Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1908, p. 2

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fiorewflsj ht jwtjcrtt sttt ft voiiimr xxxiv no mvry hul rl llui acton onta1ho tiiujisday moiining octou10ii 20 108 hulxwilfllon frica i oo rr annum sinolijs copitc8 till uk centh ulbt artot jrm ksb riullniiui icviultr rillltlldav mohm1no r tint 1rom nihm ivloll- 0m si li htlllult actom on lnun u huburrlwllom oit dollar pur year strictly hi udvmico all ul- icrl ileum 01 ml nil 1 1 nil nl wliun ilia llm mr wlilrh tiioy luivo liooit 111 lias 1 1 sou yi for rim insert ion j cants ir line far itrli gliwtmiioiit ittui rtlon advertlsamnnia without atclaa di rections will li inbarloa ill forbid tml clmrptil cxuordinahy rranulant ad- vnrllaumonts must injil in advance atlvarllaamfinlh 1111 lia rlmniftt one aoh mouth ii deal rod vor ohanatea oftsner than tliny mentioned hi com poult i on mini lio paid or at regular rata change for contract ndvorllaamanta muni bu in lltn ntnci hy noon on twrs- account pafyatilo monthly lnvllili onlce 10 vlrfot htrael ion- don j3 ci wlmro untiri u and j hardy a co will rooolvo for us nwwa t inscriptions ant ndvortlaumnnl and har our renders can fraa of charge our iiapvr when 1 kniflnnd ii v noon la 1 dllor and iroi r inter wusfntss filrrctorii uxdical npiios gray m d c m mcgill l ii o i li innumni i it i n atiiow usubib luftim usmcii association rto dffle vradtilok blraal acton oot e d ault m d c m offle lfours0 lo 19 a n i 1 to 0 and t to 0 aoton out jn a l hoke ira lualn or unlvariltp of toronto ofllfla l liililiict on ulllnw rtreet iwmo maroliatu hal k an 1 town hall 1 hone no w actom ont lxoal j mtouinnpn ii4bmbtbb boi i0iyob comvbylmcss orriosuiii hlrel in llliial mock naoraalowii urancti ilaiu hirast opan dnaajaya an 1 uaturtlaji r jtw it vourlli division court oounlr ol hal on oonveyanear again vlroanil luaassuvanee ileal uauuaaui voney loloan ate d dkntal l j m ui5ll dubld8 ubntist aoiom offloa at lltaldaiico coruar mill an 1 piiwlariali i root llomom 0100 1tb ob tobosto uhlalmltt tlia lalaal anamltiatlo uaad if daairad alltoekwootl tuesday vxscxitlanmo us ci ani j hardy co atvl rtibihg comtbactois and nuwa cod ml ipohdhmti jo fleet street london u c fngland a vila of llililanar ean imtiaan frnaof bharoa by vliltora to i onion to whom ulvloa era ill will bt glan ii n lulrad f hianoi0 nunam nooxmndril wyadhanisi m aualub onuili ovarwihuraa btora aauiint llooki of all klndi nmla lo ordajr liarlodloajaotavaryilamrlpllanaaiatuuybouna rulluvnaailvanl promnilvdooa m aniuaok liolnbub n v uoonn namb ov umtuai i iokhii rdvataofflaa kowltnaimflold laiaad al ralduoa in tua avanlnf vrmrrata offlot aoom xtorti qembthkut llhmiid adutiomiii vox tua ooanll f walllmlon ini hal ton otdaralaflathiapkkii lilio o01o aeton u hroyralinmlii aotou will ba promptly tt- uadad to taruii liaoaoualjla alao monar la 1 on tha moil favorabla w j amis mcdonalp llckhbki auctiohkkh vo ilia oomitlaaol wall i niton llallon wautloo wauiworth anil ilia pilf ol uualpli dalai eoniluatad on raaionabla lamia bill auouon biiarantatml in avary caia vorurmi tlataa alo apply iq ho wj bmunmhpwcor motaaua ml and u lload llfelilll ont tataplioiia w oual uolmiiiayua arraugad at vbhb ibim on k j kprr i1cukirh auctiohhkb for ilia coiinllaa ol wallliiaton and llallon btlaa onnituetail wltli latutaation and upon rauonabla urma flrdara uf ultar la lunioaa p o talapuona to asatm or oiprlnaa or 111 at vmm ibhm ottloa aelnn vrill raoalva inimadiala atunllon bunsoninhd htook oaftiaij iiwoooco the wbll1noton mutual inburangr company cbubluhm 1840 ub4 offlu ouflpu on insuuanoh nn oaati and uulual plan au luioratiaaraquliad win ha promptly nlubd w ii dunnvabnl young hit aelon the old and reliable granite and marble dealers woawr work w ball dl aja pr malhua aavlna mji wa llavo ihb- of monument and h dlraoi in our ouatoma 1 llelm ib tarmat and oatl mm6 of unuilu in tba pontlniont or utorf ihan any tbraa aalra ib ibi wmi wa ora ieuliim daolara uofam play up btmlft and da not aunoy orwialbb ombm by modltia mil ifiooranl ombum bsimu ordartwt am ploy uiaehanloa only mm dafy oomptlluon hamilton sons oof norfolk olid woojwuh bu quhltu tun jyioc7 txpcht watch bimwiiici paper makers lkoilokto wn oat7 hook niwh and roijoitfiriaii lis tnoitllaltifiit gasl prodtice rhe uniluralrnetl i now pre jiarod lopnrcliaaoiml pycaili for all butur bgflb and mvo foultry dfllverotl si lilt liom mill slrrel aclon oppotlilon hal arlaon bucliimltli ahop ii ii wordcn wholesale produce dealer w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main si reel acton oppoaiis sloplienaon a wacwmllli biiop ah work quarantrod tho work of vein in acton la proof ol lis ex cellence ordera left al a t drown dnitf storo will receive prompt nllenllon w h walker aotom ounworkwill bear inspection aoton hand laundry x cla el having repurcliaied ilia aclon liundry builnou from mr jamea webaier will like clurrfl nent monday i hid itio inliifacilon of pleadntf all caiiomerb who ptironlied mo during tho trfreayaira i wt in bualneia iwforo and i am now in a bailor position than ever to doullifaciory work tim laundry work i turn out will alwaya bor inipeclfon i olavel mill street acton woodmc raving dhotoenciravinct halftones jljwsfypl dyeing all kind of aarmflintai aljinbd dyd wma flnlbhtd llks haw on fthoit notlo huati at oaula hull anil orarnoalr ladlvr rllk and wo prumi jaokaif itlpuiu ilouu old llooda kid olovaa mrppara lulibodi all oaltleli iluuiaa and tim alaoaad dyad an eurlsd hair add wool uatlraatai an tmibi itrtooratad at thgemmi5llco steam dyers end c leaner too upper wyntl ham st bilabllihed 1hh7 plionisflo ouelv1i uiss pekr man aclon aaenl aoton grain elevator and feed store wo buy ill icindb of giain and sell sll klndg-ol-feed- as woll as advertising is one thing norval meah flour t etc r noble and having the lamp 10 hack up tlio ail la another ioltow our ajja and you can depend on fin j inn the a lock 10 hack up each and every ailvariliemenl our i imjn are ueaullee lalel new york pailerni no old alocu at all our 1007 i ampa wale clearad out bit aprlon see our tmilli wlndou for lampa al all prlcei otir irkaa are alway blth the bond hardware co llmlteol neull phone 07 aublni griat cllaiuno svi l op buggies marketwagons and carts h good aecond liand opun husnlra in flrat clan repair juit what jou need lo aave yournood bujtjiy in the bad road a 5 good tecond hand road urla h market wagona nood alronr job in flrat cloai repair 1 alit lumber wagon pole and iliafle ahel vm and aprlng aeal 1 heavy iprlng waoon wllli ihelvmi 1 heavy pi at lor m aprlno waron wlib anelvlm filled wllli brake anil lop over aeal juat aa good ai new a irgeln these wllllw all aold by p lo at the very closest prices tliuy muat l cleared out el once come and get a bargeln bring along your culler and ilelplt repairing now before the rush j n oisieills ckrrircb 1wop3ks qsorobtown ont 1000 is vary od salsrjr for a younfpnonnntur0tq ra- ealva kavaro of oar tliorl- hand vradiialaa of last jaar ars uow anjoy log llila salsrv larlianawaaanlialp you lo raealva 1i1i1 amouiil our newesutoauaeiplalii gut ouluitaaan alanllanilmu i low if rhairuanlralllail nesa collsga toronto kama georgetown floral go liiud georgetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specialty all order plicl wllli mr e a robrlon pnikitlt aclon will nelv prompt ambnllon acton chopping milj heopened tha chopping mill ta now in full running order and i am prepared lo fill all ordera promptly tho mill will run every day and there will be no unnecessary delay flour and fj8bd a full slock of flour and feed bah bsen locked r o b0wn proprietor your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or atones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowet prices harri8 oy oo limited the way to muskoka this s a mm or is by the uke shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing muskoka the maganetawan and the best country in aix provinces for the holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the six railways of tho canadian northern system to the in formation bureau head off ice canadian northern rail way system toronto jlorlrij vouh mibalom a sinuiir hiiiik 11 oiif of tnin anil tlio utitikl world litmtd uml wopt i or tliu boiuf bo sin row of lloetlrnr fnare in hopua which llin ilvail past itnpt 1 anil eoiilu in utiiiuii their liimli lttu ami tbn wmbl wbb aatlder ibnis vi r borori ni lio great world lulontd nml uiiillod 1 i or lln ong of tbn lnvn ut a fill in i dear and tha trust of 11 llttln child 1 and boiiib tlujt itoruro ijml fiirrollorf lo pray looked un and uwnl ulniflntf nlonr tho way im in a c dywil in nortliwnatoh atlvocattt 9rlcl ynrnllu luflblng a suftut mistake wllvalk waa jritvc quoatlonlnp in bo walton rnmlly over lut tor flml imd como in tbn morning w nmll cyrus walton brothnr john wlm imd olio wsat ywtra liifore had on lilaj dealbluid com- mended bis only child o tlio enr of bla roltitlvou i know it lint loon n long tlmo ibo djlnu iiuiii wnitr slnco wo iibvo liraril from uuli otlivr i ncblecte tha intiiiif rulke whan i first uontnwuy nml bo iilmiiet lost iriiclt of yon all 1 hut now unit tho doctor tvllu me i havo hut 11 fnw iioiiib lo llvff my mind moou i in ok to my own niils uml i ahull at ml my llttlu irl to you i trust fui tint mui of mil childhood dnye you will itculvti bur mid im kind to her llie liller bud ihmin nddrosaed to cyrimor piivld wullon but tha pot uinaloi unll kti v thnt b would incur lb npir nfojiun if bn prosunied to put it in diiviiim box fir lm former wmi u iiuiii uf piouilninco in hu own tiyia ut knut nml whin ililuulgruieiirn ahonn him hi llm lltn whb rl flmt in llui mmily f cyui- wulton and duly duciiuhidf nml liouuli it i kim mi y dun hinilicirs ii was not till ibo mxt day tlint dnvld whb lob or it it in a put feci 1 in un n co to bo asked to lakn ii child into oiiiiu fun illy enld gyrou oldiut dmifllilfif aimiwiih i inn bine wo cannot ut hulf tha now thlnffs we want now tiecatui pupa u alunya rumbling over tlio ex pun so nnd i do not nee whiitaoiisotlicio would bo in adding to his burdons i cannot iwmr a child nlwnya abnut 1 alio le prob ably hulf aavimo anyway xupa tako tho letter over to undo david and try to neiuadoliitn thai lncnn rocclvp bur hu linusn la roll of clillilrwii and 0110 mo iti will not make much differ- oncw what do jou think inolliprf ask id oyrna looking ilepreratlnpjly at bu wlfo whntdol think p woll my own children uro nblo to tnko oar of them bbivcbi i vu brought them up and no thanks to anylmdy and i will not lie botlioml with ihonu of other penpla ilnaldur us tbn girls tay wo can t ifford it im afraid david cant either ho said moiikly woll no 0110 will forco tilm to tke bci but i think ho will ho la a soft headed aoft hnartcd idiot and me wlfeujuat nu bail limy nood tint have lieon- in tha troublo thoy ara now if david hud mod common aenaa and not algned those notoa of undo danlolfl vee hut it was to kimip i he old man from ruin in thought mid if unote danlol had lived it would have iwen all 1 ight you know when d ivld was n boy ha wne mora tlinn kind ta him sant lilui to school nfttr father died and liolptd him to hie faun david inuuta now unit ho ims only paid uhut hu uivihi unoh in splto of tho turn nlfnlib bavi tiiktn i will do my beat to urgn david to tako her nt porsnanlun wim not nocnesnry david wulton bad 11 heatt of flesh und whin tiu fund thu totter of hu dead biotliui and luarnetl that hln child waa coming mat to her lolatlvna he looked nt cyme with eyua li which tho tear gtlalenrd and itaclilng out bin hand eald 1 wa will do 0111 boat foi tho little htningar oh biothoi woll you env david eald cyrus my wlfy dont juut think aha can be hotlinrod with hor uml tho gltu seem to fancy wo cant afford it and an ho iitatninered thoy thniight pcrhapa your folks wotthl not mind one oxtra chllil wlipru tlioro wuro so many i cannot do foi livi what you might ealtl david hut who shall tiara what i have with my little orphan nlocul tho brothers did not mnva in the sa inn soolal et whl lo tlio wife of oyuia motet lioavon and earth to get admitted 10 tho highest at ra turn of fashionable society davids wife who lived on n farm just outside the village apparently eared very little for any noli distinction bha strained every nerve to give- her children the hesfc itgaoy thny could have at present life family was undai a aloud petun ia rly david having had to mortgage the farm notty heavily to meet om nbllgallohu wliloh he imd nevejmiiieet- eil to ho called upon to pay the old- at daughter had inmbblrttgvfl lp tiliool nd teaoh afha plating tbft ootirsev 9bjprl had ttum uutu4rmsnsnvl while the yntmi hn dhf inbtner so hi ourre4 for ut- y what lltoll nrdlct would lw wlmn ho told ihoni of thflr unolna ritiinst tour lltlln llilugl knld tha mother kindly hho will 1m vary lonnlj we must try to comfort her i wish john imd wtllton iwiforr it would not aoom to in ho mutli like going hiiiui g alrtiiigctb if wo imd been in onmuiunl cation for year how old a ehr manhiiat aukrd malwl tho see nd nfrl ae old naif i i roally cannot tell you toy dear i linvit been an mm ii in ignoraucn of hi r rxuinnro nn yourself up to the puuenl wu only know aba le your cousin and ahum in tliu world ft rust you will nil do your hrst to muko her happy dnvld looked al hurt y and tiraci the eldest children who wcro home for ilia iiolldm tltey answorvd blu look 1 itially fall or aold harry i am sorry that thin burduii should imi laid upon you undo cyrus ib fur hettir able to luar it and i thipk he should do so ilut if wealtacrlinpn little i giliibb we can maiibga hoon two letters went to the far west to tho addrese glvoo nnd mr williams looked comically at that or cyrus walton for ha read twtween tho unas and saw that be waa afraid to assume ilia support of his brothers child hie miserable subterfuge of straightened olrcumstancea went for what it was worth lint oven the stern lawyer was much moved wlion be read davids kind intter in which ho welcomed tits child to hla home and gave mlnilto directions as to how aim woltld travel adding that ho would jjladly conio after her if ho could nfford i and nuking if there waa sufficient m my 10 defray wr travailing ex poiibosi if not bo might trlegraph to a certain hank where bn h ttl di poaltod enough for that purpou incr williams took the blieia und fliilllngiiciih witnt to htniitlfnl house on imn of the flnnat sliii tain tho city and ii- km for muu walton a lovoly girt ditiusud in ditp uimrnlng came to grot him my dear ii np i hnvo heard from both your unolfandyniir undo david is iinxlotis for jou l coma tight uway tho other om is wfi il 1 of oxponsr nnd dons not ut it liu wn llmir to the main tons nee nf si lid malntonanci- child p nkt d 1 lie young tudy holpli sxly yob hi some whj limy haiugntlon tliu idea that jou aiv very young arid poor iim t hu ptovoi tthtl 1 hurrli inousn ltu itnd fni joumelf unit man linn a heart or gold said he aa bnhandid her divldn ihiiim you had holler ruul it first 011 will mini soniotlilng wl m he fore tniii hlug that iclolo hho it ait tho lu tiers through care fully qod bless denr undo david i ivpa ulwayscalled mo his lllllo girl ami it is that which has misled thorn ililt i do not see why they thought mo poor i urn sure papn said nothing about money ho was only anxious for 1110 to go to mb relatives and made mo promise to spend my ye ir of mourning with them nlthtmgh i would much rathrralay in hiy own hmuf hut i will go dont you think that it iii be woll to let thorn fancy lam poor tor a lime 7 yes answet ing her own question telegraph for tho money and for every dollar lin shall havo a hundred if i find i am received as graciously aa hla lottir would load im to expect i ahnll in 1 wo days later the handsome house was shut up the servants having boon previously discharged and itoao wal ton boarded an eastward lumnd train fiho was dlmlnutlvo in slxo and tho two braids of golden bronxo heir hang ing down her hack nnd tho dross that only camo to tlio lop of her shocr mado hoi appear about twelvn years old a vary small box indeed hold the baggage she brought and the coarse ready mntln gnrmunts that she wore mads her nlmost doubt hoi own identity her undo david met her at the station and ilia warm woloomv lie gave her gladdened her heat 1 1 hut not until she found unrself in iter aunts arme did she realise tho iohb alio hnd sustained whan her mothut illod her uncle resembled hei ful her ao olnunly that she ooutd hardly apeak to him without tears hho tiail not been theiu a week he fore she saw how mattoia stood it hurt bar to boo how bravely they managed to inako her comfortable anil not allow hot to think alio was a burden about a month after hct arrival grace camo homo sick with pneumonia and her luug remained in stioli a cn dltlon that the doctor said she ought to go to a warmer climate it was considered simply impossible that she ehould do so nnd little was said though all looked sad for grace was very deal to them it we ihniight it was time fur an ex planation and en she came down to breakfast with one of her nwu dresses on and her hair in a coll and said in answer to their wondering looks 1 i ire hnon inssineradlng a little though 1 hail nn inch intention i 111 uttur your loiters oame and i saw you had 111 is undo rat ond papas moaning he always called me ills little girl whoii i found you ihnoght moochlm and a very poor 0110 at thai i wanted toseojiist how you would treat rot and i resolved to keep up the deception for yitil were i1olvrd unole david i ant past elgliuun ami beside my lovely hoin 1 saerauiento i have a mln in nevada tw is turning out motv bjisbv than i know what to do wimv i sav loads arrangements tvttb llr vnihm who is my guardian boforo their nyee llinlr alirpilse could not liftv iwaii mora complete and though soiun domiir was mnde hosn had her way hho idlentiod every oh jectlnn offwrod toiler lavishing so ninth upon them by the remark i you would havo illvldml your tnlte with a iii lie orphan hut object to her giving you of her abundance i appeal to harry if that is logical cyrus walton1 family never ito rame reioncltetltn tha risnlt of their mistake a wholilb cent ililfinl miii mr arsyjiblmturu id ia corner liy his gate anil ran plump into n 111 tin ulrl who was coming out oh i linn t stop me please i ve got ji whole- cent and 1 m going to the store anil lib little figure trotted away with one hand shut ao tight that the cent conldu t hnvn got out if it hnd bit n alive john linker candles and ilcb that aa the place bha wanted and in a lunle she was standing on tiptoe try ing to make imjiiovo alio was big enough to took over the counter mr linker waa busy and so jo her whole name waa josephine hud a chance to look nlmut jandlea and pies i should eay so i ho thick every where that you could n t see tha paper on tbn walls jo nover had a cant all fur htr own iwfore and how to spend it just right required a good denl of thought and a good deal of looking around beforehand will my llttlo misb what is itp a great targe cake said jo and air ilaker took down one of those iro mondous big ones with scollops nil round litem any little tnlteanf pies for dolhrsf oh yes i and one was put on top f the big cookies 1 and bo jo went through tho wholo list ciuidles cakes and pies- and mi ilaker did llieui all in nice whlto paper nml tlfd tho bundle with a pretty speckled string jo pick ed up her big package put down her cent said thank yon sir and started to go home what le thlu cent forp asked mr ilakar don t you know p said jo its for ibo candy and hinge hut they roiuo to forty flvo cents id mr linker timlu funny i aald jo mamma j gavo mo the cent and told me to buy jiikt what i wanted i orty five cenu lu more isnt hp now mr dakor had a lltlln girl just about aa big aa jo and an ho couhln t help ln ing bur what do you think h did p hn took tliu bundle nnd mark ed lu blt letters irlce uno coot now said he you owe mo forty font ci uts and i ii givo that for n klis and then well imi square ho ho look his kua and jo took hvr imndlo nnd wont home and tho foast that alio nnd lior dolllos had inst id a long time a joksfl at dublin tho sign hoard which was erected over the entrance of tilnlty collego bvailng the words the hrltleli asso elation waa mysteriously mutilated during nno ihursday night nnd thuso who woro eutly nitli tho npxt iiiornlug vvero confronted with the sign tho drills abb lhoao who porpetralod the joko did tholr woik thoroughly a portion of tho htuo cloth being neatly cut away tho boarding was subsequently taken down much to the biittbraatlon of those who ro gardod it na nn unnecessary du figure mont to tho college facade dublin irish times plbabbt homo kngllalimen do not utter more than about 12ft wonts a day and of those about ao are pleas imoaaol it is tlio cheapest thing in hugtand hut it u a very pleasant bounding word t 1 do not think any othei 1 ing- uagv posiesboii 11 word at once ao hrluf so expioaalve nnd ao sweet a greek journalist in tho hellenic herald husrrao ihonutouiohllo must got exclaims a rural exchange hum brother it isnt worth much if it doosut thioovirniiintandzamhuk xitiiunk tho fiivoiliii household iwlm is now adopt oil as tlio dootm by leading parties n surveying vai lous parts ot tho dominion lands mr henry hall writing from 1ort william says 1 having proved how beneficial mm link is in cases of cuts akin injm lea and diseases i doteimln ed to keep a supply hfttidy helng 011 gsgml to go oh a hurvby i thought it would lie a most useful thing to tako along i obtained a supply in port william nnd very well it was i did so i inay say thnt pretty nearly every day it was called into requisition by one or other of tho party for cute bruises burns or soma injury or other it is wondoiful how qnlokly zaniduk takes the soreness nub nf outs burns hrtilsv anil injiiiles and nnnlir survey it cnrnud goldim opinions from all who had occasion to try it i have found it very fine for skin dls ease and i oansfrtmgly recommend it as a household balm mr lasoellea one of the govern- tiivnt analysts says 1 i have no hul- tatlon in certifying tho entire purity or zituibuk wbloh in my opinion is ax oellently adapted for skin lnhrles and diseases xawbuk cure cute eealdav uuros bruises ecsemai kslp sores ring worm uloers abaofe cbftppefl pbtew oold sorts blood poisoning tvlnty vbaiitf ago mr donald cameron has rtupon d of lilu fnrm onghtmgyle in this plan arras to mr lluh mann or win nlmg formerly a res lit tint of acton foi l m mr cum ron will remain there until spring htoco the outlnucd ruins of tho past month tlio gravid 011 mill htrwelu ntw roadway prows ont to bo an tinquull fhd mici uiu it lociku now ahnnat ns if it hnd hi en ct iy imported from ira falgnj- or nuluop tho tono work however riuiiifim hi 111 and in uood condition our oluf biknrs scoopid ho i ill i ihhhh ptelty badly inul wink in our last issue ho wtfro congnituhttlug mil citixunson tho contlmud price of 12 cents for hnad while in alunu other towns bakers had glvou blind a fancy pilci hnwlvnr tho morning tho lint im hh was isuuud briud was raised to 1 1 n nto nud conuiiiiiers liuvou t coiiniii need yet lo thank tilt bakers for the cbntigi mr j ii matthews of i rln is about to open n now snddlciy nml harness shop in the store next to mr james matthews residence oppnsito mcgnrvln 1 drug utori i thu guorui town herald ituv mr ii ivoy in tho cnuiao f nn uhlu sermon nn hiiuday night remarked that he hnd notlcid mora drunken nous 1i111 log the past two mouths than during hid whole of hla ixperhnco undor tho kcolt act on several occasions recently be hnd escaped hu ing driven into only hncajuo tho horses worn uiiiro soiislble than tha men themselves hov ir glfford pnutor dellvcridu lecture hi the mothodlat church nn tuesday ovunlng on hiiccoss in i if 1 ho audience wna largo and tho lie turn nblu huovo htnroy occuplod tbn chahlttiv it ii cook oitirid opun ing p raj or and hov 1 w hun made complimentary ri niarka at the close hov q ii howie into of hyrla now pnstm of knox cliuioh llrussols has taken tlio oath of allegiance to tha ililtlsh throne being tho ii ret turkish subject naturalized lu canada he will marry on nov 1 miss harsh bpnr irilo or lnglnnd nnd hopes still to return to tho foreign mission field ho preaclisd nnd lectured hero a year orsongo and isangagwl to lecture on jan iv hi tho knox church course 1 qt tenia h conns 1 insl lliuisday evening aclon our i net hand norenadid mr nnd airs harry h whlto nt hlllon place the newly married couple aftorwaid invited the members of tho hand to the dining room ivhoro refreshments wuro liberally servid mr thus kbbago iu uow engaged in the pump business on a linger scale than ovet uusldu exlcllunt wooden pumps in ido for jx yiare past ho can pply nil kludu of lion pumps for deep wells lu the public heboid hon id 11 groat many applications or tearhers for pnul thins in thu thin and fouiih dipait montb woro received and musou m i carlton of cieeninre and kato 1 lahllaw or georgetown wuro tugag ed ut salaries of lfun anil 9 rouplot tvely mr ii mcdoogalls totidoi for till corda of sound beech nnd imiplo wood nt si ao per cord was acctptod it is estimated that 75 por oent of tho lady school teachers got married after thoy liuvo taught for three years 1 im por cent at the expiration of flvo years j 01 por cent nt tho end of ten years and a per cunt lemaln frco from marital cares until tho end of tho chapter 1iobably no other profession contributes so largoly to wan thinning the runka of thobachol ors ti fnola that rclloots credit on all lmicomiidxoigmay thoy continue to conquer or bo conquered us tho on so may he pljiilit r mml hxvuivvtlunmt fiiiht dicit bon samuel laird annlo htophniiaon tohn parkins inter holla stephenson anion smith j j pearson tun milton lloudcrson lewis orr ohua monro t t monro toaohsr aiiniiduitren will log ifford fred hydor jonnlo ilaiiisay inter glial ho moore mabel hoes bessie cameron jim alllo henderson kdna thurston maggie itaminy o mcpitiiu teacher tllllip dlllt hon jentiln hron nan mlnnlo kdivards hubert mc phoraon inter handy law holtlo mcoann ada 1rancu tun john mcdonald artlo mooie hoy mcin tosh d comtid vn toaoher fouurii dit hon kit ander son lous holmes hiikiio storey inter maud hytler allen lnwry mabel grant charlie towora juit malwl oralne hollln nlckllu hnfla hlldonhrand lhnvdoiu ikii teach er mr j sinclair publlo school toaah- or hook wood has resigned ho was popular as a teacher and a oltlxon umm in milton on oat 17 to mr h gray head mauler publlo school mid mrs gray 11 daughter boitv ingamgdtown on oot tf to mr m olurk hood maalei high school and mrs clark a ami tlniik in nitssitgnweyii on oot vh to mr and mrs wm whitley a n daughter maiiribt in toronto on oot 2h by ituv dr pnraons mr thuu o itoblnette 0 a l h d bairlstsr to jailhle ninokhiok second daughur of mr soliii gun inhere deputy post master nf toronto m aim it ii in nuaiagaaveya at tho bonis nf the bridoe fathor by itav wm blrkt wm h parity to jahe a second daugbtes f wm litis- ful 1 him no i vo jtotlnd 11 i tin for a long time id wrlti u un ah ml twlco a yetil i inn atwajw so 1 ill tog t n lelji 1 fiom my bojs ami kill but they simom wiltu to nil 1 li m aln t wioti home in nlh 1 ut 1 iimi jrniji now iihih lilu in iilnium frgul us 1 u limbing in 1 thuil mm y ih 11 i it 1 h si u 1 just unci lust 3 un but i mm l not oxp ot too much of lu 1 slut ih a w iy busy mother i tlou t know uhut he la doing now ii m iu t h rklng iu a hardware storo six months ao whon i had the list leltir riom him llavt you nor often hinrd hiidi n mnrka fiom falhoreand uu tin m h n you havo osktd ahi ut tin ir auinh children p ofti 11 thf qulv ring llpo the tinr filled eyi the sad liungei in thu tones shows how haul it is to say them contrast tin m with tin m yea tin has wrltti u 11111 ivuy wnk during tbn flvo years ho has bai n gom no mnllur over hnd n hi tti 1 son who has 11 taigo family of inn own hut shit la never too busy to write to imi nt ii aut a short note 1 vi 1 y wi 1 l ofcouiso they lime nut bml tlnlr lovo for iidiiiu folks but tluy ni 1 m lu real i xi whit thiii b tti is hiiiui fill maybe nluiu and loin iy ihu piiinlu ihlnk much about tluli uihiiii lim rtn und enjoy lu 1 nly hltua funi them hon daughtui don i foit tin 1 id folks nt homo i know you am full nf imslnvus ymii own liouwicaiiw wi ik lug hanl lu colli go hut dun t fmgit those who havo lovud you so i ing write often wiito ngiiluilj lvi n 11 ahnit noli 01 a postal card will hi twllei than no woid kit p it up juut as long as they llvt it is 11 dulj it should be countid u pilvlhgn now you won i foi gel will yi u p a puuuiug proa die r in cuniheihiud iushjlul 111 marhlsivrat the mothodut par- eiuice boskfiood by rev jamee wutfl jtnm theaksr of bra- urf msryotllen aisdw of jajlbaiwtldeikm of tbprau dont otvk up if you vo tih i mid lnvt m i wi 11 nnvi 1 ship fin 1 1 ylug all thai gn it mid ut d u il in jilst by p illt nt ti jing ihouub ymiugblidu in mli k t ill htiii llinlr wlngx gintv minuigi 1 and thu next tluu uu y 1 in ki 1 p up a little longn 1 ho the sturdy oak huu uiutw 11 many 11 blast th il bnlvi d in 1 hho hna iluen nguln nnd giowu ioftlgr and pioudil if by easy wmu you iat who tbn iui 11 will u yon i gaining victory fiom th ft ut 1 hats hid list ihit trltu you lest you foitattt iho doiuliilon was long a t ij and s a proniui uouiotiux u kei tiling ii mlly more than a hope now it u 11 f u t largo vlilli wxpnndliig thought com polling lhu fei i lie laud whh h lu m t too f 11 nuith or too high al om tho sia to hnvo fniily gni d ctlmati in iy constitute 11 compariitln iy uuiall pint of british america hut it is sulllulout foragient uealth add tho liinlii tho mlnirau thu watt 1 pimir the flslu rluh tbr watt 1 wu j a and tin pi tu of tho dominion and it utnudu out icing tho 111mv1 1 lands of tho eaith aa rightly iiiidon id vast nnd of lumen duns possibilities lwiy event which centers tittiutlon upon cauiula tutus a eoavchlight upon cruilt forci vast spaces lingo storos of niitnral wiallh all that makes n young land win thy the study ot those who emici 1 11 them solves with tho target umveiiunu of human progress maku no uiiuiuko about canada a groat natl m lu glow ing faster und aster aerohu t he nut th orn boundary of tha uniltd hiutew olovolaml leader pnovidbntiat intdnposltiun a young irlshmau in want of n iho pound note wrote to hlu unclu ns foi lows dear uncle if jou could sin how i blush foi bhanio au i tun wilting you would pity me why p ikcanwo i have to ask you for 11 h pound 11 und do not know how to uxprouu m- solf it u impouslhlo for 1110 to tell you i prefer to dio i sin ttl you this by messenger who will wait foi an answer itullovo mi my dement uncle your most obedient nnd nlfut innate nophow p s ovoicome with it in 01 so for what i hnvo wilttoti i havo bien uni- nlngjifter tho muusengnr lu ordei to recover this letter hut i cannot oatlh him hoavou grant that something may atop him or thnt this lottir mny got inst thu unclu was naturally tounhid butwastqiial to lhu emergency ho ropllod ns follows my doar jnok cnnuolo jourself und blush no more piovidonco iiiib hoard nur prayer iho mousengit lost your lottor yum ulyeotlomito undo growingchildrbn need a ejtrength dulldlnar tonlo daughter or miaj falmar madoo ontario rbstohbdto iibaltii ovvinol i am vuty miioli ploastd with what vi110i line done lor my llltlo girl hho hnd no appelltu whulovui my ding gist ndvlsoil uu to try vluol mid wu did so hurappolltohuh boon gouil itn slnoo inking vluol mid it hnu built hoi up in uvoiy way mm w ii palmer madoo out litis lu bouiiuuti vluol lu a geuuiiiu inula and ixuly huildiu which contains poptnnatouf lion tngoihi with uvi ry unit of tho body building uiodluliuil ulumoutiiuf cod llvoi oil hut without one drop or oil to upsot tho siuniuoh and reurtl lu woik vlnnl nvl lr ectly on llioslumuoh eliiittsuluiiltliy apjietlte and onubles iho ui orgtns to obtain the neooisary food eaten to make rlobved blupd healthy lleeb nnd iaiueu tluue ami create ktrsngth your money bkek ir yol falls iff

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