Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1908, p. 3

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spectacles eybglwssbs tito inly olrtcn in inun it litre joii can haia your oinmh fitted mnd ftltli4l wnlfrwp in slock new lonunbcrei wo can renttr your glasses nlmott whllo yon wall manniaok liocnmeo ishuatd geo hynds juvcrmi acton alma ladies college t thomas ontario tmh jrirl a buying guwdiiui colkt 1 immtiiuut ullimii ix tptlmally rlhmniiilll nua a lull jutra tuition v itli tionril thf s om and intitidr jlhx fh aviiimt- j ami iiiiiu lw- l kb doit jfra bs tiiuiihdav ntviminii ft iw brief lqcal items tcivoijillhj inillun hiiinmci la dim now tl mittc nf i v 1 11 r next mnniloj lot iib glvo thanks in cm niut king blithdny nixt monday noxl monday nlll i n public hnli- day hoard of imueiulou will nuot uoxt monday tuiilng tut nip mi still being delivered in largo pinntltub tfiuro worn many oiijnyahht hal loween pnitlra in town on haturdoy evening thu list hurt of now cnmu lunt irlday tint it jimt n w iorncst of tlie v inter to come mr it 1 wordon in shipping this wook a iniflniin inllty of fgul nnd form produce to t iil uty tiip young ivoplo nuclei y of knox oliurch will hold n hcouhli cvonlng mist tnoadn j h ramp ton council bus dochhd in permit it vote on loral op linn nt tho coining numb i pal ilitlon mr tlin i prlci- litis illaposul of hi realdunco on willow street to mr lohn ii ii price iiiicalng tho nfllceis nf artnn 1lro jltlgado nnnninico ihcli ulutli annual i mil nml auppri ftu 1ildny 11th itciiihiir hovjunlt will pi oaclm thanks giving bttinnn in tliti ilnptlst church nexlhundoy iiftininonnt thrco oclock tho boy hohnvodthciuudvub fair- lj null on hnlumovn iloyond ilia ru- niovalofafcw gutf tin piank ro few dr hmehnd miistii oemgo algor wlio u snafutlng from typliolil fuver 1 01110100 to ouolpli ifiicral hoapltnl last olk win thompsnr fatlioi nf a pupil in ht looigoa nebcin gtiilpli wm tlnttl ftm niul costs for assaulting n tonolior luut wook ilnltnn county plowing inntch which wai to hu hold on tho itoth oct linn hewn postponed to riiuradny nov utli on nccnunt of tho tliy weather a peculiar election hut wna paid nt ntonthnrlneuwhpn arthur martin of tho ilank of nma hcotln ns liqjdhe could rnllntl u poanut around a liloolt with a if toon pound crowbar tho ninrchnntu hruo luchidad wtmlnosilnya in tho oatly clnslnfl even ltir anil on nud nftur novomlmr llh tho ntorob will ho closed ovary nldht at 0 oclock with tho exception of friday nnd hutunlny mr i q jitokiimi of i ho now- 1 niarkut uui who in tiiipcilntondont of tlibmothodlnthiitidaykchno1i1ollviird n vury iiinrnstinnr nddrisu nt tho mothmllit hiitulay holiool horo ust huniluy nrtornoon th ktdttoi or th prmbyurlan did kt ilia ruldarim in to ronto on monday ltnf mntcotti mcorcror m a imltor of tho proxliyloilnri died on monday innmlnr nt il tosldonce 1ki qeatrlco httcot tnionto ho had itaan iii for soino uiiip hut tho iid wn hnfttonifd by pnoiuumila in tho pnaa- ingodtov mr mcorcflor tho church loaea n vnluahlo workoi llov mr moflrborwn hnrn in hoot in nil hut camp to oanadn whon u hoy with hi pnrouunnil lived in this rounty ho wa a itrolltur of mr j i mcorogor of trnfrtlrni tub miohtv poubn ov hiona mlnitn that pxtriinhllnnry ft rid por- fpot htnmnoh ionic ulll rollcvodyspflp- aln in twoiityfi ur honis it will ouro and u fuarnntpoil by a t ijrfiwn to tho nmihirs of iiiih pnpor tn euro the most pitiful cnsim of dyipoptln if taken according in dlr- eotloiib mlnrm tahlota not only cuio dypp aln hut all htoniaah dlsturhnnoofl boa or ant ilcknoso or nf tor oxcobbivo indnl- ganco mlo on cttroa by iitroiirthontitff mul invlgorittliir tlin llahby tomnoh wnlla nld nftor n course nf mlona tront- mont conitlpitlnn if thorn in itny will ontlroly dlaiipppni mra h kuniit of olmkshuik unt hajth i a had- stomach lrniiblo thnt hud botlioritd mo foi yonn hnfllod nnd piiled bklllnd phynlolnnh wab nlcoly rollbvqil ity my uainp mlnnn my trouhlo wna mi iimnnnt of foqd not digesting but tot montlng in my stom ach forming n n that guvo untold buffering niul pain nud it i bo nindo mo wvav narvatib irritable nnd unnhlo to rbt hlnoq tiling mlonn i nnn go to tad nt nlgltb nnd alaup nnd vftko up in tits mornhig rafrosliad t cannot apoftk ton highly of mlnnn y mlon li n twist oonnomlonl tront- tnent a largo hnx of tnlilota only onftla m oaiktb nt a t llrotvnb nnd tho dyappptlc iiorvnim or othurwlto who doe not glvo them n trial la losing nn opportunity to lognln liftiiltli a heavy boniinn mnkolh n light ool- lotlon plitlu any pnranu who tlihtka iwo ton nud onoo tnatoa ikia hitlnilti will aoo thnt lb la not only finer lit llnvor hut that mono pound mnkea iminy more oupa ifc u boouomloal to uau news iv local import thanttawlvlnir niaht knuitalntnnt tlinukgmng trn nnd tmtnttnhi- input in knox chinch iwxt monilii oytuilllg tho mnnrhnulrr mnln cjuat- tottp inll nnd mm ontu halo hcottluh diuinnlli vomllst nnd h lloiilt of toronto will prmldn a pic ml id prograuiiup off on afotlo kkttlontlon tdluon tho nnwmnrknt krn o luut wrck cuntnhiod nn intimf stloji lull r posted nt ktnh in iho north of limnilanil from mr walter ii jackson i a son nf tlin editor of tho im who im aont out by llm mutnrohiglcul ur pfirtinmit on tho arctic explorntloii c poditlnn accompniilug i bo lottora wort llowiia hi bloom plrkrd ul ktnh on tho kuli of august having grown n intltudo 711 dogrir mirth irttv wadding in trfljr avcniio iucl the homo of deputy- llufvu nnd mrs dnvjd rpathprutouo trnfnlgar wjlb tho sroilu of n putty ljnutii woddlng liut wpiluuiiluy nftor liomi whtil ihilr only daugitur minh lortriiito ibecnmu iho hrldu nf it h icdnluda m l or brampton tho chroinotiy wn mrfufmrd nn tho verandah umi an nr h of ovor- grocnn in tlio prrnoncw f nhont u guoata tho ofllcjutlng clnrgymon hti- ing iliw mr douglnb of trnfnlgnr nml hav cution wnlah f llrnmp ton onkvllle itaoonl hilton faatopy dvlkwh fmmmutl tho voto oti tho two hyhiws inst ivldny wab some lb ing unhpin in tho lino of such matter for while tbero worn 1eh votaa cnal for uno bylaw niiiru for the other not n slnglo yntu wm reglatorcd ugnlnst either of thorn it tliowd that tlifl penpto of miltop wra prncticnlly a unit on tho ipie- lion and la n gontilno cxpressioii of what tho panpte nro in fnvor of nnd that la liherul terms tn nnd treatment of those who nro aoeklng locations for tho establishment of manufacturing industries hnforimr baualnar plowlnv hatoh tho nnnunl plowing miittb of ku- cpieslng arglculturni hocltity will ho held on the farm of mr itlolmrd n brown acton on friday jltli novomlmtr when vloo will lw olterod in pruav tho list of pruoa for com prlltlon will cnmprlsn the following ciabsob chnmplnli alas open to nil four prlo 3f first clnsti nion tf llaqiioslng four prlxoa lj2fl t mccond class open to ilsmieslng four prucs 2ji third class iwya under 1h years four prlxes jllt j ubmnplon jointer class open to nil four pi bee 23 1 second class plowmen who never plowed in n match four prluc j20 tlilrd class bnys under 19 four prlxee it match to co mm unco nt h u n in nnd cloao at i p in qualph boy shot hla companion an nccldent occurred trlday nftur- lon n abort dlstnnce from tho city which rcbultul in tlio nltnost hiutnnt denth of jniiios oouunlly ngvd ik nn empioyooftnylorl tho young man with two yotingor companions worn out fwi nn after- ms shooting nud when nonr train- nra out they decided to tnko a short cut connolly wont up tlin oinhnnk- mnnt nnd sat down nnd nno of the boyn named hcnrtott wont townrda ilm hut in doing bo tripped in rail ing tho rillo wna diichntgod and tho 22hullot lodged in connollys bond going in just ovor the right uye uno of iho boys run for help to n nenrhy farmer hut before nnyono ulao could roach hhn connolly wna dead con nolly parents recently tetlrcd fioni farming to livo in quolph qulatly waddad at st albana a rpilot hut vory happy wedding took placn nt st albnnu jliurob nt hlblatt hnttirdny morning when mr walter howell flood and miss ilortlin mnllinor wore joined in houda of holy wodloek ilov mntthow wilson m a lector of rt albnna performed tlio interesting ceremony the hrldo wna given nwny by her tinclo mr thomas w 8mw and thomntrnctlng parties wero attended by mi nnd mra phil a smith after thu eeremnny mr and mra flood took tjin 0 n nt tmln for toronto on a honeymoon tour mr flood on mo in aotnn n your- ago inst flnptnmhor from chobhlra kng1nnd ami during hla residence hero liaa madn mnny friends ho la nn notlve workoi in ht albans church miss mulllnei nicoinpanlad mra kuv mntthntv wilson upon ber rpturn from kngland n few weoka ago tho nowlywoddcd pnli niu vo- colvlng cordial cnngrntulntlnnh on nil aides aotona population koolaataatloally assessor ilarvoy lm hnndod iib tlio following intoraathiff hit of local re- closlnbtlonlhirormntiqn respecting tho population of acton gleaned fioni tho assessment roll of 100h i there uio in tho municipality itwv preshytotlnn famillea of 071 perinna j 101 mothodlst fatiilllea of 1110 personal h oliurch of fnglnnd fninllles nf 217 puranna i 17 dnptlat families nf ik persons u pis- elplo ffliulllesof 41 personal uomigre- gutlonal families nf 10 persona t 10 hoinnn catholic families of hi peninnai nnd l jowuh fninllloa of 0 persons in nil cases tho parties being nusobtod glvo their church preference in ml dltlon to tlio ithovo tho names of k7 persons nppenr on thu assessment ttoll who hnvo not stated tholr ohiuuh profaronoor of conreo tho above doos not include tho fumllles losldont in ilenrdmoro creicent thnt uniiox to tho town not having yt boon ml mil led within tho municipal limits wsui in una 60 year the frame of the shed nt iho dis ciples oliurch on church htrept was purchased and romovod last tveek by mr tims i walk ins ilo will ro- oreot it on hla farm to replnoo tho drivingshod lost by the recent lire tills blind wftb o rooted by iho trtistoos of the mothodlst oliurch whon tholr riratoliuroliln aoton was built in lutt tho into angus kennedy war the friimar tho timber waadonatmt nml thu wnrk of ereotlntt waa do no by imjob by memberb of ttio congregn- tlou tho trustors at tho timo wero alex urown 8r at hall tlioa moore v oliver lnsby hr abrnin matthowa john opulglit george klllnlt jnlm holt tlio 1 1 on re thus ferrymnn hr kdwurd anil ilmijamlh nlakllii of all tho aihivo only tiiob ivrrymnn survived tho tulnlater in ohnrge or tho elrotilt at tlio tlniowiia tho into llov joteph mess- inoro the property oauim into poss ession nf tl triisteoa of tlin olsol pies church lu 1877 what r folk would do tlin worst foot trick of halloween was tho lifting of iho wastti gain nud splash hoardj ml tho corporation dam it was men not hoy who did tbl aa n result htorcya biotory had no sti am for twent j four liouri it wasnt n amnrt li ick rlthei any fool 1 lonld do it womaliw inautut mwtlnk iho wnmnua inatfttitn will meet in tho town hull on fi hhty at 2 mi orlolk tho toplo rm- tho imillng will ho liristmaa kuggeatloits iho indira are rripiesled to bring fnury work or other nrtlclea sultablti foi clirlsttuna piesenta ihatntltom may gi t ideas for christina othur lltnis will add to the lutriaat nf tho meeting milton tnkh iboo mora powsr ihnclerkof milton wn ipstnicted nt tho hibtiiootlng of iip oounrll to writo tho clerk of aotnn that milton nsued for estluiiltkh aa in jnlcn rhnrg- id for hvht horio jtoivei from tlin hydro klectrlc co lint havn not sign- oil niiy ciintiact i nuo that tbo roiinill la favorable to joint iiclbui with nd- jolnlng uiunlrlpnlithis on tho power question oom mlltonravamdilta faulty too at hint meeting of milton town cunnc i the following rusohitnn waa pit used j moved by coimtclhor illnln that tho clerk send a registered letter to mr hind- or tho mnnnflh paving co inform hhn that n largo quan tity of th wplk in hi by hla company w in veiy had uomlillon and that if nol repaired within reaaaimhlo time tho town will proceed tn do an nt hi expense quit a bportmana rnradloa mr john davidson sun nf chirhi- davldsoii ngent on tho c n itnllway has lireu trnnafuircd finin humholt husk to ilordon haak in a letter to the flikic phkhw resplrllig the latter phire which lu a now town mr davidson aj a l this i- an ideal apot for the ipoitsmnn thorn am gti so prulilo chkkon ginnso nnd diieku in nhundtincp nud deer are pi i nil fnl about fom teen pilltu north thero is also good nailing in tho tiaskntcliownn about ivo miles south tho grnhi fields in tills section havo been a glorious sight this fall al ready 71000 bushots have bean shipped from here tn port arthur i thoro nro i700 hiishula still in the r lovatora nnd tho estimated crop la not half market ed yot ilordon la only thrao yenra old but it has two churches two genorul stores blacksmith shop tin bop hotel two elevators town hall nud numerous substantial dwolllnga tho population la 1sh mr davidson enclosed a newspaper dipping which reported on kith looso shooting north of itnidsu is in full u ing recently n pail fioni lang ha in captured ftt birds in n few hours j o lluckivgllm now hunny south company which will appear in the town hall aoton friday o vonlng noiomherdlb is tho colorod organis ation thnt appeared lu our town n little over n year ago nud at thnt time it gnvo unbounded satisfaction in fact it wna generally conceded to be olio ot tho moat plowing performances over presented on tho local stage this i season the performance is not it repe tition of that oflast everything iwing pew modoru highclass roll nml and uptodate in the minute as on tho former visit the porfoimanco will ho found to he clean and nothing will ho snhl nor tlanu to olyond the mutt fas- tldlotia hidy in tho html tho company recently appealed in shorbrooko quebec and tho dally itccord of hint city dultd august nd inst had tho following criticism thoio who enjoy otd tlmu colored performances bad it hunt at tho clement theatre hist nlghtjn tho pio- duotlon of tho sunny south company tlio company is composed of songsters and comedians of more than nvvrago ability nnd tho choi us and solo work wna exceptionally good my old kentucky homo sung by louise moaa with oxqulaltn feeling nud supported by the entlro company brought n amnrt to the oyn nnd a lump to tho throat of mnny who are unt easily off ootid petite daisy fox made a decided hit in libr singing nnd dancing nnd thero worn anvornl old timo buck and wing dancers who did good woik suvbral of tho specialties worn remarkably good those especially worthy of men tion being the turnont in tlmlrdnublo tnllqr skating not hibo won then mid oroon who gavo the moat daring unlule and fancy bicycle not ovor soen in this city tho performance wns clean throughout nnd its high class merited the largo attendance thnt waa n coord it tho hlgholftss solo concert liitml whlph ncooinpanloe tho oignnlxutlou will hold tho koon town parnde which takes place nt nnmi tho prices nf rtd mission have been placed at i5 os nnd wt cents reserved eoats are now on solo nt llrowns drug htore adv genuine carters little liver puis mutt bcmr signature of peejtoblu wrat lutw vt bmall aa a irokmaoache rardininitf iron nuoumit voktflaplduvcr rob comtiratiott yon iauow ikih jraiimecohruxion rearta4eytflwpc social and personal mr a m smith left nil saturday on n trip in cobalt miclinti quiinilo was hmnu from toronto on a week end visit mm iiinhoth thurtell returned from her visit totoroutnon haturday mr john t urown line henn serious ly iii tlin past week ho la now liil- piovlng mr and mis i a holier i son ar rived homo fiom thalf honeymoon on ihuruibij mr u ud mr lawrence hunter of toronto wer guoul nf mr w ii denny lout weuk mr und mis l j moore of toron to wero guests at moorecroft from hnltmhiy till monday mis will neville of berlin waa a guest dm lug the week of mrs o h mmlth ul fafrvlow piece mr h j jniksnii hf the kra now- uutrktit and mriaekson wore guest nt mooiucrnrt during tho weak iluv lustph oott pastor nf iho hapt 1st church preached in jhohtuni- ton presbyterian church ottawa on sopday mr kdwaul tolton of ouelph wlir- ha been on it trip to the lid country tho pautjhno months was in tuwnu i tuusdii mj ii h nkkliu of the murchauts ibink atioudid ibe wedding otmr and miu i a hoboitson at htrntfoid htl unit mi l l wnrrerf i nltendlng tho ituptlut cunvoutlon nt ottnwa aa a ih it gtitrt from tho acton ii iptlst church this week mr qcorgo ilhilr of now voru who h i upmit sovernl yoniv in orent ihllnln visited acton frlenda several days during tho week mra thou shaw will hold a rocep- tlunformru walter ii flnod at her homo agnes ht on wednesday after noon nov 11 tit from h to 0110 p in an onjnynbln social evening waa spon fat 17 ilenrdmoro crescent on monday evening to commemorate mr stubbing fortyllrst birthday i lev matthew wilson m a rector of ht a 1 bans and mra wilson were guests of honor cntsubohai oonmana thu uhotlori with nil ita excite- mont la ntur and wo are hack to our urn niul sen sos for the next four year tho turnip crop now being harvest ed la tho pom est aeon in those parts in yen is mr fdwiird peirln has purchased mr k hamilton farm lot 6 oon 1 irin the price being slloo quito a number of our people are attending tlio evangelistic services now being couiluctod in tho motho dlst church aotnn mr win nlchnl wan called to ho nihi u to nttond the funeral nf his father tho bite thos nlchol who was kilkd by hi team running nwuy while dtiving from lieolton to hockton fair on oct lllh the deceased wus a member of iho maccabeus and uws bulled by that society in orovo gome- tery diinda mr nlphol loaves two sons win k of this place nud krnest nf winnipeg also ono brother nnd ave ulsters mr j if orlppa who is an aunt ot tho dt ceased also attended tlio funeral the friends horo have the sincere sympathy of nil in their beieaveniout mr mcdonald of tiillatnoro spent last sunday with mi k unit thu many rrlonds of mr john damper will extend to him nnd hrldo t their heartiest congratulations tub youths companion thunuiouut of good tending given to uuhucilhots to the youths compan ion dm ing tho year is indicated by the following auiniiinrv of contents for i itkxii rj star attlcles conttlhutcd by ntvn nud women ot wide distinction in publlo life in literature n solonco in business in a sooro of professions vio capital htoi les including six sor- inl stories humorous stories i stories or adventure character heroism 1000 upto dato notes on curient uvontsjccont dlsoovorles in the world nf science nnd nature impoi tnnt matter in politic nud government atoo ouomlnitto htorloa inimitable domestlo skolcbos unscdotes bits of humor nnd delected nilicollany the health article tho wsokly womans nrtlulo timely editorial etc a full announcement of the now volume will bo sent with sample cop leu of tlio pnpor to nny address on re quest tho now subscriber for 1000 living in canada who at once sends bjaoo will receive free all the remain ing issues for 100h including the douhhi bulidny numbers j nuo the companions now calender for 1000 in orandniothots garden litho graphed in ih colore tlio youtha companion 111 berke ley street iloston mass the centre of attraction our ilnvilu nm telttita thnt wo forget niirvutvo q ullnt the hard work of breadmaking should be done in the flour mill not in the kitchen when it in nccckary for you tit make dread by mrfin strength the miller lisiiinx done his paru his llourik notfine enoigli royal household flour is made from hard spring heat which is capable of iincr grinding than uny other wheat anclmillcd by a procchi that insures the finent nnd most nutritious of flours- get enough to try from your grocer is oflllvle hour mills co limited montreal quality fall and winter overcoats th peoriu hlore is ihe contra ol l i rati ion just now the erul crowds olpsona dial aro ihulnu uilvatilsgo of our liln buu in men a and hays clollilno isdlem hatly lo wtr rarmeoia anil furs li riliennmanal lar ntcemjinii our npeclallorib ti cotniul value llm w era gtvlnr i ilia jrnal attraction iliroiifls of snslnus buyer crowid lha l are el day ilurijy irora early mornliiftto lain at nluhl 1 li bin ail ulll conlinu litis weak wllli unabatud rnergy ivery da trtmnt in tb tlnro la asalttlnff in mb linn blu lain a huio mccm by dillnj smckl linns lo ilia many bargains wo are olfnrinu i ills llm i only fraction of tho many values to hi found nt llm inoplo s hi tire hens overcoats at unheard of prices specul lot of fanny lwid orrcoiti wlih vrtlvai collar nml ttrni col fvajuur i 30 or s3 05 j t jfi wan overcoaii in fancy lued and blacu dtulou icudl collar hood iulanlln4n a very dteasy toal refluur lio 00 to i 30 oru7pa f ih man omt casts in twatxli black baiver nishou ami cliovfiui up uimi concivo ahoumor and long larxils rnolar up tid v s1300 oilier unas of dies owot including th tlniiblo btojilrd droitwny varsity manhattan nnd auto al looo i 10 up ioijooo special line of silk lined tlrs overcoalt in jitack chevlnr very lyllili regular li j 00 for u bo f 1000 wlilfcord loppar for q 00 tio 00 oxford by ralncoals 30 inch long for so 05 lllff siocb of doys overcoats and pea jacket at j 50 j jj up lotojo fancy llnkter urown coils regular i 00 for 300 till pkopll8 btokl benor scott fc co wyndham street cuelph i a clean new stock awaits your inopec- lion come in and try them on to assure you that the style fit trimmings work manship and price can not be equalled any where or oc j wallace mens outfitter mill st acton will not crack it will require more tlinn a reasonable amount of wearing to crack ene of our hot water pontes wo thoroughly eiamlno our rubber goods and hell none which nre not absolutely perfect we guarantee them al hot water bottles fountain bjrlnges bulb syringes atomlicrs etc phrtib e a robertson druggist and optician acton h h unsworth mens and boys clothing every rarmcnt manufactured to our order from best quality cloths up to date styles and backed with nono but best work manslup mens overcoats at 800 10 1250 youths overcoats 500 to 800 mens suits 800 to 1500 boys suits 5350 to 1000 farm produce wanted poultry dressed bring your fowl in early next week to bo assured o getting best prices h h tjnswortli rct0n the housefurnishings store xmsmxxxxsh the right house hamiltons i avouh b 8hoitino place great ten days sale elegant furs at greatly reduced prices our annual fur exhibit and sale starts this week with thousands of dollars worth of fine furs greatly underpriccd muffs throws ruffs tics stoics capcrlncs novelties fur sets cops gauntlets coats childrens furs mink marmot lynx fox persian lamb grey lamb pony alaska sable opposnm coon caracul and other popular furs ilun drcdsof pieces all specially priced for 10 days its the great fur selling event of the season secure your new furs now and save thomas c watkins oodnir kinq st east huomsoh hamilton ont newest fall footwear just hrriubd geo stovel the shoo han is now prepared to supply all customers with tho latest and best makes in fall boots and shoes for sohool boys and girls the tedd boots give tho very highest satisfaction in point of wear comfort and appearance repairing neatly and promptly done geo- stovel mill st acton jacksons jagksons our mew system of aaah boyfntf and dura belling bnabloe us to offer you this weolc somo sid snapii offers some very special values in draperies curtains and rugs bure siok hewadlfii this special offer could not have been bettor timed it occurs just when the near approach of thanksgiving reminds you of existing household needs you mny expect a guest over the holidays and then you will want your homo to look its best wove provided for just such an emergency in planning this sale which offers ynu an attractive selection from our splendid stocks ol hand some draperies upholsteries curtains and rugs t jit i uivjviuiuv v aavkjrvijj dry goods and cothinom guelph to tloi metth black donlm overalbi with bib alwo sniocku jo 111at1l1 llugu lar bsc to tloo thu week o- s doi hene work shlrli striped qnfords- medium to dark bliadoa regu lar soto6j this week h 0 dot mens work sklru hlack drill with white stripes and bpotn uegimr 7stogjc tliuwoek ou no dei meas koiirinhanil tie is 1- bwold neck tlei ta doa now tlca all jraad tpinllly nllk new deaignft and rich coloring regulor ajc thin wook a for asc do you not now wuh to eolect your bprluu underworir nnd healory wlillo t lines ere complete you know if yon come nnw you can choose firm n turgor him imti if veil come later we wlah to begin boiling our spring underwear and hwtlery early wo ore murklng the price on these goods low no that we ahall tint have any to carry over when tho eelllny season is puit tltehe are the values wo can give youi ladle kmbroldered hlack cash mere hoe b a and in regu lar sic this week bio ladle niauk cashmdre ifose rlblwd or plain aire b q ol nnd iti regular 3s and 4oe this week ojo ladle taffola glove new brown nnd tan shade regular goo this weak 33o drubs goods specials ntftok melrose cloth regular l so thuwoek 010 croam lustre futicy patterns regu lar bsc this wook sle satin finuh prunella cloth regular vioo this week 730 ttlrlped orepeeu regular bo tkl week sic batln cloth regular 7j0 this wook hc tcarl dittton doten su corset cover emhroldsrles tliin week agn pattern o 3s0 patternn si 450 patterns 3 it 6oo patterns u s l oh silk ribbon best qunllty nil color rerulnr mc thin out 4 inch silk ribbon ruuliir snu tlui week 3t lueh silk ribbon regular 17c linn week ml a ilg showing of lnceu ictuhrnidi rlei and uross trimmings all at bpuulnl viy- ttre j h jmckson gbohcbtown

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