Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 4, 1909, p. 2

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jfuffv llthl rlillt 1- i t rtl in mr i mia ml irl i m w4homo11 limiil ir t vt ruaiv will i mr m i mi iuiiui nli in at ij ilmnl ii t uj jll iil ry lilt i i wmtiiiinat u hluflalr t irmil on vri uy i tl i hi mry m mlimcr 1 1 n nlll flu nun ttiui ifll liiuurlf ut hljc rttw jim press ti1u1ihia uahui i jikh hdltonlal not id o lu liu himilorttiiijiiiiiiwilii itfiiii irolnnd liut will lulm llfdmuml mild ciinaltlt fmnlidiid it till ink ixiunpk of llii imiultuf tin imtiiikh p indlilllty far rgv iniiunl mi tin hliouldiii nt tlio p op i o- hi honnnl i imhimiii for tlin tnihl in- pi ii ml in iiiiiillnn poopli it im iipmud hum oiiinn hi it giiutiiii lolkctl tun h im lit kuii l h iipuud to tlin iiiiiinvi nit nt in iciiiiul llllblttimi coiulltloilm lllum till tin nidiitli of i oluuiir ulimvi t mi hit t iho nvoi humo if tilt mmiu iiiuiilh ijihl yum jlmy tntnllid 1 11 hut an in crvuioof jiii wliitltlu miutyf mini 111- 1 kiitinn inurvlovtd tin jliuiuiil iimpum i of linniuiilu mill ii ii it fiu it wi k iijrii with tofort nui to tliuloifi xeil limine of ilnfiirto qiichtltin tin inlliniitid that if provision lu nm to luun lliiltoii indlgonth caitil fm in unnin nllilr county iioiiuo of iti fugn tint unction of micli nn hiutllutinii in h niton niljilit lia nlivlntod i hn inupi ctoi hllpiilnttil vnry illntinctly liimmii tlmt tliu ox pfliibd iiiuul im niut lij the comity do u noil anil tint lnt pliitt 1 on tlio nilnni iilunlclpnlltlaa i it lit will nivt ciuudd ornlilo iflliof foi in the punt lint umt of supporting indlkoiith him onnrnly boon liorno by tlio municipality wliuio lis or aim lmppomid to nmldo wlion public alii wau found to lie iiuclnsiiry miss lublla z dflakk dont mind uoulnr tliu jnunliy firldnl pnrty nt llio hli nm in a union dopnt 1 tldiiy evi iiiiir mnrch filli undor tliu nuuplcmi nf i v prooontqd by homo tiilunt imdi i tbo dlraotion of iunllii dinlto in tliu town imll admiyulnn in hum ivimi eat ho imnn nt uiounu limp htoro tlioonterliilnint tit undot im di hon in milton lnnt i rlduy wmi a itixat liccnsu riki lind n umwkd linnta the public l1drarv board luv j o wllvon n a bloated chairman for tlio your b7s hooko isbubd in pennuanv tliu froa ijln hi y hoiudiiiiitoii mmi lay ovanlnff muinbuiiipiouunl a i mnoklnnon chith iimn itov 1 v ilarknr jno oitinorun anil ii i monro movod by ii i mmn uilondud by john onniorun tlmtlluv 1 o wll d a bo ulootid ciihiiiiihi for ibo yoar onrrlml moved by tot in iimnroii uk loiulud by a j mnoklnnmi unit ii l mooin bfl ro olnotod hountiu yl i oiiniii ui onrrlucl thn utiuiilliig coiiunlttuiu foi ibu your wore nppolntml au follows t fmvsou itov j v ihiikflr olinlrmnn tobit ciiiiuuon mid a l nlcklln biiokh at mnolhuioncliuiiiimn ilv t 0 wilson and tbo hinrotiuy mlimuimtmim itoovo muiiokluiinoi obiilnnnn jno cuiiidioii mid a i maouinnnn tlio onmilllttnu on i iiuuilir iuuoiii- tnonded pnymont of tlin following oooonnta t mr onitinnti ciitnloijiilnjf now bnnku torrnnro a wbnolu oiuliii etc acton 1iimc ilii hh culalnjiuiw cliiqiifs rlo tlin vipnrl wan udopli d tim ilbrniliiiinitip mm foi liinniiy ahd foi ii niu y worn rond i liny hluw- nil thntft7l bonku bml bin n limnid in jminury mul fl7h in robruiny mnvoil by hv 0 w llmku oonnded by jobn jmnuon t lint tbo hit of bonku linpoitud in inplantbiioliu whloli imvo bono inn woin out tuitiomn ed and placed in ibo wbriiry 0rrld tho ijllirarinii npmitnl that nuw iwok j 07 intel bin n ii tin nun willi n itrokon oovoi mid thn inntunu badly dumnrnd tliohiiird limtniiili 1 tbo uluailun tbut in all unoli oinitm tbo pttity in ponilblo for tbo diiiinuo bn iiiilnd to pay tbooobt of tint im ink nu niiili d by tbn ruloh pn pitiuil by tint oovprninnnt nnil tlmt tlin ilaiimnoil book llutn lionomii tint i iii ty of ibu pmrty tlio ilimrd uipii iidjiiiuni d 92 ol i no improving the cemetery comitiutttcm dsoinicii to out down tlin iloniittrul utova on monu ment hill i itfoituiihtily tlio ilil im i in poitoi litft tin council jhanilati biifoin thn iiiljoiiniiiinnt of dm imincll on mmulfiy iiikiu of lawt wunk uiitl tbo followli ituolotion pmtuid lluit tivmi lik did not appeal in tbo inlniitru pub llulud in lnutl miivhi by i i an ton hik mub d by a itnll tbhttlic jniinoll glv all iiih wood in ibu lliul win vy of tlin i mini ii i y to uonin pri uoiih wbo would bn ru npiirmililn o ut and ilnini up uiiniumid bin n up all tbo in nub nlao to i ii an ibu uunlim und not to inolowt iiny plotu whlcliimi mtld work to tjiiiinilii thn mijn ivlulon of tlm ikuyo mid oojincil lor i auton und to bn o in no need at once hut commit tu litipiutd lu nbuvo luuolutlou uy ulvlnp pi iiillnnloii for iitllnn down nil tbo tmu lu hit in hutlful rovo on monumunt hill mul xplalu that m urn otlu i porllonu of thn luinutury urn illlliik p tiipully tiny wotibl limb in i uro itddltloiuil krnund wlildtliy livtlllnn mill ti mm uik would iiltoid u cnnuldi iiibln mini bui of i xtm plotu to nftu fell nub to tlin puhlk wltli tliih i ml lu vli w lbu lb nt o mul tomililloiii i niton mid danny with iixoh mid uiiwu omiuurtd luit wonk to full thn tiuo mid riinvi rl tlimn into ii iw loti mid inidwood mid in nt llm 1 k to llinmiw mill illidh liikiiik tlitli wnkly mtioll lhioiigb tin uinnuiy on kiuiduy mw nb it hiiu iioltitf on und on monday foiuunim wultnd upon btivviiil tilliuuiih who buvi takou it lnrui iuturiut in 1 iliviow uiim liry uiin o it vim opon t d mid pioli ut i ntioiiuly njtalnit wli it tbnyrliiiiiiruiilil uiumvuinuit id vumlhlium a di pntiitloii vlaltml ibu cpuiutpry timing tin fornnoon mid lubl urn nnium of tbo piotust bfiforn tliu mom hoi a of tbo tiiuinilttoo wbo went thom ooivlu nt woik mid strongly in god u cosflhtloii of tlio dipndutloiih llm comiiiltton rondlly ngrood if tbo ft oil on of tint publlu wiiu oppoacd to tlio roil tlmy wuiu taking tbo woik would ut onco litihu 1 nrtuiiutoly tho trnuu cut wi ro upiin mid bnrdoring nuo or two of tlio road- wayu nud with u tlttlu tilntrnlng up tliu cutting will not bonoiloualy notlco rtblo from tlio fiont of tbo cmtiotiry llui bumitlful pi n on lilinlook iron- wood u nnd other ttonn naorlfltod can llowovti nuvor bo roplaccd homo commomlnblo work could per bapu tin dono lu cloariiib out any dond troou or fallen tluiboi nnd poilinpb uonio of thn thick in undtrrhuiih but ovon this should not ha nttvuiptcd until bi i in in or tlino wlion tbo lonvoo nru out mid tlio foil ago is in iti normal elate llio protty growth of ihruliu nnd umall tioim tmrroundlng tho low pnrta botwton tlio front nnd ruir nf tlio ceme tery nhould not ho ro moved upon nny consideration thoy hldo what if clear ed would bn nnunniglitly bog nnd thoy really rendor it u bounty bpot nil tho unmmor with tho varying folingo nml wuccflualvo hlooin which llourluli in pro fuuinn i im comiiiltton hiinly road mnro irfto ibn muoliitlnii than it moo mod to intend but their willingnoes to doalut from tbolr flrut plant u to bn commondod tbih romiounlty ngnrtu ihiiviow cuiuotoiy with it a beautiful grove no n biiuk giound to tho well kept ploto mid artistically laid out wulk and drlvoa nn singularly favored by natura with a more nttrnotlvo environment than nny nrtlllce of man could over concolvn or invont most poopln have a vounintloii for tbo bountiful upot which cuusnii thorn to consider it almost n uucrllogo to inolont tho nur rouudlngh which nature heraolf plant od then to tho uuccoimful child run mid young pooplo of tho past font goiioratloim tblu iipnrout grovo to town haft boon im unohnntlng rouilovouu for healthful outlngu among und n tnviiit muulllng tieou mid nhrublnry mibanv in stomach why not utnrl now to dny midfor ever rid yours if of stomach trouble mid indigestion v a dlutid utnuiacb gets tho liluuit and gniuibtuh oivo it n roimi out then take lapou diiijiop niu to stmt tho digemtive juices woik- ing uliuro will bo no ilynpopulit or belolilng of yns oi eructations of undl gimtud fond no fooling like n lump nf load in tlin utomnoli of heartburn ulck headache mul dualuowi mul your food will not furmont und pounn your bnntb with nniuionini odnm pnpnu lluppiln costn only all c nt foi n laigo ennn nt any drug utoin hero and will iwlluvo tbo niout ohslln- ntn case of lndlgeatlon and upuot htomnoh in llvn uiinutou llitun u nothing clan hotter to inkn gun from mtomtioh mid cioauho thu utomaob mul inteitlnos nnd besides mio tilnnglo will digont nnd piopnro lot auslniilhtion into tho blood nil your food tho niuiin no u uoiind buultby utoliiiich would do it when dhipopuln woikn ymii utoui- auh rtiitu gutu ithiili in order clounu up nod then you fiol like outing when you cnine to tho tnblo and what you out will do you good absolute lellot from wll htniiiimli mueiy u waiting for ynil nu uooii an you decide to bigin taking dliipopuili kit youi driigglmt hint jon want iape n olapoptin huomiai yon want to im thoioughly enroll of indigestion ordwsonb oonmdns a ton meeting will bo hold in tbo crnubomi oornori mothodlut chiiroh on monday uvuulng next hlh miucb llm progimiimo im a must utti active oiin and will liioludo addresaou by uuvb i w ilarktn and j o wllnon 11 a ltuoltnmnm noiou diiutu by will known mid able nrlisti inntiiiiiivntul uiuxlo by ilntlud htilog hand and olmral mualn by kdon mills ohoh l a will bnuiivnl fioiniiix inilglit itov i ii luyhu paului will nnniipy tho chnll any intelligent poison oiiu muko uonio easy biottey mul tint intotfofo with otbei imslnosm lai tloiilum trso piof marten 2h oiirollim h j hlmlvln n v electric powfr in a year loud is ailing foi mi i tnndltiiionf w7jhwhi ummmm jiimi hy the llydm ebrlib iuwvi coniioiiihion last wnuk foi llmiuulpiihiil nfilin illirnut ills lilluitlng mid ti uiitni iu i mtallmni in iminnrtlou ultb thn piovlui lid nlagaia pnuii hi in nn llm amount meiitlomd in oui llilid h u than tliu estimates llilx 1h thn hicoudgiiul htf in loiiiuilinn will llm govern menttj p mi i ii j ami hut only n uiulningf nitmu t to bn ii t ih that t uutcmetiiiuortliublilmiiigii altognlboi t1m in tupli d ii pd ru nffiit hitmimlpnu nf ofxwi ivimlnuonii lbu cbjrwlll hi tin hiipplugup ntn hon nlniigiiu i ill- mid the ouliu will ut nftu id d ut dond in tlui iuli t uwildiing iitiilion fni l wbnlt nyntf u und tin iiunifoiiiuri htntloii foi oun dux llmilltoi nnd wuteidown lo loutoinipplying wi ilnioijto milton ac on muiiiipioii wi hiod mul mimbo jiulph iuiitoii hipprylug jult and ifuhpeln lrllii mniplylug watt i too imiiiuid ni w ilmnbuigi fctiiitfnitl hi mnrysii loudon iuply lug im t slauli y i win dplim k hiipplj lug ingiihiill lillunubuig mid nor wlch mid mimitfiuil uplylng 1uil ht jcuigo nod ai ilin mimiiipulitlin will bn diippldil with t it ctrli al i in i gy within a j i rti by thn llydio i liuiii lown oiniills hhm hibl a hudiog itji ml i i of tlin lonimlxhinn lat unu llm ihiiht buviil ft dim ilon liu pluntutioiiu am uitiif uinrd lu hatada i u it u pukiil in hiuld h ud pukntu to pi i hi l xl ith ill hi unix ii 1 and aroma hold by nil gux i m miii by puddloiu oi in bulk farileiiah baou vuim lllr on vouf lul ihntl khp it tharv whnt h tho unit n hi lug bnld v what no n so is thorn lu di hhniuli ly allovung youi huh to tin n gray h do you want in look old before youi tlmep uvmip tbo thought i old ngn will riiino all ton noon i ook nftei your hair iuiluluu hugo will kill thu danilruir gi i iiih and is tin only preparation no fin n wo know thai lu guaranteed to do mi man oi woman tin matlei how old you arc parisian hago will iiiuku ynu look younger v hy not go to a v ihown und gd a imgn bottle to iluy it only nintn ml nnlh mid your nionoy buck if it dom not c urn dunilriiir mop fulling hair in hilling of tlu 1p it will muki vmli ijuli luxiiilaoi bright iimlbimitl nil and iufu most i nfu siting pli asaot mul invlgoiattng hair ilroimlng irudt olool ttcllo it iiitaluly dinti when lmpliic titlluon thuliimitlti ton hkfndbujiui n i ud a hni rnl run dnwit nuidltloii mi hmrisidlk lukn njmm illood iuil llur nud buvo pm f t llrullb jl m ut il ii nlxoiiu diuihtoin a great school n 1 llmrul uhim nuw til tlniu 1 1 cntortlm i o uur elliott business college toronto ontauio ii 1 1 ro trtfor rniitnl laatm inviiiimi lur urtiliialna ma illy oliialn ii 1 1 oai hani our mm uoiuulklalouuiilklrev wrliu lor ouo lo ur htm 1 m minili in 1 at any lllilo colloua 1 1 ru ii o on hroyrar w 3 ijlliott 1 rlncli al or ongii an 1 alt ran lor hlrealr vou ennnnt buy limn as fine white pure and nutritious as roynl house hold under nny other name there is no othci flow in cmuli upon hicli half so much money is spent to insure peifect purity just think for a moment what that means to the health of your household royal household flour is the best most wholesome most carefully milled hour to he had in this country 1 he ogilwe name and trademark arc on every barrel nnd sack a guarantee from the maker to the consumer tcu your grocer you must have royal household ia oollvlc flonr mills co umllcd montreal spring coughs debilitate caufiln ni any lima liao a uniting r fleet but in tlio prlog of iho your when iliulliy ia naturally lower than at oilier llmuii i heir cifect u mora mnrliod luro tlio coiikii nnd save your mronglli strengih is wlmt ever body noodn mul wlion it n tolnj waited ilia cnuna ahould lo temoiod al onco o can easily remove ilia cm to of courii by inldiik our obeo cough cure ii loononn lbs coujdi nnd allnyu llio intlaminatlnn in luiii and bmnclilil tubes it is plcitmni m lako nnd children da not object to ii wo will refund tlio money if llio remedy does not prova naliilaclory 26o por bottle h h jstixon pnm b mill st acton the right house hamiltons iivoui1b slioprino ilack yrerierdoiis qleavaice reduction shles all wiutor irondii hro innrkcil to imlf jirlce ilenrly lialf prlca anil ouo tlilnl ra it in tliu ifrcntoiit hnrgnin hsniion ol hid otttlro yviirunil tlio ifruutoat luirkiilnii lu cmiiitlii nro rtmly for ynu at tlio rlfrlit lioimo a trip to hamilton w iii limply ropnj ynu a low tnrraln nuyqiitlonii von ii lull luuiilroilu inoro ut tlio store wlion you como si2 20 room slje brussels stock rus j695 2135 room site brussels stock rugs 925 25 00 brass bedsteads february price 1989 1700 brass bedsteads tebruary price 2900 130 white or grey full size flannelette blankets 99c j9c to 85c spring- dress goods and suitings 25c 85c to 1 00 spring dress goods and suitings 49c 1 00 to 150 spring dress goods and suitings 69c 450 smart filling fashionable dress skirts 298 15 to 28 tailored suits for spring 095 and 795 j00 all linen large site table cloths at 169 225 all linen nice size table napkins at 149 850 short slack beaver winter coats at 200 1000 short black winter coats at 00 12 short black winter coals at 329 sib j4 length and 78 lengths long heavy coats 449 li50 marmot tics rich elegant fur at 5 98 sluioo black astrachan coats lovely finish at 2700 11800 handsome fur lined coats for women at 4o 00 thomas c 1st atkins oonnin ktwa st eaot huohhon hamilton ont sale news from cameron cfe moores new store in acton hutu ablirrtifidiiwts tltatlkiuan toils m m m m h m m u m m msthmmmkmklhmm m h h mmmhmmhhmmmh cxaving decided to remain in acfcon we have xx placed some large orders for new spring goods which are arriving- every day we have- just passed into stock soo pieces new prints all latest 1909 patterns new dress goods 50 pieces new satin striped dress goods just to hand satin finished cloths and satin stripes are very strong this season we have some very nice lines to show you in green navy brown black and red regular 75c quality for 58c a large shipment of staple goods such as flan nels flannelettes cottona ginghams etc all marked down at clearing sale prices new coats and skirts a large range of ladies coats and skirts for spring buyers all in the newest spring styles the prices on these goods are the lowest mens clothing a new shipment of c lothing just arrived this week this clothing wai bought from one of canadas best manu facturers therefore hai no equal for its superior quality of materral and work manship some very fine suits left our store last week our assortment is now larger than ever pay our clothing department a visit and sec the show ing remember all of the h h unsworth stock must be cleared out at once to make room for our new goods which we have told you of in order to clear out the remainder of unsworths stock quickly wc have arranged the prices that will bring buyers from far and near some of the many bargains are given below 50c and 75c dress goods at a rushout price 1 21c prints for j womens 5 00 srurts for ht 125 kid gloves all colors and sizes mn si 50 sateen underskirt for os mens clothing al a big reduction 12 suns for njilll sio suits for iik neck tics regular 25c now i for m mens linen collars at 7 groceries canned plums regular 10c for i canned corn and peas regular ioc for 7 this department is always kept fresh watch for specials every week produce taken and the highest prioes paid for butter and eggs watch for our ads read them every week they will tell ynu of big specials and money- saving op portunities cameron moore h h unsworths store mill street acton ont wc aim to please our goods to be of su ficrlor qnnl ties our prices the lowest nojni ootuves hgrmsdorf w66k the most important hosiery cent o the season we will devote this week to the display and sale of the famous ilermsdorf dyed iloiierj special prices will prevail for this event see window display and interior showing we mial 1 offer exceptionally attractive values during this week and you will find it decidedly to your greatest advantage to till your hosiery needs for months to come at un- usual prices which will prevail ilermsdorf dyed ilomery is absolutely guaranteed a fast black it is the best utility of hosiery and comes in plain and fancy cflccta the assortments which will be on lisplay and sale here during ilermsdorf week should be viewed by every woman some values for ilermsdoif week lntllm puln ulnok cotton nnil llalo hoao slschf to ton inodiiuy nrktd nt as 15 nnd ne n jmlr lmlua llormadorf dyed dlnok homo lolorod cinbroldlry ntcn bj to jj ut jiil pnir lniuos dlnok lno 111 o floan at is und 5no pnir lntllo dlnok cotton iloao natural nnol nr merino nrtr i ucu ft to in nt 3siimii oh lit fa nsi llarnilktopr dyoil dlnok lnoo cibio hobo hiuii i to nt 35 40 15 mid 50c pnir cliudrana plain dlnok cotton iloae blrcx 1 lo 8 hpltinl 35c pair durlntf harmsutorr wak w wlti lvo on svtr pulr fra with mvmry ik pair puroliaacd wi i nil 1 rtli i i u 1 a iii w lv i hi itunkkt lost al i 1 iiu lit i i i in ii cltll sill f mil i 11 i i 1 r i i in tiv ol hut 11 i ii i j ol i ici pilopkirn for klk j murk itnyinuxnc ion hair t i if 111 l t 11 linl l 1 rill i trli an 1 li ml in n if l i 1 nl to ml 1 il m t ui i in i ii i itjl nlnclrlrllv liliiii in lillnl i i i kurlnii 1 hhihiii tt 1 it it 11 ill 11 v itiii a 1 r v vlv ii u ml i ui 111 hi 11 settlers trains manitoba alberta saskatchewan iw rnill iixiiii illrirl llnr for sntll uirl specinririuiis flk ttltliiliirlrnius will iciitj to rd ti 1 iiy in mut llmllll tlllll 1 10 in p n imvi e 10 in 1 tcu t in 1c hi dally r 1 u cnr ttin cokimstc wis un all tiiains rln li id i i llrlla low colonist italcv only through service to tho west 1 ft r totrm avhjsiaiintiij b those b i unanswered s letters m s ii kin l jo 1 lilttor unvtr b jj them mion ll n iito hort of 5 g h ition ir l hoiiio of tho new 9 m htyki uiulii w ii ivl just ri g j p4pcrrnre tin fintht jih d llio m m 111 irlct ultmds mul tonhlitt of h s all tin mu tint jipcul tn j poplo of rei1111il i i-ili- m u tlio b x h m il tlu quire j hj tin rtiitu jj m 1 illicit h h s i b m h l a t brown h jdmciiht uul stiittuncr j 3 mill st acton 3 special clearing out odd lines or file is j cornered tiles l in upcr ithcli dlstnonil jim do in t in ulim aur hh waro ipc oach clourlim nt bo enolt oouhle cut flat i lies in libel dtim iul ninlio s il 1 1 ijbc illllau j in gmxi tialo priced nt i o nnd sc cicli clonrlnir nt ioa onoh only i inuiic 1 mniilrr of l ich r f johnstone uaudwauic mill st acta n harness business crowing daily lmavnv cor wyndham and mncdonald streets guelpii ont acton hand laundry i clavcl proprietor mill slrool arlon specialty on collars and cuffs our blilrta imlnit ironoil liy linml cnalo nlnra nro nlilo lo wonr n stun anlnllor cnlliir i cuavel the berlin steam granite and marble works cas pie ii nhaun rrophatot heklpjierit nnd unllilcirs ol htainoh mmin nlciinim moniimenls mnrbors and mend minion nnd nil bjndsnf artistic gsmetery work wllllnnt hen street asiili acton acton chopping mill iteowsned 1 in clioppltir mill is now in nil running order nnd 1 run propnred to fill all orders promptly llio mill wll rim tmry duy or i llirrn will i in nn luiiiecessary itelny plour and feed g ijitoww proprlotor cronm sopirator bualnobb ic good 71 nd tin implement buhi- 3r ntss including hinders mowers drills uluvuors disc ijirrowh t our new roller beaiing manure spread er is increasing very ripidly come and see samples ol new lines on ehibitiou mr julwiirds our new harnessinaker is turning out firstclans work t u moderate prices repairing quickly and neatly done l us have your order for that harness for your spring work wo can please you g a black sucoosqor to w bonnott acton

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