Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1909, p. 3

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walii papers window hhadkh and cuiitain roikh dordar bam prlo as wall ws oarry th j lneat took of wind- owuhidiiln plain wnufanay lioo ii ooiorsosil in and our took geo hynds jtwilllll alton ffiljc ttoit m jjwss thuuhday brief local itcms 1miiil yotti liullilinn ilunfcivti unsightly foicos hprhma hero humnniiu cmnlrtp immiil horn in on llm realdontlat atrteis name your fiirui and put your ttamn on your fnrm pile thn interior of milton town hall has bf sit improved at a coat of 9 wo help mm munllpnl fjflluor to ret tlu struct cleaned along your property hunt tlmt biush nnd loan up tlio rubbish hioiik tlio front of your farm jll brfch lliim llm nnninil spring raking of the sides of thn bluets wat done the continued wel wcnlhei has ser iously retardtri thn fart nor with their spring aolidinp lalnt your burns do ou uullco how itmoh mora attractive tho painted baritinakes thu fnrm look f make a point in nttond the oltl aonv mooting in tlm town hnll 011 monday evening at h oclock limner plant trees on tlio roml side of your farms they will greatly enhance tlio value of your piohrly mr john colo has been awarded hi oonlrnot of sptlukllug qcorgo- towns streota nt 9110 for tlio aeaaoi tlio llto of infant baptism wm administered nt tho ctoso of tint morn ing aorvloo in tlio mathndlst glinrcli huthumlm a mm ling of the gil i stem coin- mlttao la called to ih liohl in tlio moth- odlet school itoom on irlday evening at 700 oclock a quelph man on thu indian hat wni fined 910 mid costs mi man- day for gottlng drunk on liquor lia had purohastd in horlln mr i fl hponne or toronto will glvoluforiualloii nt tho alllsona in aw mooting in tlm town hall monday evening which nil will appreciate tlio county council icuclndtul the good roadaduhentuio hjlmv at ua laat inotlng and will lovy for work dono ih la yoar again hy direct taxation oakvllhva assessment till your liaa i ached quo10 mi incrcuio of 21000 tlio population increased 10v tho aaaessor found 170 doga in tlio town wuilng it liotivy thunderstorm laat thursday iho presbyterian cliuroli at calsdon was atruck hy lightning and damaged tn tho ex t nut of nbnut 200 moaira 14 ttir unil and graoo liavo decided to ciobo thvli moat ahnpa at six oclock ovnry oienlii rxcrpt til- day and fiat t inlay on and after man day next mr juo p kelly of iho uoitimor- iff cihi hotel milton jiub aold out tn mr kennedy of i race bridge mr kolly will take up hla residence in toronto at tin early data nine drunken men worn counted a tagger i ng up and down mill street between alu oclock u ui and sovcrt oclock p in on saturday inst do wo natal to banish tho lima p mr john j dunn of hoard more ft co haa ptirohaacd from mr w it itooho tho twuktoroy lulck roaldonoo on main st root kir kocho and family will apond tho aiiinuior at lake fllmcoa mr john burr haa aold hlo property at thn foot of church htreot tn noll latlfnou and haa purohaaed hid honse and lot of william itltahlu nn church slieut uuar tho heardmoro mtream pillion maglstialn ii ii sliawer convicted james parrell uf btroola- villa junction of having intoxicating liquor upon hla premuoa and fined him jm nnd coats laat week thla wtta kurrails second orytinon teainalera continue lo riilva over tha cement pai iu utb totally regard loaa of whethet liters aro ornaa- ittga or not mid nucniicrritvd am to tho liyiaw pmhlhltlng the driving over pavemonla whoro thero nro no erott- inga ijorno h kiwln hua purcltaard from i olavrl thu aetoit laundry biialltoa mr olavcl i to remain with him for a month mr krwln la one of our vntorprulug young mon mid ahould do well in thla now ven ture in renewing hla biihaerlptlon on tupadity mr t k prlct toronto wrlteai i often think tlm people of aeton do nut itppioolato thn kiikk piiichm aa fully na thom who have moved front tho homo town we all look for it every wook and regnrot it aa a lotter from home immbdiath rhmbr rrttai coujrhat odlda mora thfoau kod hoainmnaami by ualnjf hyomal when you on toll aold you want to gob vld of it aa vjulokly aa you van you dont want tn lie around iho houae for a week awn mowing nauioat lng drug why unt avoid wl thlap why not relieve yonrcoldlnflvo mlnuteap why notour u over night p yon eon do it by uelng ilyomel tliclauro and guar- nteed euro for cold a cougha aoro throat aaturrh hronuhltla and aalhimt william puoal of ayr out laye i iloolhe hyomol him proven to he a moat aatlafaolory treatment for naaal catarrh and bronchial trnuhle i have doctored oonaldcrahly for tltean troublaa ami conaolentlounly aay that nothing ever need haa given mo eueh quick and laallng heueflt aa thla remedy- i iihvo found it oapeohilly good for unltl in i he bond and oough i am vary glad tn ohdnrmt llynmfl ua ml arllotu of iiiiiiuuiinnn intuit llyouiol pronnuncud hlghoiue la inadloated and mltlaiqitlc alt you lireulhn it lulo tho lunga through h mall pooktit itilmler mul lia eoothlng infliianca ia it panxpa oii tlm in knitted tnatitbra la toaplratniy tract topa the initooita duoliarge allaya tlia ittltainmatloil hud tlto cold la cured a complete llyotuol outfit coata 9100 amd a t brown will lefund your inomjr if it ff ha to cure news op local import a mvcnl thwtlorlum iho anton auiiiaiiiiititt co whluli la roiiipoaod of mortla huxc artou and able mahuvnr of llrantford ui arranging to npou a lerinannnt flvi cunt moving picture how in thf i lug wtut of johnatoneu hurdwnt lore about tho 21th of may man knlutlaar in compahy r frly ctipt uauihl raporta tlmt recrulla am enlutlilg in coiupnny 1 mo freely than for youra and thnproxptx ar that hn will have n full cnuipiinynf picked iiinn at ramp in june hn thlnke tho deculon that no liquor la to 1h allowed in lamp accounts to ii con slderahla fvtont for the improved enn- dlllon dath of mr flobaih uliuon norval after a long perlnd of lllneaa mix holwrt wataoiii jr peicefuly pnbtvd awmy at thefaiully ieilduiiu norvnu laat mnnilny morning nho wno lbu aaaoud wlfo at mr watanu njid was much ikiiovcii by tin futility and ii largnvclrcjn of friend inr ninny yeata nhv vui h uiclnliei of the mnluo dlat church and a devhtlt and conalat ent cbcutlaii the funeral una in id ymturday afternoon loaal option in baquealnjr a meotlng of rapreituttatlvus of wjirtlo four and five kequealng una hulil in acton on hltturiuy ceulng to appoint roinuiltluoa add inhajuii tlio work tiocnaaary in thu lm il option campaign in tho towimblp the petitions aro being circulated and are lielng signed wllb moat encouraging wll ling ne u by tho eluctou tho iiimii- iter of the vurloiia committees hnva ac cepted thn work allotcd to them with tho full determination in prnmciitu n bucceiaful campaign tliure ib im nbt whatover if llioae intereated in tho closing nf tho four imra of kin inn ing will continue lliolr work lu thn entlmalaatlo manner in which they havn begun that limy will hu successful in their object annual haaunaf woman lnatltut the annual mot ting of llm womans inatltiito waa held in tho council chamber hut krlduy uflornonn nnd proved of unusual intercu tho re porta of the varloua comtnlttcoa wore encouraging and the apeelal effort to secure now members waa very succoaa ful tho namea of fortythreo now mombere nere enrolled and actnn will prnlwibly rank flrat in point or moiitlwrshlp in thla district for jd00 tlio olocllon of opjlcors remit ldjie follows i prealdont ml h p mooir viccpreamra dr gray sao trans mrs john cameron dirt o tors mn j i wurreu mrs win bay ere mru o a black and mr ii piuuuiim at the cioro of lbu miellog tho ladles were t rented ta himltoua and home mado confuctlnnciy daath or albert buwahi after throe years of iii lioaltb mr william albort htowart of lbu aecond una passed aomowhat suddenl but ory iiaacefully awn on tuesday morning ho was a prosperous fnrmei and stood well in the community hu was hat n on tho farm tot con u ksqiidblng and was tho son of tho lato john stewart one of iho osteon ed pioneers of lkls vicinity ho was nuir- rled 22 years ago to mus mngglo waltoru who bna hoon a most tiuo and ful tit ful helpmeet nnd waa hla con stant atluiidant and companion during hla weary months of illness mrs btewart four sons and ono dungbter aurvlve tlieuuiiru julio of hocli eater n y and kitncr htelln lmgnr and unhurt at home mr btowait was a tn ember of tho methodist church muohaympathy la folt for tho hoi eft family tho funeral will take plnco thla afternoon at ii tt to falivlnw qomotcry l sua mawtln or olthtene the cltliens contmlttae nppolutod by the ohurohea nf acton has called u public meeting of thu eltlaona of tho iiinlclpallty or acton to be hold in the town hall on monday availing may 17th at eight oclock to consider tho advisability uf inaugi rating a local option campaign fur acton lliuouin- mlllea bus been far tuna to in securing aa speaker for tho uvfiilog mr v b bponee of tm onto llmi presldant of the unnilnloti alllmict whoso wldo x- perlstioe will enulda itlin lu puak in telligently iivou thu mhjuut of local option what ii la anil how it is wni k- ing in the niunlclpalltlee wheiu it u in force at iho oloso of sir bpenoou addreis opportunity will he given for anymm tn apeak or aab quostlnna in view uf the great tnovomuitt tluoiigli- out the provlneu for barroom abolition by l he adoption of local option thla meeting ulll bo of purtlcnlur lutoroat the oouimlltoo extends a cordial invi tation to all electors and tint public generally ladles aa well aa gonlhnuon to ho pieaenl a choir of main video will slog a numthii of chnriisus during the evening and acton citizens ihinil will play at tho door of tho hull for lialfanhom before thochuli u taken andrewr arthur on glow qanda trll ijut baturday evenings toronto btar contained a graphic talo of tho experiences of t a arthurs aon of tltoniaa arthurs icj of this placo and il ii johnston knox college students who left fot tho guw ganda inlaslnn field just ihiiuic tho breakup mr arthurs wroto the story of their experlencei along tho trail the article aaye reapootlng the conclusion of the trip in i at 010 haturday night two weary wayworn young men entered tho king kdward hotel low g audit iwhlnd a french guide the light in whine homo on the outskirts of tho town waa quo uf the moat welcome sights they hiitl avet aeen thy carried but little chiefly un axe which had done valuable eer- vice in making bridges over creaks but which failed to be of service in bildg- ing lakes their coats and awoaloia wore caked wlui inr lltelr tioueore fiouu almost stltf nnd hull prospeo- toialtootu full of watei for they luid wuued walnr d tnllfaut iloep for he distance of half u utile at the end of u h5 mile journey their hist request waa to m mr kills thn presbyterian missionary here coitaluiung ilia arttole says i sot vloea nro huld in tho klnglcdwainl and in the moving pic ture tunt the mioii aeem lonppivclatn them that u aomn of thoiii othet a iiiovu nut when services ulni t hut nil vlu with ono another lu doing ua kind- neaaea wverynno arama a bio to play the omul fiaiimiltaos part in thu mis btonarlw ut least milton aswbmant 1 bo ussiihuiothit toll ftn mltlon fnr 11mhi shown no iiicimimi of tfil101 nvtr tbnl of khw uiim ittii asmcnsment totallliiguitllin7 the pipulalh f th town is llmi h hl lirimu- 1 hei ii ara 01 dogs lu the ton n an important dtalon mr lohn mcgiiiihim ljqiiuhlug wbn sued tint j p inwraannou ii uglst of milton for ik damngns nod ulue of a horau uuld lo have died fitun the t ifucts of iiiedlclnn prociind fiom llm roinpunys drug stoit was glvitn judg- inniit yitslerduy for ftilft of thla niuouiit spools tor ihe lmrf nnd i5 for veterinary services milton ho foriuir thy mmii uuslnesm at tho monthly tuuellng of tho kings oiderll lllblu cliiss in vcstiy of iho mullitdut cliurlh lint li id ay i veiling thn claus adopt d as thuli niolioi wi mean hiulness willi it view in bsalthful lecronlloti during thn suiiitui r tumults the clasa foriued fool bill liiiii and elvctid tlm following oflluinsi hoi ptea ii 1 mooie protldiuita l cnnihll cnptwlii kloliniilhmuil biictrejis- allot rfllu dr buak salsrmo imnrovlnir the oakvillo htai says i the btar liiiiu lidi n most enjuyiihln vult with our good fi in nil ft lluck the other day and dialled nl nit puhllc ntulis lu all of which lb 1 i un took a keen intercut thu doiitm is slcatllly improving and sits up a good put i of tho day thorn is never ii day hut hla bnrso reada the gloho through for him ami thla he ally enjoys on bimday ti doctoitt daughter mi mephee i turned aftei spending tho winter lu lltirtuuda nnd mrs ciinplmll and tun ohlldiaii nrthed front wlunlpig to spend a month apolal baevtoa svt ajt alban hoi vices nf a specially luliiustlng ohnraclm will hn hetd in fit alhana churah next buiidny mr t w tho inn s ginrinl hrcrtlary of tho hrotheiboihl or bt andrew will be present nnd takn pnrl in s overs i rrf the servlcts at h n nt thoro wlllbe- corporutu conimu ilnit at loimfrlr tliomna will nddri u tbj congregation on mutters reluthujfsnt tlio brother hood sunday school will hu con ducted from throe to four nnd from four to five thurn will bo a mai mooting for men tn be addressed by mr thomas at 7 p nt a brother hood service will bo held at which tho bonlnr chapter will initiate probation ors and instnl officers of iho junior chapter llortleultur stt tho bahool around mr coleman iho janitor nt llin school a la doturuilnvd hint the school piemleea shall lw n place of iwauty during thn annum r illtn mid thoy corlalnly will ho it liu urdu us and palnatnklng ifforts hi ing thn results intended mr coleman cominoncod hla work in this dluctlou hibtsuuimer hut llto season wna ton far advaucod for a wholly siitlsfuctoiy outcome this spilng many new plants shrubs nnd cllnibora huvu boon put in and a number of canadian irons planted in u few ueitks llm bed and borders will present a very altiacllvn nppenranoc no butter method could lw introduced for cultivating n taste in the scholars for ilowci nnd iho siirioundlugs which nut nro ar prnrutely snppllos when judlflloiiuly dine ted utirairomn citror toibroi unts oour i vianl j fllnsy iniboo osili list hn la on lor isrnsref llio flrniot f j lliatioy t on itoini csrtdsr of llm rrm of v j lliatioy 4 oo itoina ntlom in ill oily of to 4n daudiv and t hvlltaiiiu ot lull 0tvrh nuip htkia rnrl i ami itial it til mrm will m llu uri of onk llllhuilkl llobblllh lor well ind avary m of ualattli lltai oannai da eurad hfinw vmvjkj ciirhrv hworn lo tufuro ma an1 iilhorlttv in my tirmmiiea lliuolii dy ol lmm1ier v leisc hatit v w ukbawn nnviuv 1 uniin ilallaoalanlioura la takan inurually slid aotu illrantly an his ulood and mumul anf4aaa ot itia wuole ayilam html tor laallmaulala v j oltbnbv 00 t1d rom by all druuuuli totr- sa llalla kaiitlly villa tasa a for oonitlpslloi any iittulllgont petson can uinkii aomo easy innnoy uud not lot i fete with nihil bumlnoxs paillmilaih fre prof mat tun sftt oatollmi br tlvvvui n y 10rnb bomool the fullowiug lira thu iiituua of pupils who won places on iho honor roll at laat examinations t vrll cithbmngglu mcdonald ho total 100 1th crmhbulli oilpps 12t total 175 tun crahm orwell jtbtwlorj10 vlronii mosaics 221 margaret bnyder 201 uohlan mcmillan 101 wesley maaalea 101 burtln davidson 70 her bert miibalcb w total 27a bit ii llarhnra plunk 212 john ltniheit total a7t jti ii ivnulo bnydur aw vera orlppe 1ki john wtitklua 111 total 97 it ii ldtlu juhnutuii i lid maty masntes 117 limn moponald 100 hot bio drnn 00 kulo orlppafto llubhlo dunhni a0 total im sit pt i kdna johnston llfl laa- boll wntklne 00 melvln bunbar 00 total 12v a cuhh donald mcdougall cure slf k naadmhs ana nlavall us tmiuas hm4- ml torn milmia alala of ilia bjfum sucli aa luiaabuti laabownlaeurlofl yllminwlllilnul iwllrdthf aa iltjdviu v ache satba huts of an many llva that kara is wkm wmiialmirkmalboail our pills csmltu bile uu a wffta livm vnu ara vary mill aa4 varyamvtntaka umfiriiritiillamkaatim thmr ara alflotly vacratahla and o wit mim ar gjjw- wj y lwvua aouoo pfaaasvfwa um muuw n inv ytu fiudnl mim huomei social and personal mrs william drown visited filnud in toronto inst week mr park dills or julmatuwif n y waa home this week mr vincent coodeve of toronto is visiting- acton filcnds mr h t a mold n geogoliiwu was lit town yi sit rday di i h mom n or toronto lullid acton ftlimdshut week miss olnrn colli mi 1 1 tuft last week tor her now homo lu onlgnry alia mi kdwlu g maddork of toroolo vlullnd filnnda in town over buiidny mus clara leloh of toronto was the guest mrsjhalltt dm log thn wi ek mm a i maddook of toronto la spending a few days with acton friends a mrs ii p moure went tn blrntfoid yotiultiy tu attend llm funeral of mks llllhm morfls mi uud mrs win mcphersriu ltfi lakt uiek for llielr now homo at glulchou vlln mrs j h nnd miss ilorrnce i hnvo nt rived home from lloi idi mlllnti olmmplim mr nnd mis a i i uud rout i ml miss clitrlct of milkifi visited a ton frluuhi hits w ok mr james monie jr son ot mr ftohiit moon tunt to gult on mon da to talco a situation mihu maty biullh la muling hr iiiiu fpr thu preuent with mrs c b hiiiltb nt ialrvlnw ilaco mr john matthews toroiuo en me tn town on monday nnd mill upend some hum with memlx i iho old home mrs d hondo mun nrrlvid home fmui ottawa whoro sbo has boon with mr ilendiison during thn hibulmi on buturdny mr alheittaylor wb is with the pullman cat co wtthhinilqiiurterant montreal is spending ti weok with aolou friends mrs john aitbura who hits heen in toronto fot sovorul months lemnved her furiilturo nnd bousebald elfools to ihnclty i hi lr uud is wook mis w i ihnn and miss lunla were nt norval nttemllnv at tho budsldn and funeral of tint late mrs itobert watson ar miss mniitlo mabulud enmn homo on tuchilny evening from disciples col lege bt ihomaa nho waa accom panied by her fiiututmus j wnrd mr nnd mrs d d chrlulle liuvo rtturned after a pleasant tt ip to pino- tun t north carolina and olhor united blntea points guulph mer enfy meaars chin lus btcpheiihou of ma nilla montana i fiiinou of hunilull minn and george of blsiuarok north dakotn visited acton fi lends thla week mr j ii heed wont in toronto on tuesday tn attend tho annual meeting uf tho bynod of toronto nnd kingston in bt james kqunre piosbyteilan church mr and mis l j moore toronto wore called to btralford un fiatnrday owing to tlm birlous lllneaa of mrs moorom sulir mus lillian morris mlusmorils pusved uwny on monday morning tho iiincnil took placo yesterduy nftornoon tho ongitgcmonl is miiiouined of miss geitiudo holllmnki daughter of mi janils holllniuke of mill in to mr william jamoa llilk of winnipeg son of mi benjamin llikk uf toronto tho uinirhigo will lake placo iittly in june itefoiuili mr i p moouhos i invihd tu nlleud n onmpllmiiiai htnqml inbn tendered iho australian and new xualand deh galea tu the impiilnl proau congress t bo bold in june in london kng na thoy pass enrnotn thrnnglt toionto on monday evening next nt tho national club aillbrrrs lvu wabiiino booa boitax hou9biiold ammonia whltinct phabtma rattlm apclio boh ami fnorcioal b1lvmii ooaj llouchiiotd bcnvdu wallpaper to decorate any room iiu the house i a t brown iiiiili nml biailoiilr 3 l mill st acton hmmmhatmmmhdmablhwmmwh canadian pacific homeseekers excursions to hanltob bukitehawan alberta iwi tmumm t l 2 00 p imili ahv4ll juk1 1 ii h july 11 tf ius 16 14 itw 7 t 3md l llui fry otuj iimlau la ptwiul low roundtrip rates wlulljrlin ji0ol ellffwhtl hhl 2 m wllamldfimlalt propoillaf tkbd mj u mura wiiwm oi luy iimm bus ut tourist blecpinq cars 1w cuajmifm iiiht lutly roulrrnl muft uiif t iunl imauu riiluihil imtlis karly spplleallon mu lia maita ak roa homkakcacna raurtukt ml4uus uu bhi lull uuliotl alyhftflc i natfmih utiumiium di put ail tormhv ohlv dlfift uni nooiumae of oaflt right dgwntodate proctor merritt hiva haen doinn big huilnets tlnco iho firii qf january in aupplvlrm fjrmurs with ilia latest improved labor nvlnh iirm machinery and ihay nro now giving alien lion to supplying mrmora wives and the public ronarnlly wlih ihalniait labor navln ariiclea for tlio kitchen tho chatham kttohon oablnot la a am and iaes lime and worry and bitclion itruilflory lo every woman who iuoi ana a modern lliclion cabinet is juntas nocesiary to ilia saiuuctory worklnff in he biichen ni i bo beat binder or nny oilier muclilnory to ilia farm tho chatham flrolaas cook stovo is the hlo sclomlfic intention fur m a linn homo life happier anil prmidlnu bolter coo veil food at much less coil of fuel and attention ii saves 73 i n iho fuel 75 0 limo and ironbla and you can do all this and keep cool when tlio summer days nro itoltcbl kuohon coblnota and flrolesii oookora n exhibition at our wirorooms luumratail circulnra and full luformnlion 3 all wlio call proctor merritt mill fltreat acion opposite itim a scales we are pushing paint the painting iieason in nt hand and we nre ready to take care of yaui rcquirrmcntit wjth sherwinwlulams paiht prepared k z the bent and nost gconomicu piint yon can buy for your property comt in nnd look nt color cnrd and iavc a paint talk with us m 1 rfjohnstone cuolph usl qess ollctfc a i irs1 ci ahh insiliiulon foundail in 1uh4 by lis preioni prlncijial i amour us iho irnlninn sclinol of many uccvesiui hutlnoss mon tioili canadian an l american distinguish i at 1i10 fountain bend and inuico of tho canadian club in cnnsda hullulolun itsliloal spirit andloich inn lis iralnad rra juntos are in con nlnnl demnntl ior particulars call at iho collrfloonico ij7 upper wynoham strcel or addresa malcolm maccormlok b a principal nasbiipawun ijiimhor au1u arn ilmlier of any dimensions cul to order mill wl i atari april tat can cut any buitunj milerlala needed in hemlock or pi no on short noilce iarga stock of shinnies for wlo till year cul from first growth cedar p 8ayert s0n8 naisanaweya i o still too busy to write advertisements i xcopi tossy lint i havo so ton lines ot biifwles to saloct from including md- laughlin canada oarriago con boy and brant ford ai quick turn over pikes also one 1 ii dri i and one m ii hinder taken in exchange forchamrlon hoods sato trouble hy buying molotto oroam soparator harnosisnd repairing given ipacial at lonllon o a black acton ontario g k blhck hgbnt kcton dmintywhsh goods for sjw7utr dssirkblv pricsd our tllspay of beautiful wash fabrics shows tlio correct patterns is concalved by fashion detliit ahowina la mosi attractive in ovory way the alyle tlkariliy luo broad color rtnno of this well selected stack unusual importance you ii find the prfesa aurpihlnpy lo whan the high sttnjanl quality la in any way conildared utira for summer ios tho ihlt allowing oi displhy op nein knd novelconcbits in prrr3ql phshions thla display ol new pamola we aro featuring la tnlrly looming wlih new and novel asblon concells wohaveparaaolsai all prices plain an i nnoy effscla ilhplaylnuaweallhofnow handlpiiltciiyoiicauc1ioobo anything you like hut heres a bargain as ton aa ihay last 1 1 doren or 130 ladles lllack parsinta fancy luntllei jolil slher and pearl mouhtlnua llll q wot covers those aro worth in lha regular way j 00 hut wo got t lis in from n manulauiirsr win uss overstocked at half their roil worth thoy up on tale 01 8160 sua window display raise fruitnot insects if you look at yeur troas hushes and ilowerlrifl shrubs hnc days you will probably find them infested willi myriad forms of insect llfo most ol litem destructive lo iho plpnt in few ways can n utile money 1m holier inventd iban in nootl spraying material its vluo hi dosuoy ing ibeui injurious parasites is beyond ijimtllnn wo luvo nvcrytliing in ilia line of spraying initorlls and ii desired can tell you wlut lu ilia and when and bow lo una ii whatever you aro lnil lo spray do it noon and rko lha fruit and lower 11 a cbanco r h nixon jutlll street kcton ont big sale of new spring goods kt shltzs mn sthuut acton ontario great ml a plca from 3c lo up looaa 1 ino val and jorchnn i seas front c 107 lodleasklrtaat i 00 to fj 50 walatat la wit lace yoke fine laca trim mints sale prlcu 7jc olngham woiata in ul ik nnd wiilio blue nn i whirs and pink and whlta sale price h3c ohlldrna iloadymada proaaoi ii slaos and stylos mads of tllnqliam lino lawn muslin and prim prices rnnuo from 6010 1 1 33 bargains i mon a pumlahlntfa ltail nnio sirlni sulin wnrili tioo our prko tin 00 bhlrtiworllnk mil jrtino woar sals prko jicid lino booltahofluur 13c j f jjc ovaraliaijc o t 00 linoleums wo luvo 411 assorlmrni of tioavy urmlaumsji luwesl prices oroaoriosl rosli and reliable at our well known low prlcoa luflhent prloan paid lor trado of all kinda j smltz cor wyndham anil macdonald streets guelpii ont specializing in lineal of mens furniililiins at the lowest posilhle prlcea lor clean new up lo data goods in correct style lints wlut we nro doing a our naw up to dale nl ckwkak irom ac up na knlckor boskar hats all shades now fancy cjfored siiihtb now plain and fancy box newest colors and styles in glovfs all goods marked in plain figures and one pries to all r e nelson base ball outfits it la eaay la sell sporllnif ooods tlm wiy wo soil them tlio alack speaka for itself and values show at a glance that wo moan business tlio besl is nono 100 good for the trade we are after and wo alrt lo itll only what you will keep and ilka bailer and boiler base balls 5 10 25 50c and 150 base ball gloves 25 50 60 and 85c base ball deckers 25 50 75c and 100 base ball bats 10 15 ili k0 and tac orders taken for hilnri iced goods irom cataloguo com and talk wllb ilia bod ihwmsalvai r f johnstone mill stiiekt hardware acion ont repairing jewelery we pay minulo attention to nil the details of repairing jewellery ono person gives his whole time to it and we try to do it the way ou want it done geo d pringle the jeweller gueipii okt the right house hamiltons favorite shoprino place now foq the ne car the right house carpets are best two won derful values at si 00 and 125 hardwcarlnff rich brussels carpet the two greatest carpet values in canada these samo lines sell in other canadian citiei nt ias t 15 a ynrd we bought them specially ot one of tho best english manufacturers shaved our own profits closo and thero you aro two matchless values splendid hardwoaring qualitioh with borders and stairs to match hicli to dainty fawns greens crim sons blues and combinations in olegnnt onontnl scroll floral porsian conventional and small self colored pat terns a broad variety of sortb suitable for any room thoy are two uarpci bargain wondcrh better choose tlmt new carpet hem nt once and hhnu in the saving im and l5 thomas c watkins hamilton ont oornkh kino sr bait huqhson i i i i m

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