Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1909, p. 1

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ht jvititt mttt ft voiiumis xxxiv no iii acton ontahio thui18iuy moiwino may lit 111011 hulmctllillun vncr f i cu rcr am hinow3 copies thhtck cents n rnaliauw tcviatv tiiuiwday uoiinino at tiim vr mmh lrlall 1li btiijoiot r acton ont ar uub- it iha awl- trmi b ferltftfc 0w dollar etr yenr atrlotly in uilvanoa all auu- tcrliitlona il i aeon tinned wlian iii lima lor which limy liv boon paid lift 11 rod tim ditto jo whloli vary uul- tflvldtlnif la iialil i dotiilud nuurwll jlne for ural inuurtloii i cent pur jlne or aoh aubatiquoiil iarton- advarllsainauta vltlioutapaclflo dl- rtlorte will la hnaertml illl lor old and char fired accordingly trmnalnnt d- varllaemanla muat b paid in advance advartlaamaiilm will l changed onoe each month if deal red voc elians oftauar titan attova mantloned ilia cun- position muil la tmld for at regular rata changna for cent mo i ailvartlaamanlli must ua in ilia flttlca ijy noon on tura acoounta pajalile monthly icnaltah onico 10 fit turaat lan- tjon h c whore uaaara 18 and j lardy co will rooalva for us n ankaorlutlona and advemlaamanla and whera our read era can fra 01 c ha rate our ye per whon in knar land 1 1 v uooi11d lcdltor and proprietor suaiuefls fiirrclorp t 1103 gkay m d c m mcgill rjiuor icninmuiwii ilii ah oliattaw uauaiinllaitiiu undid aeuocuriow etc anion ont 3mo vradarlok u tree i fr a d hoick oraduala of uulverelty of toronto omea at netlanca on willow atraat-be- iweeu meralianle hank and town hall ilioneno ik axhw ont it i j uiokinnoh luaaivraaw aolioitom comvavaacsn orvioal 1iiii luoat in hlarele llloeaj dl hraiidli uaii and haturdays fe ite7aurtli dldilon courv county of llal- 04i oootajauoaraiiaiil vlrealid lillaauuransa ileal aatale agent money to loan ale du j m bell ud h llil iihmtimt aoiom ojbw al ueeiilaiiob corner mil and frederick elraoie ifonoa aaidoata or toronto uhivumitv the let anaealliatlo ueed ii daeirad atllwkwood mcuul uisckllansovx j1 ami hardy co auvlbtiuing contbactom and nuwa cunnueponiiunti jo ileoi blreei london k c n bvv will liialvenirireqimud j1ran0ib human book hind hit wyttdliamui oualpiiootark 0ar william htora aooount hooka of all kluda mula to order liailodlealaafavarydamrlptluiiaaralullrbouqd rulurnaatlvanii prompllvdou vaithiaol lioenbua ii r uooiiu aanna or itamftiiom lickmiaa jrlataoaaa nowltbmiaaraqalitad leaned w u bbmbtheist jjloimhftn atjotlohmih ordaraurtaiiuavtiha 1aaaa offloe aeton or alroyreeldeiioaln anton will b promptly at- uodad to taruta kaaaonibla alao oo nay v loan on tlia noil faoraul ami and al llta lowaal rataa of iburatmn iui of cbmahd 0i v tne w hull ordan lellwilh tlta idihb 1rkrb aeun will raaalv immediate atiantlon r j kkuh i lh1si vdutlnnukii for lliu coumlte of wallliibton llehoii and diiffatln halaa oondaoud with iilifoiloi and upon raaeoueule urate hdari b luttor to mlmoia i 0 telephone to ultnoaa or uiiia or luh at viikm vuv ottlea or with w j lorlon llameia unur anton will raoelvo liumadlaia allantinn hiielal althtlou to ealea lu anion and loliilty jamks mcdonald llcuhpbo auctiombbr yen tlia ooiiiiiim ol walilouuin lullon waterloo wuniworth and tha ulty ol uualb halaa noiiduated uii rataoiuhla taruia and ittileieallau luarantowl in every far u aviiiv lolluami mrinahoh unr uotauua hi and ulora road luleidll onl talenlioua itt tlualiti ualaa way la arranoatl at vbbh imru otnoa aeton suiihouiuud utooli catiaii i 00000 tmb wbulinoton mutual ihrunanou oumpanv eaubllahad 1040 u4 offlu ouklpn oht itlhuiahononoaaliand uulual lo any l luinranea raijutrad will b prouiflly atuad- w ii pbkhv aoenl oiiiibut aelon artists materials watuk coions oucoion3 and auiiuks pvboobiphy bupplibs ano ooriim katonb study 80pplibs kilt coiikgihi schools 111 stiiiiimis donl lirlnfinillloo tttia cimin i anulm milurlnh nl liilurif llllily pupill clllthufl 3- irnpliy hlipplle waters bros tho riohr btorj i wyndhim si rulh istould you like railroad time send your watch to st co official wevtoh irmpftotofat aformnd trunk hallway uuclpii ont stephen oordiner painter papehhamakr bionwniter decorator i have mucli plonura in informlna tho pooplaaf acton anil aurrounilink vicinity lint i liave for impaction a magnificent aatortmenl of ulquolabb wall papers i ituil by alilct allemlon to liiuinonaanil moorio clitrftaa o aecura a ilnro o your palronifie any work enlruileil io my care ball im eneculcil in a eullftit and irailoiman 1iu mannar order left al liomo on mill st or by dropping cart will rccolvo prompt alien lion acton pump ami tile works o b edbaqe proprietor our premlua are now fill ly equipped wilh all ihe ulaal rnnclilnirj nnj appliance for man ulact tiring lutttp and pump sappllt tit tor wua tiimfraa culvert a to sttmrn lip rdttiog ttiola mnti pip bupptik ordrra promplly filled main strltlit acton exceisior bakery we arc headquar ters in acton lor bread cakes pas- try etc of first- class quality we also carry a bplcndid block ol groceries and con fectionery t stat ham son mhi btrmt aoton aajaaaaaaiai i aaaaaeawaaeaa woodecravinfc photoengraving halftones itjuonesentii everton vis eden mills th bt quality- oi manitoba vetmlly and fauiry flour por bni nt lowuat pi loos our own malts chopping dnita and on itiillod ovcrv day feeil or inl cili or vyheul x pu henry hortop every boy wants a btisterbrothrn 1st agon a wliolc lot of bpecial feat ures in the makeup of this toy 1 he price wont hothcryou at all tho bond hardware co limited iteulirhotia 07 quklpu punishment invariably folio wi the uo of uronu glataea you mlglit n well plcli your nltc from i limli at to buy ihe liipliaitrivhli sold dnd known amara bavafio aiaisoa told only after a ttiorouflli aclenilfic enamlna lion 1roieci your nyeii wear ouit ciaiub if you need lliem he on llir lafo tide a d savage oplomeliil ml opllciin iliono 57 j i wjndluni st luclpli ont winterjessioh oiioni january th in all depart kiaiiu or hid ohm fl vi uuhi nlith collkuk voco and urrard hlreel liimiilc uur cehlouho eaptaln our eitoerl nrllv h l htair uutlioila ami llmdlli nii rn invlled io wrlle fur it ii ititoreitait in tlia kliul ol rclinot woru wlilnli tuiiiot liaet tuooei illrmwir hllaw freildenl acton chopping mill iiieopknkil the clioppitik him now in full running order and lam prepired u fill all order promplly tho mill ulll run every day and there will bo no tinntcenary delay flour amd feed a full hock of flour and feed hat ben tocliod h q brown proiniotor your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither pltten or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills ilour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris 6l co llmllad raw furs wanted we will pay aeon for no i or spring musk rats others as to value storage of furs willi ns usual have our best attention furs called for and deliv ered to nil parts ol canada ratkb 3 per cent on value covers iosh by fire or moihp also pays for cteanini orlnj now i lav mb down to blatttl tlio ii ro upon tho li north la low ami llntrn u allllnetib nvurywlmii ijkn tioultlcd bidrlth linntniul tlxrti tim flndlulit aliuilowu ii til tori do o ami ue dm slinilfiws round tua ntufp a ciiiiiiihii trtililn hrfuks llm klufin anil softly from n fnrtlior room omrii now i bty iindown tout ml p ami am ik how with hint littler iiniyai- aml that uwenl tnblit in yiy ijuw 5iy tlioiilit otb buck to illeiiol yrura ami hnra will a donr onn tliun i ami hm i livnr tlm olilldu nuicii my motlicrs tilth roirtrp imctt l- n crilirlmti hi linr ildn i bop in to ix and mollifr- holda my liandriiitlii 0 t for in imur lit thnt drnr plnco i ol tot tliu mmciiof hint ilenr lln 0 i for tlm clili1ibh irliut oiihllm 01 for n lliiii4i of mnllifltm fur yet ab thfl filmdnwb i miml inn croi p 1 ilo mjt arem to iw nloiif hivont mnulofif thnt troldii limn and now i lay mo down to ah tp kiigonn lit id reliable and practical furriers at lafontaines pur establishment 0507 0 sr iuclpii ont swrl ynmilu itrabing the other girl y itaniiiam nml cmmiimiliiim l7j witra eoittcd in tore nil opio vj nro nt tin- club unjjlnt i cimflihiitiul iifhtdlmifr chut ho jmi tlm animi iihiii old inn in- 1 or tin yin irnol p jnlliml ijiiii- ninhlinm i piophiiuliil tliu ninimor would litml you bum didnt m nnil liur nftfi iilir moot whom w ilrnwlttil lianthuin roodnftturfdly oh thlu liicompinillk lirouuublo idunl of it wouinii yoiivunlwnyhliilklnu it limit aioot j on higliiniiip to finr alio tuny not ixut nftnr nil on tln coiilrniy titnthiun nn- twoi ml holw cm i puin im mni lliiiifiiwi uuiit dui doiu 1vii hit n her tmcl oiinnlnuhuin huil into n hi mty huiifli did aim tin ii it mi ou old nuinp ho timniri not in tlm way jim menn tjnn- nlnk rtpllod intiillmni riinlnuciiiit- y tlum nftui hlouluu u fiiw u-lmii- ly aiiiokn i iiik hi wiixid commnnlt llv villi mil- llo luilll 1 hnvo nuvor mot hn fmn to fuci ho bho couldnt ttitlly turn inr lititk to uir ami whutu limn im ouvir gnliik lo tvo hir i hu cliaiici von iiivnu that you do not iiiluud lo moot liit t uukpul hlu fiitmil in uiilmilahmtiil uuiiiihiu oui t iimilimttion upimul luinlhimil of uiao i liilund to intit hii mo lime hut i llilitu lo ho pii fully runt ot tuymolf iml of i ibb- hifim i im udnp to iioioo tho irul llmo i upuiitc to hri mont iktuuiullnury cmumontoil on n ul n mil a in whoro tloahbhollvop dont know pnffuil irmittinm tuib wnn too miioli ol- cunnlnpliiim ilo eusnoiiilid amokiiiu fur n fuw hoc- oitdu to ohkii vtt ho placid counlon- unco of run tint in luolilod tlittt nny epoich wnn imidiimiiu nml lit n ft noli olinr von if i minimi linnlhnui btiilllng in an t- xn juratl nly nilullud itntiur i juat luippliud lo tlallnfloi lior a hit in n ennoo tint flno day llilu buniiiiur ilio wily her vhonlilciu nml tlm way inn uoft hull blow iiluiutlil tho wind and tho way alio humlkd a pinl- uo- i ilnio lintd onl ffilcritiiilod jnu- nlnriiaiti hrulitlly iinuympulliutlo do you moan to uny that you can rnvo ilka that over a ihl whnuo faco you llitvo hovut hdoilp liantliuni uodditd hot bliduah hnuiuly im a mini fourr briintod oiinnluuliaiii i thnt dociunt imiui any dlltoioiicp iinnnnnctd liunlhiiin i lovu iut am i il m 1 1 marry lit i juut tho wmo and iikuiuwlillo jim dont uven know who ii uhu llvn mnninghnin re mind ltd him oh i hiivit a iiollon i may meolhit any hi my iiiildihiilil lliu kuldo in hur oanou whu tiiklutj uiouml wo inn ilnatnn pooplt ho jmi umi i ho oiifo isnt hopidinh oitmiliiir oumlhain oo nol ud ml ii fit hly hy tlm limn tho i mini had umt iiffiiln oiiinihiuu hud imni iiit uur fan iliinuiidid fjiiiiiilnuhain aliruptly niijiiul liiirbiiokuijiieilfliantlnmi ocatntloiilly woll how lu tliiiiitlur tlttf you rcoohiilu her thitlh what id llbo to know id know hnr anywltarv whothor alio woro a llltlo white uwontoi a tailormndu kowii m u ova n in if frock id know hnr hbo cant dugiiuo tho posoof that qtipinily liiiul hho can not prohuhly alio ennt intnrrtiploil cu it n i if hit in liidllfutunlly jlut i miihtiiiy iliu itlfitlrn a llltlo tnn hlifh pltohud for my oonunon ootnprohoii- inn my slutor thlnka llu awfully ox altliiki though ivo boon tullliik liur nhout it hay a ahod juat bo in tho oovenlh itdttvon ol imppliichb if anythlnp so romniitlu 1 think thatll tho won hiio iiboii ovir happoiipil to lift tiled to oonvlnco nii unit it wan mdihnind com nifootib of you to duolm youd mm ry a rlrl you know youoaiihl idvp no nml ttt whnt biio lihikoil like i lolil hor it whb idlotlo ftnliinii at tlilu oiaiitliittihihuakltil ami sol- tied hliiibidf htlll morn onmfni tuhly in ihn hljr 1iiwy nliiili hho would hit unfootly uluiiuliiif ho iiimiul uillln voice in tin u von 1 1 ii ftonk oiiiinluuhain blglird iiiltt u 0 lliu lltmitm ho mitml von ouuhtio kot in tliu imhllo oyo you know if yonro u iiik to hrln thla will o tho wlap ciiiim to a finish tho pttiy wiih fairly unmulok but irtinthfun found llniu to utudy iho harka n the tllltttront woiimu huddciily toward tliu mid of iho m-c- ond net ho knibpcil ciliinliikhum- i m tlkhll hlutm hirr hn whupind iiok lu tlm bcrord inwui box at the lofl ciiniihikhnui lookntl in fad ho hud bcnrcoly loukt d nny wlici a ojmt uluatt tho filiiy ihbuii lant t hmiulkoir flniittlnnn inciilhitd ciimiliikli mi imddiil millmil fjnmo no onl lm uliuout ciimiiiamhd iih tho etirtoiu full an nil uuhcoded cllmnv in cttrnii of itm lolfby uutrl rimi tho irovd tint two- mini halted iinnliilthaui i lea red hlu ihronu t uranlh m hit litkiiii luipiuiibivily i inito to iihari i out d run in but you ciiut liitvn her v rhomo lur myuvlt una uhu lioeou j on iut iihkril fjuliilly why no i cilu t say that hiii has lmnoliiliam odmlltul nhiltuutly itnllfn holnr alio will lm not hotintr bur to dualli tin- way all tho n thnt u arc youll liitiddncii nic j- untiithiun naked iilully jliiinlnkhani hnallntid hut only for ho fraction of a iiiltinlo i litltily hn ansrrorod cdurtooiuly tho two moil rnlorod iho box joul an ihn curtain wan irnlnu up fin tb third utl tlio introdiictlnnu wcio hilou- uiitily hurriud mlua ciirtiab ciinninhniu aoid in it- my and annuity mr ii authum 1 lu n tuininp with u familiar nod tn lliu olhoi young woimin in ihn box hn added moll thlu umioiaiiihnni yunvo heind inn apt ak o him hint my slut it a ft or tho drat iiccmilonvtiauthui in an nualli ii m ii ureal iidmliii of yoma ml mm onrlw iiniilnfham ha id indicating fininthiiin or rath or i uliniild nay iinnllnir irunt udinirci of joniu noiibuhc laiitilnd ml tjinllnw itu your auici ho uduilum hu haa not tiikiui hu i n offliut ulucuholituin into thu hix nniilm hhum aattiiiiahimint uim cx- cudrdonly by lihiioliif ilo tit llko liipphig lianlhnni on ihn hhoiildir and wluhlou him rood iiilu jlot lianllinin wt icltinu on iny widl wlllmut any sin h oiicouiaueimmt of emu m ho wan telling noll with on iiuomhaiiahhcil futiikuoub that alio found moht unitminitiiliig im kind you hid ro unudci fully hvaullful hut i nl i until limn tovid yon juat thu inino if join cyim hud not been no hint and if oui lhlnhaduladiinplolnit oh phiiuc mr iranlhxml pro touted null bliuliinuly you imutnt dill i llumght youm undiiutaud plfiidid oianthain wutfully yom huithtr btild yin tat i know udmillld ntll quickly hut ou hi i didnt know it wiih my rtiinanuo thtui i ihuught it wim uoiiii oil n- 1 hiiik hut didnt any md ho in iho uuveiithhenvuii of dillght if anjlhlug no romnnllc tivut happttud in onp oranthain rrovu iiuculloned inn gently 1 had bankod all my hopih on that i told mynelf that wan thu nay tho other fhl would ftel yum noll aiimwti ed di i amlly then aflei a moment puue hut llu till mo uiy btiddim not or me plomud uiaiitluiui ilti hived j on evet id lire i jhut enw j mi mid jouvn ually hivid mo over hhire youi brother told jou tibiiut me 11 1 mil id i haoiil cinitradlittd nell wnrmly im only emhdtho other rhl at thla oiantliaui laughed uodly hut ulnco ihuid lant any bthui girl jnn aiont lonlly going to linn your buck on inn for good nro yomf at thlu nell turned a faro of mch ladlant happinubb upon him that tliaulhitin know hu need limn no fenr still her tiiinwoi waunt juat what ho oxpoctrd if only i liu that othoi glil and i as huiiioly au a mud fonoe alio told him nilaohovloiihly id know exaolly j what to aiibwet how to makd miboiiiblp krp your eyoa on your uolglihnru ttike ouru of lliem do not let llinn utlr without watching tliuy niny do uoimilhilig wiong it you do to ho auto on never know them lo do any thing hud hut it may hu on your ac count they hmo not ivihapu if it bad mil been for your kind euro tlioy might have ilimgiacid themuulveii n long llmu ago theitfotodo not minx auyilfoit to kiep lheui whom thvy ought lo be novel mind your own binilmnm that will dike eaio of ituolf theiulau man ptuulng along hu lu looking hit- ihn ftinco imi biieplcloiiu of lllini poilinpn beflontuinplatebutinl- ing nomoor llioun tlaik nlghtut theio la no knowing what incur fanolou ho may bavii got inlo hlu head if you drill uny yiuptnmu of uny onu pawning nut of tho path or duty lull every omx elmi what yon axe and ho pitrtlonlur nml hon a gieitt uuiny it in a good wuy to olruulalu uuelt tlilnga it imiy nut lm null i youiwnlf or any onu ouo pnitlculaily ilo keep umnolhhig go- liigbllunciiiniidreudful thing lliougli it in aiiid thuto wnb allonco in heavvii for lliu apace of tmlf nn hour do not lot anoli a thing in out on earth t it would ho loo niiieh for thlu ttmldi pliore if iidei all your watchful euro you cannot uu that thoy hnvn dime anything had llirnw out hint that l hey urn no bettor limit they klnmld ho- thai oiinhnuld not wonder if tho pooplo found nut what ihoy woro uflui a while then tljoy tnuy notaaiiy li oh heariu m high keop it going and anmo one may tako tho hint and begin anil ludn it along aftei n while then there will lm ninulo nml every thing will work llko a ohm in follow tlio wliovit diteotlinih nml ynu will hn pretty burn to tliakuileiuy f inuohlt the roll of honor tlmultai or tha rmt examination ino kaur llolldayai tub hcifolaitb who brtodv rdlnwiug la iho hat of high and ilihlic hchnol pnplli who woo placoa mi the honor uoll nt tm rxnmlnnllona whhhronchiilod laat 1ilday 11 inn h limn dri- viu jncvr uiiuh i h iiiioi istaisii rniimn m hojii ci vmh la hpcliiht 1 while ii until m mnlfat a mnrdoiiald m ulchiimod i amliimon clan iik hmlib mnlkn n willuuihil ilinwii ii lluahiind hi mvrilll til vtiiin ciiitu i i iiinck ii muck clnimliu johmwie a itllileii i jaivln w uiiimmi4l 71 clahbliia k niter a ilraliirnfik m ollijun high- t in ttithogiaphy a hpelght iuchiniiiiy 1 white in ihlna hpvlnl1 lu i ill i iiiim ii clitmuilt nilenii i ldtei tlnaa 1111 mnlllii plank 1 miicdoiiuld i liunliaml andituon loltm i ciunbi m turiihiill ii iliown v mulfal 1 oik 0 mtiru m work man m matlhewm 1 wlliitn- jamh ii i cob hlghrt in iohnk nelioni in llookkieplngo moltal in luln- m tuinbullandll ilronn in utera tiiinj maedoiinld in arlthmotic- m motthowa and m workimin w ii su u lir principal mihm i m iiumim aaaihtnnl it in ii hi limn di ivnrni r illlmt lliihtust si iv vi lor ciiloitiaii 2m lvrry watuiiu 2ih inoimtd alulnaun 17 dorothy noluon u2h hoy mailer xi muigihet drown 21h total 1100 dr ivkthilred whlto hi- imio dvaiiw liti ihnhel andonmn 2i3 fler- tiude ioarhmi h helen warren 217 kuiln llmwii 1m jack olapinan u01 total 2j mihh a i hllthov toucher hiiini iu1mirjinr r si iiinellui andurnon iful ida young il dealt ice iruhnni eli fred ihlllil llla hnyeru i0 ida cnrna- hanlw total i05 i iiijlhhiu thoupuon jkw mno hmllh 2 melford collier 211 lnrno woikmnn jll vlolot tlinnim sv ilaiold thomiih u total 1kx mihh m dinni tt teacher rilllll iiiciviitmbnt kr ii illrdln dortet 151 clura an- lerkon hm annie ahintmuiihti albert drown w7 iordon dtuor w1 jennlo deataonllhi total aoo ji hwinnlo loaruon illl lnrni kennedy 111 ailatln cutting 1r1 liwenti wren llil gnnrgo hptcor 1h malx 1 ibirr xh total uv mihh q mi intyki teacher ttiiiirn nlcimitmiist hi il ilrnu wiihoii ih veta hihvyiln ldabtaickmanuimitlvin willlaiiiullj willloitlklilo illl mur- gmet wilonn illm total iimi ir it mnmlhi mnutctu xl jidiiiuiu kennedy lltt millie hath mio annie onrmibaii lit7 luio mautor mi johnnln mruregor 211 total t7ft mihh m it lloliiioa tenchur lllth imclallthunt hi il iolllo mowat itttl rlin moffat 271 duio htewarl 2u moyd mnnaluo 211 dither cutting 210 iury imwarda 22h total ikh di it i wllhlil hull mil lomgo hopor ijt charllo hymnn lu harold workman vv carey matthowo 127 johnnie ultthie 12fl tunl 110 mihh 1j m nn in is tenulmr pbacb and sbouhitv cinpei or wllhuliii had oppoi t unit lea ucli nn befoio ilia llmo worn never premimlid to anyone wrltou w o day no in tho mny canadian mugnxlnoi hut tho uiu ho nought to make of ihom wuft nelllwh ho linu failed n ida pro gramme nml in iiib 1111111111011 t ho la igheil in tho hitlanco and found wnn ting and in hlu failure thorn lu proinluo of imioti good to tho woild v wotld la moving tnwnid domoo- may and llheity toward piuicrt and uolitilly not thu peace mi oh aa tho homana called in diltnln whon they made a uolltude nor jet tho ponce that lu compelled by mndern armies and nnvlea hut tlm ponco thnt hi founded upon nn liitotnntlonnl public opinion winking for reason nml for jnutlce the fact that an already in dicated the lending exponent jnut now of thlu polloy f luiuiuiuii lu tho otowned hond of i in no wln cnnirovertu tho greater not that iug- htnd ituelf lu one of thu two mout duinoeiallu of all niilloiiu and that kiikiimii hegeinoiiy aa it lu nnw uxet- almiullii ktuiipe iu unppoiled hy thu piofmmd pul ill ii opinion anil innut en- ilghlenud judgment of icpuhllcan iinnre of the deuinoi allg klngdonmof huinldlnavbi of lliu duvolod and long- ti led cxoinplaiu of lllnnty in ihn nelhuihuidu jtm even hy tho good aonue and iindui lying ay input men of dei any uronv op- a pi pan a hcotlinh plpet wa pitbblng through a deep foiebt lu tho evening hu tint down to lake hlu supper ilo had liaidly begun whon a number of liiingiy woivub prowling nhoub for food colleulid lotinil him in tolf- defenoe tho pmiviiuin began to throw pluoca of hlu vliitnnlu lo i hem whluh thiy gi eedlly devom ed when ho hnd dhpowed of all lu a tit id dewpaif hn look hu plpua and ingan to play tlm tlilhniml mound lei tilled tho wolvuu whleh uue anil all look in llieli heelu mill uoampeiid ilf in eveiy dlienllnn nn ohueivliig whlnli handy ipiletly le imitked oil an id keuniii je liked tho pipe wan wen i id glen yo a apilng afoie uupku ip not onb thing it ib anothbfl the ideal miui doua not evlwll pet- liupu 0110 who linu it line liver luiu a liuuliui and in omul of tin them in a uuiow iiioku niiiiiuvvheii utiidon lleul twkhtv vkadi ago mr imvr mcnhli in liulldiug an addition lo hlu rtuidenrp tho lndlca aid hocitlna nf tho iuia- hytorkiu and mnlhodut churihea nn- nmineo aorlala to ho held oil ihn 2lrl 4mid 21th nt thu hiiuiiia of minnra jiiob c monro and f mcmillnu ro- upcrllvely while playing with a milky whllh waa ut muling at u utuhlu near hia home i bun o year ild ant of mr hold iliiighnin whollvou noar it rn wiih aiw mill ii and hnko hlu left h t mr join mllnill of the dln and druniomi tnvn liur- dlid aflu if abort lllnini and hlu foot ral wuu on tuf-b- duy comlmlid hy hi v ii towhc drill 11 dvortun ii 17 wau the ionn at dili vilhigo in a malrh hitweou tho vliliui nf that plar id the w ii htuniy a hon to tin the tiouhhi wau in thohih inri- ingx when thorn wuu n dilfiiont man look the boa in tho arloii emu imit taking ii nnyi kuuey egnln took the box for the remainder of ihe game lood bye und bhaa you waa tho unlvimal 1 xprohidon nt the farewell tin undind mi mid mm w v hi on nd fmnily in tho mellindul church on tuetdny evening pilnr to hull removnl to toionto a cmnpll- muiitary reaohilion fiom tho quatter- ly llixiid wau rem nml inuf nddrebbib were glvnn hy hev dr tuffnrd w ii- htorey d iloilderunn jaiuea moore di dowry nml ii i moore ood hu with you till wo mutt nguln waa biing in cltihlug tho meeting from tin oil car on n frilght train about a mile below acton one of two intoxluitul irninpu whose muno in hnui watdiopt fell and narrowly eu- enped being run over by the midnight pnuaongor truln on hntiirdny night hlu loinpnnlon untitled iho irnlu hnfiila when near acton nml word to tho pnuaongor i ruin wau telegrnphod to georgetown hlu rlghl arm waa bad ly crusnd nml hlu faco cut in enveral plncuy he hnd workid io acton a yenr or bo ngo a petition lu being clrciilntud lo hnve nulduwnlk huilt on iho bohiii uldo of mill htreot from dlgln to young this would add to tho appearance and con- vouloiico of tho atreut lleevo htorey wan present on irlday evening nt a mooting called for ire plottction dibliieaion funilahed with mnpu reapi cling propoaed wntormnluu hydrantu etc and oatlnintau of mater ial labor and coat itu well as other vnluahlo information hut it wau not deu 11 1 ed worth handing ihem nut nu not a bnkuia duiou were preuonl wo am convinced thiu a object will never nireivo thu conaldorutlon it ulinutd tintjl aoton moeto tho ato of oliealey hipley or ornvonhntut inat yenr mr ami mm d g mntlhuwu vlaltcd rilondu nt kilbride thla week mr and mru john a carson left on 1rldny fin halem otegon where they nre to rouble mrv tlmrtcll vilted inut week at tho homo of her ii cuin lt d tlnu tell tees wntei hu nn win of chicago waa alao pimeul itov mntlhow hwann of hiuuyelu willknown heu u nhout lo miipiianu ato he wau onto 1 11 pin tiieihlp lit it with mr john hpilght hitt enteied thohiiuiutiy in 1hv and linu hi en viiy bilcludbful thuhomeunt which tho mlnutuiial moiiibuia of tho ouelph dlultlct meth od iut church next week nro hllllted nrai asa ilitlliluv n h willough- by ohnlriuan 1 d g malthewahov it w willlamai itov g agiitonl itov c it took nml huv arch me- klbblnj jnlinu nolaoillov 11 a cohhlodlck j landclrnncib hov k a hhawt w ii htoroy itov d a ohnwn 1 mr tliurlell llov hamuol fear i jnmoa malthown itov jninea uroluy nnd uov j w churchill tuo lit own llov j o pomeroy adani lalng llov duo binllh laiiuiu modniu hov w wlllllilott t ii 1 mnotu llov hugh j fairt jidinhtephoubon hu v jnmoa wnlkori tlinu c mqoto itov h d conch 1 lltruonngn uov o a gilford ijninoa mnoio hov lloht duvuy 1 t jnmoa monio itev j maikhnni and itov homy caldwell t win iluintrout llov n iliiiuu tho lny delegntos 011 tho uocond day will hn hlllltnd with ihu miniuteiu from their roapeolivo fllroultu h111110 of thu ministers six in iiuinbei tuo lutirod mlnlutoru or college utiidulitu hmim in acton 011 may 1th to mr and mru john agnnw n laughter floiin iii anton on may lllh to mi nml mru win walkor a son iluiin in kiln towuuhlp on mny 10th to mr nnd mrv laohlan currlo a sun m mtitikd at qtiyon que on may iut hy hov a givero mr j d ktl- tpoiiniiti of hpanluh hivor foi inerly of dlmohoiibe to miua ida may dong of qnyon quo mauuiku at tho honii of mi john it harbor georgetown nn mny 11th by hov h lladdow ml it l iltttn- bttont milton to mluu agnaa dnrolny daughter of ileguttar ilaiolny hnlton co m vitmicn on may iut nt tho hninn of tlm htlduu fat her hy llov t d fowler mr tunlali awroy irln to minnie k daughter or mr christo pher hnmlllon hllluhurg dikii in fi in on may 7lh john mitlmiall nged 21 yvnm a doom edi1 ano ilttlo aiuhle aged four hnd been voty ironhleuomc all day nnd espec ially liylug to hlu father who hnd hnd to atny nt home nu he wau not well tinmigh tn go to vvmk in lint oven- lug afiiit the llltlo follow hud uald hlu pinyeix hiufntliiti nailed him thinking it a good time lo any a won in bonnii nnd began by nuking 1 my ami why lu it that father mid mni hn havnhnd lo punuh nuaooflen tndny y aiehlo ihmighl a mmile nnd then to hlu fntlnru duoomfnit loplled i giiimu it wim eaia yon wmu hiith ulnk nml ctnub lo tiny tlio dollnuiiloi had i but known hud i but known how hilnf the hour 1 low anon tho minwould vuuuli o i hnd used my atrwugtll nml power to hnlii nnd hen to hnnluli tho hue of rnre the pi lilt of pain and hindi ititno mm lei glnd ugnln i iud i hut known how keen the word 1 ulianil with nruh au inughtcr thnt utnhhod nil nliarnt fihind und hllrrid a heart to hale long lifter o i lindted tint bow unatrulig timti bhd ihonimw from my loiijpiet hud i but known the wrury lond my alien hmlher ratiltd i tuul tint utoopi d lo ply ihn gonit i had iinlernrmil 1101 inirrltsil j hut i hnir bent lo lift to guide and bildhlmendly hy my aide hie young cltnirhnian a utto caitnation v it blooimd in the window or he ulhotdiooln 1 imi teacher wholnied iiowiik had lllhd both wlmlowa with glowing plant ituil themo abed their beauty nnd raginmii through i lie loom biinglng to the children n bttrtrt mini ol godu in ullt iful outof dnoraj and of hlu love fn hlu nation 1 hey hail icaintd tho nniiira ul nil tin ui window plnnth nml aomethlng of tho mamirr uf thelt life und growth nnd bo in a familial e veryday fnahion wem growing intereated in botany moreover it wau considered n great prlvllego to help tho teacher water and tuml tin uo window gnrdena their particular fondness however wau for the kil carnntlon i wen use the kind eyed teacher hnd told them of the niihlo and llltiotrnus drealdoiit wlioio favoilto it hnd lioun 1 or hlu lovo for tittle children nnd the nml tragedy of hlu death one dieiiry day in mldwlnli r when thu loudu hho dink and giay and the unwll ikoaaciirrylng lliimiigh the nlr hid child en grow very roullnnh thoy were innttuntivo and dunlxdiant tha ioumodu u ere poor and thei o w uu wlila- peiing and mmghty cuudnet the tetinher looked annoyed and tired hui faco wau ihlbhud nml alio wna evi dently out of pntlonco hhn wgnn to speak ahnrply nml almost to scold for it see mud nu if even tho bout sqmlnr were inrlined to ehnro in tho general tllunider ami hur room hud always been a nuiiul of uxcelltuco in oil ro- upuctu although fow guessed tho secret of hei discipline for a few uiomentu uhu looked troubled nnd dlucotiragud tien aud- dotily her nyts lighted upon tho rod carnal inn blooming ao bravely in tlia broad window itu beautiful rich hlos- uuma glowing red ngninut tho gray bkieu iho irokd woids dli don her lips 1 her face lulghtomd with a auddoi in- bplratioii uhu mnvtd iiulckly across tlio room and taking tho big gnyly decor- nted flower put in both hands sot it on hoi dusk wheie all of tho children could sue il in a moment thu noisy disorder ceinnl one hy out thoy sat utlll in tlieli ueutu and guzed drat ul tlio flower spi 1 ailing out itu w at mtinted nnd fra grant blosboiiiu togket them nnd t hon nt tlit it lenclui a radlatil bmllo teplaied hut ftovvn it wuu met hy nn anuwerlng onu from ench of the uionll fnceu npllfud toilers inn trico nil was oidet nnd good will where a moment hefoto llunrdor 1 illwill had lelgued all were will ing now in hu unlet apd good thoy inouiid 11c hei wondeilngly what had winught iho clmngop they scviuul to nak children dear alio snld siniply it la ondu lovo slilnlng through tho honuliful ihlngu ol rarth tho chrlat- lovo which ujiju to nil of his ehllilron lovo one nnuthor dont wop all thu hnnda went up hut oho tool imied llioni down saying softly 1 yoiirniiawor donru will bo in good wotka a definition wlint lu nn nnccdnto johnny p nbkad tlio teacher auhorl funny tale aiiqwcrcil tho little fellow thnlu light said iho lonelier now johnny you tnav wrlto a buntenco on thu hlnckboiitd containing ihn word johnny hesitated n inoiiiont and then uiotu thlu a inhhlt hua four legs and olio nnecilolo tub dbdt paht of tub spbboh voiing jninea hnd never heard his papa speak in 1 while and it was thought tliun to tako him to hour hlu father du ll vera luclure dining tho evening a si ray dog which ventured upon j ho platform was disposed of iih gincofnlly in possible on tho way huinn jnmoa wna nslted how hu liked hlu alheis locluro nnd gave the answer it wno all tight pnpn hut i liked tho pntt whei 0 you put thu dog out tho boat poit biok ohildnon mrs noa llowtltorna lathrop who last don bo muoh good amonr slok child ran or naw vork n- dammtmli vhtol in my work tiniong ihu duelllntt slok i glvu vi110i lu ninny oasca whoro it would bo impossible to glvu cod liver oil in any othor fonua 011 noooiint of the iixtiemo weaknesb of ihu pnllunln tomach i have known vi mil to ro- atoro nppolftu and infuse now 11 fo in many oasuu of sick women mid child- run when everything elso fnllod dltlleehlldien seem to delight in ink- intr vim thoiriibon vlnol iu bo far impel in r to oldfiihhloiied nod liver oil nml omul- slonu is because it conlnliiu nil tho inndhilniil body building elemeiith of end iuim nllnntunlly inkeu fioiu flisll rod livdu with ihn hung lecithin oil ellmated and lonlo lion milled aa u body buildoi and ulialigllt ciealnr foi old people weak women dvlloato ohlldrtui n f tut slcknesa nnd for all piiliiiumuy tionhhis vlnol hi teen 111 me tided hy over numi of ihn lending ih ugglatu of thu united htnldf your money will he 1 elm mid nn do- mniid if vlnol fallutn bmiillt it ii nixtm diugglvl avion

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