Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1909, p. 3

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spectacles and eye glasses i ii iu an uwaiuu ookhm tloxora mid pookatt knltfoa itoobllbknlvoa roruminobttoonm uolkl nlokal tata tnhlo nnd daaaart sttoonm u will flint u it ii riirtimnit of thjh tin i of c i l i nt nr hi ru cull in geo hynds jlwii m ii acton maimiaon liobnbks ihsukd news r local imporj klie retail jrrc rcsb tiiuhhia m lt ii 25 i1hmi brief local items ruiiod 1 ildtjy- april m i ohnutf r two ivirli fninihundiiy 1 tin alnmnao uiiyu pi intf linn conipi hluluhlntf ts iilunixmi t tint tmut i tiff la full- himhii ant liuuy d tyn fni tint mpl ailgur miikm i ln umlii iqpis hid i ipulnr jifliilo wlthllm kiih ri nfhltlr ilubi nii prupnhitf to uiinilij f n i ho uu i iii ii u hpiitdl tint riuiitumt llio emit allvi r u in innl itlmi ilu wi icnmo uiinfii of tlfo rolilna hna cti inn with tlio spring vi ilbei rtiosdny june nth will liu llii datonf tlio numnil rnuip nt nlnunm iibvp you rt riottul otu imeit viuwn iutirtiilion fur niintlur ynir uroapiasiru huiu bun nollfuil in keep nut ot lint o i it yniilu nt tin atutlon oomilcllinnj nim being mndi tlila wook hotivoin mr v w ihiirdninrua residence nnd thu c 1 it waterworks yatmn mm ii jomiu will mil lui house hold fiirnltuiu ly miction on hiitmduy nftornnun tt id llurk nt bur rruidonco prtru a e mltntloiin mo out for tlio aocoml minimi at ho inn of acton lodge i o o 1 u ho liuld in tlio town iihii irldny evening j nil apill wiminin klchurdaon whm ongagrd enre taker if tho now oukvlllo iiloli hchoollnst mik lit n bihiry or 9 11x1 per unniiin to duvntn all ui t lino to lili duties wllllmn mninij ot lorontn wmii commit hid to gmd for tilal ly mjgls trntoi hurluy and kumady limt wook for breaking into u rnr nt lomgutnwii uml all ilfng u cuddy if tnhnccn llio milton jliimtl holluty ir iitly volcua i jlt ti a miiliit in the mollindit cihiicii oiingi town on aloudny ov lining 2t ii hut under tho aiiaplci of tlio kpwm i h iitgu mi ii i momo tidditiibvd tlio i p vnrlli li ngui nnnnl on hundtiy ovnnlng on our dipioi inwy and tholr knfortiiimtit mr v j hum phrlat forniuily of autnn lufrcotdant of tlio long u n mibh nutitub nf hiampton inn iteon ongiikod tn liiku likiihii nf tlio mllllnury dup n tint nt nf momnd onmoron a moot v u dip u luminal otmu nnd u now hottluu ovorj llilun inulnipo for n vary nttnictko opening on tuet day uotli inwt iiof o dili i tlio phrunulohlat who linn licon in town tlio lam tliroo wooba loifvt u on mondiiy next for kloni ilk vliill iinu licit n vi ry hiiccubs fill hiki if 1u uuinotoub piitnmu follow tlio good ad vlco liu ima protfurod tlinm tlioy will hvu impplor nnd moro riiooomfnl ii von aid to tik pinb inw pooplu lioiti know unit yon enn onro hint dreml auicrlcnn dlaooatf ithouiiintlani wltli juut coinmon evorydiiy drngu round in nny drug itoro llio proscription iu no ilmplo hint nny ono enn prepm o it ntjomo nt mull coat it in tliiido up n follows i got from nny good preucrlptlon phm iimoy riujd extract dandelion one- linlf ounoo oouipound kurgon ono aimcoi uotupoiind hyriiphiirsnpnrllln tbroa oiinoou mix by blinking in n liottlo mid tuko in tompixinful dnuih nftor cuoli mi nl nnd nt tiudtlmo 1 lioso nro nil vlmplt ingm mi iitw innklng mi uliinlulily iiaiiulthb liomo iiniody nt mnnll oot uliunniiitlbui no nvi ry ono know u n yinptniu of duuingid ki lunys it l n condition pi oil net d hy tlie rnltum nf tlio kldnoyii to piojioily iii or oi n train from tlio lilnod tlin hiiio iiold nnd other inuttui whloli if nntirndluntrd oltlior in tho urtno oi ihrougli tlio kin porou lutiiniiih fn tlio lilnod do- aompniiri nnd forum nlmut hip joints and miibolci caihlnr tlio untold miffor- hip nnd dofnriulty of rhuuninllaiu tldi proiorlptlon ib biiii tn lw a plondld hauling cleansing nnd invlg orntlng tonlo to tho kid nny mid glvab nlinout luiiiii dfnlit rclkf in nil forma nf litaddor nnd urlnury tinulilimmid hnok nohr llio mnn who imugti iiih haul ngulimt liuu fiinth fooly his hlimpn nm cull hem ftilth a popular idtu tibod tn piovnll that nil toait wniv piotty iiiuoli nllki hut suuda tun is proving n plonannt mprlifl to uiniihiindb of prirtloulnr tea till nbora hold liy groiors ovory- whortr nabbaoawbva moairw i huyory ft hdn will npon their snw mill on the 1st apt ii ilioy liava about 700000 faab or inga in thtlr ynnlfl thn imgob stonk for yon if p 0 oiunplioll cot whin imb a thorough lirod oxford down awo that guvshlrlhto font inmhh on monthy uit all am living mid doing uell it a klllotl having bold hit farm in nawirgnwoyn will romnvo to milton nlmut thoonil of tills month mr t suiltli nf niimngnwoya pent n fotv ihiyy thin wook with her pnronta noiit monti hnnd hows thib wlhurw1rtluhl liiiva known y j ohny frf tlitjpi fft v iiiiii ih jniiirfwiinj itlukftfmiv unit imiuva iii m imifwvllv rtbfa iu mil ihihiiimm tiauuollona mail sill wi tiql m j 1 1 r nut foladoo iu all ihiaiiima tiauaaouhni nuaiiotaliy ji ll tiarvy out any otlfgallout inada by pla sijt j pjm kmwim ft utmvm klmwim ft i q uriiuiuta hall catarrh dura f laliaii unariiallir amltta itlraaiir upon li iflomi and imionua auraoaa ol ibratrimiii taallninnula tan lra vr la ooualliiatlou btranafthanln tit wtt wliithnk agnngofliu ci ii hoi km ii in uigiiifud hi putting iiddllhiiiiil m po on tin- 100 mh gallon innk lit tilt o i it di pot mid htniigthi ulng tlio hlg atiliduii it will alan lo h pilol it huntlmv mohool dariquat llioailulmyof tin- mithodut hnu dily holijiol will 1m liudtnd u hniupiiit in tho uolinnl room on wudtkdy nailing 17th apill tho ofllcora mid tone 1 1 it r inland to provmon vi ry t njoy iil1o ovoulng that nw lllnk rvijt tlic propoanl for tho oiontlou of n iflotu rink liotc tho coming nunuuir lirou vory cordially rocvlvrd nmrly thn wliolo nmouiit of block him licen hitliacrlhod nnd tlicro a nvcry ronaou to iwillovo hint nrxt wlntnr will ato n oninmodloiib mid wol nppnlnlrd link cpuiplota vllli pilmp nctouiuioiln tion fur hoth akntora nnd cut lorv oatlmntuim wall sold tho dobontnroi for 7h0 homing fl pur ci nt hitcrtsl recently unin d hy tho onipnrnfinupf flonrgotown hnvi ihilii wilii tn win j ilranl lirubni nf xoioiitomiih co giving n hnuuu of j 117 whir if iwiro tlmh i uvrra nit tx ponnoa in cnniu ctfnn with hy itiw mid alio of litliuntoriia jlcik konnidy uindo thn hiiio in ivnontn ihml weik lit mid tsnipv oampulatn tiunilwy nundny aprlf jtli ill 1 1 u onm pdgn dny for proicntlng the lihiiib of tho tdmpomuro en use in tho vnrloua church oo in town llio dominion alllnnco la aonding apcolnl a pen kern for thodny it uvpcolod thntuov win k tllowoll nnd mra illtohcox will rorm put of tlio dopulntlon mid nn tlfort la lining nmilo to hnvu itov ir ild i g in of wcit toronto nlan proaont drok into hi own hous j a cuao of nllogotl house hionklngi upon infomintlon laid hy i dynoa j nnd john our ho ngnlimt john wntson fifth line riqucalng wnn hvnid hy rtoovn hivackhnnior mid mnglalrntr ii p monro nn monday nftarnoon tlio ovldonco showed hint tho pros ecu tors wore not legally tonnnti nt thn ihno and tho alleged house lironk log wna ninlly uh ovlctlnn tlio en no wn thoreforo dlamlsiod danth or dunoan clark dnncnn clnrk diedntgonrgutownon irldny ijth march nged 71 ho was horn in fllongurry nnd n iiiuvod pioulng with hla pnroiita whoi youth im jonra liu cnrrlod or livory iiubiuihu nt goorgotown after which ho wna in milord of tho fltownrt town hotel tlion ho wont to itoclies tin n v fur ii time returning to georgetown to spend thn remainder of hla uys there hi in win vivid hy two sinters mrs ilnuiy lost nnd miss annlo olmk hoth of georgetown in religion he unsii preiliytotlnn nnd in polltiau a iilliorul atlmptd ourjtlmhsai thorn wl two attempted tunglurlea in town inst ivlilay night evidently hy local novices at pattersons ah hntolr tho burs were wi inched otf a window nnd two panes hroken to iffeat nn entrance nothing wan lomoved though a uuiidlo nf ahoopaklnu wire thrown about mill tho rofrlgerntor door left open icennoy uro store on mnln struct w4a nlso visited a win dow on tlio aoiilh sldo wns broken open nnd in endeavoring to ilyont nn entrance u inmp was ulioved oly the wludoiv ledge nnd siunshid nn the floor below llilu evlduully iilurnied tho the ives nnd they decamped with out pi ii nd or tha oow oanda mlnlnar caimp a letter from tlio gow gamin in in lug contra from mr a m smith says there aro now about 0 mx people with in n radius of six miles from thn now town qow gnnila is hollo vod tn lie tho rlchott mining centra in tho country at present everybody is roughing it and law and order nrti not very generally dhaorvid tho nut lit of messrs smith ilrotliers arrived a couple of weeks ago and tliey mo now doing a mailing huslneas tlio snow road for thn seventy inlleu from boll wood is not expected to last moro than another week aftoi whloli it will ho a very d i flic ult problem to got in umlls nnd freight a milk and meat coll la ion on monday morning iu waltei cut ting was covin log hlu milk mule bis liorsn beeamu frlgliloiiid on church htreut while ho was ninklngii delivery and rnn awns iln tare up thn mieot with the milk cans rattling nnd when near llio corner nf fradeilck street tlio rig collided with gracon butcher enjt the impact lucked thn wheels mid tripped the harness oomplotoly olf tlio butchers horse joo dye tho delivery hoy inn after hla horse at top speed with a pound of steak ho had taken from tho cart in iiib hand the huraes wore caught a short distance away they buffered loss injury than their harness nnd rlgw inumtlnv ohaokar matoh a checker mutch in which n good dfal of intoieit wns taken wan played hy twontyfnui ofoni craok players fn mnltliows hull on tuosday evening i the onntoet whb liatwoon rosldonth north mid honth of mill street and six gniiiob were played hy each pair of con t oat ante tho north sldo won hy i five with eleven draw tlisscoie was as follnwu i mobth v jrundy a ii array j lavion ii hair l ulutaaan jiid ulbboas a 1 mixmu ft mai mauouald 0 haudarson i mim imw won hoi tii t 0 jar alalliiawh ii 0 it j ilaupiiraay s 0 j laumiiaii finish l il h lolmaa i m mofekotiarn b jsa aia f ii aklns w imldlimaii uajbilty george hnvlll was thn offlclul srnrer th amandad plmrmaay aot lion w j hinua reported tn tho legislature last week that after consultation with tho riithorlt loa of tho ontario immrirwonl auoolallon nn mlaahlo hrrangoment had txwin retch ed aa n ranlt tho country store keeporu will now he ojtnwod to sell carbonate uf inugneshi itochello nlt tiliieutnue copperas rhiiburh riuit saltpetre spirits of nitre solullun of aiiiilonla mlii chloride of lime green oamplior eltrato of mag- neslu null quldltre paris green llnoturo of iodine liollehore a ii vo wr cent solution u oarlhillfl no id uml mrtoiinlo of iniul tho imuoi three largely used for spraying purposes a rooniil nf all nloa must ba kept ntld sahednlo a of ilmtgoroiui poisons l still prohlhlted nn floinpouiidlng of iiiaillclnou in uf aoutso allowed a plnful rn mr- a l ilrowu bud ibi luu fin tune to f ill fiom n fh pi idili i wild b ullppid no the lluoliuiii in llio kin in u liat ibnruday uininhg hlio fill mi hoi bunk ndroan a rbiib mid uhlte n boiioa wi mi broki n fclie wna pilnfillly liruluid hlu lauowubtotn hi abiuil agiilu mora llnlton furini hold govcrnoi arnhlo mtglldi u uf hie jail iuih hold bin farm in nuaatigmt i j i on which l hero i one of tin ibuxt t ton housed in urn county to vihuie d hnlhiitann a co who inrvit alo bought pott i cuiuphollu f m llio nioiintdln c ii luriier has sold hlu farm in liufiilgar a illlln enal of mil ton to hugh iloduoy nnd lma bought llonry hohlnsoii m farm or 200 ncn a at ountgli of which lis will take p tmeti ion on apill 1st cliaiiiplon huitdnv uohodl rcvliw ivla a vary jnldnfltlng rev low orvko wascniiduatml lp the metliinllst nun day school on smiiiuy aflcriniou a ayiiopala of the thucti hasmiu of tlio uarter wna glvun hy ulttvch ecbolnrs nnd tbu guldoii texts wrn m ry null tnhly npeiilid by tlm ilm tiy clusn a mr hurt mason ir iftlu mu mi wuriur dilyfoor i gi myl tmvn aasuted thn orclu atrn wilh the inuxk il strv ii e 1 ho nttoud tico w uh uii luiiiilly large bltt montlialt hard labor i conatnhlo mcdonutd brought prneat wcntioi t j fiom georgetown this morning wendou la an kngilahinan aged 1 nnd a year and a half in canndii llo was eonvlotrd of itclng drunk and disorderly last octolier and kt olf on suspended sentence he got drunk agnln n fow d iu ngn and nmil had langubgc and maglutrntea iri uody mid hurley seiihorid him i six months with hard la bur ii i appmra to lw iv proper subjiot f i deportation champion oihewhonb oohkbha llio sklghlug has iilnumt gone maple nigiir making is ll u order of the day ovir one bundled joiiog people spent n veiy onjiyrtlilo lima at the homo of mr it j lnmlmrr ilibd line kiln on jliuisd i night luui mr and mis ciiiib utomirt lime taken up their losldsnce in moffntt tin ir large circle of fihndn in hiib vicinity wish thrin every biicciss in tin ii new home mr and mrs win ivyei and family aro removing this waok tn i heir faun below acton they liavit won thu cut com nf nil iu thin urlglihoihnud nnd wo wish tin in nil success iu ibeli new hume mr ived cievveon was lunim from milton ovei snuda bahmoni ytnknotii jiie strongest inun m nnuimi with n huuk constantly aching find dully existence u struggle its the smnu way with hlnddir and hscrelion troubtea hoolh a kidney pills cure thoso allmonta hnlton county pooplu provo this btatomunl ilooth4 kid nny pills mo sold at ihownu ding stole acton mrs lid die of milton out says my busliund during tho full and wlntor juutpaat was so vt rely kilo ted with kidney trouble very intense pain and n dull nnhlng in the small of back und sciatica in tint right hg iheso lioiihlou were so bad that ii wuu with tlio greatest diniculty that ho nuin- nged to keep up nnd nights on retiring from work ho won compelled tu go right to hod being iinublo to sit up he doctored with tho physician took a much advertised home mndu ricilpl for those troubles hut was not bene fit tod until he commenced utliig booth kidney pills th1 tpleudld medicine ha entirely ured him of tlieso troubles clean d the kidney bee re hon a of all sedlmont nndcloudyiuss bo that thanks tn this treatment be fools like a now man sold by dealers price 60 cents tho it tt hnotli co ltd fort krh ont solo canadian agonic any intelligent person can iiiuko nnmo easy mnney mid not interfere with nthei imalnoss pirtlculnm tree pror alar ten fill cirollnu st iltrwim n y i altons oodd roads an ngltatlnnthaa liegun in tlio comity against issuing debentures for llio good itoaila system until the matter has first lieon uhnilttod to thn ruto payers for their ondorsatlon a mooting was hold at oinngh on friday last to protest against the action of tho county council in passing a bylaw to issue duhunlurou fur good roads purposes without first aiihmlt ting it to tho vote of tho ratepayers a resolution was passed nt this meeting that pell hem bo circulated in tho d life rent municipalities against suah by law and that a deputation ho sent to confer with tho county council ntihelr next meeting itufonner absolute security genuine carters little liver puis muat bear aiotifttuv iwfltalle wrat dalaw vdk nuattwu rax dinimot nn iiuiuuui rertorniiwu roi coahtimtiom- rtriaubwikin roitaxcohpuxioh i social and pirsonal misilloilloninllli vlhlnd filmla i inilph thli wntk ml vi mhllim uflliliu upont nniiday with fib tuu in town mi lleit hiiluu h was lunim from huiiilltnn fii a rtw dttjmlhu wnob mi i i j killofhtmilfiird iviis in town ii in w luu iimpialolaiii is on mnn day mr and mis hoi t mason or i rlu wi ru in town ovi rhumlay with frlonds heir misb it mudgit uiisiiii bus biiii v riiiuxla n toronto dining tho w ok mi v ibdgar of lloilin was a gin st at the homo or mr t ii aklns this week mr harry hi rassor ot hunfoi hi spent a duy m sti mils wnk with rulntlvis hue airs a i ntcllln apt nt n couple of dayt iat wtek wlli bet slstir mrs drylen giulph mossri ived o and ktwln maddock of lorouto spent tlio wt end with acton filehdn mr- h itoumej of cimeiou a moon wont to gudetlcli on mondaj to spend n few dnyu hun i mr moom if ciimorou a mm i iirivid fioiu ooiji ikli nn mniidny miii iu sm tiding tlio wait in town i mi mid mrs j p mmtlu who i iiuiroik yisttiday nltendlng tin widllngirmi c 1 1 ituaholliiml bllns wnil mi usi s joseph holmes nnd lohn at tliuru were in llrnmpton on 1 uorj ty ittiiidlng the film ml r llu lull i lines piiily ml i h illggi rand son giinld nr ac fon spent monday in oik villi wllh ills mother mis jnmis hmgrr onkviiiostnr hov mr i ynn pastor of tho 1mb clple church lvertnu lias tendered bis resignation ho will remnie to ohio about tha list nf ma mr- w ii adiuua rnnic up trout nnrval on prbuy in pnnd a f w d iyx with in i mil mrs w ii i nuy mr wit i pi ink who i bildnslil with liiflimm itoiy iln inn hum fm i lal uioiillih is ricmi iltiu mrs k gitihiui or ant in was tin gurslnf mis ii 1 arnold m i hint day gi mgotown id mi id ii iv hi mcnali uf oikllb hl fan will to hio riiiigmgullnii it tin pn byti i ian chun h inst k lb ih lowluhliilhdinsloi at plkb ml i g and v ulnut hiipnl hot nl miin liabhg nilmil ii ibviio llwplll n i4il vlil i blri huiii mi- gnrgo i imp nil dining 111 link little digesters positively cure dyapepahj promote digestion money back u hey fail to cure at all dritjjlata r tllrcl fran 23c a box coleman medicine co toroalo make housecleaning easy by using these ipor clbkninc purposbb llouaahold ammonia dorax brjono channel furnttur pollali por cbrms rnd udhtuiin chlniltuai oarbolla acid formal da hyh quip mar cnndlaa oraaaol vumlantora bio we live all the good prepirailoha for uml ilgqa aula ituichcs hals mica lilc i or piolecilon shlntl mollis camnhoi moth ball lllao flnkaa motli proof bte ktc r h nixon 7uy1ll street hct0n ont harris st cotf rockwood omt- manufacturers of higkgrade woollens csptciallv blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co united rockwood ioddcdqi alsie ii j oki hmlll the future of a child is a matter of serious concern to every properly constituted parent jet savings bank account opened for your clnlcl whan jml young will without serious demand on you pro vido a fund for a college education when your cluld prows up tho deposit of an occasional or regular small sum with its added interest makes possible a higher education that might otherwise bo beyond attainment open a savings account tor this purpose in the name of tho child in trust teach the child to save and to add us savings to the fund the money is under the parents control withdrawable only on thu parents signaturo and it is unasbailable hy the creditor it tenches the child the invaluable lesson of thrift and at the same time onsurcs a completion ot its education the bank of hamilton specially invites this class ol savings accounts and tho manager will be pleased to consult with and give any desired inlorination to parents desiring to open trust accounts in tho names of thoir child ren bank of hamilton georgetown bbanch w n mckay agoiit dish pans straight sauoo pans woman know about cur jg ghaniilvvarl sam which fifirls to diy perfect cmamelwuc at 13 icb linn regular prices imported direct from factory in a quantity i hats how we are enabled to bell it at such low prices our lira bhipment has irrlvcd and wo know lint at hie puces it cnal last long hero is 1 complete list of kinds and prices f regular sale price kegular sale price jieguhf sale price itcguhr sale price 1 rcgujar sale price v regular 1 sale price regular sale price regular sole price proaorvlng kottles sauoopans e pudding dishes wash dishes pie plates pails 05 lit 75 lit j5 35 l to 5 55 20 ii 5 it 25 is 30 ii 7 10 18 ij 20 ii 5 11 20 ij 25 10 h 12 1 75 in livery piece is perfict no seconds sec our window displij stle starts today r r johnstone mm sinitt hardware acion ont 3 going to elora monday next haron tho 20th s after a most successful three weeks visit in acton i prof obrien s canadas greatest phrenologist m 2 and only recognised by uv in canada i scientieic palmist a toronto llaws acton monda nlkt ab llila vvl 1 bo your latt chinco la i tontuli 1 lil tmlnent i lirenolojjul and i dim 1st in aur own loun ovoryono ulio wlibes 10 know wlmt lliey am ban adapiad for to niccoeil in life and uo i adviutd hy lilm aliould nol mla litis opportunity i a renin bring your chll ilron nnd unow how to soloct proper fiuraiilia for litem i liouianda nro now told in prominent poilllons llirouah irof o urlana advice specuhiorn and buainci men will find it lo their ndvantsuo to cunault 1 rof o flrlon licforo ha leave town dont forget that saturday next will be his last day here locating ihspasih a spi cialty ollico hours 10 a in la in dominion private oftico at hotel mnrrlaro adaptations explained wlm bind nf parnon 1 nu will marry chiuirea tn business pii proiont and lzj indlcitlana ol fiituro all icknilficnlly to d 10 you sen him at once don i wall until ilia ian day for lis ia vory buiy man seeds free a pnckoo or seed of tho d ii coloaaal wldto sugar ilcct mill bo jfuen joufrtc if jotimrito for our handioma naw 1bo0 calalosua tlila beet row a to on imtiiciuie alto la enaily linr- mhtid nml ylcbla 1 fjlm tou 000 huahcla to the acre in ordinary htjl mnlieo cows ykbl more milk 1nttciia boja rpiickcr if pnf0rn1l we will aend jou n pncknyc of our uusalnu oinnt let tuce or natrltch pcatlilr aster tccd instcnd of thciilgar hect aenl wrlla today nd nam your cholca alio mantlon nam of this pa par darch sc hunter sxk1 co ltd london ont ju cure iok hbadaohb the right house hamilton s 1avohiti shopnno ii acf oir annual great preeaster sale coinmenccs saturday and continues until easter- tremendous event free trips to hamilton and return dally during sale wo are particularly desirous that all outoftown customers should share in tha benefits of this groat prceastcr sale of new spring and sumrn r goods we will refund all railroad fares lor the entire round trip from any point in ontario as follows up to 15 miles front hamilton on purchases of 10 or more up to 25 miles front hamilton on purchases of 15 or more up to 40 miles from hamilton on purchases of 15 or more up to 50 miles front hamilton on purchases of tj5 or more up to 75 miles from hamilton on purchases of 50 or more no red tape or delay about the refunds simply present tho return half of your tickot to the salosman nnd the rclund will be promptly made ns above come to the right louse during this sale- tho trip wont coat you any tiling- and take advantage of the wonderful having chances to got your easter and spring clothing needs filled or to buy the things to make you 11111 your homo comfortable thoimcas cwatkins oornin kino st east huqmion hamilton ont

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