wm lie ttou jfrw j res tltwlhilay mahoii ii iflm ivink iv i nt hit tlwrn f it wllcliiny in vviiitm wliloli uiimnuirh hit i my in lint inilil i a iiiiiul iiiiip tlui i j iv iiktonllnlit llitl- in miniv dlpil lluhln inllt ity lniuiia nf gold i nemlh aiinniior ultlnu ilit umtli ilnlli thrnlt with lirv hut wlnlir liriuu in it u anotliliijf rent cunts over it h lohn of spntltrsa wlilt ami cnliu thf liiuvlilh of itu tronlilrtl lironat huh niiilli llm iroatlwiiinil toll tlio riopllia on fold tim nowtiru that tin uhuurti n inlulilhr ilrth a miming ilonlli to lift mid tlmn lw- hold 1 illio f mm tlio tomb tlio funfat foi ni of onrtli ho kiiuiiiiflri joy until folio vf wlnura woe and honors spring front flthla now daopltl siunv john iloyd hi tim ommilinn mnfta vlnr a nu1v piiovbiiii tlio liooltuoopoi loaknl nt tlm now fetailorrnpliltloinuwliill crltlonlly hi- wab tinllrlcal lirokloomir find inul nn unpliiomnt wny if luiprcialnk llifiit nn nil nowcntiiihb ho plcluul up oun of tlio young wnmnnii lend pencils nntl atnroil at it illniipiirov ingly why la it iio niiktd ihtft ii woman never can enn nlinrpon a wn- clip tlio girl i unit ml over at tlio hook- koopora leak yon koop your poncllu viry blimp i boo biu citwurvutl aa nlinrp na iktiiiub he nimwcrtd wa had ii pkivcrli nt llm imvyura ofllco wliorn i worked uln nnld in n ii renin y wny i uubb yon nnvur licftrd it nn ho replied what wnu it p it wna tim sharper tlio pencil tliu ilullrr tlio wit thou alio ononod up tho typmviltor nntl prepared for i ho duyu iiuhiiiuhw tub value op example truthful to imvu your child truthful to linvrt hlii tcmporali you li lont- pornto in nil thing to liavo him kind to lit hers ho your self kind to other irenorlhb healthful uniiiuomoiitp mid o far an you can tnko part in lliom ivovn to him hy your lifl thnt n good naiim u to lie llwaen lioforo gicnt helms tohnvn him honeut probont to him in yourself a living cxuniplo of lianoaty tlio chief part of n chillis knowlctlgo coinoa throiih nliaorvnlion acta mean tnoro to him than epeccti a nervous wreck now in robust health junm h llarron of niwtnn ont wrltea i i must ny our nun would hvo bn ih u enruumpilveii trove lehiu aito liaillinot heen for psych inf hcwm takfcn down wlilt la grippe mid a vcrc cold ilia whoo nysrcin wji weak in- ckidlnic hi limit which wcrtf ecrlnuily affected la u always thocaaa allbr ls after laklilr aevcral rcmedlca and treaimenia wo procured isychjnii and toff lie cannot icll tlio niarvoljoua reaulia uroiirlii about in two inonihi hea ned over twenty pmmdi in welfiliiintliiflngtli ndappstlib returned mr llarron hlmscll ift most rinphallc lo llio iiptiefnln1 rcmill of u ln isy- ciiinb llcdcclarca today i am in splendid lieallli snd have never heiii sick day alnco 1 took isychinli lsvchinf is ihenrcalcationlcknown to medical aclenc it htnltla tip the nya- lem and lonca lip every oreansl ihohndy enlbllnn it to rcslit sndihrowoff diaeaae fcak ncrvca cannot exist where csv- c1iini la uicd conala cnily iend for trial bottle and prove the truth of these aiatetncnta psyciiinn is bold by all drukrlat and dealer 80 cents and 1 00 a bottle hiniitl inlrnlul men reffnid fullh as n theory i iiiiflo mlndod men titu it n a pinctkul wiiiliiik power to get things ilonit mill doiui t litlit iliialin do it now disorders of tliu dlk tlvit njipaiatua ulinuld he ilvnlt with at onc huforu coinpllcatlona arlio that may o illflloult to copo with the uurcat remedy to this onri and ihiu hint la within reach of nil la piirmelcuh vcrntahlo plllfl llio heat laxativo and scdntlvo on tliamnrknt uonotdahiy hut ti ihiiiii now on trial will con vince unyoiii that tluy nre tha heat atniiiauh regulator thnt rail ho got it novel did yut hurt to lay down likelihood ami founu of hope hhako- bpenie oahvoxtlil lhi mt van haw hin botmm bun tha blfbitnra w plaolmo him iupn inipllred littlo may after sunday hcliool was oeorgii waah- lngton nn iomplltof llefore hor fatlinr could anawor thla bomowhnt unexpected miontion mays slxyearold brother hroke in why may im mdinmcil of your ignorance ooorgo washlnglon ii in tlio now teatamont not the old womans homo companion at tub onobbnoadb why do you ohjuct to airs urown for postmlblrebbf i ohjoot to her cauao i know biioii delay th llatrllmtlon of th malla how bop you know jeat fin woll n i do thnt aliod have to read every poatenrd thnt earn o into th office nn shos nlwnys mislay in tier apecs i oluvolnnd pjnln dealer nottobb diotunbbd hotly einokorsp yevm laid tlio country storekoener i got tun ill er aond am up to you woll rapllot mrs modtlore i did low to take em with mo yesm t hut yon soe 111 hi us or lios ntlonln on top a the harl uit now an ho nlnt in the heat n humor today plillndel phis press there novor wan mid nnvur will 1h a tmlvoiiinl innacoa in ono roinody jor all ills to whloh flesh la liolr what would rulluvo ono iii in turn would aggravate the others wo have however in quinine wjno when ohtttlnixl in a sound unndulter- ntod state n remedy for many nntl grievous llln ily tin grndunl ami judicious iibu tlio frul lost syutemn are iwl into onnvaleiieenco nnd strength hy tha infliionuo wliloh qulnlnit exert on nnturos own rostoratlver it re lieves thrum in whom n chronic stiiu of niorhhl despondenoy nnd lack n intereat in ufa la n dlnnoso and hy tranmilllsjng the norvea dlspnaoa to sound nnd refreshing sleep imnnitu vigor to the notion of the blood whloh being atlmulnted onuraes through tint veins strengthening mm liunltliy nnl- mnl funotlona of tbo nyatem thonihy making activity n noeesanry result strongthnntng the frame and giving 11 fo to the dlgoatlvo orgnns which naturally demand luoroasod buliotnnco rostilt improved appetite north rop a lymnn of toronto hnvo given to the public their superior quinine by the opinion of nelentlats the wlnn nppronelios nenrebt iorfeotloii of nny in tlio mnibet all druggluu sell it nniara living for timid in one way of loulnir tbo brand nrilfo things gained me gone hut gioiit thlnga done ondme lllalinp our powers owe much of their energy to mir linpesjnlnibon the moat oortithiblgu nf wisdom is a anntlnunl eheerrnlneas montaigne the man who puts nil hlu faith in hlinuolf iibiinlly deapnlru of llio mil verse mnrt nro to ho juilgod hy whole they r going rntherthnn hy whonea they oamn ilnpplnuas is inonauud not hy tbo enlargement of the powmtbulmib hut of the honrt itu akin wliitre are you gnhlg my pretty te look for a hmhnnd blr she said will you share my lut my pretty maid t if ilf n int nf innney yea aim an id lost timo b not only never mndo up hut it louuia to breed loss in n dlspro- portlonntely rapid manner and ono of tlio sl rest wnys to iobo tluio is hy beginning the dny a littlo into dr woods norway pine syrup is a remedy without an equal for coughs colds and all affections of the throat and lungs ooufltha and golds da net call for mlnnle roolul of yinr-toim- u llioy art known to ovoryone hut tliair doiibura are not undontood so woll all the moat wrluna affect bn of llio throat tlio bmga and tlio lironoliul tuui are in tlio uhi- ninr hut ooaglu and oetil too much atreas cannot he laid upon tlio admonition to all poraonb affected hyths inildlotib earlier btaqoaof throat and inns diaonao sa failure to toko hold at onco will cauao unny jturs uf a iuurinj and in tlio end that terrible loourgo of coniumn- tion dr woods norwtiy pjne syrup is not sold as a cure for consumntlnn but for afoot inn i irlhutary to ard tlmt raatilt in that illaooae it oomliliiea nil llm lun hcnllng virtiimof the norway pins tree whit otlwr ahorliont expoolorniit mid aoo thing mndirlnsa nf rflwgixd milli and la ahaolutnly hurmlcsa prompt nnd afo in rent lina itoe i tho auronia nf llila wonderful romedy it ia only natuml i lint niimurtiua pnrtona lint n trihl to uulinle it ttunt iio huntliiiffnud into tnuinu nnylhliik lint dr wiaala iut nit in ft jellnv wrapper tlirco piuo irnoa llio lrul niiiut price tifleonta castor i a yftfz tho kind you ivnvo auvnyw lkonvlit nntl which linn hwit in uno for ovr 0 jturm hnm iiorno tho nlgnntnro of niitl luih hrtiiiitintloitiidcr iiln iwr- moiiiii ntiprrvlhloii nhicfl 1u liinmcy allmv km oho to lr4ivo you in tliht all coiiiilflrtoitm imltntlniih inul tiihtnutfmml nro imfc iwimtrlniontii that trlllo uhi nntl oitdiuiirftr tlio iicakii of iiinmu nnd children kxporlrnco ngaliiat hvporlmont what is castqr i a jitntorla 14 ti iinriiilcnh mihnt tu flnr cuulnr oh iuro- uirlr lripit iui1 koixhlnu hrupm it u 1 j o i hi ut it toiilnliih iiouhofoplmu mor dilno nor other nnnotlo miluttiinco ith ntfu 1m it ifimriiiitoo it drwtryn wonm inul nllaym lovtruhiihh it currit iiarkiwn and wlnil colic it rollovqu tuothliig trouhloh ciirnn ooiutlputlun and iriititlonoy it iimhlmllaton tlio food yoiiuuch tliu mtomtirh nnd isouetu uuing lirnlthy ntnf nuturul yloop tho chlldfonu intimfflii tho iothurh rrlontl genuine castoria always boars tlio slguaturo of the km you have always bought in use for over 30 years chartered hy domlnlnnuou ilatliliail ihft- the merchants bank or canada iiiad oii icb montkual iiq ijranchea rreiljenltsin ii montaou allah vice ivesldonl jonathan honohos liaq gonornl mnnaner l f himnrw cbpltal pnhl up flooooooooo uopoelu over joq3 ooo oo surplus 9 ooo ooo oo total a ate i a ji oooouooo savings dank deposits one dollar or upuardi will open nn account money wltlidrawnblo any lime no delay farmers sale notes we iiavo sptclat facilities for collactlnif tliaie we will cash thorns onco ii dcnlred l a low rale of inlereil joint accountb when rtipioniod wo will open accounla in iwo nimoi 10 that elilicr ono may ilnw iho monoy huahnnd or wife etc acton branch w s chishoxm hanogor crorey r gtoves wc invite you to exminc nt your dealers n pnir of storeya cowboy gauntlets they are one example of the velvety boftucss combined with greatest pliability and toughness imparted to our gloves and mitta by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortablebuy storeys andinveat wisely insist on storeys at all stores kvary uxporlencn thnt un llvo through will lend on in n lower or a htghir expnrlonof na we choose llvo tin high ll we must for nil life la only u juiiniey and becninlngt it is in ooninnd bn gient ju tho de maud fur hr tiioiiuib koloetrin oh thntaliugii fiictoiy n utpt oanllmtnlly huuy nmkliig ami hutlllng it to hn in duuiaiid hiiowd popular iippioehttlon nf thlbpieparathm whloh atiuidu tit the hend of prnprlotiiry cmiipounds im the leading oil in llio market nnd it is generally admitted thnt it is duuervlug orthnhiid ilia vein in iio always looking tu wardu the fuluri ami never noting toward it j v jlnyos a innnu idmia urn nfion quite indo- ponditit uf bin lint of nondunt n woiuana geiivuilly nro a relhx nf llicm a hlorfhtt walker poundatlon principle first i whun we uudortnko to fill your burworipllonu wo give them our undivided attention nnd intel enre tho pnuonts welfare in our first eon aulorntlnn booond i we gmirnutee our diuga u i mi nf full blrciiutti iu well na pure and fresh thlnlt ourcuniumorfl are aupplletl with juitwlmttlmyiuk fort suistlliit- ing in never nllowod iainuu ouiriiy oouiouhd if you are a eufferer fnim kidney lluonae liver uiuitplnlnt hlooil tmuhlos rlinumnlum tiournlgltt or norvoiia proatrnllon w crnfldontly rooom mend utimiueof ialnoe oolery oom ikiund tide rtdlnhle nnd never dls- npiwilntlltff nimllelno la v true dlsmuw lianlblier and system hullder we pply the jtitmlnn palnes oolory ooninonnd at ilrowih auton out made at acton ont by canadas olcieet glovers w h storey son the inn n of lulelleiit u hie nnhle- honrtnd mini wlthiill die lint just humnuenud vnllnnt umnonilylu all mothers eat put nwny nnxlety regarding their tulfurlng ehildien when llioy hn n mother okivuh worm kxteriulnntor to give iiilluf hn effeota nrn amir and hibling the flrat step tn knkiwhdgn la to know thnt wo nre ignnmnt ouull a j m a an x a tlaaratka thb hinj you llm alwayi iteuflm tliere hi uoinelhlug an nmlnhhilii ijm pifjiitllciiutifa young mind hill tuie la eorry to sun thnm gltu wny to the ioeeptlan of imiie general oplnlona juno atiblen liver complaint the elihif offln of tho iivor ia the adora tion of llio wliioli is tha uatiinil roftnlutnr nf the iwiwota whonover tha livor imonmha doriumid and tha hlhi dunu ihiod liver oompliihib ia prodtined and if nmulfoitod hy tha pro- banoanf ainiupntlnii iinin uiidur tho rlulit ahiuldor hallow complexion yullnw oyos allniyooatwl finuno and hointtuilifi haarl- hurn jauudloo anir btniunoli water hrnah oaurrhef tlio slum noli etn uvtr oomplatlnt nny lto nurail hy arouilntf tlientnvn innntlnnml eauaoa knep iiij tholnwnli frmi and arnuhlii the ahiu filili liver with that rand hi or rokidalnr laxahjver plt-lufe- livin complaint mrflavitwnott ifnmlltmi out wrluti hnvhwiinurthl with livor mnmulni fur yoara mid tried oil mirta uf ruuiudliih i wuh advuml to try mllhiirn ijikh mvnr lllln aay ili it d nn mini ii odtiti nervlal or s fiir st 00 at i mnat aay ill it after taltlnu two vlulsil tnl ntlls a iiinu and can trail uly i on mi uiuiil tlioin to aiiyniie irioj jl ostiti per vial or s fiir l itlt diialum nf nulled rilmiflt hv llm mhliumi u ulliltod toronto out nobody uvur got anything worth imving iiuluss 1 1 m y worked for it nilndlnas had q1ven up all norn of livino heart troubleoured by hilburh8 heart and nerve pills mrs a ml row boy araluna mh wr lihi in lha yaar of wa i takon sink nnd ild hoi think vcouu live anr nnutli of linn my trmililo wna wllh iiiv hnartaiul eoople lofj nm liatiiollilnir wiiiil licit tiiirilld iiovtiiliik vceuliv vvw innutli of 1 1 inn klytrmililo wna wllh ml eoople lotd nm liatuolhiiiir o a or ft oi tlbii iiuiid i eoimii y het loolora hut iday eniilii do me no boo1 lor bovob woeka i eoiilil hnnlly orni ho floor i had up iiafn inii w wi weak iifllwly in tha woriil can iwlurplinw i fiilt i nnl ul von lip nil hnn4 ellvluu imlhanrlvoiiiiyllltlaiilrlto my nuleiiii one flay n friend oamo to m m and rail inti me liv iianio iuld mjmib it f warn you i wouhllrr s ilomor hllliurna iloaitiiiiij norvo 1 na hoy ere ueed tar imsit trnuhla my liiuiiniu tnt itio n lw hilt for iwndaya two liottrcalhifrany tuttrr liul on tint four i day niyhiiiinliilil imwhi ahik lueo llieu i will ijsvsr iio wllhoiil them in my hnma for find knows if ll sad not uwii for mil liiiriiajiimrl aitil norv villa i would not bubjbw have iwen allvp iow bprloomoeijhmrliokl ijlllllbtl mlllnru i orooto null the sninll enutltblkh uwerlim llfet the greater oilnnhle illnhtoi it is uiiliiuinndiihle in tiiimint the fnullh of niiuth if wuiirn five of thniii uniaulves htow jfs fijd vslliw miri paisjm baantba tlfnalbw hilluieu thuuliidy uf piirriinllun mull ilnw arnold y vhlu imimtmla inspuut even in a hiuuuvhuiiilinhjvnllm imllvidunllly la nilghmllty egulurn la uiiuely nidlumy poliiinllty uuiilt ly cxnggerntiil omiatniien inn jouuh i he hpanulbs iidy imirrnlly mh wnuii ii i thrtcyiilryes lliynn- thnlinlyaaewliiil 1 he llynlo liinmilly atnnklng llm piiltlrhiii rniight with ihn gnndu tinaroiinsehd by hie filimids tn ulity uud fur i the niilnln inr un instiiiit lin liylfiiid to the ihiium of diiniiiirliitioii i rut huilt lie kchilliud hn- imtkntly do you mil unit music a miimeiit later he wuu nut of heur- lug llm ry up tommy i culled ninther from downslalra wuto into now ilnvn ynu got your ahmu on v yen niniunm nil hut nnu th miihl do ynu bell iti tin- lurk nip t nuirricd on ivldny v thp abuiiihiiihlo llm hi liir jertiilii- ly why bhniitdvihhiyhtiiuioklp i ton p chptiiln in n few minute wn will ci oat the i mi tor lniiy iubhiinger oh wnnl- that h lovely i iv iwiiril ji imirli itliuul the citilitmr 1 ili tte gi mid gut my oper htns i a young mini niiiiiiil ngninat lb wlaliea 1 bin pnreotb uud in t llinu a filnnd how to hrenk the news to them suhl teu thum hist hint i iiiti ihnd and gently work up tn the rlhinik huld n little chllil i wunt to slndy imtfif grniidpnsllllilc it hi just like mini unld th ohlui suttr tn nine gfundpiih is junto intorcat- lug than ynuru replied llm child cause im rends it so much uioie what to poiiout if ynu would liilrtiuo youi huppl mm and prohmg youi life forgi tyour nelgllhntu fiiullv piirgi t nil the nlnndui you ever himnl im get the tfiiiptnthmu rnrgetriiuuflndliig nnd only ntiiiiirilmr lint gond points which iiuiko you fond of llinui iorgct nil personal qunrrula oi hlutnrioa j ou tuny have heard hy accident end which if lupvaltd would seem n ihmibaud thneu worse tbun tboy are illot out na fnins pnuulhh nil iho dluiigrrenhh nusaofllfe they will come hut only grow lurgui when you t c mo in in r them and tho cnnatnnt thought of the nctu of inuiinunhu or worse still mnlii e will only tend to uiukn you innri faiulllnr wllh thoni ohllteintuovery- thiug illsngrlinblu fi otn y ust unlay stmt nut with a clean alaet today nnd wrlto upon it for uwni t uiemoryu bake only thnao thlnga that nm lovely nnd lovuhlu could not go to work back was so weak ilnckacho in thn primary rauao of kidney tninblo whoii tho back aoheo or liecomos weak it la a wnn llnblo to liocoiiin hood tha wnrnlnm oliook tho baaknohe and llioo uf any chance uf further tmuhlo if you dont aerloua nomnlloatiom very apt in arise and the llrst thins j know vou will linvo propiy dlahotou nr llrlhtii diaoaap tha throa most deadly forma of kidnoy troublo mr tanim ilryant arleliat n8 wns trouhlod wllh lik hook and ubod donns kidnciy illls hn writnai i cannot any too much nliout tlio iwiioflt i rocolvod after iitinii tltrno hoxos of doana kidnoy imia i wna un ttly treuhlod with an aching pain aoroai llio mini i of ray hsok i could not k l work and my back was an weak i would havo toaitdotrn it would go nwny for a few day a hut would alwn rotiirn i wna ndvliod to try uonna kidnoy pill ntid i must any they completely ciirof mo prion an cents par box or ii boxes for 81 u1 at nil dealers nr mailud direct on rocoipt of prieo hy the doan kidney till co teronln out aioii nro often cnpahlo of greater tilings than thny perform t they nro sent into the world with hills of credit nnd aotdnm diaw to the full amount wl pole tho itenl liver 1111 a toipid liver nienna n disordered ayatem mental de pression inusltudo nnd in the end ii cnte ho not tnkeii a rhronlo stuto of debility tho ory himt nicdiolno to nrouau the livor to hnnlthy netlnn is pnrmoiuoh vegotnhlo illls they nr cniiipouiuud nf purely vegutnhle anh ntnnoos of cnraful auluqtlou and no other pills hnvo their lino iiinltles tlioy do not giipn or pnln and thny nro ngiocnhln to the inmt srnsltlvit utomnch jluclltudo hi only tho oonlliinnd habit of doing what u light mart- inoiiu the most ohutlnnte coinu nnd wnrts full to rosul hollmvnyu fjnru cure try it the young iiinu whn sots out to he tho nro hi trot of hla own for i mm must nut acni n to be tho hi loktuym and hod onri lei na well wewtlny castoria for infant nail children the kind you have always bought boars the ttgnnturoof tim anr op livino toortiian the following mutln was on tho wall of n wommrh biidionni i lnl us tnki hiiudu unit ludp emdi other to day hv- enuun wo are alive together win u hut n bible iif li yiiu and hint is the sent luieiit with whleh sm funi- ishid iter belli uiun uud hlim in eiiiry nut hi hnr everyduy life the hntil blow we give with a wind the menu thoughts nr biirsh juduuieul leunlla tin oiuuelveu no wiimnii who iu luird ntul mltlnnl la happy tnkn hitiulu and ludp ennh nlher to dity u tlihmiini mild in cnutiuituuml and hnpiiluims km it is eitulnr in piiiviiit limn ll la to emu inlhummilhm of iho lg hiimpiiuhiii uf uigliktiil mild- ntid imell llmla u hulgimmilti llm sjslmti llladlllleult linhuil ullh timilmeiit with lllrklnm aiiimoiibiimiilviinyiiti will in iidlentn urn iulil mid pinvoiil jil- luiuiuiithiii fnim sulihig in ll enalh little uud la ii h miillafiiiiliuy us ii lw htifpiuliig in t res u tii women look as young as you are donl allow worry lines to creep in avoid them by keeping your ner vous system and digestive organs in perfect condition with vrol vinol repairs waste nerve tis sue and builds up strength vino is a cod liver avid iron tonic it contains pcpfonale oi- froii and all of llic medicinal bodybulldlna prop erties ol cod liver oil without ihe oil vlnol instes good and ngrees willi the weakest slontacjb anaemia isi a asomplalnt ccullr to wj men ii i otlowai on indoor occu pation imtiurc talr inanilu- dcui nourlbihmcni vi not is wonderful blood fonlo ii cn- rlchcai ihe blood and fjlvesi onss m noted bcalthy color bundown condition aire ibe reenll ol in- utllclcnt nourlflhjna lood in- dlrjcetlon tvorry or overwork ol ibe brsjtt or body vlnol l ibe most aueeeiuulul remedy imown it cures lndlaeatlon purlllae uid enrlcbeai ibe blood nnd creates efrenutn nervousness im canned by overwork lndlfleav ibn or rundoivu condition ol the btoodi vlnol iw an ideal nerve lonle it tonre op ibe organ ol dlaeajlon enrlcbea ihe blood nnd mulfe alronff silently nerves sleeplessness is enusjeri by nerve troubles and ivciikctied condition ol the syct ti ii you arc lldfjety restless toss nboul abd cannot sleep nltlhlai vlnol will ntrennlhen nnd invfaoralc lbs cii14 nerve system and olve rclresblufi restful sleep vinol quickly cures a cold and stops a cough inol vour money back if vinol fails to help you r h nixon druggist acton ont ou can iol 1n0i at tho lotd in k uruu uioro in avary town aol city in oolailo spring footwear coming q- stovel the shoe man is anxious to clear out a lot of odd lines to malcc room for a fine new sprinr stock from the best manufactures he will also clear out his entire stock of mitts at low prices a new stock of ever stick rubbers the most popular rubber now in geso- mill st stoel acton artists materials watiir colqits oil colors and surimls pyroqrapry bupplieb and outlhs nature study supplies roil colliicrs schools ok stuoinrs so nil for informal ion frco ciinlorim no i arilnu malcrliln and nnluro study suppllon cdtnlouuo no j ljroflriphy supplies waters bros tho floturo btoro i vmlhnm st lullril casli laid for foxazl- i sell secondhand stoves and repairs for farm machinery old iron ragsand rub bers bourht canadian junk dklot morrib baxb rrprlclr hiik 1 alton out excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we also carry a splendid htock ol groceries and con- loctionery t statham son mill stimt aoton stormy weather coming iirelty nnnii llm u man fur wet unlk- inn wet liiul aiulpiiutinniila llmi la if ynn nrn not prnvlilotl wllh alnruiy wonlltor fnnhwar uf ulia nntl ociiro n pair nf our water and weather proof shoes 1 hoy ft to nnl tin hlu iiinl ctumiy lilml yniilisvo taeii uaoil in aeolni itioy ate ainiji warm mnl waloriltihi n nil yet ute uimiri eunuch in npiwarmice in wear tn nny llmi of woaitmr w williams mill street acton georgetown fiioralx go l guorainown cut plower growers funeral and wedding orders o specialty all omor ilaceil will mr k a itatirlcn inirttlt acton will rcsl lirompt iltentlon sctbn bus lik1 1 ho umlrralrnatl reipoctliilly anlhlta llio niiroiiniio nl iho pub lic aiul infnnna ihe in that well qulnpatl slid tyllehnlare can nlumya ho kecureil ai hla alnlilob a eenihiruhle hii end nil train holwoen inm n m uml d tq i in careful ntlvnilnn itken in mthy nnlcr lite wanta uf com- nierohlrrivellera folly met jhn wlluhjuts phofltlbltori the oram trunk railway ranerxnoicit tiiaims hi 17 am n i u 1 alllrali a lnit and ll everton iio eden mills tim uoni qunlllv ol manitoba fnmlty nnd 1imtry flour for onto at lowoot prlcon our owh mnuo oh ipjilni dono nn i mu ilwlh 1 nety ilay rocjibraile caalifur ulirt 4 o- henry hortop wdouabravinc photoengraving r tones i tan nay strtetr i turahto the old and roliablo granltoand marblo dealers yv ot all iniiuif si 1 un i miul cant wo halo urn i t f 1 1 i an 1 only modi an train tl ioi nm t at iniimatlfl il irrrly w i rntarni rr frnm h ir ir la 1 1 ir r r c ilor un aaaola dl in a t an y runiia omara tiy uaitmig out 4 n nnt 11 1 1 1 tnlldic 01 ltnh nitiloy rtint ui ia n y ami ly conldalulcn hamilton v sons cor norfullt a i u i j t zt ii nnnrau eya luhiiht 3ii1u order now 11 ih- i- r r- iour lt mjjk u i p sayerfsf sons n4iij t ij paper makers t u rt l 1 11 r hook mtl vmi t oiolll talht 1x1 ii iia it lliil steady employment for ii llellnblo locnt ualasmun rp- raintlnir canaciao oldest and ortat- st nurarla in ac con mid adjoining country vou milt t nl ilun nurer kuik 11 that ruinr h t season our nlumcn jrt to ui thlt cir hu goad njo iliu 1 i lntfor ii tiui milo out til tlv vritofr pirtlu iimi jemxal tor lihe l imlcir ru itrnin in i ri luini our t ttie 11 tn 1 earn the win rr 11 mtha 1 it wclu 1 stone wellington tonilnlnur lu o icrin toronto ontario 00 vbaho tvexpcrienoe trtnot maruta diaionh covniaino ac jkhttinnasollna nl rlr1iai iixlximai nnfi klf u 1 rtiiii 1 1 r 1 t 11 n n 1 ii r an kpivaviw3iiiiiliwraiss twul tutk wllh iutth irti in im scientific jnineiicntt ahamlaoihdln- ulimnl wn all ium 1 1 ir- iilm otaiiy ii jniiml um rr uiiiula tttl a t vu ihktimn 1 r iul 1 w 14 bf pawts vii our liiriiitht lhil imapt- ra llalp an i ilun jmi ar awlndliil hainliiaii rounli tktitlm rniilt1 inr in- nllii iirliiiiotcinuit inn nrwllltr ivnu frtiuriliilunnarulillii ll l f lolujlily iwloiitalild 111 mm binlrrailuialiiivafti uli autclmll imloitcl ti u v cniiilikl hill niulhril flir in moiltiaal alii waililnuloii lluixiimlliu imi proinvt- ty illaimlcli mult inul iinlillv scfine iaiolli aaliroailni i1itiitnii u tldlitilrfcthaa nmtulicl lh nt r ttrmli mnilmi pi mv hon neat rcll notlcii will ill harta tk ttvr l im wmihin iluhluiili 1 uitimulmill uriiiiililit l awclalii ill nt lli in i mitinir illliiaahlltnulurara marion marion patent knportu jint gotldllora nw vmi llln ivmv ddtttnaj aiuirojujtftuwijtlasigk