Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1908, p. 3

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spectac es eybclssses where 0u 01rmi pltlail nni nplrl wo iterp 111 slock nnw ierisee eicrews lemtilea i ramos anil all filling suit nttl inr mil lilitil n work wa can repilr yaur clones nlmoil while ynu wall maltniaob ljoknhscsj i8hubd geo hvnds jfwkllkit acton tiiuimhay noykmiwu u i ww brief locautems vij muulmnn ttlll ho ih next holiday rinu wint llyliik in huimrof king imwuidu hlulnliiy mumliy 1yuiniik plowing mulch dii jlr ii n llrownn farm tnjiiorrnw icouldnl lha ctobqlng i mi i1tnud oil oncungtiin mr htruet ouimulsblnh- tr hunni filter butn in inupictor cowley nf toronto mul inspictur duucun uf milton vlaltod acton hchuulu inst jvirk ttoorgu ioiiut of ruigus nliot himself nml dud instantly while ul hunting on 1hnnkflgivinn day contractor cameron la ortctlug n co in moil i ohm new voiamla nt tho lira rd- moru rrmldonce on chinch htreot ah biulnres nuiioiuiconionta for tint llilti piiiuw christ urns nuuitwr must bo sent in lint later tluin hdlurdiiy thnnksglvlng day on the kings birthday lintl kingu woollier in deed the tiny vn a delightful one mn wllllniu wlllhinib who wni painfully bmlsid nml nhnkon up by a full oti hutimlny in slowly recovering tlio ionraou atmu on mill htroet u lwln put in ohnpo fur n toronto merchant who will put in a go nam i took mr auk artlium u nblo in im about ngnlu he will now tiiko pupils in violin at hid robhlrnca or nt thohomo of tlitt pupils if in town sou pingraiiiuiu of conceit to lie given in the town imll next monday evening kith lust iy tho koalk concert co toronto- flrat page ilov o wiliiilinrhiidlhounusunl oapbt lonco lust hunilny nvenlng of an nouncing lltreo funrml which houos ctilluil upon to conduct on moiidny nml tuoidny hrnr mr 1 ctont iiuhho nt flio concert in tliu tnwn hnll nixt monday evening muu conutnncn lions gold medalist elocutionist toionto la nlso mr of tlio compnuy fl a cluck mot with nn ucchlont on monday liut whlch loaves lilm with audi a badly sprained anklo that he limy bo inlil npforeovarul weak tlila la most unfortunate just now when preparations nre bilng mails for mov ing ofhoial blhotiom returns tha hetumlnar orfleer proclaims mr hantteinson bleated with bib majority tiib official returns for tha recent election in thla county liavu been given ant as follows t utiin ii uihihon hltnilkiihon no i town hull 72 71 3 hpolbhtn ahnp 07 w 1k 170 majority for ilondorson 1 iiuhusiltov no 1 town haii fll 7h 2 handliig itoom 2 hit lit miijorlty for llandiruimi 11h ukuluhttowti no it town hnll 711 a colna llnnan 07 120 majority for iltmdortinn 117 dvuvilik no 1 town 1u11 1u h mmonla hnll u itomprnncoliidl8u iiu mnjurliy for hemloraon 41 wlltov no 1 town hull h 3 younkwopilttt h h court llniiut 1m 1110 mujorlty for hondornon17 no 1 snroata hi b nerval ti ii stownrltown 73 i iluhlln ntlioiiipnnn 17 llaionwlllliima m 121 majority for hundfhimnou nuijio 101 no 1 tfroainim u 71 j noluon it 117 ii klllirlilo si m 4 lowvlllo m 0 imii uilioiil in mi nn ikii majolty tuv uoiulnraun h7 tkafvuim 711 u drmnniiln 0j nn 40 1 pliliiln htrool i in m 5 palopmo fy ni 117 1 nllllli line j1 i ll w mujorlty for harrison 11 nafwaoawbyv no 1 oaroplwllvlllo jj il knatoldmll 113 majority fur hurruon 70 nt majority for hotnlorton 31 00 h7 j12 viiuupitkhhoiirutmaa mint bur will b nut on tlm will diiooiiilwr ftaco your ordor early hui raetlvad hl lnd sahpt gunner w j unuld hat imtlvtd from tint dominion nnvartmitmt lu cvrtlllonto for two adjoining qiiarlnr couoiib of hind in tlio north wt for lila larvloou in thn war in sunth africa the u miner u thinking aoiloualy of going out to tin woul hml lining httleinant iluuiib on ilu hinil wo may ytt hour of hint iu one of lbs wealthy farmon of tliu great north wmt wiikii vhuh qhrlituiai ntnnbar rajjy for mnlllug loth decwbr ordou at okioo l you with elr ooplti news p local import unfm rrom ul albana mr adam ilrowu n pumilnunt y- uinn nud poaliufiblrr of llnmlltuii will ttvn nn nddrvaa on hunduy iivaiiln nov 22nd nn llinlnyiiintiumlauloniiiy mnvemant thiiirfrlnkiwllllmi t adtotulbhlona mrohnnlcoll lum ltii nptoliitnd irdbldttntof die illlihi olftia which nioelu on humlny nfter- tionna at ii oclock in iiia vcitry hit will glv n mti on hunduy uftfrnonn inxl a oclnlitvdnltiif wllllw hold at thn hue lory on wodiiphday nov ihtli lm nt 7 in admlwylmi itcla idiula will lin dpviilcd to tlio funda of th church th hlktypouftli annlvarwiv thn 01th nnnlvrraiiry uf llitininnlx- ajinn of tliu mnlliidlul cliiurli liiro with kpglilarkuiiiiiiy jrcuchliilll up hold on hundny fill docniulxr ittiv tt allurt mooio of tornnlo it non uf thi cbuoli iniwt nnd onu who in how vory pro ml n out in tlm moml llfo o tlio dominion will lxi lh preiirhrr of tha day mr mnmn will rccitlvn a clinllnl witamna totho homo church nnd will no dnuht ho greeted liy nrgr cungra- gntlona as thu church la f rata from debt tho ofrorlniti of lh day will bo devoted to tlio now pniaounh fund nnd tha congregation will ho naked to plnco om nn tho plutoa during tint dny thn occasion wll bo looked for- j ward to with much intirrl ly tlio congrrgtrtlon womans ohrlatlan timpni union through tha efforts of mrs abu i gordon ovangellal who la n domin ion officer a wull alutidod meeting of lndloa waa held at moorecruft on hut- urdny aftarnoon fur thn purpose of i organizing n w c t o for acton it waa decided to tnko atrpa to effect mil nn orgnnitnllon nnd ofllcora wero nominated as folio wi irosldant i mr d handeraon i lit vlco 1rca mra uev o w darker j 2nd vlco- proa mua lluuoll i fiucrataiy mlua hortlo bpalgbtt cor rea ponding hoc- 1 rotary mua quoonlo mclnlyrm trena- 1 umr mibb amelu lluiliand vurloua departmonta of work will ho organ lx ed a tho boolety prngreaiob a second meeting will ha held tomor row afternoon at four oclock in kuov church to complete organlatlon tliuro la no doubt n atrong re present n- tlvo actlvo w ct u can do uioful and aggraaalvv work for the moral bettorinont of tlio community j ballad to lap flphar llov george w ilarkor pnutor of tho mothoouit chtirob baa lwun in- vltcd to tlio pnatornte of the mutbo- j diet church wlnghnm nt thn open ing of tho iipxt conforotico jinr in juno 1000 after duo coruildurntlon mr darker bna blgulflud bla nccopt- i nnco of tho invitation auhjuat to the action of tha tranbfor and btatlonlng conimlttooa dy noxt juno mr ilnrk- or will havo oomptetad the fouryear i paitarnl tor in hero ho line amply i piovon lilnibelf an ahe preacher nnd a very miocoaeful pastor his sermons liava grown in strength nnd bla ex ecutive aunerlntomtciioo of tlio nlfalra of the church here boa imon admir able llov mr ilarkor baa well earn ed tho preferment entailed in tha call to the church nt wlnghnm and he will mnaauro up to nil tho reqitlta- menla of the larger nnd mora import ant obarga he la a man if god nnd bla ministry hnu nlwnya boon helpful to hla followmcn nnd luaplrlng to higher christian ufa nml chnrnrtor tho church hero would glndly retain his eervlcob hut tha full pastoral torn having expired bla removal to another paatorato next confermwu la inevitable in mm ilarkor bo has all that can bo ox pec tod in n paitora helpmeot knox thankojftvlnr bntertalnmettt tho to und entartnlnmont given in knox church on monday evening un der the auspices of the ijtdloa aid wan a aplendld succoss about 550 per- aona at down to tables laden with tho good things provldod tho ladles with npparont enso paisod this largo number through tbalr hands making avarynno comfortable to onjoy the capital programme given lie tho church at about h15 llov j o wilson d a potior or lha church took tho abatr nnd after n tow opening remark introduced tho manchester mato quartette of onlt tiiobo gentlemen messrs mccutchcon cod ling hitherlngton and henselwood have a weltdeservod ropulntlon for doing flratclasa qunrtotto work icvery numlwr whothcr it waa solo duet or qunrtotto waa of the very bait and should tboy noon appear again in acton in the emittm capacity a crowd ml hnuio la assured them mrs omittebaln of toronto la an adapt in scottish uong anil reoltatjon and especially in aelaetions which linvo apathetic vlaw in thorn ho far as a pure canadian is able to judge she has the scottish accunt about perfectly with very groat credit to herself did miss thompson tlio accompanist do her part tho proceeds of tha evening amounted to vlott th praam ohihaimaji numbaf thalnkbpliuflh ohrlstinaanumbere hnvo always iwen atlraetlvo but tha ohrutmas lasue for 100h will eurpos nil previous efforts it wilt be printed in two colors on beautiful english pinto paper will have numerous plottiresquo views of canndlnn soon- ory pratty engravings of snmo of aototta attrnotive streets soones on fairy lake the club house town ball schools and churches christmas stor ies pooms and llteratnre nud will bo worthy thn iuui puiuh in all ru spools upwards of thirty of our loading business men and mnnufec- tuiere will bo represonted in its pngos thin splondld christmas number will iw issued wllb our regular odlllon on tho 10th december giving uinplo time for mending to friends in tho old country or to othor romoto points notwithstanding the extra cost of col ored plate special engravings of local bao nose and superior pnr wo huva decided to plnco tho price he in mo as for our previous chiutma numbers ten cents at this low prloo tho cdl- 1 tlon will no doubt go off very rnpldly i onlera for extra copies should tie bent in nt nnoe flur last chrutmns mini- hor wit sold nut long before olirut- ntns all regulnr sulmorllmue will bs preounled with n copy of this splendid numlwr you flnn make richer more fragrant more delicious tea if you use snlada one teaapoonful makes two oitpe v mhsolutelv bolllljg wator ateep flvb ihloutee manv thanksgiving visitors horn oamtm wp numteaui nd thanda wr mar from many outald poltitji manv oltizknai went away rimnkbglvlnjf la nlwnya n popular i lino for tho wxchnngo of vulla for fitmlly rpiinloiisniid for gonernl going and coming tha volume no doubt lining incrrnsed hy the clioap furoa piuvnll lug fur tin veiling among tho victor to nnd fi oiii town din lug tho wiu k tho ill uk piiichm tfiilhcroil thn following luti mti jouhi ornm front toronto mr w d 1ilck from toronto mr ilohtrt lvriyiunii frotiitornnln miss lletlbn mcdotinld froln hamil ton mr kdwln madilook hnii lioiim from ilirnrjl mibb ih hioitli jvns iioiiip ft on lowvluo mr will colcmnii win hnina fiom illliltsvlllp nnd iminhlorey wl vlullpd frlendu lit ilonnolt mib houm iibviiio xlbbca mm tin from toronto ml- kuiol tfpn ningnrn 1vltu misb mnrgmct from kotutvhy mr hnalon drown from vlcl dnlvorblty toronto ur a p hi ott and children hero from dnnnplon mis n 11 hiuiirt of lie lultsd frlendu in town mr vincent tondevo of toronto i wns up for thir holiday mr and mr thomas purrymnu jr weie born from toronto mub kna penrson cimou limno from tliialph foi the holidays mr and m- w h i nny vpont thank bglvlug nt norvn mibb luc i nd n ibm or wns homo fiom toronto for tho holidays mrs mnalpra of illuovule wni a guoat nt principal htownrtn mr clutoiico ijilng of toionto wim tho guest of tlio mibbos li log mr nnd mn ilobt moon wnl tho holidays with rtloniuin unit mrs young of dorcbeator vlaltod at bcr bonv mr t k young mr and mr n v moot o spent hun- i day with friends nt cunlngahy mr and mrs alex matthowu of to- 1 ronto wero with acton frlendu mil colin dynes and bain of prop- iau is visiting frlonds in town mrs fjlmmons of wlnghnm visited i hor daughter mrs porcy drown mibbpb daliy nlcklln was homo from nurllngton nnd kditb from toronto mrs jnnieb mclean vuitcd at her i homo in ilrnuipton ovei thankbglvlng i mlsuos hnxel and sylvn arnold of onnrgotown woio with acton frlomls missoamyrlte mnllbows nnd annie harvey from noimil hobool llainll- ton mi will titatlin in mul uon nf hsoter spout tho holiday nt thu old liouio bore mr ami mrs a l hoinstreet ind miss clnrlco of milton vlaltod friends here mus pranoh nf toronto wns tho guest of hor coubio mrs prank ken nedy mr nud mm onnond matthews spent tluinkagu ing with friends in dorlln mr m iiouo of toronto spent tho holidays with bis daughter mrs john nmwn mr and mrs ilmold davis nnd hnho of mltoholl wero gucsta of mr joarph liotmoh mr w ilnottgcr of dirlln vulted at tho home of mr t ii aklns during tho weok mr john hat vy returned on satur day aftor spending n week nt alienator and carluke mr nnd mr it pttnrson toronto wore with mr w pearson welling ton street miss barbara wnrren and miss praser of toronto visited frlonds in the old home mrs ii k mckarclhon of toronto spout tlio holiday with hor mother mrs t t monro mrs couttsualn was tho guest of liar friend mrs ii ii wonlon during hor stay in town mis mcmann of boa forth was n guost nt tho homo of mr thos fitatbam during tho wook massrajameswhlthnm und andrew pitnston of dundalk spent thanksgiv ing with friends hero messrs leonard word on and chester plank visited fflondb in hos- peler berlin and guelpb mlbsorlsva and irene mnttliows nf darlln wero guesta overtbnnksglving of their sister mre t b aultii mr nnd mm jamos grant and son of mimosa wore guost of mr nnd mr jaiiiae torrance pmk avo itov dr a o oourtloe formorly editor of the ohilatlan gunrdlnn dlod at hi home in toronto on tuesday mr a lafotennil mis a wright of toronto wore guest of mr nnd mrs j n taylor over thanksgiving mr john magiii menngor trndar flsnk arthur und mr moglll wero with acton friends for thanksgiving mr and mrs john williamson of burlington spent thanksgiving with his brother mr d williamson guelpb street miss winnte morris of toronto and miss g cunningham of calllngwnod spent sunday and monday at tho homo of mr thos bennett krln mr william coleman ilospel mr bauiuel coleman ilookwood and mr p mcprlane btrabatia attended thu funeral of the lato joseph coleman on monday mr john s moore of the canadian stationery co toronto mr o ii moore of the dundns star and mibu lattlo a moore of toronto wmo homo for thanksgiving mr o zimmerman of colllngwond and mr melvlri zimmerman socratnry of the west knd y m o a totonlo wore gupst of friend in acton nnd vicinity during the week mr p t holmes who line been managing the krln advocate for n couple of mouths lta returned homo during hi stay the advocnte gave ovldenoe of considerable moolmnloal improvement mm 10 copping mre a mltioiilu and mre h soott toronto mr nud mrs win lowlie mr and mr goo leslie shllnh mre james lesllo and ml as tslle guelpb attended tho funeral of tba late john brown on mnnduy vkuh pitwii uhrlstmu number- ten ao n u oritur todtiv the hand or death john t drown nnd jtmipb ooltmsn ard and katmmad giummm qulallv famm away ot illcn dmatiiu th1b wshkk lor bovernl iiioiiiiih mr john t ilrowu bus imk i kiigngnd in ilia erec tion of it lino in lk rualdoncit on the ult of the propxity on milt htrcet wbltb ho owmd foi upwnids of forty yenta hu lookrd forwnid with phtiibiiiulilif iiiilkliulloiia to b pond log blu iklllnlng yoaru in iblu now home with blu son mr u ii drown and family about n foi i night ngo lis took cold nnd an iiriito nltnck of aatlniiafol- lownl mul on hatunlny nfiimoou be paubid nwn john t ill own wun born nt ningaia in ikii when u young man ho tnmn kijuosing with bis filthor who ballludon tba faun at tba hi uk cb u i clr above acton now owned ly mr i mwtnl ckntp in w02 bo jimrripil mmy llbbonx duugbtnr of iho lute john ulbluiux of llir ihiid line mm drown predi censed hlmlx ypam ngo mr g ii ilrowu 1st thn only tehlld living two daughlcm having dlod in clilldiiooil during tlio hliutllng lillibmltig duyjj of acton blatnry dicphbpd vna n foiomnn in thu ynrdm heio of tho lto cliiuleo hymou hulkkipwntly bo held uhullar positions in haiiiliv nud toronto homo seven- treu j iith ago liu purchased the woll- kumui hill inrin in kmnioan ll ijilbplacoof iiuiicbj hill tho great mil nny msgiintit two vnra ngo last u mil ioi be returned to acton mr i iii own wna a mnn of splendid hnlnuu ubllltynud more than onllnaiy lutelll- iunce hn wns abbosboi und cnllnjtur for tlila iminlclpnllty inst yi m nud per- formed bla dnllen so satisfactorily that tlio councllgnvo him nn hnuotarliim in nddltlon to ida snlary upon coinplutlun of hiadutlua he wnu an adherent of the methodist church and though not n very regular nttiiulent wan a close utudent of thn lubte nnd bis favor i to hymn wna hock of ages ho wo a llltural in politics tlio funeral was hdtd on tlmnkbglving day uov g w darker ofllcintlng after n long period of illneia iho past bix miiutlib of which ho was con- lined to bin bed joseph oolonmn fell ponctfully natoep on huiiday uinrnlpg juat as tlio church iwlln wero ringing for tho morning service mr colcmah wiibnmnnof sterling christian char acter mid hla children nil follow in the footsteps of their fatboi ho was horn in co aiittlm irolnml in 1b1i and whon hut u uhlld en mo tn cnnaila with blu pnreiitb nnd nhotit nlxtyflvo yenrs ngo niittled in dltnduu heio bo was a suhoohiihtu of mr james qnuiorvillo oxmp with whom blueldest son mr john h coleuinn wasouliiiimlly ap prenticed fur n time in tho ofllco of ills pnpur tlio dundns dnniiir subfo- mienlly tlm family leiuowd in u faun in thu vicinity of hlutbam and boio thn yoiiiig man foi nml n llfo long friendship with mr jnniou ilaiu ix m p lnlh57hu wns joined hi wedlock wllli mnry juno ptnrce of iimbton county nnd for tlflyono years tboy wum tho united bond of a most happy christian home they wero blessed with four uons and onu dmightii i john h acton i william huapoturi hi las winnipeg i james hamlotut nnilmus hophlo nt homo this e the first ilentli in tbo luimodlato family though be was brought up n piaahytorlmii mr coluiunn joined llw motlnalut church in 1h71 undor the lululuti y of tho late william wlllntighhy wihiwwh nt one time a pastor lieru buuiu m truly nhoiibo of prayer nnd tba lolnls- tersand christ ian uorkers werogreutly belovsd while nt htrnlinun ho wns for somotlmo n school truster and it wan n matter of great appreciation whon his son mr john s wns elected chairman of tbo hoard of kducntlnn nf aotnn ihreo yotire ngo ho was always n lllwral in politics mr colo- man romovvd to aotnn tblrtuun years ago whonco two of hu aaiiii had come aovernl years before tbo funornl was bold on tuesday nf tornoon tn falrvlow co met cry llov g w darker having charge of the mrvlou gonoruleyin- pat by ib fitlt for mre colemnn nnd the family in thoh beiomoniont mrs ell htout hoc u wood llwl nt thu gauornl hospital guelpb on sunday nftor a protrnotod illness tlio remains woto in tarred nt the stone church on tuesday it la only three wouks slnoo tbo last surviving son passed away gonernl sympathy will ho felt for thlo stricken home hows this w offr otia llundrbil dull art tuwam it r 1 0uf ir i v j tlllnbyoot0llij0 eiiov0liri uisl eandovuavufl v hii wbllihnnnilsntiraiivoowirfvjoliao lbs sal l ia liallava lilm mrlmtlv mobs a ana nrtibla in sll ou imttllr blla to o lsijylilabrin wiipi wtmlmsls tinidfluu vol hall a oalarrli oms la tbhn luuruihr fflsik utln thfc best canadian wheat the mosb modern mills and tho most skilled millers all cdmbinc to give royal household flour those baking qualities which malcc- it the choice of dibcriminating housewives everywhere give royal household a fair trial and you will never go back to other brands your grbcer will getit for you if you insist 14 oflllvk flour mills co untiled honhretl new imrs tlio very latest new york ind english styles be sure and buy your hat here style and value unsurpassed r e n6lsons os uivnohhut strhbt oublph constipation vaukim ii4j j1luliu wn mi iiitunualih 1tni iti cwoblsl- hwctaualcra t4knr tut idw uwawilibthh rkir if bmhwiulihmimmulia tliilr iiilnuli nnr ilminurttuhll iwt till kmuuhhhjy aulii tou uit lilm ilu mmuw vou utu imm tbv bu mv u4 uvt alttrullll4m4 1j ulllt utiuu tkirmu mfliolll t ttl4im ifwm 04amwlumi4 trau mlllslm beiiht than puis for livec his baauwumklldmco stloufaha for sale by e a robtutson drurrlst acton lesson no front savage optician m f v talk to you ibis uceb la very bnporlsrtt ii you are a sufferer from liesjsclira caused by strnlnlnff tlieeyei it ib vry important to you of course thit you should use your eyqa but nature never inl ended that ynu should abuse ihfltn i know that mom boidscbei come from atralnlng the normsl eye or from using imperfect eyes or in other words eyes which do not focus my eiperlence leads rne la believe llmt all strained eyes enn be relieved by prcparly filled glssses when llila strain is relieved tbo heailtclib dlssppeirs now reason a little if you ara a sufferer front headaches ind you suapeci hisi the cause is strained vision then my argument must appeal to your case my experience gained from treating many cases of eye strain is valuable to you try the remedy of glasses as i fll lliem and you will not lie disappointed adsayage optometist and optician phone no 571 21 wyndham st guelph lasting benefit ouu1uc s a mil o1nu to its of laullig immifllln uu ii tun hrouglit a boat of toil to cur aiore and ll is baaplitk us in clou ioik1i will ifm many ciiilmnors who so lindly pairnnlted ub linen we openeil i uilnaia in ilia i toy si clly ll baa intro ducd ua to many other who may not have laali wllli its ixiurw and telle thm in a motlal wky slwiit tha many attractions o i bo ioro an i 10 nil w hot ll may point out the great ndvanlbflff in doalinu ai i lio iaoples uw ws are woililng lisrcl 10 plea in i winlv our run torn re in auary way and we ate dnllidilad lo niontnc ilim em im l the incapllnn of our builnaiall has im n making luphl nhhiib our nraat obcl is 10 build up a urni anil lubnentbl dry oik la and cloihlnj business in ilia city oluuelpli keeping goods ilitr ioijju wnt and sailing lliepi bl ntmlarala price our orwt alwla taf mawt nnd flaym clothlnar will cnntri mlithlw month mln s huira a lot ofxieh scotch twced hulls in fincy airlos and ckechb alngle anil double lirissied ml tlm inlral tutu renin lar up to is oo for q 71 dpvq flu ith o lloa sulla three plec slnqu and uili brain wl in fancy weeds and worsteds very aiyluh tryuur 50 to i 30 for ij jrj and 3 73 iadik9 jackfts a int nf rdlas clolb jaxkou in fnnry twerda anil pliln cloilii nlcelv ulrnmail ulb iu braid inilvoknt col ar i lire- fourth urifllh u bl seller regular i u jololij sra for tj o girls coats 3j girl cibu in fancy tweeds nnd ptaluclollis trimmed wllli fancy braid and velvet regular 30 o 17 3- r l 95anit i 95- nec1c iursa loi of stole kuits anj throws in lb leadlnif fura at l 30 ll 7j f 1 v nnd ll 03 fur jackals am v ur i lne1 cnum bi in many cases less ilian the nianiifaciurer a prlco our uinran- im goes whh each gsimtni tnu pkurms stouii benor scott co wyndham srntaer coelpk neelact ruins 100 watches where use wear out one keep your wmch clean intl ll is ns natural for it 10 go n for ynur boarl lo imbi pidnglkbs experience mul oliilliy o repair ana properly ailjuit watebna pou slbly as great as any parson in cnnaila gc di pringle the jeweller guelph the right house hamiltons favorite shopping place great ten days sale elegant furs at greatly reduced prices our annual fur exhibit and sale atarts this week with thousands of dollars wortli of fine furs greatly underpricod muffs throws caps ruffs ties gauntlets stoles caperlnes dials novelties fur sets childrens furs mink marmot lynx fox persian lamb groy lamb pony alaska sable opposum coon caracul and othor popular furs hun dreds of pieces all specially priced for 10 days its the great fur selling event of the season secure your new furs now and save thomas c watkins oonhin kino st eur huohion hamilton out distinctiveness in mens clothes at modbeatb pei0e8 if you want that quality in your clothing whioh distinguishes the man who is dressed from the one who is merely olothed see that it bears the macdonald label pry goods and cothinoj guelph jacksons jagksons oar hew system of cuu buying and oub boiling enable b uu to offer you thla weok borne bftf bnaps 10 tins mono blnck doiilm overnlls with bib aluo btnocku to mntch iir bso to sioo thin wook tte lja itcmi- a do menu work slilru striped oxfords if odium to dnrk bhadoii inr ao 1065 this vroek w jt- r dm meas work bklru lllack drill with white stripes and hpatu roguar 75 t qsc this weak no eo des mens four- luh nnd lien ij dov blllold neck ties n do how tioi all grahid iiunlhy ullk now deslgus and rich colorins refpilnr ajc thin weak 3 for asc do you net now wuh to mlect your sprlni umlorwoar mul lfeulury vthllu our lluett are complete r you knew if you come now vou enn chonua from n birtir lino than if you come later wo wlnh to begin seluns our spring umlartvaiir nml llaslery early wo aro nmrklne the prlco oallieno goodi low bo but wa uluill tint hnve any lo carry over when thu aeuiiikmoaon in past theso nre tho vnluen uu can give you uadlea lembroldored itlnck cash mere iloie fl q ql and to regu lar 35a this woek ato ladles niaukcanhmero hose ribbed or plnld alien h q r4 and lo regular 35 and 4oe this week ac ladle taffeta have how brown and tan shades regular goo this week 330 dress goods specials niaok uelroso cloth regular sjijo this week 030 cream lustre fancy patterns regit- lar ego tbla week bf satin finish prunella clojli regular 100 thla weok 730 striped crepeeti regular i jo this week t hie satin clotif regular 75c thu wuuk ho pcarl ituttniih doiott jt corset cover embroldyrleu tliiu work 9 so patterua 1 7 35c patterns 310 4sa patterns 11c 000 patterns lie jjaph silk ribbo best qunjiy nil colorm rokiilur 3 st- ililu wouk mk 4 inch silk rlbben rcriilnr 00c tliiw week s 3i hi ob silk rilipmn regulur 17c tliln week 1 nt a nig showing of lncen embroider low and ureas trimming nil nt bpeclnl fig ures 4 i j h jmckson oboroeiyown

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