Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1908, p. 5

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ijcijc vrfort jfrrc rim iiiuiihuav ociniikli m iuoh ilonmicm qu but i on iliti uilioliux with mliinillnu iii two imidiowmi tho mini ihimiifli tl wlnnw sin lililflir wlillti mri lllllti niiu on lln tlpa of thili tv mil- lifppinu with aiilltlnlitil and hnhhy lonliiil ii nu limy kontly went by i tlmyil lulu lilin a tutu of tlm uiirlnw ami tiilktlif tlm clumu in tlm linppy in ii or wniihl blur nky anil all unit tlm lirinjf u hinrl not tliu vulcu of thn ttnchrr nl nil i lllti tlioiiulilu intel roiiu out with tho llll hi utnuil with thv other iiih linck to llio wnll ahsiirhiul till llio icufoii wni ilono now nuk unintf questions tho truolii hnil riled tout uny that cl initio to occur lfutiby0 flnipiru wnnt up ami lit solttiimly ikikui i how ioiik till dm holklhys lrl not tilts mam biiu who in nn iiddrcuu p a ttjinpoinncn sa- lloly ailiiilrnlcnppslnhlthostorynfft iiiuii wiio hud ruliud lilu lianlth with nlcolml nnd mit looking snilly nt hi wife lo whom im lnul hindu ninny prmnufu of i nfoi m jtmiiy tin snhl you me a shi vi i wmuuiin colinigroiiw koud uooiiio vou sluuild iiilvu mnr- iledu lioliur in nn thiin i inn hho looked nt lilin thlnhmlwd nnd sloop- ulionldcrvd puniftturoly old nnd mid una we red i did jmnoa what tub kidnbva do what boottin kidney pllla ooln for aaton out people all tin- hhiixl in the hotly paeuiih ihioiiuli tlm kidnoyu every three mluiitiiu thn kldnoyn alter tlm lilood tlioy work nluht and dny to dully remove about wx rrnins of inipuro in tttor if they fall aoino part of thin linpilio mutter u loft in tho blood brlnlik nn pnhi in tho hnck iicaii- aolic dlxlneuu irreftiilar bonrt hot dry nkiii rbiinihitlnni rravel dropsy brink diiut uvpimlis ihmtha khlimy iniuoohl in acton nt drnvrns diiik htoru make tho llltciliifr rlf1it nnd overcome kidney trouble ilimriroilh of haiti county rwltlontb hnvp found thin out mis kiixhimiii illru of mnln ht dniinpton out nays i i wub pruntlcitlly cured of kidney complaint by tlm imo of llootlia kid- ney illls i miftored with hard kid ney wunkinhh thv secretions contain ml a milky sediment there wnro pulns around thn splnn nnd over thn tmull of tho hack my spins felt cold nnd i biiomno weak nnd run down from thin dlfnmilty i hud uovor rocolvotl r- llof froni tho iroiihla until i used ilootltn kidney pilu and thin remedy did itu work to pnrfnollon i do not wish to withhold my imiloruuntont of tlla lino nimmly hold by dealer irlca go cents tho h t booth co ltd fori krlo out solo cunnriun a routs the man who prltlos hlinsolf nn nhvnyu aaylnjr whnt ho thinks eoldoni succeeds in saylnff anything any onu olsn wants lo hoar ft will pre von t ulcerated throat at llio first synipuuns of snra throat which prosnses ulceration nnd in in in- illation t akn n spoonful of dr thmnas koluctilooii add a llttln sugar to make it pnlntulile it will ulhty tho irritation nnd prevent thn ulceration and swalllnp which aro so painful tlinuti who woro psrlodioatly subject to quinsy have thus mado thomiflvoh imuiuno to at tuck life that is imselflshly pourml nut in living deeds dnno fur others is lifted up nnd imiiiciisiirnbly exalted rabort- son tlia ortno with which corns und warts can ho romovod by i olio ways corn cum is its 8 tr on rest recommendation it suldoin fulls wo oflnn do mora good by ouk sym pathy than by our labor wohstor not only in a sucker ltorn every inln- utn i but once n suckor always a sucker you will uovdi- profit by yntlr mis tnkuusn lonftna you hlamo nthuro for thoni iaschl one of thn mnsb dun herons rogues is ho who la so busy regulatlnp othors ho hns nn time to dn tho right himself bparhueb do you onnio to sublmth sohnol voluntarily or lwcnusn you nrn on nroodp tiwked tho teacher voluntnrily i guess replied llttln kilgar i ihnught limy only linil to got coeireil if ihny wan ihiptlsts hho neoins like very nice girt one whom it would lutwnfo to umrry f oh no nn girl in sufu enough for that ilul fhnu nice enough for to think about marrying if yon only know when to atop poor adam iv sighed mr nupop why poor adnmp demanded mrs n j didnt linvn nnylioily to whom hooould till thn bright things iiulu cain said young matron i like natural doc- nratlonn hut they say thvro are snmo oreepnru about a house which urn very annoying in their habits do you know what kind they niop cruuty old bachelor with h glare yon nmdain bahlen wub everything in your bouse de stroyed by flrop kvery thing hut thn gas motor whim we got down to hmt wo found lb clicking nwtty appniently unln jnied iloonnncftsey dtud only two mmttlih nn there gnao ih wolfo v him wld n murry wlddy sluipough i noonuti yls i an ivr molnd she earrles it am alsy as she used to tit hanky t nv laundry btifonr casey dold nn lift his lolf insuranue innuey tommy pop a rooster doesnt have hair does ho p tommyi pop no my son tottmiy then what good does b do him to have n oambp pooh adviob upon uiovliig into ti iuw uelghbor- i iiihkm ii ho i iho fhiully wnn uiiilliioid not to light with hln new iiriiiulnliiireu onu day wllle rami home with u hlurk eyi nnd very niuah wpiilteied wllh dli i why willie said mninimi i tlioughl i told you to rount n hun dred befoioyii fought i i did iimuiimi until willi- and look what tommy hmllli did while i wtiu minting i pouuclmtlon prlnaluutf il rut i when wo undertake to llll your mioueiiplloiiu wo glvo tliem our uudivldiil attention nnd iteub rnro tho patients welfuro u our flrut taii ulderatlnu ttucoud i vfa guarantee our drugs to be of full atrengtlt na well na pure and frenh thhtl our ruuuunoin am supplied with just what they uak for rsuluillmit- lug lu never allowed painith cklkuv coupouki 1 if yoji nrn a auffiirer from kidney dluuiiso liver complaint blood troilblon rlieuiimtlmii neuralgia or nervous prosit niton yto conlldently refoni- mund tho uhimiv lnlnos celery coin- pourtd this rellablo nnd never din- ajihintliig medicine la a tnlo iiinimum iminuhnr nnd system bulhlor we uupply tho gouulnn pnlnon celory compound at ilrown acton ont the soul of every grent enterprise is slifdonliildiivloa a pill for ilrnln workers tho man who worku wllh ids brains is mom llnblo to dorangenioiit of the digestive system than tho mnn who works with his hnmla irccnuso tlm one calls upon his noivous energy whllo the other iippllen only his muscular strength ilialu fug begets irregular i ties of the uliitiiuclinud liver and the heatronindy tlmt can bo used is parmelfos vege- tahlu pills they are specially com pounded for audi cases and all those who uso them can certify to their superior power count it a crlnio to let n truth sllp- drownlng oabtoiiia bmm on jf kna vfib h aj plfutnrs whoever 1b capable of joy enn loam to maintain it the habit once fitted will never hn tost slhlios to ourb a gold in on ib day tsks lsssllvs llromaqalulns tsbut- a ruiulm ratuimtlis iuony l 11 falls to sui w urovsaaignstaisoumali hoiubiiu tio fairest action of our human life is scorning to rengo an injury curcw for yoars mother graven worm hxtermlnator bus ranked as thn most effective preparation manufaoturod and it alwayn maintains its reputation iiopo without nation in a barron uii- door fulthnm wo cannot havo a good thought nnd notonrlch tho heart jowetl headache what mdlal skill could not d wo aocomdluhad with burdock blood bitters ifynuaro troukled with usadsoliodn no hnsitato to una uk a it is nn nnw pro- 1 1 not of unknown valus but has an esub- hilied repuution oould not wonic mtu hnrui whiftit munlsa nr wrllmi 1 wbj stole unit rundown woulil liif 1im1- anlim a bitter la am in myiiioulh flontlng hpaoks bfora rar ern anil tuilnx in my tinah i was not ablstndnanr lioiun work al all imi pom lil not almn at nlibt lavnrml neotorn pom lil not almn at nlslit lavnrml neater dofltoraa two liutl iwl wh koltloif no lialp m nn ih ml i inn of a tfuim i unl toraa bottlaa of lluhoak ulood ullurs and tuy mtteotm a eoicplaie ours ratiihr warm how high in the tlioruinmotorr naked tho philadelphia girl after a busy moment with n tnp m ensure her doston cnuiln replied t ilvo feet and thrte inohei from thn floor donr till woman aayi lydla b iinkliuinh vrgoinblfl compound cured her lteiul lir iottr mm j a ijililhjrlo of 114 arllllorlo st quulwo writofi to alra rinkhiim t for six yearo i have 1een doctoring for female weakneu heart and nerves liver and kidney trouble but in lydla g linkhame vegetable compound i can safely aay 1 havo found a our i was continually bothered with the most distressing backnohoa lie stitches nnd loarng4lown pains and 1 kept growing- more and pore nervous lydla ifl imnbhams vegetable com- kuud rollevml me of all these distress- j symptoms and made me a well woman 1 would advise all suffering women young or old to use lydla k iinkhnma vegetable compound facts for s3ck women vat thirty yoara jrdu e piiifcv immfl vogotanlo coranound mwlo froiitkhrtinindhotlisrhflirbmnw btfttnlftrd romwly for fomalo ulfl and lirui poflhivoly ourod uiounamlhfli womon wlio linyo itoon troubltxl with dtapaoomontittnftnnnintiort tloil llurnjd iutnorn trrogularltlo porloula pnliik hnoknoho tlmt itcar- ingdowii fooling llatiuonoy hiltaron tlondlnlii6ft or liorvoiu profltrntlnn wltyaonfcymitryltv mr plnklinm invite all nick womon to wrt hr tor ailvfca bho linn niildod tliotmnntfi to heitli addrusv jynn mmul castoria tlio kind yoti irnvo alwnyo isouplit nnd which iiatl lon in uuo for ovit 0 yeur ima linrno tho silgnntiiro of iui4 hiiu boon inmlo under lilu imiiv honalhtinorvlnlnn alnco 1u infancy allow no ono tnloriivoyoil lu tliln all oountorlohh linltntlniin nnd tiihtniiffh4l nro hub lxitorlmoiitii that trhlo xvlth ntidoiidaugoiuin itenltli of intuitu und clilldrou kxitorlonco ngalunt isxporlmont what is castoria onhtorlu in a iiuriuttthh hiilistltuto for cantor oil paro- irortc dropm iiiur koothjiiic hyrups it 1 imcnaniit it voiititlnn liolther opiuim mor liluo nor othoi mnrcotld- nuhntiinvn itm ugo im ith friiifrimtoa it dostrf y worm und nffayh lovorulinnan it xurfit dlarrlioon siimi wind oolld it rallovtim ivotliliig- tronliloa nrooouatlimitloii nnd pliitiilnncy it nnhlmllntca tho food rogulnttu tho ntinimli initl isowoin uriliig lionltliy iiiiu nnturul uloop tlm chlltlrunm iiumc4v lho motliorw iivlund genuine castoria always boars tho slgnnturo of the kim you dare always bought in use for over 30 years cliarleredby dominion tioternm kalbullihad 1h64 the merchants bank of canada iicau oiiicis montkual iniereil added four limes a year 1 10 hrancliss preiljenl sts 11 momtadu ailan vice iroildonl johtiim iioikiuok kaq general maiiaer h v hunnuh capital paid up 6 000000 00 depoilla over 100300000 surplus 8100000000 toial anati t 1000000 00 savings dank deposits one dollar or upward will apon an account money wlllijrawablo any time no delay farmers sale notes we have special facilities for collecting ilieio we will cash ihemat once ii desired at a low rale of intereat joint accounts when requeued we will open accounts in iwo names so that eliherone may ilnw die money husband or wife etc acton branch w s ghisuolh manager now hhts the very latest new york and english styles be sure and buy your hat here style and value unsurpassed r e nslsons os wyndhkm sthbbt cublph zpjl moves ati no ill wav iiuimih despised tho lonltlpllt nllim tnhle it hind you nelm all rvtr ay your tnbhf and you uiuldul n nidiuher alaniuia got up mid wont out of tho room when she mine bmk m1u hud a gliihn j ir of liny olorod rauillnu hhi was opkiilug it mid pom log ouf a splendid htiip on tho liihlmlnlh now said alio hilghtly hero aro dvii llttln rundy ilots in a tow hon arn night rowu how unuiy muly dnts oily piouiptly vcu now iiinkn uoviiu iiiiiih fho mill four tliiiih flvo nnd thn lest when you havo inndn the wholo table learn it when you havo h-nri- ed it eat it oh 1 it tvna thn uioat kploililld woy to lenrnymir tabhs lroddln went to work with 11 will and when tlm tiachurthatliiftuiiniiuuld hchoola out he hnd learned his flvo lalih ho dhjnt eat it till after school tho nnkt dny they wont back and re vhmod tho two table nnd the next day after the three und tho 11 fit dny after that tho four ono day tho novtilnor twins teach er was making their innlliiii- u call iveddln was making one on the next door twins dont yougo to bciiooi little iwiy f the tencher usknd him oh ycainpolitu1y oh you do p wall i suppose 011 think the multlplcntlontahlo la per fectly dtondful toop she naked sinll inrir oh iioiii tingerly im cry fond of mine indeed 1 how fur along aro your ivo only oaten as far na seven times snvon ynt anld ireddie and he went home wondering why the nextdoor twins teacher had opened her eyes so wide your danger be gins when your back aches it is the flrat mid tho sure sign of kidney diicojio doans kidney pills euro ilia achlnjf lmrk by oiirlinj thn aclilna kliluoya imnralli fur it la roally tlio kill- no j s aching nnd not tlio book tlioy act directly ri tlio kldnnja and nmkn tliom htrong nnd hraltliy tlioratiy rnuiiiu piirn iiiihhi to clrculnta hirounliout thoullaayatom mm 1ruik ymu vuuuu nil writ i was n grunt miflvor willi luirumlin fur ovnr a year and cmdd jnt n illilng to reuitvo inn until i took two it moa of itotn a kiilnny lil nnd now i do lint fml any 1an1 tilmtmur andean ml nnd eutn yw 1 suniolliiok i ootdd nut do imforo dinni kiilnnv lllla nrn oo conla nor lxi or i l foi 9 nt all donlur or mallil diionl on rckoiimf prlca by tlio ijoon kid noy iml co toronto out tho teat campaign orator a the one who knows when his audlouco bus hnd enough castoria vox infonti and children ilii kind you have always bought bear th btgnatura of and now so me one claims that a girl knows two weeks before a man even admits to hlmsolf that she is rather at tractive what hour ho will propose woll made good fitting tlmt wc know how to mnke gloves tlmt will pass with lioiionitlie inoit ciili- cul lnmlimtion 114 rcgnn junlity of hkinw pltiihllity nud htrungtli ijcatnchh of t-tilcli- itik nud till round jwrf lion you enn iroe yaurhflf by iiskiiik fr storcyh nt your dcnlerh tlmt tliey will outwenr your ntoht kniiguiuc expcctntlnus is our firm helicr iimibt on storcyb at all htorcs w h storey son limited acton ontario j bw oaibtotiia fiaarstka yll h v h aim ntfcl it la less pain tn luiirn in youth than to hn iguoiant in old ago holon vity many pursniui dlu annually from cholera and kindred aumimir complalntu who might havo been sav ed if proper ieuiudlna hnd boon uand if iiltnokid do nut delay lu golfing a bottle of dr j d kellnggu dysnntory oordlnl the uiedlclmi that never falls to pffoct n cure thoso who have used it saylt acts promptly nnd thoroughly subdues tho pnln and dlseiuo ib very man ought to aim nt emin ence not by subduing others hut by ralalng himself by oonsolnus effort webster tils slfbstu m evary boa cf iu itanutsa taxativo bromoquiaine tabiats uu ramadr thai auoal la mm day tho only thing wrong with money is lhatrtluiio lunt ououh of it to go run ml affllotad for yaart with dlaeuod liver mr i it ttsiltt horlln out utur known porlisna aa bmallpoit lion liaj milburns laxaliver pills ho has ilio mod thorn for lilu pal junta wlinu miralug tliom and it la n tvoll known tint tlmt mil ill hk biillorur mist keop iha liiwiamo1lie ituflil nmt im aavat i liavo liean nrlloui for years wllfi a llntl liver and havji trlwl all bind id ilidillnlnn but of no jllillltllaboiltfniirarnm ag6ilrl ynirxssauvsr illlfami ri1 i si 1 nmmsil ilirtoniit iiatlenls ndlloted with amall uix and in eaui 000 1 h ive uaud ynur vnlualile nil la my wuhei are unit all iteriona aulnirlntf itli stomaiili or llvur ironlili a u iii try mil- burnm uka mver tills 1 ul ndvirllm lliem wlmnnver am wlierur i have an opportunity and i bono that if at any time i oannob jot the nllla i will lfortiiiiats oimiiuli ugt fhn hirnnilo mitburiia uva- liver lllla aro oft mints par via 01 vliilu fur ilthi t all dunlors or will ba niillud dlreet by tliu t mllburu co llinlthl toronto ont baanta bltaatora oasjtoitxa im km youlihahng bttf the man who isnt satisfied until ho is innrrlod lunt always sntlillod then hope has boon described as a ufa preserver with moat of tho cork nut of it itow of us havo should ore that will not droop under tho weight of imagin ary troubtes there never was and novor will be a universal panneon in ono rmnndy for- all ills to which floali a holn what would rollovo ono 111 lo turn would nggravato the othars wo havo linwovor in quinine wine whan obtained in a sound unailultor- ntod atato a romody for many and grlovoiib ills hy itu gradual and jiidlolous uho tho frnltoat systems am lot into oonvftlwioonoo nnd strength by tho inlhiliuu whijh qnlnlno oxertif 011 nnturoa own restoratives lb ro liovob thoso to whom a ohronlo state of morbid dojipondonoy nnd lank n interest 1v1 llfo la a dlasese and by tvnn tin using tlm norvoa dliposos to sound nnd refreshing sloopimparts vigor to tlio action of tlio blood which being stimulated courtec through tho veins strengtlioiiins the healthy ani mal functions of the system therahy innktnii activity a neeeasary result strengthening tho franio and giving llfo to tho digestive organs which naturally demand inoreaswd sulwtanoe result improved appetite north- rop lyman nf toronto iwivd given to tho puhlla their superior quinine dy tho opinion of scientist- ute wine ippradohes nearest perfeetlotiiof any on tho market all drtsguu sell it its better to occupy n thatched cot tago than a rnorblo mauiuloum the beauty of a clear skin tho condition of the liver regulates the condition of tho lilood a disordered liver causes impurities in tlm blood and thoso show themselves in blemish es on the skin parmoleos vegetable tills in aotlng upon lbs llvar not upon the blood and a olsar healthy skin will follow intelligent tub of this standard medicine ladles who will fully arc preolnto this prime quality of these pills can use thoin with the certainty that the effect will be most gratifying funny isnt it p that what turns the loaves red loaves us blue now that it has been discovered that sweet potatoes make an excellent brain food some philanthropist should work to have tho price reduced bronchitis nronahltislsgenarally lis result of aoohl oauaod by exposure to web and inelamant woallior and la a vsry dangerous innara- matory anobloii ef tho bronchial tubus the sjmptomi r tightness scrota the cheat sharp pains and a dlflloiiltyln breathing and a secretion of thick phlogm nt drat white but later of a groeulah or yellowish onlor nsglsstedllronaliltlaunna of ilia muat general oatuwsof goniuniptlon cure it at once by tho use of norway pine 8yrup- mra i i millar allandala ont writes 1 my liualuuul got a bottle or dr woods norway tine hymn for my little c who had llrnuohlmi hiiowiiooemi so y you onidd hoar liar from one room o the other but it was nob long until wn eonld see the eftoot your mwllotnn hnd en harjbat wa4aat wuilsr whan w llvwl lir toronto she hail a luul eokl this wlntar hut in stand of getting another bottle of dr woods norway rjnehynin i tried a inma hsadoreealpt wnloh i gob from a unlelibor but found thai her oold laaleil altoubtwioo as long my husband lilulily praises dr woodv anjt says lie wliraw that a bottle of it la always kept in the housa tlio pries ol dr woods norway 1iib ryrnp la bit eente per bottle h la put up in a yellow wrapper thnwi pins trees the trail mark so ho sure and aeoept none of the tuany anlwtltiiua of the 6rlglnal nor way tine bynip pandora range train tap a olrl lo the way ah abould babe and whan aba la marriad aba will siol depart irons ii my mother taught me how to bake nnd told me why u ho nlwnyw lined n mcclury rnngq now i luivd 11 ipnnddrn nud ni wltl mother my trouhlcm nro few after flra is stnrtcd i ulmnlyhrlif g thjrmomctcr to desired henf nnd icnvc tho oven in clmrgo of lie baking its built for faithful ticivicc while hoiihcwivcii wilh other rnnchiiro poking fire t nnd read tho living jay nf m iy landon lerenlo usnlnat wianlbiej vancauicr it john nb hamlllan caloary c c srkiairr jocatj agent jagksons jagksons our now byatom of gaoh duyind and oash selling hnabloa us to offor you this weak bomo hlg snap lo do mciih hinik duulm ovcrnllo with bib nko hiholuh to match hepii- lurssc to tfioo mill week l fl do mens work hlitrta striped oxforda medium to uark sliadcn reg inrso to6s this week 43 o dm mcnh work bklrth hluck drill with white stripes am spots reguar 75 to osc thin week 30 do munh faiirlnjiiuid ticn is dm shield keck ties 13 do nil grimd iiiilty ullk new iichiim uud rkh coloring regular 3jc this week a for do ynu not now wlfth to aclect your sprlog underwear and llealory whllo our linen are complete you know if you come now you can chooiie from a larger line hum if you to mo later wo wlfth to begin selling our hprlng underwear and hosiery early wo aro marking tlio price on theito goods low s that we shall not havo any to carry over when llio belling uoaanii in piut these are the valueu we can give you lad ica embroidered wnck ciuili- i week mere iioso bj noi und 10 regu lar jje thiu week sic lndfcs bliiikcuulmyro tiohc ribbed or plain hizett hj o ni nud 10 regular 3s and 40c thin week asc laillcu tnfteta giovch now brown nnd tan nlmdca regular 50c tliia week 3jc duhss goods specials dluck melrotio cloth regular 9150 thin week ojc cream lustre fnncy pattcrnti regu lar bje thin week si salin fluibli prunella cloth rcgulur tfioo tlib weak 73c striped c rupee n rlgular 8c tkls satin cloth regular 7c this week 48 pcnrl buttons doxett 5 corset cover embroideries thin week ajr patterns 171 jjc patterns 33c aic patternn 3c 60c patterns 4 s lach silk ribbon best quality all colors regular 35c thu week 1 4 inch silk ribbon regulnr 30c thin week 16c li inch silk ribbon regular 17c thfu week 13c a nig showing of lacen gmbrolderlen nnd lircbb trlmmingu all nt speciul fig- urea j h jrckson ceoficbtown heeled ruins 100 watches whiri uaa wear out one keep your watch clean and it is as natural for it to ro as for your heart to beat riunglu has eparlenco and ability to repair and properly adjust watches poi tibly as great si any person in canada a d pringfcle the jeweller guelph hcton imd bus lim6 tho undersigned reapecllully aollclls tho pntronsge o the pub lic and informs tliem hat wall bqulppad and btyllah rlira can always be tec u red at his stables a com on able bus meets all trains iwtween 10 do nm and 6 19 p m careful atiemlnn riven to every order tlio wants of com mercial travellers hilly met john anei 111 ktucs iropnibton the yht6s hht iholaleil blylo hlucu siillonly reoular i 00 on sale lor v 00 tills is to introduce ii to guelph we take this means in advertise the beat silfl hat selling nt the popular price como early and roi a sample for ijoo of hoberlln tailors lo the cnno tllan genilemen toronto excelsior bakery wo aro hoadqunr- ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of firat- clasa quality wo also carry a splendid stock oi groceries and con fectionery t statham a son hill btat aoton w gioqson lafontaines fur establishment os7 quebec street guelph ont painter paper hanger sign writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livory repairs promptly mado to furnituretmwnro rtc no unnecessary delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention nnd reasonable prices wgimson till grand trunk railway rabercnaicn tiiainc tlm rillvlni i 1i1 hin 1 wlilili 1 in jt acton pump tile wollks o b kbbagi proprlotor our prpoiliitit nrn niw 11 iv niilijd kllli all ilirt intrnf imrlihiefy nnil npp1lancea or rn nn fuel 11 r inn jtiiuvimiiil jiuhjj iupiiilit tila taf well cltitrrnw c ulyrt i0 stm ifpn pitting tool ntl 1jpti hiiiivn order promptly fillcib main binrir acjon the berlin steam granite and marble works caflpen dnaun rroprlalor peiijmicrit luul hull lcr ol ktntuca maus olrumt moiuimcntf mnilicr and head tone and all llruli ol artistic cemetery work winiair hcnistrcct acnl aden is it footwear you aro look ing for if thats the cae williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoos rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes our large winter atoclc now ready for your inspection wm williams tho dlioo man mill direct actoil new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always frcsli and of the best quality waters bros guelph art btohb everton n eden mills tlio uost quality 01 manitoba family nnd pastry flour for snlo at lowost prices our own make cliofirilnji dnno aiul om rolled every day fcoil for nilo caitifor whoatnmloala henry hortop jcsionsi oopvniohts ktu an nne nttltib a vildli mi j rlmcript kin war lviillni jl ajii irm flilu fdniiif iifiihiuihta jujiiut itiw tkeii ilinuili iiuuii js va mtt liiiwll milpij new york pnts iprdmptly 5ecuredi wilis fur our imeicsmiik iku invtew a htp ana mnw you r utndltd niilua rauah lit iti or ihaiui nt y 011 tin itlllon orhurovcim ill mul wewllltcll ynll bam kill ion nrhuprovcimiit mul wciviuuji vi- isnnr nnliiltui nalii iilirllirr tl i trntuililyj klaiitatil mojkttil splkalldnaliahth eomliim ciihv ttinliifil niri lit mnutxi aiutwaililniiiniii lliiiiiitinrausln prnintu ly ihiimlcli ivmlc hint iinklly mil imulll nirifhiilhi uieliiteiuliii lllfjliml rfurtlt inriiuliol tatcnl 1 rtou rch pklal n thalm omlallyl in lutiiaauiritiirli irwmm illdtl 111 mil e ci ktnrlnn a mvl chaff it m iiulwtui mnimr niautiirlitri f marion be marion j imie nl liimlnaia nl mninir patent experts jnii sollollora najvvnrclllolimp 1 allantk tlhtfiufsihrnir ro i m

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