Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 13, 1909, p. 4

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javujjjjjrfjtndljf tiiuhhiuy ma ii hm httou joiuiowm noil lots to nik ciiiiim with kiuudpii ami ult mi it nlut uultlmiiul in nt vlill hit l hitim iipui hi poifoiumis witiiilbiulliiiin mltiiuluwntt hut rn i 1 willi l imvk rsl i anil tlnn ho midi ly observes if lhun urn piosi i vt il urate griuidpit wliy dont t hoy piss ihoprosiirvos rnotuor tub wipb a furnnr should uimiunbor thit iii vvlfu in a liiiulndba pnrtnt r win itmkiu tho luillor hunrdu tint bunds helps preptuo things for murkot is a watch dojr for 1 1 if prmnlsih whan he u nwuy und aoiuotlinos miiuu with tho poultry mid urdeu nnd almn ho siiretoly slu nwny mpiioy sm hna htdped to rrfrn lin h cluntliik lllu pnrtnar na wiill ml robbing his wlfoi mid it la mi off ouch tho iaw would iilw nllnw in hnynthmcn prtiim alp shoilld it in till ihu n liwfmt prevents ninn from wiling hie furjn without ida wifes ilwnntnrn und it hounds 11s if n wlfft was of some linprirtuict hut it itf rendered mm effective na n presiirvi tlvn of iter home from tin ftict that lid can niirtiitn it und rndoiso othoi mens papers o jny pxtont without lief it now lut ki fir commit nnd tliu dispose of the family possession a and thn sheriff can soil this atatuto i mockery until ii is supplrmipiitod hy another ruaklnp a mans slriintme us security hivnlld whun written without hu wlfua approval ami still imothit making it iiickui for liiin to mortn no the ft nu to iny debts that alio line m knowledge of nic an dttlicaciks tlio mother of a didlcaln larcnshltv blrl who boemod to ho aunvrintr from loss of appetite nnd general debility called in n physician who to tempt the patient to ont iircbtrllwd low oysters and a little chumphqiie wham do you suppose i ii yet inonoy in pay for luxuries likn nyetera itnd champsfcnov domnnded the mother the doctor shrugged hla shoiildoiii knowing that many of tha lincashlro miner earn good wages nnd nflen spend a fair amount of them in an extreuib cmo ilka this hu biiggnated it would not lw exlravo- gonoo homo daya later ho mot tho mother and mada enquiries for tho girl i hope alio 1b bettor said he well she isnt replied tho mother hhe iota worse worse n pealed tho doctoi hi surprise i thought sho would ho gin to pick up did you glvo hor what i prescrllmil p wall not exactly bold the mother hut i ftlvo or the nearest tlio llkoa of na could afford i give or cockloa nnd ginger boor fetntfca 1 kind yoil lllti ljft j a w tt jem j a take a nlooo of aulln of nny shade harmonious with tho color bo homo of table or room i plnco n auinll laoo doily in tho contro und frame this in un oval gilt frame tlieeoframoscau ho found in any of the doonrtmont atoroa bonie- tlmoa with inox penal vn plcturea in them for twcntylvo oonts a pleco of white linen with nlthor tha dolly nr an ombroldorod initial in tho center framod in a whlteonamolod fratnu alao rnnko a handaomo tray tha gtaaa la cailly wiped off nnd thn llnon romnlna na bpotlomrb heforo it woi luod a piece of fait may ho glued on the bot tom of the tray to pravant scratching or marring tho utile in nny way woman homo companion for may hi ere novor wan nnd novor will lie a universal panacea in ono mmndy for all till to which floah la heir what would rollova ono 11 in turn would nggravuto thn olhoru wo have howovor in qnlnlno wlno when obtained in a bound unndultnr- need state romody for many and grlovous 111b ily itb gradual and judlcloua ubu tho frailest byaumib nro lod into eonvatoflcunco and btmngth by tho infliteuoo whbh qulnlnu oxeru on naturev uwn robtorfttloti it re- iiovob tboao to whom a chronic ututi of marhld dospondouoy nnd hiok o intoroat in llfo i a dlouoho nnd by tmnqulllilng tho nnrvoa dlspo to aound and rufmahlng aloep hnpuitx vigor to thojictloii of tlio blood whbh being htlnuilatod ooursoa thiough tho veins htkngthnning tho hnnlthy ani mal fiinotlotta of thn system thnnihy making latlvlty n naoohhiiry result atreugtlumlng tho finmo nnd giving llfo to tho digestive organa which natiirully demand increased auhstnneo result improved nppotlto koith- tnpi lyman of toronto luwu given to thn puhllo their superior quinine dy tho opinion of solo nils ta thp wine upproiiaheb nvureat porfeatlon of nny on tho maiknb all drugglata anil i tub wondbrpul diad 8ba the band hen whnsn prestige na a natural wonder has always heen heightened hy its ussorlathni with thn atory of bodoin nnd flomorrah la to he bountinonlly explored hy nn nxpa- dltlon under the iiuhplcea of vale university mr kllawmth limiting- ton of tho gooleglonl department boa already aallnd for this pnrpntn in a folding iwwt thoy will ox pi nro tho ahnroi nf tho at range inko whloh ilea 1800 fet iwlow aoiidovrl and their principal object will bo to dotormlno whathov nhy of tho ahoro llnoa record eipaiialnna of ita aroab within hlatnrla tlmoi tha exploration lu vtorwnrda to bo extfiidoil to thn hyrlan desert and palestine with particular lefor- onoe lo change of ellmalo th oowoatohhr while the vullnr told liow ha had ridden thirty tin tiling mllee on the cowoatoharor a ino otlve nvcycai- old lorella llataned iillentlvely aa he concluded ahe asked did you omtoh the now mr blan no man ever poke truth without hearing it echo in huaven jta pa n u no la alwaya lame without reaututlon aiid mforiuatlou dobbu llonbemifoks a mail morn nliiliiti ly goveinrd hy pin ii leuuoii ih n jj nil aim unlay ouuld iml ml ik found hut in hl illiny lu nfihn lo mi nflli dlumr lulk nhoul thn feeling which luhiiboii had of thinking mm1f linlind to touuh u pm tlcular lail or post und to head in the lulihlln of a paving stone uml hw iiddu i i rei tal illy have thin vmy btrniigl in ono or hu hlhlhil leeturen s mueller bald lo the biuiiouih i muny of you i numpunl tany a hapenny with a holii in ii fin luck i am not iiuhuim d lo own that i have do no bo inyitelf for many year chains nickeiuiefnsed to lie do iinleub hla hod was placed due north and aiiuth he gave uothe of tlio rule lut faro an mug tit a friend bonne or a hotel hut a coiupahb wau always handy in his hnggiigoto make sum mrs diihilu mocmlhy hua told na pa m til gvuvuly check oil her stirring colyou the wrong way ami insisted hat she should take another rup a gutillnniati of purtriibl sent iord uoharta nil old jiomeuhou when thlnga looknd 111 in hunth afrkv orntorully ncknowledgiug i tllie limtral added that he would kiep iliu hniwibhoe in loiupaiiy with one plrbud up the day i entered the oiango 1rte hl and another 1 found nt iuntdehurg the day leore leneral troojie iuitender- ed ioi itnnibnnd hmlils li llionina hilecttlc oil uill inke the lire out of a huru or ncnhl mine rapidly than any other preparation it bhould he nt hand in eviry kltiheu bo that it may lie available nt nny time llirre in no preparation rrijnhrd juat apply the oil to the hum or iild nnd the pain will abate and in n short time ctuse altngother onsrhved tub ptlopiilbtiatb one evening when lit lun cainn to the nnd of her prayei the stnniiniicl evl lunlly forgolllng how to close after n moment her fore clenrtd nnd she bnlil oh yis very rebpactfully yours ileh nl bronchitis ilronohitlb it generally tlia reiult ef a do id cauiod byihuiire to wet and nalaniant muitlir and la a very dangerous lunam malory aftactlon of the bronchial tutaa tho symptoms are tlglitnom across the cheat sharp pslna and a dlfllouhy in uroatlilnfl and a more hon of thick phlegm at uml white but liter of a greenish or yellowish color neglected ilrotioliltla ii one of ilia must general eanaeaof conbumptlon cure it at one by he um of norway pine syrup- mrs i d miller alundale ont writes i my husband got a luittle of dr woods norway pino hymn for my llttht girl who had i iron o lilt it hhe wlimied ao bully y could hoar her from ono room to tha otlior but it was not long until wa coutd sne tha affect your mediolne had on her that waahutwinter when we lived in toronto rlio hnd a had col j this winter hut in stead nf getting another hottlo of dr worn a norway lino byrup i trlotla linmo in fid o receipt wliloh i got from a nolghlior hut found that har cold lailwl about twice aa long my husband highly tiraltes dr wnauv and says ha wills that a hottts of it is alwaya kept in tha house tho prlna of dr wooda norway pjna rynip is 21 oenta per bottle it la put up in a yollow wrapper three pine trees the trailo mark ao bo sure and aooept none of tha many aidulilntea of tho original nor way pine byrop tlio reformer who blowa a trumpet la mora anxloua to aatonlah tho nntlvea than to aurpruo tho onomy a oiiro for yovor nnd ague dia- turhntico of tho stomach and liver nlwnya precede attacks of favor and ague showing derangement of the digestive organs nnd deterioration in the quality of tho blood in those all- tnonls itirinoleea vegetable pills have been found moat effective nhatlng the fever nnd subduing thu ugno in n few days thero nro many who nro sub ject to thoio distressing disturbances and to thoso thero is no bettor prepar ation procurable as a moans of rollof it linrd to go on singing tifko my silver and my gold nftor you got castor i a vm infant and children iti9 kind you have always bought sears the tignntura von may have a right to your own sorrows but you have no right to thiow their shadows in unothlis way watts utu dliflgurtfinonts limb tlls- uppearwhen trontod with ilollnways oorn cure bxabpvratimo fioni the dark kltohori tbete ouiuti- nted a series of thumps nnd angry ex- olumntlons junes was looking for the rat i i called the son from i ho stale- way fln to hnd mid let mo uloiie blurt ed jonoe ive juat hiukud my bhlna in i insisted tommy nfler a mom outs sllanoo woll wlmlhjltr didnt i tell jnu to keep quiet r i i didnt hear your shins hai u and tho next mninnut tommy was being purauud hy an angry she with ii hmd hair brush castohl infantii and children the kind you have always bought boars the signature of txact comv or wtia wen j thirty years astoria chartered by pominlun omcntmrni uhnllulieil ihcf the merchants bank op canada hi ad ofl icu monikpal iq uranclim rresldenl sta ii movtaiiu ai i an vice president jonathan iioikisoh iiq general mnnocr l f ii mi pith capital paid iip ifioooooooo doposila over fjoa3doooo burphis doooooooa lotal atseli 3icooooooo savings bank bepoblts one djlhr or up vard will open an acciunt moiioy wlihjrawablo any lime no delay rarmers sale notks joint accounts when rm nested wo will open occounls in two namos to list either ono may drnw tho money huiband or wife etc aoton branch ncaitulieu m m lin 1ivn hhilm h i mmk k i in ill ihi romliihiti i t imi k i tijiiini viiybiiily n hum i ih irliumpilgun i in- i ni y i ih look benign ly pi it anil kiivy tli uipis thai vinybdily pli iui h you wluit i mi ihlfi a imimiiii vnhii iiiulillbintiiiiii will logo uu mul kinopi- with nut llpllng would he vulot i alt and in ouii huk hy a lllfiit to would hi uuitietlou n fink ihlx kiuiih ibuul iiiiuiiiimi1 n lyihlmiikwoikiuiiiis wife ti- ur hushuiul im ihu hist few w ikh rvo hi i u h login iih in liillt ii en und liiili in f nil a h illiidiiy wjienr yoiii wngi u are a kmml a w ik nub toll me is it thn ililuk m gam- blln tlmt y i uftorr niiw my lam i its tieltlni gimblliii um drink thau ttoulilln mi was the auuii- tor unvln op to stoit a xhlp buihling julrdo mn mn mniletllieh ttaltt itui le tbi n di feeln if yob duly to ill a filenil ill mill hut hin hiin uiiiniril ih so dlniigrieiihhi houl it hit hell git iiiaduiiilliiaeiilltlohouilils apiopiim of t h 1 1 inn h torts wilt h u ooiiesptindeiit pi ibnjin au neat an oiiswei as is known in ihe one i iiiillli d limi hommniih if you wiiin tho aiibiingiikiiihili i hhnutid an ippouent nt um of his meetings wouldnt give jou a vote hut my friend iiloihd tho i an dldate if i worn tho arrhniigi i luhrlul yuu wouldo t be on tho n glu tei littltc williu kntcw this said a tui lit r to hei nlasu of atlthiuelkliinu ln unit hhe lohl up a pemil this hook is a null too bald she ami these me units and shu showi d them n ruhu a tlnwer nnd nn apple then she pcelod the iipphi nnd bidding up ihe pud said now chlldien what is tliluv hilance homo you know whnt is eie urged mttlo iiium hand went up slowly well william said tho timelier 11 eat he iiiiiniii thu skin of a milt w s chi9h0lm manager new spring stook of boots and shoes stovel tho shoe han u highly arailflod with the result of hie recent clearing sale he supplied hundreds of cntiomera with ronulno bargains in root wear and lie moved om such a volume of doola and shoes tint room was made for the convlent handling of his splendid new spring stock of the latest and best in boots and shoes dy advantageous buying for cnuli tho slock offer unusual attractions for careful buyers full slock of spring rudders repairing alwaya given personal attention georgke mill st stovel acton tho hlgot is tho man who thinks that all snuls go to heaven only through his prlvato knothole flars ut yltn kirj you lllrt always bol 4u lriondshlp s iftim n severe test of vo thndogmnllo me always stiong on barking thousnmls of mothers can tostlfy lo tlio virtue of motltoi atavos worm kxtormlnntor hconusa they know from experience how useful it is counting yoiu blessings discounts your bunions no ono was ever loft sail by giving bnppluuiih nwny your danger be gins when your back aches it u the first mid tho buro sign of kidney dlietuo doans kidney pills euro the ftuliiiiu liaok hy ourliiutlie selling kfihvnya luiiieailifiir it la roally the kid nej s aolilug and nut i im lmob thoy act dleclly n the kidneys nnd make them strong aul healthy thereby eausluii pure blood to olraulato ihroughuut thn whtlo system mrs imnu voos woodsldn n it write n 1 was a great sufforer with hankaclio for nvaf a year and oould gt n ilhlng to relieve mo until i took two htxnanf douis kidney pill and now i do not feel any pain u hatovur and can eat and loop well aoniol lilntf i could not do liefors doans klihiay 1lh are flo nenta par box nr 71 ihimob for 91 ta at ajl dealers nr mallod diroeten reielntof price bylhodosn kid ney imi uo tortuic out tlio fool lias two extiannly difficult tusks to know blmaolf and koop others from doing tho same in tho trrntmont nf sunimet com- plalnla i hu most nlfeollve t cm oily that can hu used is dr j l kellogga dyseiiiry oordhil it is a standard prepni ul ion auiil nuiiiy people employ it in pre fere nee to olhoi pnpnrntlons it is a highly ooueontiutel medicine and us sedative and euintlvo qunlltlos nro beyond quoullon it has boon a popular tnodlolno for ninny jenro nnd ihouanndu can nttest its snpoilnr qunl ltlos in ovorcomlng dyaontciy nnd kind rod oomplnlnts wo can do nothing bet tin than nnaljxo the prohlum of poveily and uotlilng woran than to stop with unnlyulti foiindatlon prlnolplaet 1lrst i whim wo undertake to fill your prescriptions wo glvo them our undivided attention nnd iwut caro tito patients wolf urn is our first eon slderntlon second i wo guaranteo our dings to he of ftdl strength nn v ell as punt and fresh third i our customers are supplied with just whnt theyuak for t substitut ing is novor allowod painhh orirhy txlurounp if you aro a sufforer from kidney disease llvor complaint blond troubles rheumatism neuralgia oi noivoui prostration wo orntldontly reoom- metiil the use of pulnos celery com potnid this reliable and never dis appointing inedlolno la a tiuu disease iminlsluir nnd system builder we supply tho iron nine pnlnira celery cotiimunl at ilrowi aoton out lbttiko tttm oat out hny grandpa innko n noise like n fiog d lllllo tommy what fnr my son y why papa shjm tlmt whan yon croak woll gut live thousand dellius affllotsd for yarn with dlieoud liver mr h u djvitt jlorun out letter known pnrhsps as timallpox iten has used nilburns laxaliver pills ha lias nlso uaoil them far his patients when nursing thorn and ic is a well known fact tlmt small pox buftorers mist keep tlia bowola well rogulited horn what lin aavbi i have been nflliatnd for years with a ihsrasod liver and have tried all kinds of midkino hut of no avail until about four vcars ago 1 tried sniirlnxa hlvor pills and ootinatant relief inoothan i havo nursed different iiatlents nnliotwl with amall pox mid in each case 1 invo mod your valuable pills mywuhos aro that all persona suffering with stomach or liver troubles will try mil- burns lais liver iilu i will advertise thorn whonevor and vtherevor i bao an opportunity and i impo that if at any timo i cannot get the pliu i will beartunat onoimh to get tho formula mithurns xaxix ifvor pills am qa cents per vial ur a vials for 91 00 at all dealers or will ha nuilml dlroot hy alio t mllburn co lluil tod toronto oou cltlzonuhlp in heaven will not exempt you from elthor taxes or set vices huiu itlsatdvor pillmuny of the ail ments that man hns to nontend with have their origin in a disordered liver whloh is a delicate organ peculiarly biiscopllblo to thn disturbances tlmt comb from irregular imblts or luck of caro hi outing or dilnklng this accounts fur tho groat many liver regulators now pressed on tho atten tion of biiffoiars of these thero is none superior to parmoleos vegetable nils thelt operation though gentle is effective and thu most delicate can use them all wmthy education is training of thn will no man enn buy peace hy selling prlnolptu headache what modlcal skill could not do wai acoompllilttd with burdock blood bitters if ynu aro troulilod with hradaelio do auk hnsitala to use unh it u no now pro duct of unknown value but baa an natab- llabed reputation sneaus tmfnre uy ores anil ltalns in my hsob 1 was not able ludnsiir tmiilm vnrslallml sauhl nob swum ai ululii ilovqrnl dnetera oolnrsd me hut i s twl was rettlik no lieln at i s tw t was fotthiw no hi v aiulen nf a friend t not tin hejllesor llunoek i flood ii i iters and they beillol aovoled aoouipleie ours when ynu got aflor tho prollta or oppression you will hoar a lot about tho principles of liberty oksrxoartxk seamtlie 1hiklnj ambuk ukbcurefor skin injuries disease a purely hertal blm but thing for tho tondor oklm of ohlldran yot powarful mough to hoal an dults ohronlo oora i highly uitlmptloi eaou pair ndomwtlnkmon asapplled that it xambuk swmmbor it lo purely iwkmi no mineral polontnonlmalfau ewar and p oombl i alt itmuma nimm w t tot m um jwttumv liiu iiiii from wnmniiii nllmcnth nni invltod to write to thn namc nnd ium remn h horo given fm jimiuvo proof tlutt iydla 12 im i imiiin vcgnluhlo miwnmd tloi h mo fomtilu 111k raiwtit wrinis lliiiaumia w r mhitn1lniilo 3 lileui ill mrs wn tullyevvkm tan ay kllfllifmra xmia hiaear i mlrlimr hurl f 1 mtmit ii x mslibii i31tj nut uio lliiillnr lil mra mnr ir itliwlay kmiimra hmilllllf rill tmln v hfr h i lurlr rutitlmiu h v mr hji ii ujihl nntiiall it l w h ii i i hititaniif i hi- nibl kuitthmky mrs i ill ii iirii 1lrhhhill ii mn fwiil liiluiilnt t h matiitht ifr wi liuii lnnin llll itti rroil jlit ihllxinlilu i vfri k i nirllllrn i hit i mewaiuuui wl mn jarl llllbn mntrillv tr-ill- wornmlar vita llfu i vim c tf fv hiilliulorllri iidlnliihlu ii mr a i all uraon i w tlljllin mfa v v ikir alwnlxrjlliitlit oumaiim all um t jliirumtl dmiuri ii miihisuiu1 uulmit annnii klrttfajlorn otil mri i n u lls 111 omwittvill n v mm a a oil ilnatxr n vmn ii nmr n ho til km v mhiii hluit lluiluii law ill v i i r ijiu- ii ii avrlil 0wirilliii llmniiataiijt m i mm i ii onu ly a irl im i l ii nrt ii iln tin 1 in llnium lla in i i v i l- r j llill alltaihu t lmlnlllo kymri lliil 1 jl i irll lit uhilti wil ii irl r mh mr i un in mnler iii mm m r 1111 i i nlnr it i mra i llm u 1 11 y 11 si moll irin ijwi i r t vv utaomi llrhittr iv- uirlaoil mnhn mr lllawkl vi no it iiaraf ii x tutiui otrullllo mimmi n j j i linlumll oui mn morftalj rllral aivluil oiiomim ijnle flui klmlavma h k wralvuu inmu xuffauklernflt i vnrri lu illilurl ii ii i nillfll in mrs mbis wjill hsll mot lit mr i msym lrrbntlalrlly iw killfa mr cl iut hi ilmalnr lul mis m llaal ifr lul mr win irarlt il pvi m 1 iuiua mi mr w h vinl 111 i-ana- liwnmral illjir7 hui mrs pranflimnltl lllll i fou a mra l llli llm a nn nl military it mn i mra harry i luuli to i it hs rniii i dot it mich hall mllaajllllilantlm limit ofsruit tmnbla vliiaiirtmi ii mra hl tljaraull ul m toiilh rltraal jarilliir mln mrs h awilllanu it i i no ii llik piuiuilil i bmm a04 jlwll sit s ilolui ira mln lmllliialita mltvnrnamllkcilli i 1 wabim i ll llalmoi ii fuiltdlln ml liiyl fll1 krfo lavir it mr i ff hru i jl jlflo i iloi uj liol lar io mr aiatalua i y n ii v l lrnlraflni mamnkiilult mil walfli a mi lla i a mr i hi 1 lnb n 310 rlllt hllarl liiuiiatnns mn mary wruvt ui o thiho women nm only a few of thoiihiindh of hviiitf wiiiiohwh of thu pmver of 1 dia k iinklmmn vegetahlo cnmpnimd to euro femato dinoftnch not ono of tin new iinen nor nwdvrd nmiionbatinn in nny form fur tho una of tin ir nami in thin ndvortlscmonl but nro will- inp that wo rtlinutd rnfur to thorn ijocnutn of um food thoy may do other httlhirlng womun to provo that iydla k pinklmmh vogutaldu coniimujid u a mlinhlo and hnnout modtcinc nnd tlmt thn htutonionta tti uin in oui ndvortlnomenta regarding ith inorit am thn truth and nothing hut thu truth jl i pliable yet tough you mjelit imiiu jour acquaintance with store h kihkk by ltucsting in a inir of thew horsthide mitts tliljre exctllcnt cxauiplcfl of how tuuth nnd pliable mitts nm lie tunde by our chrome process ith the nddtcl hitisfnctiou of unouiiik they will not become stiff ulicn jco relied orbcnldtd dont forget to buy storeys nnd tlu 11 rcnilmlier j on by wcnntiff loudest nt r 11 htorcs w h storey son limited acton oat reliable footwear with tlio whole market before us it i rood shoes only that wa consider such as ua can ihnroufihly reennunond for style and quality nnd service tho hiicioib of our traje in firstclhss shoes ii encouraiiemenl enoiifili to iva thom still larger prominctico this year based on the absolute certainly ol iaud vjlua wo waul you to come and let tha now ilylos do their own inlulntl w williams mill street acton georgetown flcormh co umua gnonnutown cut flower orowdrs funeral and wcdillnjf orders a specialty all ordi plcj vlih r h nixon drugjlbt aoton h1 rclv prompt illnllon the old and reliable granite and marble dealers v hirb wislltllrtutli sale inle s thus aavln uu lisvu ui i illlaalhlins irvatwiitli r eiiatemers 40 r btaiul ii eriii uu lisvu lli i fit aiipllaunabsikl hu- otlv uimihaiiio in the liniiilitiui wh esii niix- m inimuuisue tools nrnhy wa en slve uruium iroai luiuilrvls 1 1 inir eutteijirie in nntrt ami niliar ilaeh wlisrnlliera lieve la ul law atiiu hi nrufr lo omleol we haw ufuhl snl itml ieek nf oraulu in the iihiliii nr uior thsii any three dealer in linwt we are wiluhble ilealars and era- ploy no nit an re hv tenninil n atvniietltinn e ilnl annoy nriwsl kffi hamilton sons cm moifotk bd whollab bu athiill hcton i i v h j hi x bus ling tho umlenlfjned regpecllully ollclta the patronage ol the pub lic and in form a them that woll atabtee a comfortable hua meets all trains between lo oo n in and 6 19 p m careful aiientlon given lo every prder tho wanls of com morci travellers fully met john iniilik7vts inowibaton the berlin steam granite and marble works c aspic n dhaun proprietor doilfttier and llnlldora ol blatues maim oleums monuments markers and lleid atenes and all iii nils of whiip flcnistrcct arent acton buggy eepairing look jour uujiny over and see what il needs if it warns palntlnft re trlmmlnff new wheels or tires bring it here anil hnve il repaired by ural class workmen imihaps you inti nil notl nk n iiewliuhiiy ibis season if so don t fall a tflio mo 11 call i will have n very fine aloes of 111 y own make nnd ihe famous mcluiriiiiii lin on hand aln a full una of maihet nd lumber wsdrons i wo seal tiurreya and llnhl itunalmut wagons mccormlcu marvesilnfl maeblhrry cnrbihul plriiry and wilkinson il-iv- rliimr t w mi macilnea kitchen tubiuuia qpforobtoutn ont pabhacnolxil ti1aino tin roliowliib la the time at vllcli aluteall at a lun tioihrt 1nt tiolhil vtkay ho 4 fllcjai i ijhii hl ii imhini s i hinai nn in id ml all drain euijial acli ijita no n ostl m ho 7 nlii ho hi aid 1 111 ni u hjrjl 11 spring noizblties thg newest tlnnrfi in brkss tubnc brwss rod1nc atid all ittinkh for pillow sham kancy screens etc kirm and garden tools mccliinics tools itct mui ab kraionililo trlcci c c speight mill si acrov seed corn car of stcd corn arrived large ciioicl of varieties also all kind- of mangel and sufjar beets acton flour and feed store n f moore r noble m inajcr prop w gimson pa 1 ht- en pafen iianokr picture fiiauen etc begs to inform the ladies of acion and surrounding vicin ity that he li it hnn appointed afient for three of thu larjjet wall paper houei in can acta 1500 samples to chooe from prilca kight auo that he m prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground kurm- ture repaired snoi mili stullt acton orposilo willlun i ivtry paper makers asonoktou x oxr lincik mvs anii coioitii imiais jxo ritvllltku so vkra expenibnoi hwlllwtm scttttiific bhiertcai kanilaotnelv ulirblm wuauty nmi i utlavwrb yawwiaio intu14 sola mums ipromptly securepi n 1 l i ttiv itallrt wrlle for mir lalerfwiinp loiualiybi or lleln aul lieu ynu are ewlndliey is e relish sketiti t r medf i of vt nr in 11 nrlnuivaiiil nnl ur wltllcllynu ir ofibil n 10 licjl r 11 le fiolutlilr ils ileitis riictrilirplcrtfoebhavruflen imii bnirwfiuv r jniitil y ii chimlikl fully riulnt rtl rjllj hi klonlinl ami wntltliifliui nilaaiatultaublntirniiiitt ly illllialcn work hik ililrulr arrur taullti sif 11- mil t2z istjrt 1 marion marion y illioaicii wois niki uhhuiv est asjifoana tlie litviit 11 lliuheslrsffreaei rinilalieil ulrntv roeti ilirt iiyli mstlnti ft m rlilu reh t vpdal ntlt jkirmh pvr iuo it niwihirb ilkirnnlil uirthikifwii iht nmiiliilnii iju ltani iiaiim qi uanurea aakgihbgmsilbbshhiillip frtmarfjt ffvij v11

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