Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 12, 1908, p. 4

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whc arfnt jfm rm nuvkuiiklt 11 mmm a mudbhn mmacld out wi it im ulult lit iluctnr oaiim an n i iui my ti iiuiiwwuy out an ti ii- ii in ml niiruntwiiii vvhui until iiiuhm an in mihiiii a iiilniiti wy tm dlil kii jii ll nut 11 uluwu tlilnu into it an it in whatl m u7 twain an iul ii in my muiilh u lilt i i jui ullu u took it unt an imlil it ii n wlmrit i m could nor an un lin niiyi 11tiwii i 1st about too iiikii nlim1t of a degree an vn manaka hint if im liail an lio an ye nupet lit uruft una cwsu an ny wy yon cant kill lad an if you do it aint much lose i an on mw a mud no lit ul liilxt out iiiiiuiiiiii tiihpwiy ii uht l i luh 1 tritut wy in- niui yvn in if diutl yid an vn in- i it my jml- at way an put i itl nu un in in ml an miy tin i- iibi n hiiidoi in- gim linn of hi tt iiah i ii il aiu an my im iiwful aony wvn lie tohl iiki ilml an vn h tnlil holl lift nil i iitiit liy nnflli un on ho wont nwuy an urn aaye ned iini d ymi riftf an id ynn it now hlnc ilmiinr told nif tliftt wnn- liw illlhwflltmikll willlllkr hut my i i mi iilnmut will riuhl sonnv lilt lkamnied it at a dl mi or if a leanl naaoolallihi lirld in washington nno of tlio apeak ra fold nf n rurtiiora eon in illlimlt wlio niiici ivtd u di ir to wlilnr mm u pgil hull accnidlnirly h wnnt up tobpiliiiuvlil whrrtt hi hoctptfd dill ploy nu in tit n hiuiill inn ironi mi at tar nity al i lii vnd of thriu dayit tudy bo retnniptl to the farm well bill linwm ye like tlio law v asked liu father it aint wlmt ita cracked up to im nliiudid hill rlwniiily im eony i ifin nnd it how iib advicrtlawd win- u mire to mlverluo for fldu in tlio iimrnlnp tiuwpipera nuxtdiiy the wife rend nu follow in tho iniwtpiiponn lost a niiniuy inpdog with ant yo and no lull too fat to vrolk anuwureln the nainonf fldn if re- turned tnfm luru reward phlla- dolphin inqnlier a cure fr ivver and agile iu tiirliincn of tho utnmiich and liver alwuya pioevdu attacka of fover ague allowing duiungement of llto dlgeetlvn organ and dultrlnrellon in ilia quality of the blond in th mo allmenle pur- motvva wglnble pllh have tieen found mout iffucilve aliatlng tha favor and uulkluliirlliumttuh in a few dy thuro hiu iiiiuiy who wl uljfot to tliow dulitliiu ilulhflmncm utid tn tliomt- ilium u no iwutir prrnmnttlnii pnnm iililn mm ii tmitm of rwllof aflar it imd hurvoul now mtfttln ouiint it 4 ci i ii it tn ift a truth alln oimmi fnrluiip alwayi bmiiib tlnio in ountliib but it cn do tlm dl- appoiiniiico acl with ilkbtiiliibllkf mplillty aoiiiiiuttii ol pntiiiniiiiiy tmiililif muny umt i un i n till could imj preuont- m ihiwidk tlm vfllcucy of dr thomnt kolcotrln oil in outing dlaordun of tho rouplratory innoehues hut tlio bent toellmouliil ut kiwi liiici and tbu oil u rociiuinicndcd to ull who suffer from tbruo dlminlorw wllh thocirlulniy that tlioy will find rollof it will allay in flammatlon in tlio hronoljlnl tubal no othor medicine urii an a ronoml thhig ready mada oplnlitnu nro tlm kind that pfloplo llko ml iinllkorthdy iimda won ring p- paivl tluy wuur n life tliiin warla hid duflmiromoiltb that lu- appoiiiwliui traattkl with holtowajw corn cur no man cm uok lionmtly or itopn fully to ba dollvorod from mmptatlon ualow lio iiri lilntmlf lionety and firmly determined to do the 1at he can to kw p out of it hutkln foundation prlnelplm pint t wliun wo uudurtuka to llli your uurworlptloin wu uive thorn on- undivided attention and tieiit ean the patlonth wolfaro la our first oon elderatlon booond i wo guarantee our drtiga u baof full trvngth aa well aa pure and frmh tlilrtl i our ouuumiora are lupplluit with just what thwyujik for i ubstltul ing ib iiovtir altowod rainbfl cklhht colttochd if yoil uro a huuvrur irom kldnoy dlteaao liver com plaint blood trou bleu rhaumatlnni tiouralgla or norvoun prostration wo confidently rooom- mond thu use of palnoa celery com pound tlila reliable and never dis appointing medicine ii a true duaaao banlahor and ayatetn builder we upply the genuine palnee celery compound at drown aoton ont also tub tin to u gontlrnthu who iihii married the daughter of a rich hlucult luikur a friend vald i bu yon luiva taken not i lio cake hut tin hlwull tliu tluit t yua ami tin tin with it wub the witty if uiigillaiiit ifply cautious bkouuo inw nuld the old lady aa ha entered the drug itore hut ant yoil a ivgmitrtfd plmrnmclut f otrlnliili niiiim hnuwr llif elm k you im vn iidlplimui i mippoimf yii maaiii iluw long havii you iwun in the tmtlnoiiep about ton yean well i gumui you are nil right glvo mo ii eniiple or pontage fttampa pleaau it u n uver pill muny of tho alb men tit tlptt mill haa to contend with havo iholr origin in a dunrdvred kver whloli l a dulleate organ peaullurly uueptlhle to tha dulurbancee that eomo from irregular hablta or lack of earn in eallng and di inking thu aooounta for the great many liver regulator now prwieed on iho atten- tloo of aurferei or tbeee there nolle auperfor to paruieleee vegetable puia their opt ration lliough ffentl effective and tho incub dtdloat can uh them after kiifforlntr oloht yaam tlilnwomintitiiniomtoroiltoliitltli by lydln k plnklinmh voirrtnbln c4iumiuiil hijmi her lottor mrn j 1 tnuoan ariiprlni ontario wrlton to mm rinklmint 1 aufftirttl terribly from uhont tuin of tlm fmlnlua oriiiii fiif nlht jcatn v trlfil tmir iloclurn hut tt ti relief and tluiiiirhl i wnnld have to dlt ont7lityl inw nu advoithirment of iydla k vlnkhnmh vrnntamo cnu pound lit the imner i lurnt fur nonu and wbiorv i hail uiril flvu boltlea i waa pntlrely cured i impo nury nuf- furldif ft oman will take my ailvloe mid into xydln 1j llnkhaina vegetable compound fact for sick women for thlrly miidj iilln 11 ilnk- iimiih viintuhliv coiuivhiiui ilimlo from rootti nml iiorlm imh ihcii tho atnnilnnl rcmody for funtnla iiih nndlioflpniiilivilyduncltliouhiiniliinf worrien lio luivo lwtn tnmbluil w 1th ilihplurojtwnta inlliuunintlon tilrorn- lion llbrold tutimro irnkuiarltioh iwrifwllo jhiiiih bnrkiu lin that i war liifrilowii fiwlhiff llatitloncyitiillmh- tlonillx7lnijhomorvoiwpkmitrntloii why dont you try itv vkint lirullnto to urlt to mr plnklinmlf yoiinroilniltlroulioiil yniirmlnknenm hhowllltront your lottrr in roiilldrnro mid iiiivih yon f roc uwiiiink of brr iih1 exporlmico nlio iiiin liilpod fhou- wiiiiih aililromm imiii miihm it l low puln to lonin in youth limn to lu litnnrniit in old ngn ulcuh antl coniumpllvn hynip in ngrfviihh id iho tnnte nnd a certain relief for irritation nf tho throat that causo liiiculiir cough if used accord ing to directions it will hrcak the moat uruluifnt cold ami reitoro the air nanaiigfib to tholr normal lionlty condi tion ther l in noed to rccnminend it to thoua f ti miliar with it hut to tlinbo who aeok a burn remedy and mo indnuhr what to uuo thu advice u- try niokleahyrup up who lonoa money inaeu much ho wbn h9aa filniid loann morn hut hit who loiioa hlu uplrlte loaca most castor i a tor infanta and children iho kind you have always bought boaro tho h slfaju omul bmvthiu muko moil prodigal but had onvu piovldnnt- to ounn a cold in onb dav tk mltl ilrnmoqolnlnt ttlilal all iruualn raluiiilili mnnur if it fall in out v w jroim aluiialuraonuelt llaiuaul- tlu ftdhiw mini nptndu all hlu time lihikliig for fuurleavid clover wont huvu much luck 0 a fjvoxlxa btanui olhi kind von ha juwri work u only dano well when it dune with n will constipation irhegularjty op the bowels any irroaulnriij of tlm linunla i nhrnw tunji roujj mill uli ml 1 1 unt onto uttonuud to and toirikitix milburns laxa- liver pills work on tho biuoln jnnlly nnd nttii rally without wonugo u tlul liotly but mi tlm contrary toning it nnd tlioy will if jwr- avurcd in roliui n and euro the wont caua ilriiillmliin mru lu iimi iviiik cornwall out wrttei i won iruulilwl with aiak iimuwiim hum- utlpation an i catarrh of the rtoinauli i could bt nnttiinu t do mn uny dikui until i uotn vial of nlillnirnn uxa lkurtllli tony did nto m no mm1 than nytlihi nlia i ovur rliwl i linn ni hodofiu or con- tljiallnn nnd tlm rciurrh of tlm rtcmaih ii untlrely uunn i fuel ilka a nawwuuiam tlitnke to milhurua lnxn blver mil 1 uwul in all ahniil half aduxnn vlalt prloe 21 emit a vinl a for hi at all dalara nr mil nl illreot hy 1 im 1 mihmrn co umlloil turnnto onl tub tail mis8ino dmuaod in tho latest and mout nppiovod mntoroycllng costume with goggltm nil complete tho motorcyolul in iioudon guyly tootodtootml hlu way by jtegunt park townrdi the zoo tiuddanly ha blackened dlamotinted and aald to m mall grubby urchin t i buy boy nm i right for the zoo r the hoy gahpodutbo etnuigoatlglil uud ihituglit it m unt bn iinmo new animal for tho gatiunn you may lw ull right if they havo a uparo cnge he mild when ho ounlil find hlu tongue hut youd ha stood it fur hut tor nh if yntid a n tall i had thum on ob i thought mild tlio american who wax wooing kiiiiijw for tlm hint mum that you uonplu had a lot of intureetlu old rulnu over horop onco wn had audi thlngu the liatlvo upmloglaml hilt ymu uliibva havo oiiiii nvti unil had umut nf ilium put in good iiipalr plttubing olwir- if mohtof unwero ioully ua import ant we think we are rutautmphlea would ihi playing onnllmmui vatido- vllle s a vouthrul aooioloaist kvery thing linn itu oniin i la vim pie and htriklng uud miiufaeinry onuif if wo ean but find it iaii 3 mnkio ilonlan of ih depurtmeut of ohnrl- tlou nt a banquet in now york ttike the qneutlon of poverty and ueullli once in a muerabte ilum i heaid two little girt biggam talking why ii it aid the aral ttmt tha poor in alloa more wllllu to help ua than tha rloh the aeoond anewared promptly and bitterly t them wot dont mind glvln la the ottea wot ataya poort castor i a tlio kl ml yon irnvo a1wn ttonglit and whleli liiw liocn in hmo far ovur ho yenra iiru ii i no tlio alffimtnro or sjf l liiw li mnduunrior iiim por- rmjcrm wml wip ort alne iu inntnoy urj jcma4m t allownoonc t piloivoyouln till- all couiitorroltm iikimntlonu nnd bub isxiiorluioiitu tliut trlllo with nnrt cudniigortho lioolth of unfimtu nnd clilltlron kkimihoiioo ngnlnat isxporlwcnt what is castoria civitorln ih it imrmlohn mibutltuto for cantor oil para irorlci ifm nnd koiithlii hyrupa it in ph imunt it 4niitilnm noillior iiiiua aforpliluo nor other alitnotld htibalniuio ju ngn u itm niiarantoo ft limtrrya wormi nml nlbim im orlnhmomn lt curn iiarrlioimi mil avi ml colli it rollovou 1ootliltiir trouliiom citron ci iiatlpiitlou nml rijituloncy it iimuliullntoii tho inmhi rogiilatoti tlio hdiiiimli nml isowolu uuihh lirnltliy mid nntitrul nlooir 1ih ilhlrelih laiuicoatlio motliorm rrlmiul cenuine castoria always 1 bonrs tho signaturo of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years clmrlorcjby dominion oji eiloblfuliej 1k64 the merchants bank or canada juudofmicu montreal luiereat njjod four 1 1 mot a year 119 llranchei president sia 11 kloiraou ai lvm vice iveildenl jomathan honoion en general manager li v iiuiiuun capiul p1i1i up 8000000000 depoilti over 4100300000 surnhi 8400000000 tola aiutt 53 00000000 savin bank deposits one dollar or upiyinli will open an cciiinl money withdrawable any lime no delay rarmhrb sale notes we hio ipcciil faclllllen for collecllnx iheie we will canh thomit once if deilred at a low rao of 1 111 err l joint accounts when requeued w will open accounla in iwo namea 10 1i11i either one may n iho money imiband or wife etc aoton branch w s chisholm manager our stock of suitings overcoatings and trouserings ueloke duying ixsuwheitc alyle comfort we aak your palronlfio becauie we believe we can divo you betlir value and lieller tins cloiliaa than you cin set eluiwhare we make a apeclally of panli have a larflo tnleciion to chooae from and buarantae a perfect fit try ua for your rem pair we alao have a cleaning and repairing department drlnn along your bull oer- coal or panla anct have idem repaired cleaned or p relied in antelm ihape at moderate chargea wngoopep thefaibor auont for tho standard rotary bowing machine mill st acton newest ball footwear just hrrimbd geo stovel tho shoe han is now prepared to supply all cuslomcra with tho latest and best makes in fall boots and shoes for sohool boys and girls the tedd boots givu tho very highest satisfaction in point of wear comfort and appearance repairing notly and promptly done geo- stovel- mill st acton pandora the recipe ladles heros my recipe for appla custard pie- two eggs four or five apples grated a little nutmeg sweetened to taatel onehalf pint of new milk or cream pour into pastry then pss 7v ii lp jtheovei pandora of course the ss result four pics that dont lost loni four pies and pans of bread ean ba baked in a pandora oven at one time iary a 23 m tivonlo mtminal w iahuw vaauvf hl jtlw nh lumlltun calvary fc3 o o spjqiuiit jjooaij acrbnt uialb amd othinwiii tliiin nrc people who dont llk to wotk thfinarlveu who mvrth ifwn uti luigii mliiilid viiongli mil liiolijiit to olhur w iiphia ivotklnif tlm luiwl mitt fur inhoinnlit im to iill yum iiiitiiuiifhm ihnt lilif 0 wb urn uirilih or youi niilghhiiiu imiiimm tliey ii nit pny yon a ftn fin it illnaand urn tint pmn in ptirao for thiy huvu on troiihhb in proapirti lhy nrn nil htru a moving pktnru u tho only kind that lu really u apoaklng i lite new of a woman a liilknllvo 11x111 iintoa 11 tolhn of inngatorlee hticatjho it intcrfcnn with hie listening capacity tit craving port ndtoribtv tln latn joel chandler harris said an atlunla cjrgiiinii iinii to lmili at tin way nvcrybtfily booiiiiki ti want a ft 00 advurllsoniont of aonio sort from tho editor it wus tho trnuic bo would any with tho phyalllun ovuryhody wanta frl advluo on tlm hnullli ijura- tloii from him i onrit honrd blni ivll ubout 1111 editor- who aurviil ton duya in jail fur licking tho mayor tlio tardou trout ud him very kindly nnd nt tho ten duya end picoitid him to the door nnd baking him by the hand said 1 willi rood hyn and nod hick id and say would you mind glvlog tbu jail n puff rwaahliiton nr bbatjonaulu nluhop orucr nf nw voik anld a liilaaionary hue nn apt way of fit ting a atory into an addrebb i onca lunrd hlin apcnkliik on tlm dlvorco ovll in n very chilly and badly hualfld hall after a romnrk 01 two about thin dofoct ho aald bo wna rrnilndod of a littla yonkora fflrl tha child 011a uueoationahly cold morning returned from church quite blue aud what waa tho text dear f bar mother naked her many arn cold hut few nro frozen waa the reply btltunuous job my poor man said the kind houae- wlfe aa the handed over n out of pumpkin pie why dont you go to work f i cant iniim slghud sandy pi kits you ace mo season ib over i una 11 groom on n merry no round orooiu on n merrygo round p gracloual i novrr board of biioh ft thing and wlint wore ypur duties p i had ttf shine up do hying hones mum chlcngo tribune thontandfof niotliem can toitify to tho virtue of mother graves worm exterminator hecabao tlioy know from evperlonco how iiaoful it ib whoever la capable of joy can loarn to maintain it tho liuhlt ones lived will never bo lost oamtoitla when death tho great reconciler hab come ib la never our tenderness that we repent of but our aovvrlty many dont know heart affected mora people than aro aware ol it havo heart dlaeau if fnaui i nation were mado of every- on nnoplo would lw aurpriaed at llin mini iwr of pflraona walltlng atioulauirorinq fiiiin hnarldlaonae lllla rtartllns etatemoot waa riniln 1j a doctor at a reooiit intpioat i aliniid t til like to aay that heart diaoao ia aa ciuuniiui aa tliia would imply aald tint oiptn but i am sum that ilia number uf perani a going ahout with weak hurta muat lio rnrt urgo hundnda p people go aliont llioirduily work on tlio verge nf death anil jot do unt know it it ia only wtion the ahotk cornea tli nt klllatlmm that tlm nnaiinpnolrd wcnl nea nf tha heart la mado annnirut hut iiudoiiutully heart urnburaa nut diaeaiif u miro preraloitt iiimniuya i ahould think tlmt the atrou nf living the wear and nmlt nf moilern imaliifka llfr havo a lot to do with heart tnmho thoro ii no dluiit but that thlaia onrrt and wo would etrniii biiffdriiig in any way 1 try eoiira if mllburns hbart amd nb1vc pills prion m nt pur ixnt or tluiioa fnrsi sh at all ilril ra orulll la nnllrd illrrrt 111 roilpt ol prlcu hv llin t mill 111 u o fimll d tomnlii out igly advfao any dih from heart trnuliln in life that is unadflahly poured out in living deeds done for others la lifted up nnd immeasurably oxnlted oahvoxtxa suntka m itlno vwi liiw miwri botm hvnry man ought to aim nt emi nence not by subduing others hut by raising himself hy conscious offoi t a alsnalur i varv tiav nl tha aanulni axatlve bromoqulriino tahuu ui racudr uia aatui aam 11 mmm day trim holpful klnduiss strlkea a root that never decays but monsoon into a fiultago of douds which ivblorn ami rufriah tho giver skin diseases these trouhkuame afillatlana are eanaod wholly by ld blood and an unhealthy atato of the ay a urn and can lie naallj cured burdoclc blood bitters many raniarkablh eurss have loen made y tlila remiuly and nni only have the uu ightlyskln uiaeaae been reinored and a right olaar oomplokian been pnuluowl but the entire yalem has been renovated nnd itivlgoram at the same same time saut rheum cured mrs john oconnor iliirlliibtnn n k writes i bvir a ear i autniral wllh hull itlienni i tried a down different modi- irlnss but most of them only made itworae i was otlvlatr to try dtihluek lllooil itlt urs i gob a bottle and liefare 1 had taken half a doaen doaea i nnilld see a change so i oontlnuml ta nao end now 1 am eomiitetely etired 1 eaunat aay too tuuolt for jrour wonderful modloliw a proolamatiom whcrtai the people of onf citjr have been led to nuiv chase itcalled lenililieh from whiclv they have received no heiilfit uhalevei iiid havinj tliiin wasted so much imideunltl money it has come to pass that they know not what to believe ists arc inasmuch as this unsatmfactory state of affairs ex know thicriifork all persons who in netd of such a icdirine that we will supply thcirt with vinolon a 1j 1 1ive guarantri that if it doeti not succeed in benefiting them wc will refund the entire amount of money paid uk for it there is no one midicnic that will rurcevcrjthino but there aie some we i now to be honest reliable and of great curat je vaw such is vinol it in not a ijecrct medicine jnt pepjonate of iron wine and all the curative ctiictils of tod livct oil combined wc arc familiar with eveiy particle of it and know that it hould beicfit eveiy one who uses it could any offer be more fair than this you arc ill we offer ou medicine which we believe will help you and if it- does- not we will return ytlr money is there anyone foolish enough not to accept this offer you owe it to your family to your friends and oursclf to try this medicine winch c give jou our pic e is a genuine cod liver and it on preparation of great nilrit we unhesitatingly recommend vino eu a body builder and strength creator for feeble old people delicate children frail women all run down perton and those needing a good tonic after the grippe or any severe illneia and for chronic cough colds and bronchitis do jou think wc could afford to lend our name to its praises as we have been doing in the newspapers if uc did not know vinol to be an honest and unusually valuable remedy for the ills for which it is prescribed we certainly could not we therefore ask jouour neigh bors friends and acquaintances to accept our assurances tint this is a genuine offer and that any and all persons who need a medicineof this character should feel a sense of security in accepting it you will absolutely be under no obligation to us what ever if after jou have tried one bottle of vinol nnd hava not received anj benefit you have only to tell us so and wc will return the entire amount of money you paid us for it vinol is an old and valuable remedy improved by modem science tastes good and agrees with every one call and get a bottle tcdaj you wont be sorry e a robertson druggist acton aucaiifitluol at llioiinidlnadriiabloro lu svary town and city in thli trotlnc alma ladies college st thomas ontario 1180000 endowment licncc 4900 p n1 chnruce for rcuulnr course flratclaaaatlvanugaaatvcry pww including lnllti 1rcnch gcrninn bcluice rinnofo with board room laundry nod library for 0110 year kcmrote apartment for 3 oimgcr puplla reasonable rate for cautoiw ajjm q tli raulrar new furniture spoolal salo of now furnituro at loss than auotion prloes at 120 wyndham st guelph special 7 pieces iron bed spring mattress dresser b bevel washstand rocker and chairs regular 2275 reduced to 1035 for thursday friday and saturday stock must bo reduced j m struthers telephone 253 guelph oublph justness oucpc jafaacufofjioalr vpter wytttlbum 8t ouefjih oat a first class initllulion founded in 1h84 by its preaent principal famous as tho irnlnlnp school of many aucceiiful bmlneai man boili canadian anil american distingulslird ai the fountain head and source of the canadian club in canada auiuwoii inllamoal spirit and leach- ina its 1 rained uraduatea are in con- alani demand 1 or pariicnlara call nt iho college ofllca 137 upper wyndham slreel or addieia malcolm haogormlok b a principal gruat cmiakino balk of buggies marketwagons and carts h pood iccond hand pjnin bupnlis infirit claaa repair juil what ou neetl to aais your rood hurry in the bad rosus 5 flood second hand road earia h market wagons rood btrona johi in first class repair 1 ohl lumber wagon pole nnd shalls aliet- vln and aitlnd iei 1 heavy spring waaon wllh abeivln 1 1 lieavy plailorm sprini waron with shelvlns ailed wllh bralie ana lop over seat juai as eood as new a kraal harnaln these will m all sold by prlvale aale hi the very closest prices they must be cleared out at once come and ret a bargain bhnjr alonfl your antler and blelgh repair ins now uefoie the rush j n oneills ckrrircb mtorics anonobtciuirl 61rr dyeing rueli qaiita ratla ami oraroftat ij4iii mill anil won hraaaaa jukau monte iioiim- lidlkiowl klsaiomfillppr lilblhjoa oatrleki ilunim and thui euanad diad and kurlaj hair and wool usltrauaa antlvaalliar hi jt ra novate al thgemmellco gieam dyers and cleaners 106 upper wyndham 81 uatabliahed 1bh7 pi ion i 69 guklpii ui88 pjiltrvman acton agent tho canadian junk dopot pays cauh for old iran riga rubber and fowl second hand stoves and ropairs for farm machinery hupphod morris 8akb proprietor 10x430 acton out gasli on prodoee the unduralrnsd is now pre pared to purchau and py caah for all butter bggm and live poultry delivered at his house mill street acton opposition hob erlaons blacksmith shop 11 11 worden wholesale produce dealer new pictures at waters bros now idoas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of tho best quality waters bros guelph art 810wb tiic grand trunk railway paneiitniirii tiiaiijc hn 1 kcton xjx at iii xv jc bus likie llio mule rained rctpecllully lollclu tlio pauotmj ol the pub lic nml ililuiins ihcm i list well rouliipad mii can bluia lio slablci ci ft ifuri ililn fun nueis oil i rains heiwtfn iq 00 n in and 0 19 1 fill alt ml ion riven to i thrf v 111 irutller fully mrl john millmjuts pnopniotob w- giuison painter paper hanger stgn writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary delay knivcfa ground scishors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices wgimson acton pump tile works o b eddage proprietor our premises nro now fully equipped with all iho ulaal machinery and appliances for manufacturing fomjisantf jlimp sappllf tjle tor wvjiw cimtrnt culvirtw fe stm 1ipa tittjaff too j mud mjp supplle orders promptly filled main strilt acton w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main strcai acion opposite sleplionoon n ituclimilh shop all work riiarantcod tiio work of years in acion li proof of iii ex cellence orders loft at a i ilrowna drug sloro will reecho prompt ntlenlion w h walker actoh everton m eden mills the dent quality 01 vi anitoba pomllv and poatry flour for anlo at lowoot prloos our own malta chopping liona on i cub kollod every day loed for siln caah for wi11 11 nml oil henry hortop co vkarb bxperibnok 1thadk mrk dkuion scicmme a hbiltonjat tlluairntmt wonkli- munm ettlalliui qrany aoloiiiltio immuri terms for uiiailakrirra rowlkmlaju iiwpakl ikw bj munijco new york irltu inilial y jin neciued mi ivihm iiinvnrlriitonit ly tlulmlcli wniu anit nnkuly at cure vawtola mhroailni tloluvnhsi llfnliaitrturvam isuiiia tiwii hirrtiati marlnn ua tlnrt rscbe aptctal notleewllt mil cbarvefii avrtn iipwlfia lulillmtcul llimubttflj utednmlulnii l 5clally 1 imlaut tmaliiaia 01 manure tuiira ami kuiihidma marion marion j patent experln unrl bejioltora

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