Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1909, p. 1

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4 ht jvifrm jfttt ft voijimu xxxiv no ii tary lluhucili tlou lult hi aiko acton ontaiuo thuk8day moitnino tanuauv th 1000 hlbocrfiillou it iff ii do ier annum sinotjis copies thiiek c1ckt8 tftlje tton hte jsfi jim- untuit acton ont jtiiu iil mulixrrl0lliim 0o dollar inr ymr wtrlrlly hi iuivuiilo all nult- urlitlimiu llnlunllmiit wlim ilia tlm for wlii ti tin y iiiivuiiuuii imlil linn x- ilriil lliu unto to wliltli iivury uub- riitli la ii lil u iluiiilil nn tlio ad- dniuh 1 11 in advaruulmk iljlt 1 rnnnlclit nilvor- tluaimiiiia in lunlb ior nu iiu rol i una far llrul inaurtlun j nun pi r lino fur itili niilihiiijiiuiit iimnrilcui auvurtlhuiimiiir wltlinut tjimelflo itl- rnctluna will lw hiairliat till forbltl kdil ciiitrtfuil ucliinlllllllj traliulnnt nil- vertluoniunta minl in pulil in iidvatico ailviirtlaiimiiith will lio chiinaml onoa- del i mini tli if dodlluij lor ohawieu of in nor hum nbnvo minitlontnl tlm ooro- iohltlon muat liu inlil far ut rotfiilur mua clutnicua for contract mlvoitlaainniit miiat he 1n tlio- olllcu hy noon on turu- duym account imyab in engl lull nftloe 30 ii ut btioot j-on- 0cm lil c whom meiraru k und j hardy a co will rgoelvo for uh nowa biibaorlptlonu ami nrtvortlacmunta nnd where our rumliirn can fruo ot chars our imior wlicii iw lunulnnd ir i mponia cilllnr and irofiriator the grand trunk rail way t auatnrsn dittctorp h09 gitay m d c m mcgill l ii cl 1niniiuiiiiii i r i h iiaauow il unitibh iuniiil a moot moavnuutlok hi root isto aoton onl jtr a l 1ioul tirailimlii o unlvonlty of toronto olllon at rum mien on utllnw hrealba iwouti meroliant hank unit town hall 1 liana iso mi ai ron ont a j mackinnon lubbtitwn hocimtou cohttimcih or vie mill hraat in hiovala lllook oaoraotown llranoli mam utrool opan utuiuoitiayn an 1 fwlnritaya r olarl 7a7kyoiirtli dlvllon court count of hal- on tloiivayauaurau nt flmauiliilloaiaurauo itaal kilatu a mint monoy to loan ato onrioii i urrylimli a 1 1 look acton ont d fell j m lltill dd blub uhutiht aciom ouloo at uobiiohco corner mill ami vradarlok llauou cluinuitii or toroxto univimiyt tlia latatt ananatlmilo mud if daalrad atlloouwooil ruvailaa ifssacllalkous 11 aju hardy a co allvl htlllsl lonthactori and n i wb cobhlbpojdcntb 30 ileal bircoi london ec lngland a i ha of till rbjwr can lio eoon froo of oharsa ly vluitom to uuiiiiun 10 whom ailvioa jlatll will bt qivdii ii rug in r 4 f wanoib nunan hookiiindmh w udlini ht ouelplt odtaru ovar wi lain a htor aaonunt hooka of all klncla mail a to ordar ikailodlaalaofavaryilaaarliitlonaaralulljfboutid rulltvnaftiivanit uroinpifvilona m altuiaor liounseb 11 v uooitn hnhfh av mtuniiom ijioknixb frlvataoolaa kowltiiaaaaaraqutmit itauad l raililubn in ilia ovantnfl vfmlfu olooaaoton w m nembtrlskt lloiuhid auotiomiim vat tlia ounutlaa of wollloulon and hal too ordaralaftat llialihvh 1urbh offloe aeton or alinyraaldanoaln aoton will promptly taodauto loritia lloaaonalila alio monaj to loan on tlia moal favorabla uma and at tlia lowaal rataa of louraailo uraa of aftooaiul itiwarda w hull tames mcdonald llcltnhili auctiqnrbr vat tlia oomitlaa ol wolllnatnn llalton waterloo waiitwnrili anil tlia city 01 tuallli hales nonihiotad on raaaonalila larmi and autufaotlou uiiarantuail in ovury naaa vortarnli lalca ulo aily tnlloi 07b ilbaiiihmdm cur molauna 14 1 and hlorft iloaci uuismiiuilt talonliono 17 oualull ualoa may ba arraiiuad at vuhh 1ubu ottloa aoton ft j kirr llci nbi 11 auctionkhh vat tlm coniillm or wnlllnuton and ilallon ualoa ooiidiioiad with luolion and uikui rounnabia 1 rum snlari by lullur to mlmoia r o telopliona to nnaa or oairltnj or lull at vuvit iahaa ollloe antnti will ruvulvo intinndlato kltantlon eunaoiuhisd htock cavtial luaooooo thb wullinqton mutual insurance company tqiubtllhsd 1040 lioad 6m 08 oimlpir ont inhukanuu mi oarli and mutual iuli any inauranoo roijiilrod will banromptly nttanu a union lunurannc co painter paper hanger sign wrilor picture l shop mill st acton op posite williami livery repairn promptly mado to furniture tinware otc no unnocuhimry delay knives ground scissors slmrponed courtoouh attention arid reasonable prices vv gimson wave jpnointcd us official watcli inhpectors for their system at this end of the lino railroad watches require very fine repairing and must run within five seconds a day or arc rejected wo inmbt on every watch we repair giving tin am e satisfaction ttxptrt wtch rotiiringji uuelpii ont is it footwear vou aro look ing for 7 if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes our large winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams tli olios van mill dttmt acton the old and reliable granlto and marble doaleis w work alt v eanl only tnmbanloa in ilia dominion who oan o par ti pnaumallo tooli inofarly wa oan ula rafaraiitiaa f rom liumlrada of our cuatomai in toronto and plltar ilaai wlmra olliara liava to itand law aulta in ordar to on hoot wa liava tha laroml and uaat nook of nraiilta in tlia dominion or mora than any hitaa daalara in ilia waal we aro ljtlliiiaia daalara and am ploy nn afianta and do not annoy or pait out ouiara by aeudliiu out iwnorant ahontatoaollolt ordara wa aninloy nieolianloa only and dafy ooujjatuloo hamilton sons cor norfolk and woolwloli sta qvlivfll artists materials water colors oil cojors and supplies pyroarapby supplies and outiits naturb study supplies ior colluges schools oil students sntl for informtllon froo calbloiuo no 1 anliln material antl naluro sluily sunplle calalonua no 3 ryrourjiphy suppuei wa ters bros tha picture storo 41 wyndlum si cueini aoton pump and tile works o b edbaqe proprietor our premlita ore now fully of nipped wlili nil 1i10 laleit rnacliinory and apillnni for mnufclurln ratop nd rump suppitim tiltforwtit cimurom oulwrt mta 8fm sip fitting tool mad jvp supplfa order promptly mlid main st kekt acton wcton divert amp bus lino the undersigned rep fully ollcln u10 pnironigo ol ilm pub lic rtid irlform ihem hut wall klaulptwd ntl btyluh hlftm an vlivsyi bo seen roil bi tili tlahlei a com fori able luu meoli all trilni imiwtun 1000 n m nm a 10 p m cirtfu ol lent ion glvfln to vary ordar tho wanli of com- marcul travollora fully inl john iniilui77uts hockey sticks wl ham i iii b bom special b salycrd g m 11111- m b spalding b w m horn 10 cents to 60 ccn1s encli llinooc allrl h mulo l mcil tlm mom lilremiaua ninircnioiiiii ol ihn niu bll cial iricl i oil t i i lis tho bond hardwareo llmltod naullpllona ft7 ouffllpii better no glasses than wrong ones we moii n llila anil c nnn pprrni irnelvm 1 oo hironjly in ill mlbj ct our yonm of cxporlonci iuorl ijatb oiiilians porrnil iih lo aiy omplmtlcally wc can furnish the right kind at prices you will gladly pay why noi bavo your i ycsoxumlned nt once liinmlnailon i roo we jjrlnd our own iqiisoi a d savage opiomctriil and optl hn ji wy milium st l l i n winter session opimi january lunula ol tlm ukv i u nichh coulkdl uii lorrard mrtml tornim oauloqiio il nlu our orlty in iliulnmunt uotlinda ami llcuulti aro invliod to writ fn 1 11 torsi toil in tlm bind or work wlilnli drlnin i mat vililrotaw ii hilaw 1 r ii tn it l lllloilt birrtiivucarnio in been iciprovl ljr uwr mlvi ml k arciuforocr oycutu aiuri- hum m eonlo arc woiblnu- lo null o v tt t cdaiujtyou liny llio txrut lcrri u 1or aala ovary win r- d h rvrrv oo wlndaor onl seeds your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills rlour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co limited announcement j or try harness implements carriages melotte cream separators sleighs etc a larjjo biiorltrant ol oacu of llio ahota llnei will lis kepi on hnnd unit nl llio ow ant poaalbla prlcoi for a rioi nrllclo iivarylhlnjj marked in plain njjiirun wa invito you lo lnpocl our mock and compare vnluee q a black iiaeuor o r ilemioll mill st ac ton giiiiiut on tiibj cho sb a i huh tvnniliiinu thhiulnir why mix lniit of llttlt unl llfo hlmum tile i mii iv t inn n must i in no ri hi tmiuaiiiliuiw i ii ho wmilil illn iipnn iluil i rntm auioiiu llio llilnviu i wnt inn fin wrmik tlint im iniit dini im li wnoiii hi ilhhtkiilk one nut hn hinl niu riiiiiiunidiiinil lilulli ilk wlhiiiii ull hit winilij wiim upnkn ihy hi id i wiii ho 1hi if why ihiiikm hr up n llio irtp mi woiili i him tliiiiiuhi u wni for tin n mi- who iluiil 1 iiivhiim tviuil uliuln hil i 1 himninpith vih i- n riic ui iiniid iliutii 1hiniluli iliiillt im cnnniiiriil dfilth fut unit h whv ln liiinu ilpon tlm tree 1 llurlil iii klinuiv vulluy lliniwkh a ml hiiiii ill l wny i linvi in ui tntilupful liimi h nnv livrallli i tutioliluliuixl i h k h mii liiul nil oor t lift litml ami h ii ini nt itn linuniuchw uloroi if io nil truth fmovii nmr al ondu ildht hand lliililixlind tin lindof clml hiopilkiiih- lmiii liiyoid ill ii mil hi lirhi- mi i ijiinl nil cih luit ilitiun llki liliu tvlin mix iipii tint ciitfa in iiuilto it itilur old tliiiii mullioillt arlon inn jlth ilkhi tfll 3fnmtl0 llenbtno fellow sufferers fly llarrlat liimmn smith 1 t i v iln joim iiiukluu it a biji miuttifae if i am vie itti my nivii iuihiiiuhh i ullppiihlt lntut i inn ii i uli in nt tht retort llieliiiplkiitluitliutjiiiiiimliitrbciioliu ijumiiiiuh wiih 1111111 of bin whu uuiillu- tiikihli nuvei ibnhmmlin wiiu too jooil it filiiid nhineb vuii know bow mi ihmiin fidla iitmul unit ti ink mid nil rniinictiid willi iliniu ibvuy itnployo under uiuiiiln innv he htmiilh nn tlml point and tn defy hu wihiiuh publicly doeunt look well if linn wine nil tin rn win to i llihilhuij ymiheir vie jjiimiu i olu inn wih hlrli rill nlil tinniikll to iiiiiiiiik my own itlaii- i think it 1 do winojt i ii tilki the omiimi iniiincei mid no oiiii lint mym if will hiilftr mihi unldn inoii himolblnk in jimm iiiiiin i told him tlnit furthui ten iukimiiii e would be worwe ttnin iiw iinh ivit i out the litllii liitliituice i hinl ultjt lilui he told hinimeir ru- kiitfiillj hut hlii one ciiut utitnd by mid ni i a fellow tii kit a wionu ntep like that iiltboiit u wold he bill liiiiniid in imimnuieut when bo bud in aid huiikh pioiuin to iicciiiiijiiiny no i in in imiiiliitiinitih to i he nice ifack h iiuiiliy itf 1 1 noon m tjihii nee the ninpl ijn of the two yuuiiuj invn iiimi n honoi of pmhlliii in evviy foi m a not nuiiatniid teuiiltnf olwei v- injf liow thlw luibit iindeiiiiluiiu piinol- ile and uulltu one foi every ponltlnn of tniht no n mi eutiied hu t mpluy wiihiiiit lining initde to nmurutiinrt tbal on thu one pnlnt no hnlenoy ivuu to heixpu ltd victor inid bopnd hint a won of motion would bit uiiflloleitt todetei liiuieit fiom rnnyliii nut blx riiholutbin hut tho only louiilt nu fm hm he i mild wei wiiu to conlliiu inineu in bin piipoiiu to do what be knew lo bu wtottjr and tiiku the conuiiijiiencoi wbnii tho two mend inut on mon day iuoiuimk lunnm uuillu iml in itnn element of tiipei loilty von une i in lieie iiml none i he wolwo wiiu bfu winetinu nut mitwntdl nt lunut viator could not help leplylnjr ob eoiiiu lul dont lolk nu ir yuil wine nu utiuiulithiced iih kir litwtenao hiniweir i had it jolly nfteinmm ami im on hand fot my wm k thin ninrnliiu and no luu in ilone an aiuumptlon wliii h li tin iintilo no elfoit to omit ra dio a foiii oltlock tbiitiirteinooiiithua wit liillxd to mi litwieiicntt private oniie in wpilimif illn lotuiimpllmi of indliroience he tecelvid the utiiuinonb with mi appiuluuihiou whhth nhowod ituelfln bin pnlloi wliun bu found hiinaolf iilinio with ml lnwronos tlia look nn lilu uinplojot h ratio conllrmud bin wotut fon i m ilitidicook bow long huve yon boon with l nemly him yen m ull lime you humd auytliliik i ttiat time with h vvonlil euulile you to under- htmul inj attitude tmvmd ibutinniblliip gvlip why yry hi the in wan a innineutt hiichoo mow did you upend hatmilay nfter- inion v mi livviouoe linked bin limih e iikhi nn the llimliod fuoo he- fine him fain u hlnmuled foi bin uiinmiumo itu evident fioui your iieiition tlnit you know nlieudy mr lutvronce ilitvent ni any oxphiillltinii to it in piobublu t hut u pimupt ooiifnu- tdoi of piuiltuncii wnuld luivti biived jnmou oven then hut lilknntpliiimtlnii wiih in loulity it dofenne of lily coiiduut ml liiwtenno lintcnud with tlglitiiimd lip i am diuiippolutod illtobanrk hut yon will not bu unrpueil to liin thtit lit my opinion a niaii orytmi pi inclploh in not ijuiililleil foi linldlnu any peal- tlmi or trnut fjeitaluly he ulittll nut do it luliln uuliibllutiuient vim limy tlliiw yoiil miilmy tn the end of the month tint we ulutll not need yoiiruir vloeu finthei lio iiihi imeii dlmnlwued i illu eaiifio of huwlldemiienl left him iiliiiimt ininhle to leuiot what bad linppnnud ho wont out into the uirtniinlliige wlilnli in tliwit yeiim bad grown mo faiulllni nod tiled in renllhu that hn wntlld nut on tllinti tlm next uioinlilg nu liailill au lio htoud girlug blankly at lil loik noniione sp ike bin limne see beie lliirlnoi k if im not down by nine oi lot k to nun tow mmii lug- fi i in n i4 im 1 1 opted liliu i nban hn bine in ilm iiioinliir iiiyuilf mi deti more im leuvlng to nltiht lenvliii there wuh ii illutn ty in the ijnrnlallon wlili h himlly wmmeil t be lehiiltofuyiiipittby laimn tuim d to wee thoiildii uuiuu fare liinliaetid in a inittltliha umllo i wis aliuut to i ihnl i vi bun feling updi i h liiiifhej foi a wnk pnut ie i oatkd u that i mightnt turn down ld 1 1 nt moining hut i gmjmh i ii liy on bund aru k lleiun a mu uau to be iniiketi in i ran uee that my vicullon tlibi uuiiuuei will be olllil nl lliuie viiu ninv thfnpr in bin kpirwxjdu wufrh i nipt h sed on jaiiiex pliid tlm fnct that mi peuinoie win looking hliucklugly tbin au if be might hit on the point nr bieak llig down and at lle mmie iuuiaot tliiro wauliiouglt home to him the rmillratlun that the ioniiuitii kh of wiongdolng might bu more fm trai b tug than be bad uiiuhued imiiixi walked hoiuu that evening hi give hiiiiuiilf tiiun to think tlie iiialtii ovei and adjuul hluiolf tn iih mw condllloiik illn falbei ami mollui weie ueated at tho table win n he mine in und liu wub atai tlotl to nun i hat hx liiotlieiu eye lilu were nil iiml hli f illiuin face wim oveiubadaivid uw he had ui idoin ueen l could they have htanl n i ready i i bat wan iheipietloii u i oiihcliince prompted hefoie iii ii anon had a rliuni e to anuwei thai uiih wiiulmpo illn miillii i liliu- i il bur h d an 1 1 1 wllb a hi avi hrnl m a niulle lion ihe dool l eiue dear ho aiinh wont ileal jaumu oboyed what in it motlu rv what ban happemdf hit down and well tell you about it i took annie to ibe doctoi today you koow ube liuunt ueuiui it like hoi uelf foi neekn and dr ciatliloi k uayu ube imiut have a change of nlr iuiimd- lately a rbanife of ah liuuiidhitolt junieu buiid hiiiiholt repeating merbaiilcally voin fa tin i ft veiy imiohdi pien nen rontiiiutd mi ilitchcuck with an aft clinu to glmi e at hi l biinlmild ilodoenntii imw ft a pmedhle fm to unlet the oxpenni hut i toll him that well he an truiiiimlcal uu we can ami i know y u will doyoiu pint no uaciilllw lu wm th toiihldeilng wliun annleu lfu u to he km veil it wan the hmdet tank of jmnenlifii in auuwei thin nuw with the newt of hiri dimlwual me unw tbnt both bin fatbet and niothu took it foi gi anted that the gentual hnjnein lipiennioii wan h nponible itliilih bud not the hemt to iiillghtun tboui no he would not add tn tholl binilun ill got unother ponltlnn lu a dny oi t u o 1 bo oi hd feeling lilu heart wiling with in him iih liu watuiud the luioi fade fiaiu bin iiiilllieiw face ituuanlui louiugpihitiiiiihuowadayu than gutting them lilu fulbei nald qulutly a until that wan to im bltti ily iuiiouncd on lauien mind ihnlng the liuxt few wouku it wuh cmilil nilno bn udvaneid ibe money annie iioidod cnmtln dllon who fur it iloxou yeiim had been waving money to take u huinpimi dip iiol pbtuti wwti made overt thing iviu in rutidinenn ovon to obgnglug hei pan mige it wm like cdiiuin kllen lo make light of giving it lilt up i hliouldnl liam an eauy tunniint in nuiope not knowing bow the dear child wan get ting nlnng i ube riled an it leally hollei foi mo to wait till next jear vouto ulwnyh walling fot neitl yeni on account of uomohody elue uald jiitueu mother mid thon uhe gave way to inioli team nn lio lint oliver mouii hoi tdiud janieu went out ami walked niitny a mile hefoie wearlnenn drove liliu lioimi liven oomdn kllen titimt bo illunppolnted buoauun ho hud done wrong when iila nllim nftoitu to uucun it piailloii fulled taiiiuu wont tn work nn tlm dncku lio wan young and vlgoi- mm and the exhutinting nmk did him no real lujuiy tbutigli hodniggid liliu- soir home at night no tiled tlnit uotni tlniob liu foil auluop at thediiiuei tahlo lilu hamlu bad grown hard uiu album- d and bin faro wan hiouiod fiom ev- pomue whet onu day tie lieaid liu uiiiiiu upuketi ho inukod up and nuw mr lawrence looking nt hhn intently jiuiiih omiie tip cap in band the blond uhnwlng undoi tho tan i nhmild llko to tiavu a talk with ymi nald bin fornior employer can ym cuiiio tn my hmiae thlu ovunlngp vou uir hut i may boa 111 tin late i dont get awtiy fiom bore till uit oclock when hn pre wen ted hlmnlf that evening the norvinit took liliu tn the llbutiy whcie ml luwriince wiiu iiwnltlng hlni and tho long inleivlow ibntt folhiwed wan uutln factory tn both vol may co mu down on monday morning mi lawrence unld at taut i fool mire you have loained jmir ion- j i ha e indeed ml lnw rence tiiinou nnuwarod humbly hut the leu- 1 hod he hud loarnod wumnme fm leitch- ing tbnn the uhloi man knew liu had oonio tn loiilhtu that every net nf om llvoibiiu itulnlhiennium nihetu nevei j itgaln would hn bo no prcuuinpliimiu nn tn olitlm that lie cuuld do winng iiiul confine tho conuiiieit unffuilng to himnelf aoood dauailtbn there inn ollu uilullern of love mmo ommpinlinik than uie tint none in wlilnli it gentler invllui nplilt dwidlu itnd nmiu lo which tho heaitn wm in loipillalu mine joyfully iiiupmul hbv in tlinutuiiily light of her fat he i n hntnte jim ideal u indlneoluhly couuuotod with that or bin iliouldo him in lilu morning nunllght und tivimliig utnr tlia graoo vlviuilty mill tonilurnubh of bur nok lihvo tlmlr plimu in tho mighty way whloh eho hnldii nvor hln nplilt mliu in tlm pililu mid ornament nf lilu hmipltullty und tlm gentle mi mi in lilu lakneui wi weie hillted to make a peinonal inveutigalim of tint piihllo thinking fountallii in toronto in orih i ti tent the trulh behind rtn tliln ngltiitloiin now life in wiiuhiugtnn and to make an application on the iniiial wide to tin- city of loionto whei nhall u man ii bin tbbnlp th lhijutlun kndeuvim noi lety nt a nuetlng in waubbigtui lolvancetl tli idea that public di hiking h tufiih miiuuiai talllh iuthlde of huiihtm ihal tluiihy pdi might he aide in q ib tin ii thlft wh hoot being caupelli d to buy h drhlk uoft m otliei winein a bin looiu we niadiia mill od fool ol a nn ihni hi iiiim ihj luglludiig at the loinei of climrli ii nd king htiutu pi ui oi ding to up tdlim avenue tn jut en ami iiltiiiiiinu tocjiurcli htrttet foi tho ppi poue of i ouipui log tlm iiiiiii- bet nf public di inking fiiuiitaiifn with the uuiiihin of imi loniiiu on king htieer wuumniod foitrien harioouin mid urn- ill ink lug fountain at hpidluu avinue oil qi innuit we foiuiil anothui di inking f italn ut tul- vei ly avetiin mitt lunie hiirliiomn than an on king him et in othei woidx toughly ib nunihei of publii di inking fouiitalnx lu pioportloii to mil mimlmtof li n hi ibe noii tlou of the city in pi i led in two to tlility ihal lutohuyu hility ped- emliiaiin timipiiitimn to entil a bm loom mo iirtiin i it gientei than hinehaii en tn gi t ii diiuk o watei in aglvenetioi nft nln on tl nil hide hiu by tlm- v miinlih ii doulili net we urn- the ioililiht turn i ii nt it llilminen hiit- rnoiuh and i hen by not piovldiug hulllllint puhlii drinking fountaimi prarlli ally onipi in even thoe wboau limipiiale oi tutiil ubhialneiu to untei abaiiooiiiiu oidir to ithhiiago tbeli tlilint non we am bo tier able to day to iimleintaml lilu pnyrllolngy of temptation at itn baue u thu truth that im piof juiiiii pliiuueu it oon- hclounneun in motoi thin hi only itll- otbei way of haying that eveiy pm- ci pllon a nimi ha evuy jihit thii mill in bin iiliod teudn to innnu in uoiih foi m of bidily movement or aulon a thiinty pidnxtiiau walking up jiiiiiin snout ui vh at ililveiwlty avon ue a public di inking fountain the moment be npien t he foiiutalu tho per- ipilm lend- to make him turn in it- dh ltion he in- no let im nay and hln thliht impienchetl it liu pntim a tloeii hai tooiun aftil waidn the inntoi lib a in no lougei pn tmt there u tm leinplntlon to enter the baiiuuu hut hiippone that beriie ho lame to the thinking fountain one huiiooui atiei aimlhei should met t bin vluw the fit- lutiit p icepilou nf a thlrut parlor forum in bin mind what in known uu an hmixtent idea and tlm tblmty peil- ihlilan nt hint out em a wulnnu om it in a kiii on other temptatioiih aioliktl tn face hhli hit may in land only tn take ti m i ft di ink ami then imiiililiately to go out hut a- chant may be bu find a filinl who huyn wbaiaii you going to imvep tin mend hhniir may bavo befuii hiiil a gliihh of ale 1igei wblnkoy a oiktiill oi what not tho nn mem tho thiinty pedtulilaii uphn tlio mall ot hphltiioiiu di ink tho tendency he- riuinu conucioiinuomu in motoi in foi hlin to outer the nauio an the friend in ill inking and to pnwi up tin uoft ntult then the healing nyuteiu ban liuopp ittiuity to wuk itn folly and iieaohoty llio tliucheiy which couien from llugoiiiig ovut a hai and gnunip- plug uhout tilfalrw with thu only two fnquent timult whether prohibition inileuhahloaud leanlhlo or not fhero can bu no ipiew- tlon uhout tlio rigblcouniiouu of temp inaiire in itn original uonne nut whethei oi not it in accepted in full the piopoual culu nttvlhion to n pliuuo of uncial and olvlo refuim too often nogloilnd tim city fathom unfor tunately mo not alwitjh ullvo tiff tho important piluclplun of conduct that uiuhillo reitain detiflu nf cwla nil mluutialioii m to the wihiioiu ihut nun make theiu aluahle nldn tn public ilimalu in lid- ioxiaure it in foi the people lo do hiihih xhmp pi milling that novei fall tlie tni until wmld a word to ojlrla tho wouuiii who in indifreieiit toiler lookn in nn tine woman god mount woman to he ul 1 1 active in look well to ploime and it in one of hi i ilutlon tn enny nut thin intention of her maker lint ihut dreunin to do it nil urn lo midlie in nime than wo can be nought to believe jimi becniinu we do love to wee glrln look well nn well an to llvo to home puipowe we would uige upon them hiich a oomue of loading and uliidy im will ouufei mioh rhaiinu nn nn mnitlnte i an mipply n 1 wllllu wiuton very prolty piliagniph on tho power of education to homittfy that it ahnohllely ohueled tho feannoui thut lui hail noon many ti ohiumy noun mid n think pair nf iim no muilillod by tlimigbl awakunod and active nonli- ineut nn tn ho uniemigulinihle and lio put it nu the gioiiud that wo often nun pouplc imiiiely and untitiiaatlvo in youth bloom in middle life into n biift- jmori indian huitinior uf good lonku and nitllnw titiiou co vd ii bo dv the ftulbb a bilght uli i in n tin go hobiinl up- piled in liil toachei fm leave to ho ulmoni hair u day tm u plea that hoi mother had lecelved a leligiani which utiitod that poiiipniiy wnuon tho way itn my fathoin lialfnlntor and her three hnyu unld the pupil unuliiimly mid molhoi doennt mie linw uho can du without mo hoiimmii tlm we hoyu ul- wiiyn net n dieadtnlly tho tettolter loforiodhot to tho print ml iui of tfoimouu wliloh jitwtlflftd nh- ultimo mill nnkod if hoi iiauo ciimo mulai any nf thoni i think it mlulit ooiiio uijdof thu lioail mlnw hultoh ghl pointing au uhu npuku tiiiilitf wotttn dumautlo allllotloil womkn and wealth we areupt tn envy the wlveunftlnh men hut the envy oitght to hn nu the other uldo mid in tho iiuliuppiout inont rentlean wnnien in thin limit aro ho idle wlven nnd daughtfra of the itch it in tun- they have luo bniimeu i m i liiron and ant oniobllen hue di eumit- uiignilhiiit jowelu utatelv iilln tipim onu anotliei giand dlnneiu brltlliol i n pliiiiu and all thai hut ii in all a veneer it u v jnlpiueb but only a pieltuho ofl- un extiaagoot attempt at hullulio m it iliegnirt maun of wum n wltluiin wealth wim wm k in their houtuu mm tboh chlldien themuelven nnk ih- mialn iimud ihuelothlog mid di tin thoiihuml and one uueiullog nmkn ol the bimy imunowlfo need not i nuy tin glihtoujng biittmllloii of fawlllmi 1he huppliut women in tlm world me tlie hard- win king oiieu nut iviilaxd budget wiidhii liven all neeenuailly nilnenible hut the wouii n whonl lime mid inliwln mid lutuilh un evii ticcuphid in milking tlm linuie happli i and life for thnne about theiu to put a hue duuu upon a hl uc- i nut onu i to nothing olue hiiico hlitli u to glvit no timiu leal onjtyineiii to luu than would be given in a doll by i iih name pinrfun hut tho pietty dioun bought by n gilt with lie i own eumlugu tiiuanu n tiliimph and a joy nn uweut au tin liniuau in art can know that dn uu t- a pml of ihe girl lieinulf it maud lin hoi in art her bialu her hone luo blood ft mukoh nn epoch lu in r lib it in tho huppy culmination of imppv unofulnenu none wim nhuervo oven camiutly can full to p itiivi tho growing ietlu- iiimh among the woninii of tin gtinh itleu tlio emu uiniiu lucreuuo in livnrcun in hut oiio wymptotn the htuadlly luoioiiuitig popiilaiity of upailmeut hnimou whete liablua nut not come in but uiio cauoo the winilai wlin npproclntpa hei polhle inlliipucu in tlm home wl never rail tn hud plenty to do mid tlml joy in doing it it in from tlm lioun nlio in ii ken that mout men himltmun an well nu noun form their idnaln of life ami fix their implrntlnim it uhu in idle reutloon nnd dtucnuteiitcd tin linuie inulend of being a wolld coruerutono of society bocnuiunalieup of uaud that uliiku tindoi overy wiigli or tiniibluand uhlftu with uvoiy tide i puunhm unit cupilce thoio in one gruut cunt fur tho rent lihmicua ami dlnconont of women h in in common uunuu uppllcatlnn ut mind and hand and heart to uneftil wni k ho in n women tmiy bu happy lo plte or iviitllh hut ii in pounlblu fill any woman to he lqtially happy with out it how tub day was spoildd do look at tho ijiiuer lit tin nhjool petched up on that wagon 1 that lined iiuint havncmiiu out of ihe ark i shi iwt talk no loud unll another of the ulo uf gft no the nlile- walu t ami the thtee pahund on utiai tei lugoriudirfi rent thing- hut tbugiii in tliu big farm wagon looked utiaiglu before her with two pink npnlu un inn ohooku inr iiioiithn punt fathor hud heou pnimlnlug to take hor tn town mint thin had pi nved to bo the day nf re deeming hint pi online she hud been uhnnut tnuoicitod to out lint hroiikfmhl 8 he wiiu to boo ttio wondon of the hlg city hit tall huildiugn tho crowded ntrootu her father had ovon hinted that after dinner thoy would go to sen i hn in living picture her mother hud brought out llio quilted ulk hnnd wliloh wan a uort of family heirloom and jointly laid put ir on reeling voiy much trouudil up and now n oliuncv lutnurk fiom a panuorby nu tlio mile- walk had hinltud it nil i hho nhrmik an far hunk in tho uent an nhe ooiitl afraid of meet lug oyeu lu which that omul aiiinoment inoked out hho ivanifipieorlooklng ohji ct it hoeiiiid htio hud nu eyon foi the hlg hiilhllngn or the wooden uf the whop wlnduwn the uhu kot where unci tlunngii nf punplu came mid wool hud no chunnn fin hot now imw ub nit thuuit uiiivlng pic- tuicnr nald hoi father coining liuclt what p yill dont want tn gop tiled oritahoady olif tlialu jiteoi he looked dlnappoiiitid hhnuolf thin hlg- hemtwl fattier who iiud oonnuxl mu u little on unplug lilu umall danghlei delight willlfymidrathoi gohnuti iiiiiiiii it in and tho girl who hud mado the cun lonn mmcb iiivei know that hei wonl- liml upolhul il happy day fm two ii inn pity thoiighllou people wo uelibuu know the ilium that in wi might by tliiilk tliouglithmuiioum oh in ooinpau inn tltfoolasby btaltd iii u reoetil railway acoidont an nit iilnliinnii wan uuvorily lujniod km uutnu tltno aftoi tho accident ho wan left iiunttiiutud tn but ut hint noma ny m pat hullo loukeiuou plukud lihn up and out i led him to theutatlim walling iniii until tlio ai rival of tho dnctorn toortluliilly priuinniicu on hln ounditlon ny and by a umgonn huntlod hi looked nl lilu piontiiiio foun mid pallid face mil then oxolulmod i tlnit pout fellow lu done for im f ull thon ho knelt down lifted up un uyelld und unw ii dull okpiouuluuliiii ni b very wad hnd uu duud mm ii door tall tuku llio pool old fellow nwiiy oxoluliiitd llio mud ion no nnonei had ho upiktm liowovor than ihoimpnumud cmpnii liiiniodutoly began to move hln llpn tho uturtlod doolot llntomid mid thin lu what ho temd t itudiid ductiii thatn nio gliiun oyti yo wan look in ut tint nihllikliiatlulaii in nut tho only iiiiiii wiiu wan in liluiidn liu tun cutiut a qutctcii holic i have hiaid of a lny who luil long isikiiiiuji an not found uuu inln j i though i illu frieiidn w in tnaiblid au they mid im herminooraholln hint y a menage fi una tin wi ut in one lay iho boy anuwen d v and hurried hiiilmmet a lad uhhu imlrnl tup amlhlu umihei wonln thnmgh thid imbdbldiop alwuoii went jo bntiih iiwf ahliiel i mi ibb ty with tin ii il lu iih im m cry i when he roe to mllv he wiiu all in doubt hvorywoid of the lri had fall n out ml at hint one dav o irnillii ll i ltrnlilpukoo th uoidh i fiinrncl would it mt bt uad if vou wt te to he like ihe boy with n hole in lln meni m y f hilocttil tub itbacb op iovkiitv iooi people iim liv io hiiiwn stoiu ft uitu oi elegpit ilia i ohoic a with nil the inudeiu iuipiovemeiltn ooimeipientlv in iii dead of wlnth i hei fm nun gin i mi hum r lueak down their dal idf unvii leak tin ir watei pipim inivit inn ut their plain ghm wliidowuutff uoviii houeil tliuit liiilib waiter- uevet ilvt out their pat n ni biiigln ilmm- nevtit go it at ilio wrong time tin ir c achuinn never got drunk mi nirotenn mivintu lueak tin b hmri chhwi iii fact irtheihlf plean or p tveiiy in i x uipti ni fiom alll lion of hhivuiieh nm doiiifrtle tnge aiound lint hiunhln dwelliu or the poor when the iluughtiuu of poviily ex- ohmigf call- tin ir umvi mmion may i wul i op o pboiauii i theiiift thiintho ilalllimv have uob lu with the took tho ininiiiiel of he imiiilni oiahln tovn1ine- ihe fa t thai ihe nee ind gill lu nniie than mmiuhtid of taking tblngn it not being fauliioii- ihln yot to tpmik of d rilratiug with ihumpnnu thuugli we wilt dmihtleuu oouieacb even that point of whltu- ivaln d hi piilohei lin the euoi inllion f what ban i i dnblud heivant- gitllnin dltuib not the pnacu of povoi ty nbw liobnqtc law tin mellioiiinecoiiepiuideutor tho fjhiiiillnle wilten ihut leinpei n dle p foun in aiiniialbilnm ilodtlde tho htiuili aiitiiallmi ltgihlaiivu afneitib- lylliixjiiht acceptil ihe moh diantic liouiimd viutiiallem lllll home iilea d the change which tho imiuuiuo legnlum may be gmlieid from ttio following faun h clone till hoteln tm iailiamoiit iry etc thin dayu lydeial a htuloi un cluitituian diy mid unod imlayi it demitilugiil fm uinglo wunioil to hold lie unen unhnn they at piexeiit do ho it iiholluhtu duplicate buiioouih unleitti npillal pci mlnuliin la given hy iimgitt men and upihou nf lruvillern to journey hi mileu fiom i hell boiiiim hefoie they hicomo hona- llde tiavilleim it alnn ilgbtenn tho pitvioo- til itn ximiiig law in ro ieoi lo i lining in ii p n ir the jill pihi l lie lgil til v iiimsil h ilitb aiimialla will haw in pi ullon tin nioul advanced litin law lu tlm whole uoiiiiuouweallh a wastbjd talent he tin- a quick tempi i yoll know wuu tin extue given by a tilund in tio- hulf of a lioyti iniii iilt ln he ipllck al hln lunnuunf wan tlio qiieuilnn no wan lliu reply it he quick b npoilt ilm tuin- lionet went on again the aiiewei wa- no ittbeqiiluk iiiohidiencek no well uaid the qiitlouei with u twinkle in hineye if ho him no little qiilokiioxh hed in ttei imo it wheio it will do him nmiu good itn cloar wate to put it on hl ttinpei oma11t slink lo hlonnom in liliu ml ulo film hlounmino hi- ofllre in nil tho illu i hide of i in patnge slick leaving the il open au ho wulkn iiml thank ou ili nioxnoin llev i cuuie iiulu and lone 1 1 ui loin 1 hineul you any looiu in yum boumf aiick ytn nii lint lb j all huvn piltigh mi em allow mu to uhmv yoll tii my pmcutil ubh baok-aclhin- doiii up ilng il eh eu the door with out a hang and will ho i a lifetime a dangerous cough ottawa ontario man sultawil from a ott eon lo coujrh aooqmpsnlod by bplttlnv of blood itestoilbd to hbaltii dv vinol foi two y him i had a neveio cniigh uouoiiipauhd by xplltlng of blood i wun dlumiuiugitd fm i had tiled djf- terout iliyflrlauu and inuillcliieu oh- nilnliig uillv leinpnimy toller ilear- iiigur vtnnl i uioldid tn give itn ttlul tlio linn lmll lo did mo un much good that i iiuide up my mind to mutluno fm no vein i hi nt i en ir mcimmiy hut hy tho time 1 hint lluinhed tho thhd bottle thu cough and tho pitting of blood hud both uiilhuly illuppeand all n a oouhiauo tht- hid cioun diugglwlu fioui whiiui i piniiiueil tho vlmil umi vuuuh lot the conectnonfl flhi uliiliiiieoi t ny ii htnlili i7u unuk ut ottawa ooluilo tlloiuunou thai vluol in un niiccoun iiiiiii noli liiim in biuamh it lu tho uilly piepaiiiltuo unit ooiiluinn toiilo linn togothu witli nil tho healing body build big oluiuoutt of od livci nil uoiiniliy takou fiom titttli oodu llvom luu uu nil without houlialiun wo pinnlahn mn ralth in vlnul fm ohi uulii uiuglm ontiln ni brmiohltlu mid un u body- hiiildui mid ut length oioatui fot old puoplu anyway if you ti y ft mid ii doon un good we will lefihul join uiouit un demand 1c a itubuttnou diligglwt aoton

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