Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 25, 1909, p. 4

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lie retail 3fvtt russ thihihday maim ii st iiw wiuwino and doino lli nublhimldurohulli i all nm ill j on wlllit lflo hut ii wiiteh upnu in ii timis icwp uiimii ftlwnys iiuikih mill tun itlil ynin mind of m llfli ninllvi m anil l liit inlnof hue npply von run umbo u lltlln i dim of tho uplnrii you id iiiy in you wuh tho win til went ulsuip well nuppnui j mi tn iku n elnir hy iirciiniuhultig wudimi in tlm iliup honk of your lirnirt do nut iviiuto nun pnr hy t live to ti nrii inn lonrn to live if yon it lint to gun mini khowlul von limit got it t o you glvo do yon wish thn wnild wero happy p hum imiiuiiilhr tuy by tiny jnut to south i muh of kindness au you puss along tluf wdy i ii tho phitniiriliif thn ijinny i mnyoft ilmou ho tnu ilto one am tlm lituul tjml plniile an iimm hhgllern annies from murium bo nt ubj a moiiibhiniiabyb if ymiiiii uinolliu in hnsln ynli oan expect tu hmo iiiirvoiip hritnblu childnn for ftchlhl holtf bintnvirw niiipt imiiily find whnrn thorn i un roat nndn inck of pnuo in tint hunir it ftutb loto tho rlilld h disposition thou ri nets upon ymir owiii tliumfnro my iuly tnko tlino tu lio ipilut nm ihluwnto in your nctiuus mill do not always bo busy when hit hoy wnnl you in puss judgiuunt 011 tliu iiui w iniiii lio u l ul tiling iv on thmigh it nrcnshltnus your putting on your ifotf enpo to no nr inspict it or whon lio want his re inn mnndud or i liutton sowod on lila uulfoiin ilo it wllllnttly and nbovo nil iul lilni understand that you tiro novel too much in linatn to lay down what you nro dolntf if he restless nml frotful want n llttlo pet- tliip dolinontnr sound itstabonino a lawyer oncn asked n nmn who hud at various tlmos sat mi bcvcrnt juries who inlluolicrd you moat tliti lnw- yore tlm witnesses or t ho judge this wim thn mans reply i toll yn nlr ow i umbos up my mind im n plain mnn and n ronsonln nmn and i aint influenced hy nny thing tho lnw- yom any nor hy what the witnesses anyno nor hy what thn juilgd nya i jiiat look at tlm mnn in tho dock nnd i aye if hn aint douo nothing whys lie thoro p and i brlnps u n11 ln rullty foundation prlnoiplm first t wlion vo tindortako to fill your siioscrlptlons wo glvo thorn our undivided attention and iwst cava thopntlants wolfttro is our ii rut con sldoratlon boconil i wo tfuarnntoo pur drugs to ita of full strongth ivit uullas puro nnd frosli third i out puutomoru nro supplloi with just what thoyosk for uubetitut- inp lo uovor nllowod iainkh ormcily couiouno if yon nro a nufforcr from kldnoy dlsooso llvor complaint lilood troulilos rlioumntlsin nournlglii oi nervous prostrntlon wo ctnfldontly rnconi mond tho uso of talnoii cotory com pound this rollnhlo nnd novor ills npnolutlngmodlolno lu a truo dlsonso luinlshor and system hulldor wo supply tho gonulno pnlnos oolory compound at drown auton gnt comlilites the pount hlin vlirtuos of tlm nnrwsy pins trs with otliar nhtor- l4nt etmctornt and soothing tnsdlolnwi of roongnlmxl worth nnd is shsoluuly hsriulou prompt snd ssfs for thsoursof oouanscoiids dronohitib noausknrss croup son throat faint or tiant- nkss la ho ohkst and sl throst nj lungtrouhlos it is put up n a yellow wrapper tl pluo trw thtfsda mark and tho pries 25 cants a hard dry cottoii mr of 1 iurdy mlluals nh writes i hava hn trouhlsd with a hard dry couch forsjong tlm oipocial- ly at nlglit hub aftar having ussd pr woods norway pina syrup for a fsw woakt i find toy oaugh hss isf t ma to any parson suffering as i did i osit s y tint this rsniody u wnll worth a rial i would nob ho without lb in his houss llmro iu ithvilys grentoi hanoflt in ondurlng my own pain than in envj- ing inotliora plonsure tiiouft pills curo hlionmnllsui to tho many who stiff r from rhnimatlsni a trlnl of purmcluos vcgutnhlo pills is rcconiniendod tlioy hnvo pronntin- cod nctlon upon tho llvor nnd kidneys nnd hy regulating tho nctlon of thcao organs net ns nn nltornutivu in pro venting tho admixture of uric acid and hlond that causes this painful dliordor tluty must iw taken according to directions and used steadily nnd tliry will snon glvo ovldonco of their ho nit flcul iffoctf a notbd botanist a noted botanist wfls walking through a park with a young ludy frlond of thn gushing typo to whom lio pointed out bnnio of tho fine trees in the neighborhood pro towing groat interest tho dam sol cried i how tho nohlo aspect of lionutltul trees stirs up tho emotions of tho snnll then patting a great rough trunk sho wont on i you sunorh oak what would yon say to mo if you could tnlkp tho botanist smiled i liollovo i onn ho ills inlorpritor ho imirinurod gently ho would prohahly say heg your pnrtlon nindmut i nm a hooch castor i a tiio klml von un aluitm ititnglir nml hlilrli linn imxh in mo for ovor ilo cnr litut imnin tlio hlirnutiiro of mid liat broiinuulutiiulnr lilii tr- koiiiii mtiportulon uluro lt liilliiicy allnwiiooiiotoilocfivnyon hi tlilw all coiinlcrfolth iniltntloim nml yiihtnbiroo4larn hut kximrlhivntfl that trlllo with uiul nwliiiiiruf lio litsnltli of xiintnu nnd chlldrou liwirlonco nirnliitit i3x pertinent what is castoria cnwtorln ih n linrmlrs hiilthtltuto for ciihtnr oh jnro tforli uropy nml hiuitlilnu brtlpu jt in i immimt it rontnliih iieltlicr ophius afofplthio dor oticr naxotlo fuilmlunoo itit no in u friinrniitoo it tlomt oyn wirii4 mid nllnm fvcrlmliiihn it curfu kunrrlut i ami wind colic it tflllovoft ttiotlilnp aimililcia onr constlputloii nnd flatulency it pnhlmllntoh tho fond cuiitch tlto ntommhnnd howtlh fuinir lirnltliy nml mitimil wlcop tlio cuidronh raimcon ll j mnthorn frlond genuine castoria always 6oan tho slgnaturo of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years clisrlsrodby dominion governm iatalillilind it a good dny4 work is tho host pro er for rest lie uliu fours to tunko foes fulls to mnko frionds why suffor fiom corns when they inn n painlessly rooted nut hy using hollownys corn curo its no uso waiting blows on tho ninn who isnt nfrnld of being hurt sroxiaca lhj kind vou llw uji buyu buntbs bijmtbf of 1 lio devil is worried hy the people svbo work for tho gootl not hy those who worry over hlin dickies antl conaumptlvo hyriip is nn unparalleled remedy for colds coughs infltionxa and dlsonsos of tho tlnont nnd lungs tho fnmo of tlio modlolno rests upon years of success ful uso in eradicating these affections and in protecting mankind from tho fatal ravages of consumption and ns ft neglected cold loads to consumption one onnnot he too careful to fight it in lie curly stngos dickies tiyrup is tho weapon uso it you got mush instead of men when you offer thorn only soft places cure for dyspepsia d -a- m p so n x jk u ylm kind you him riyt bdujm tub mbs8iaii a gontlonian gavo his servant a ticket tn gu and hear tho messiah whan nskod next day how ho cnjnyvt it ho snld i oh i didnt stop long first one man got up nnd until ho was tho king of olnry then another man got up and said ho was king of glory nnd then a indy gob up nnd snld sho win king of glory i could see thorn wa going to lio n row so i oamo out tlio host wny to bo loynl to tlio past is tn leave it for tho wnilt of heaven ou need tho broil d of heaven trim friondwhlp is uhvnys ilohost in days of grontost neotl its usually tho mnn who bin learned how hnid it is tn begin tn think who do noun ecu hitoltuctualliy thoro never was ami novor will ho n universal panacea in one- remedy for all ills to which ileuh la heir what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravate he others wo havo however in qulnlno wno whun obtained in n sound unodultoi- ntod state a itiinody for many mill grlovoiih ills dy its gradual and judicious usu tho frntleub uystonis nm led into onuvnloufloiioo nnd atronglli hy tho in hue nuo whbli quinine nxoi t on nnturoh own res torn t woo it re moves tlioso to whom n ohronlo stfttr of morbid despondency nml look o interest in llfo is a dlnsoso mid hy tmihiulllxing thn nbrvoh ilshes to wittnil nnd refreshing bloeji imimrts vigor to tht action or the hlofm which holng utlnmlatod ooinwim through tho veins strengthening llm healthy ani mal functions of the system therflby innkliift rfotlvlty a mcesnary rosull trongthonlng the finuio nnd giving life to tho digest w organs whleh naturally demand luniwiaod uuhstanoe result improvod apjkjtlto north rop a lyman of toronto have given to tlio publlo tholr ouporlnr qiilnlun ilf the opinion of olnntluu tho wlnn npproaahor nearest perfection of any i in the mark el all druggists soil as is well known this troiihloianifl enrtt- hint nrlsiis front over oat lug tlm uso of too iniwii rluli fond noalsouid constipation look of okorcuo liad an ate tlio toimi u mid ho tlinmunlily olinwed and novor holiod or swallowod in hsatn tlmuunts nuit iw avoldod and exorcist taken if pomlmo a romodv which has rarely failed tn jh a prompt rollrf and eftuat pormnnont euros evou in tho limit alistliiato ennui in bidock blood brrts it aata hy regulating and toning tlio dl gfltlv nrgnns removing cimiivcuionn nnd narealngilionppotltonndrortorlngliniltli and vigor to the pymom mr amos ruwlor oolil rlvnr n fl wriiosi i was greatly troubled wllli ilyspoptia and aftnr trying snvnral d witora l no eltuot i oommnncol tnkinj ibmlnok illond hittors nml i think it is tlm host ttsdlalno thoro u far that com pi lint for bau at all dugglns ami i wlnrs the merchants bank of canada lllap oi i icii montkuau 119 ilranclies president sin ii motrru aliau vkn lraildent johatiun llotiasov esq general manager li v urtneeh capital paid up g 000 000 00 depmllsover 2003000 00 surplus 1400000000 taial atteli lj 1000000 00 savings bank deposits one dollar or upward wilt open an accounl money withdrawable any urns no delay farmers sale notes we hive special facllllka for collecting tliete wo will cinh them at once if deilrod 11 a low rate ol intereal joint accounts when rcijuetiod we will open accounts ln two names ho ilial either ono may dnw i ho money huiband or wife elc aoton branoh w s chisholh manager jjijm roves woll made good fitting tlmt we know how to mnkc nlnvts that will pass with honurhtlil most criti ctiuaminutloiiasrlur1tiqiiilit of hkins plubility nnd htrcuutli nentnchs of htilch- hk jiml nil round perfection you can prove yourself by ahkiiir for storeys nt your dealer tlmt tliey will outwenr your moat sanguine cxptctntioith in our firm belief inaist on storeya at nil stores w h storey be son limited acton ontario oohundhumb what u tho dltforonco lietwoon n farmer and a boiiiiislress t ono gathers whnt ho sows the other sows what alio gntliois what is tho inference betwoon 11 oliollliikhlei nml a liidyu ill csn p the one tinliis a uholr uud thn other 11c quires a tinln why is ftwushorwoiiinn llko hnlur day p dec nunc sho brings in the chillies close of tho wuok what in llm dirfurenco between a cow and an old chnli 9 ono gives milk tho nlhnt gives wny whey why is 11 poatmnn llko n colli go profound v henumu ho is a mnn of lolteis phunib suupplb for mine snuffle wash and plak nvei tin en fourths of a cuptiil of prunos wiliea fnunlo menltt funnel in womans homo compan ion put in h piiucii pan cm 1 with cold wiilei nnd let soak two houif oouk in the sumo wntor unlll soft by whloh tlnio tlm wntor should im neat ly ovnpniiilid itumnve the htnnex nnd cub the piuneh lu simill pieces 1 then spi inkle ul tiffu half oupful of sugar dent the whiles of fnui iggs until stlir and udd i ho prunos giml- iially pour into 11 lightly buttered pudding dish nnd linkn in h model ato ivcn until llrni chill and servo with oiislard nnunei dent llm yokes oftlnee gga fllghlly nnd add tbiee tabic pouufuls of sugiii nnd i fow ginlns of salt 1 ihou mid gindiutlly white stir ling entistaully one nnd onodtnlf nilp- fills of enabled milk cook in n douhlu hnllei tiulll tho mlxtiuo tblokens ftfrrlng oniialnntly strain chill and flavor wllli vaullln madd him act like a pool a man wns uoualdeicd 11 general ignornmus hy tho concern for which ho formerly worked ho came into our employ when wo wero obliged to tnko him on nocunnt of tho scarcity of labor it wns nut long bowovor before ho discovered that thn firm appreciated suggestions lie proved a genius hi his lino and his ideas worn worth a good ninny dotlnrsto us i nuked hint ono day why ho did not pioaorft some of these ideas to his fnrinor oihptoyors nnd his reply makes tho point they treated mo like a foul said he so i noted llko one if you would make sutu of your sins holng fruitful bury them under n pro- tense of ploty tho only wny to get nil tho huppl- noas in life s tn give for the hiippluosa of nil oalstoxlxjl pm the tirnl voilluw almapt b0u4m tlm iunrk of huuvouly blessing is that it ignores 0111 onrlhly boundaries nomly nil children nro subject to worms nnd ninny nro horn with them sparo thorn suffering hy using mothor fl raves worm kxtoriulnntoi tho host remedy of tho kind libit can ho had itu no uso sighing for n ohnnco to load if yon dnro not go nlouo ho en 11 never know any loop joy whn can laugh nt tha soiiowa of another baby suffered torture mpanulica i henrd your liny nt rollrgo bioke lllg yeu hes in ginl link in k hurc he wont be ult of llm link pit nl until i he foot bull iainn lu in 11 1 dilni ih kindt i iuiumim uu for llbil amutiint- fm imitoi- wiotc tlm dorlor took the patient piiluo bofore be priacrihd forhlinund the intelligent rompoulloi net it ipppum hevnrnl men worn talking nboiit how they imppnnid to miirr i ninirkd my wife said one bi cause ulii was dilfercnt from any other wnuinn i had ever met how wan that llionikd the ulhuis hho was the only woman i im t who would have me i a clergyman while wnlklng ntoug a ouiilry road in inland saw a man hrmklng it t finen and kntellng to get nt lilu woik butler ah put i wish i rinild lirtak lltn stony hearts of my henn rm easily as you nm bienklug those otonea siud he hhuie snys pnl prnps yer ilvnonii dimt woik 011 yt r knees i onion doy tin ditnr says hn iiuich iibligtd to yoil fot nllowlug him to aoe your diawlngn hut iiiuili irgrils lio is unable to usu tin 111 pair nrtlut eugeily old ho say that ofllep iby irulbfiilljwell not xiiclly lie juut aald take riu away plinplet they mnko mo sick good no add a good country road is always to be desired nnd is n source of comfort nnd convenience to ovoiy traveler oood roads nttmct population ns woll as goodechools nnd churches good roads improve tho valuo of thn propcity ao that it is said a farm lying five miles fi 0111 market connccud by a hint innd la of loss value thn 11 nn equally good fnrni lying ten mlloa away from market connected hy a good road a larger lond can bo drawn hy ono horse over a good rond than hy two uver n had one flood roads encourage the great tr ex change of products mid commodities between ono secllnn and another was weak and thin only weighed 73 pounds how weighs 113 pounds had heart trouble nnd shortneu of nrcatlt for six ycare- milburn8 heartamo nerve piub nurcd mrs k k might ilurnlo out bhs wriuisi i wn greatly troublod for aliryoars uitli n j heart and shortness of breath i could not walk eighty rods with nut reatlnji four or five tlmos in that short distance i c so weak and tlifn i only weighed sevouty thne pounds i decided nt last to take some of mllbiirns heart and neno tills and after taking sight boxes i fiiinrd in atrontith and weight and now wol ono hundred and tliifteob pounds tho moat i evur uolghod in my lifo i fool woll and can trk ns woll ss ovor i did and cin heartily thank mllbume iloart and kervo tills for it all ii ire flo oonu per box or 3 boxes for 1 ill at all dcnlera or niajkd direct on itieo pt nl priee by the t milium co lutiitod toronto oat- tlio mnn who is liberal in his faith is not always the inmo in his finances tilal is inoxponaivo to those who suffer from dyspepsia indigestion rhiiomntlsin or any ailment arising from dornngonient of tha dlgostlvo system n trlnl of pni inoteos vegotnhlo pills la racommoiidod ahould tho suf ferer ho unncqunlntod with them tho tilnl will lo inoxponalvo nnd tho result will ho another customer for this excellent niodlolno so effective la tholi notion tlmt ninny euros can certainly ho traced to tholr ubq whoro other pills linvu pioved incitootho idtunoas makes tho huurs wontlly long nnd tho days woefully short castoria for intant ud ohlwren ha kind you have always bought uluniitar or cafflicu until cursd by gurol th firt toil curol u equally food for baby and grown upi mius it at ones popular li molbira dlend mn uifttut of s dfw st toronto jtd not bcnawbowloifdhirbiby boy of trrema sbj tayiimy biby i ibrse yisn ow wttttid ttom a bad aluck a ecunu ii irrlutiol ida hills fellow bo bjrjly hit be vootilmpatnlghl ilookhlm to the ifnif tlora and gol toma ulv mid up for him but this did ttv good two doctor imilrd lilmbutwre unable lonlfave ooedsy a amipu of curol wis ult it try bow 1 nolaled biby wllb tba and it did film fc j w much s booehl four ssffs aj mt im n the let renieflr for koseina had i fitnff snrnii lienrs iintff iirim i omwhi ami sslerlna wniiiiiis tlun- ireiiliua ulsnimmlllvn fimiill enirywlnfre udi ins piicc ana prove otir btileminl yeuctiidolblwllhoulecbtbytmdlavfor fes sampe s roopen curol y all drunlila end i drunlili wk p postpaid from lb curol jalvb cotidlna avs it touch lbs spot evry time deskri at i curol toronto out of duop sorrows aomo high powers to comfort nnd stiengthen himplu nml sure dr thomas holoctrlo oil 1b sii simple in applica tion tlmt n child can understand tho instructions used ns a liniment the only direction is tn rub nnd when used no a dressing to npply tho directions mo so plain nnd unmistakable that they nro rondlly understood by young or old do you lnrm of any woman whn ever received any benefit from taking ljdia ii pmuhams vegetable com pound if ahy uomap ivlio is sufferinp with any ailment peculiar to jier sex will iik her neighbors this question she will be fiinprisldvtt the result i here is hardly a community in this country where women cannotbe found who have been ix stored to health by this famous old remedy made excuisnely fiom a simple foimula of roots and herbs during the past- 30 ears we have published thousand of letters from these grateful women who have been cured by lyditt e rinkhamti vegetable compound and neer in all that tune hac we published a testimonial without the writers jpecutl pemiissmn never have we knowingly published a luhtnnonial that mas not truthful and genuine 1 ierc is one just received 1 few da s ago if anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a womans experi ence with kydia j pmkhams vegetable compound wiitc and ask hei funirtoii out i imd heeu u pfrcut nufferer for five yeiim ono dot lor lohl me it wuh 11b th of tho uteriih nml nnothor told 1110 it ujih a lllirold tumor no nno uiiohh whnt i suffered i would nivwih lit workuiitecrtulu rhrlndmuud never wim reg ular mid tlio liciirhiirdown palim wero turrllile i won very iii in lied and tho doctor told nm i would have to linvo nn opera tion nnd tlmt k mlirht die during tlio opinntloii i wrote to my i i t r nlioiit it nnd hiio ndilmed tuo to tnkoydln k plnklimum vgtutlo coiumiiind tit rough pornoim eierleiieo i iinvo found ittliolnht iindli ino lu thn world for femnlo troubles for it iiiih oiired me uud i did not lmo to huvo the operntlnn lifter nil the ompouiiil also helmd 1110 while pn swing through ciuiugo of iifmr letlthi hlulr ciiiilftoii ontario any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give nuch a medicine as this a trial why should tt not do her as much grind as it did mrs iilair sprlngalylcbof opjflucjt xxtlj8 r l nelsons ruelph kmickdnoockrlt oil abides amsterdam all ihadei nuiicuiina all shades our own specials in ho correct colors our styles are slwijs llib correct thing b ilea ilio kow bprlntf quttlnd they are choice styles r b nelson msuohant tnllor mansi furnlahar wyndham street ouslp1i ont growing u in in m me proporilnn to blowing hniuotlmoa wo need tides of gilnf to cnriy us ovor tho bars of out dull onn tent tho man wlm hangs his head ngulnst bard fuels fools lila bumps nnd calls them faith had bachache was unable to do house- work for two years many women suffor untold agony from kidney trouble very often tliey think it la from so called female disease there la less female trouble than i hey think women suttor from haofcaelie sleepless nets nervousness irritability and a drag glng down feeling in the tolas kndn men andthay do not havo female trouble why then blamo nil your trouble to female disease i most of tho afeoalled femnlo disonlers are nn more or loss than uidney disorders and oin lw easily and quickly oiircd by irans kidney puis mrs a dupuls ilellavlow viluae n r writes 1 i was minblff to dn my house work for two yanri on aooomitnf liaok- aolid i oould nntflvt uptlinatalrs doaus kidney pills eiireil me permanently after duoiors failod lo nun relievo tlio pnl n oan highly reenmtnoud them to all sufferers from kidney trouliln prlee ao eta per brut or 3 boxes for ft 2h ittitll dealers nr 1 allud direct on reoeint of prioo bv the duan kidney pill co toronto ont 1 attend personally to the repairing of watches and you can rest assured thai i will give your watch my bait attention because i know if i do not make your watch run well you are not likely to give it lo ma the nest lime il needs repstrlntf i cannot possibly do all the work dial cornea in myself but i always wind nnd lest every watch and emmlno them carefully for defects as il is so milch lo my interest thai they should be done well geo d prinqle tim juweuhu guelpii ont furs atmanufacturcrs cost price end of bamaan clanranaa bala alaska seal nenr seal peril lamb and iur lined coats caps muira elc l he cbnnco everybody was lioplnn for la font nines guaranteed 1 ins at lower prices ihtn sold anywhere else in the city jtaw furs hao gone up in price trappers gel tlio bono lil nl lafontaines pur establishment 9597 quebec st guelpii ont nossafraweya ljumbor mills darn limber of any dimensions cut lo order now is the llmu lo order pour pont maple wood p sayer1f sons nabbogftuo i o the berlin steam granite and marble works catfpbin bhaun proprietor rieslftnera and ilulldera nl statues maua oleums monuments mnrkera antl head stones and all kinds oi artistic cemetery work william hcntbtrect atfnl aclon paper makers oeosaktowh out hook newb and colollkd papkrh jnonbabbeb buggy repairing look j our lluggy over and see what ii needs if it warns palming re trimming now wheels or tires bring it here and havo it repaired by first class workmen indians you inland gelling n new duggy this season it so dont fslllo ghe me n call 1 will have a very ftne stock of my own make and the famous mclaughlin line on hand alio a full line of market anft lumber waggons two seat surreys and liriii itunaboul wagons mccnrmlcw harvesting machinery cnrkslnil itenry and wilkinson piomh sitigor ejiwug machines kitchen cahlnuis j n onsills qxrrircb dliprks qborobtoulin ont the irani irunk railway iaerjicnouh thainw tin ml iwllib l iii 1 nm il ibihi ii lrlncl t alton 111 if 1 kaki- iv rit v 1 in tn 11 11 vtstt l iilth iii u hip oi h u 111 at 1 1 alllrsli ti iml tlc stormy weather coming iircllv soon i he maa m or wci wall inn wet feil and pnouirtinla thai i it yaii aro not piuvlded ullh stormy woilhcr ftwear up ulso nnd muiro a pair of our water and weather proof shoes they are not tlio bin and clumsy kind yon have been used lo ccclnp 1 hey ire snug warm nnd walcrilt i nnd yei are emarl enough ir uppeirancu to weir in any kind of weailier w williams mill street acton the old and rollablo oranlto and marble doalois wl wnrk sale prlom llius aavlnu enr ensloinsrs to iw esiit w liava lbs i nut misnas antl ilia only nimhsiitos in dm dominion whn oan opsr- sto frsiililstlo looli itoimjiy we ceil st vtfsrsnoea from liuiitruits of our oustomsis in o roit to sn olhsr iilsooa vrliur other lisse to sued isw sulis in onlsr to oolloot we lis the urassi ami iimi sioou ol iranlte in tlis ilisnlca only and daly ouuiiaiulon hamilton sons car norfolk an 1 woolwlol his oulilhl acton pump and tile works c d eddaqe proprietor our premises nro now fully equipped with alt the latest machinery nnd appliances for manufacturing jputopm tad tump svpplttm tile for wwj outmrum culvertt via stettn vtpo rittiaf tool and pipe sttppliom orders promptly filled main street acton cash paid for fowl i sclucconcmiand stoves and repairs for farm machinery old iron kags and rub bers bou canadian junk depot mohtub saxe 1toprlalor llnx no acton ont steady employment pop sv nellsvblo looal beilaaman rp- ramntlnatoansklnisioltlaaitnndapabit- at nuraiarlea in aoton snd ailjoliilnar country you will imd llicro is n nuod demand for nursery block on account of ilio high prices that growers havo realised on tholr fruit ibis season our talosmen aro uirnlnu in big builneii to us this yenr ho ono ol thorn nnd osrn good wsfles ihrouuh tlm winter months territory reserved iay weekly i rcu sample ouifit etc wrlle or particulars stone 6c wellington ponthlll nnrrorles h50 acres toronto ontario 60 vbarb experibnok e mapwb dlttqnu copvniohtbj ao antenassnillriffashsttinmiililmorlniinniuby dtifaulr asedmslitmi nitiiinesfislirai llnmjurloljrftiltiilimilfol inns l rlollrrn iltl uiit in ililmt humiiw ltnis lasaii tlimubl swctisllhlttciitwluillutclk scrimne amnesomelif llluirolol woukiy 1 ulilru etaiiy sfleiiiino jnunuii tvmr or laranea ottoa tt v 6u wmtalduiua lio points iprdmptly securedi write for our nlprelnifl 1km unlnylt- r litlp antl hon jow are swindua iirt n reugh bkstch t r mmlrl r yrmr i ts- yviilloii orluiprcvsiiuiit nml ic itltfllyou ins nur opltilon n n lirllirr ii i 1 mtuivlr cisulamj ttcirctnl tpplrallnrs liswoflsn 11 urceaaliilly irkcciutit liy liiiiul fiilty ritilmieil ofllr in monlissl tml wsstilntiion uiliiipunts tn lo rroiiint- ly riunalel work nml quickly renro iaiiili slirosdsi llialuvcntliii ululietl icfrra i irllt rrncu llirrnuti mnrlnn a mv rlnn nelvespklslnnllcivlllniilharcu ovr loo nwiwnira til ir tin uil llm iist thennmliilnn ihmelaltyi pliu liunliisaa ol mllillv tursra swf ltntmni marion be marion patent expert mil bollaltora miim1 i nswverbllljllmir nsalrasi

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