mil kkkmlu anton tr mnnli 1lli lan nary hi mr ami mr j i m tiil aim uauuihlt uauihwni muiis- t tli rtlil ol li lull h failiur in jin mat iji mi nan ly lluv r lni mlli i mimr n lliaii 1 mil 1 allru i i will i hi u i until hintiimi k litudlxih u iln rnliiiiia of tho lull win tl r ui tt nft liiimry ullil- liy lluv j hod1- lnili libit nluxlii huwin i urn uuii irm r i uiiuuiii lliiubwiml lnulu iniillnr mill tin i iiiiwulnu n iv ml iihiuv jin i- miliary by hi i i wutli ml william u itniiliiir or linjuiitvalii uau to uarunaruia lutiuliti r nl lira ira llilli hthl mi uotulat i mon mini mi mon uy ihth january dniilaii mi uimjajl mini 6u years it u it air- iii i iijuinii k on riiuri lay jlal jmi uur jaalu tlu jiliu i w i u i n aioluum tnlur7iili ur h aim m homliaiuilmi luumlay january utii lam may liuwlit wlln til uv i uwiii ihviauu x 1 in bur iiiuear i nuiuiiti- liiliolimna ot win allan aecniil linn i rlti on hiituuy liu january ann ilcluaalmrii wliluw nl ttiu lata vlui turuna oh in liar lrjuiltar ijjc acton iixtt fes thuithday janlfahv an i1nx boltoitlal n otic s ftiu co 1 1 hum iliiiiiiu at ottawa lutu ibdiiikiiiii llllptlllailt ullltuuiout iigaid- ing tliii quunlillis mid valum cif cm rulan field cmps fin liiht yout aiiiuiu of s70u hluiiintif cr p lutu ylildid a imrvowt will oji cninpuiid ill aveiugn market pi leva jmu a v nine n 11 ltlkkl 00u tjitut yeai tlmiu wi it mull i emp in manitoba alheitu iind himknulrutvau lvmflo acres producing tngelhoi kkioouoim imuliolu of untiii thu 1 1 v btock lu tliu throe pmviurnu is estltuii- tod now t rati if lit r7 1 810 bend horses 71711 shop juithhj the mint ml a product 1 in uuiuidii lihr rur llinl u value ot ih mm 000 tlli nlltllmlltltlhhrllil u built rn nearly looo iiiiiuh kiifi iiiht 1kioimi help ed to move ttiu giuht crop lust yonis total trntlu was 81130000000 varied in its contents hut iidntent throughout of tliu many delights if tint canadian winter tint polo uiuy mini bar of hud ami gun and mot u upnils n oitniulu pnlillhlit i hy v j titlur wumlhtocti otit hilnifm with it th iirntzliiouu atiholmil in thin puthtihir hoasun of llm yimr tln ncttul ul n flno anowslioo tunni nn i mi inn kilt of a mouuu i iicd on tlu ici the wtnry of a winter in noitliiin ontiuln and an nrtlolu nn bnuiv ulloiliiuuti hy alattln lluntur nn uxuikihun fly 1actoi nliow liuw many uldcd aut tliu lnaiitioh of tliu cuniulhin wlntei nntl hotv thorouglily tlio inliatiltnnth of ihu do minion approtlntu iiiul uiijuy llum in llm wnutcin puilui liluu laii oil tllq cnilut nf till coillllyof ijhhltx wlltts jj coll in tlio cumuli muniiriiio for rili limy ilea puun inland uomo- tltimu culkd tliu vlnujard of canndn it la tlifliilgcut of a uiniip of fortllo isiaiuib mut of wlilch aro couth of tliu intoi nutloniil liaiindaiy it liowuvur lu in cunudlun wntoin and ltli thu exruptlnn of mlddlo jalntid a nmiill inland of nhout 100 ncron which hon ndjiicunt it is the montnoiuliurly point in cnnaiu it to in tlio aimio latitude nn northern colifornln noitliern ponny ivunia noithorn portugul and routhnrn turkey qno third of spain and uinmfourtho of italy am further a oi tli utid hilling point ita aoiithoin iiktionilty flfty inllnu nuiiittr tlio equntor than the inoit toiithorly point of tranco aiwutlolo in thn london ritianciul riuico toy a tlio fuatuio of rullruad ujcfcnuton in canada which oxcoodp that in thn unltod stutoo iu the o a bor ate plans to aottlo tlio nmv ruglonn boon an trumpoitatlon faollltleo am given on tlin giund tiunu puclflo west from winnipeg to tlio rocuiim oqoinlluu 12towni uio to bo located during the next year night mtlos n part and on thu mountain divinlon toprlnru kuport on the paolho 33 now towni will ho plotted nnd numod on tho canadian north urn 00 towns uru to ho crtiutod and on tlitr canadian paolflo a total o220 tnwnu inuitingluyoar while 00000 hiittluro from thu unltud sutoa entured northwout oanuda in 1007 3003 will liavo shown a largo in- oruuao tho lduu of oruutlng ho many townr iu to provide cootim from whloh immigrants can proceed into tho now turrltory ulso to fnritluh markoting points for their pi ml net w tilt towns debfcnturi iicbt couiiolllor llytidj uivmn damnrc hiajv nvtw orttlnklnir fumln and intfmt nkw mbmubii takbo i1iu bicat the iiiiii ii ivimfiivmnl with iilh i ktlj r lull ptti at tint met ling mi moinlny ivithig ihkt im hnvi ml i piiiiiiiiuim piominit lint a kitt ii inltnoht wlu lautm lu tho gnniual pin tot ilingu an iivtint of tlm ovnning wiih tint pithiinlutluii hy count lllor ilyndu of nn fxliiuiutivo kivltiw nf tint do- imntuiii di ht mid thu toupirtur ulnu lug fnmlm in whl h it wint uhowu ilia iln -i- lunilf htm- tin a nun in i uf jtuiu ik on iillivinl to tun ill lalhoi limm tmlw ah ii kmtilt hi ulhgih a diilill in tlm winking fund of novum i liiindiiii dnlliua which will iiijuliit to w nun nut oft ui rent fund au tho lowpictivu ii tuit nn full in niiikll liol in itgujai tnuwliin at i iglit nt luck mcjiittuw ptpuoiit lttovii hwiilu imnui and louucllloru llymlv hull nod donny cumillllin ihn iuutoiiaiilniihiii to tlumliuliuatlnil if nrflcit inul milk hl hiat iim ji m u in hi t of thn omincll tint cnnimlltiii oil iliiilncit piciinl oil tin ii mciiiid 1 1 port mill iiiniiinimd td payinuntiif iilcniiplu iih followu a j afiickinuoil ivuutiallon if toim 10 at j ii miiltii iuk i palim town hall 1 ul ci n kin i unminn co illftitoi i u 00 can hii ktiecti mihhiiiuh 11 sh w i aniliuun timilihig uml 0 10 o t it htlglit itiul duty on ci ml i v ii w chwholin a co coal il ft hunhianilinipcoiiiippllnii 11 00 muiiliipil wtmld omiiluu ft 00 at inn iiiicb piticuu nilnllng 10 00 di m ictnimn on inl atlt ml aiili w n hihnnluifl iliaihy m 00 oinlph 1 nil ilnupltul to hchmilliiift j 71 1iiliinr ilinu aniliiilanci to hrhoolcrnrt r i ml wontlhall he mcicuy grocnrlin nr 1 orluiwund oharltyl pet urdor ilnind of iliallh 10 47 n latttruon ru oilmwood i oo btohaoii oomfont whin thebtomaoh nebala haadaohe intllffosuon and narva pain fol- lowmmionn arimrs nalior jiiatauhoon ua you uro done eiillng tbu healthy tomuoh ooinmuncen to churn tho food around and mlxuu it thoroughly wlth thu jnlcuu of tlio atomaoli if tho food lu not ohurnod it luyi himvllyon your to much tmna mnir and oaubud all klndu of dutroaalng hymptonm buoii i huuduolto imligii- tloo ytomaob puln and dynpipwla mlona hulpu tbo htonuich to proptil mix the food john s may of fuahulla troot bulluvlllu ont uuy ror ovitruovtn montba i wait in oonutunl tiguny with a cuflu of narvoua dyupfpola uui in dlgcatlon that medical kklll enuld mil relieve 7 wan weak uml had lot iiinuh weight through uuu nf applti ami auffwlng my menlh would iii nu with gav and a fueling of oppitindim unrouu thu htomaoli and nil up tln lifi bide loft roo in u mlwiiahto anndiilon j wun rtstleei at night nnd iim tiled nnd iiorefrouhed in thu morning um nn going to hud a clinking miumiiioh in my throat wumilwayu cuiimtiint wlun lying flown and niv lumi l m imid in mutturund pound aa though it ui coming nut thioiigh my nidi i wn- hunefltttd from the lrwt two ilai ui- nf ml onu 1 begun to feel likinim it again my upputltti ruturnod and ih depittitalvo fueling loft me 1 uuu en- joy piy meulu without the leant worry of ufter buffering i have gained in weight und can uluep the night lluniigh in comfort go to a t xjrnwn tho diuggtht and got a soceut hitivif mlnmi tali- late monny lmok if mona ioiim not ourv in hie matter of tin peilnpu you think yon aro lining wived an well nu you can he hut have you lusted hula- daton it iu lliowpuiet and iiinut itilloluum lea in thejtnrld allgrooiuit aell it j337 ca the ntpnrt wnn ndoptoil an iricnineiit unn cntcud into ultli llio vwh ting 1 1 mi so ulpctrir cn to pin chanunll mntieu frntii ihiitlhni during the year the tihiinl h luw untluiiulug tho ittim and liinuuret to borrow money fnr liirront expentim foi tho yeni wnu oiuiltlli auditors miklln ami donnj laid upon tho table thcli leport of receipt and oxpondituiuh of the municipal con nc 11 and of tho iloui d of ldticatlon and iuhlll llhiary hoard mi a t hi own wan elnrtid aiueni- hei of thu iluntd nf ikalth riu the en- uuing tlm t jliuu ih a h ilore wau ic ilectud modi cul lltalth ollb u at the ualiiry of 911 pm iinnuin mi a j mulkinnon uuuio nppniiit- id a ilium bet of tin inu iahiaiy doiud foi the eiihtdng thru yonn an ropreicntnthu of tliu municipal conn ul moaoru o it agnew and ii otlit- doll propoi ty commlttuu of tho bimrd of education waited upon tlio counoll to itftmnut tltit oioltilc llghtnlieinbtal led ut tho hallu ami basomont at thu public school iiihliuclloiih wero given tlio uleotth inn to hivoutlgiilo tlio hint route of lonchlnglbw lliiodi from tlio neaiout trunafounor and tepoit mi w w utaidinoto r union ted the ptlvihgu of tunning a two inch water pipe fiom tho o t h tank along chinch street to bin riuldeuce peimliuioii wuu glvuti ihu work to liu dlmn under tho uupurvlulon of the stmotu gniiimittoo mlygtjajkloiton anil modouatd of ihu young ladles club axked that the rent of tho hull for their at iloiun he icdurld from 31000 to 97 00 the hi me aw taut year the rifpiimt wiih gi tin tod oftlaei cuiuiibati rroritd tluit tbeie were utlll nn met una liuiiplalntu nf kowir gitu on main stitut and it tvim thought tlio tiouhlo nan ut the io minion hotel thu counsll gave tho municipal offlcui inktruotloiu to furtliet loituti- gato thu tiouhlo and if ho flndu nnj- thlng htitdiniuugn of water from col- lathonteiing thodraln to cut nly thn cunneutlnn at once ijrntriciuu maeklin requeatid to ho roliovul fmni tho duty of collecting the revenue of tho plant ho alleged an reuannu for thlu step that ho v uu tin ahlo with lit in work nddotl tnhln dutieu au electilclan to glvo mifjlclont iitton tlon to tho lighting uyntum to keep it in flmtolauu condition tliu council inplled that the innttoi would ha oiiimldured when thu eugnge uiuntof tho municipal ofllcer wuu un der dlsoiibiion and lilo duties revived uu proponed counollhir ilyndu ohalrnmn of the ciuiimltteo on ilnauoe upoke ut mn flderahlii length upon lliu dohiintute debt of tho town which ho hud given voiy ouruful utudy tdnco appointed to i ho charge or hl ootumltteo he pi t facod iiim lemurkh hy pointing out that iboduty of ooiincllloru la not only to meet imuii lime tu tlmn to pnuu ar couiilu and look afini inullno htiulneuh hut ibeioaiii tiihei hupottiiut ohlign- lliiuu we ate hit wild elveled to he lie- nf thu cnipiuatlon and to giiaid iimul him lodly all fuiidk imiiuiil- itd totitu caie it u out duty to nee i bat no fuudu in u diverted nun the put pouuh for whloh thoy wei eoollected fi om llio ratepayer iln showed that no igimniiire of duty uu thu pin t of cuuu itllluii ihfxinnihle in ihe eyin of the law and iiieiubeth nf tho cnunnll art l ililn in he dlfinni iiimhi fin i wo jwirn int inuklitg any uiuiipplieulbili nf any i tile ititulm it lu ibpiulally lmpin1 oil be onil lulled lo he exiiol in ihe uml lei nf all lifluuiiiiioh and to nee mat htiululuut iiiuiiieu fin winking fund and intiieut uiu iitluod onob yeur und deposited or invebtotl to the oiodlt of ouoli dubenturo knob nf llm existing ilulhintiireaofthomiinlalpiillty wnbtbnn ported and it was nhown that while in the hgg regain there shtiuld he nt pieunni910iaiwti tlio credit of do- hontuiee blnklng hi ml and lutoiobt thu uiim mi hand tit nfebt thlu tubiivernl hundred tloltaru le than tllu hiiinnnt tlila habooouiiud from boveral on tines homo tif tho lnklng fuiulahiid evldout- ly 1hhu overlooked nt tlinee when thf iiiinuiil leviem wein being uiadit be hunk lihevout uf ibtuu pet omit on tlio luntilentlipltd tillie didll or hiih hiiiil town then wii tnmpiihd in hi u i ul c aut h when the hj iwh wnn linpnilmtiil iiiiih i ix- mlllmull rni piviiiiul ihhi auiul muiillnl fin iiitiint i xpi iidltiiiih iteiiieiiihnht haliljtlmiolhiipiiit lithe huilixty or ih la r the mini ll mn ihiugi iui i nn l nhiiiiim in llm imumiii if m iilpallt i nimply pi hit mil that muilii hmium weie nilmippllitil wo h noiv flic n thlu hiiinll delltlt and pupate to mei t it it would be iiuiluuii to nbhk mil ditty in the uiattet bet aime it luhiiunil tnriuhiue mutiluhio the ih hi u luitu fall due ifwi do lint now pi la iiln ru it wuiiiiini innta pmiui ileln o line hunk pii hy an onpiit hi loiihiiliiitlon wiih the lieniiiiti i and riiinimecnmuilttei and have the lut of diheutiuih ru aiiiiiigod that the li ud i torn will he able null yini to lit u oiui tie tlelmiiiliiliu the iiniuiifitit ai t i uml fin lulling fuodu ami lull nut ami tlniamiiiinhiat the i teillt of ihinie fumlh t iu dut tu muxihi audo the nilepayi in that we uluiii lyenniudim thin uinttei and prnt ei tl ho elfiet tlieihaogom utioiiiaiy tn jut the d in mufti di iii njmn a tniii i t ami hi- telllgeiif hind lliu itieve ami uieinbtih tspieunn wriipiln at the ti n lallnn ul b niin- elllfi ilymu xtut um had hown but all agieid that the mullet ininu ho put light an noun u the pinper iidjuut- meiil cmi liitnuub lheciimll ihaundjiuiud john t itabton upkotrd ihe bye i in hon no monday to till tlm vni iiiily in the miinlcipul cmnell rouiiltod tu a vlctmy fur inlm t kiihlnii by a hit ill ii 11ij itj the day h pulling wax m fnltnwh u hh tl hllll s town hull hi 17 hpulghtii hhup ht 71 100 na majotlty ror lnutoi tbore wnu no exllteux til over the content ant the uiudldati u wire voiy good iiatuttd in tbelt cmupalgu llio vole polled wnu fit lux bun that in the hoeveahlp oleetlnti three wi ouh liefure tho jokn whloh leideud tin oliltlnri a necehuity pi nvi d minuwlmt uf a hooinorang iiinii the jkem aftir all the jokn cimt tlio intepityeiu upwuidu of 2 however couiiliiioi r uu inn took 111 neut at tho meeting of the cntinill on munilay evening ho nhowd a vety fall kuowludge of mtuilipal iiffiiiiu anil will no doubt take a live inteinut in uiatteru perttiinfug to miinlcipul gov moment mi ilintoivii thiro yours in ibettmn cuuntil or hiiiiila gave him au imdght into liiipntatlnn matter which may ptovo of miirh value in the udnilnlutialinn of tho olllce to which hn haw been elected curbs indiobotion all olitntn from atomaoli nnd in- dlffstion vanlaltou in flvo minute take your ootir mtomuch or maybe you la 1 1 it indigent ion nyiplu uuu tritlu oi cutat i h of stomach i doeant matter take your btomach tiouhlo right with jou to your pbar- maclht anil ruk him to open a 50 cent cane of papua dlapophln and let you oat one 22 grain tiinught ami hlv if within file mlnutou thorn la hi any trace of your fcloniach misery the correct name foi your tumble h pood pet muutnilon food mu ing tho olgeutlve organii hut onio weak them ih luck of gautito juice join food u only half dlgontod and von biutime atfectod with lon if appetite piehntiri and fullikhii utter eiting omitlug natueu heirttuirn giiping in howulu teudoiiiehu in the pit of htnnmcli had tiinto in mouth comitipailon pain in liuih1 slei pit hhiiohh holchlug of gnu hllluuhuouii nick headache netiouo ncnm dliiluihh and mnny other ulmllnr nj mptonui u your nppntltn m tickle and noth lug tomptu you you belch gau or if you fool bloated arter eating ut your food huh like a lump of lend on youi utouiucli you can make up yout mind lhat nt tho bottom of all thlu there in but oiiii cauho fiunhtiildtlon of undi gested food provo to ynniflulf aftei your novt imuii that you i iitonmrh in iim good au any that there hi nothing really wiong stop thlu fmmentntlon nnd begin anting what jou want without fear of discomfort or ininer almont liihtnnt relief in wnlting ror you it lu merely a mutter of how noon j nu can take a utile oluuepuiu olthwsons oonnedtlb ploughing on the 21th or jaminiy ifllh how in that for our lady of tho hnowbf it in alnon lifting colubtntlou of the one bnndnd and 1ft loth nnnl- vernaty of the ploughman poet of hcotlaud the luimiutnl ihuun ml and mm chun htnuuitn uod- dhigmcoption on the fith of timuary wan uu event of the iennoii hetunen eighty and a bundled gnutti were pteuent mi anil mm 1 hamilton entertain ed hetwoon flft y or sixty of their young friends on wednesday erenlng hint it ih noiiilleuu to mij that a highly on joyablo time wan spent hj all mr i mi hamilton will lomnwi hhort ly to kveiion whom thoy cany the bent wishes of all thlu trlnil mim ciowson 1r inovml to ihu now oil holds about font mllon uotith of mlltou iinthuiuday last he will tinnuneneo di llling operal lonu at onue mr and mm crimson luw spent till lliuli len la ihlu vlrluliv and wore legaldvd auone if om highest esteem ed fatnllluh tbelt iiunoval is thore- fm n mmuiegietted hy nil they will liuwevoi huvu the klmlesl icgaids or ibuoouiiiiuulty iniluili new homo ml m cieuson hi iiiih removed into bet sonfc lesldence bore mr unillngliain will prnucli in the ubutchlipie next htinday evening at 7 oclock mr and mis james mooin jr spout n week voiy pleasantly with detroit fi lends muh lex a i at n bin spun i a few days last week vary inoynbly with camp hellvllle friends ml wm juilniti of jimlph is lull ing nb mi oeo indiums mr jou oiewson of unelpb in visit ing hln luothor mm m cjewuou interesting institutd mritinti artvrnooil hih kvamlna f3atxtoiiu of llmlton fnciiiin hiiii womaua inatltut iialton 1nbtituth iliohiicirino mtellogs tr halloo ininti i in si il file win hehl in ihe ioimi hall uu alnmlny nrinnouti ami vt iiing nl wjilth imiiiiiouh piatlliiil hlnih ami hiiggeutlonii wne oirviid llilpful tllut iiuhiiiiis wohiiii iidjiim i tot nth nd tlrrsu at two txhuk pusldenl din of millou ttioklbimliiili v nkiii the i nuigt tli mititnrj gave blu u pint lo wbli h ibtie wiih miliinble in ftiimaliun 1 bo n pint tlmntd that ibilton imtttllj meinhitit eutollnl nnd ls conl only n v lllngtoii oiinly wellington nf ioiuno iiiih the advnti tage or being in lui pitoilinlly to juelphaiiillbe witii fnh 1 he tistiliiti wnu veuy foiluniiti iu he selvdinu pf dim dihgatfh 1 ad liess the ilifntingh mi julio until hmmo hlglilleldnoilmiafinondiub pit nton both of hoin am piiutltnl mid hiilrenvfiil rat met a and htnrk lalhfif mi f udlmuae g ive a vi i y inli tent ing nddioiiu nn lite mdictluii and i i edlng nf hot f cntlh enipbaallng the hiifinitiuilo nt good bleeding gond reeding atid comfortable stabling mr orub vpoke m the can- and dinelopineiit of the dairy ikrd hhoulng tin utleuulty uf lit t plug a i i coid dully of piodurtlon of each cow and wet dlug oul the poor oneu f he ineiiigeproilut tlon of tho dairy cowh ortbluloimty is only u00 pounds of milk pei yinr and a cow hint only glvuu that iiinount does not pay fni bo i keep hlinultaneiiusly with the mi u umei i liigatmetlng was held iu hills hall by the woiuiiuh institute ml hllll caniuron oci upltd the cliait and mihh it duiiliin of lniory ih liverifl a highly prtirlicaliindiiilereitiugatltlif ss ou tho pun of piind to the ihuly tho ladlib were dellghlnl wfh miss duncans nildresn and a cnrdlnl atu of tliunkh to hoi wiih movi d hy mis c h hmltb uml sucomled hy mis ji waiion at the evening uinslou mr iroh gavu a very inteieutlog review of the tally hfjtllemont of waterloo count j and the wimdurful piogrohh that has been undo in the puut century along mnny lines mlt duncan spoko of ihu and thelt idenls and gave a splendid lot of advice along tho lino of home mak ing mr gardliouses atihjoct wan how to improve present arm conditions among mnny good hugguut ioiim he mentioned making homo uioiu at tractive to tlu hoyn and girls introduc tion of the telephone giving the young pimple an interest in sumo special line ofwotk such n mining and feidlng somo young animal and let ihoin have tho proceeds when ihe halo of the animal ih mnde tho motlitidlst hitmlny school oi obi btra furaluhed music for tlio uvm iug seuulon which was veiy much up- pteclatid str- dallinafad on wodnibday of jaut wiek a voiy pleasant gathering took place ut the residence or miu ha hilts 8th lino uwipiehlng to celebrate the iuni inge or her daughter miss margiiaretta to william i kontnor or uoishuvain man son of mr alva kotitner tllr line ltln tho biidii wiih uupporttd hy heruiatmmlhuhuiah k hlltn and tho groom by his cousin mr joseph allen only thu immediate fi lends of tho family wero printout a splendid dinner was provided foi the gueutuaiid an enjnyablutlinoupontby all among tho many present a wore mmo of unique beauty and great valiionhowlng the esteem tlio young couplu in u held in they both llvod bore from childhood mr and mm kuntnot will leave in a couple nf weeks for their fiiluio homo at llolssovnln man may hiipplnenu and piosporltj piednininate through thoir caioor ldttmnrnom a pontvnintun hem iu a wimple intorohliug and slu- coro id t tin from mugged pioneer of 10 who braved tho dangors and hnnlnblpn of thu overland trail lo call torn in it should nppunl to all catarrh victims t unntn iloan cab may o ithld ilnoth n hyotnol co iluffalo n v dear hint i wnu nffllcted with catatrband tried a number of renin- dioh but received no relief i pur chased an outfit nf uynmol and be fore i bad lined thu bottle i noted a imiiked ullef i uneil it foi a month or so uml thought i wnu cured and stopped using it for a yeai oi uo thought i was getting cntnrih again und stnrtfil using it again i use it eveiy morning and keep myself cleat of intarib i consider it the bent entnirb medicine that is lined i have ofliiu leconuiionded it lo my fi lends iain hi j oars old i came to call in ula in ih id and of cnuisu am not au ilgoiouunsl was oh yuiua ugo my addrohh is 811 1th hit out yours tlllly w moek hyomel pronounced high unie lu gunranted hy a t ill own not only foi cutaiih bill for gilp ootighk ulds hrdnohltlu and croup a complete out fit inoludltih inhultu ousts mdy 91 00 oxiiulioiilentr hyomel it ahei wauls iieudi d cost hut vi cents auction aalnnsaibjicn ttlunw 0th pehruiiryhiilrt or hoiuew cnttln and uheup tho propoi ty nff ii muriay totd first line kiln halo nt 1 orlaok tonus 10 uioglbs james mcdonald am llonnui s when the days begin to lengthen the frost begins to srengthen at this particular time do you not require another pair of our comfortable blhnkets they are so warm and wear so well prioes from 425 to 600 pet pair harris co limited rockwood january gleaiiip preinvetory s is nbaeing its end the cleanup sale is but a matter of a ow days now supply your needu at cleanup prices read tlicbc items learn of prices onethird and onehalf below regular remember only a small fraction of the only a few more days to i of prices onct items arc quoted one table mens and boys overcoats at half price l tinly black lhovlut oicrioil mi 14 rcgttlur d jo or 1 i oul iuncv cheviot 0 crcuit hlc h rtgular h oo for t a only prlew ulhter utorm colliu huc id regular 4 oo for i 3 only hlnck cheviot ovoiceath sucn 30 und 4 rfc ik tr s i eiii snuctt tweed overcoat iv t3 rcgulur 13 on or i 3 only 1 iuic voritcil overcoatu huo ji regular stii eo or 3 oitlv scotch twucil ovcrcnnts tulh 3ft und 30 ror tjlid o fin 3 only pane j cheviot and hcotch tweed ovorcoatu sixvs i i und 37 rogillni ijiill no foi t only scotch i weed ulster hixe v rouiilnr a3 v fur i a only uoyii hancy clicviul over- coath hixci sh in rcg hi ni ovaralla vaau bhlrta unibrellna do palm monii kib overall- roc 50c 7sc jioo cleautip price to meitn grey dentin ventb with nloovc regular 01 oo fir 4 doion hnyir wool hliirts ami draivem or hoys of 5 to 1 1 yours worth up to 65c to clour tit 5 dmeit tjiiibrellnh ji quality 01 tlm it h cn pigtih have juki kimplniiil lint tit el inn ol 1 of tin ii eulobinti d ittti 1 and did rutilei out- t mi inbb kliimiid who h highly pleiimtil wuh it and nays be can show any armei that it lu an excell ent luvesluiunt the pi loo ladng very modeiate mi 1 a lllaok ban a nn m pie mooted in lliu shop htuthni olllll oltv lluijiillm ftranfa i ilitni tom kranu i imimy inasai naili tliat lia la unlnif ebriinrotlh llnnot ir i duniay a ut itnluu iiiirhiaaatiilliiti uy uf toimio loumy ainlhlalu arraaalil ami iliaiaall linn will iiay tlm inn tit un4 htlminiunihuj i h itiwaoli ami nvary ttaati nroalanli lliui iiaiunt lis tmrmt uy 1 is na or llaha liatarili cur vii nk j ullknuv mwnrii in imlora ins anil luhaarlliml in ny rtuiniifin ttiitillti day of oauniliwri a 0 luuil hsall a w 111 ma hon italia falrrlipirtj in laban kllally aniaitlnhjllv nn llio hlnnit ami union 11 a aurfacua ol tlis ayalain hnil itir imiiiiiiiiu1 fraa tallo hall h vatiivly uousllitaiiuu aatw 1 1 1 1 m fi mi ramror cor vvyndhain nnd macdonald streets sobs gudlpii 0nt painting and paper hanging and decorating stephen c0rdiner fi tire in rod in tnkft coutriicia or nny work in nhove linen work done promptly nnd in the moil vvnrkmnnllko m inner katlmnlaa clierrfillly ftirnlnlinil orenri left w lb j110 it konnedy will ho ulvou hnniuilliitu auontlou i b cohoihlk the berlin steam granite and marble works oabpttn draun proprutoi iinhltiuurn nntl ihilldera at bibiuor mrui- olenitlh monumenti mnrkert nd head tonea and all klniln of wmlluu houstrcct agoot acton chopping mljl re0pened the cliqpplnr mill ii now in full running order and i am prepnred ta fill ull tirtlura promptly the mill wll run every ilny nntl hie re will be no unneceaury delay ylour akd fjbjkd a full tlcck of lour and feed lias haep looked it g bitown propiiotor ilrlu aitluilrriiwiiia tilalikiman mitm iltolkiil v iol svik nolick a ti kuiik wnu 11 1 11 it ii 1 in 11 1 tune mm int iimui ri w caitn oi i hanks till wmrl m ml t amiia msiiisixg aiimllit it vi sonnjv anisiual mlt rino pobtionfed mm annimluti r il i u i 1i ii nt i l ul in in ciikii i iikiuimr it waii- i rlriiiy qtlt fullruliry looil i tf naiinu lu llm lrti i t 1 ill n- ui i in i layir i orli t i ru i la i inrt if l- 1 i s 1 tllltl aksioneioh notltk 10 ukiitoits in thai mattel of hunpy itoiliaet uiibwoetli of tho town or aoton hi tli 9 county or llallon oenoital morolinnt inuolvont m0 ilils uutuuv tilvon il nt ttirrattotr immi n nl alt tuvfliiait j aorm rat vonflt tiriiuomlltcir 1111 i r ii o ih dun 1 it and unmuuui art tin n t rrnllnm nr 1 rn i nolli i in mot at my nine aiiauir lrniu nn l n iswmtl 1 m crolltora on n in ul i m ill tlmir nlalin willi inn iillp r tn n n i s ro llio lay of y ol j lv i 1ruarv u i will i miu i t llnirll ul tlif aninta nr llio m rip it i inly ii hit ctajina nr wlhcli i alia 1 1 tlmn liaturm in 1 liulloo i ti luitn ti w nalutlafloriitu thlu nr i lay nr ian nary ililitj notire to rukditors in tlio miittor ot tho unto to or afolil- hnltt motavloh lata or the tovyn- hip or nnstiiffiiwoyn in thai county or hat ton fnemer dscana- ofj nortel lit ibtolr imii inuu11 lo tilt itnvlnod mini tmturlo hit dun lor u unit ull cmlltirn bud ilura liamnu i lalina nualuat liit riiut t il mi rnlllml i mla lali hlioillnl tn m atintit th rlivt tltll iloi of aiiuui law bninuiii i on or lu fnro llm jolh ilaytdtiiiiiarj i r 1 1 1 n 1 1 y i rtiial ler lafivtr in mnoiliuiiti il ilu tia of vutoii in uu l mm l itiiluni o lie i tor for momlllnn ii i ciitnro ti ttiu laat wll ami tonal i in r tin ul i tttalr ohrlnlai an i iiriinm a 1 in s anil tlaaorln horn tlm fun j ttj n lr tiaimu tea auitnnnnttir ilmlr aniiiia mxl thu imttira or tlio anniiruiua ii my i i t i y tbi n ami lurlhur tali in um tl ut after inch laat illilrlliuio tlm t ho ti jii i iiuoiui tlio earlltntiiiitltli1 llnru t uui rruanl uiilv to tlio claims i vim ii i u iii n mi lutn nntlu ntul uml tliu 1 mcitor ulll nut lo llatilu irtai or i nrauita of liouo olalin iintieo iliatl u i m mwtls datmliliu tuuiiui 1 u i manila rylstr synopsis ok canadian nojtthwest humebtead htgulations oi uii uitiil a ul a of ihmiliilon alt- l 11 iiuatilihii a aiiiorla oooitliiuhnn t ifil not rtrrtil may io liaiiioaloald 1 ly anv l rami tahn ii llio nolo imait nr a lamlly nr any malt tivir im joatanr aoroa moro n llurlur ollon m aeiilloatinn lor i nin miii 1 1 a itilo lu i otion livuoajnil b nt u 11 minum lanlu alkiiov nr hub ausiioy for tliu ntrl i it llti tlu lats u bjtnaiu niry lj r uv mat linwnvir lia mailobt any aumuy on c rtilt imillllni a by t hi failior niuiliir ami ilhiiitunr i mill or ur alitor or an lnini in u u in ui nl r nutlrsfll m lint fli lkntli- rmllollna tiloti am culilvtumcf tliu luul in la ioar for tlireoyiara j a lmmuali a lor limy ii in i tflllrui l nr drill tliwroiiilrl rtaiiluinit ilutloa by ihltiti on fammiij lanl nul acnuly bi hi not loii ilian nli lilt alrna in uiinii in ilii vloittlir of hia liniiioauait ii may iilan lo in by livliitf willi failior nr moilnr nn rlaln nmlltlona joint ownorilil in litil um mn tnuut tbla ra- u a imiiiratuillui inl iilluu lo ortorni iita roa loiiuuiliuloa in iiolorilanoo ultli llit abova wlille llflnq with annua nr o lrutltii litl owttni tiv lihmiuir uiiiut notllj tlm ltoni or lliu illairlctof aucti iniciitloii w w l01t pi nnti ol tl minim r nl tli inlnrlor n ll thiatitlintle 1 iiilllitntltin ot tlila ait- wellington mutual fire insurance company tho gciki il umnl mating nf the wclhtiglou mnlitil 1 i nwiii uico com luny will ik hthl in the conipiinj h odilc mtipi 11 wednesday 10th day of february atsp in ln liccivi tin repot t ni tlu diuctork with i inniui il staniutit bit llio jur the clcttinti el dirtctnis i i ole etlmilug oar and othu iinik ultviut to tho liloctuitf llilin li iso scttitnty wanted skunks rats mink and coons v i 1 ni h i medium i s sm ill tli nu i iij ii lc limn t13s siiiull m i lull n mvi fin mn bin ill i in urn nl mi i u miiliiini ul hiuiill nu ihl inn i mull ui lu liiiwror iiuna imuillii i iluil iiiiliiiiilnl lafontaines 057 f iulijbc street gucipii ont v