabfo monthly english nfflco so float llraol lon- dnn 10 c wiore ucaara jfl and j hardy co will receive for ita noww aiiuaerlptlon ami ndvertlaulnonta and where our render can fr or oharara aaa our paper when la kntflund ii v uoonici kdltor and proprietor uuslncsa fiirvclorp ukp1cal milos gray m d c m mcgill h 1101 liumduaoti ilith hiioow uaiiuaallarrniiuanicw aaioeiiyiou lire 3fnea fraderiok fltiset talon one b d ault m d c m arnvr mill an to a anl t to 0 offloa llourioto 13 a pin nlalitoalla imwdihl from roiljeno krariar ick hiihi aoton ont fn- a l 1iokf 1 radii ale of unlvantr ol toronto ofllaa al riiilanct on willow htret-ie- iwaeu mamliaiil ihiiu au i town hall a j luokinnon liamhutaa uotvioiton convuxixcia ovrioaulll blraet lu hloiila mock leoraetomn uranoh uam utreat open tteilneadaya auil italuruaia r j monauil t ffourltidwiilan oouri county of haj eu oanveianeeraiaiitilreandlafaasaufenoa ileal ifaleu altai money loloanate qvriob 1 erryiiiau a weak d offloa at ikililai iiomor ouddatii 0 toromto uhiviftbity tba itutt anuatlitllo utad if dattrad at llbokwood fueailayt mflscxllatjmous el ani j hardy co anvistibing contractor amd nuwa conui trownknti jo rioat street london e c england a rileoltlili tai ii frta of o it a i if a aiiar can lie taaii iroe 01 oiiaioa jhjon to whom advloa uraiu t iuan itraijuliad pltanoib hdham nooknihonn wynduatubt odalpbontatlt 0r william antorait aaoonnt hooka of all klniia made to ordav ittmadlealaofavarrdaaarlptlonaaratully bound tullaitiaailvanii promptltdona mannianx uobhbisb ii p uoorb aaupa or uiaauoa licsmia pilwataofflaa ho wltnatiai required laaned al raalduqea in the avanlns praarreu offloa 10 fom u dehbtrrut lloaifiid autmonhm w vox ilia coanilaa of wetllntoii and ilalton ordatalarialiuapakk iaaia offlaa aaton or al rayraaldauaaln anton 111 be promptly at- uodadto term liaaaonabla alaej monayto loan on the moat farorabta w onlara ufl wild ilia vnm iniaa a o lull will raealva iminadlaiu aiteut hmm im itlon jamus mcdonauj llcbhbui auctionekr vortlia ponuilaa of walhmtnn ilalton wauiloo wautwortli anil ilia vllf ol uualpli halaa eonduoled on raaunalila tarnia ami atlafmllon hharantawl ju avary oaaa eor tarmi ilataa ato apply to hoi tjt maitmnimoor uotajiua ui and ulora dnad utlhmil onl tatapnona 1it oualpu ualaa may be arramad at vatta 1aau ona r i kiikr lcknk auction bbh v tba ooniillaa of walllnrton and llallon halaa oomluolatl wllli latlifaation and upon rataanabla farm prder br laltar to mlmnaa p 0 lalanbnna to aunbotmiud htook captiai iuoaoo the wbllinoton mutual inhuranob company iubliihe4 1s40 htkrt offim onmlph ont infjuuanartniicaalianauulual plan any lueorauo raqulrad will b promptly attand the old and reliable granite and marble dealers w it are maiiufaalurara and direct jmnorud of ail klnda of ifomtmaiual and ileadat- work wa aall dlrael in our ouatomara atwl aala prlnaa tliua lno our oiiitouiara 40 pa eanl we liavo ilia baal appllaimm and lha only mmliaiilealn the itomlnloti who oan opar- aw pnauwatlo inolh properly wa aau flya rafaraiieaa from hunilrada of our nuataniata in toronto and oihar plaaaa wnara olhara baf a to atand law aulta in nrdar to oollaal we ba taa lamaat and liaal aioek of i rati lb in tba htm in ion or inn re lliau any lliraadaalaraln ha waal we are icnllliiialo daara and am slay no aaenie and tin not annoy or patl aua tnara by aendlntl out lunorani aianlaio onlara we employ iiiaelianlea only and defy aompatltlon hamilton sons oorhorfau aiid woolwlali hu ouhlpii w ruvunlncl auclrir ontaitiio paper makers okohokto try ont riboit nlwh aw foiollnp iapkiih tironiialuiku advertising is one thing gasl7 ro prodtice tlia imjorilrned la now pre lured to pure haw and pjy caili for all buttar etfiji and livo poultry dellverod nt lilt liomr mill slrtet acton onpoiltlun iloh artioni blacbimiili iliop ii ii worden wlialcialo produce dealer w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main si reel acton oppoalio slenlnnaona dhcbimltli shop all work guaranteed tho work of yeara in acton is proof ol lit on- collcnce ordera loft at a t brown s drug store will receive prompt attention w h walker aotom ounworkwiu bear inspection aoton hand laundry i clave having repurchaud ilia acton liundry bualneaa from mr jimea webaier will take charge next monday i had l he utlifactlon ol pleailng all cuilomer who patronliod me during lliit three years i waa in uuilneia lloro and i am now in a belter poihon ihin eer to do utlifactory work the laundry work i turn out will alwaya rear inipocilon i clavel mill street acton woodnoiravinfc dhotoenciravinc iai r tauca oawt tones juofjcsijpi dy all kind or aafrnent olemnad dyexl nd tlnlahad ilka naw on ahort notlo ouch bb riani rulu and orarooatr iallub nd woajtiraaaia hjlllff ftl thgemm15llco stmm dr and cletmera loaupiwrwyndhkmst eittbllilied ihh7 nionrdo auuuii hiss pehrvman aclon agtnl acton grain elevator and feed store wo buy ill icinds of grnin and bell all kinds ol feed as well as norval flour meals etc b noble plodfltor n r moohat manajrtl and having lha lampa to hack up ilia la an nlier follow nur ads and you cln depend gri finding lha block to back up each and ovary adveriiaemani our lampe are beauilaa lifet new york patterns mo old hock as ajl our 197 i- lit pa were claarad om uit bprlng sen our aoiilli window for j ampi at all prlcei our utuf ara alweya ulakl the bond hardware go llmlud tuull phono 07 auulpii oirq voun mimbiion a allium haim h bonk of teitru antltlio turvikt world bonnl and wnpt tor thn ann nf tho aoi rows of lloetlnp anil tin iiojhib wlilcli tint ileail paat knpt t ami boiiim ht uiiuuuii tliflr bimlfiia ihho anil clio wm id waa antldor limn ovnr itnfon a olngar biiiiu r aoiltf of chucr anil tliu 7rnt world untuned nntl biullrxl 1 ilirhnaanu nf tlit lovtt of a ftlu ilonr and tho trust of 11 llftln rlilltl 1 and sdiiih hint bitforo hud fiirpottflti in pray inobid up ami uwnl ulnglntf nlonu tho way km inn c iuwil in nortltwostct 1 ad v 00a if great clfarinq slb ox ruggies marketwagons and carts u good aecond hand opun hugglts in first claas repslr just wliat jou need to aaie your good buggy in the bad roads 5 good seconil hantl road carls h market wagons good ktrong join in first cioib repair 1 haiti lumber wagon pole and ibsfts aliel via and spring teal 1 heavy spring wagon with ahalvlnj f heavy piaiform aprlng wsgon wlili aiielvlns litled wllh brake and top over seat just as rood as new a orsat bargain these will h all sold by prlvala sale al the very closest prices tliuy muat be cleared out at once come and get a bargain drlng along your culler and sleigh repairing now befoi e the mill j n olneills crrrircb works obobobtown ont 1000 is young pron n oaltf kavaralof nor iliort- band aradualaa of laai tear aranaweujoylnaitilabarbrr 1erharkswaaan lialp you to raealva tlila anoiiiil our new eataloiua aiplalna cut oultblaearil alunll and sand to w ii hbaw uatural llasl usaaoollbua toronto name adjrtil georgetown floral go lmum geonautown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specially ah order ptawd wllh mr e a roberlton drugqlat aclon will rclv prompt mention acton chopping mill reopened the chopping mill la now in full running order and lam prepared to fill all ordera promptly the mill will run every day nntl ihere will be no unnecessary delay flour and fjbb3d a full alock of flour and feed haa ln stocked it g bown proprietor your chopping will be done quickly and ucll on either platen or stones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the iiest at lowest prices harris tk oo llmlud the way to askoka r this summer is by the lake shore expressei of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing muskoka the maganetawan and the bost country in six provinces for tho holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the six railways of the canadian northern system to the in formation uureau mead off ice canadian northern rail way system toronto rlrcl tfamllvj limbing asiw mistake whhius waa uriiveqiioitlnnlndln tho walton fminlly ovrr a lut- tor ibat had cotnn in the mornliirn mull cyrus waluine brmlinr john who hud rono west yonra lufnre bud on bla deatlilmid com- mended ida only ctjfld to tho cam of ills rolntlvau i know it bnu imon a limp time tho djlnp tnnn umte alnoe ivo hava lipurd froim uhlii oilur i neglected the hnniu ftilko when i first w tint away nnd bo 11 1 in nut lost truck of you all but now hint lint duct or tvllu me i have blit h few liniiru ti live my mind hnuk id my own people and i hull si nd my lit tin girl to you i trust foi thn mikit of 0111 cliihllioml days you will itculvo luir und bo blml to her thf ltltir hud luon ndtlreaieil to jyniti or ouvld wwlton but the pot- limn i m u know hint hu would incur iheiiugti ofcjnu if bn probiimed to put it in dnvldu liuv ft r llm fnrinrr wnu u iiiiin of pioiiihiinco in bis own oyis nt iiiimi 11 nd whbiiliiimmruitturn j lumiililin hu llm it ttiti wna read tlraf in hi 11 fimlly ir ujnia wultnn nnd duly illnciumti nntl ibmigh it ita- my dtnii lluitliuis it whb not till tho next tiny hint unvltl wus told urir it lu n pi 1 fetil iiulsnucd to bo asked tukn h child inln muia fnmlly antd cyruu uldiat dniightdr aihhollti i inn hint wo ennnot gut imlf the now things wa tvnnt now iwc4tui pap a u ulwnyh griimhllng over tho cxpunso nnd i do not ueo whnt aonso h101 o would tw lu adding to hie hurdona i cannot bear n child always nhout 1 abe la prob nhly imlf anvngo anyway iupjt tuka i tlio letter over to uurilu david and try to peiaiiade hint thai in- enn mcelvc hor ilia house b full of ohililrtiii and ono mom will unt imiko much dlffor- onco wi111 1 do yon think mother aak- rtl cyrtia i do king deprecating at hi wlfo whnt do i think f woll my own children uro nhlo to tnkn care of them- aelveai ivn brought tbem up nnd no thunka to anybody nnd i will not ita hotlumd with thomi of other people iloildor ua tho girls my wo cant ultord it im nfrahl duvhl cant either lie bh id motikly woll no ono will forcn him to take hei hut i think ho will he is a aoft- hendeil an it hearted idiot and ida wife la just h iai1 tlioy nood not have been in the trouble tlioy are now jf duvid linil used common sense and not signed ih 010 notes of uncle danlidb vee but it wan to kutm the old man from ruin hi- thought nnd if uncle uaiiioi had lived it would have hoen nil light you know when unvltl was n imty ho wna more than kind to him sent hlin to school nfltr father dlod and lmlped lilm to his furiu david inalsu now that bo hitu only paid mint hu otvml uncle in vpltn of the turn nfmlts imvti tiikvu i will do my boat to nrgn ditvld to take her hut purbtiiishiit wmi not noorasnry dnvjd wiilton bud n heat t of flesh nnd when hu rend thu loiter of hie dend hmthiii and lunrnai thnt lilu clitltl wai coming mat to hoi 1 dull vim he looked at fjyrua wltli eyes in whloh tho tear gllalenrd nnd ithclilug out hlu hand illd 1 we will do our hast for the llttlo utrungar oh biulhei t woll you bop pavhl aaltl oyrua my wuo dont jiiht think aha can lie bothered with hor ami tho glil aeeii to fanny we c n nt nlyiml it and en ho iitnmniprtd they thought rmrhnps your folke would nut mind one extra oltllil whuru llioiu wvro an many i ennnot do foi hot what you might aald david hut who shall share wluil i have with my little orphan nlupu i tho brothers did not move lu the nine booim set while tho wife of oyitia movvtl itohvoit mid earth la got admitted to ihn highest trallim nf f fiiblilonabto eoolety ihivlda wife who livid on n farm just outside the village npniirently oared very little for nny uah distinction hlio straltm every iiorua tolvtf h children the boat icghoy limy onuld have at present the family way nmlot a cloud pectin- larly david having had to mortgage the farm pielty heavily to nioft oinp nhugauonu which he itat never expect oil to lm oallod upon to pay the old utdiiughtei hud iteeliubllgetltn loavo atihonl anil tutioh a year iieforu oom plntlng the course nnd the eldest eon had gomi inln judge oaj rolls office whllo ihu jounger iiienilmm of thq limisflhuld dhl i heir beat tu help the inutlmi so ihiitnnexpenae need be in- ciirrod foi aoiviiute david walton had not one anxious thought to whnt limit erdlct would lw when hn told thoin of their iiucloe remionl poor little thing anld thn mother kindly him will h very lonely we inuat try to comfort hur wish john hud wilttnn imfore it would not boein to i 1 1 so niurli ilka going 1111101 g blrniigle if ww bad been in coiinminl cation fur yours hnw old is ahe mammal auknl malwl u10 iwci ml grl ae old na it i really cannot foil you my dear i lint btrun it mm h lu ignorance of hpr rxislence mm youraelf up ro thn piruenl we only know aha is your cousin anil alouu hi tho wurljl i irdst you will nllduynur iiest in tuuko her happy david jopked t llnriy and jnjct tlnf sldest children who wero homo for hie hnllda4 tluy nnswartd ii lu look t iteally fathur aald harry i am aorry thnt this burden should be laid upon you undo jyrtis la fur hnttt r able to litar it and i think ho should do ao hut if we all scrimp n little i gtioss we can manage hon 1 1 two letters went to thn far weat to thn address given nnd mr will la ma look ed comically at that of cyrus walton for ho read between the unas and saw hint ho was afraid to assume the support of bla brothers child 1 ida miserable subterfuge of tralghtened circumstances wont for what it waa worth but even the tern luivyor waa much moved whan hn read davlde kind letter in whhli ho welcomed the child to bla home and gave minute direction na to how alio would travel adding thnt ho would ftludly come after her if hn could afford i nnd nuking if thore wna aiifflclent mney to defray hvr travelling ex- noiiaah if not bo might lilegrnpb to certain hunk where he hud deposited enough for that purpaae iawrr willlaina took the lei ten und culling it cub ueut to a beautiful liousii on ine of the finest mivi islnthn elty and aked fur miss walton a lovely girl dresued in dtep mourning came tngroi t him my dear li i hnva hoard from both your uncli and your undo david 1 la nuxloua for 3 on i coma right away the other one ufiul i of expense and i does nut nee bla way ulctiir to the main tnnn nee of u 1 hit 1 maintenance- child hkul the young lady holpheidy yiiet in anmo wav they batogoitoii the idea lliit jtin rtru very young and no poor iih i be provei blal bun h mouse hue und foi oursolf thnt man has a benrt nf gold anld he ua hn handed her divldn lullti you bail lietter mid it first 011 will ueid bomothlng wiirin beforo tourhlug ihut iclole hn rtad the lettere through cure folly god blosb dsnr undo david i iapu ulwnya called mo hla llttlo girl nnd it la that which baa mlslud them ilut i dn not sen why tlioy thought me pour i nut sure papa said nothing nltoiit money he was only anxious for inn to go to hla relatives und made mo promise tn opend my year of mourning wllh them nlthnugh i would tnu11i rather stay in my own home ilut i will go dont you think that it will bo well to let thorn fancy i urn poor for tlmop yea anaweilug hor own question tulrgraph for the money and for every dollar hn ahull have n hundred if i find i urn received aa graciously aa hie tsttei would lead me to expect i ahull lie two days later the handsome limine was shut tip tho servimla having boon previously discharged nnd ituuo wal ton boarded an eastward imund train she waa diminutive in slxc nnd the two braids of guidon hronxu hair hang ing down hor buck nnd tho dress that only cauio tn the tops of hor shoos motlohei appear about twelve yen re old a vary small box indeed bold the baggage she brought and hie ooaree ready made garments that oho wore mude her almost dnnht hoi own identity her undo david met her at tba atwtlon and tho warm welcome hu gave her gladdened her heavt 1 but not until aha found herself in her nunta rate did aha renllxo tho loss aim hud iialnlned when her ninthui dluil her undo resembled hoi father an closely that she eonld hardly ipnk to him without tears hue had not been thoiu a week he- fore ahe an w hnw limit cm atond ft hurt her to sue hnw bravely boy imuiitged tu ill alto hor comfortable and not allow hei to think ahe waa a burden about u monlh nfter her niilvul draco oamo homo sick with pneumonia and her lunge remit i nod in audi a con d i tin 11 that the doctor inld ahe ought to go to a wariurr climate it waa considered simply impossible that she ahonld ijn ao nnd llttlo waa aald though all looked ami for grace wax very dear to them hose i bought it whi lime for an ex planation and an ahe came dnwn to breakfast wllh one nf her own d leases on anil her hair in a coll and said in answer to ttiolr wondering looks 1 ive heon masquerading n little though i hail nn bunji intention lilt after your loiters oamo ami i saw you hail inlsundoiil nod pnpaa moaning he alwaya called me hie little girl when i found ynn thought mo a child nnd a very pnor one at that i wanted to aeo just how you would treat me and i resolved tn keep up the deception por yoimorn ileeolved utiole david i am past rlghuen ami besides my lovely home in huarumentn i have u mine in nevada that la turning nut mor silver than i kilrfw what tn do with 1 have made arrangemonta with mr williams who la my guardian though 1 have full control of my in come even during my minority tn pay the mortgage on your farm and give hurry money enough to complete hla studies ald now i want to take ttraoe to biol ilia the first nf the week to stay there till allele well if thn little white kitten on tho hearth hlul tinned into an elephant imforo their eyes llntlr surprise could not hav liesn more complete and though aome demur waa made lloso had her way who silenced every oh jeellon offered to her lavishing an much upon 1 them hy the remark i yuti would havo divided your mite with a little orphan but ohjoet to her giving you of her abundance appeal to harry if unit la logloat cyrus waltone family never ihi came reconciled to thn result of their mistake awiiolboknt halloa i maid mr gray na ho tum id the corner hy his gnto und ran plump into n llttlo girl who was coming out oh i dont flop me pinnae ive got a whole cut nnd im going to be jttore and he little ignro trotted away wjlh one htinil ahut eo tight hut the cent could l hnvn got out if it had lain njuo john tinker candles and pica that wus tho place ehe wanted and in a minute she wna atandlng on tiptoe try ing to make jullovo biib wai big enough to look over the counter mr linker waa hiiby and bo jo her whole nninn wa josephine bud a chance to look about candles and pies i should say so 1 hn thick every- wluro that you couldn t nee the paper on the walla jo never bad a cant nil for litr own ihifore and bow to spend it just right required a good deal of thought and a good deal of looking n round lieforsliatid will my llttlo miss what is up a giont inrgo cake said jo nnd mr maker took down ono of tboso ire inandoub big nnea with scollops nil around i hem any little mltea of pins for dollars oh yeet and one waa put nn top of the big conklea 1 nnd ao jo went through tho whole list candle rakes and ploa und mi linker did them ull in nice white paper nnd tied the bundle with a pretty speckled string jo pick ed up hor big parknge put down her cont aald thnnu you sir and started to go homo what is thl rent tor nuked mr iluknr dont you know said jo ita for tho candy and tiling ilut they coiuo to forty llo cents uiild mr linker thulti funny i aald jn mamma gave tun the cent and tnld me to buy jtirt what i wanted forty flvo enntw hi more isnt it now mr linker had a little girl just about aa big an jo and ao bo couldnt help lot ing hor what do you think he did f hn took tho bundle nnd mark ed in big letters 1rlce ono cent now anld he yoli owe 1110 forly- foui cents nnd ill give thnt for n kiss and thou well lw square ho hn look hla kins and jn took hvr bundle anil went home nnd tho faust that she nnd her dollies bud htstid n long time a jo kb at dublin rim sign bnnrd which was erected over the entrance of ti lolly uohego healing the word tho ilrltlsh asso ciation was mysteriously mutilated during ono ihureday night nnd thoso who wore euily nsth tho next morning wore confronted with the algn tho ilrltlsh ass thoso who perpetrated tint jokn did their yoik thoroughly a portion of tho blue cloth lielng neatly out awny the hoarding waa subsequently taken down much to tho bu tlnf not 1 011 of tliaio who re gnrdod it aa nn unnecessary disfigure- muut to tho coltegu f sonde dublin irish times tleaskr homo icngllihmon do not uttei more than about 120 wonts a day and of thouo nhout ku are ploase please i it la tho cheapest thing in kngtaml hut ft la n very pleasant bounding word 1 i do not think any othoi i tng- iirtgv possesses u word nt once so briuf ao expiosalvo and eo eweet a greek journalist in tho hellenic herald muarroo tho niitomabllu must got exclaims a rural exohaiihp hure hi other it isnt worth much if it docunt thioovkrhmint andzamuuk ailldnk tlin fitvoillo i iti u sell old balm in now adoptotl aa tho dootm hy leading parties in surveying vai loiia parts of the dominion lanile mr henry hull writing from kort william aayet having provnd hnw beneholul zam ituk la in oases of cute akin injm lea and diseases i detet min ed to loop a supply handy doing en gaged to go nn a survey i thought it would lie a most useful thing to tako along i obtnlned a supply in fort william nnd very woll it wae i did so i may aay thnt pretty nearly every day it wna oallod into requisition by ono or other of the party fur cute bruises burns or some injury or other it la wondoiful bow qnlnkly zamuuk takes the anreneaa nut nf outs burns bruises and in jut lea und nn nur survey it earned golden opinions from all who had occasion to try it i havo found it vary fine for akin dis ease and i can slrnngly recommend it an n household lialm mr lascrllob nno nf the loverit- inei analysts inya ii have no hesi- tatlon in certifying the entire purity nf zuidduk wliloh in my opinion la ex cellently adapted for skin injuries and dlseaeei kamuuk cures out scalds burns bruises ecxoitin scalp sores ring worm iiloere abscesses chapped planes cold snies blood poisoning dtroola nhacesmse etci ah nn embro cation itvellevta rheuinatlsm heurul- gla mini solallca all tirugglste and stnrea sell at woents a box or from atnnnk on ton into for phee ii boxes for fl sja bend 1 cent stamp fovdalufy aample box twkntv vkaiiej aoo mr donald unmeron huu dupoi d of bla rnrm oiighengyle in hiu place acres to mi hugh muiin of win nlteg formerly n renldnnt of acton forglhlh mr u111111 ion will remain there until spring hlnce the uiuliiuud riiiim of llm past iiioiilb the gruvot on mill htreet new roadway pruveu not to he nn iinquull- lit d hurt am it looku now almost ns if it bad lit en clay imported fiom tra falgar or nutaat- the stone work however riiiiulua 111 in anil in good condition our lorn i bakiiit uroopid tlml itul pliiaii pretty bmlly last week in nut last issue we vre coiigrntulutlng our cltuens on llm continual prlco of 11 oeutt for inert d while lu iimio other towns haki rs bad glvou biuiurn fnney pilci ilntvivnr thn morning tho iltki vlil n uiiu luauud hritid was rduid to ii liilu ami conmiimera havent couiiih need ye to i bunk the hiikt rs for the change mr j ii matthews of irin u about to open n new saddlery mid harness shop in ihu store next to mr juntos malt he wa residence opposite mconrvin w drug sin re prom the liorgetown herald itev mr davey in thu couiso nf nn uble sermon on hunduy night romai ked thnt he bud nutlcid more drunken mms dm ing ihe past two months than during thu whole of his experience under the kcolt act on aeverul occasions recently ho had escajtod be ing driven into only bocouse tho horses wero more sausihle than the men thomsolves itev dr oltford pastor delivered a lecture in the methodist church on tuesday evening on hucceas in life the audience was largo and thn lec tin o nhlo huovo storey acciiptod tho chiih hev it ii cook offend open ing prajor and hov j w ituo mndo omuplhueiittiry remarks at tho close hov o ii howie latu of hyrla now paatoi or knox church llrussels has taken tho oath of ulleglnnca tn the lliltlsh throne lining the first tuiklsh i auhjeol natural lied in cunnda he will miirry nn nov 1 mlsa sarah spur into of knglnnd nnd impea still to return to tba foreign miaslou field ho preached and isotured hero n year or so ago and is engaged to lecture on jun lit in the knox church mum on oi lenttil scenes last ihinsday evening aclon cor net lluiul sorenuilltl mr nnd mrs hurry s white at hilfxon place thu newly man led couple after wai d luvltod tho members of the land to tho dining room where rofieshmenta wlro llbernlly snrvi d mr tlios khbago lu now engaged in thu pump business on n linger scale than uvei ueuldu excellent wood on pumps mndo for j1 years pusl ha can supply nil kinds or lion pumps for deep wells in the public school honid a grunt many applications of ten fliers for posl tlons in the third and fmmli di part iminta wore rocolved und misses m i carlton of orcein ore und knte x laiilluw of georgetown wero migug ed nt salaries of 9m nnd 9221 1 eptct- tvely mr ii modougalle teiului foi i t0 cords nf bound hepch and iiiuplo wood at 8l fio per cord was accepted it la estimated that 75 per cent of tho lady school tonchera got married aftor tlioy have taught for threo years 1 00 per cent nt the expiration of flvo years 1 ut per cont at tho end 1 of ten years nnd5 per cant remain i free from marital cares until thu end nf the chapter ptohahly no other profession contributes ao largoly to- wnid thinning the ranks of tho bachel or b 11 facia that reflects crodit nn nil concerned long may they continue tn conquer or lie conquered aa tho easu may be pluilio si i ioo i ex vmiv vtionm i fihht disit hon samuel laird annlu htephnlison john porkina inter holla bttphoneon anson rmlth j j pearson jun milton henderson lewis orr olaia moore t t moore lonelier aktoniiduitboiiwumnaifiord krod hyder junnlo hnuisny inter clint lia moore muliel hose hnssle cameron jun alllo hondorsnn kdna thurston mugglu itamsay o mtpitui tencher tiliitu dkit hon jennie ilren- nun mlnnlo imwanlu hubert mc- plierson inter handy law holtlo mooann ada ivunclv jun john mcdonald artlo mooie lloy mcin tosh d uiitiunn teacher kouiitii durr honhlhi andrr- onn lena holmes ijunlo storey inter mend hyder alice lnwry mabel grant charllo towers jun mabel cralne hollln nloklhi nulla ilildotlbrand lknv doiilvnii tench or mr j sinclair public school loneli er hook wood has resigned ho was popular nu a teacher and a dtlxen ilmin in milton on oat 17 to mr ii gray houd master public solum nnd mm gray 11 daughter hon v in gnoigjtown on oct 0 tu mr m olurk head muster high school nnd mia claik n son houn in niibbugawoyii on oaf tn to mr am mrs w10 whitley n n daughtor maiiiiiko in toronto nn oat 1 by ituv dr parson mr thou o htiblnutto ii a h h i banister to joiiiiih illuokloak secnud daughter of mr john ctriulheit deputy post- mastor of toronto maiiuihii in nussagawoyn at thu linmo nf tho brides fitthor by hov wm dirks wm il darby to jaiio u second daughlur of win huh- bund maltltncn at tho methodist pur- sonnge hockwood hy hov james walker mr jiiinua thonker nf icra- moan to mrs mnrykllou masalna nf hiqueltig dluual the reshlenco of thomas nttilon niihbuguweyii 011 oct 8tl siibhiimih relict of the lata yunou oltij nf imblliiuh in hor lalth year dont cjivk up if yon ve tihd mid ba nd woo novi 1 sloii foi i lyiuu allllnilagieat uiiilgni d 1- d jusl by jiatii ut trying ihmiuli yming 11m im in ll ing fill htlll thnlr wlugu grow mi i migi 1 and the next tluix tin y 1 in kt p up n little lougei 1 bo the sturdy oak loo knou n many a blast hi it bowi d in 1 hhn linn risen again nnd gi own wtler aild piniiilii if by easy work yon hi al who thu more will pil oui quilling vlitoiy from di ft al 1 huts ihu lent that tilts you phfl be cry lbtmt you pohobt io i voiinl hud n b ui 1 from kjni for a bfng timi hi wiltmini iihont twice a yt ai i urn always ho glad to gi t ft letter fi on my hoj li and giiln ljut tin y si lilom wi ito to me luiii atu t wrnti home in nljtli into tuo inin now pi iih mue in n ulinol foigot us i niy motlilm int thiin uiy m ih at blliio hu iviolo just oiili laul jim but i mm not expicl loo much of hi 1 hlu u u vi ly busy niothtr i don l know shal he is doing now ho mm ilirking in a hardware uloro lx monthu ago whon i hnd the lust lutur fnnn him have you nut nftt11 liuird hulii 11 uinrka from futliere nnd unit hi if ulu ti you have asked about ibilr nlmunt rhlldrenp ofti u th tpiivi ring hpu lie tenr filled eyi the and hunger in the tones shows how hard it lu to say them contrast tin m with tin tn yes he bus written mo 1 viry uiilt during the live years he huu bei 11 gom no mntlit r ever hud n bullet son she lias a huge family of inn own hut alio is never too busy to write to inn at linsl n almit note ivmy uiel of cum wo they luue not lusl tin lr lovn fm home fnlkn but liny xinii to reuhxit whnt tin it it ih is iuau ol i tniiybu uliiiii und loin ly tho piuon think miilhntiomt tin ii nlwui likii rtn und enjoy ki 1 nly httiiit fiom them hon duughlei don t fiugit ibn old folks at homu i know you aie full uf business nui own boio11 ran u uoik lug hnrd hi colli go llul dixit foiu those who have loved jon no long write ofti 11 write riguhnl kviii a shmt hole 01 a postal turd will he botlei than no word kn p ii up jtut us long us they live it is a dot it should lw coiiuh d 11 piivilige now you wont foi get will you a pausing preacher lu cumberland pituh tiilaii lha dominion wmi long a stoiy und promisi hoiiiltliiilu beemlug huiilly more lliun a hope now it lu a f u t large viilli expanding ibouglit lohi polling ihu feitllo land whhlpu not too fm mnlh or too high iihove the ben to liavo fahly gomi rtlmati uiny constitnle a comparatively auiull pint of ilrltlsh america but it iu t11 111 l lent for 11 great ueulth add llm limbn tho inimirnln tho walti power the fisheries tin wnti twnju ami the pnitu of tho dominion and it stands out ing the newt 1 landu of tho earth iih rightly endow id vaut and of liemeu dons possibilities jwiyovint uhlch centura utteutlou upon c timdii turns 11 seaichligbt upmi crude force s vast spucrs huge atoieu of iiutuinl wealth all hint makes a young land win thy tho study of thoso who 1 unci in them selves with tho lurgui nnniiiirtiu of human progress make no tiilmnko about canada a great nntl u lu grow- log faster and laslot a c runs thu 001 tit er n boundary of tho unlltd states cleveland ltitdoi pkovidbntial intidrpositiun a young itlshtnun lu want of a iho pound nolo wuito to hlu uncle nu foi iowa 1 dear uiilio if ymi cniild sin hnw i blush fin ahitmo nu i tun wilting you would pity me why p heoauso i have to ask you fot n few pimndu und do not know how to uxpiess my self it is i lupous i hi 11 fur urn to toll yon i piuier to die i send you thin by uiossengor who villi wait foi an answer iluliuvo mi my deal out undo your most obedient und nlfue tlonato nophaw p s ovoicomi with rumnmu for whnt i have wilten i huvu been tun ning nfter thu messenger lu unlet to recover this letter hut i can not catch him ilea min grant that muimthing may atop him 01 unit this lettet mny get lost tile nnolii wus imtuially touched hut was equal to thu emeiguney hu replied nu follows 1 my doar jnok consulu jourself und blush no uioiu piovlilencu huu hoard jtmr prnyer the mestungei lost your lut tor y0111 utyvcllumito uncle gr0wingciiildren need a strength dulldlna tonlo daughter or mrs ialntei madoo ontario nbstonbd to iiraltii by vinol i nm vuty imiuli pluusnl with whnt viunl has done for uty liulu girl sim hud no appetite wliutm ei my ill ug- gist nil vised uu to tiy vliioluml vttulld so her upputlte huu been gnod evei ulnotl inking vino nnd it hint hullt hoi tip in t vuiy way mrt w ii palmer mailoo ont this is ihicuuno vluol u 11 gounlnu tonlo mid hudybnlldei vvbieh vonlaliiu peptonutu uf lion togetlu l tvlth eveiy omi of the hiidyhiilhliug metllulmil olemoiitb of cod llvoi oil hut without ono drop of oil to tipuul thu stomach mid retard llu wotk vlnnl iiuts dir ectly tin tlnjsttmiuuh oitatita litahhj bpihitlte uml eiinhluh the dlguhlive orghttil to obtain die ueeesuuiy food eaten to make iloh led blnoil healthy tloah mid ipuiolo tissue and ureal o strength y0111 money buak if vluol fulln to bunuliv h a iluhuituuu druggist autmi i

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