Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1909, p. 2

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lloimmi i flumiili krtll niill i mll mill i km 1 i i 1 nil t i ml ii i ma 11 xlir i 7t ucii nil- id ui i fflljc artoit jfrtc rrss t1iuhha maul ii s lihhi bditoiiial- nottxu mi k n i til m iihiuomilliik illll hi tlio minis im iiiiiiiniihuna fnyltjlit ity iiimliiu fnifenitl tlio clorl onn hour ilmdiu tlio uuiiunir nijuldiu til iim lullritlnl l iii ilif immm now muniiik tltiniikh i hi hiliuli iir iaiiiotil jiilliih in i 1 1 rlloulir atluil mm moiitluy out tf am ilu in whll h i il tfitit vt ift hold llii i ilu uu h ilul ti imve ciriutl it im liuliiikwnv nil olei t lil hy jilclniilatliii mill min iiiiudivii tlvoi lint two all thn iiimiilmii nt tin cjiilifuct wilt letiiiniil mi willliiui imtitlfoot k 01 iirnl mi mlii i for yntru huron it tho coum of liu bpticli on llm limlgot nt wcol ilcllmrd fur mknncml tiiitiur unco lofllnlnllnn lie mlvocntul ilu iiiiaoluto iiholllliui of lh licenao bt tern i lioii yalil he llml llm tlnio la not fr ilutnut xvlion our pro lnclnl iviwury will iw nn lonm r enrlclietl liy tlio auk of llium hi iim a tlie into when intoxicants will lit tsatihl na ollut ml mm a nto trmteil itll tnmy ml ml u btiiutiou ilujrnci to ttolcmiu tin ncilpt of niniiiji licemlnjf tlio mi in of wlmt no ctim terlvo na n curse tlio april dallnoutoi marlta nuollinr atep in tlu prngrcta of tlio fori ulimt of wotnonw mnnxiiita hi ouiarrcd form aumptiimialy llhigtratcil it offera a fits- clrmtlng t utile of contanta tlio tlctluii conform with hid iiihii litornry uuinl- nrd of tlio dollnontur tlio fashion motion la tlio boat thni cniilwaupplluil tim purls lot tor nml llm lupnrtiuiiit co ml net ml by aim jlnrii k slmcnx are eupnloiiioillel by the dvlliaiiloi mptlolii ami iltaigmi famous in nil inru of tho world the uhihuiih which hna ofllcea in lrla lmiilon nrnl iutiiii pulillahea uwlal jvonrli inglah gtr- mnn anil bpnulali nillllnna which hnvo an immense clrculntlon tlinmnrchuunihorof llio limy miuia mngminu la 11 it oil with mi tin 11 a tin liy cliolco iiumhor of bright niut outurtnln lug nrticlda wlilcli caiinot full to bo ot trout hilpnntl lionofit to nil ita rciuurw knoh biicciiodlng 1st 110 is oililuntly moro inatriictho nud uttrnctlvo tlinii ita predict fliior 11 nil nffonla a whlor olftctinn in tlio thoit to cnr lo tlio tnatd of nil ciiikbih tho cnntrlbntlnna ilgnllng with hyatem nml iliulnoaa politlcnl anil commirolnl afijlr tlio llfohtorloa of huccesuful ptioiilf nml olovor flollon na wull na umny other good thlnga la uvlilonrtd liy 11 ghuico nt the tnblo nf tontonta 1 ho m iglnnl altotclioa nml tho aoiiltlouu fiom tlio leading ningaxlnoa and porlodicnls of tho world nro nil iinmlaninoly llhiatrnt wl b peaking in tho homo of commons a week or eo ago upon tho question of b public building nt aioncoe mr i ilomlonmn m p anlil in thn vil ingoln which i llvu thnro la ono in- ilubtryomploylngiloonionniidniiothor employing from 110 to 1u poranne and it hna n population nunrly double that of olonooo nut llioao minor connlibir- ntlona to which tho lion gontlomnn mndu roforotico do not acorn to weigh with him in deciding tlio location of a public building tlio apoolnl roaaons aaalgnod nn iwhnlf of olonooo nro nppllonblo to very many towns tlirmigb- out tho provinoo of ontnrlo nnd ilmvn no doubt to vory ninny towns in othor provlncoa wliloh hnvo rcciivfd no con bldorfitfoij from tlio mlnutor hmv- ovor in tills inalnnco i auppnan wo filial imvo to nlloiv tho gonouil policy to prvvnll bocnino wo know tlutt tho majority hi wost mlddlueox on the sfltli of ootolwr wna vory amnll n- deed ohildrbns iiain khp it churn nd vrm tvom dimbbb by uins pairlailain bir if you want your children to grow up with utwng atunly nud vigorous hair touch tbom to nun pnrlalnn hagoi tho world ronownod hiilrtonlo purlilnn sng la gimrantood by a t brown to euro diinilriitt nnd atop fall ing luilr in two wonka it growa now quickly hair in crtuua wlioro tlm hnli a thinning mil it la poultivoly tho moat dullgbtful invlgninthig hair drosalng on i ho mathot it la not illoky orgionay nnd will liuiko llio annraaat hulr aofl inu troui and luxuriant jot t 1u emit imttlo fmni a t hrown and watch how rapid ita notion ii mux mfg co mnkori port ttrh out orkbnook litenahv bqoibtv bubouiu brforkl bvaninv liwt thursday nljrht on tbiiradny ovonlng jaat oroonook literary hoolcty hold n vury aiiccouarul aoolul in ijiiallou soliool lioiiup aii inoollcnt prognimmu waa fur- nlalipil by tho young pooplovonlld or knnx oliiunli aoton it oonautcd of rtclthllnns by htlwu m holmoa nnd nalllo wiiiihiiiu loading by mr j mnopliflwnu aolna by mlsaoa m thompann anil lurtln jnhnstniio and moaaia v uosu nud v jinliiim dnotla by mlsupa istliol noai mid loauhi mao ilnnald iihittilti by tho young itaillitu qiinrlollo mid imiulo by i bo orolioitrn itav j o wllann ooouplod ihnolmir nd gave it vmy lnplihig and lmlpful uldmaaca in vhlnli m mged thn young poople in endeavor to find nut what walk of llffi naoli wnu it jul to fulfil nd having nicortnlnrd it in apnro no palna in tiylng to rvanli tlm hlulumt degree nf oxoollonoo wbloli that jmui- lion liad tooffflr i tho proaooda of tlm sou in i iirimmtnd i moro than siifflolent to our a cans of to9ioits dyapvpilit or indigestion lbt til km btep down i ihhiii f 11 me phkmh li u hnn 1 ililkii mid 1 11 in nii of thl iilpiillly i tot lut tin ntctmliiii pauu without 1 mil- iiiimllng ix it i m whiiiidik miggit iiiiiih in lat luuiir and adding my pro li ut iigaimil thn wn 11 to 11 dialructhm tlm groaa viuiilaltiiii ptrpulualcil by thri o iiiombiira of mil nuncl in in muling iuliiinw cimutrry with mi nt in r mithuilly llimi n inuluiidlug imlilgiinuuly wordiil rouolullon nnd willi cbuiity uoollini objoi i lliitn uu noiial gain l ml auddlioy th llu old pluiu tin- luiillfnl imiplm and mini hihlbal linw bn tin pildod only invii of natinc nud iviiy pint owmr mini n tin piiiihiihi nt mnuu uiiiut ulll by tho town i ct unlonkit ibia iiinlulfon ditto iliind by cliiinrlllir i lutnu and nup porlidby liiuridispnlhra movid liy k ihiou hi 1 undid liy a lb ii unit tliwtiumrfl glvi all llio wool in tin kt auivwy of tlm ciiluliny to kiiuh ptiaona who it iii bo rihpiiiinlhlo tii 1 id mid tkt in up miniii and in hum up nil tho juiihii mid lo 11 mi tin aivlilru mid not to lout anj plnta wlikh it uohl 1 wiuktnbn iimhr tho v mid jcounill lir i tului mid woik lo w roiiiuii ni d al 0111 1 1 hu n iihilhiii glvi tin m wiib nii and cimlnliiu but 11110 pntlvu illiktion that tin- h l roudy anbl nhotitl not ivo mnbalid whlih wna rortunali indud ouna tlrut nud only linpruhwuin upon luiullng tblu oxtrnordliiniy n solution would ht that tho llrat aurvoy conliilucil dnid mid lying ttnilxi wliloh should tw riiuomd m beautify i ho comituy nnd tlnit worthy porsoiia lu the village 11 hiilring foil would do tlio woik for tlm nluo of tho ood hut hoove hwocu- lirtuiir nnd tounclllor knaloii bolng tho fiittiein of it put n fur ditrirtnt in tcrpri till ion upon ll and 11a n cimw huotili imiuiliod nut into tlio lumhtr buaincbb councillor penny mug n nlatlvfof tho houvi must lm bt in but not on oviii tonus bo doing aukid to pay 0111 1i1i f mngiatrnto mxt ur cord for nil wood cut and converted to ida own uso aa tlio rvaolutiou apiclllid tbnt tlio work must bo coiumoucud nt once und tboy knowing tho uncertainly of tlio sleighing holp wna required n team- stor and tin oxport axo man appur ontly they woro not to bo found iimong tho iiitopnyora of this munlclpnlily nud tin u vvoh lirntlior in law a nnn- rosidont wna ongnged to 11 as 1st to cut tlio timber nnd hia brother anolhot mm- iialduiit todillvor it to tho mill and collict tho purcl nse pilco why did tho uoovp who was to collect for llm wood and thnbor cut diupouo of tho loga through a second party his brothel t porhnpa coiiiielllor ijoll will unawor this iiioullon tlioru nro three fonturoa cmbinllid 1 tint rrnolutlon that this nowly liinniluil luinlior i oinpniiy apparent ly overlooked that nnd foremost that it co 11 ta i ned tlio word hospon- ilblo second that it made no mention of loga third that llivy woro to con fine tbolr opointlnns to the first bur oy lvlilontly upon arriving at their self acquired limlta tboy discovered that other snrvoja and portions not yot survoyed contained tinibei that could bo converted into onsli and they holding the balance of power in coun cil could eablly pnaa nnothor reaohi- hon giving u10111 wldoi scope cover ing tlio whole cumctory lpon look ing over tho ground ono la forced to tho conclusion that this destruction and conversion of public property waa not for tlio purpoio of baautlfylng tho cemetery hut with a view of making rondo to roach tlio ninrkotablo timber na quickly nnd easily na possible where would tboy havo stopped had not our olllzena demanded a consatlon of tho moat hlglihnndcd outrage lu tho history of this miinlolpnllty v i bellovo that tho innjorlty of our oltlzoua will ngrcu with oxllcovo williams tlint tho llinn hna cumo hint nbtonlytliecoinotery hut our othor in stitutions should bo placed under thn management of n permanent com mittee tn ho composed of inon who would notstonptosuohndoajilcalilunut na tho iltick piiuhh uo mltdly ncordud in ho issuo or thn ltd lust whan in on in public places wilt so far fmget nnd betray public trust hb lodovnslato nud doutioy fm poiuomil gain uur anuiod plnci to what length would tboy not go if given 11 freo hand f in nil iiuni mon duluuoy why do those men not come forward and justify thtli conduot nr resign from offlcu p if they wish expression of public opinion on their alleged bwiutl- f ylug scheme lot them seek ro olootlnu lut oonnolllor lnston look horns with thonina ohrlon and tlio bitter would win insldo of tlio marathon distance hut tin 1 they lovo oftlno and tholr rooloatlon would ho doubtful to any tlio leaat yon is rospectfnlly a citilin vnu a ouviiititiov aoton muroh ih1i1 hhhi a brim and quict session attoounlm rnd far mxttu i tlt by chimm win uiuur- qurlitln 4 linniil mil on miinibiy 1 lining in ngiilm hum inu al ilghlnihau momheisnll pnihiul itvn hwin k hauiii in dm hah the co ill h nnn i iuaik 1 ph hi nil d huh ninth npit ami rei mu 1 pa 1111 nt of iiiiih n follnwxl it i ibow il wj7 iii ii arnold 1 liaill 1 1 hihimixd 1 bi out ml 1 in til in mipplliu jo hi aeiou i 111 1 im hh printing 1 vv l hiiillb iiiiiiin lo hump j h 1 h kin- gioniuuihaiily 11 w mllhir hi 7 7ll tlt 1 he 1 1 p ut win mtohi il fjliiitmy mmt ueuiil llm pan migkiif i in rv enluldiu iiitlhoru lug hie llitrd uf imuuitlou li bno uioiuiy fm iiiiniit 1 xpeiidlluim mpvid by hi llyvnli aniiiul by j 1 iwmiy itnu authority in huoby gueulnlh hillld of publio mi truktiixof lhl muuiilpalil in bin low ulii h niiiivu of mniiey hu ilu y may iiqiiho lo on jt ilu euiiinit inpthveu of the i mi i until the hikei for i lie yoal at 11 1 dhi lid nud pmlovki in i he board fart hd liin iicioiintm fm the mqmlli pui chisid fur p irluiwood while hlu family worn timliu ipiaiaiitimi fm rnrlut fevei luivlng birun paid hiiiiio of the- lung deft mil luimuiu fur sup pllvaforlhoriiinilyor w mlllm dm ing the amnll pox qiiarnnliiio in the wliitei of 11ki7h buhbid up again fur piijnienl and the one notiil nbovn whs paasoil it lu until 1 stood that the ihlk w take stops to collect fiom thn pan 1 for whom tho accounts have been p ihl the nmountu of aame mi v ii i bbngi- wnllul iipuu the council to unk that the work of tiling the upper st renin 011 main btnet adjacent to hlu pnqwrty tho woik waa coinmonced last year nnd nboiit l foot loft uncomplotid thirty inch tile la iwlng used if tho woik is com pleted tho creek will then lie ontlroly covered nnd tho inadwny whleiud tho committee on htricta and walka was requvstiil to disect thn matter and report at next niiollng inn electrician prison ted hia invun- toiy of supplies in stock at the power bouse na rtqueuleil at last meeting moseia iliardinnro ft co thiough tholr solicitor pri snnti d mi ngrecmont asking the council to recognise llielr right of way along hie siren tn fiom tholi mill properly on mill htriel to mnln htrnet where ilrock striet and church btriol cross tho atreaui tho corporation to pay a rental of twenty- live centa poi annum for permission to allow llio brhlgoa on huso stnots to rest on tho light of wny re fen ed to lliomnttn was loft over fot fnrthoi consideration council niijourniil nt nine oclock what la grippe did mr o l nlwvl of walketvllla onl was striikt11 down wild i a drier in ukkland li tit lljn in very ihi ton i ill on ilosnys i ws all run down and hnrueriiqt nn co nuiiiitllon i cnum net sloep at iiikmh iibii swful awiaa and ooiihlicii nosrly the wlmlo lime 1 1tu hhnw fwaswhcilj hcfn in lake csv c1iine lit alow iiervnuaslaio i but ruin the first itnille 4 hcrmito improve 11 lid niarve a fr mu ami liroiiftu me liaa tolicallltln no him makiu a nu v uiai if mi it fnrlkiim the bo y aishihl tlio dl lacks of i a drinpc a 1 1 1 a aitro pr veil la ivc 1 awayi ta 4 isvciiitlk ii i feil cod co mills on kill ii puts nt right lu htlw rsyciiinil tones the nyaleni and keeps the body in nniil physical cnnilltlnn no on csn nltord to bo wlllimil ii all nrimmsts snl soros soil at 50c ami ilcu sciki in uk t a mo mm limited snajins ave toronlo for a thialtltlh tow coughi colds throhl lun and stomach trouble tab piychlna iiiimimiimiirofflitiinrj3iiieisw ield seeds peas barley buckwheat spellt spring wheat com sample anil it clanwl clover and timothy b noble acton flour and feed store vyhat every cook should know is which wheat makes the best flour and why winter wheat is put into the ground in the foil but docs not ripen until the following july it matures slowly is soft and very btarehy spring wheat is sown in april or may nnd ripeiw in august its a flinty translucent whent rich in gluten nnd contains nearly twice ni much nutriment ns winter whent royal household hour stomach distress hvory family here ought to keep sonio dlapepsln in llio liouso na any ono nf you may hnvo an attack of in digestion or htoiuauh trouble at any time day 01 night tills inn inkms preparation nllldlgist an j i ding nn oat and overcome a stun stomnuh five inlnntes nflei wiiidn if yum mi ills dont tempt jon or wluit utile yuu do out seems to 1111 yon in liy like a lump of tend lu your stomach 01 if yui hnvo heaithum that la a sign of indignation ask yom ilmrintieist foi a oil omit case nf pupns din pepsin nml take one lilanglo nfler suppoi in night i hero will bo niiamu ilulugs no liolohlug uf uudlgoulfd fond mixed with iiclil no stouiiioh gas 111 honrtburn fullness or heavy fooling in tho stomach nnuim uebllltnllng lleiiibiolies dlnwllieso or lutosllnnl gilplug this will nil go and besides thtii will ho nn sour fond left ovoi in tho stomach to poison your bren lb with nauseous odors pnpeo din pop sin li certain euro fm nil slaninoh oilsoiy hocausn ii wltl ko iold of join rood nml digest it just 1 in anino 11a if your stomach wasnt tdeie actual prompt rellof for nil your atoinaeh inlseiy la at your phnrman- isltj walling foi you thosn largo no oout onaea contain is made entirely from the hard nutri tious spring wheat ci refill i y selected from all tlic wheat of tins kind grown in can ruin royal household is fine light and pure milled by the most improved methods in a mill as clean as your own kitchen ask your grocer for ogilviea roynl household just enough to try you wont mind the blight advance in cost when you see the reaulta in your bread and pastry 21 otfllvle floor mills co umlltd moalreal now spring stock of boots and shoes stovel tho shoo man is lilglily orailflsd wlih the result of his recent clearing sqlo he supplied liiindrods of cuilnmors vvllli ronulne hargslns in footwesr ond lie moved out such a volume of i loots and shoes lint room wns nude lor the convlenl handling- of his splendid new spring stock of the latest and best in boots and shoes uy ndvsnlleous buying for cash lite knelt offers unuuul slirscilons for careful buyers full slock of bimunb icuuiikks repslrlnr always nlven perianal attention gboegrb stovbiy mill st acton fettw0 leabher and liooal prejudice not botnuso we hnvo nny lault to find with uuardmoib ft coa leather but rather 011 nlcount of tho local prejudice agnlnst it wliloh la bolng oticotirnged in certain quartern wo havo been forced to liny from otitsldo tnnuorloh niid have just received a slilpment tf the celebrated mctuay onk tannstl this will bo made 1111 for you by n first class workman at moderate prices it will pay you to neo our slnglo aud team barnoss values are unuiirpasiisd we linmllo the uulottb cruam si6paratou which is guar- nn toed for ton yours turns easiest wear longest cheapest in tho end bo mniulsk mi the floor nf krost wood hinder mid testimonials front local nten who nre using the naw no 1 also sample on exhibition at a lever dlsu ctinniplon cultivator nnd drill and some smaller iniploinoutn g- 7- blkck bucckbhor to n nnhtt juv ill st rcton ont ladies new spring suits ii in iiii iiniii d mm 1 11i1 t 1 ni 1 lion miii hour wiilm all the new iuitn 1111i11 nml ikiilu 1111 iiliiiwn in 1 in 11 fiiiirui iiiviiiiiii liidfil ilu ipriuk oy irtilions 111 ru pu llirr iii in iiiiv 1 w 1 pinilui d in dm mil uur i luiwin mnlirk i ivcry lutlitntn liluili dili villli 11 111 in mi 1 ill 111 yinil 1 mi 1 pi for 1 111 li ipi ilily wc- imvb 1 11i11 11 i nml sunn 11 ii 1 inlii llrmvn lrn n mil lllur iwiidind 1 ii in mil llinwii i in 1111 1 sun 11 sin 01 iiiiji 1 llrn vii hlu mil 11 in i mam 1 suits it 11 nn lhiii llluli mil n ivy 11 1 sinpi 1 il o lliwii mil lriinii iliiiini mil vim 11 mu il si on all ilu in w i nlnn mil iiyli i in silk inn d uif it sij sik jlo in mil s h i lii ill ivi ini 111 1 1 liipmi nt it 1 pi 1 1 il vilun j tin t rrivid mil pi 11 id in mm li n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f irilm ir iimiiiiniiil in m ti nulypiil ilmut our iriillmtry junt ii diffi r 1 nt ii 1i11 y 111 in w nii xlri 1 liii tt i in im mylit vviliir you it ru for t hi- lu t ind ivi in ninli nlyv iimiim inly li t ui prvi it jit cor wytidlinm nntl miicdotmld streets fiurilh ovr two dopartmont stores goderich and acton news of opening days from cameron moores new store in acton o vb cannons aiie loaded lor ploplt of alton i un ilnj 1 ago tin 1 nrento wlinle iuil iiousen held big tpecial wilea one large concern 1 rfuril tho i irwnnl tlock 1 film insokntl firm of ilurtnu bpenco f llio grculiht start off salei ever offered to the ca one t wlioletile dry goodi niiollidrorcrid lint new 1 priug gmtlri being imported by hi 1 firm which wore stopped in transit nnd lithl by the hank n nov i hmiia nearly every wholcanlo kouio in toronto put en their hpnial hiileh tu retail iiicrtliiuil it ww a buiug opportunity without pnndcnl nnd hy fnr tlio mwt iiiiikirtant tmilu ivtiit lanailii lias known for n dmidl lliiri wait achanio for in at wo were needing l vory thing 11 drj gondi htnro nqiiirch ami ho loit no tunc in gutting on the nanuund inspeitsil tlie loek bufnrolt liimcupfor sale finding out where the must desirable gnoda wen and lmiiagn the ground wlmi tlio iloorn w ore opined 011 llio firt day l tlio nule wow cr ablo to get soveral cjuea of desirable gooda that w 0 will bo able to hell ut n vorj loi pi ko so on tuesday w lion the store opens we eipect to hnvo c it j tiling in bhapo nnd all llio good t on vlqw no hs to muuo nn opening da s record for the rest of tlio jeni our pa t rec nl in doing ns vo advertised should boa guldi to jou to know what we mein when wo tell jou that for our opening d wo will hnvohpicld value 1 that sliould appeal to everjon knowing thu mil value of mom y here nro u few of tho things lo watch for in tho drcsi good ilepartment tho opening dajh will be nitru to iliwr out hovoral linon of omcptionnl vauicu nnd wo ndvihoeirly shopping forgrcatist ran go sec our display on tuesday and following days of satin cloths and satin stripe dress goods regular value 60c and 75c special value iuc per yard striped linen sulllngs a new dress fabric that it very strong this season- in brown and light blue stripe special tuesday per yard iftc prints at rush out prices 7c per yd 20 pieces print good colora regular ioc and laic tuesday and while they last c per yard towelling 8c and iqc special 5c yd 500 yards good crash towelling with red btnpc border special for opening das jc per yard wrapperette special 73c a largo range of wrappcrcttcs good colors in stripes and figured patterns worth ioc i2jc and 15c special for opening days 7 isc per yard millinery opening tuesday march the 30th at cameron moores new store among the show ings at the openings will ho found a few modcli which were imported from franco and were purchased by us during tho openings at toronto these alono are well worth seeing and the prices are boiled down as they have served their purpose as models and will bo sold nt the opon- ngb nt nearly half price cameron moores millinery opening tuesday march the joth specials in the mens section for opening pays mons i undirwoar regular 50c special file moni linen collars ill sizei all styles 7c each mens neck tics regular 25c special f for sbc dnnt miss seeing our showing of mens now spring clothing satis faction guaranteed or money re funded some specials in the grocery department during our opening pays regular ioc special tuesday tic best granulnted sugar still selling t lbs for 8100 4 doz canned plums regular ioc special tic per can corn and pens tc per can kclloggs toasted corn flakes marmalade largo bottlos regular acn 15c hpecialoc oac comfort soap for swc raisins special k lbs for mc special 7 bars cameron moore h h tfnsworths store i mill street aoton ilriu ablinliuiiiriilc tltakiia mils y mi 11 ii n 1 11 1 hi uvii illlllkhiy mill kuk a 1 ii 111 tflmid i ham kilt kviji r m ir olll 10 m li ihafllhlls tt 11 i fl mtii k ifiiiuii kill al i i w vmki a geomktdws vhnitah co u gi fj i r cut lower gdowcrs tuneral and wcddinir orders a specialty u wnill u- i i- 1 ir pwlll mm 11 1 i k u nixoti drusjlr l 1 n canadian pacific homeseekers excursions to manitoba sukatehtwin lllmrti scul tnlhl- tmuu 1 00 p kili m kiviil jdki1 htl july 1 ii 1u0u ii hpt 7 3ultlulwlim osun hnu u prool low roundtrip rates wiwufktf uil rinuia co hictti tmj hun ti hx u t rm n bm tukiw 1ij u ralun widya 60 dirt i un w attt tourist sleeping cars m ill nnilwh csbfattuitxkj klf gwkl karly ajiplkalion mini tta mad ah roh houcsckkcpi fauphlkt ctiluam im 4j f uq ujcnuim amlrkmtmlcpn atolmtar ltkommm owl put all tetumo ohiv direct uhe no chiwi of cam nassnjraueja kumher mills harn llmher of nny dimerulns cut n order mill will uri aptil tit cm cut any buildipj mtterijl tccjc i in hemlock or pine on ih an notice 1 iri0tock of bh1n or ato this yeir cut from tint rowtli cljjr sayers sons aelou ciioppixg mill ukoiknki iiiocik tim mill it order indi om pupiu i prompt 111 full tlintlltlir lill nil ordon tlovh and peed a full lick it il ir in i icei iui uien lockeo n 0 itllown ivopilotor acton hand laundry i clavel proprietor mill sucu aclon specialty on collars and cuffs our bliirl lcln ironed by hand cautt mon a nllo lu ueir a alio amallor collar i clavel w60dem6ravin6 photoengraving r tones onilvclas3 0reniilavinci punptaia- jljqfflswc orerjqiavingatwtftmho latalogues hafla7tnt3 vc 1st gimson paintbii pxpuii iiauokn piotunu pnambr btc begs tu infifiin the ladies of aclon nnd surrounding vicin ity that lie has been appointed agent for thrco of the largest wall paper houtoa in can- iicln 1500 samnles tocliooso from prices wight also that he it proparod to repaii all granite alumiihim and enameled ware knives nnd scissors ground hurni- turo kopaired siioi mill siurm acton opuallo willhnih ilmy

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