Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 28, 1909, p. 3

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for the new year klivwlotiom nuiu inilm ilatufpbfu aououtit imlu auooiml ii oak ulottltilf ltiii pan 1 land ianuilm bohool fltlpplum omj uitii llui i iinlloimry aluny ml uriirjlir geq jtuilf i u hynds ac on maiiiiiaan licknbcb isbukd a great school llimt in liiiml hi until hi- tulhiiiiro elliott business college ttihtlsto jvmwo ml r ituri nllililiinmliiiitiiir tliii jiur maitluntml iuuthuatt roc wrliii for dim in in ii ituiunm dinlt- i il at any unit i ollono 01111 tliu oil w i lllott irrucliat tor i iil m1 ali taiilor htroaia news iii local import tiiuiihday jam a1iv uh 1ixhi brief local items tlinof iii till iuhi wiry m xl monday lu thin thn noitd old whitui lihtwciu wiih fultly liny coitl hln tho ilutt wiih hyitik on mill stroot on monday jnmiaiy hut i iimiuii t liroit1i in a liuriy hiiun t it t huuduy luid all thu oluiiiunu of n balmy npilnk day unnd liionditu i tiaiti you rnfiowcd youi iii ii pit i hh hiilihci iplinti p yoiitutdayhfinoh ntcnii hlmilotod tho full whriil and lnvor very nicely ahain ii 1 ihull or aitliui wan up- pointed wanun of wtllliikton tounty on monday itnv mi iminum of hamilton in in into i ud to llio limtiation of ht allmnh cliuit li iilalii hint hundny mr iiui i h cnnu liad iiih rlilil juw tiouiirrtl with a hotkey puck whllo oitjoylnlf a ipiim on andfiruoiia jond on tunuday uftoi muni ciiuiilh lutlitltf tliu lituuu thiol who wait litiii a lonplt of wticku ago wuu huntnnitil to limn months in cuntml piuoii in oiitlpli on monday owiiif to i in iiutimplrtu icpoitu from uuunil f llio dhiuois tho annual nit itlng af liiitnlnr aljiicii- tui il mixit wuu postponed laut l-rl- ti j until tho ah riluuni tho bin jiimmry thaw lawt wcok humifht tliu iiojh and llm iiiiiihluu ui tliu foru rut lit i ttinn imiial haturday found tlmm unjoylnjr ihu iriiino on pilvuiticuttt let and ovun in thu mud tho talluiimir mi ii iltnawoith ttcnuiiil tiifichaut wan tn illuck lu much itittti d itichmd tuw an- ignit tmnnin in in t hurui it in ro- poitutl thu iinkiu ami hahihtliih are about ttpial snin fahmkilb suicide david mcmillan a pimnliiunt f tin nor ot lrln townuhlp topk hhtown ufa at an oarly hum jhiiiuriiiy motntnp hint iiu mm found with a tuuihlu nah in hlu throat ho had liucn iiihilioii with iiiohuiihollii and foi noiiiouix oi fight woukn pnut bud biuii tunfliitd in tho hnimwnodsiuiltatlniiioiiulpb horo it wan thoiitiht ho had ovorcjuto bin inorbld tumloni y and on monday ho wan allowed ttirutuin to iiih homo in llrln ho uiim hfiy tlght ytrnre of ago nnd havim a widow tub doaho op education thu ilourtl of education inut lust wtdnuudny ovuniiiir for organization at 7 oclock moiiihoiu pruuunt j it agnow ii orlndoll iuv j o wliinn ft a j a mowat anil hi ault movid by ilimry jilntull hiioondnd by j a mowat that dr v p ault ho chairman foi llm mirrant yunr cnrrlntl dr aultacuupiid tho poult ion with hoinu rein ota nrt ho ronluud that tho pimltlon wan a vtry hunoraltloono hub it enrrifd with it rnat runponlhlllty iiowovtt lio wouhl look to tlm fillipl liluiiilmrh of thu itoaitl for thulr kind nnulntancr movnd by itnv 1 u wlluon uinnd- ml by ion l agmnv llmt thu hoard go into coiniidttiu of tlm wholu to utiiku urn htaiidlnucuiiiinlttutb car ried thu uomiulttixi ruportud tho htaiul- ing jodimlttocu of thu ymir au follows kisam ic 1 n wiihiiii ii achnir- man i dr ault iltdi iut ti it a no n w uhnlriiiiini 11 arlndoll hi iliiih 1 a mowat jlmlrmaiii a k nioklln movnd by 1 v wlluou iacondod by j bo it agutiw that tho ttfport of tho lommlltmi tr thu whnlu appointing titan ding comiulltitiu bu adopted car ried mnvud hy luti it agiunv nucondud by hlilndill that a c nioklln hu loohniliiil a iniiiulai or thu fruo lib tary itoaul hh rupruuintidlvo of tho hohool ilfintd fui tlm unmilnp lorm jarrltul thu commit t on on riniiuno piuaontod thttlr hi t i ipui i anil i nconiniondod paymutit of m i iuilu au follnwh i co hmlulit duo llvvll t hlathan hmlkhliiali luo ilavill mlllplmim 1 am a km u l u ippliim 72 tioit 12 thu lupmt uahuiloplud thu iloartl diuuinatiiil mi a advlwiiblllty of fuithur hoiintifylng tliu nohool grouutlu with hiuuiim am vliinu nud will look into miu miittui wlion uptlng apnroaoliiih thn duhlmhllity or having olootrlc light itimlalluil in llm front and tour iiiiiih and hanuniunt of tliu uoliool wan uuggtitdud mnvud by 1 a mnwat stictnulpd ity j v wlltuin thai ihu iroporty com- mlttuoluia tlauimlttiu to wait upon thn connnll tfuhpiuut thiil ihoy hnva tho ulunhlulan inn wlrtn tn thn lohnol and hiatal uluuliln llgltlu in th front and huuk iihiih ami thu hauuiiiiilit our i lad tliu uuitid liiuii iiiljuutnud dlullkua churoh luillihnw hold thutluntiohiirilultihtiphm ixnrh havu dlnpohud of hit ii hint ti hull tint at thu ornm of liimb and lohn hliouth lomi lohu iviitxou mi- ing mi watnon intnnl biaim h building roil vi ihil lulu two dwullloic and will linpnimi the pioptity totoild- frailly anrkl boitatry jhoumoii coming mr 1 a larkaon lunmal ktni- tary onlmlo huuilay hchunl anmoi 1- atloii will adthihu tliu tilth ni unit timelier and miidioi i iuhuuu of thn mothodlut humbiy hi htxil on 1ildiy evening lutli ruhiuaiy lulntivu to tliu formation or adult lllhlu chihuruon tho baulu of tho now forward iiiotuuwut flowlnjr in january ilowlng imu ihuii a pnpiihii dlgrih- biiiii with nomu uf thu faiiiifi of tlu uulgbbothood during thn nmli on monday w 1 akinu or nunniiguweyii wau turning furrowu during the ilay and will u u knydoi kiapittalng huh ulmilnrly uuttagt il no duubt iiunihwrh ofothoi famieiu won thu tutttljiclloti of plowing in januaiy knox chupoli annlviiary knnx thuicli annlvuiuaiy uuivicuu will ho hid d on nunday ant mondy 7th nnd ktiiuljruiry ituv alhait h mitcholl ii a or hamilton will preach tliu uptonjlld progranimu for tliu anniversary untoi talnmnnt wilt in- chitlfl nunihoru by mi it 1 mlapolln organist deor intk church autl biu mixed tpmrtottu and ml jwnlo liv ing olocutlonut of hamilton dmth of mr lliv bl plf thu dentb nf mis iltov ii i 1 higg ii d of hoiithnnipton occuircd on tuontlay of inst week during an opoi- iitltin for nppondlcitln tho ntuialn writ- tnknn to morruburg for inter- inout junural uyinpatby will hu rx- prcibcd for hovjlirxiagg lu tbu nod bortnvumuih during blu pantoiatu on nnungnwuya circuit mr and mra flagg inndu until o many frlundu in alton tha llf or ilnmlat tho hbakapnaru club ban arranged with irof j ii uoyuolds of thu ontario agiitmltoral col itgo guilpli to glvo iiih lclturu on thu ilfu of ilainlot in thu uchool room of kiioi church on friday oven lug lhitli inat tho public io cordially invited hnv i c wilinn m a will take tho chair nt h oclock thu luctuin on king lriuv given a yunr ago hy ii of itoynntdn wnu much cinjoyod womini inatltut vtalt oaoratttown thu moinlhirh of tho vouiann in- dtituto wuhlng to go to dooigutown on fohnmry jlrrt must luao their natnub with thu hocrutmy hcfoio fob 1st thoao going will plenuu meat at mrs orahaina at a i darter to onu thu regular inuutlug of thu imttltutu will ha held in tho council ohnmhor on fob 1th nt initial hour thu inuutlug will bo duvntud to flnluhlng thu quilt tho ladles nru piupming layman mlaalonary movemant next hundny tho pulpit of knox church will ho occupied by mr tho in an dlhion deputy minutm of mines toronto mr ullixon will upoak upon tho groat liiymnna mlnloiiory movu mont which in at pintinnt occupying no largo nttuntlnn in all thochurrhcir thu congregation of knox chtirrb lu rou- hldorlng thu ndvlnnhility of adopting tho woouly tnvfltiiu nystoin fot contrl- butlonn to i nl an iotia an inolplant fir on hundny afternoon about threo oclock councillor hull uoticud that tho smoke hniibu at w 1 chnpiunnn tannery main htiuot wan on lire ho niuiiinnnud thu nulgborn t bin htatut- anco nnd they formed n bucket hi igadu nud nucceodod hi quenching tho tire without calling out thu bilgadu it was foitunnto tho tiro broku out in tho dnytlmu for with tho prevailing ulrong winterly gnlou thu ilanion wnuld havu lieon blown directly into thn main hu titling of tho tannery about twenty foot kwny tho flro orlginntud from tho oinhern which hud boon loft after smoking skins on haturday nnd which thu ontploytio in ohiirgu wnu curtain hud iwon uxtlnguuhod tho dnmagu wan cnmpnrltlvoly slight oldpaahlonad tmhmuiht a teainoutlng will b hold in tho congrogntlonal ohm ch churchill noxt monday ovonlng for which n very attrnctlvo progrniumo has hi on pro- pared oonvoynnoou will run from acton to thu churoh aftor tun which in to ho served from nix to night oclock add reason will bo dullvured by itovs g w ibukurnnd j c wlhuin acton claris alton and thu pastor vocal niintlo will ho rondo red by mm f a hohertson mrs w h ohlnhnliu miubcb ntmr and mcdonald nnd mnstui jou hwackhaiuor acton i tho codnrvalii h ti ojmututto and mrs mommian frlu itooltutlonn will bo given by mlsn gertie hwnokhamor acton i mr hoy lllndloy framoua mr ohnn hmlth cnnlngnby i mlsn lily mcmurchy nnd miss maarthur frln nnd itev nnd mm willoughhy tho acton method 1st hundny hohool oroheutra will provide liihtrumontnl music ba8v to mix til ib what will nppunrveiy interesting to mnhy poojdo hoio is thu aitlulu tnkon from n now york dally paper giving u ulmpic proscriptlnu which is said to ho a ponltlvu rumuily fur backache ni khlnoy or bladder derangement if tnkon boforn thu utngti uf jlrlghlu dls- onso i fluid icxtmot dnudulltin onnhnlf nlincoi compound kuignn onuounoot compound hyni hiirbiipnrllhi threo ouncuu hhnke well in a bottle and tnku in toauponnfiil dosim aftui each meiil and again at hod time a wellknown druggist bun nt lininu whim nuked legardlng thin pii sorlphnu stated that thu ingredlunlu nroiill linrinlnsn nnd can hu obtnlntid nt a hitiull float from uny good prusai lp- tlou phnrmnoy or the mixture would bo put up if nuked to do so uu furthor stated that whllo thin prosorlptlou in often prosorllmml in rhonmatlo nllllo- lions willi splendid loaultb ho could sou no reason why it would not hi u splendid ruined y for kidney nnd mi liary troublos and imoknohd au it linn h iwoiilhirnntlnp upon thu kidney sti na ture olsnnslng thusu innht impoitant organs nnd helping them to sift and filter from tho blond tti foul noldn nnd wnstn nmttar whlah rniiuuslaknosiinnd uuhtvrhig those uf our miiiliuu who siirfor run inako no uiutnku in giving it utihil icynaluht huiullt mti i i all in i itt hpnliillnt iii i il hi i inli ii llml ait m on ln laj nut i in inn jiul minn 1j imiiii t up in umiuunl for jamntiv j h- luiiiiaiy llutu iuit tb mmiv mmj lihn a chinook wind tumi moml hi lhing mi ii dity to uiiid on satunlaj anil ivuiy ihtigu of now gom monday inoinlug huh a uiplil tiatiufoiinatloi the ti mp miiuh ni nod at m dfgieu i hhiiiiii iflei- iioiiil thd antltfantliik luhkum i piutnlu of fully ul hnw n iitady beau umidlnl in at tun anil trualing ltugiiu the ii ugou in liav lug a liluuihuruhlp button pupaintl hy whit h thu iiioiiilx i u may be 1 1 1 oguied and their pledge hu ifupitdd 1 in- new movement in gi owing to bti quit populai among the men a nmkkmbly irallllo anlnml mi fanlh kim i of toi 1 oi i lqinmlngjn the muiir of ope of tliu ulnar prtilltl hoitiiigbhitflii ui biivu known jliu tow mlim ma juceu wan altil ou may llfth 11mlv hliehadhei llisl tulf o jamiidy i2ih i1k17 liursicoiid on maith 11th ifnlh and she btliiiiu thi inolhei of twin ciilvolion jnnuary nth llnht tbu o ntimly n record thitlbt uehlum ttpnillt it bwttomioj bkhmlnntlona thin vanr thu high ucbool cnttnucitt xmnltut tlou foi lllhll will idiiiiuciiiu on lout ird hih i i ihumoiuiog tftttiidlog to thuduliuiou iiiiilih il hy llio imutit tlon depart mont fiohpuclivu lihi dhlates tniist notify thu public school luupertois hofiiie may i tliu ftdlnw lug ueluctlonu fur iiibiiiiii lul liui ait nnnnuncod ontail i luunh ituath 1 1 ilnndlcun ijunuiitof hie iilb llml giant for n that ami it that a kindly ughtin bin vai llm iuiiiuiim or llcnuty thu n iet night nntl iciuuy viituii in u cuuiitty cliiiicb yard dlad nt owin sound dnbcan mcdniignll tlli il hoinihat uiuhlulily ut owen hound n monday of laut week hu wu in bin mmnl betilth lift to monday night jan lltli when half an bnin after lutliing in wasutiickuu with puralyhiu of thu lift biilufrouiwlihil hu uuvii rallied ami although comclouuat timuh hu wuh nn nblu to speak mid ianued away on the iifternuon of tliu ikth iiuhuiih liiu wifo bo leaves a family of two hdiih and two daughtom intiiinunt took place nt owun hnnnil on widneilay mr mldougall was well known in acton having been in thu fuh ixiul- nuuu buru for luvural yt ai n an bvanlna with popular hymni thn song uervlcu in mm methtulhit church laut hundny evening wuh made vuiy inturuutlug by the pimtoi itev g w darker in luldltlnn tuaiimienih hy tho choir and m 1 1 limit the huuday hchiinlunliuki n pllm of tliu history nt tliu filliiwlug torn hymns wan given by iliv ah llmkei o fur a thousand tongiu ti hlng hy ituv charluu wesley i iitnu i my crown have taken by i lev h 1 lyte jeriinnluin tho golden thu liunula tlon hy di noale fiom hot nurd of clugny ami illeht hu thu tie that hinds hy ituv j lawrt tt iiium byninnwuie wiitteii lenpietlvuly l muthodlst anglican itinmin athnlir nud itaptjbt i n i ids tern kind words pram w inn i poor ihu ihil ih lhri nppitt lutes very fully thu many kind win tin i 1 1 veil from itu biibuorlheru tlie fulluwtug luttor from tin uutrenn d fiuiuu iesi dunt has jiiut huen jecelvt tl fiom ulnnlpug dear mr monie i nuntl my renown of oui snbucilptiini vn nil await tliu auival of each uin with nntlclpiitlmin and theie u nimll t mi- sldoinblu rivalry tinning the inumbuiu or tho family au to who will havu it flint wo nru pnitlruuily pteiimi d with thu chrlutuiiui nunihei wo rongiatiilatu you upon youi unlet pi ue i nlso wish to voire my npprt t lallun upon the splendid moral toui iiialu- talnod in tho fmi iihhh then- in alwnyo smoothing good ahont it in thiu respect which i can feel hut cannot express adequately with bout wuhuu for continued prosperity i am hiii- cerely mm jane mclennan vounjr ladlaa at homo tho bocond nniiunt at llmno nf thu voting indiob club wuu buhl laut thursday night in thn town ball and is declared a success thu hall wnu vary piettlly decorated toi thu occasion with lowers and hunting au enjoy- able program mo was i undent by the following ladles and guntleiunn piano duett minuet thompxun and ii-ihii- mill t iptnrtottu muueu mabel chap man and ijena hnywnrd aotl muhhis l wttrdiii mill w coins recitation hy miss nulllu williams i snlo by mi i m handei son i leutlhig liy mi htnrk solo hy mr h woitluu tluutt hy mlusou jessie mcdonald atul fthul near tho march nf ihu caniernu men at thn conclusion or ihu pin- gram mo dancing wits noiumeuctd nut kept up until thu weu uma houis about 2iut purannu pal molpntud iviuil words woru mild for thu work of llio comtultteo in charge mluuun touti mcarthur lbile mcdonald hnrtha hnywnrd nnd josulo mmtmi mis ii ii wordon nnd mis geo aguew were thu clinpcrobos music was supplied hy tliu ieuhnmn itldloy oi- rheutrni mr murray mcdonald um chairman daath of mrs john moiaano aftor a fow wku lllueuu mrs mr- isuno wlfo of john mcluatic lot 1 eon l kuipioslng pausid peacefully awny lust thiirndny ulst inttt hui uialilon nuiiio wan isnhtiltu mokiiiop nnd she was horn in thu pnrluh of rnggnn invornesuhlro htntlnnd in ik1i at tho ago of hi ubn was uini i led to john molunac thuy ranie in canada in tliu yum ibttfliiiul settled on tho first brook farm biting lot 21 eon ii kuq nosing with thn except hm of two daughters untitling ot a ilmauce the family nil nf whom survive weiu gathered at thu runeial thu family compiluun a lex and el nnd i wane at hamilton i jiiineu ut nlnga man mrs william ilnlmeu man mi- aex ilnlmeu now llukeaid out i maggie tnnuhor nt now iliunhiii g ami peter nt home tho funetal on mon day was largely attended il wuh oiinduutud hy ituv j o wiunn ii a piistor of ducoiibed thu following frlenilm from n dlblmioii wutu piununtt mr isiuia mrlunnr si mr mid mis isana mulsano jr mi nud mis unnn walton driiytout meums pelei onrroll nud john mcluuiin ilniiimiout mr dnvld williamson of guelph t mestirs john nnd allan mednunlil nf of moiilsliui twicntv vbiaiis ago itofkitooil l ii ux joint foi a huinu hautl of lit own ihiiulmsniue lalk of guorgutowuu lot in puialliiii na a own i hu oln pit utlou lu now u live one in knox uliuit ii t ouregalou it will no doubt lieamh ably settled howevei itie htavlihl uikiw htoriu of thn hiiimui i iiiiiu on hiiiidny them being utile wlnil il lay pi ity i vtiuly uilil it ighlng l now i nt i llent llm mlliuii ibfoimee lepoitn the ein1- of a mini who tqitut a night in iill htlng found di link on ihu ntieets he bad i onu- 1 o town to get tnmllcinu fin hlx wife but got a bottle or whiskey foi hiuixeiriiihtead j ii miitmiewu biinesuiiiaken hn iiiomii iiuiim the hlieel in the old glove ra j line jiiaiu ago ml y h mliay of hi fnmil glove wnru did mm of ihu finest htirul luuint i huh ht ihu county and hurt vr mambevvii liiqieit tiiilo thu uame iu1 imtk ivmix chuii h choir uu at di i mujm foi piactlce ntid niatl it the oitiejoti of the lueituntnlloil by ulv mi han on ihiiu of tho 1m hnnimy xtlmol and bhnuelf the i him mi a t maun with a huge tuiihiui blhle mr mann in- pi i l geuiiiiiu mirpilue nndgrutl- iil loi miu kind tvutlnionlal tim llm tiile pieuentud lu tliu choir nt ihillinafud wan afturwaitlu tested hy uu ipi mi k a iunbeit who out yimrs itgu wau fin i piiihh rmeman at that ttiiie left vi tun and went to mount fmi t lo itahllh theltcpiuhfintntlvu lleliiihiu v lymicliisurul and it lu now one of the heut lotal papers in thu t omit i y a young lady in itockwoml llston- ing to a dl uunioii as to the dlllli ulty of foiiulng a baud lu it lwootl htatud thai xhe knew nf at least llfly miu in lt kwnnil who would gladly taken hum whenever naked ad- va me dihnileful in thu ex trot no watr thu londuit ofhiimu young full own nt thu damn in the town hull on fildaymun- itig dt ii liken hush inwdylum tobacco hewitig spilling and smoking wero uini ki d we are hiituflotl thnt if tho tow ii hall cominltteu would spend hiilfanboiu there dining ono of those ilaiit im the hull wuulil never hu grant ed foi the put lo- it again tho runt dot h not t nvui one half tho damages mi mid mrs human thu fxcouior duett of thu it t or t imvo buld gompel teiiipeiautu ineullngu in thu low ii bull dm lug the week thoy nru well atleniliil and ltevs hue giftoid nud cook imngiwm mining nddiumtcb uxtolhu tmd of leinpeiaiicu uigaul- ttinn a council of it t of t may he niganlwl a man luiimd mralplue tiged alxint iii wuh f i until in it uwamp fioon to halh vvi nt of gioigutown hu had lieen hi ait lad fm au hu had heon isen in thu hu et t intoxicated and hud heon inlying foi umu tliiiu a whlukoy timllle was hy hl utile a slater was killed on the g t it below acton me ten wiih ngu while intoxicated at a uini in milton mr wtilillwu pi otlutiil uli t tlon cauu wnu adjourned until jul 71 chniguu niu uuihodlod in tht bill uf pmticuhtiu nnd charge ii took ueai ly nil day some twenty- nine oi thiity witnusueu lining oxauiln- ttl thu iwiikncu wau morn or iobh ontllcting hi utuuls pout hue would it do to pauu a spin ial act ol 1iti iiainuut pel milling iliilton and llalilliuund conn lus tn luid quurteily dominion otoc- ionul it wnuld hu chuaper than tho ouiuii now followed ituv w k muutuid junior uilnlstei ti nasuiigawcya clicult has been for nniu time ueilnuuly atfected with lung imiblvt hut nttended service nt fhunum on hiinduy maple tap lu jnmiai y is unusual hut thuy had uniuu lu niissagnwoyn inst week but tliu wheel of foi tunc hi uver tinning furnbout a foot of snow full i hundny ituv duncan mcmillan father of mi a mcmillan fmuieily or ltuck- wood academy anu of tho oldoat pitiubylurhin inluuturn in ihu domin ium died on filday at london ngod hi 1100kwo0d v dauii i htiauhnti was inductud into lite pauiotatu of hosodulu iresby- iitn chinch tmouin lust fildny ilev mi hliacluin who is a griuluatu of queuoi hidvnrsiiy laiiin to toron to ft on i hinckvllle where on wednes day tif hni week preuuntatlnnn wero mailu to him by hla furmui congrega tion uuetiu tho nlileuru of thu lint regiment it nil the feono of hontlund itev mi hliacluin wau ohuplaln of tho legiinuntandof tho s o h for ton yuaiu the latter headed hy a plter heieiiadetl bliu at tliu iimim in brook- villu hock wood lu proud of thin suo- resu of ituv mi htrnchnn who in onu or bur foieuumt stum arciirisiiop swiiatman imiai th wed dalovatl primate nk all canada fmmmit a way on sunday n tiik rurshal held vltsteildav his grate aiehhiuhnp hweatuimi dltwl at t unnt u on hundny afteynjion aflui btiiuglll uliue lol monday with biniicbo piitjuiunnla whhh tlttveloptil fioiu a cold whit h hu conliated ovt i a wlikuge gnat toe had hi en t alt in uf thengidpiulutu and up lo filday night hu uiiitle uurh gutitl piogieuti mini eveiyoue was hopeful thai hf wouhl eiunige safely fiom thn llhteuu ailbblihop hwintmnn wau in hi 7ith tm and during the paui iwo years had hum in snuiewhut ttcllcate lualth the itlght ilev a hweatman l d c d inil althbluhopuf tniuuto ilhnalmuf all canada and mjlropoli ian of cmiiuii vtu- liotll ut ioitlmi coglmid iu ovember lull hut mnu to canada 1 i i ml 1k7d lie wau tbosuii hy ie eahjnout iinauluiohs vote of tho yyunit to thu vacant buhoprir of tortmtif ha tvitu edited arrh- bbdiop pilniatu of all cattail a and metropolitan nf cuiiailn mi innuai y ul mwi7 ihel meial was held from ht aiiihhn ch ittilinl yesttiday after- absolute security genuine carters little liver puls must doar glgrmturo of 5m rcsi3lu wnuptr iblaw vary aatall aad nn naay to tklu an stura ror htaiuesr rod diumuf ror iiuouikm for tornd uvea ro cohitimtioii robiauowuin ro mtceomcuuioi wwi i j ours biok hbadaohi tlm fuiinoiu oi culindii inn id liuvti it llfhltlt4lllv0 111 till iiduuii lf unin tiiiiim cltiriiik thlu ijvuriqi tliu rmnlly ifimlil mill wunkly htm ol imiintriiil lian niiii1 a piuctiuiit fiirmor in nt timl tlu tiiiuhlon anil wrili 11 wutkly lllnr tn tliul piiioi tnllinic tin fin- illulllllf clillllllllllllw pullmniiil imiiiii illlcliil mi iiii mr ii llm mini i iji il in nnr only a prortlrnl turiiuir lull ih will utihi to willi- mil ii n lillu iiu l willi to ho ii iiiiiu ulioliil ly liii finoi luilltliul lljllllll i iiiiilnolit hi wrikly lillii will in uf hiiiut inlii- tii1 lu nil tuiiiiilliiii ruiiiin tlm iimlly llionlil mul win kly htm i oiii only oui iliillh u riu oi v liiimiit on t in o niw utmlilliriu nl tlm uinhloti liiliniit hix iiinntlno fur inly twinl llm unit u kttfmisi kihititaiinnerl jj have cggs g when prices s arc mljfli m q a lion ia an nihlilonii niotioy m maker fir yon if ym xue tier h hilfnclmnca hoop lior vliauiy up all dio ycir uruiind nntl alio h will supply you cjiku cnoutih ai h all ioiunb our 3 poultry tonic m tha ctm crciilnti marmil ol ihu jj bro will ltiop your liens in laying jj candlilun oven nt llila hoibnn ii m btippllci jusi llio prcpar olomrntn jj or ecu prod ileitis as well nn llio jj cloimntb that will keep your hock m vlflotoiii hamluniiip ami in purh ct m foil tier h s 25c per package m i i a t brown b drugiiiht and stationer social and pchsonal mm inmeu matthews lu v friends lu tin onto mis iiughaklnnhr vuitd filemls in iluilinginn hist week mu llaul arnolil of georgetown lu visiting at too friends mr fdwln g muildurk of toiouto wau in town ovm humlay mil- hi a liittliiaml iiiiul mason upt ut a few days with mentis in liln ibiu wi uk mi 1 c mittbiiigall nlleiidtd mm ruimial or hi mul at owun hound hot vvfdueidiiy muuuiu inn hit llobnim ami unit itajllu 1 1 tin ut l tn ihelr poultionu in winnipeg hiht week mr w m coopttr is nttunillng the liltruatioiiiil cnutom cutteis associa tion in toionlo thlu week mi limit hmiihumn nfllluevale wan l gdei1 at he home of piinrlpal hfuwiut timing the week mr i i akin wlm unit in hugi loaw mlihh row wxkuago hau d cldetl to it main in that rijy air hugh mai dougull was railed to owou hound hut weik owing lo the cillkal illmmunrhhtbiolliiii mi iiiuiiiit haivuy uf kclowoti ii c mid mr watt hnumivllle vi hamilton vmudatmi john iiurvuyh dining tiu week iuh hannah ilanu uho wns uo 111 fm uuveijil tnottlmh ban fully recovmuil ami tuft hint week to itmlimu bur dutleu us tenrhei at humlilge mi jmueiig mcdonald orhiidhuiy was homo hmt week mr mcdonald is now taking ronliactu with thu can adian nnrlhtrn hallway getting out men acton oteth tub waitdknaillp lloava uwnckhamar blaotatl to thla coveted ioaluon at tin initial nut ling or ihu county mint at milton on tuesday itiivuhwaeklu wau ii out i with ehttiuii au waitlen nf the county uf halton liy ai i imitation lvciy liald luaduil man ran go to foiign paitu poilune uevei knot ku at nnniti domu betaiihii it tm get hy the juniloi g mill st acton jj wmhmiihhhmmhiimmumbiaalmiiiihm acton hand laundry i clavdl proprietor mill struct acton specially on collars and cuffs our blilrl tiolna ironoil liy hnnil cuito nor nro nlilo lo wear n lo amnllor collar i clavel bargains thht count tho enthusiasm of trade this month is bargains usa time to half qive roods away and were aiming for the live liest kind of trade bargains in overcoats bargains in suits bargains in hats bargains in furnishings somflthirtfj tiasrflt i o lie it ono to dovolun huslneti during january nml wo never could ua anything lu be gained by carrying jooili aver it is a limn far harln glvo in n call g j vstallace mens outfitter mill si acton giyi on will avrrnfje 15 10 ao nilnuies with nn old nah lo tied raior and look ot tho chancci you nka illi11i bai conili of triple blher plninl inltor ulili 13 loiililu edfjed btadei mndo hy llio now proceii anil llio price u fqboo r f johnstone hanowane haw telephone directory the boll telephone co of cnnndn l about 10 putriiah a pow lanunof llio oki icial tliuiilonh dikkctory for tho hilda of central ontario including acton ordem for new connocitonu cluore ol firm name cnanrniof treat ndtlteauci or for duhlicma rmrlob iliqiiltl ha handed in at onckla a t brown lacil maobrcr nitshatrawey lu milln four font maple wood mill slulm for ualo clicp p sayebt sons njriraweyn i o we have it firstclans clover and timothy seeds at right prices buy early before it raiseh grain wanted acton flour feed and seed store r noble n p moore proprlatois manmjr when bhe skin gets bough the hard work of breadmaking should he done in the flour mill not in the kitchen vicu it is tulisuy foitm to niilcc lircitl hy imiiii tiliigtli the miller iiimii done liia pait his lluuris not liiicenough royal fftiiisglwlld hour if mulc frtun hard spring i liudf uliich is capable ot finer grinding than any otlut uhcat and inllltidlu a pioccss that insures the finest nnd must nutritioils of flours get enough to try tr mil your grocer 13 ootlvle flour mills co limited monlreail coleman s campho quinine f colds la grippe boat thine you ovortrlod for colds la gdppo oouffhb nouralgia and hoadaoho our coldi in 24 houn no nftorftacti 3sc at all daolirf or from coleman mcdioinc co touonto the right houe hamiltons iavoitlti blloimmnr ilaci free trip to hamilton every day this wook we will refund your round trip faros for the balance of this weelc we will refund all round trip ratlrond fares from outoftown points to purchasers as follows up to 15 miles from hamilton ii purchases of 10 or more up to 25 miles from hamilton on purchases of 15 or more up to 10 miles from hamilton on purchases of 25 r more up to 50 miles from hamilton on purchases of 35 or more up to 75 miles from hamilton on purchases of 50 or more simply present the return half of your ticket and your lull round trip fare will be refunded at once as above we are particularly desirous that the thousands of people within a radius of loo miks of hamilton should share in the tremendous january sale bargains that are stirring the interest of the whole counliy you will find here this week th largest salts and the greatest bargains in can ida in carpets rugs curtains womens apparel furs white uoods dress goods silks household linens and scores of other lines talce advantage ol our free trip oltir thomas c w atkins ooftnin kino st east huqhson hamilton ont r aivaa twif frwa seeds free lettuce included absolutely free with our new imndbomcly llluitrtd 1j00 cntr loaua thin ictttico la ucnrly i it hiri mi 1 olid an cnhhiidc htniiilh 1ml wi ithtr btirprlttlticly well nnd hiti u rich hutti w flnvnr uyou prefer you iiiny chofim n i pnclcnfio of our coloiisnl whllu miu r uectornpacutire of ostrich ivuthcr a at r i writ lhjr imi nam your oholca lo v want ion uni nl ikla pasr u llhu darch a hunlar saadco umltatl i lontlon ont i special offer in ordered suits 25 suits of fancy imported claillh nnd hhin nntl tf hlack vorrei itojiiiur prlco bjb to tj5 on rtita nou nudo 10 your order 835 a suit sj sea snmrtlo in window s r e nelsons usiiouin our stock of suitings ovnrcoatinos siionin uur block or and troljs0r or hard when the iihihih cot chappud or tho lips qracked i fow npplicniions of our irnrrant aiimond meal cream will quickly ileal tho kin and lonvo it binooth not nnd velvet nothin butter made it in not hticky nnd iiovoh may bu worn n minute after using e a robertson a- druggist and optician acton itltlouu uuving llslwullti wo unit your putoniro hecniutti uoheueve w6 enn uhu ynu hum r va ua in tl honor fit- ling clnllitm iluu you cm tot tlniiuliura wo mill bpurlnlty ol lintn ilnva tl inrua helecilcu tot liiioun null mill jju irniilce ii perfect in 1 ry iih r ynur iuki nilr wo hlmi lnv ii cluinliiii nml itupdriim depart moiil lit inn hiiuih your uuii omr- cnai or prnu nntl invn ilain rnpilmtl cleimnd or pre tiil tt lltktrlm rlnpn nt motlomitt chnrtjor w il gooper the y a l ho r afcotit for tho htnudiird itotary kowlnu mtitlunu mill st acton

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