Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1908, p. 4

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fltllc 2rfoir jrcc mtf i iiulthla mhiuihmt n lw ihiiiiuiitnir mi uliniibv icauy uut mrricuxt ii ulll mmllhl th iihiilt uiiin lift ii mvkiiiji lluft hmik itul llimmi uulll uhlli i rhonrif wh w nvrjtllnni rii iiio i i r tlm and it otwuyh initim nlth tli youru trhiihv i in nnh ti in pi uijonl u ihmiii ihlnuli ii ol you lout rny will ii mm vllk of rill wltlout ii ulthln in iiiiidk yum mail uwiiy hut 1u only u nuuutlvo vlilim i iitltltutihdhy 111- ami tin niim wliu u worth lllii iiomam cif nt i ii i j llm tmili u in hilfvu iliiijn- hi iiu ted romans okaghe spahkltcb am hind lup i i kl nxui il iimii id h iliiin v i ln llm i im ud mli 11 ki pilkfl a pllim imiii imii iiliiiilt il fpiod ill id i in mjlj thin in mid nl miiik milufntiiy to tin immitni iil ii j uhuiit 11 mmd duil imt 1 mil not pll ilum il i hhiiil ii h hi wih iii ik i 11 iilil ii if i ml lllll icli ilti i ihik itml lmik ill i in i ii u in i t wo ii uhiiiou nt a willi mill iih tlny tint iwaldo tint loftlit of thn dun i ditptiilml put buiii to mlkn and lvliiildldhoduiinir onubuiio siiyu mike i fa botlinnkfnl firthncolm mild mlko irutvilj ahxoiit inludidly lliu yomiif wnmnn yiiwiuil piiilon iii ulin wold i didnt iiu mi to di hint t woo i unpointed mr lliihcrloiip opmii d hy iiiulakii chtinh whii tn ibul pin ci of rnrd tlul u ufud youi homi fm jinipll 1 oif put i hen- in mil ill llillnpl ini i i and did you pim ii r n hhi foiui to jilt i lo mi itiynl oiinii ri imii-i- nr in tlimw llm iniim of piiiillni iiilnndii xhtml- ln an im d ru mm f i mo iho liiiimt county dm ithd to nwiko it vhdr to to- iimlo it win thn lmt hum ho lincl honn nt ii city ntntioii nml win n n hntid ilur huujid in him with tln intuitouulon kliiir imivuid tho i in iv comor ulmply mulled nu lm unmvoiid no till thnmuu due of faunciutlon principle riiut i win n wu iinilniutku to llll youi uunwctlptiomi wu uivn thutu out iindiv idi tl utti ntinn nud houl euro llm juitiuutu uulftiru in our llrst con uiduijitlnn noomid wo miimintiio our dniipi to lm of full utn until iiu woll tin pum mid irmh tliliil i our t iihtoniinii nui anpplltxl mith jiint what thuyiittk for t biihutltut- ln in ntiver nllowtid painko ckuuv cimiounn if you nrti n mitturtir fnnn kldnoy lluonho livor coinptalni wood troulilnu rlmuiuntimii iinurnlgla oi mirvouu proutnttlnn wo conlldcntly roaom- imiul tlui iihii of lftlnou oolflry com- pound tli in rnlliihlo nod novtn din- nppolntlnir nuxllnlnt u a tnm tllbonw linnhihii unci nyktiun bulldor wit tipply tlm mliiilmt paiiuin oulury cnuimiind at urown anton ont ihn hade ju llin innliihprlikr of iniufji in itanium it inili illy oallrt utlin in lioublo liy noliiiiff it 1 1 uili ciilut iiymplonih nucji aa i i wuhiiki in tul itlio palnn in tho 1 um mtilit fu tho lower part of ho imdy i imt awonmnh fumlnlno oikinilriinnilil liiiiiiiodlfttonttcnuon in itwh jiufii tho nnomiro wiinudy villi h npruly jvniovmi tlio caittut nntl rcftcirii tho fmniulno orpfanlsm to a healthy normal coiulltimi in pydia epinkhams 71igetable compound mm t a jjdliwrlo of lit artll- it i ii strtot quolxc wilteii to aim riiiliham lir nix 3 th i linvo hteii ilnttorlnif fur fomnlo lvtmltiictijt liom t and m ri u liirnuil iddiipy troiililo lmt fit lyilirt ii ihilclinnin vcuotahlo compound i c in wifely i iiuto found u euro i wnn cuutlniinllv lintluroil with llm hhtnt dlnlrchjtlnrr hnllciillu titlnoltc nud lmnrlnir down pit iiu mid i kept ffrimvliiir mores niul moro nervouu ladlall riuuliamilvtkotnldocoiii iiound rtlktul inn of nil tturo dihtrriih- iiir njuiptonia nud mndo inu n well wiinnn i mould nilvliut nil miffi rlnif nonilii oimjf or old to iim ljdlft it ritiuliumnvu4utablo compouiif facts for sick women for thirty yonrn iydla ic linlc- liamti vogotftlilo couipoiiml miulo from rootii and liorhn lian iwon tho iitnmlanl romotly for fomnlo illn ami liaa ponlt ivolyeurod thniuinmlh of womon who liavo liron trouhlcd w 1th liiiplaoomiintfltinltammatlnn ulcera tion fibroid tumortt irrokulnrlticn porlodio pajnn uaoltacho lmt lwnr- iiifdovnfjolliibtiatulonoyindlkuii tlonduzlnobb prostration in mmklnif wiriiiiiii thou nrt wltttj in imiiifhihip thut tlinu hunt found it thou nrt n fnol confiicluu iht not hit n cold out llu on your luoitn hi unit to ilkklou anil coo- iiiupmvk mymp ut tlm ft rut liithimtlnn of in hut inn in tlm tin out nod provmit d ultimo fioiu lndniii hi tlio piiliuonnry lutflinu nikii ctid roldu nr thn cuuwi of untold milfuilnjr tliroulmiit tlm ountiy nil of which could luivo bum ptitiutid hy tlio nppllrutloi of tli la ximpli hut powurful tnulliliio tlio pilci j n nta hrhiqii it within tlio niichtif nit novti- pint without lovlnx worritf to think of dm inu yoin nhmonco it nuty ho unit ynu will not lit cut firrtln in lift hlohtiir liiiy iiiun who liiiodorimhui of olinr- notor will havu t nimiiiiu t nud i ho mull who liuu no dimuinn of cilinniotit cull luivo no fihiudw pullor a citra fur hluiuimituui a puhiful mid poitdutoni form of iliouimitluin ciuiiuid hy liupiirltlcw hi thn blood tho rotjult of dorimllvo niton of tho llvtu and klilooyu tlm iiioimi luotrnmu ul ut id hy tho liitnhtnuliin of uric nald whin 1 1 rntimia much ptln hi tlm tuumunml lu tloi joint furmoleiiu vfujolithlit 111 ju ii ro known u ultra oltiu ird imiiiy rotnnrknhlit rurb ant tliulr nun lu strouyly rronininilfil a triul of thiin will roovlurtt ttnyono of tlllll vlllllk in ili p hilll iii i of iih win froiuulilp kutijtl rnhiiliik i oil will en luniiiduti pullltllllh lollf ti thn llulmo out hllll tli hiiyluu tin in nouiihhof i nrli iiihiih clmr- a ill htv i in iid t iih hcumit u hklllful in tho ithiflu or kr n foi liituiii nuok a hruu vl i ii tikiiiuim imimlrlo iiouuiflimk tlm nkln will ily hi h tin oil mini it will t lm i ukioim nud in hitf mptu ily y il nud bn oouvhicid au tit lukw hi ihn pnlii onion hud inu iiitiplo unmudu fm it liminiiolt u iiiuulcitl im it our blest nkbounokfd love iidi iiiikiiu- of niw voi k unit thitniliii dny ivhcuxoiiinihoiihiiuilhor flohuiil chlldiio piinuul liiifniu him in piumliut tin n vi lollinv nltlmm lliohu mo your in1 uoiuooh wu iiohiiu to niuimurvu our niituiul inwoilk1u wo pildoaiiruiilviu upon ho ilcluw of tho country in jnhii in foiomtuud in hi id i hut lliouu m o oui n im iimommm wllluml whloll nil oluu fulls our ftrout nlijoot muit li if vo would nvnll ouruolvci of the huuuthm of nittiiro find tiuiko rood iibb of tho pilnalobu opportunity which ii iimw to ooiikoivu thn niniihooil find woniiinliuod of thn country hy taking yood iiirn of tho hnyiinnd nlrl thou hhciuhl not nvoty bootl cltibon tty i th tin k ihollqiioi truflloj dnsahl huhl uljt inun 111 tho uinnii fiw lin wink- id iiih nyo ivn n ilnnn komi iliimiiin would ynu ilktilolmyr ilioyto fllloil with enjtiirpliiiiiu plo lliioanuiltoyh to iiioiihii tlit clmtr ml tlo ulrlu ntul hoyb ill imvii thiim i idd pltikh tlo ihoin up tlbnt ill alvo thorn tiwuy m y p6ta to- i whh iny phokitboolt down from tliehlf j whiit i wnkkiifil mul rnuihl id hoon clnmiidnk iityhtti- aiiii m iuu- if it u hityful nud uxpodlont for thoo to optnk cpmk iiiobo things which tuny udify q union oahvonia dndj 1hi kind vou hm jir bant niiiim uiun liolong to church mid olhomluiiighiothnt tlio church liolonkb to ttlllll to curb a cold in ontt day tlm k laiatlva iirumoqulnliia tablet a iliuualna rulinnlilm motiuy ii itfaiia to am h w uravaaalunaiuraoi naoll dos usoiiv no mm uiiod iinduro tho ngony of iriin with llollowiiyn corn j urn ut hum to romovu them iiu who hnndnnu nothhirlinu known nothing viiln lu it tn ult nohumlng nnd phiunllily ducnurilngi up und do- lughlhhou was weak and thin only weighed 73 pounds now weiqhs 113 pounds had heart trouhlo anil bliortnem of ilrcath for six voara- milburh8 iieaht and nerve pills nirwl mra k i lrljlit iliirnlny out hhn wrllnn f un jroally trmiliud for it j nan wll h ti i limirl and wl n nu uf hraatli f ild nut walk alijhly rodn with ut reitlnij four or flva tlmoi in tlmt almit dutauti i ijot v wenk and tldn i only wiiulirul aaiuitj llirm hiiiih1 iduiilid at i nt lo ink uoinii f mlllmnia 1 nrt mid nurvi 1iln mid flor taking ililt imih i u iiik d hi liiii lli and wuljjlit nnd vnvf iili rum luiiilrd and tlilitofiil pmmdi uiiuiat imor iloinluhimylifo hmi well nml mi u u n ii aa over i did mud i mi imnrtlly hi oik milliuru lloqrlainl kfrvo imiofnr hull tin n ao onnla pnr lo or h liixne for 91 jl at all dudura or iiitilrd dirool mi nillpt of pilu ly riio t mllbuiiico liiijiumi lorunto out astoria tint klml von ifavo alwityn houplir and vvlileh linn liorn in iiho for over 1ft jour lion linrnn tlio mltrnntnra of f n4 imh lcon nadt under iiih jwir- jj4yfypy nonnl miiioii ihioii iiiiico 1u infiiiicy tvvgf sjcaia allawnomin toilarrivoyaii in tlilu all oountorfoltri imltntloiim nml 4 tint iviorlnuuiu that trlllo with nud rinlnitfjfr tlio limltli of iiiftmth uiul clilldrou kxporloimjo nfinllirtt tlxucrlmout what js castoria otiutnrln 1h u luiririlturi mibuflttito for cantor oh pui- itorlo ikrpm and koottilnp hyrnpi it in 1ouhiui it toutuliifv nolthrr opluia jtfoi liluo nor otlu nuioouo ftiilinluiuji ltd ntxri in ifhiinriintoo it ixnau yu ivoniw mid ulliiyu rovorlwlmcmj it curvh plnvrlioun ami whut colle itvcllovoh iotliliiu traiilildti oiiroh cbiihtlpatlou mid ilntiiloiicy it timminillatob tlm pond runlutcn tlio mtoiuiitli and isowoim ulvlnu licit thy and imturul uluup tlio clilldruuw iutiiucii tlio molliorh trlond cenuine castoria always 1 boars tho blgrmturo of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years jjj9 chartered by dominion oovornmom ilabllliod ih6 the merchants bank or canada mliao ofl ick month1ial intoroat rtddnd four tlmea n year no urancliaa lrolilont sib ii montagu at lm vice ivmldanl jonatiiam iloimnom hq gene ml manager li 1 iihiipuu capital iald up fooooooooo uepntiti ovor s3oo3ooo oo surplus oodooooo toial aiwli 15300060000 savings dank deposits ona dollar or upward will opon an account mony wllhjravrbblo any lima 110 delay rarmers sale notes we luvo ipoclal ficllillt far colloctlnff llieto ws will emit lliamat onco if detlrod at a low rata of intereit joint accounts when reipjoated wa will opon account in two nimei 10 that eiihorono may ilnw itio money husband or wife etc uirnjuh html wkufih llml nppm nl in 11 now yoikdull 1 hit ihinuht 1 llittdlgnlmul hhily rulltirihlgiiiilml u at lit lei iho pilot inlildlo ngid wunimi who iiiun whh him hitn iho uoiiuwluit mondoil nillitoy uuhnihuu litiln hnnifthlng in ho gntl iiiitluiihy und khidupuu ot iho loin un 1 mil inn of iho nrinhy piihhtiilgiiu in look up lull 11 ti dl iho flocfiimd wi nim dlgnllhil im wiiu lln rilhii nl i il luirnidf ut lilhuuggiftloii a moiuiiit ititi 1 tin fnthui fi om hli uont jiiut in hind uci ouu iho ulh louiiuil furwnril touinku mime ronmib uhoitt llm rrowdul condition it mow n ullght nml pncxilng lurldi nl vl t her n 111u unit tlrftji 0 of dnrin lire uiidfllrrctloit on ihn oim hnlul nud of loliinto nripdiaiuov oil llm othrr whlrh gnvn lo iho roliillnnahlp of tho whittbiilird hither mf groy hnlrul dinikhtrr ihoroughly iininluhiknhhi dutlnrllou i wwh my faib 1 wnutd ml ino ditughtfi in unit wij n i hrui u n dillghtfiihioha in it hint glvi h mil 11 poultlvo nnw ucuuntlou mild onti of tho two joiing woiuon pnsmnugiirh who hull liomd 111 id ohitrrvod i could ohjiy miy tun 11 fulhcr huuhiind hrolhor nun who wuuld i11u1 rnro of mo in unit torn of volto not til ib hams 1 hud luilf thn young nuui in town tor ilvnht when i whh doing 11 conii uhlp utnnl mild llm midijid paunt 11- gor auddldyou hind tho pilsi p it rli d tlio luirdwari dnnuniir well i novor oukid ut it in unit light rcplhul hoof tho and pt hut i uinrrlid tho girl cure for dyspepsia aa la woll known thia trnulih nonin onm- plaint nxiwii from ovnr ration tlio nan to inurli rioli fluid uairleoud omtipatloii lank n a mm ian lad air et thn fml alionld ho limrou linurd attd nnviir imiltnil or awaltnwul in liaaln atlniutinu limit lm avnldud and oor laa tnuon if iimiilo a renitilv whh ii una randy fnilid to k t tolhf nud orfunt pnnuaiiiut iini pandora i the ohanii thunk rai1wav hint loll ii iii tlio limit olmtlimtti raii ii aoton branch w s chisholm manager new hats the very latest new york and english styles be sure and buy your hat here style and value unsurpassed r e nslsons os wyndhhw qtrbbt cublph ab anon nu 11 iimn in glmi to lovo bin work ttton will hu uiun hogln to limko prohrflbh himkln a pill hint provou itg vuhii- thoio of wonk uioiiuilii will und ttiingtli in piirmoloou vogotuhlo 1llln hcciiufln thny survu lo uinlntuhi tlm hoiillliful notion of thn iitoninoli nud thn i ivor lrrojubirltlo8 hi which urn tuout dls- licislng dyupopth hiiro woll itcmuilnt- ed with them und vnluu thom at tholr prnpnr worth thoy hnvo nlfordod ro- llof whon otlior propurnllonh hnvn full- ciltaul havn olfootod cnrob in ulhuonth of lang utnndlng whom oihorinuillclnob worn found unavailing hon time children ho tniight not only tho inborn of thoonrlh hut iho lovuli- nctin of it john ituakln castoria vm infauti lud children the kind you havo always bought boars th fcgnnturo of iiioih nmh in whciro nngulu fimr in trnnd lmt angela run into their wlnga ah n vorinlftigo llioro in nothing an potent nu mothor ornvou worn kit- torinlinitor 11 ml it 01111 hn glvon to tho 11 1 not dolluito child wlllimil fimr of in jury to tho onutltiitlon nuniwlinw nr othur mom uxm who ninrry hrunotloii pre fur hhiudnu rind vluo vul mi onm ii go tmiiuluth not in blindly ovor- loukhig dungoi hat lu tmulng it mill cotiqimrlng it huhtei combine tho pount haailng virtue of tha norway plno trao with other ahaor- lentoipoatnrantftndaoothlnbmailialnm of roaognlxod worth and abaoluuly harmlosa prompt and aaf for tin our of couanscoidb dromohitis xioansvnbbs oroup borv throat pain or tiqut- nbb9 la tho ohmst and all throat and lung trouble it is put up in yellow wrapper 1 pins tra th trado mark and tho prioe 26 oanlo a hauo drv c0u01 1 mr 1 l iurdy mlllvala n8 wrltai i havo bean trouhled with a hard dry cough foriou0tlma aipftolal- ly lb nlflht hub after having until dr wood norway pint syrup for few wooln i and my oough lit left ma to ay peraon buulng u i did i can aay that thia remedy la wsll worth a trial i would nob im without lb in thi houaa bdock blood brr7s it niita hy reiilatlnit and toning thndi- quhtlvo orbiia ruiuovlne riwlivaiioa and hinnlnu thonpitotko nn 1 rmtoriny limlth and iiior to tlio avatcm mr anina hiwler ooll illinr nfl wriuott i waa greatly tronllnl with di hnonth nud nf tr tryliitf w m d chwtora itnouirnt i onnuunuol tnkliij hnnln1 lllxxl llittora mil i think it u llio hatb tuiviliiuuo lliiuolif 1 tint iiimpuuil forbulofttnll dijiiatanul llnhm tho follow who uponda till hlu tltuo looking for four icavod clovt r wont hnvo much luok ojlotoxtlii a heavy seriuon inukoth a light cul locthm pinto 4w tiia alfnalur- aa avary ben ot lua fcanulni laxativo dromoquinlno taiiu llio rma4r uai at m in our dootlb nro fotlom unit wo fnigct ourbolvcb o 1llot ojlmtoxixa inipobrilhlo lii a word only to found in iho dlollounry of fooh nnpoloon had bachachb was unable td do house work for two years many women suffer untold agony from kidney troulile very nflflu hiey lhnu it u fmniao onllnl fenialn dlanaie thnre ib loan fonidle trouhla than thoy think wnmnn atiffur from lutokaotio aleapleu iinaa unrvmiiniiaa irritability and ft drag ging down fctillnu in tlio inlna ho iln men anilthey dn nnl have femnln tmublo why tlmn lilsnm nil yuttr troiiblo in fenialodlienaot muat of llm so oaiiim fniimlii diantdpru r no moro nr lean than kidney diannh ra and onn lie ciwllv and iiuiliw cured hy ihnnaklilnaypllla mm c diipulu llolloihiw villntpi n p jwrlteui i hah uuahln to dn mv lunixn work for two jonra on anomnitof inrk- anlin f onuld nut gi t up tlio atalra ihauy kidney illl ouml mo permanently nfler tlootoni fallod lu vrn relievo llm pnln i nan blnhly rcoommrnd tliem lo all aulhrnra from kid nay trouble prioe 00 ot per imx nr a lortnb for 1 t at nil dealera or nailed direct on raoeipb nf prloe hy the doan kldnoy pill co toronto unt tlm only thliiff i oun do now in to tnko the ftaffor oomplotaly off iticnnnot othurwiaobo ourotl bo uald ono of tho lontllnip dootorn of toronto to mr w 0 kdwarda pdor ao p po mioof tho wollknown frlnndly oooloty londor of potor btreot toronto almost u yonr boforo mr edwnrdo out tlio mlddln flujior of bin loft hand vory bndly and blood poison onnuotl for two montha tho doctor had boon trnntlntf him but no ffood hnd romiltod und this wnn thn llnul tljotnlon a flftyoint box of znmbulc navsd mr bdwnrdn from lifodonjr mutilation which sfioo would nob havo nomponnated him for ho nays tho blood poison from the n nomponsntdu mm ior nu nnyh uu muuu ii flngor nproad up my hand and arm and oauimd mo torriblo apony aftsr raontlvv trontm nt tho dootor said thoro wnn no onr and nmputatlon would havt to toko plnoo t i ti od to ravn the arm my hund ttt that tlmo wau all uwollmi up and tllnaolorod and i had to curry it in n sllnn i loft th it dootor nnd oonsultod anothor a lm n few imol 11111i111 n lm iiihh old mo tlml opuratlmi would ho iuitoiuiiry and mm thupir tiould limn to ho opi nod a tlmtllio hntin onuld ho furnpiil 1 wont uwny lu iiniriiilm 11i1011 1 ituiihl hnvo tlm nporallon porfortuod nud inol ti friend lm inlvuud um lo try xmiilhik tlmt nluht i luitltcd tho wound if d put on miiiio mi ihil i gut a ilttlo nlodp for llm llnt unu for many ulgliln lu llio mnrnini llio unuud lm itn t 1 loud ihhioiui of lint fntil dlueluuvluu hi llio pt thin ah n honltliy lu o 1 uunt on with llm zam lhtk well to out o bnig itry uhorl in it fow ilaya i put ttway thn hllug and to n fow tmt llm llniior una hnitliml ooniphtoty to tiny that llngur u na antiiid na n holl nud i owo it m 1111 lluk a word jo wives wu11 nml innttiir hliiiill uiiiiw tliul xiuiillult l hi i1iiii il mill irol lioiilur itunwn llliliulillilin whlli iiiilnllko in illlo iii luinlmil putu iiiiimuuil uniiiii 1 muuiil liiintli olmiiiiml ill l uloiin limlni inu km 1 ii hi iiiiiii i ihlmt itrnn w l plliultii llimliilliiilu hu otlmlii nml yotniiiiiriiilllintolibinloiiiiliilhiiiib blruii i nml 011r11l ly ii ilmulinnlin iimllnf iiiom nul tip llm llil lll h llllulilynnlliitl almxol link la imuiiiiil n n niillliw lii ll u11 vt lulllli all ilruauulmiiliil hlnrni oil t r0o 11 liuu nr it iron from iumuiib ttironm r am buk thb obbu s saved his finger we orrtr you rree trial box rend till coupon in aump and namo of tliu taper to toronto anil i wro maiiipto sumlhik u- you will rawh kcton tlio mif iul 11 fcilully kdcllalhn ht in i lge pll lie nnh inf in 1lk11 ilu weill btiulniel nml ttylluh llluo uublci a mf 111 inn imria nil trjlnt hciikmi hi o j 11 m nnir 10 p m can- ul uicniiun lvcn to every ordrr 1 o want ol com nirrciii l refill- rn luly met john xniiim7us phopulbtoh m d lomt n tofcnlo monlraal wlnnlpai vrfnctuvar ci jolin nb llarilllen calcry c c simc1uht locajj agent warmest kind for cold weather tougher liorschde will never be found because the best ia uacd or storeya gloves and gauntlets and yet the akin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and trsv the be3t working gloves on the isfej market sold at all storca insist on storeyc neglect ruins iod watches wtiare uaa ww out on keep jour alch clean and it la at natural for il 10 no at for your heart 10 ben t iltlnglli has experience and ability to repair ana properly adjuit hatche pov tlhly as teat aa any person in canada g d pringblie the jeweller gletpii actun chopping mill rerenel order nnd fiiui propircd u till nil ortlcri promptly llio mill will run mory iu nrd there will ho no unncfomry uolny ploun amd fbbd a full slock of hour nnd feed luk hien slocked it g rown 1iopiictor the ypctes hkt iho latekl mlo lunck ttlll only rooiilar tiau on utile lor ti ou litis la toinirnduco it 10 thielpli wo lako litis inouis lo ndionlie the iiobi ait ii bit veiling at the jtopular pilco 10100 rarly and ret n aainplu lor j no woaro aolti dtuid lot 1i10 llniito nl llobor in lalluis in tlio canu- illnti tjonltdnicn loronto lafontaines fur establishment 057 quoleo stroot cudlpii ont excelsior bakery we aro hoatlquar- ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class qunlity wo nlsb carry a splendid stock oi groceries and- con- lectioncry t statham 6b son mill blrt aoton the berlin steam granite and marble works cab pr n it it a un proprietor deblauers and lliilldert ol aialttea maui oleumi monumenti mnrkera anil llnatl binneb anil all kind of wuiluiy hcustrcct aitol aclun 18 it footwear you aro look ing for 7 if thats the ctbe yo to williams shoe store 1 curr 1 full line of boots shoe- rub bcrt etc ff r people of all a iu sizes our ijtc inter stfck row rend for our rrptcir n wm williams zlt bum it li sassfa litrbtr m3u p sayers sous new pictures at waters bros new d tiara rg artistv pr c 1 an water c oi always fresh aid ci the bet quality waters bros guelph art store everton m eden mills tlio deait quality 01 manitoba fnmtly nntl paatry flour for snlo at lowost prlooa our own make 5fc1fc choppitif pone r oua k oil oil oicry d 1 ee1 lor sih caili f r ttlnit iiul oitw henry hortop 80 vkars expenibnott irvruu iuhu4 wiiiinut otir in hi sciennnc fliticr can am swjswsaa wa t ilthijitsr ptiu i rwiwlit uom b 1 joiy p l rwiwlit ttow tor rwilnts

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