Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 4, 1909, p. 2

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fataatfafifl nous ww i ahmi ill m i i fllir lu nsnm1 1 ra uiiuiib al iar run on t iv dttiiliuf ilv b 1 1 luuali uauuskh omnxmi sthlcruxal llii mil liim n iln liiilirmlir fliiolib mi tuuy will ian nary liy uar i htraclian faihar or ii a lirulo mr allen hiranliaii uiuiabaui lora lu uim lolly hino tun m tn isry lan ttntruln i rlm mi i rll srou lui uiiiiiwr aiiiminu im liin mi ifnmlat iii laliruary liaea u ulna wilu uf lialab alsllluoli iii tiki sjut year ulbifnlm t lhlininiuf mr ainu llaunmaw anim mi uoiiui i binary 11 liitui jlraut ubuliilik iii lila mithjutr iniaavai 1 01 iuiuljrubw m tor in wihliiuatlbv ilullltury u7ii 1ilua lauulnvriil mr ami lira n ii lliiilnay jjaar hult uuub miiinfn lrlt him ilivtl lu icton iraliruary jul i kj tlieflnmcu laloaix ianlul hftilln voloa mid ciiina lutl iimaruhi- thuhhpav ilhituakv i wmi ttdltoiiial notbh a hill bun boon inttoduced in tin utiiiun of cominnnu to milijuct vvlfi bnutiiuto lumiilitnoiil by mm or tho bub huctf tn itmofit would uicl tuniu sumo of tin brut til cicntuium who illlloilt tin wife tiny pioitlisrll to pro out ihomlnlntiir oflulhvajii hun mi rabiuu uflei cmifoilng with tlio ijintrd ol itdlivuy cuimnisulnni tp bun nskutl thi iloitrd to mubn a thorough culmination of tint wholu piablom of lbu tlnnyf l of u vol ctiiaslniju iimpuc- tori will bu omit out to iiiuku n roport on nil dantjuroiig ciouulntfu and tbf buutd uu coon iiu full information ii received will liiltu action to roniovt in furim poyutble i lio dungrr fiom tlumu croiulnou it in tho intention of i in- mlnlutvrand tlio board to furuitiluli- ntl adequate and cuiuprolicnlvn polloj in deuliutr with tljf whole problem cunuda lias a lluut of eight urmud cruisers which patrol tlio huutidury lines to eon tlmt no punching u duno by foruliin lublng vussola the etory of bow and why thu dominion pro tocta litr flshorioe wbloli are tlm ujuut ktenalvo in tlio world it told in brecsy manner ii tlio tubruiry num bar of duy mnna magazine and elab orately flluutrantrl there nru niutij other bright features in tblu month unubually wit motive edition inoludlny an ubla und aoiiiprahlnitlvl- conulbu tlon orj tlio finances of tbu puxt year by prof juraes mavor of to ronto uolvurslty oukvillo lont it dtpututioa to tb county council lust wuuk complaining tbut cortaln olvic niualclpulltfdm uru nob bfsoisud in ucoordnncu with th roautromantu of tbo auvtumpnt act oflooj burllneton joins qdlvillo in thiti contention it in tburufon ptuln tlmt tbo municipal it ion cntnplnlnud of ara acton milton and guoruutowii wo qrinly bolluvu tbut the iuiuuuiunt of tliduo tbroi townu buve beon jnut an conioiuntloualy miuto und hy jmt w fflcluntujiitfsbora an thoo of thu two lukuublu towm tbo ctuiuu cpcclully refurrtul to by thu oukvillo diputiitlon wm one requiring muifssnrs to vubi biihdlrira mrmrutuly from thu luiid attiiolmd i muku buidnuhu uoutimunu in lieu of obaetmonta of rwruonul prop crty und incomu auhuhyuiuntm u fur morty tlilu lluu boon carefully fullnw- od in till cusou tbu truulilo u not with miy dufootlvo or unfair mv oianu fn aatiin milton und guno- town bin with tbo ovornntbutfluxm nfoukvlhuund jdurllotun to bucnrin euburbun rtiuldenllul townu for wvultby buslneuy nmn of turantu und htuiill ton ifiiiidrudu of ucrvu of furm lund- imvoboon uddvd to tbolr oorpiiratbiii llmltaund urvoyod into lotu uttlb prices am bolnjj piild fur tbitiio lotu booreeof ally ptuiplu ur tbo purcbu ere and oukvillo und fjurllnutnn tin roaplng tbo hunufll kuturutly tb aueeanienth nro hncomlnff lurrtir mid urger ouch your und tlio towns nrc browing in wfulth why in nil enn- eolenca should tbtiy not pny the county rata on thulr yrowlng umxiuurmmt u well as tliolr ponntr nilgbbius in the nnrtliitrn part of tbo county on their- if tba meinhoru of thu county council will only inform thunimuivcu of tlu fuel thdt lundti in tlm nutsulrtu of aototi milton and guoigotown uru hulnrt unld at 8100 per unru whitit xluiilar litiulw ut onkvlllv and iliirllnrlon imi ik1ii lield for 81000 and 01200 pur tcn iluy will not bu long duoldlnu tlmt any ru- duotion of thu mmvumvihuhu of oikvlllf or dm hngton fut county pin pumiu will bu inuqiiiiblu und unfair and notion looking to dine oouttio would bu mum nnwur runt nolo bvehtom thu dufttb hbourud nt evttitun on trlduy jan 2clh of mrn john pni qntuii whouu muidon nnmu wuh liizh- bath rohlnwon shu wum born in wdatniorttlund england on aluroli jo 1633 dulrig luft fatburlusu whim u bubo alio wan titkun into tbo bnmu 4l her grand pu runttf who woiu cugllub church people berbctailfiitliur bulnu olerk for over forty yearn aim win conflrrnodlrvtho gngluh cliuroh and ooroniuiiod thuru until ip earu of ugv tjiuii at a ruvlvat conducted by u prubahur named wilglu uututtd b mr murimuluku ml hit a tcupbur uw among many nthutv wiiu nnnvuiiid and ohmo in profitonco tint miitbmliut oburah the depth und uwiiuluniiiiw tit irer conversion lutu ihoii umuirfift od by a invo in ami und oiiom fui ills nnihahuiidorti und tin unuiviiilng nttuoliinunl to i bo cihiiioli tif iidi ohnlco in july 1810 ht luitnliil john rorcstnihiiil lu 1hv7 -in- ulili tier biisliitnd and two iul ublhin u cams to ctimdu nud mntilud in km- tuolm on thulr hiilvul ihuy woro it oelvttl in tliu churn ii nt icvmtoti of whloli mm i huu bitu a inuii br for iftytwnyciiis in 1601 sbo wan luft n widow with ik child ron all of whnnt urn living john nf hath i ilkiiry tiom jiielph jaiiim mt idaho wlllbilu of vor- hou b oi mrs tmins llbiok nuiir lliwkwood htid maiy at bouia lavmln and missions liiutruotlv aiidrclaai tiy mr tiion olbaori douiitv mlnlatar ol mln tub dutvp tub mkh knox ohm ui lu umlihilnjf vny niulrrlul lulvtinrniitont in lln inultii of tnlumlnnury bivihk in onli to gnin llittbitcst inrnrnmlliin uh h lbu iiibialoiniry entorni ls i lhu hurrh mlthouiau4ibuoii duputy mfnlutci of miiiph of tomintn oniiiif tbuloiidoih of thu liyniiu mklnni move muni wuu tugii d in uddn ui tltr i mi kittfullon luul huiiility mi giuon itivo iiuxl liiiiliiii tin hi i litifil mmirnnif ui cilaiinl i lint tin new fiyuiiitm auhhii unity mnvmiinril uuku no olli i iluiiii ihih no lill k ir paid oi1ih u no n u irgaiiutloit il iiiiy mitum t mill ftuuni to tlm ninnbluiry hint ix nl- nujly id tjiu clinreli ft ulmuto fi pliu tbo uotuoiu in giiiitur irfintb tint ginulli bu mild u a uiultir u fui ti ihu imit it iniiht be n uiini inn ui my to uur forth thu tint finirilunu ui tluclnicli ijhwltnnirtlilw iu ilkiidivli ilu bu kinkloiii or tli iuid iiiil in- tirul lbu kyiikuh mt- nljnuiy miiviimut bimiily iloi t in- oruiihi tbu iiikiiiul if tjiu jliuiuli in nil hlnik- km wng ijt it- ulll lif a rm i jiniiit iiictunko lu lhu iiriiik bl ui i no in ii und not u dollui will in dlvi rliil from lliithhiibu clmnniu of tbu wirlmyduiioniltiutiiiiiii mi gibuou puictmdid to show that llin wjitchwotd of thu tiioviunitnt u tin wi id rm obiut in tblu oiiiiu- tlon und itu oljict lu to honor und nhiy tbu dying conunuslnn of umiih cbrlut he told how ouch chiistbti country and inch of tlio dmoiiiluu tloiih was uhmnillii it uburu of the ovuiigulijutlon of tbo lioutlum woild nud uxpluintd wbut ho piisbylviiuii church in cunuda wan uiiiiirig to iir louiplluh titu liiiln p r wmk pli uilinlim lu ivtlinntid uu hiihlcieiit on iliu biihuuiilvul ut by thu iinuiith or thi tnitveinortt mihuinniy mpoitu of lhu glvlngu of tbu punt piovcd tlmt the aumuiiit u fui inlow thu ton rinlu pir nioiiihi l tbf wuukly oiytiiiuk uytim ftu iiduulonniy ontribniloiih wim ri riuihiiiinilid rnt tbo nnht ofyrirtivr und wltluil it in thu urrlpluiul inulhoil tboau obuicbim which huvu udoptud thin plnn liuvo found it to im mout sue cuuhful and thnifcoid wtiu tlmt tbouit ohurcbum which hid doing tbo most fur nluhioiiu huvu thu mom for their locut church purpouen tlu roiil i tu in thu cuau of fum uliurolwn in tornnto which adopted lhu wiukly nffuihigu for niiuulonn lust yeurwuiu quotiidt obnlineiu chunh with monthly iifruringn rauid fillloo in 1107 wild with lhu wiukly ulfutiouu iuulu jo0o for iiimhnih in 1imw hi iuil- rauuil 8ie in 1007 undil2klii 1003 kuw donch ruiuid iu in 1007 nilij0 in 1008 1 hi jailtuu squuiv which bun for yiurn linen a imgu con iributol to uiuulouu mlmid hiuhki lu 1007 hut in 1000 undur tbo iuhihn- lluu of thu lay uiunu miuulonury mov c- uiuitt ulinud at 912000 und muud 0lo6to in uvliy ouu or tlio uhovu fiongrigutlouu tbu mitnugoiu hud moru iiiunuy than uvui bufuiofur tburugulm luudu of thu church thu mod for uiioh iidvnncid work in iiiiaaionn wuu uluurly sot forth wo am in tbo iiildut of wonduiful uvtmts iijvury impuuu nf cbriullun uynipiilhy huuld go out to accomplish all that iu pokntblu for chiutiun stoivunls tin- cliuroh cuii do wbut is uukud of it if it bun lhu will und thu consecration of tho inuunn ut itu dlupuuul ii alton ooontv council provincial laepeator bmlth bay tb county muil fvavlilm m houm of meruat at thu drat meeting of thu county council in milton lust wvuk reiivu uwuckhtiniui of anton wuu olouttil wuitlon fui tbu coiiuty fur tint yuai a aoiiiuiiiiilciitlon wan load fiuiu ur it w urucu timiih iunmifltoiuf lluu- pitiilnuiiil chin uh n dliuoilog lbu at- tuiillun ol thu council tu lhu fuel llmt thu uluiutu miikuu it tuijhtullve thut uvuiy auiimy in oiitathi uliiill uioot ii tiuiui ul lulugu huluiu jan lut nuxt and tlmt ucliuii uhuuhl bu no lougor iluluyvd us it will tuko u ynur lui dullding ami piupui iqtitpuhjiit thu council wuu liitoiuiud tlmt iiiului lhu uinumlud act tiny iiitvpuyoi ouu cvihi- ht by uiiimilaiiiuu thu nnnitloii of a llullnu of lulugir a cnuiliillllio wan tippulutud lu wait upon thu lovnrn- uiuut and imcuriulii wliutlmr thuy in on ul tu uouipul thu ouuuiy tu build ii linilsu of lufugu ut nut a diminution wuu piuuimt from onk- vlllu iu kiuulizulloii nl insowuio ut u tlio loiiuiy ill wtu uilihoil ihut oik villu anil iluiliiigtuu wuiu uuniiakud ui nub liigbui than thu other townu in ilio county and wuio paying uioiu iliuiiihuii pivioitluuol lliuuouiiiyiiiti ilio ituoiu l lhu diltatltlll inillllti- uipallliun und lhutr iishusjiuiii will iniut lu mlltnii luliyanil iitiaugn lo tiavu tbu ubbuuaiiiuiiu tinftuiqi in all put tu iff llii cuiiuty thu lulluwing am tbu ulundinw com- uutluubfoi 1000 i riniun m c huiiui ubuluiumj u luru u fliml itujuii und umlguu jus invln ulinlniiaii j imuuililmii h nixiui j i find cuuiuy uolldhuju j g hurley lobullinun h nikon w tlmiiupnun iliuuiig o koiitboiiiimfuliuluunn 1 i uulltii j muuibbun jinuuiiluut il i uuiluhtifiiuiiu j l twu j u hailuy ull liiillli imi u iii 1 m7c iiuliti d 1wkllulkjii itnuwuyn and luulailnii 1 u 1vrd u but i limit jus it win w thoiiipuuii gumt itiiuds j v 1ind oliiilrman jiu liwlu j muuihbou j 1 giintu j u hailuy m c huiitlj j c 1uid li imjutl itouil ktipuiiu uiiiduill- auotion ualb h kaibtbit iielav 0th 1olu imryhulo id iturutiti outtlu mini uheif tbo piiiuiity of t ii muiiay lot it hrt hue kiln hnluutl iiolook ivriiim 10 iiiouthu jullluu huu lloihhjr itu nsiiully thu in uri who iipeuu liln iiioutb wldost wh t drlwkn lu iiuiut neundul if a mail would i mly pay bin blltu at piniuptly uu bis nuidgon lile omidll would bo botloi twenty vhaiih ado faliruufv fowl round iii ffa triam fylan pfoin immu ol pmh- runry 7th itlllo tu in nil i dllloilulu uiil upon lhiroiuill llllluiiiululhllity of ir- iliiliik the lliioi lldliriiu tn ut uioui two und inking t littllroiiniifi u fniiiiti to ijljj and f2 ruuulinllng the uy stum of iiuuouhiiidiil hiiiigliik it to n cash vuhic ituuln ibnu i itmtiuit mi impiob- sinti nf our htnndliig in tin i ounty nun o iu iinoid with wbut prcviillu huiiiluno j m i hi iiiii hi fiilii i i it hut i -aunli- hnplum nil hiiinuxl ilrl alb 1 1 iulng ull- lliuirninim- hniiili ulid inn i- miuihi miniiiuu illlu ndtpluuiu ilult m lliiiult hu i minnie m iiwloii milton hfiulinn cluiu mount iiii mi ii in jim i- liimiu moor ullliuin tlliroid ivid itydir t t moiuii ti iuiuu ii ii lr hiicburtlti monro imih- hiilth mibol io intjobu migllj t lit giniioy 1 bun ftmion villiiiowry inn mluilluldwiildu imll- xlmin flfuigi munu mi- lltll tiiirhri uu ll il inn ituhiu iiiiitmii iin audi i- on ii hit cliuilli nnii all ii ti riinpt11 ailin n nn ini iilii h n jnunlo ciuli ailu riinu 1ljon hiivui al ml t mi i r linn in i int hi it hui muliil grunt j uuli ih nun looiguliviyu int john monti lll iiiipii muim i ciuliu- jim aliii alton lt1lh nliklli iliiny lnvyi m a mi nniulll tuurliki a council of iloyul ivinplnra ir t uipimncf wuu inutltiitiil hy mr it p iidiiiiiii i with l7clmitit nipin- lioiu iiiobo wro tlu ofllcmn hid con ii w ii miwry mwd mb lotlu- i hplgbt punt in ii pmooio cliipllov it illakt hit hur j m win ion aunt hit mini mmy iiimlikit lin hic lohn ciiuipinn triim miu mniy hiown iltiulil airh t mnmi at ilor ulil mrs iohii iiuiirou gtuird ail bur inliig hxril dunruii mr- uldi tiiibteiu adiim luliig w i ilrown dounld mclunlil a 1 r v oftlroru with iimtiilled uu fullowu puut muster ah hocoid t muster w sturk i rorumiin w it kenniv j ovorsair john j kelly i ititordei it t woiudimisii miinn- elerw a ntoroy t itoculver john koniipy jr guldo william c hinlth innoi wntclmmn w j king i outer watchman- j i vnr- den i trusteed joseph iioluicu time ututluim it i gruhnm prlcn for hkallug worn awarded on tuimhiy nienlng nt the rink au fol- h i we t5 mil riiriw ii tipolglit nilln t g htathum aetou g li lie milton ilyn nice umh i 17 a smith h iblinge j kelly lloyn race unditr hliiil hinlth c khhuge pautust ekntiir whu iiuvur before took it ptuu t kennoy liihteut indy kater mu minnie ktiilluuii funny ukuter gentlemun h fleldu guelpti fastest lady nknter minn mnri itniu hiiiiw duutdruusldludy m muttbi wu tlrluoiind groom iluriy jeuns miss hunisluiw host iiulinuin iluriy jeuns hunt negio geo aiiuiiih at tlio aniiunl mooting of knox chinch ronhregntion tho pluto collec tions weie lepxrled 8101 t hchciuon of ihnclinrnh ji jlft lu whlrh in tn be uildid thuokxglviiik rollisctbm w70l h ti collotit foni nil for miuhioiin ai01ll w 1 m h tfllxl for 1a months h h attiindmico i no reused from averugo of h in 18h7 to 100 in 188a tbo milium couimllliio lepnrtod thu unto of tho mnnso to mr jinnee itiiaioll nnd n rnmmlttue wun appoint ed to select u nltu in the village for a now minnie a tout vuto im the intro- ductloi of tho orgun and hymtinl into lhu public urn vluoa wiih tnkun u great iiuijnrity vitilug in favor thmoof mr jus loglo nnusnguweyu has purcbusod tin a w gruoii prnjwtty on main ht how iu our elnclrlc light nystein coming on p u often uukint our locnl hglulutiiru sbnultl however buve a fow duyu tui rnnuldei utlon ituv mr woutuiurutt now dovotuu bin whole tlmo to hi juhnn chinch und mmgrt gut loo llonkwood llov joe foil no georgetown bun ahuige uf ht alhnnn tim iudlou aid of knnx chinch held a snnlnl lit mi joseph andersons on thursday ovunlng ii mid mip prydun huvu letuinud from their bridal tour thoijnnrloily ilmtid of tbo mutliu- dint cliureh have invited huv dr giitunl to return an ptintnr fdr a nurond yoiu a few dayu ago mr chun matlbewb uoiiof our entoemud poutuiiiutur who for severu i yeuru bun occupied a ponl- lion in tho phnto slijdlos of meuum hill lu dei mit and muniop mich look charge nf a bunliiinu ut hlluilnle mleh missru w i hpelghl and mo ilriue of lleilln lnitud thuli fihmdn bote thin week miannv im utohaqii why not ntiii t now tn day nud fnr- corild youmeir of hloniuoh trouhlo ittid liidlgimtluiip a dlttid utoiuuuh gets the hhien and giuiuhlew give i a good eat thnn tuko pipuu ulupep sin toutaitllik dlgitlvu julcea wink ing thu in will he no dyspepsia or ludcbliig nfgun or niuolntlonn uf uiiill- puslid fundi no fiiulliiglikiia lump of lend lu the uiuuiunh in benilhuiii nlok huaduchu mid dlkilmv- und ymir fund will mil fui miiiit and piiluim your hieulh with naiiheoiiu udiilu piipu plupepln ousts only fu ceiikn foi a lingo ease at any iltug ntniu bore nnd will iuiiuvo thu most obntln- ilio enso of ludlgimllou and upset htnniticb lu live nilihues theiu in untiling iisu bettor to tnkn ouu finiu ntiinimuh and oliuinuii llin stutniicli und intostlnes and besldus onu trlunglu will dlgeut and phipiu fur nhmliiilluthm into thu blood all yoiu- food tho suine uu u noiuid buultby utomiidli would du it when oliipepsln wotkn your emnii- nob route gete itself in order clenna tip nnd then yuu fed hkoiutlugwbiu yuu coino in tbo tulilu and what yon imt will ln yon good alwnluth lelleffioin till htuinuch misery in waiting fur you uu enon an you decide lo begin taking dlupopjii tell yum diugglnt i but yuu wut puhu dlupipsln laioanuii yuu want to bo thoroughly omed of ludlguiiltni days or dizzin1c com to many anion isoplo i ik i e inn ibiyu nf dliueum np iiu ul ill uhiukus hiudurhe nlihuihe imili- mli s ihttliuim i luminal li piiiu uftii llin bio with ihuueiiietiuiu iinin plulnly told unit thu kld- lieyn inn sku ilimtbn kidney ill run nil kldmy ills nnd me fur utile nt llrownu orug htore aelon miu w h coxou of main hi georgetown out uayu a geiieiul kidney iriegiilaiity dl7y apellu bald neveru bendiu bin and dull buikuibeu were giently belli flit id foi my mollii r ly tbo uue of iloothn kidney pillu tpuii i he kuowlidgu of ihlu puillrulni cm i ituvit no to llunry in eiiliiiiig the iiie ir uooth kidney pill- hold by ileuliu ille v eiitu tlio it t ilmiflit ii ltd 1uii i 1- out hole iiiuiilri agentn mahaoawuva at lbu unniliil mrelilig of uuiiagii- weya aglloillllilul hoi lei y i lie fullou- ing urtliein wen- ilelif foi 1 iw hi pimxiiieiil iii g it albeit ll vli e pe- w j abluui uuil vint i- flunk wlnullliai f hxiitai timiui tlm j cut tun the lepnt fui hie ye ill pioonntid by hniuluiy caitoil wuu veiy uatufim i iy catailnil cannot de oohcd wild ior it mlllo tiosh llmv rannni raaoli tlio mlif ilio hiec iaurrli if a lilnn1 or ooikllliillolial ilarai ami in nnlur in miiu it oii mini labu intnriial runiwllon hall a atari it liinl labnn inlkiiiiuv rlit aula ulrvdily on tlio lilonil ainl iiuicniia mranaa hall aiarrli cura la not iiuib uitxllaliip it waa ernrrili 1 by ano of ilia ileal mivilalanu in llila omiilrv lor iaaia ami la eitur iroaailulnii it la ciimaal nt ilia haat innloa luiiwu oumliluail wllli tlialiaat tiloo1 illrlnnr anlltin tllrantly mi ilia muoflii aurlaraa tlia iiurfatit tioiiililualliiii ttt ilia two luaraillalila la wliftl irulunea auoli woixlarlll rat n i u in niirliia i alaifli ftmul tr imilmomluti ira ciilniiv a 00 iroi toleiln o la tor coiatliallun fire company the general annual mlliiiik nf the wellington miitunl 1lrc insiiruiue com pany will bo held fn the company a oflke uelph on wednesday otli day of february lit 3 p ill to receive tliu report of the piactoni with i inn nc in i statomont for the yenr the eleltlnn of pircttom fur tho oniuliift year and ether buuiicim relevant to the mooting john davidson hccrttiiry hew telephone dlractory the bell telephone co official tileimoni pikiictorv for the illilrlet of centrnl onmrio including acton orders for now connections clungau of firm names cnadrnaof nireai addreises or for dublicnto cnirlai should bo banded in al once to a tbrown loci l manager artists materials watkit colors oil colors and 8upplils pynooraphy bupplieb and octi its nature study supplies i or collucfs schools ok students send for information free catalogue no i- arilsta material and nniure siuily supplies- catalogue no j pyrogrjphy supplies wa ters bros tho floturo btoro 41 wjn4lum si cuiilpii steady employment por m rtalliblt loaal baleaman rep- tntlnarcanmdaoldemttitl ore t- t n uihmhea in aaton and adjolhlnat country von will find there u n good demand far nuriwry block an nccount of the high prlcci that rowon have realliori an ibelr fruit tills waion our isjeimen are turning in big biiilneis to u thii year he one ol them anil earn good wane through the winter months territory reiervod pay weeldy i reo jj bc r pariicular stone 6u wellington fomhlll nurrerles b30 acres toronto ontario the slight cough may grow i thats the trouble with a i courii you never can lol just how larlnui it may become in curing a coupli you must doctor for iomihlilnft healdei the courii lisetf for a counti la only a ym ptontofan inflamed condition ol i lie reiplratory iract avolj remedies that simply slop lh danlre to cough fliey do not cure they only temporarily relievo our bronchial svrup recily ml allay the inflammation that cm ted the cnitqli ecu ill recily on ilio membranes fie in eoitql at the teat ol the trouble and cures price 25c or a t brown druggikt und htiitlmiot mill st acton overcoats at half price l lvcry minji and hoyj winter ovcrcont in stock at halfprice think of it the very finest of mens and hoys overcoats readytowear at half our former usual prices a full half off meann homothmf at macdonajdh because our recular pnccii for mens mi jjoys clothing arc fitiiouiy low lower than you can buy clothes of equally high tjuality for m most storett i very sale made at half pride moans also a loss to us but we prefer to iccrpt t loss rather than carry these overcoats over a aeason and you will derive the benefit of our determination to clear the store ol these overcoats if you arc a wise mom y spender n i ti j loller t liters l lot over ml fur hi no ry nnd j kin lilarl clearing at ckarlnf nt outlis oirrcoau i ranlii in prlco from o ooioiipo log at half tlio marked prlceu iloyn oicrcoals slea j3 n u sj oo ti oo io 7 50 h 00 11 1 cldarlnk at jirtil half ilieu price this is theist chance such an opportunity to buy 1 splendid- overcoat will not occur again this year- t cor wyndliam and macdonald streets when the days begin to lengthen the frost begins to strengthen s at this particular time do you not require another pair of our comfortable blankets they are so warm and wear so well prices from 425 to 600 per pair harris co limited rockmood ddodo qh bbdo0 qpjjk turn imi sttti head offlee hamlltoa the following informa tion may interest those desirous of opening a savings bank account for the first time 1 an ikloiiut may bo opened with the depniit ot a single dnllur und whlto you may dcpoiilt uu much more nh you wish nn opening deposit of one dollnr u mtflltlunt 3 piirther deporith of unj 111111 om i jollur or iiioru muy be made ut any time either regulurly or irregularly nn money in available 3 renilltniiiok may be made from amount on deposit to relatives or friends ubruud and tlm uank ok hamilton v111 make such remittances for yon whunuwr desired i money inny he wilhdniv11 in pencil fuiin savingu alcoimts wlienoer ikkirud cither in whole or in purt 5 baviugh aclotmu niuy he 0pcm1l with till hank of hamilton by 0110 pori011 hi trust foi iinottiit pnronti may open iilloiiiiih for their chlldicn milii aciroiiutu buing hiibjoit to witlulniwul only upon the slguntiiru of the parent 1 ai tounlii niuy bo opened nud tlupohltn niuilc by mi 11ms ei murricil wnmui in their nun uiinien und fully miller their own tontrol repnynblo to thotii 011 tbeh order without rtgnrd to pureiit guardian or husband 7 aciounbi miry ho opened payable to either of two huhbiind and wife for iiihlunco 01 mine ponoijh or the survivor h all dcalinuu between tiii hank ol hamilton and its depositor uro btrkdy lonlldcntlul nml 110 information not oven tlio existence of an account in fjlvun to any poruuu yimrsnvliibh account ui invited hy tiil hank of hamilton nud any uilditioniil luformutlom hint may bu dciinl inn be obtained by u uimple oikpury for thu milliliter bank of hamilton geokqetown branch w n mckay anuiil painting and paper hanging and decorating stephen c0rdiner isprnpareiho lalie conlracts for any word in above lines wnru done prnnipily and in the moil wnrlniinnlllin mnner ui lima ten chnrrfuhy furnlihoa orders left w ill jun r knnnmjy will he alien immediate alienliun b coiidinlu the berlin steam granite and marble works cabpn nilaun praprletof deilfliiers and ihiimcra nl hiatues main- oleum monuntenii mnrbera and head- nones nnd nil binds of article cemetery work whiiaip fjcuihtrcct agalil aclun chopping mill reopened the chopping mill la now in full running order and i am prepared u nil ull ordurn promptly the mill will run every day and there will lie no unnecessary delay flour amd febd a filll iloeli of flour and feed lias hien nocked bg brown propiiotor flrlu ailiril tltakiiai ioirs v n z hoiish hunt imii ilrlllii ii 11i nul his 1 1 iii ie 111 iith l 0 ii i i i i iuiraulllk piiopeittv l0ll kaijk a5r u ii d sn 1l mll lost flllll 1 mill 1 irxf hi mi i noiick al i 1 1111 uj 11 lal i if in ntll uill 1 1 ul i wllln ii nihlll ii ul iu imuir biil llll ii vjlil ii vv iiitick iksidkmk l oil hali ru n miiiiu 1 iv ii u 1 1 ii 1 llli int u 1 nl i r n ni uiii ilnaon tiatenl ail lj i wllinr laniiv lail uatir ftm i m i aullr odinaiu ill ail i irilrln ll lh r rnltm hiroohh ui j 11 a ir 1 linn n lit 11 virviuklrsllo 1iriii itrtniif i rl r i or luriin ami arllrulaia 1 i ly li llii i r mil vv 11 noun it acton miinicipnl ojiicfcr art i 11 viiiin- will lo urili i ly ilia inloluiiil up i mouiar hiti lodruary alanvtdocluik 1 in lor hi i ualtlmi tit muni ill at ouv r r r hi vliinl l silly thi v lllali i vcimi halirv up iiiiuoj hill lo tn to liiiwn liy raljui ii i i kisvon olcrlt esyuksixu ailkl society annual mlltinu po8tponi1d pill aiiiaiiliii iij jf 111 bttlali 1 i pan l iioaii uii- 1 in i lill li tlii council riisuibtr iariir jrlclny 5th pnhrunry iooo it two ucliwk in tlm aluriioiin i ur rihini tlm annual roiion hcildinrtui r ail tuili il lulutaa aw may iri orl im lirniilit in i rti ii 111- 1 mss l til vi v awsicnkks notick r in the mattor of llaniy itorbert unnwortli or tlm town or aeton in tlm county of llnlton oenohatl mooolmnt iimolvont no 1 1ci la ti rly ul u hi 1 1 uu almvo iminml llibtilmlil lian inalu un utilunnialit id ilia nl all hii i ttaln an i iioiia lur tliu ui lldial liailllt tillilucrimlltora mulirli o it- 7 uliaf 117 amlaiiigullliiiiaua lliuiutu rralllraariilinril y titiiliril in nmnt at my tillloo 1 lill i inrnito in 1iiity lha jiil lav il i 1 1 rmr 1 u al i olocs ii hi tor iliu j urjiu l rwhiiik a bui iiibiii ot lila ailalra u iillliiu lui tu ru mil tuintf llialr roiiiiihradii an i lr tl mnural trtorlnu ot mciiaki ti w notice to ilteditoits iii tho matter ot tho ttntnto or ai-chl- bnld mctavlah into or the town ship or nuubntfawoyn the county or haltoii facmor defleae- oil notioi l lvl3 usui 1iiraiiniit in tlia itavlnal minim u iilirlu lh it cluptar ui ilmt nlurfllltira in1 mlicm liavlnu t lalms nuliilllmrlut ul vrolilliall hotav lull vrlio illm nil nr ntnit llii i iotuiui iv ol miuliat 111 aruritnlrtl nn nr tclnrn tlia iotli lav nt i ulinian lmi in hiiii hy ioti i rpalinr dafuar m manmnmiii l h vlllaua nt volon iiillu iiiniitytir hultni ml k i tor tor ualonlm iiomiiuii uu i lumikira nr ilia litt will ami 1 itn in u l nt tl n locoaael llialr oliriaiun ami niiriiiitiik al lniia ami uacrlr tluiia tlio full iarti ulnru or tluir dnlma uib staioiiipiit n thulr aociiiinia nml tlm tiatura ol tlio ioniirltlnii ii uy in i i iy tin in ami turtliur lakuimiidu dial uflcr auoli lait ineiiiloiidil lal tlm 1 liiiioi will rflot to iutrltiliti hid naauta of tliu laooaaid ailloiiu 111 laruduoiillllod llur i i nvlnn tvuhta oiiiv lo iliaolaluisdt wlilcti in hliall lllun lino imllea nil unit iliu aull i xriiior mill lint lu llablu tor iliu anil aaauia tir an rt llmrmir in any hot havu imtni ricuhul ly lilm at ilia lima ot suoliiliiirlluiucjii t v i m villtnniin ul hiluiior lor ilio lunnuldr tutoil dili i in uu nicmul lay ul lanuarj iihhi synop8i8 0j canadian nojltkwjfist humebtuad rdoulations as aiiil iiiiiuliori i soiiilnu nr hnmlliton famla in alaiiliiila llaakatolinwaii ami alliarta iaiilliiutan1 sil not rmrrvo1 may toliimataa ly am irou wlio a tho unlo lioail uf a family nr miy inula mrnr iu learanl ana lu tlia ilmit nr inn inurloraaollnu or 1iu1 aorcr inorajjr imi aiiuoat ft rr mill imial im it miu ju iaraan tivilionnlloaiit nt i liunliiu ahnov nr huh auiiiiv fur itiniiuirlul in wliloli tliu lainl la iltnaiu 1 uirj ijj riixviua linwuvar tia tiisdnat any ui noy mi orlulu lomlltlnra liy i ip laiiiur motmir sou ilauutiiar lroitmr or alalar nf on luliiiliiii inim aioailnr dliikhml at tmal ais inniillik ruiulaima 1 uulilvntjuiiutiiiu lam tu cadi yaar lur lliiim ytiara j aliaiiuiitiailnriiiu it ln 1olriia rar- form tlio rmiilxt nlmi ilmiia hy lltlnu nn raruiliiu laiii min i ntnii iii nit i iibii nlihu wiaorb in uiii111 iii tin iomltw r hla timmu t ll uuy un in ty tlvluu with fbtlior ir moilivr on lonniu coulllloiia joint nwooralili in luiiil ivlli lint liluot tills m in irani un i i a 1ioimiinli r liitnlliii in reiforui lila roa ilpiili ilutlm in ucm nlsimo 111 thu aliois vfbllal vliiu wll li i inruiit or mi lanuliui laiul nwnihlbylmiiailt mint imtlh uw viialil for tliu llalrlolof giiuii luihhiiii vv vv coiiv hiiimij of il i mlnlkurut liu interior n ii uiiiiulinrluul imlilldiitiiiii or tills ad vortlmiinmi u ill not in luiiil tor nnsnyav ii huinboi mhih l our 1 out mnplo wood p savert sons niiijmtviin i o mi cublph olicuc mmsniilotfodl tfiiwr nniljiiuii hi uuplpli out a 1ius i iash innuilm fmuidul in ihh by il pnuiil i iucipil i amouflns tlo inlniiik sclunl nl m my riiccumfnl iiiiniiii iu mi n lunh tftnnillsn nnil aiiarlciin dfelinouisul li n ilm nnninln brad nnd aotirco ol 1 im cunmlhn club in i muni a tull kloh lulthlhil kpklt nml loach luu its irnlnoil hrwmiuni nro in con uiuiit it in nnd i or pnrilmhus cull nt llm oolleiinuiniii i 7 tppiir wyiulhuni blroal or ntldiuih malcolm maccormlok b a principal iwtelswlbwmibijiia

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