Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 6, 1909, p. 2

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r if imwm 111 otnli on tnralay will a ll to lit and lit kl w u aiuuulilor llmowm iii ktillillil hicllur will m rll t r la miv ll t i m tl 1 it ii ii it ullom- ll v u tllll tlt muo i hi ll i liarulltii ci v ilarbur ii uliaill- k ny allot lot onui 1i saday rll 9l 1 tha hal till umroli hurl nutoii liy ilia fa tm l i mali aailalod bv ixl tin moyli l llni v dllltil itll id uf llurlliilll ml jl j moorr ill vltd uiciuiuioiihiiulay virlljlili al tlio lu oral lloatilll liimiiilii riiui ucllurr ilriii ton aqadti yoaia liwaonaltroauwhi mlnli oithlmur dili prll iralianilsuiunluoiiof lha lataltaiim lawaun fnitiiuily ufdluii lawsuit iiuraekii kialulyaali obtki hi u hie t il initu nf liar uran li m i i fuurllt i irih hutiiur uinl hv ufllia ilia marlatt of ilia llo oilraudut in in iv miaioiimi aiinkur- u irli roil 1iion iatk avenue oujt mi halurilay utli hay m llubort ijiisw 111 ilia isml year wamlaayou ikiar ililii1 as day by day wn oiirnay nil liln wmiy way ho bind liirm ilka lliliio u uwar nbno ilka ilia our liotrl lo oliaar maait and ws think of lb days that ato unuv and wa look l lliu vacant olialr mi now vc to rlflht ilia way alui hill deal wlllilu my liaail ilia iiiuiuory i will koi mlth jtoiluiit voncw anhvamim bc jutou ttt rcjsfi tiiuubday may il ww bditoillal notes in tlio ntnto ot michigan inst hutur tiny more than mo inloonu and ten browoilci in n i no loon cmintus wiiilii voted to i mulsh tlio bur lit tlio inst election closoil tlicli rtanrs thirty of the olshtyllircc cauntuit in tlio statu linvo voted nut tliu ilqiim hcuiisus tlio oaltvlllo hocniil uuyw flood roudi will yot provall in hiikon it seems n sliiima foi nn old county huo ilultnn to im m cur holilnd in tlin nmttar nf good romls this section nf the ninvlnco wan tnlrly well until otl when nlonoore worn lilnztnp i ho lotnln thfoiigii llm forist further wost in ontnrln tint to 1ny tlinso vouturn coimtlus nro yonra nluiwl nf ilnlloii in regard to nod roads haollon 10 of tlioljteonno law ainuiul- cd act nf iitst session nf tin logluu- lure is n niw clause mid u nn linnoi- tant one it nrnvldoa hint whon in nny proancuthm it lias itoon piovul thai n ioison nndor twenty one yonrw of ngo inth haul supplied with llipior snob poiion may he coinpelled to utnto who furnuhed liliu with tlio liipior nnd tlio itutn hint it wits fiirnuhed if ho rafiibob ho niny ho imnruunod for u period not exceeding thiee mnnttie au a result of local option hcunto i eduction and tlio action of llconuo oomiiiluiloneru over ja0 liipior imrs were closed nn htituidny ny lit iaciii option cninn into force in munlclpiilltuib it u tliu tivowtd aim of tlio forces arrayed against tlio liquor truffle to mako a nioio ektenslvo enm- pdlgn thlu year than evei heforo in ninny parts of the country campaigns liavo boon nlroddy tnrlod and many iinportnntplncobtichnhlotorlorougli drnnlfurd oolhngwond tort hope cohourg plot on auroiu nnd now tnmkot will ho in tlio conteut the moving picture flvcoent uliown in now york got to exhibiting ecenos so i in moral hint n nnmher of thorn woro oloicd liy tlio pollco tlila tlrow pulillo attention to a rapidly growing evil nnd bo alarmed tlio proprietors of tlieaa oxlilbltlomi that nn tihiioolatlon of tli cm joined in a r ipiobt tliattliu pub ho biippty coiibort for their oxlilblllons thoy agreeing to abide by the vonllot of those oianilnoru oamplalnta come from toronto and nther onnnrllun paints of tlio do mora ii lng influence of many of these five cent thuatorlunib and other concerns using the qucbtlon- ftblo moving plcturi obtained from tho unltod stntca nnd iranco tho morty month of may ushors in sunshine nnd flowers and equnlly no- eeptftblo in tlio warm tlnys nnd beauti ful landscape nro to the invent of nature so will the may number ol dusy mnns prove in its roadois in addition to wevernl original articles 4 nf merit nnd intoreitt the hunt con- trlbutloni in tho iitidhig inrlodiciisnn political nnd oomlnarohil nffulrn systein and tlnslnoss industry nnd world wide poiolapmont njipenr the moit instructive nnd entcrtuinlng things in twontyflvo nf tho forninout mngaxlnes are prouentod nnit tbeselec- tlonn have boon niniln with n vlw in furnishing hoiuethhig that will please nil classes of roiiilors limbhousb munngiir flnwdy of tlin toronto u mo company cloned n reamd-hronk- ing april for dig biialnuuh last kilday during tlio month ho shipped h7 cars of llnie tho biggest nggrogato ship- msnt aver made by the company hi the month of april tlio shipments this yen wvra at ems mom than for the saiiio month laatyoar iliilldlng oporn- tlnns must be going for wit i d with n rush this opting days of dizzinkbsl dams to many aoton paooln tliero nro tluys nf iilbzlness spells nf tlrowslnnus liendaohtf sldeuolie back italic boinotlinps rhoiimntla pnhi after troublo with the seoretlnns- ynu uro plainly told that tlio kldnsys nro sick ilooths kidney plllu cure nil kidney ills nnd nro for inlo nt llrowtta itrug tore- acton mrs w ii onxou of main til georgetown ont snys i a general kidney irregularity dixay spoils hnfd severe handhohes nnd dull haoksobes wtre grout ly benefitted for my mother by the use of rtoollj kidney pills upon the knowledge of this pmtloiilnr ansa i have no hesitancy- in endorsing the use of ilooths kldnoy pills hold by dsnlers price n oenll the it t booth on ltd fort krle oat hqq onnntllnii agon in when yqti go sbopplns dont simply y 4 und of btenuse you onn u better ten more delloloue ten if you only ask fbr lnd twentv years ago knott church pooponlnjr mom dotrlaatlo jooutiioaal anil qtliar ntrajtlnic llemliiaaxiariaftbi 1 mr iiuiiiii ontiigovlllu liiibhhuilly lioprovi d the iippdiiraiiki of bin double tenement on olmich ht ml donald maim rontnirloi son of mr hugh mnnn of thin plare has been itwaidnl hie rontract for building the mori l nnd draiidtin branrb of the n p and m hy a n ninher of now vatu have in en milled to the lleirdiuorit sole itntber lanueiy jloaiiior a co lin inncndtuiillng ibit port inn nf wlllowftf from llnlr luldgoiivel thu ril viol to tliu foot of the hill n en i church ht on the same prim ijilo as the mill ht roadlicd tito ilnptlst church wvlren on hun day worn rontliiutid by mr llrnck the uvenlng birvica lining witbdiawii in fayor of kuou church hi opening itnv v lllrks of nasiugaweyrt priiaclinil at tho inst quarterly surra mental utri vice of the methodist church for thu current year htst hnu day last weak as alliert taylui sou of mr chits taylor crewsona cnrnurs was sboothlg at a mark tho gun which was rathur dirty oxpludtil nnd struck him in the face it was nt llrut thought hr would lose tlio sight of his right eye hut dr utwry thinks it will ihi restoied itnv a ii cooke of palmiraltm has consented to accept tho pastorate of 8t albnns acton nnd st johns- ilockwood a gentleman who has known mi cooke for ysnrs inys he is n thorough churchman yit so liberal- minded that he nttenda annlverbarks in otliut churches and in also n thor ough christian n good preacher nnd n hardworking parish priest tho ocoigotnun ileinld pnbllshrhl last week n creditable portrait and appreciative wkutch of the career of mr w ii htoioy of acton suggost lug his possible selection as conserve tlve candidate for nevt clrctlnn in cast nf mr hendersons declinature ivom tho nwful linlncaust at the 0 t it disaster at junction cut near hamilton seven victims have i icon identified nnd thirteen node lit i licit trout nearly n column and n half wo can only cull n few facts noted in con noiilon with knox church ro open ing tho services nn himdny wro very hiiccusurul uov alex jnrksou of call was tho priachur the metho dist and hnptlal chin chra wore closed qnat chitogea have bei o made in tho hutnrlc udlflcn the old straight bucktil poii nui gonu and liunfoi tablti clialru urn in place tho woodwork and wuiih ojitp bright and cheerful nspoct i a splendid eaipet envois tho moors thu organ iu with the choir new presbyterian hymn books wcro in thu pous ltev mr itae presided nl social gathering on monday night uhun visiting ministers gave compli mentary addnibsob mi d 1 louder son read an historical sketch soino points of which wu note i tlio building was erected in lfllo htuileuts and real dont neighboring mlnlstorn preached in tho early days there were also brief periods by regular supply ho v j t cameron mr bnmuul kondy nnd mr john itosa afterwards well knnwn ns tho faithful pastor nt tlrncoflold ilegtilnrly inducted pastors wsre iflai llev john mclnchlnni 18oi- itov luchlan ca moron t 1b71 itov d n cameron 1b87 hov j w itao the first elilcra woro i messrs punenn kennedy sr jamna lindsay and john mckinnon nnd inter duncan mollnln the first baptism was in iftil jnnot daughter of john mcllnln and iinhella mcponnld of tho forty members on tho original roll only messrs arch camplwll nnd alox grnnt nro now with us in monilmirshlp the stipends to tho four pastors abovu were at various porlods i sis 9000 with nianso nnd glolie ohm with manio and glebe 000 with mania nnd globe respective ly tho first subscription list in 1h5 was 85iti last year tho rovouuo wns s1880u handmnster hilt informs us that tho newf instruments condommod by him for the rook wood biass hand ns re ported inst week had evidently been in boisterous use for 1ft or 20 yem s nnd should long ago hnvo boon laid nuldo mr g ileibort ilrnwn came down town satuiday evening with a bright and happy uiiintenanci- us a boy wnl gin ton pun mis nnd luoku hbo his pa miss melville teacher of the third department of thu scluiol whose mother died n fow weeks prior to he removal to acton him now lost her father hy death hnum in aoton on may 4 tit mr nnd mre g ii nmwn a snn doits at drn nl ford on may fl to mr and mrs j m kernloy formerly of acton n son ilniin in aolon on mayo to mr and mis win mcphnll a son dlltli in toronto on holiday may a hov henry melville in his 70th year hydroelectric power aoton oeorjrelown hilton and brampton unite to form ulate plane cobt quotatd por aoton tflow pbr h p a moot lug of representatives from milton acton brampton and flaorgo- town wan held in guoigetnnn inst wednesday nftornonn nt tho invltn- lon nf the niumpton doard of trade thoro was it good attendance the whole discussion centered no the qu na tion of pi lea of power to each umulch polity tlio milking use nf existing phiutu wns thresliod nut the opinion provuillng that whore existing plants worn in good ordor they could nnd would he used to advantage a l evo lution wns piissed roijulilngftnchniiinh cipallty in fui iiub without delay in nn ml jour nod inowlliig a certified slate- munt of nmhlier of luirso powsr they would hn willing to oontriot foi mr john it dsrlier goorgetawn wns elected pernaiiant chair nthn nnd w c young ilrampton permanent sec retary of future meetings of this group of mtinlclnnllllvs tlin following letter mid eetlnmtei wcro received hy the town clerk pre vious to he nbove meeting h toronto april luth 1000 dar filriweherewlth beg 16 en the light bread or rhc leaden loaf is a matter nf choice not luck choice of method choice ofycastbutabovc all the choice of ihcjour royal household flour is made froip the finest scleoted mibitoba wheat which contains more gluten that quality which malces bread ligit than iny other wlicat it is milled tinder the mot sanitary condition- there is rto other flour in canada upon which so much is spent to insure its perfect quality ask your grocer for ogilvic6 royal household the flour that makes light bread and perfect pastry ogllvle flonr mills co untiled moalretl is base ball outfits it is easy lo icll sporllnu gouli iho way we ill ibltm the slock sposks for llnolf and values show at a ulanco that wo tann luiolneoa 1 lio est is nana loo good for iho trade wo nt slier and we sin to only what you will keep and ilka lxsitcr and lie her base ralls 5 10 25 50c and 150 base ball gloves 25 so 60 and 85c base ball deckers 25 50 75c and 100 base ball hats 10 ib b0 and tbc orders taken at liljjlierprlced goods from cslaloaue come nnd inlu will llio goods llismsnuai r p johnstone mill snteur hardware acton ont close estimates of the towns of milton acton ihumptoii and geoigetoun tlioso estlmattu me self explanatory hut wo think it host to ndvlia you that if concerted action is taken nt onco by tho municipalities the cost of thu pro posed interswlulilug station nt trnfal gar will ho considerably lessened a the commission would hu undertaking work nn the initio hnu nt the same tlinu youru tiul hydro hlouiic powtr comnilasion t w hothman ciller ihigluter ithrimvrich tho following prkus to thu nboa municipalities foi 21 horn powci nro hasod on iv double circuit 110000 volt lino from trafalgar to georgetown with nn interswucliliig station nt tra falgar and n sttp down stntlon at goorgotowoi from which point the power is dlsti united to tliu tihovo inunlclpalltloo nt vlm volts tho cost of lil00 volt power nt aoargotown fnrttooh p 9717 ilrnmpton 000 h p iti i milton a0h jh60 aoton onnhp mill tho abovu amounts include nil costs of transmission and transformation distribution nt 111200 volte and power at niagara falts at 0 10 which will be reduced in 0 00 a a soon ns tlin quantity used hy the commission ex- coods 211000 h p herald the adjourned meeting wns held on mondny whon tho representative ngaln discussed the various phnies of tho snbjoot mr t w hothman chief knglnoer wns present and answered satlsfnetoilly many ipies- lions which were perplexing tho muni cipal reprosoutntfvou anothot moot ing will lie held shoitly scrkp 7wbtkl i flooll hunders end rags boiiflht prices second hand slaves on j iorni machinery repairs morris baxe acton suniicht soap a iiaskut pulc of cluin b wee t- smelling linen is obtained with half the toll and half tho time if sunlight soap in used sunlight nhortene the day work but lengtheua the life of your clothes follow directions nnssnfrawoya lumber mhim ham limber of any dimensions cut to order mill will start april ist can cm any building materials needed in hemlock or pine on short notice largo stock of shlnfiloi for sale ihli year cut from first growth cedar p sayers sons nauagnweyn t o georgetown flora it go t georgetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specialty all onlai placikl wlih r h mixon druggist aotoll will rocoiv prompt altonllon still too busy to write advertisements except la uy that i have seien lnoi of buggies to select from including mo- laughlltii canada oarrlnge oon- boy and brantford quick turn over prices alto one i ii drld nnd one m ii dinder taken in exchange for champion goodi save trouble by buying molotto cream soparaton harneii and repairing given bpeclal at enllon a a black acton ontario right downtodate vv papp proctor merritt hive been dohg biff buiinaas since iho firn of isnuary in lupplylnn farmers wllli the latest improved labor saving isrm machinery anil ihey are now riving nlisn ilon to supplying armors wives and ihe public gone rally w t latest lalmr saving articles for the klicltrn the ohathatti kttoben cabinet lea gam nnd saves lime nnd worry and kitchen drudgery to every woman who uses one a modem kitchen cabinet la juat as necessary to llis satisfactory working in the kitchen as ilia bent binder or any other machinery lo die farm the chatham flreleii cook btove is the is lei t scientific invention for mswng home life happier fend providing belter cooked food si much lass coat of fuel and attention tl laves 73 nf the fuel 7t of time and 1 rouble end ynu can do all ihla am keep coot whes ihe summer days are holiest kitchen cabinet and rireleaa cooker on uhlblilftn at our wareroomi indurated circular nriil full information in all who call proctor merritt mill tinsel aclon oppsalie mils bei neweat end lauat 10oo bamplea how neady if you wanl nny siitciai uliculial 1ng we can procure same direct from factory agent for c l nelles guelph bonn b4lna in loob papere left a t brown drugilit and sialloner mlust aclon iasaabaaasraaaaaaiuiaaa cameron moores ipfife acton goderich hot weather is coming it is hare to believe after the rcccnl colj miap but nevcrthelebu it la true nrvdiffilit summer dresses will boon be in order nirnin wc have the bcsl sikiwiiik of warm- weather dress matcrialo you have seen for many d dij wc arc especially strony in wash sgitlngi and mufalins of all kinds call and see lliem striped llnen watli stiltltigs blue black and tan stripc per yard lsc colored dress mbslliis oa oup wlndoutlit wak imported mun fmiali wash mua- linp with silk strnic lovely patterns in all colors blue mauve fjreen catauba etc beautiful coods rcg- ulaily sold at 25c and 30c wc rot a snap on these and pass tbcm on to you at per yard lllc silk hulls a beautiful material for a summer dress all shades lavendar wis teria taupe reseda catauba ccba burnt leaves tangerine and white to sec it is to want it at per yd ilhc indian head suiting splendid for outing suits colors white and blue per yard sisc press goods a new shipment of dress goods just in this week striped and plain all the new shades taupe ccba blue brown etc per yard floc and trtc i a corsets there is no better corset made than the wellknown d a per fect fitting and made from best qual ity materials their reputation is built on merit i comfort and long wearing qualities these corsets are unequalled wc carry a full line hue tltc 100 artd 145 houscfurnlslilng department dont forget that wc have a splen did range carpets rugs curtains etc to choose from special tims wellv 3 1lctcn tapcitrj curpct ikliout 17 iu ill inch piece riftulur 611c mil 1151 fur pirynnl48o tnpchtry run 3 x li tln filhil ulld red pit tern rtkiilar slu 110 for 008 lluulcunm 3 a tln wide 40o toq0oil d eaco curtiiiiih tike rniie rjoo to 34 00 grocery department see m torta crocrick tlrnmilotcil stifinr 31 llw fr si 00 iurk and ilcann per can 4a illicit nuptta soai 6 tiarti for sqo llrltliili ctilumhia silmnii 2 cairn for q5o cowiinu coion 3 luiis for 2bo special millinery showing our milliner has taken a spocial trip to the summer millinery open- ings in toronto in order to btudy closely the late it styles and fash ions a visit to our show rooms and a glance over dis play will convince you that she has taken full advantage of the opportunity the drooping shape with dome crown is still a favorite but there arc other charming shapes tastily and stylishly trimmed which are very fashionable mens deparliltent what man docs not like a nice uptodate madetomeasure suit and right here is where we can save you money just have a look at our line of cloth simples over 200 to select from all the new shades of browns olives and greens also blues and blacks these suits are made for us by the largest makers of madc-to-our- mcasurc clothing in canada and arc guaranteed to fit prices range from 1150 to ili sec our window thi week for dis play of samples readymade suits sues to fit every one from the small boy to his dad latest styles in serges worsteds tweeds etc prices for the boys suits range from su0 to sffoo and for the mens from l0 to 1100 farmers i bring- us i your butter cgs actons new store call and be con vinced sll 3 an 0 j on a ij olfl hamulo oni it is an open question where it is more unwise to keep money not im mediately needed in the home or in the pocket j ey has wings a wise man once said and it jf3c almost seems literally true money kept in the home is in constant danger of theft fire or other avenues of unexpected lots money kept in the pocket in addition to risk of loss is tempted away by every show window or passing fancy money placed in the care and custody of a chartered savings bank is out of sight and out of mind every day it is on deposit it is w6rking for you btcadily earning and accumulating interest which is added to the principal at regular intervals money in the bank is safe it is equally safe from fire theft or careless expenditure and it is saved up and accum ulated for the very time you need it most the bank of hamilton offers tho security of aver i lurty million dollars in total assets as its reference in soliciting your account bank of hamilton geobgfrown bltanoh w n mckay akoiii fltlv arjitrtisfumilr kokhanlfl tv 1 i x llaimlla old jalbits 1ojt hlic k imtupkktv lok kali 4 1 inilir run nl lwu iiity h a ml i w ullll jkvji iojt a mo om lisv wain limit vw t youiiu ami 1 ot j sml i ii i slil lt 1jill willi 1 1- rul 1ih hon if naatauswsys mill qitt jiuusjb wantki volt dhnt m kliiiolll ii o it jijiltl vl itlia irani julia ilkmidsiohii lcd 3x9 t 1ortuii count li of wolllnstdii itslun and ila cnmltiolul ttlih islltraotloli sml ujinn luimr to ulmitio4l o laialionata slaslii tton alii ilgiilly mirnicipalityof acton uouut ol udjfflbion notioiv l liaroliy lynti ual tlia flrst 111 ilik ol ilia lmirt n llavlion for i is vlll or aoton will inlioldlutlo lawn mali on monday may 31st 1000 tviulilp in tn tuar all oorntlsluta sfltlint unllinr i1iju id com alios uco dais is titiiliiasi in uil si tlio latna inns j uxlutnhon aoton llla till lurol may 10 u holjloway uu iioo the rirst class imported ltlcsdule stallion d tho li ot iuduss ollni ilila lol will li ills can ami rauislii ilia ojou llonr ai mil ii una u olook liu hall ilav tliuriuy lll iiruooou to tlia llcilllalt lloiua lo lriaiown ami re in tin dor ulutit idilsr wllliat is m for lila nwii slalito fliers lia will ramalii mull ilia lallowliiu wtl muy stqiiooclnou rtirina tolniuraflo psralilo 11 rli 1010 v nr tdttlmr iifttlloiilaia aaalarua luuiati lvnllb mlklcllrslrtrn ii q usdaiiura sml cnllooloif por uest nmulli bread lothobtand- artl urou traitor with hlah action ioldenjubileb itlhihtluli no ifutlt t h sitwooii iihiiiout oukii jim gio uiikub cnnntllcrt horss show i o03 first winner in clnse of i lovan v 11 mska hid srsaon nt 1u0u as follows momlar uv lr1 liu will lonvo tils own ilstl durrywoil snj iiroosml in csrr a llolal hlrosls tlllt lor imnn mcjibliuu hotel kllllon or 11 1 mil i tiiomltt lloniliy fur noon clootfialowii or olnouj loiaii lor ii uljilii lliutetuy llllliliuru lor njitlit urlftar clitrlotcn for nn osirliiqa i inau itly irali horn llraiiiplan his it 11 iho follnwlna mqiiiuyinartiltih n sliova rniito will ba conllnuail uirodfjlt m liealtti soil wsatliar rihhnf n0xi0k t0credit0ks in the hatter or the kauu of john t drown lata or the villa of aoton in the county or helton qentlentan daoeasecl notioil is liarnliy clven pursuant la tlis llsvissa huluus nl oiilsilo 1wt biisii 11 11ml sll orstlltors in i ntlisra lisvfna olalina aualnst 111 sal at of j dim t ilrnwn wlio iiihi on or about ilia ssvnntli ilsy or noveinbar huh mrsqiilraiioiiorlietorfl llm irftli tuy ol may to i t rfwm or isirsr to it j upnabb nltfin ssu llwo of aston spam forliiasdniliiutrslor llialr oliritllsn and aiir iisniss sillrmaaa ami daaorlrtlon tha full nil honiara of tllr claims tlio ataumsnl ot llinlr scoount ami iho iistura nl tlio siirlllis ii aliv id ttylliam tm filthsrtsfaa nolloi- hist sfur llis sim j7ili may ol iuv 1u0p tlio ailiiiriilslrslor h 1ioosbij toillilflbtitotlia asaals nl tlia silil iu ccssartsninimtllaiiartlaa oiilllltnl ibarsin lisv u raflsrj only lo tlis claims nf wlikh lia sbsll tlion liava lisil hollo ami tint tits a alii admin utrator w 11 mil bo llablo for ills a si it tucti or siiy isrttbarsol to suy iwrsou or mrsons ol nhosaols hni uolloo sfiall not lisfa bssli to ovlvad by lilui si tha llm ol suali dlitrlbullon 11 j hon allll anasi ror tli ail m lul irslor ialail st aoton this riilrl ilay nt may 1ww notice t0cltedit01t8 in tha mattel o the batata orthomaa moor lte or th villas or aoton in tha county or halton vlllava 9uru deoeaaetl not 0b is bnvsby all t itavlaatlhlaltitosol u tlist sll orsilttora unl mkalnm tlio siista of ilia who dlr imrsiianl lo tim arlo 1hut aluntf r isrs lisvluu olslnis ild tliomss moor ilia said lljsilililj irsklsy oijsji o j usokliinoii ol lis hi ills eouniy or lulloii holloltor lor hisouton of tlis uit will sud tailbiiiniil nary i ww ara roiuiraii on or bslors tlis ul of way iomilo sud by oi p diflmr lo j usoklnnon ol tl vlllsu dsoasisil ibslir nlirlsusn and a ibu suniitltlaf if nl uil iiiiio ajjrai uulsrsot ilinir bcouttllls willi till iiiylismliyihu and furllisr u lliu liiiiiiioiu wllliroot jotu nr the ilnoumuil aiuonu tlib uyt it liar l tavliiif rr oiifv lo ilioo slnisnl wti 1 1 ili afiull iihii linvo linllcr f ksiioutors will uouib haul iiiriiiaifuii bsihis or any art llmraof in any 1 irani or iroiisol wluisa nlaiuib notion slisfl ovisttuiior v im monf a j si vcuinnon t hnlloliof inrhsrsli mnnrn liiau liiaifsrsirvms wr seed corn car o seed corn arrived largo choice of varieties also nlj kinds of mangel anil sugar hunts acton flour and febd store n f moore r noble mnnnirjr li

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