tiiuiihiuv novriwit n win cktltainly hliikiiimuirilil liplircl wlin it u liy indhy lintiiini wiiyu uiiihv i iiii to miiui imi itiilu ph wihii l1ipuulliimmu omiiinn sy shu ii if tlmrc imy iloiih lilt slinll klvolt nil in nu tihii rn tuiiuf u in l tnuai inllnuknnw when riiniiiii wiym i ii see clilltl tliriell hiii ly how i ii see cm it ilmikh i whoot up a 1 1 livelier wliii put tip tm the night nt tliiliuilliiuluitol in n in nil town hail liufiiro rillrhik loft explicit in- struct inn to lui idled fprnti narly tnthb wiift veiy niudi jnfiiriibbtolktutthn mfttuhiuulirfntfnrilllie filoru with all milliner of pimlshuifilt ir hint duty 1yrt8lf fcurly fu urn inornlhk the nunet wns disturbed liy 11 lively mtnn upon urn door weill lin iitiiiiiiinlotl biuoplly ive nut mi linpnrtnnt mnssriku t yon replied tho hoy the ujuiat wn i im npnnod tho ilori anil rocslvcd from lh boy a largo tnvelopo ho torn opon iho nnvclnpn linstlly imil found insldo slip or piipcr on which was wrlttnn l largo letters why twtyoti not upr lln not up what tub naval qunnhity cobts tiugotpractlciilntho british navy la an oxpunslvn necessity kvcry tliniiu 12hicli rim is ii nil hang u winn of tlm iiikpnynt uionoy i o rim fires n cordite lnrtrldgo wliloli costs fctor anil even tlio 0 inch run which is n modest wopon mm a w ohaikt hindis run from 12wt to hi17w for thu common varieties though id unit piuiclnr ones not moil lit tint ordinary competitions of course nmy rout im much ns wl then thuio n thu wonr iind lour tliohiinaiocniisldoi mid this mny ho reckoimd isexponslvf seeing thnt thn hfo of ench weapon li hrlof i anil whllanfllnaliriin enstb hlmo ft 02 inch runs to atm nnil wire- hound 12 inch means nn ox pond i turn of quit it aonm poundauon principle first i when wo undertake u fill yotirsmwcilptloiis wo glvo thorn our undivided attention and limb caro tlio patlontb wnlfaro la our first con iildorntlon second wo guarantee our drugs to ih or f nil strength as well iw ptiro and frouh thlnl i our ouutomora aro huppllod with junt what thoy oik for i sulwlltut lug u novor nllowod iaihkh oklkiiv coupoumd if you nro a mtfforvr from hlnnoy h1iou hvor complaint hloodtrouhlob rhoumntlhin nouralglft or ncrvoun nroatrntlan wo conhditntly rocom- mond tlm uno of pftlnon oolory com pound thu rellfthlo and novel- din- iippolntlnu motllclno in it tmo iuwe imnlhlior nnd byatem tnilldor we uiipply tho omilno pftlno colory compound at drown acton ont only a laok op pachlitikb olnraa nunty took hor for n viclt to nlnparrt xhiib after vlowlng tho great waterfall for lomi time and tho little rlrl foiling to mke any romarki nunty tried to draw iam expremlon from hor ai to what alio thoiirht of the peotuclo finally ho eald t clara dont you think the falli ere beautiful wonderful p and wni nhioiod at tho chlldii nonchalent roply i oh yoa i epoee bo t hut i fink our crook at homo could do lb if lb had a place wcmiane homo companion a cough in often tho forerunner of serious pulmonary affllotlona yet there la a almplo cure within tho reach of nil in illckloe antlooniiimpmvo syrup nn oldtime and widely wcon- nhiwl remedy which if raaorted toj at the incoptlon of a cold will invariably glvo relief and by overcoming the trouble gimnl the ayitem from any borloua conicquonoen trco 2ft conte at all donlere fluanoii the sonipturbs if you dont know whero to look for a montlia rent road the twenty aovoiith paahu if yon aro lonoiopin and unprotdcted road tho nlnotyflrit pealm if you find ynunmlf loilnp confldnunn in men rend tho thirteenth chapter of first oorlnthlnc pooplo poll you with hnrd woida rnd thn ntteuuth ohnpier of john nnd tho llftydrrft 1jnlin lulmro la u olillly bonaallnn iiboiit tho lnart read tho third ulmptoi of itivfhitlon if yon ii ro nil out of hoi in ittnd tiu tivulflh ohnptor of llohrotv load 1irivisu mnko mon prodlgnd hut had nneb provident hn thnt will lose hla friend for n jaat doiorviid to die a imjbbh v o liarpa1ni there novur wub and unvor will he e nnlvoruol luinncoa in ouo iomody for all ilia to whloh floah ib heir what would rollevo uno hi in turn would aggravato tho other wo linvot however in qulnlno wine when olitalnod in a bound unadulter ated atato a remedy far many and grlevoiib ilta ily lu gradual and judlcioub ubo tho fralleeb eyatenib aro led into oonvalowonoo and atrength hy tho induoiiuo whhh quinine oxorta on nitturoa own roaboratlvaa it ro llevoe thoao to whom ft ohronto state of morhld doepondoitoy and lack o intereab in ilfo la a dlaeeeo and hy trnnquwslng tho norvoa dlaposoe tp sound and rofriwhlng iiloep imparu vigor to tho notion of tho blood which itelng atltmihitod oourtou througlttho volne htitigihening thu healthy ani mal fiinotloni bf thn byutom ihemhy mnktnfc activity a neoobaary reeult itrongthonlna the fiiima and giving ilfo to tho digestive nrgana whloh naturally demand liioreaiied aulwtanoo result huprovod apimtlto north rou tynmn of toroiitoinvo alvon to thu puhllo tbelf iihrlot- qulnlno ily tlio opinion of scientists tho wlno hpprouohoa nummfc polfeotlon of any oj tho iflnrltot all ditigglsta oll it only thoao who nuffbr ivom blleai onn know tho i irony tho urnluv throbbing hhootinu ntitililna imlniwlil litliiamlliixiiil rnixi rtimltuyltrnlllmiinirr im huu i liel ly tlouninli wlmiboil to i ut r tnini plln lit irlimi ltlnoiiril 1 u milunttflhil 1 1 mm it mr lmnht til tuj lr cknunw- 1 atmim jniito mm n i lr uwrtonayciihl nulti nl noilolr rum mjnliiiifptub diirmullixtliiix iinl nil iiiinitmaii hiiiomit rt lynioy tut rnlm nnfl iioluvu icrililkniu hit j uklimicatii iuii jink wbiillirr ontlnovorythmuchn i lml titxl mil itourad m i mil jr ilcfulfrfr llirni andaalliaalioverliuilplobonikblifn i litaw tlm euro is immune lit another llmnliful wninun u mr a k t inlmor o la tell in trinity jnj htio bjt in my cunuim ihilcfton tnl nunndfrfnt riiri rnr 1j rr i had linen trtiulilril wllli mind hlotxllnuj anilprotriiliiiul1oa i lml uoimibidb mtrlnum kimla nt nlntmeiita to hut navtircam tcnm nnytlilnu lo lim ano i until i irlud jtm link wlii 1 riikil nuil jli at thia mny u tie hru of ulplnn bflnifl mttwm 1 mm plllnlry mta lliik in tlm wlah of nno who lm liiiind nral rdlir xamlluk i ti purly lmm lln will should li in mory ihhuii tm fmu imnia liriil4k4 bohiiio iilcor tloml- iwiltonlnir lulirnil nrwflijwd hh nmlnll itlniiiw nnd ir jirln flijikir his nobb awake paul will yon wiu o 1u room nnd u if ymu gtandpa u anloep v ven inothtr of ily mild paul o hlu rthin ii hnu iibioup i ept his none they clcnnun while they cmo- tho vogotnhlo compounds of which pirinclciis vigotnhlo ilhs nro com- poiedmnlnlydundollonnndmnndriikc cloar tho atomnrh nnd in teat in bo or dolotorlone mnttornnd rootoro tho de- rangud nigana to honlthful nctlon ilonco thoy tire tho host rtiuedy for in- dlfloitum nvallahlo to day a trial of thorn will cbtfthlluli tho tiuth f thin dbsortlon nnd do more to convlnco tho ailing than anything that ran ho writ ten of thane pliu it is not enough to huvn oaruud our livelihood thn onrnlng ititlf should hnve iwen suivlconhlo to iiiauklud liver complaint tlio chiuf oil o if tli lirur m ilia mecrn- lloiiof 11 lo wlm ii in tlio lulural rogulutur of tlm uaweli wlmnovor thn lnor ifrrnniim rturqnaixl anil ttm lillo ihiun duiitl llvr ctimplnliii ii prodinwl iiml ii ninilfoilml hy tlio nn ononnt ojnutpatlon ikiiri umlui tlm rlijlit fthtilhlnr hiiiiiht oimiloxlon jvllnur oyo tllmyaaauul t mijim jiiid liimtlaolia horl- hum ihukiiod jur stoniadi uulor brouli oaurrliof tlio nlonnoh eta live oomplalnt may toontwlhy tvoldlag thealnvti moullonod caua loop ins tlio oiwol froi ami aroiiaing tlm alug tjllli liver with tliat grand liver regulator laxaliver li van complaint urdoafawnctt hamilton ontwrlti having bufltflmul with ilvir complaint fur yuri tiiu tried nil wiru ol rflmsdlua i wua ulvuwttotry mlllnirns ijuallver rill imuitur tlmt after taking two vialiof them i teul hlt a now man and can htrongly raoominond thoni to any ouo prloo s3 ooiilu por vial of tt for vi 00 at all doalor or niillod direct hy dip tlio t ullbura co umlted toronto ont rot tho allowance agalnbt the loan nnd thou ehalt flml nn iobb great he loaob llttlo or nothing tmt reiorvoa himself o a m ap o n x jk ihiklfldyuilliwalmiri btanth hfulbt of todo it no inori is thn trim repent anco a corrector of pnlmmlnry trouhlcu many liistlinoiilulh rould ho present nd showing iho groat cpfloncy of or thouilis icdiituio oil in curing dis order of tho rvsplnilnry pronossna hut tho host tfatlmnnlnl a exparloucn and tho oil is rncoinmpndod to nil who fill kit from tlumo dluoidora with tli oortlilnty that thoy will lllid rollnf it will allay inlliiinmntlnn ns no othir preparation cnn a difficult tabk an old irish lahorar walked into tho luxurious studio of n now yoik nrtut and nsked for money to obtain n inenl aa hn was ion weak to work tlio artist gnvn him a quarter mid then booing punallillltlob for ft skotoh in tho queer old fullow aald t ill give you a dollar if youll ift nm pnlnt you suhi said tho mnn ita nn enbj way to make n dollar hut hut im wonderln how id got it off houohino it a bishop triiviilllng through the country stopped for thn nlghi at n country rectory nnd tlio good rector in tho nhbonoo of his wife did hla veiy beat to make bin giint comfnrtnhle mo put him of fin 1 1 me in tho liest led- room when buj log gnndhyo thn next mount ng hit enntluuedtooxpreu the hope that tho bishop would bring his wlfo with him next time woll i dont know bald tho bishop my wlfo nlnt mod to rough- ing it the reetnt innflded tho blrnngo re mark to hla wlfo on tier vet urn where did you put him alto wkwl she woe told why my dear she orlert didnt you know that i kopt nil the best silver hnder thn ahoou of that lied r phila delphia lodger astoria tlio klml von 11na alivnyn itouglif and which hnm hcfii in uno fot ofr jio yonru inu imrno tho algnntnrn of im 4 lin boon mrulo nnilnr hlu por- rounl hiipoivlhlou alnco iu infinity allow no ono to deceive you in tli ik all oouutorrolth xmltntlniim tinl ttistaagwwl aro hub ixparlmoittfi thnt trlflo with niil rmlnugor tlio iienlth of xiinuitu nnd children export n co iignliiat kviwrlmoilt what is castohia cntiforlii in a iiftri7iliyn kuhsitlufl for castor oil paro- irorlo jrypit nnd hoiuhlngf syrupm it la ilfnmmt it contjilitm iiiiltlur oiiliuh morphine iov otiit murrotln niinktjinvo it into 1h hm guarnuton it dohtr ya worm mid uthrym fovoiihiiiiopm it ciirm plurrham iud wind collo it rnllovon xuptuintx trmibloh ouron ciiiistlimtioii nnul ifatulouoy it nftftlmnnton tlio rood rogulatcu tio stonituli mid ijowilm gfvhig luiiltliy niidniitnrul mlooi tlio children immcca tlio mntliurs frloml genuine castoria alway8 soars tlio signature of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years wit and uumotl i now tommy said mrs hull i want you to hn gnod whlhi im mil ill ho good for a nh knl npllnl limy touiiny uh unld i want you lo loiiifinbii that you riiiinol he a uou of mine union j on nro good for nothing a nnhilii young limn fioni llncgnw naiiio to cnnnili inot year nnd hlrid hliiiailf to n farinur- on tlm lliit uiiirnliig thn fill inii n hi to bill i now wllllimi you mlghl go down to yon corn held und see if thuro aru any crows in it wlien willlaui lolurnid tlm faiuitl said to him i wull william worn thorn nuy rrows in the unit oh yen iiiiuiy a at pi c well did yon frighten thaw iiwny f oh n m i ony shut tha rnfi i thought they wtrr nil yours yes mild the old injtfi nddrtihuing 1ih vlultor t nm proud of my glrln and should like to nee hem nil com- foitabiy married jmd us 1vo iiiitde a llylo mbnvy thoy wont go to llnlr hiiibnnihi puihiilvsn tbcrou murgaref tweptyhvii years old and n real good ghl i nliult glvo hiu lvo thousrud dollars whin nhe mnrriad then onmoh hot who wont im llilrtyllvn again nnd uhell have tfn thoiunuir dollnra t nnd the man who tnum dnrn who is forty will huvn fifteen thou sand dnllnm with her tho yoilng iiutn iimeted n moment oi so nnd tli no uorvnuuly inquired i you havent omi about fifty have you f facts for sick uoihen cindered by donilnluntluvurm ilttoululiod 1uc4 the merchants bank or canada hliad on ic1 monthual inloreii added four limei a year no uranchoi proildenthin 11 montaou allan vice rrealtlani jomatham hodosoh kk gunoral manager ii i iikiiohn caphal paid up 16 000 000 00 depoiha ovor if 1003000 00 surplus if 00000000 total aimli 3300000000 savings bank deposits one dollar or upwards will open an acoiinl money withdrawable any lime no delay farmers bale notes wo luvo aptclal ficllllltu for collociinx ihoso we will cauh llmmal once il detlred 11 low rale of interest joint accounts when roriuoiiod we will open accounls in two namea io that elihcr ono may driw ilia money husband or wlfo etc acton branch w s chisholh manager paid im advanob a gentlnman who was in thu hnhlt of dining dully nt a certain restaurant said to the iilsli waiter who nttendid him t instead of lipping yon cvury day pat ill give you your tip in n lump sum at tho end of thn month would ye molud paying nm in advance sorrr asked tho waiter well thva rathei n utrangn iv- quest remnrkvd the gtiitlnuinn lhowover if you lire in want of omo money now heros hnlf11 crown for you hub did you distrust me that you asked for payment now i oil no snrr grinned pat pocket ing iho half crown hut olm laviu hero tomorrow i castoria for infant and children ihs kind you have always bought bears the cgnatur of ono cnunol iiijui e niiotlior without n giuntor hurl to ut if aftor pliiuuii follow npiiln und after pain follows vlittie what thn woild is for us depends on what wo nru onrhclvou oabtoitla flwrs the vou ll3 w- olgnston ef tho winner is ho who glvua hiuibolf to his work body nnd mind pills of atteutcd vahio parmulees vegelnhlu pills aro thu riuult of care ful study of tho propitties of certain roots and herbs uod tlm action of such as sedatives and laxatives on iho dlgeutlvu upaintus tli 11 success thn compounders have mntwltli attests tho value of their wmk tlieo pills have been reeognlod for many years ns tho host clennsoih of thn systoni thnt can be got their excellence was recognised from the llrut and theygiow moro popuhir dally the day is nlways his who walks in it with sincerity nnd grent aim back was so weak ttnoknolio is tlio primary omno et lidnoy irnuhlo when tho luick nnlioi or itoromi s weak ll is n warnitiff hint tlio kidney nro ufthlo to itoonmo sltnatml humi iuo wanilugi olieok tho tlanknclm nd dispaae of any clianoo of further bn 1 ul iln if j on dont aorlnim nomplieatlnns nm very apt in ariso nnd tlm first tiling yoa itnnw j o will imvn dropsy i malm tin or hrlulits pliimso tho thrco nmst deadly fin mi of kidney trouble mr dame ttrjnnt aruhst n s was trnuhled with his luwk and utl inaus kulnny iills im writosi i eannntsny 00 mil nil alioiit tlm hnnoflt i rocelvml aftor ming lliroo horns of drmna kulnny ills i was k tly trauhlm w itli an aclilna udn toraai lin smull of my back i could not h to work and my haok was so weak i ivonld havotnsltdown it would go sway fr n fnw dsva lint would lwas return i was advlsitd to try deans kidney fill nd i muit say thoy completely oiireil mo irlnn ho cmita pnr ihik or l imxos for tu1 nt nil ditalora or mailed direct on itcoint or prim by the daau kidney till co toronto o11u dr woods norway pine syrup is a remedy without an equal for coughs colds and all affections of the throat and lungs oouacha and oolda do not call for a minute reoltalof symptoms as thoy are known to ovoryone but their dangers are lint understood so woll all the most urluiis aftttttions of tlio throat the lungs and tho bronchial tubes are in tho begin ning hut coughs end cold too much stress cannot ho laid upon the admonition to all portani affooted by the millions earlier stages o throat und lung ditoano aa failure to tsko hold at once will causa many yours nf suffering and in the end that torrihla soourga of consump tion dr woods norway pino syrup la not sold a a cure for consumption but for affections tributary to end tlmt result in that dlsoaoe it combines all the lung healing virtues of tlio nomny pins tree with ether absorbent expootnrant nnd soothing medicines of renngnluil worth uid is ahanliitnly harmless prompt and safe ro groat lias lieen the success of this wondurfu remedy it is only natural that imnmus persons have tried to imltalo it dont he humbugged lam taking suylhing dr woods 1ut up in a yellow wrapper 1 three pine trnoa the trade nurki but dr woods wrapper 1 three price 2fl touts tlio man without a purpose lives but enjoys not ilfo toourbaooldlmonb day such us nro thy hnbltunl thoughts buoh will also ho tho oharaoter of thy mind t for tho diameter ib dyed by tho thoughts ojlmvox1xjl stars to lhi kind v hm atwsyi bonyjtf blfsitsrs mistakes aio lesions of wisdom thn past oannot ho changed tho future la yet in your power j mothora can easily know when their children nro troubled with wormn and they lose no time in applying tho bout of remodles mother oravea worm exterminator tho secret of all iruo greatness la simplicity lile lfur of the neuulbl laxative bromoquinine t- hm mbmdv the at em isi sxte day when death 1 tho great reconciler has come it ib iiover our tendernbss that wo ropont of hut our severity uao given vv atx hope op living heart trouble durd by iiilburks heart and nerve pills mrs andrew oavor ontluns n wr us in the year of ipol w tsiion sink nnil 1u1 not think iconlil luo any 1111ih o it hid my iroatila was with my loarlaiiri psonle laid mo tliat not nlnir could lie donn or easa like mine 1 oonsullsd ilia vary brht iloelor but tliay could do ma nn uoml ar anvan weeks 1 0011i1i lianlly floor i in 1 iijlt fiail btenupsll h aim had hlren my little dirt u lei in sfi iitltare ihoso iiliti 4 not reeling any liettri itay my hu hush 11 salil ro ilolnlf vnn itajui nrlni wn nomi- vilek liolur this you i uoma one anil i was per fee tly imminslok since tlisn 1 will hevor be wllhoiit them in my hnme or tied kiiflwa imt had rj wen foi iiiriio lfarl sid nsrife ilils siil nerve s hean allvi 1 would nnt ijimtsil toronle dtl what you woro others mny nnswor fori what yon tiled to he you must anawor for yourself corns cilpplo thu foot and mnko walking a torture yet sure relief in tbo shape of hallojvnya corn jure is within reach of all mndorap we want them 44 the biscuits which please u must bo brown nnd crisp nnd firm and dainty with u wellraised cvenlybfiucul crust 41 mother says such buns require a steel oven scien tifically constructed uniformly heated perfectly ventilated tandoiia ovkfrtftxtcftv tjr wlien you see a pandora rtntc the sale la made leiufen toronto mentrtel wlrinlpet vaneouvef jmimil hsmltten tultfary o o spb1uht local agent no dllior iiudlclno linn boon no nm ccfiainl irt lulloving tlio mlloring of omen or mtctivfit no many ktm- nhio uiiithnonlulm mi litm iyula i imnkiiiiinfivgonii1ocomihuml jnovuiy community you will llnd womon vlio imvn ln jchlond to licnlth hy 1ydlft k rinlclmmi vcg- otahlo tonipotind almont ovory ono you incut lnwi olthor lioon liotio- fltoil hy it or htih ftlondii who lmvo in tno rinklmm ijilmralory nb iynnmaum any woinnn any day nmy koo tho lltou conlatnlng ovor ono mil linn ono hundred thouaaud iouern from wonion nccldnff lioaltli ntul lioru nro tho lot torn in which llioy ojiouly iitato ovor their own mirim- turob that tlioyxvoro cured by itlla is plnkhiunh vemitnblo compound iytlia is ilnklmmii vugutablo compound linm oavod many womon fom nurglcal oporatlniw jjjdlti is lfnklmmii vogotubla compound in mrulo firnii lootxniid liorhh without lrubhnnd in wlmlu- homo nnil harmleiih ii loahou why lydla e pink- hamfi vogotablo compound in 10 miccorhful in imcauiio it contains in- srodionbi which act dlrootly uiwn 10 fointnino organlhin row tori ng it to a lioaltliy normal condition womon who nro nulyorlng from tnoao dlhtrobhing ilia peculiar to heir mix bhould not loso night of tliciio fttctn or doubt tho ability of lydla is ilnuliamfl vogotnhlo compound to rcutoro lliolr liualtk r is it footwear vou aro look ing for if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoeb rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes our large winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams tlie ohoa man mill btrvflt aoton excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- clabs quality we also carry a splendid stock ol groceries ajid con- lectionery t statham son hill btreot aoton the grand trunfcrrailwav iaucmnolik thaihb no n 11 11 11 ni n lu mv iii i n ill i s ii iuj7 in h 111 lit in n in whwalker painter paper hanger decorator main si reel acton opnobiia sleplientons ulackimlth shop all work riiartnieed the work of years in acion is proof ot us ex cellence orders left at a t drown dfuff store will receive prompt attsnllon w h walker aoton m cur jjustlichfc otlcjlc 1ototio tlltvk tltftrr wj nillimui hi uciii out a 1ius t cat institution inijf in mil by in priiut principal famouhan il trilnlnc icljofil or many riicecmhil hiitlnrni mi n i tli canadian ami american 1151 ingulblll l ii ili- mtksln head 1 anil source ol i hi cnnailljin cu1i1 in cmnda huil kior in lln i 1 ilr nplrii nnil leach jji lit iriilnoil kniintcii aro in con nmnt dcmnnil i or pmkulnri call at thncollrjfiollicij tj trpur wilhsm street pr nililrn malcolm maocorrnlck b a principal wcodexcjraving photoengraving r tones jljonestnti aoton grain elevator and feed store we buy all kinds of grain and sell all kinds oi feed as well aa norval flour meals etc rnoble proprietor m p moolim msmairer pliable yet tough vou mirht begin your acquaintance with store h gnoils by tuwhting inn pair of these iloricludc mitls the re excellent exaiupleh of bow tnngli and pliable mitth may be inn dc by our chrome pmccvs with the added hiitisfnctioti of uimuiik they will not become itiff when morched or scalded dont forget to buy storeyh nnd the 11 reincmber 011 by wearing longest nt all ntorcn w h storey son limited acton ont jagksons jagksons our kow byatom of gash buying and oash belling ffnablos uh to offor you thu weak bomo big snaps la 1ok moni inr s51 to fcjioo imiilk i hm 1 in ovcnulu with bib nluostnuckii to nlntch uprii- thih week tiqc titrlped oxfords medium to dark hlintliu 8 da mcnu wiirk sltlis inr n to 65 thu weuu 0 thu moiih work sulrtu llluk drill with whits stripes and spots 75 toys thin i 00k keen 430 rcuar so doi mohm ionrliiuiiinl tlm 15 dox bhloltl nock ties u doi how tiuh all firnml quality ullk nuwdoulkin nnd ruu cnlerinjf hepilnr 35c tliu weak a do joii not now wish to wdeu jnnr sprlus underwear and hosiery while our hues nre complete you know if you como now you cnti cliooss from n larger lino mint if you coine lutur wo wish to begin solllni our bprhig uriiloroar and hosiery enrlv wo aro uiurklng tho price on tlieso goods low so that we slinll not have any to curry over when the hollincsabsnn is puut these are the vnhioh wo can give you ltidles kmbroldenjd hlnck cukii- more lloso 8 9 q and in rejtu- itir iso tills week ait lndles illntk cuntnnijre iio ribbed or ptnin tuoh hj il und 10 regular 3 ami 40c litis week 05c ijatlios tnltola olovcm now brown and tan shades rcrulnr snu thin week jju dhrets ooodh bpiecialh tllnek molrowo cloth regular fflgn tills week tjc cronm iuittro fancy pnttermi rciju- lar 8jc thisweok rs sntlu iuihii prunulla plnth renulur 1 on this week 730 8trlped c rupee it regulnr bjc tkli week 530 sn tin cloth regular 75c this week 4r0 peart nuttnns doxeii go corset cover embroideries this week aso patterns 170 3s0 pntusrim 930 4so pnlteriis 310 600 patterns 43c s ihoii bilk kihlwn best quality nil colors regular ao this weak njo i inch bilk ribbon regular 30c this week tfic 3 inch silk ribbon reriilar 17c this wook 1 10 j h jackson oeorobtolnzn arslbil gui al cil ahinq hl i oi buggies marketwagons and carts h ui il tccord hm iqm liiiiib infirit clsna rcpilr jnnt mini jnu ncml 10 save your ftwd inirfty in ilio bid rouln 5 jiootl tecoml hand road cms h uiirkct wsuons road iiroiih join in liihi cloan repair i llfilit lumber v ion hjo mid slialis eliel vln nnil sirin neat 1 licnvy sprliir wannn with liclun 1 huity pi itlorm sprlns wnan with ulich inn luitil vslth brake and lop over seat jmunnguiil ia new a ureal bargain i linr will 1 oil 10i1i by private silo at tho ery cluiicst pikes thoy must be clonrcd out nt once como nnd et a bargain hrlii akniff j our culler and stolen rcpiliin now boloiu iho ruili j n otseills atrhlkcd hiorks ciaorcdtolllzn ont acton pump ami tile works o b edbage proprlotor our pre ml at u nro now ullv equipped with all 1i10 latest uinchlnory and appliances for manufdcturinn juiupsaiicijiiiiij suppucm tlio tar walls clmtorus citlvortm mta stonm ripo fiutna tools end pipm sap pi lot orders promptly filled main stftlilt acton granite and marble works cabpeh draun proprietor desiqiiors nnd nuiltlora ol btnlucs maus oleums monumenlt mnrkera and head- stones and all kinds ol artistic cemetery work william hcuistrcet ascnl aclon new pictures at waters bros new ideal in framing artists supplies oil and water colors alwaya fresh and of the hest quality waters bros guelph aiit stoiib 00 vkaiw cxpgribnos scientific flitter lean fliliilmt oljilir seletifllinlimiiml toms tni umwlcai rear ihtetsuu iruuilil tmkl br ruholco new yors icmitib lmnls r ami mow ymi swimlurf mrliiss rauuh skslth nrtrteilel of ynitrhi- wenllnil orllillirovaiiiiht nt il tawtllttynu ires oiirnphilnn nam vlirllwr it fjptniuliv klsiualile hujlcilerpllcllflliver6 11 iilrcrmfiilly yi cniltit liy in v comliut fully riiilitiul nflcrt in slnntieal ml wsoilnuton s ildiiilthn us in ironipt- y illsiielcli wmk mill nnkkly xcuie iwuti sbrnailsi 111 luvculti n llli1iklrlttcs hiiiifli marlon hi illce ivlllmii etisri tlllmtnil llirfingl tinitrtnlie pclo imtlcvvvilt ntii ctiarn jn 8vf ino iimrimiimrs itlklllmtml llirpiigboj it thin nil inn itnijliiefm marion it marion patsrtt em part g jnd bolloltora