Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1909, p. 1

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m kt jvjttjcw stu tft volumic xxxiv no sift hry llultdiilloit 1 acton ontauio thutthday mokntno iralldl 1100 ill itlir fi i hinorjic coiins tirn ura cunts fflljc ttnit jftu jhcss ruiiciuiiri fovhhy lliuimuav mohninq i t1ih lwa 1rauu mukui rll jiijii htitwlt acton ont lruu til nuliunrliilluu otw dollar pur yirnr ulrluily in iiiivuikit all uuli- rlillorih llnnjntliniml win n ihn ulna for willed thoy liitvu iditii iuld linn ot- tilrutl llio ilulti in whllh uvory unit- itrltllnn h imlil u dcniild oil tho ml- jrnuu laliul aiivwvibilmkc lihlrw i nmalout ndvar- usomoni 10 contu iinr nfcimarotl una for flrat inutirtwin j ouiitii ir lluu for itiili ubuauiioiit liixortldii advartuuiitilm will out mriflclfla all raofmna will lia luuertint nil forbid ami eimrtfd nccorllnuly tmiiulflnt aiu vartlaamunta iiiuhi lm imld in advutic artviirllmunuinfa will lm clinntft 1 oriop aaoii month if desired lor alinuiieu 3 ft nor htm nlmvo moutianul ilia coin ursiiou niuat tio jiultl for nt regular rak a ghaiibua for contract ndvorluemtjtila mul lm in tlio aiillu ity noon nit tura- aocounla pay n dl o monthly kifglluh ofllco 10 vlukt hiram l4- jon id c wlmro jkiir fi untl j hardy a co will recolvn for na nowa bufaaarlnlloua oml ndvortlmimonta nnd whora our rondera can fru oi i hortfo our lion or whan la knulntiq ii i moo llli i lidltor and proprietor sualiicno shwttirp mtlos gray m d cm mcgill lltoi icniniiuitnii lh v ah fluauotr ifauuun iiiutirii mbdilai ahuoliitiun ktc dmooyrcilortck limit act on out tr a l iiokl iralualu of lilvonuty ol torouto oltloo at laairieiirn on willow hlrelbt twaun merchant a isioiu ami town iuii ilioua no un af ruv ont j mioicinnon lianaiatau koiicitaaaouvityancaa orflckuiii fltrnat in htotvl illoaa uoiaaloan ilraiioli haul lit roil opan wailiimirav and ilaimlayi farapouftli dlyuloii cuurt coijuiy ol hal- d n j m dull dij 8 luc unwrist anou at linahonci luiiiif mill ami imjorlcu iionoh qiupuitu or tononru univbrrit tin latal auaoiiliatla uioj ii d oil rod at hockwooil ruoiilaji vwcxllanxo us tji anii hajldv co anvf utiiiing costhactaiti and ni wn cunninrawtitnti ja flcol slrcci london hc lngland f ihamoib ndnan uookiuudkil aeaouul ilnaki of ll blnta inaila io ordar lrlatloaliolvaryilaairlitloniaratuuyljauiid lullcvnaatlvandproaipllvdanr m ahuiaok llqkutiuu ii r uooitu mpur ov uinauaa ijionas prlvataoolaa nowltnomrnjolrd luaad i raildudoa in 11 a nnlntf fraa trau otdoa acton w m iihmhthkkt llobhukp adotlnmiir alio monay to inan an tlia nmil f orabla umiand i hit lowait ratca of lutaratl in unnot shoo ami uiwarl y hum llcbnul u auci ion ordar tail nltli tlio i nuu li rtnolfo ininiadlata atidiitlan lirin ontario khr aotun will jam us mcdonald iicinuiii1 auctioni vortlio eumttlaiol walllnatnn ii watarloa waiitwoilb and tlia v luallt ilaloa aonduatod on riatatialite tarn latufaetlnu riiaraiiuail in ayarv tf u rorurm dalea olo aiiplr lolloumf llaamamcucor molauua iii and hoi uumidi out talaiiliano i4t ii uala may bo arraiiuari at vvhh vuuu aatan illy ol lid jix olltea r kerb lici nuih auctiuvuuh lor tlia counllo of walllnuioii and llaltnn ualaa onnduotail will aatnlaulmn and upon raaoaatilaiairuia ordar uj lallar to minim i o inlojihrma la utmoaa or uairliiup ir lati ai khkm imaa owm alitor will mi ln liiimodiato atlantlnn nunaaiiinuu hrocu laitiau huocoio thb wbll1noton mutual insurance company llaubluhad 1040 haul offloa oublpn ont innullancboncafiliftinl mutual han any inauranna raqulrad will ba nromvily attaint w lldunnyabanl vounflhi acion alaaaoant lor tlia union inauranea co kunlamr everton hs eden mills tlia daait quality ol manitoba family nnd pastry flour for snlo at lowoat prlood out own mnht cliopplrir dnnn nnil osln rolled every day toflil or italo caili for wlieal nnil oaih mm henry hortop send your watch to us i or kdaiks put it m a small pabteboard box and address it savage co gttelph qni seven uenti will tako ij wo will let yoji itnpyv by return mail wliat it whi coft to repair it we do tbe finest work in the dominion c mt jj y7 ttxptwt watch itemiringji hollywood roadymlxod paint s 8 5 white our mock labtw it 25c por quart rcriilar 43c ottlhlal watoh inapaotor or a ran i trunk rnllivay iuelpii ont stephen oordiner paintsb paperhanoer bionwjuter deoorator rwopla of aclon ami aurrounilliir vicinity llial i liave or intpecllon a marnllicenl auorlnieni n hiaholabs wall papers i trmi livatrlcl nllenilon to liuulneniand modaraia clitrnen to trcnra a nro of your palronaga any work entrutlctl lomycjiro iliall ba executed in a auhfu and lraileimn ilka man nor onlarilodal homo on miii si or liy jrojiplnra can will receive prompt alien tlon tlilnr to ixhimn airruut liiriinalu4lalu woarnr rlallil in iiwrulurlmr tllluu amrr r and vnnnaln awlt f jrin w ha n 10 inn rimh flow votry a for mln n nrrn lien llpflil our hmd ouraywwuuim or excelsior bakery wo arc headquar ters in acton or bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wc also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t statham son mill btrcst aoton your chopping will bo done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills llour ontmcal bran shorts the bout at lowest prices harris a co limited hcton liiveht bus liw6 tlio iinilcrainnnil reipaclliilly ollclli llio patronane n ilia puli- llo ami inform ihtm ilui wall kqulppart and btyllahniira cm rlwayi im secured at hu lablei a cnnidirlalita hue meela all train itatween in 00 am and 6 ig p m careful nllenilon ulven in every order tlio wanla of com- itiorclj truiellera fully met tfiopifbron porlrq liiuililiiu tvv newlocb o tainr wnltitik lor sliulf i apico io tliat our aiock of hollywood iiiuat be old no ijuoillan aa o rjualiry pimply muit liava room ilov now t thd bond hardware co llmtud lutafl pliona 07 quelpji there is danger ahcad lor ilioia who nurlocl iliolr oyo alrlu and who don i lake heed lo i tie oral warnlnjja iltt nalrailvaa in lime if your ojra hlur nnd lilacb ipoit iioji before your vision it li lima lo iiimi your ayea okim i ried and if noceaaary fllatioi futotl in them display wisdom by calling today a d savage oilomihrist and olllcian ihone 371 ai wiulliiin strrm guelpii ont- winter session opuna january tlli in all ilanart jl vi ll iiinori nkhh coxll larrard htraat cataloflda aiplalna 1 work will nil i 1 r livna viai t a 0 obmi vl1riw it hiuw fraaldant if you grow hoarse wlllinut any apparent rcaaon if nil irritating httlu uncle worrfee you need evans antiseptic throat pastilles tbey are miaiirpaiuictl for reliev ing coiijilm nnd prcvcnlhijr mrtiitsa nml irrilnllnu of the lliruiit flicy itlcp ho voice in fine condition all prominent nhiijqri mid niakcra im tlicut tk t broxnin k5ton ont artsts materials watbr colors oil colors and suppiibs pynoanapuy supplies and qutfits nature study supplies iolt collkgrs schools ok rtudfnts send for lnformllon lta calrloflua no 1 arlum mftlrlll iml nnlurfl slutly supplier caialofliia no 3 ijrngraphy suppllei waters bros the plotuiebtora 41 wyndham bt cuklill tiio oloclt iiu win ml u lu h cninti from tilllilulit a imtioiit nlil tlilii with no illu iicu lu nil uolniiiii nnd ioiiiki in rrn 1 1 and oil an ixrordifiuly itcnl iri to lirrnurnut to minppr rlultton thrnuhb mm ly tick torh lit ktnclij nm only llio dork tick lork tlnu tooki hell my iiih iiiiihihvh vjllm tidy lliey riow on hi fntc wlivn i frittv to bu hlu i nlitdl knw wliy oiln latm loiip itnd tlio tii 1 1 tu aliint autl oiin liu iiuivnafiihl nnd oik ulmv ivom liwinkfiiut louiitmor i lucrhtoii thioiiftli tlioduy t tick- tnck tlrkfnek i niii only h i rlouk tlnk lock tick liuk liull uuy atnltllit wfiaii im akiihl lm ktcpa vliluuwk vt urn wfifiotlin llttlf tiiita do ho imiuiiib iliu hrownlii criip llirriiijtli tbn litlnd uix httlu hd tilionu wot with div limu liirlilthnn to dnytluir ufulitoii lhioiijfh tlinduy iliktock tlcktork i only he clock tlrktock ticklock liull nj and when it comoi iimrnlng i mt lm would mil i aak him but nitvur n ti iili or llm wmidcrriil thiifr which lu- unw in tlio nlfrht dooa lm oltow in hla aobnt old fnre im m break fimt to uiinur nialttnn uiiourii tlin tiny tlrktock tick tock i nm only llii clock t ticktook tlrktock hoh uiy tin- april dtillnentnr oublph ijub pess oucjlc mluhoultiiilimk ilptr wyudbrntu 81 oifib out a iirt clash inrllliilion fnunded in irhi by a preieni prlncliwl famoufl aa hie iralnlna clioal of many ucciiful builneaa man both canadian and american distinguished at the founliln head and ifiuree of tlia canadian club in canada fluikkioll in ha meal iplrll and loach- itifl ha tralnwl arailuaiea are in con lant demand- lor particular call at i lie collejje office ij7 upper wyndham ulroal or ailtbeia malcolm haogormlok b a phnoipal 9ruci 3fnmilu itenbino plxlfjj jphlnnb for arthur lly maury llarllrigall utiirit iymniul lookod lonr- initly uftii limn hlivlliy mid dllk bin hiiihii brotlinr kuncid iiphbimvdly into lin i1mii out fuce miihiij ho aitld aliuiwdly why ilonl ynu nun i y lui f von uliiuijt i ik mi ai unit tli iii hi- puurit iljtk wui only tvilv but iiiiik thin onru hit inmy llltlo inulii undi i i in- tlmlui fnil imii hnd htlpi d tin iii liuilliii tlnmitfliu ifulit placf i whb i know hi old rbup hi wmil on in ii dlirviitnt vole im nut iniiaby but- well jim kmm imw it u yoiuuiir i runt oi y wiiitoicu ni mlf mi btimil wbon wo luio no wiiuiuu folka u cull mi iiit i dont blh lunv wo mo k tn iko it tlmy lurtiilnly ro hnrd folkn tunt noxl to uilmlltud dick tlioyi n liltni bum it iiionth mid i wti dna imw nnd ovon tubby mra iltkiu luiil rtt lit will them i riii tin n lnt any cbiinrn fur at t jni in t in i f uu tiioo a i hi in ainlliul lit llii pin iniiim 111011 ilul iirtm nil dick wnu unu or thu tin td who hnd boon vuiy lonoly in llio bljr lioutiu ulncu af i lynwoud hnd uiiuwitcil lint cull nf tho riuiit hoynntl hu with mi uftuclliinntopiit on llio buck nnd n hi ink nov oi mind old fullow arthur wutchod dick tin n lulo the sclinolynrd irk uwntik in on nil aiiddnnly nfhf arlliiir mid iuhk l it hla uont uluovr dont wnny until i too what i can do fur you lioooiiiiuniidcd thnn tm li ft mill spud buck na ttm inut bell wnu ringing thu pminlut ebon kd aillnii ndilly dick wiia fei tlio in liivnntinn mid could ho truutud to in lug nbniit even llilu coveted nnpni lot iinoo if it oonhl po- ibly hu duut thu hbrlbyabiid knpt vuiy mucli to tlieniiulvcu blucu i hoy hnd uniuo tn town inquiring hiihyhnillob hnd imtni idld by tlio niiild llmt mm hhilhy wnu too ill lu recti i va uiillniit mb yet him hnggad to hu uxmiimd fur it ftiv wipka iiinre mid llio gltl artliur liud dunovuied hint lift niuiu wub iripit hnd uhiuetl bin nilhiru uccliulon duiiplln hu pntilltluitcf in dick arthui wnu i ui hut mirpiuid thut uvon- lug whuu muu hlulhy on nil rnnnlng out nft in huiuiniih lit piibned ividnnt- ly alio hud been wntoblng fur lihn nnd arthur piulmiil uikui hilnly na bo rounh- ed llm tfiite you nm mi lytiwondk hhn ahhl with ipiimlliiuliig lutluciiuii and jnit on- mian hhilhy p ho in tm mil i mil ni yum mnvicu itu iilmut jinn biolhui mid my brothel alio hcgmi in piotty otnbiit- iiibamuiit itaifinulhiit ytinr hrittlici mudo un nnlhily uiipiovoked iittnck upon iiiiihi nfdi uuliool thin tifternoon ininr ilnbm t wna imdly irnnlod ho la iintncoiiblumud tn mixing with imyu nnd bo kuuwu litth nbnut ighllng i timlurfltniid tliul ynui hiuthfr piomuid hlin nnotbui lliiiiuhlug tnmoiiuw i uli nil fjniik to dllk llilu iivunlng prumutd ailhui but jiiat na bu gttvn llio nauuimico dluk ciiiiid lent log out nf tio lymvnoil litiimt nnd ai tbur citllrd hint ncrouu ihn ntiaot llo cn piomptly fin dlok iviih not n luty toablik nipiiihllilllllnb he it gurdud iiiiiu with mild mnnuuuiont uu arthur ropunlnd lior liilimipnt iiomihi i ml it f iiamud dluk atuul ly i giifau un fdllowu uolng to hnnr lila liiolliit aullud nnmue youi biotlnr unltl in i tie wnu a diido nnd it pi utly luiy nnd ait iilnl unit iitidiiroroiit iwdng jiiblgnodluokiug nuinr mind tliul utdfiud attluii liiiitlly iluil hi nn 4kiiiiiin for yon tn lilt hlin thut wiimil nil uupiiimiuiitci dick ilu eulbd you u hlg alliyunil nld tltitt if uu hud tiny gut up nnil gut ithmit yuu oum gut nun i iud mid glw tuoiinolhii niolliii to kiop nu fnuii iml n g lonely mid 1 told hlin tlnit thorn wimut mi body gnud uimigh foi yuu uitd lm uiild iiuybiuly wnu gnoll miongli for yuu mid muni i huimiud ilm it good oiin nnd thnru wun it flghl it unant niuch of u flgbt ihouuh lu iiddid with ronteiiipl t hud to rhnao him four block h to got lu one punch do you undlibtnpd mint you will bu 11 1 mulled if you iny hunilu on ju g hbolhy ngiiliif douinnded artbiu bci ntlaly ill lick hlin ir hn tulke ubout you it flu red dick truculunlly ho lliin proroodod lo lilihoso hv return u to mumhhclby ra jubl jhiibout ivoi bo uv philucd i ut bliico mnlhur died iiom doit ovorjll ug tor me mid i nlul going tn hnvo nny hoyinll hlin iinnuii mid any tliul nuy girl la good onougf fm him in iiiiiu y vvhpn its mntrleni mnnt hlin tij iiinrryu top ilotclinr mui yon tin gliluf io wiitt criiinioii at thu prnlno mid u biiggrntiii but alio tm tiled into uu frei kbil fucu bnforu alio turned to arthnrt ibhnllaunlbul robert in piiolabud if hn tcpoiitahla nlfuune alio prouiluod nnd i tlipi t tilnuin aiioli it lojul tllllu born worshlppur for ilurundiiig hlu hlg brother i dont blmiui hlin omi bit uhn ndded colmlng ngnln nu alio let bet eyeu lent fm mi inuhiut on llio grim hiitiiiue fucc i ahiitl bo glad to aiir yuu chniihl you euro to lm neighborly ml lytiwoinl mothvi im improving hut alio wlabco tn ho ulrongur bofnru sin fucoh ibu influx of tbn kindly nnd tho curloiiii ihlintlbiighid touin in hil wil ing if i uiny wnu tho quick icvpomu a ml ailliur wnulonoiigur foi nnnnawci to iilmuvn thu ihihilintc wink with which diik fnvoid him tb gli i gtvii urwent proiupllj nnd ho hlg mid hie 111 t u- brotbur bow d dick hung buck ni thu lynwood gnti i got uiininthlng to do bo oxplnln eil if pionrlifull you ut in lull thu ionltig you iihiiuioiiu biiuiu uhoiil live a i em ciiiiiu in ut llio i in iiio iiiiiifiuilitliiud arihui who j on uniting loanc inul july ubout mi imui uiiuniicil dick i ii trod uhu uuiild hi for jou ut tho gulp nml i wiiik d to llnidt oir the job ill in- borne in uhoiil un hum ait himliiutnlurr d ah ihu uinit nnd by fi tltoiill im toiitu icnnliid lb ieur of tin hbolhy limine whom the pbiuip hut uniuiitthiit clilinlilr itohetl wiih plnylng by liliilxidf ilu tmloil lo inn whim dii k up- peiutd on tb- hloiie hut tho uuui iiriltolidbid bu viltlin pluiomd by thu minx while unu initloiiil band huh hiied mei tho hpihinlug nnon mouth i aint going lo hint j on now pioiuluul dkk i jm1 ivaia to liilk to on you told yom hlntui llmt i puueb- ud yuu for nothing didnt you r 1hulujiibt what you did milled hub hhulhy that ulnt iu cot tented dick i did punch you for aomihliiug but i nlul tolling you wlmt fm i lold j in ti ut oi thut i licked you fur culling my hrothern nines nnd if ynu otu datu uity hint it nlut io ill got j on in n cor nel wherojou en nt tun uwny nnd j oi til know how it feel io ho in n dynamite exjihiulun i cuti do it ntnf iv ho added fiercely nnd ihu hlu ink ing hid itaamcd iiib lord untl nmntei hint h coitiilnly could i dont ivniit in huvo to dn it cx- ptnlnud dick yonro en anft that if i lioiit ynu much youll got nut of minpe nnd ynit ulnt got ton much bhupu uu it u youll iiinko ii lor en brotberln law nklnny hut i gnppnwo thut ill liuve to utiind ynu fur lo bctii fixing tbliiga foi ailburnnd well i guuua you go with tho family an bnoinn dfllvunfl btonv yen induod wo huvo do mo fptoor little inclduntb huppun lo liu mild thu onglmi ill ivor nu ho piled hlu oil etui itbnut nud iiudui blu iiincblne a jiiopi thing buppiiiiod tn mi about n yearuro yniim think it tpuei fm it rough mail 11 ko ino to ciy foi ten mluutux nnd nobody inn l eil bur wouldnt yonp well i did mid i can iiluinut my every llmo i think of it i wnu running along ono of tin noon pretty lively wbon i nppiourlnd u utile vitiligo whom the truck outn thioiigh tho utieetu i ulncked tip it ulue hut wan still making gnnd ipiid whon aiidduiily ubout twenty inda ithuud ot me n ii tl lo gilt not more thnn ihreo j emu ohl toddled on tn tho linrk yuu ount oven i unit i mi fetdlngi thriii wiib mi way to nuve hoi it wan impnmlblo tn ntoji or won ulnokon iiiucb nt i lint dlutiinni na llio irnlii wiib hciivy nud llio griiflu dotconillng in ion ktcuniu it wuuld huvo beun nil ovoi i nud after revernlngandapplyiiig i ho briikoa i uliut my oyou 1 didnt want tn sen nny ninir an wo nlowed down my ire mini uluok hi bend nut of tho enh wluduiy to bud what id top- lied for ujuin hu laughed nnd nl ton toil to mei mini look herel i looked untl lliuro wiib n big blui k noivfmiudlitnd dog bidhg thu lit in ghlliibuinonlb loluuiuly wulklng towuid thu hoi mo wbniu olio ovldoiilly hrlmigcd hlu wnu kloklun unu oijlng mi tlml i knew din wiiilil liuit mill ihu dog hud mi ted hoi my i min nn i bought it funny nnd kept on luiiflbhig hut i ci led llkn n wiiiu mi i jiibi couldnt hnlp it i hnd n little gh i of my own nlhniur huli-rt- ud iib awalloubd tub atubtard hull ugiil ihiue hiolllg ihu in un- lm dpot mi llm tithln ru- tho fliwl time tenued for mine or ihu unknown unit- ten if hu uncle who wnu curving in i kuep hlin pilot plncvd o iiihiiiii bolplug i on hla pltli tho lllllo mlow look ll i nil into ida mouth nt mien in llm on deuvor to own low it mill nut ei y mil ttu htmid on tho i ting of liu chair with ihu lum a lulling ilowti hla uhuoki iiih buui n yonr ulilni- nuked how did i yon huolt mniryk ilu iv pi i til well it iiimh my npin l dullniiitoi makino oood aliio kiniiim hiilkul inlolhollbimy un open h it i in in i hiiiiil ioiti bun wi lltun in link uu lo go to tho iiitilm prom ut jllluowtr moth i nbohuld mid tlicie nana iirer utile iii b in hn voiic mm imuirvi lookrd up fium her hook how dillgbirul my diurl uhu ild nlhuxinuliiilly ymiui looked foi it aril no uiiidi in going i know mid uiny j on nihil v inuo the iirolllcfct gown wo tin plan togulhni ilut im nut going aimwortil the gli i mid tho litl lo utob lunl tm m d in tnujptlbiohol not gplng ixilnl 1 mm iinwi4 in atoiiiuiimniit why what u tho miiltoi toll 1 j ihmikbt you nud ton worn aiult kpnd fi ii min wu wnre iiiqlhui ciled alice audit wan hniiiiithlng mini foi ut jin bitiinia tom tnld io raiud jot me u iid i liroiniaid- hei voice luoku ngnln hut hou in with jhn uwlftml ai t in college tid linbmn and joe liovo nud nil tbo i hi hyn lhit weiu lit pup at honl will hitu i told hlin thut ho would have til hienk with ihiit if ho lyiuiti d me whul bun hedoiio now doniuud- id lui imithci i hud lumd nolhlug no i didnt tell you aiuwnd tho gbl i wu o inul llmt i ioiihln1 il una jni1 llio uillliht unit of uciupe ulmtdiid would ill miphoinntlr a i il of bix liiteinily dimi to lihiiiinu mid diuik mote i linn ihiy uboiild nud then hud n gum nil hiuukhup ut ono of ihodaiholiuin thi li i beiiid bome- lliing ni t ll i iibkdtiiin nnd ho old mi iliiiiglil ho lietoi llm ou knim i huh angry mid dimippniutoit ifiuiiim mid mii hn allro lifted bii bead pioudl and hinlu nil ibiifunlioui il dont j mi ibltik that inien iktlu bind un torn gli llo nuked mm kiiuief w iutfulty aruut mi going in nlvo him uniithi i rlutikoi yob iniuioi lepllud alice 111 inly but hot the rhiuicu of tlio glil who u ilu her fniglvoik hh jiint for tho miko nfu good lime llod dubpluo nut if i wnu llko hint nml id hupio myself loo im koing up ntiiini lu wrltu him unit i i nnt go i and nil it walked nut of tho loon lu i hcid utill nobly enct tho loiter an hnid to i ilte leached tom uu hn ant in ida uncluu study uiiulliug with thu pnifeuuor ovoi nn inlilrutohltor culrtiliib mid illu ruro diopped dolefully uu ho lend il when do on expect mluu kummj li oficuoi iuu iupili t d pleitbaiitly im nnmtertnm hi id out lh leltei lu lleuci i wbon hla uncle bud fhihdicil iiiidinglt bounld itu nil hint fool lebanon parade no glad runxrit inlno tiia prninl alien lu gloat i know but nhefl the sort of hi tb nfu dread fully hnrd on n follow hut ihiilh juut ihu kliidufn wommi a nitin wuntu niihiviiicd hlu uncle itu tho wniunn who beta high ntutid- mdu iiluiokt out or nm roach who mnkub ua kiou tho profuuamu oyiu boftimml nn hu looked ncrouu hlu atuily to thu picture of u woman who hud ut onco niudo life hnrd nnd ury very biiiullfiil for him if ilololt r tiny lutlhiwoild nt win biio mndu nioii hi i in a be quoted uhtwly then be nitikd villi u quuiiiiil glitiiro ut ilia nephew tuin itu up in you i ynnro dond light duclu nudl oiluil tnii it now light of determina tion emning into hi face h u up to mc nml im going to iiiukc goad 1 thud it ivuu the bout of louiunnde etc nt thu aiinchih i hnvout licit id llytu tulkingnboiil hlu iiioiiophiiio intoly hun ho dropped iip giiioi iiiiiiliid nonuld hngg hduippodhlin luck iollniving f glto tho ttiblliuony nf it holy who if aim had known of un link em her would huvo b en hivmi nine u eekit of ngony i mm krfihthk uiyiutof uw itall- vtuy axuiiuo ntintfoid out bnya i wruldoil my font while ptepnrlng biippii next day tlm ukln catim olf nnd my root wnu in it hoiihub condi tion i could nut worn my uhno nud hud lo iny up for nlnii weeks dining thbt llmo i iifctd ilnxenh of ml von but j iiiuiu did nny good in fuel ihn wound developed into it miming unit i got no i out dny or night finni llm pnln at thlu point it aupply of zuinhnk wnu ohtiiinid mid ii fow iipiluullonu bud i illlaloiirotl in uuuihlug thu pnln mid luitiillim a uniiill mipply pioved miolnhuit to inul tho urnld nl- ihuiiijh i inul upitit dnllum lu othei renunlhs now aklu iiiib now formed own tho npiui sun nn link lu llio mobt wonderful mid t ituctito letiiliiy i imui iibuii mid i udvuu ollnii u tn lite it v imlluk ut qunlly t fucllvu in curing luti im mi tin jllinoie carotnkoi of thu ll oluiuonlii illnuk winnipeg teslllleu nu rdlow mubliihud u nerhu of bad buinu while iillond- ingtotlui imgo fm mien which iikiiih ihu hnllilliigw one bum nu my wiut wnu pnillculmly had mid gave mo gtont pnln 1 applied uniuo znuiluk mid in fiitilglit bonra nil tlmb re- inuluoil nf thu burn wiib ii ullghl near tinhitk aeomiil to inko tbn pnln ittviiy liko ituiglc u lu it splemlld bu m in km p hiindy ll healing pnw- tnu bulng uluiply iiinrvulhiup tliuto in nntliiiig in qua zitniitnk iib it fmumy liiilm ilu mum nn an wide ll hint been piovudii euro curt fm ic4iinn ilngwoi ni uleereabiicebs- op pi leu bad leg mippnuillng wiillildi en id briiuis chapped liniulu cnld urnekv imiii nil bklll injuileu mid dlu- utiu itnbbed well into i he pint nlioiilod it umtiu ihuutiiiitlbiii bolullun neuialglu elo all tliugkbilu uml utnicu hull mki pur box or punt fioo fium xlmilitk on tot onto mi i uuiptot pilec twenty ykano aoo or mnroh diihty utiolla mo on dcik ngnln hup run well the pnat week mr i inntlulh gelling tho niiiti-i- lulu on ihu grnuud for u lino in kk n ni- doihouu willow hi toivurd mm end of iiini week itov dt ullfojd uiih lukni ut and onhatllt- duy it burn blent llmt bo wonjd not lm nfilo in pinb the following rliy w milinf knox church tim coiiiiiiiinlraliit wllb mul jt una oiinugiil ihnl llm metbodlt ongrc- katliui attend thu birvimn of knox bun h in hii iniiiiiliig mid hint mr rue preach lu ihisfj ibodlulchiiu b in the uyunbig knoxtlioirji wnu filled to tho doom it tint iiiolulug mid lu tbe ivculng the mitthoiliut oluinh wui fltud both in gullcrleu mid miditin lum thirty jmm ugo hint i ilduy mi nml mm rtihl aklua werelnaife hmdiuml oml ifo mid took up hu ir iellem on ltjb ton inungauiu at mi akim invltnllon oljout 1 mdghbnm and afiuliilaiirei met to redehiute iholi tldpu wedding the evetitu of llie pin weie icvlved itecnllcrtintib both iad nud happy weie leculkd hlmit ndilriauia given by hov w lliku m lohu itiuiioy it mm- bnne hugh aklim di winn inil keiin dy win iliuk john mc- liegot john ktihertuiil aim r pickett j nibterbiook dakota nml tihn riolihir mr aklnu rpnnikd to tbn kind ihliiru mild buying ho nud lilu wife urn not jet tired r each nthet tbo piilffdlngi hint t i nurd willi pin 1 1 itoitt u tnik huelpb hml moo dny owning in lured in the molhodiut cliiuoh on tho leiulim nf tbo idih conlury a hearty witu of thmiku wuuiuuvd by lluvu ii ii conk inn j w rue mr n moure beciotury of tho young ponpluu union iiikiui whotui iiiikphiih llio led urn wnu given gnvo it pionuututlon uddubu in thu tiubii en of lln chuiih unnviylng in thoin tt lieiiullful wiilnut rune gullury hilk mi w h htoiuy repllud in lilting lerun mr w p ilnnvn wnu chiihiiimi w ii ilnrtiy of juilph bunk- keeper tor j w lyon wiiqui rested for oiulilzling slkml from mr l on hut wait hulled out by dr iott falling tn nppoui ut tbo time nppnliilml for tilnl hlu himuu wiib vlaltud nnd ll wuu found ha hnd uliot ida wife nnd two diiugh tern und hnd lied llowuulntci lu res ted lu tm unto whltlur imhtut guiiu bonding wold to hlu sou there to ineit him hut thu son hnd loft fur iuelph on luurnln of u trngedy it lu bu i loved ho intended shooting thoaon mid thnn himself us hu still bud tbo icvolvei willi hlin pitrchnued from ilondu the day nf tho minder mr john inrnur of lloronre visited bin it lubt week hu met ninny foi met noltfhbom mr nud mm jnu ihnwn and jim- mle luft last weelt to vjhlt ut 1iu- uiurck mid olhei pohilii mm j h mcdnivlu who huu beun visiting her sister in hliatfud wiib iiciu jestnrdfiy piepinlng foi rcinovul tutloillii pi of i a mulirgoi hau beun iippnlntod ilfsldent of mrmuilii inl- verulty in pluo of uov dr taulle who hau toolgtied nn in i mint of inn- tinned illness eikak a oiibunruti wono did yon overgo out hi tbn morning with n llunrt do dept eased nnd sadden ed hint n pull aooniod bprouil over llio world tint on mooting unnin friend who spoko chuerlly for u mluiilo or two if only upon iudifforuub nintfum you huvo fnlt ynuiflelf wonderfully lightened i j von n child diopplng in to jour hoiiaii on mi on mid hitu hi ought in n rny nf sunshine which did lint depart when ho wont hlu way iiltitln it lu u bluhbcd thing to speak u clieeifnl wind whuu ynu cuti kvory heait knnwolli itu own hlttornesh thu wm id ovm mid ihuso who livu in pithiceii mo not exempt nnd good wordu tn umdi heatlu nrn llkn npplco of gold in pieturuu of ullvti liven nil augers wo meet cnuunlly by i ho way til tlm tiavelem wultlng tunui mo uiinotihcioiudy in hue need by tbo luntt we use it ii ilte onn with plena ant wnidu on bis lips to whom the stranger in n utiungo land tuillb fin tiilvlco nnd dliootinii tukn it na u cniiipliment if somo wayfnyei cumou 10 jou to direel hlin which street or truln tn take i ynur nianiinr hnu struck hlin uu belonging lu one hu cm tiust 11 is haul souietlmeu to speak u pleas ant woid when llio idmdinvu tuat on on i hum lu butiioililug will loud mote to lightoii our sphits than doing it wlieo you have nn opportunity lo speak a dun ting word you onn often uuiid it full b nn of uiiiibliino into thu liourt of mm t mil rowing filend by wilting a good wininlieuited loiter a mistaken mishman it is said to bu a pecullaiity of thu ialiind of montsorint hint the negroes upenk with ii ilcli itub hinguo thin plienoineiion is explained by ihn foot hint lu thu seventeenth century tho colony una peopled almost entirely by thu 1 1 mi in tlm diudlu or thu deep hlr ivedotlek tiovou given thu following incident llbiattatlvu of ihu oaiu will which thlu dialed hint been pioioitod it luipmtnl finni obui an liluhmnu rieult rmm donegal in i ivob nk monism nit mul lennlng aver tliu etciimuru mil udiluuiuvu himself in thu following teinib tn a cnnlbhutk npgio who has cmiin nlongslde with piovlulnnu i nny culfee pliwulu ihu chuiioii fm u hid iislmrop loud yer liunui if yuio nut itfinld nf wnrruk hut mo mimeu not lllyee nn plonsu ye itu nt mill- viinoy- mulvnneyv and dn jo mniin to any juioohlshp dlilo tbn niiluth doff ml uul auhiiw lung have yer been out hetet a miiltor nfllii ypni or mi tin yenil an ik black na urn hut hiuo mo sopl i touk yt furiviiiiygui tiik uonoav iittlk uov on snbballi iiiuiiiok lln h moiovti all up uml down lliu t ifneopli in huh sunday inline allmibuly mul in at die wmldin viiyiiviluud un and nnmioumkhu iuim lor hum nml hu nud join wl will aluhiiiiday lillh ik i boll huh i pnlil iiy uurlglii thuli fiuoi fbinj iran i limy luivi i v i j ti iulj guil a vuij ho b i m ii thoy bold lljili illluk ufi hi i n arid and tbliik ol ii onk 1ht hunlay boy all oi in if the llv1 u m ij lluida thlt imliiik kii n ibb inn i mull hmuuoim iboiiih ii eh pnikluno anil bin ltilil of lmilgliif full i iv lil i liiiuiviiitituii veiyouo a liiluky miboio and ublte tn wipe bin hnndiv im o upon wbeilhuilijii ikliillljllulll they do tint whlxlli dn uul pluj they ilo not ling oi hhii ilul ioiiufnllyil i it ii wny oil hdrfliuu itiong nnd sloiil ohl allltu wnld i mlirmil iiwvil and nu ono inak i iioini when all the iihh up n llnlnet aie sunday lltln lov dilbiintoi tiiic naiiiiou path tikiixiio i i1u1 1 iiih in liu mliidu of the hb mirtbo momormully imii tbo ubkiici ir itnbhyh wits but then liax m vn bun any bmbt that a i sou nm o luuiilil 1 him how em hlnwl n foilvei ufli le- uhiub nd wont iu hhilo iiiihim wllb iik hobby r mkd nm f hubluti im nd- inllfm but hobby buiighn k i doilinic in in hild wllb ui- i ihlo ljll in- ibiutjnu hi liar aikiil llm un- wuovisllm no i i iplbl ibbli ami ibnillbiii win a hhnl d i hniiw from tbcfamtl ilblv- said in- mini m ib- rullonklm wilbdiovv ih n fimn hu publli giuo why did ui my nuili it riidn lliliig to mi hi oh ur hiliiiixe nuu i hiild her vwlggllng ilhmko i not hpuukid lust week fm nol telling ihu hull ami i shant nev i tuli unj iiin uguiiil who ie it a simple jet i 11u1 tabling guesting gaineiumylid wimi lu lie plnjtiu nllnllinarlkloaud uuo of thu nuill- bu ii i told unllj thoosft uiiolhii pi moil lu hie i ninpiiny nu tho loiupomi mibjt of blu tboughtu win n n fi htlioi hiih tuin mudo hie lebtnt ibt comauy biglu tn puution tho phi il who iiindit tbo boko con cttning llaauhjiil any qurttimist me allow able icgmd- iul tbo uppeai ami illiqiubllion v to nf the peisnii in oiluil ivupt eoiilern- big llio nam tin no quoutloiir nnd theli aiihwim will 1 1 a to much fun win ii ibo uiiiiio of tbo mi h veil led hniiio pi i i lo blu uiniliu- tneiit u iiilain to ibid ihul hu had buon quel iug w lib iiguid tn hlmuulf when ono siibj ll iiiih bleu guobvcd the phi jet next in unu s nuked to uhnohu oiii and llio gut using lontln- uos uu hefue you will nuvitn die soiiiiv iiblgoui level beat lor btlng 11ml to ihepotn foi bemlngberoioluiliilng im thinking hi fm e xu aklng rnrut nndlng by mii pilnclpku for stopping youi earn to goniilp for being genoioun to nn enemy for being cmiitcnuu tn nil id i asking pardon wbon in i nor for being bonukt in bummi deal- ill kb for itlvlug mi nnfoi timate puinou u lift foi piniiiptnoaa in itoeplng jmil puimkcu im pulling the in nt moaning on thu notu of iilbom tompoinnun liiului jsbb0aio men rnayicns one dn lhioeunom ituby jess wnu visiting hei giaiidmolhoi who win vuiy devout she nuil hahy lesu ir her motltei had tnnglit hei lu any hot pi ii urn jiuu uimwiied yi inniuii wlinm du mi pia to dou mid ask to foigltf iui uaudbi wnjut huuiilliuou i ptay lo uuillu iu knees ami sniuellliieu to he hu thb rual tlllno and did uu liuvo a good inn in aliunnl uhuui ibe pilvihgul fiioiul well i gum jib nplkil thu hiirtislm inlng potlinju nf lbimlet fifteen iiiilou in ono night with n iniih behliid vmi in going some uut hp thkigoniiw apteii sipkne90 vlnol unlit up strength for n llo- manvllla onftrfo man artnr all other manna unci pnlled i wuu ukk with pbuo piikumnnln foi twelve wukv uml aftei i got uroiinil i did mil gain vuy fitxt nnd i took nine bottle of imiuujon of oil illvet oil lint tbo pubis in iny luugu woiu iiiltl ihon i wuu in tiny a lowhh ding aliiio nud thoy ucnui nuiuded yiunl an i tliul u bnltlu mid hofoiol hud iuubed tho llmt hoi tin tlio pul un woiu nil gone nnd i wuu gutting uiiottgei ami iheo i look an other buttle uml now i nm well ihuiikutn viiiul inlm d liuhmii lloimiuville on tm io thlu lu becansi lnul lu llio bent end liver unit hnu tuiiiii in tho woilil it uuiitibii hemlv iippollte ulieiqilltemi tlm difesllvo oigans iniikuu iluli md hlnud mid i opinion wuukumm tvlth utiongth tlm htiiilklul iirccl nf ylmilliiiiufh of fuel jo old pi njlo iu simply leuiaikahle wo invito nil old people lellrule ohllilieu weak ninilown perumib omivaleseents m htun sulteiing rtnm uliinnlu iiulilu i onuhu m inoui liillu in this vlelnlty to liy vlnol on n- tit lotm it lliuli innnoy ir ii ilmii no good vu mukn this ollfii in show mil faltli in vlun it ii nixon ditiflulst adiiiu

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