ofljc rlni 3rct jirs tiiiltsdw 1am aiiv i tilt miuaclis ill i nut ii lutt lllin tin- mil tii lliiwtlliilnk tl n hlitlniind mi in i uinl fnnn ulnt k ipliii till ill i inihli in thrall aitiiiiithhilutii uintliinicll a khllllhhiiillllltlllk uljhlll a ulitlidk in lluililtit a lohin iiiddui lhiillliif mil anil ni n iiihlj in liln i thounilil mi am luil joili idi in diiy uiiiih xtiiint 1 nmvn alt i hut uiih wiiu ihnnii iiihi mule him wiiipiiiil itilf fninity ll 1h winltlior wlnlii kiouii tlmt hiiiillimf hpiliifc pupil tlu i liii i ihi1ii i tdiilino mituj hi iiiiullitn mrifpulnc thk nailclvrio infmjienck ok alcohol 4lrvulin ii tio willkiuiuu iii plihllin it in ultd toini tout tlio tilm- th jiiiilhuc of the illltull mili i a ik mil ijnl guti- u nit imp tmliu ilinliik iii hlny tluir iii fjivni of intul iiilififiiii liiw hotn iruing lin mild- h inmd m 1 tdmhm line win iifvi 1 oppiiittnihy lii in 1 ni itiiii at tin iiuk r tin noifnlk ililnl cumuli lu- iihkd the ipiixtiiin if tluie uih aii nik li thlnif in imuli ut iti iiiuiik nud liim- nuir iinmwfuimi nllh a dmdd iim ttvi hit- mnnll d inmliati diinkvr hn ut itd uihii di iik inkoi iiuditi 1 j him- hi- timl 1 iihl in u in ia1l tilhtk a hih phij iliaugth 1 in- nation uplnt lie nid uuuily onu i111111i11 il unl ollity nilllloii potiuilu annually on wlihiplnu ilium 1 tu siuli a ntnh1111 nl calls for 111 ioih oiihiiloiallo tiiliiji iimitdnimifi innf llu1allukpli wlelfti uf tin iiii- a man and his douolics my fib ml vi7db nuilliiui wm- lay wiiillin mild rutin lor can- nun uiih htiiilliikon 11 ttip to km opt lie in 1 1x1 a ut am 1 mil in luury ami liplimil i in- to in- nub up to iii- lloukd ilii- dil took thuciidci hut umlilnt uudiuutiiud tlu nulla hpoll it out hi- nulid and ill wrlti it iiiumi ho wool in 11 mm tod wmild u yimwimthiiliilt v y w yiiia imil1i1iil vie ith ponlilil hay intel 1 nphiil i hi ink uhnt ilo you think j on art- i uiii w t watkn oauob donst o p n fir man dad i scalded v i it ilnmtin7tit ii fluffim who iu01 hi holiiituuii htiil iit wlllliim whllu on liu mhii mm wltmlfold hipptmiid uitl h mint nccidiiit jho wnlvi tuiik f hi locomotivi liiiiutiuilhtalili 1 tho wholu of the i hlilu of hli fili ami hem terribly it uohiippumil a 11 ihiltiui to out r-pnihfiitiitui- thit i inn 1 lmx of ztm link in inj pocket ulilli f iiiml for 11 noi on my up and wliiii i hail rocoviinirt rinul tint hi ut nhmk of tin nccldmit i piixlucml tliu halm and had it nppliinl fruuly to tlin ncaliuil partu at tlio ttiiin i applied il i wim huitiu- ing nutitu nfiony hut within 11 wnmlur- fully idiort thno iminiik wiva mu eabo i wan iihlu to rontlmio my jourpoy and upon ruauhlng homo i obtuhiml imiru ziiinduk and uniitlnmid thotientmutit it iicuid wondorfully wall nml in 11 tow duyu imd tlio wound nlcoly liinlhih i dont know miy- thlnp mo flno an u liimlur of hurnu onldh fliitti and miihiiiu injnrlun which wwkiumiuu ho hiiiiir tot mid hi my opinion 11 lmx of zumilul ulinuld ha kopt handy in ovuty worktirw hotm thurlu niitmithliik cuworont anil mipmlor ithimt zamunk tliuu and again woikur in all hrauchou of tiailu hftvoprovtid lu vawt mipmloilty uvm thu iiuvmlimidnlntniuiitu and unvuu ot tlin day no doubt tliu fiint that v itn- lliik in in a do untiioly fiom i11nhil eihonouu and uxtraoto wlillu nrdiiaiy olntnionucuntiiln nunu 01 iuum animal fain and olu goon a lout way to ox- plaln xiiiiiiliikij uuparloilty low- ovoi- lhlu may ho tlio fact icniahiw that in fmircimtliiunti to which it had boon intioiluuid within tvn yoaru it iiuh hiinnuiii tin limdhit hoimuhold balm i for hurnu cutu hlaldu hiuuiiu oczoimi pllnu nluii iliihwoiin hull haltihuiim hid leu fimtmiii kinuu obappiiil pluvuri olilhoiii fioxtlilhim and all wkln iujiuio- and ilucant znniuuu u liryoud doubt a iniiut iimrvnlloim nil- drutiklxth uiul ihun 10ii ut v uuntm 11 hox mill urn zini- link j tmonlo will mail a liox punt ficu upnn inuilpt of prlun in any of 0111 uailcu who nuiy ihimi dlftlunll in iihtaiuiii a mipply ortlin kimuliiu z itn link ruiui thiilr louil mtortm acmudhik in liulirtiiu o thu now york ntato ititpai tiimut of iuhliu ilunltli 0101 imuihid nml ii vo ihuilliu from nluliolum nimtutd in ihi 11 ato of now yoik in tin- 01111 iiiiuith ol himilvnihui 1ih17 allimhiu imuii llfu tu ho win th withhi an amoimt utalml by hlati uimiuia4iimi of puhlh ilnnlth ui uilitiuit ii 1oitti lo laii low 1tliliiau- think win tlm diiuul ouuuuiifii piiiiinlaiy iohu to uiu oiu ntatn in uiih uiuiith of il1khl 01 at thu wiiino iittn i7kiikm auuiiiilly thin luavtiu untiioly nut of lunkldiua- tlon 2jkj dtathu fioui uulnidn mid diu- oiiyouuiiuli mt apupuixy llvoi iln ihihih iiiihi t ihiuiim ami piiiiiiiuuuiii in whloh iilonhul iy iuluiitudly 11 inika rauuutlvn or oniilillinhny faiitni a oannvahd nuiz viitninn hnuw uooloi- ho yonm i01111i11 hi ihi a hoiu dmiloi nt ymi tnlinf wtll now uupiohi ynu wvik ualltid nut tu hi ml a fai uuim nil k nmhi what would ha nun of tl ilml ihlnjiu youd want tu 11ml nut c tiu clnmhiu votorlllarlan whom thu fui mur hvod serious depletion in i iiaui timl5 hard on the poor j consumptive muaknku irno lloipltnl loi coipiimip- tlvui mllkdl nn uik m appoiil im- mnuuy ciaoon itunliml 11 imur lltink ovorilnkl nml intt liln ni- mhlnlinnitro ut ioul illlloilio iiksl- iuui-iiik- kll tin story uf our ntevn tltoy uro in i and urjut many imu iluniij tlio p 1st twelve nuinllis iho iik si ion h is prtkuud ilstlf upnn ttk- liu u can wo coiitinuo tlu wiil 111 1 ht r r icry month hum hi its ipiotu of kloluits for s 1t11 it s mid wajjes bf ut ail bills ol iiuilihi niilliman cs roceini lnt iiil billn 11 serious ittin mil otlnr inicoll- trollabll cxhtii inijj ns tlio doors wiie kopt opt 11 many a iiuin with whucla thlnkh ho thg whole pollilual iiiuulilue those hul to bo piid somehow coiitmnilions especially fter the tin 11 of the je ir when the fin 111- ci il diprtssion nan felt at it uetii est tell oir il tuji un extent that cub niontli the burdtii btcanie heamer pinmij all this plriiil there was onl one tlnn- lo do uiul that wns to le in 011 our h inker sulhnj the tiiuk mili ift the tiiil uis tliu htitiest in the historj of tlu st mu i ok 1 momen in i hith nt 11 1 1k1 persons stiikui by the ditid ulute plajfuo line been cared fur otju lila at mu i 1 1 1 rcu ll tor l im ii jintrt hut never for 1 single hour did the door of tlit ito lltispilil fail in sun if iptn ami pie u uelcomo to juirtriiij onts uithout money 1 1 i ullllout pi iii 1 lie fjood titu h is oiil forth o n rith bin est he u ul nonunion oer i iiliki ho tome to j on nt this tiin uhen tli t mils of depression ait btiiij lifted iliii thu jou nou in ilie tlnukss t mir cx- trtinity lillp to hit tht burden hkin tirrild not toi my personal khn but solth done only on kb ilf of sufltiin sisters and in others oui ploa h on bolmlf of tho blob onos whnt will you clvo do not say nay holp sonorously iiolp nil you can holp como holp now contribiittom may be sent to v j gau lm chairman ex- ctiuivo committee hi spadina avenue toronto j or j iv konbrt- son scctrcasurtr national sani tarium association 117 kmy street wubt toronto canada ouitly looks o hriiifr thu hrunh and hrbir tho enmh ior thom in llttlo ivowzlti bond anilfalbnr noon unuiilnp homo and i mint not ncn a tnwlohinid i ho woll hi uuh hi tndi hrunh and woll nnnib no nib rimh i arnuiul tho iliiror twill thu hair and bruvh nml nnnib and our tho bah- till ronn in llttlo kiowloliinul and oiirlylnck in boro in tend i ilnilllo poiiihhoii in lathor anil ihvby jmayu castor i a for infant and children the kind you have always bough boara tlio etnmturo or wi1v and wiibrrponu a minmor nim day found u httli liny in tnam and ipuiutlouod him an tn i hi riniun of hlu dint i ouu ti10 youitg- mm ioiliid ihitthh fathii- bad punlnb- ntl bliu for liibi uiiuuhly and ho wau mltthty kiii th hi moihit hadnt lbllllt why do ou piifoi to hiivo yoin fathoi uhlpyoiic ipiimllouod thu nihi- utoi u ir humum im u i than yinti imiihoi no icplli d lliihuy hut whon in llokhinn mlay4hn n hniln and il- wayu ulvim un mmioy to liny 1 uuly cure for dyspepsia a u wll ininwii tti la trniililobamo oom- plaint nri4 frnm ownr natliin tint nun of in 1 inik ii i loll foinl iioiloolnd iniiklhinllfin iiuik of oxnnilnn bad tuy ot tim foml nliinld lo tliaroiiulilyiilmund nnd iinifur linllnd or nwallowid in linntn mimiilinth nuiflt im avnlildd mid nxnrclia tiuti if pamlliln a rnnitilv wliliili liirn randy fnikul id av rniiint 1 nl in nnd nltikil pnrmniiniit niiroi ovmi hi i ho nlnat oljstliifttu miioi in bltfdocc blood brfltas it nuta by rojjuulliiu and tniilntf hindi- nillvn iirjinn nininvluti oanllvni nud liiir nlii 1 lionppot itn and rotorln linaltli and vir to tliu hyiliim mr amm kuwlur oold hlvor nr wrltimi wim iirottlly irnuliliid with ihmmwi nndnftnr tryhiu nnvnlnl dnotorn in hi m if mi ixiiniiikiidni inlduit lliirdnnk ihxi1 llltton nml i ililuu uihuii ufc tindliino llmrali f 1 uiul iniii1diit vat bale ut nil duutn nn i itunlur tho khul yi hiuo alunju itoiiirhf mi1 wlilcli luui hrn in iiho for out jo iirw iiiih liorno ho hlirimtnrti at jf linn ihiimacluuiklnr mm ir- lljazattryt wml p w wlio un hiamry cayr jecttsum aiihw imniiumlrpiviymi hi thin all oiiiiiitcrroltn iiuwnlhifu nml liihtiiwffoml ur i111l iwpurlimiiu tlmt tilllo with mid rihlnutrir io himltli nl lufhiith uiul children ixpirliiico iiuuhiht ivpcrlmciit what is castoria oiutniiii im a imrnilfhu hlihmt tuti for cantor oil nriu itnru itfnph imd moo1iiiihjhiih it in llcaniiifl it rniitulim iiidthrr oplinu ftiollino nor ollu r is aunt in milmtmirn itu uir l i cnaruntoo it dentr jm wninit mid iillujjj lnvorlnluiohb it rurcji dlnrrhuut uid wind cnllc it trollovou xeothliiff jvibloh currn cmiutlpiitlnii mid riutiiloncy it nhmlmlhitiu jm iond runhitcm tho fttoiiiiuli mid isnwtiw ulvlnur luafthy mid nntirul nluuii tlio clilulroirn 1111 tuccii tin mtithif h lrtui1 genuine castoria always boars tlio slgnnturo ot the km you have always bought in use for over 30 years eilby domlnhiidatornmcni itntiilnlied thfi the merchants bank or canada iiud on ice montrual 119 uranclinn preslilent sm ii mntanu aiiav vico irmldeni jovatiiah ilononos ciq gcnorol mnnnjcr i i iiliiditn cnpltnl id id up 6 000 000 00 depntlti over jfiooaoodoo surplu 9- aaa ooooo to ml alien flsjoooooooo 8avinc9 bank deposits ono dollar or upuarj will open an account money withdrawable any lima no dolay farmers sale notes wo liaio bp4ci1l ficlllilc for collocilnd ilitiao wo will canli them at nncp if docked n low rata of inlorent joint accountswlien rcipcsted wo will opon accounli in two namoo so thai cither ono may driw tho money huiband or wile etc aoton branch w s ghisholm manager r r of boots shoes and eubbers 15 pri uojn hthool doutn rcrii- lurgi flj for hi 35 to pit ho 1 heavy tell ilutd hooih hititublo for wfnttr rtriiiar 9 75 far 1 40 7 pr only boyn ioiik uejied todd shoti regubir s3 nu fur 3 ss 11 pm youtlih loiik lntcd tedd hltogh huch 1 i to i tj rtjjular 0a 35 for a 00 i prs wotntuii bplit hal regular t jo for 7 pm mihsch split iitd reeulur i as fr 17 prh mooh idinl ovcrulioct rcridar si jo for 1 1 pm wnmonfiwidotoert rub- boni regular 60c for 18 pro mluhcfl pol scliool hbota warratittd solid rouluri n for 30 pru heavy ium itubbont rcgulur ji 00 for geo- stovel the shoe man mill st acton atdtntlnn u tho nutldotu fm utiii- nutlnn tho obeapiiuuu o motbor iiiivoh wnrm icxhirnilniitnr puih it within ranch of all nnd it can bo nt nt any driifiiutii luut in not idlommu j ami to tin ummi- tlmohon uio kriiuu uudur tho troou nn a biiiiiiihiru day llutonlnjr lo tho umr- niiir nf tin wntiir or watchliip tho oloudii lunit ncrmai tho hlue uky lu by 1111 infant u uasto of tluiu sir john lubbock was weak and thin only weighed 73 pounds now weighs 113 pounds had heart trouble uiul hhnrtnou or uroatli for six year milburh6 hertand nerve pills ourod mra k ii ilrljm jliirnloy out slio urltom i uiti jjroatly tnmblwl for iijoara uith nj ioirt nnd inirtnoks of lirmtli i coiild lint walk oljjlity rodnwitli- nt roitlnn four or flvo tlniua in tlmt itiort iliaum i ijt bo wtnk mid tlilu i only muijjiioii bowuiljtliro poii mis i clioj i d at lost tr talu oinoif millnirna hoait nnd nuro imiii nml nftor takin oiijlit bnxo i it iliad in btronjitli and wolglit and nw ulli ino lmudicd nnd lliirtoon pmimlu tlioinont lotorwulijwl iinnylifo im will and nm nark h nh ov i did and ran imartlly umiiu mllliurnt heart nd nonopillifnritill pi ico bo ouiita par in or 1 boxei for 8ij1 nt all liiwi ot nmilid dirmit on rmolpl of prlua in tlw t mllbuni co limitod toronto out hiiniu iiiihi dont i mu to minh nn tk tiiit that ihinu no fun in it nn mini m woman nhould luibbb liilufiilly nhiul hfiiuihii of noinu wlicn imilidnn ulliri liaml inj hull wiiym cm u tnio ho imil uiniih nf a bakci who initu all thu broad im knoadh tlino tium all thhihu ami an illokhiii anlbciiuuiimptlvuhyinphiimulood tbo nwt of yonih it now iitnkw nu a londlnp pifoilln lu t in- lioiitiiiontnf nil alliminth i tbi thnit and hm it will nofon nml uululun tlin iiiout htuhhoiu ontimli hy iitlliivlujr bo irillathm and loutnin tho nfrultd iruaiih to hnalthy eon- ill loim uh wllubnw im vnhu try it and hn nnnvlmad nf im ibllrihiy vtii may kuoum what a woman hi imu ihath ymn limit bun tin iha kind voir una u n hlfaaum in tbo rnino of life an in a pnkor mum tho follow who nay nntblnp nml nawh wood ii tbn ono who plcku up thncblpi oaktonxa nuntba 1ha kind vou hava alwaya bo you find ynumou lofroubod by tbo prpuoncu of ob our ful puuplc why nnt in ak o carnobt effurt tn con for tlmt plonauru nn o thorn 7 although tbo wm id la full pf snfforinp it in fnll of thu ovoronnilag of it lloton kullor it uwiho to frovont dlionlcr mnuy oniibeu lond to dlaordorn nf tho utnniach ami fow nro free from thom at tho fit at iminirohtatlon that tbo utnnmch and liver nro nob performing thulr fimiotloiio a counin of purmoloivn vikotnblo fiiih hiioum bo tilod and it will bo found that tho dlfloutlvo organs will upoidlly louumo hualthy action laxntlvou nud uedntlvou iiionoblondod ii iiioho pa thnt no other preparation tiiuld bo uo offuotlio an they wbou ii man in willing to ro wroiir thoro in inucb to holp him hut wbon ho lu luuolvod on doing right ho nood not hn piovontod c m yongo tho aloom nro umially invotnrato ciinton ihlukmnt and n medical wrltrtr tatou that tholi- night umially boglnu to fall at tho age of forty whlln many nro blind at fifty hxcuxulvn uuo nf oottuu hi id way given nu thu oauuo thoro novur wan and novor will lu u uulvorunl panacua in ono rnimwly fm all uiu to whlob llnuh hi hulr what would lollovo unit ill in ttlru would nggiavato tlio othun wo bavo ituwuvur in qulnlnu wlno wbou ubtaluud in a wound unuduluii- altid utatu u romody for many and giluvnuu 111m lly itu gradual am judlulnuu imu tho fralkht wyuunim aiv lod into ami valoucunon and utiougti hy tho iiitliinm i whlsb qutnluo uxor- un niiuiium own rtmuaiulvou it ro- lltivou thuuo tn whom a ubionlo utatt a morbid duupuudunoy and lank n innrout in llfo lu a dlanaun and by tiamiullixlng tho hoivoh dlnponoa tn hound and rofrufihlug ulonp hupartu vigor tu tbo notion of tho blood whloh lailng htliiiuhitod ouuiiioii through thu volun utroiigthomug tho hualthy nnl taal fuuotlniih of tho iiystom tberoby maklnh activity a nucouaury ronult btrougthonlng thu fnuini nnd klvlng liro ui tlio dlgohtlvo organ u whloli ihtiiinlly doiuaml luoroanod wulaitanod robiilt improved nppotlto north- mpa ly in mi of toronto bavo glvon to tbo publla tholr unpurlur quinine lly tlio opinion of mdnntuta the wlno uppmnohoh nart porfnotlnu nf any on tbo market audiuggutu mill it ievicn iionohb one of ho lamiiiany didi nt hie ibuiwi miiv ion wax iippionli d hy td iiiiiiiiliiii who wih hudly hwo in iiin hn it mliiig up lo lliitiimiiianyilo in- unld say hilly bnd m a lutily illl n im nikh lln- n u ymkei m nl down into hlu lh iin1ii1 out a bl mil 1 in mil ii tiiilnllai hill to llai laely say hilly aid hi of tl mm i i hiiiii thint3 f knou juimljl haldlhi pililiilaii hut i think thin way i fiiin vim ion- tin and 1 hlin s fouiiaatloii irlnalplum iiiit whiii uj iiiiiliitakn to fill jnur nuom ilptlmin hi jriit tin in oui umliv idi d nil nt ion and hi m t ai i llio patleiifm welfnii ia oui flixt too delation hoi mill w kiiaiiinfcn inif diugu to ihiof full itn uglh ax ull nu uinl fioidi tbhd om iiiiuiimia aid tuippjiml with jiihtwhat ihiyilhkfor ituhulltiil log hi lint 1 1 allowi d iaivkh ui i i uy niniitivu iryou aio a milfoil iiuin kidnny ijiheaite llvii omplaiiit liloaltioihlin iheiiinalihin nouialgla oi uoivoiih pjohtiatlftn we ti nlhb ntly ni om nieml tini imo jif iilnnu iioiy cinn- hinnd thii leliiihlii and nnvei diw- appolntlug mtdii in la a tine dlhiahi bnnlhlier nud nyhtmii billldei wt mipply tbo yemillli ialneii i jouipouiid at iliowu at ton out it whardei to nttrue one fnlm hii p- tluin it im to make a doen alwauheitliialilmiml pliu i their pinpeiliiii wilh age not with im mete vgetablu fill tho pill imnat lu un ompolimled that hull utiongth anil elfei tveuih piivid and the plllu an im raiiiiil niiywlnii without frar nf liming their potuury thlu lu a ipndlty that few plllu pomoim hoiuo plllu inuc tbeh power hut not no with raiuiuleou they will nialutaln tbeh friiuhuouu foi a lung time and it boniitliiieu bappiiiu that a man lu mnirled tn hi bouu bpankled whil u in nn ill illlf rnnio bo n hi lb and hi nth makoit i hnt i ii ih whul iilt y in hutla th y but wlviu lo hum lo hiiith llaknli llu have bnuhamlu to iii- wall i ih iliu igg fieih yaumidil nukkhiii lilildluiiiawniii ih ii in walh i hat tho hen uiidoi nlh win ii die uo hull- uiiiii lvei doaiiylhilig foi your hah f hhiiiwho ikih ii lapldly girmlig hlllll hpot y h i illotllll fill il illl- lally lint what good doin that do 9 i not i i an till what that mill of mine ih going to do lu xi i hi ahtiyii he tune what mlm- ill do whlin lhit r nut n darm d tiling what wo want hiiiii tin ulntoumuu niifoiui eh niihwerod he plain politician hut wo want to imi ntvrful to get thu 1 1 dlt fu n fmiioing homolfody oluo in- hioad of i itiiighoiiielnidy rofoim uu hie young inan mild tbo phi w an ullb un- hi hi r eyo ivo hinug liack thu theiiiioimtor you sold me whath tbo mnttei with iff nuked tho ink it aint reliable ono tlmo yo lonk at ii it hiijh ono thing nml tbo next thno it iiiiyu iijiothf r kngluh clot gy man and when you in live in loudon my dear lady dont fail to m o bl 1iuiih ami won tin hi iter amiity ialr aineilcaii you hot ill rnttlo thouti oir tairot but what ivo been banket lug to hoc ovtrulnro i wnnkneo high to a grah kh upper u tho church of knglamll had bachache was unable to do house work for two years many women sultor untold agony from kidney trouble very often tliuy think it in from pn onllntl fumiild diiiuibu tiilto tn bua funiau trnalilo than liny think wonioti milfur frmn bin karlto lmplep neu liorvniiuneiw irritability mid n ilrng ding down fiollng in tlinliilnw odn nimi niftlioy do nnt liuvo fi inalo trinblo why tlinii bin nm nil jiuir truublo to fonulo duonao t moat of tlin uo cillml fmalo dixilorh arononiirnorlhiitbuiiuiibiiivduiri and ran bo oinllv and qiutkly tiind by diian u kulnoy iiiu mm o dupnia hulloviuw villijo if r wrltoat i wan iniablo to dn niv ihhih work for two j dura on net omit uf luck- niilio i cmild not jiit up tho rtaira phatiu ktdnoy 1illu cured mo purnianniitly aftor dootnni failed to vim rolloto tint pain i can lilaldy ruoommnnl thom to all riilbrlrp from kidney troublo prlco so oti iir box or n boxen for 81 21 at all dnalorn or ullod direct on roucipt nf prioo by tlio doan kidnoy till co toronto onu l forvnr in more than ilteiveu- conce hondyinado modlclne ynu nood no phyniclnn for ordinary hlu wbon ynu bavo nt band a bnttlo ol dr tho in im kcloctilc oil tor coughu cntdu aoro throat i tiulnvnluabluniidfoi iicnidu burnu biulueu upralnu it lu uu- mirpauiod whlln for cutu soreu ulcora nnd tbo llko it lu an tinqiiehtluunhln honlor it mndu no teutlmonlul otbei than tbo mu and that will uatlufy nny- ono nu to itn olfeotivoneuu wbon thoro lu a ohlldmnu pm ty tho nuisory can easily hu tranufnruiod into a bawl room f0k u ulgrnnttir on ovirv bo nf tuj anuld axatlvc bromoqiilnine tomi ii- ramedy uiai w n cm an nlmblp may bu no uuo on earth ami btlll lly to ounvl a cold in on ei dav take a xiaiatlva momoqitliilna tahlot a irunuuu reiuml ilia uioaoy it ii ulli to mini i w lrovmulanaiuraoii oaeli hoi tutor uvory bald headud man una go to foreign partu ojllbivoxtxa amm ihi yf voi ha hhm roujihl dljintum 6f foituno novor knocku at uomu dooiu bucaiiuo it canv got by the jaullot llnkiiii voilljvaauam 1 coiiibiaon tlio potonfc liealliid virtue of tliu norway pino troo with otlior nbor- bout expuotonntandiwinthlnjmodiolnoa t roonnizuil worth nnd in almnlutoly liarmlouii prompt and anfa for tlio euro of ooughscoxjds brononitis noarseness group sorb throat fain or tioht- nebs in tho ohest and all throat and lung iroubloi it la pub up lu a yellow wrapper 1 plan troc tho tradu mark and tho prion 25 oonta a hard nnv coudll mr j h fardy millvalo nh wrltom i bavo booi troubled with a hard dry cough com long tlmo especial ly ab night hub altar having mod pr womlp norway pino syrup for a few waabu i flnil my oongh h loft ma to any peraon auffarliig aa i did i can nay that thin remedy l woll worth atrial i would not bo without it in tlio bouts thin woman nay him mm unvml from mi ipirutlmi h ldlu i ilukhiiiiiu vgotabucoiiiimiiiiid mts flunk kiiihicv laiidnay nmuilii uiitch li aihriitklmm u lu i 1 wrote to you hook tllno ii to i wiih a vuryittu woman iiilvrlng frnm f trial u iroublfh i bail liiltnniina- tini of tbo fimitiln nivalin and could nnt itaiid o- unlit any ilblinlt at inxt i wan niiflmdlo tuy luil and tbo iik tor hull 1 houbl biivn to ifo tbroiifb nn p nulnn but thin i n f mod to do afiemliidvbcdi11al plukhamh rttn1ile conipoiinl afur lining tbnebottlrii of it i fil llkn a now muiiim i inont hinrtlly rfioimmnd lilltilj iliiklwimii vifttablii romponnd to all woini n who hiiffi r with felimlo tlimlblto pacts for sick women 1nr lliittv if iira ldla l imlc- luiura yigftiililo viiiiimiund niiulo fnmi kmitm and 1ut1h iiiih bei u tbo htiindard renudy for fuinula iiih and bun poult lely cured tboiisandior women lu liac lniii troltbkd w uh linplai cnienth inllainmalinn uh era- tlnn llbniid tniunrn trrcgularitiih tierlodic pniith lanuiuilm limb liar- iilkdnvn feeling llatnlcneyindigi-h- uniidbhirhhornonotihpiohlrution why dont vnu tiy it mra rinulinm invlfefl nil tdclc women to writ lmr for ndlco tiin gulilcd tlioiirnuda to licultli adilrcsh iinn muss till gram trunk railway rauukmciil 1haini r pliable yet tough yoti might begin your acquaintance with storeys goods by iuchtiug inn pair of tliusc ilorsehtde mitts tn- j re ccllliiit examples of how tulili and pliabli mitts nuj lit made lij our clirnme prolltts uith lln adikd itisfactmn nf unowttir they will not bsaniq stiff ultti co relied or sc ikkd dont forget to buy storeys and the 11 remtmlier jon by unnng longist- at i11 storls w h storey son limited acton m pilpglc is now reacly for your watch and clock repairs prompt ness and good work is what wc strive to give nickel alarms put in thor ough good order same as new for so cents j geo d prinqle tim jlwelluk gueuii ont excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try elcyo first- class quality we also carry a bplcndid stock of groceries and con fectionery t statham son mill st root aoton everton m eden mills tho ueat qunllty ot manitoba tmlly ovntt patry flour for snlo at lowest prlcos our own make cbopplnn pone nnd om italled veiy day toed or nnle caili or wheat and oalu henry hortop cuqlph j5lislness oucfic vmiouoijaojr vpner wyadham fit guvjpb out aiirst class initllulion founded in ititj by ill present lrinclial famous as the training idiool of mnny uccoriful bmlneumon both canadian and american distinguished a the fountain bead and lourco of the canadian club in canada upukior in hi ideal inlrll and toach ing lu trained pratluntei aro in con itnnl demand lor particulars call nl ilia oallcroomco 137 upper wy milium street or addiois maloolm maocormlok b a principal nassacoavoya lumlior si ills lour tool maptu wood mill slttbs lor aalo clioap p sayers sons nanagaweyfi v o tho berlin steam granite and oabpeh dhaun proprietor ioiliuora and ilulldori ol btaluei mtuio oleunir monumonli markers and head- tones ani all klndi of will in rp fjcuistrect aflonl acton steady employment foi m ii labia looal balaaman rap- raaantlntf oanadpiajoidaathnu otfapit- tnumirlii in aoton pind adjolnln m country van will find tliero ii n good demand for nnriory stock on nccount of tlmhlgli prlcei 1 hat rowari hava reallied on tholr fruli i till huron our aaloimen aro turning in mr bualneis lo ui ibli year uo one ol i bum nn i uun good wages through the wimer months territory reurvad lay weekly 1reo minnie oiilfil elc wrlib or particulars t stone wellington fontblll nurrttloi 850 acroa toronto ontario ti 1 cutters and pleasure sleighs i o mjlio lirbimi u ut merry you need acutitroneol my ot mj iilh fuiub kind a liilllr ivlih i v 1 1 1 hncclgeir cam on able nnd ro any ncai lilti prlng back he mil fully pilnitd nn 1 doililng style or pcrltnpsi ir is n ptuuhiiru l you are wnitlnk to lako tlin iimll out i bate n kood nnaonmnil ol llicni men lost down tnrunjiy built tiobi mlii cnnairncttd box wiih drop iillhmrd ml wlio unai with nprlnjt bickn very bandaoni ly pnbiird and trimmed coritu in iml bco ilicm i lime also a rood mocli o firm hobhlcllii on ban hrinc your nltkli uid cuitcr repalr- inn here ur prompt ami hallnhciory rciulll j n otneills ckrr1hcd inzorics cdorcdtoiwn ont georgetown floral go u gloiigliown cot flower rowers funeral and wedding orders a specialty all ordtr 1 placed wlib mr 1 a koberuon dniruiui actun will rtccur promit attention paper makers okojtoljo ii a ov 1iuok mavh ani loiohii paillls jnoltllaailell cash paid for fowl i sell secondhand stoves and repairs for farm machinery old i ron rags and rub bers bought canadian tunk depot morris 3axb iroprllor flox 130 acton on wodecravin photoengraving halftones mjvcias50 ip0515cat jijwqsenm trade marks dcsion oorvniqhtaaa jitirr nitlnliir lucnrmiiv pr tipinhii fruo wioiher an fcraaifkisbtoffiani spa nt iui iuoij niiiii iw noela ptrlaltullwuliiuulibruo luttia scientific jliticr can a hanilkomoly hhiirit 1 w ouly jjirumt dlr- hiullun ntjhiy ciiuiiiuii jiiiriibl loiuif for hiiss 0 now york ileln niil how jyou ore lndld ml us a rouult phticli ir model ln y ill 111 irtiiirricnitiii inl mpw tlltrlt you ianiirniliiliinlntlirilirr ll lr lujlly iutttiilllo llupcleil rpllcllnn liveolln imiih uitkhiiitly iinriirl ly n v tolliiiiel billy eiilliirt nfllirp bl mnnlim lldvaliliiuian uiliitiaraillnriiiitt- ivtlulmilcli nrk ii 1111i1 lh rune iaktit itimndm itioliitciiuni lllulicl if rmt- m proen mnibl a jw lb nonlliilo hlmcultyi rut ml luliinn manufi tuireaiiilhiikbiret marion marion palant enport ind oolloltora f now i i ttllwtr nniilrml oji mn ut i lldb jviilun bljn z