Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1909, p. 1

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wht jvrfttn jfctt flteg voiilmjc xxxiv no 17 kvary ntfwiltljti talil iti alvan acton ontaiito tjixjitsdat mowhihg may 20 1100 ttuhiciii llnti fries fi i sinuous oop1ks riuirk obsto ffiljt vttoll jttt tytts fosusubd bvuuy thullbdav u0un1mo it tha illl btltlclct acton ont twin f uubaerftloa ofcj dollar r year strlotly in advance all aut to rations illsooutlnund whan th time tor whloli they havo baen ial4 iibn pi red tli do to to which every ub- terlptlon in paid in tie no tod on the ad- label a4vmiblm kimiaattrnnslanl aavar- tlaenianta lu nnl par nonrjarell line far tint insertion 4 oants par ifne far sc subsequent insertion advarilbarnenia without peelnq fll- raetlonb will inserted till forbid and charged nooordlnalytraruilent ad- aou month if desired for ohanatea eriahac oiah j position must rata ohshaee or contract advertisements must be in tli omoe tjv noon on tun- aeoountw payadu monthly jrlptlona and advertisements and whr our readera dan tree or oharca see our paper when la ldntana ii p uooim editor and 1rourletor t susiuesb flirtdorp 1103 grtay m d c m mtgill tjhop uooojuuia i if t an ouioow uausaa ii a it lit i alanioai assoc iitiou btc 3fle rrederlak fltreel aelonont d ra l houli oradualo of unhretelly of toronto omeeet rewlenee on willow flrat-be- iwainmarolani itiuuivand t own liail riioni no an acton ont a j mokinnon luaaiataa bolicitob cohvmyiwana ovriomulll huml id lite vets illoeb amtiatowii llranoliuaiii htreat opau wadnaadaia aud uetardeya btatbivourltidlvlilon court oounlv of hel en oonvayauear aiaapha and life aasureuee ileal uauu aiaui tuonejp to loan alt oyirloa ierryuiaus ii lock ooim at llmldar ii oho a aaajjcim ov toxouto uicirauitt ttia laual anaaaltiauo oaad it d mired at hoekwood fuaadaji wscxlammo vs e j haitdyco advustibing contbactobb amd nliwb cobbbiroudinti rieot sitmi london u c england a of llila 1sper ml lis aaan fraa of eh area by vlaliara lo london to whom advlea gfatla wlubt k it aquirad f manoib ndnan ilookdihdvn wyodham bt otlalpb onuiu otar wl btora aownnl nooki of all klnda mada lo otut triodloajaotaarydaerlptlaneatallybotibd nllcrnilani promptly don m aihiiaob liobnbeq u v uoonn aacua or u abbiaob iiiobhsbb ptl4t0m no wltntaaa raflolrad latuad at raaldunna in ui avanliif vfaarrau offlwaovom vjtf uhmothkut lloimald acotiobmi vor th ouamlaa ol walilnston and llalun ordaralahattliairkiin im a a ohm aeton or at myrawaaitmln aoton will li prornptly at taadadto taroia luaaonabla also naonny to loan on tba tnoit lavorabla umiaod ai thi inwaat ratal ol luumt in bmi ot buoand uiwardi w hull rj khhk liohmabd auction mi vortlih ooanllm ol walllnitou lullon and hafw oondueud will ullitaeilon and upon mmouabla tarm qrdavbuy lallar to ulmot v 0 ulapbonato ulnaoaa or oiprlnua or lalt at vbhm 1bmm obloa or with w j oordon ittrnata uaiiar aaton will raoalva ininimlaw attaillion hpmlal tluulloh to aalu in aoton and vlolntty jam 19 mcdonald licinasit auction khe forth oountlmol walllnaton hallon wbutroorwautwortb and iba vhf ol ralaa oonduotad on laauonahla tartni and aluluuou auaranuad in ayarr eaaa rat tartna data als apply to itos wit hfliinhhfmoor motaaua hi and blora oadultutpltont tatapliona hi aualpli tlalm may ba rranad at vahn llmu oiflaa ualitway ba arrani atttob bubhtluinud htooh cavtiau ib0d0m thb wellington mutual inruranob company baublubad 1840 hurl offlo odxlvu oht inbuuxnobonoaahand uutnal plan anr luanrauaa raqulrad will h promptly alland- wii dbkmv a vonngbt aaton ttia union inaarauh oo auoaar ngtand artists materials water colors oh colors and suppulis would you like railroad time send your watcli to 7x tit ati 17 fj laa ri nt htxptwt watch wemlbihcf l w r y st ofc omoli uaitoh innpbotorai ofdptmd trunk nallwaiy uelph ont stephen cordiner painter fap hakqe eionw dkoo i tiave much ploaauro in informinn ilia neonlfl o acton and autrounjltik vicinity ilikt r loft bi0h0la8s 4 papkhb i ituit by uriel altenllon tobualneaibnd modflrato cbarftea to wcura a alnro of your patronage any wioru enlrualed to my euro ball bo bmeculbd in 0 ilillful and trailoaman ilka rnannar oniorileliml liouao on mill st or by dropping a card will receive prompt mien lion wihterjession opana january lib in all rianart mania ol ilia objth k lluhi nbhh lolikou vonfla and tlarrard htraala toronto our cuobuo aiplain our aunarl orlty lu riinlnmant hlaff ualboda and llaaulta yoii are invliad in w ta for it ii tnlaraalad in ilia hind of acliool work whloli lirluna hioom addimiw ii huaurroaldant spring novelties tlic newest things in brhss tubing brhss rodinc and all fittings lor pillow shams fancy screens etc hhrdsfukre farm and garden tools mechanics tools hen muci it heaionabla irluib lc c speight mill st acton hcton 1 j it hjki jl bus lin9 the undrrilrnod reipciluly olicllb iho potronma of i lie nub ile and informt iliem ttiat wall itablei a comfortable bui meeli all iralna batwoen 10 00 a m and 10 p m careful attention riven lo every order the wanla of com- mercul travelleri fully mil john sitailunms robrib1toi searchlight on readymixed t xx x xn x dont pay for n pramy lulwl dont pty for n fuliuy uunio dont ly forutt untried mlxluru pay oil palkt marint senour paint 100 a jmifj tfuamntaed tho bond hardware go umtbtd ileiall phone 07 quklmi pyroqraphy supplies and outfits nature study buppukb for coiikckh schools ok bttlpunts send for informallon free catalogue no 1 arllata malerula and naltirs study suppllea catalogue no j ijrdarphy suppllea waters bros tha plolurabtors 1 wyodhin si guul1m1 buggy eepairing look jour ilupffy over and lea whui it needi if it wanlt patntlnr re trlmininjr new wbeeli or tlrei bring li bore nod hive ll repaired by oral data wort men perhaps you inlinil helilno a new iliibry ibleuaeon ifaodont falflo glie me a call i will have very fine alocli of my own make and l lie famoua mclaughlin line on hand o a lull line of market and lumber warrona two aaat surreya and llflht itunabout waooni mccnrmlck harvesting machinery cocuibui floury and wllunion plowi singer siwinr maclilnea kitchen oablnaii j n 0ni1ls crbrircb works oiorobtown ont there is danger m0 1 or tboie who nealact ilielr aye iriii and who donl taue heed to tha flral warnlnp tbet nature glvea in lime k ynur eyra blur and black apola itul before your vlilon it is time lo have your eyes enam- ined and if necetaary glaiiee filled lo litem display wisdom by calling today a d savage oitomlutlst ant optician phone 371 at wyndham street ouelpil ont the excelsior bakery having recently installed some of the hitcm im proved machinery for prcad making is now in a better position than ever to supply otfr custo mers with bread cakes etc of firstclass quality we also carry a splendid stock of groceries and cnnlcctioncry ice cream and all kinds of fruit in season t statham son main st acton paper makers axoboktows out nook nltwh and ooloiikd papkitb tnobhatuhcb mens hat sale all btylcu prices and makes clear ing entire lot cheap also largo ranco of all kinds citpn chenp wo have a lot special ly low priced about i or lean their regular value call early and get your pick an wo arc going of tho iltt huai- jortrir tubs oall op mpi1ino o pink mid wliltn thu 01 obnrtl imiiuliu and nuuro blun tliti uly nhovt ami froali and ahoan ihornaiiitakrcuii and liltfli 11 lid clnnr tho joyou ilnvot o frnumnt awont llm uiinlnn inciilli or violet mill in irodur a hlltlnonin onll from unidtin wull ami khrrlintt uk f luih rl11 jonioont jiaii linniti ami iitmrl 011111 out 1 o lionrt limp nllnut enmo ni aiif coirie jnln till morry rltoery m tho wild iicatntlo inhtli of pprlitj i o ulail mid liny the nnrdon wity and frualtuil ylth pi nit the ah ul trnoa i with ariiccrul poai tint liiilfhlnwiv ttiao i jlunda bliuhhik in tlm traiij brecato with falntoat hroatli of f int bloom hwont ruouiorloa wnko frtnn allunfc ilrdnmb anl fucoa faded idiik k mio brtilliiir tliroiiuli 11111 ltlht aunbflain o11110 otu rob iwmrt 1 old heart come out 1 oliortrt lona ullont conin nrl bloat 1or cltlldbnod playe thronpch iioilt wft 1 1 tun old worldu iiuk iiknl- iprlntfl uy mudloiib hunmm lrtt 3fnmll kramtta lafontaiiies pur establishment 9597 quebec st guelpii ont jtrie vifrt gent piece fly alt mthilu sh yliru blnno mid hor chum ihhal dm lltiktou wnluml down tho utrool iniipcliliipt bwlnuluh li anils by llttto flnrura hiikocl lavlniily toffothor tin ir feet dieophia ninny utop nntl tludi hpnrlu hciitliik a still ninriler tnlton iindor lliflr tviirm jicuiit fifty coiitu i oildl myttlf iuui lni thollttlo fluudr at hoi aldu no inml tlmt if it hud not tn vn n tin njdpi xn it would liuvo unit win nivi imvn wo bud fifty ronla lo 1i0 with jnl tk uotly iia ui pltiithiil f you nod of inuiii it in lo ho xpimit txnctly im you ilimnti i uioond kihol rttlurnlou thu lovo finiiai wlih 1 11 lotto t huiol nucinuii i pbuao uu yon pleiitn iind oiu pleiiiu plfimf my ploiuoa ami my plouani 1 tbon tliry hoth btiighod nutln nitd na dour jniika wliitcotnb rlny ynya dea lnfl at nnllilua in purtloiilur mul ovcrylhliik in gonornl iwcuubu thuy wnro hi lovo with 01m nmilhir mid tint big pluiiauut worlil tlmlr d unci iir foot lirouujht up at 11 flnruto nml pausod bpullhonml tiufort tho window full of bomity it win a blimp wlnlui ility mid tho breath of cnuintloiib and vlolulu btonlhig nut to tho giuaro hoitinrtd lovi lloi by con i mot wllhlbu chill ouhllf now thou t and myrtle whioh ahull it liup you must hnvo your oholrn cnrinttioui roaoi vlolote iiilgnnn- otto hyaolntha o my blaaaotl dad lo pnromen wliolo big ohiink of silver nil at oncol tlin btoneu and tho darllngtona worn noxtdiioi nolghbom anil lit onoh otienf tlm brlok intthfjo wlmro ttiny lived who j nut onn young dnughtot tn 11 111 ko tho honui bunnhhi tlioy tvorw not what wo rail pom pdoplc hut lb war wry sddoiu fltlier 01111 ot ihoglrle cnutd imvn a wlndo lig tilnink of allvui to opuml on bouiu lovely no nocribdlty iib kliioi lnlud thn noudfulu or uro arouiul lu ooninr from thn mnduit hiklt rottagom wan a hiindannim atmu honui dubliod tlio nuinalou hy inn two glitf in tills innnalon all by i tlunnuolvob lived throo tmihlon nlnlurn wlio all thuli uvea inul uovui known tho jiiy of having mui fifty cunt plono luapandforit tiolieooislty for iho roftbon tlmt thny bad all tho neoosallloa iind 11 great niiijnrlty of tljp luvmlfu of llfo whenovor tlioy xvantid sihiir- thing thny jiuit bouglit it and lb la to ho foured thatmirn tit u while tho two monde in tho hula cottnnobalound thn corn it had hooting gllinpub of that gmonf od 111 mm tor whoso nitnio hoghia with n hlg j onoo u ynr tlio throo alatori thn mltaoa morao gave a rcoopllou to the young people of tlio neighborhood and aonnoenyonr myrtlo nnd litliel liuali- ed iholr morry atrpa nrt volvot ruga drunk ohocnlnto out nf real itnvltnnd nnd at loo oioeni with tiny aolld allvur aponnb two htiiulrvd years old tonight win tho rtiooptlon t myrtle imil fifty aouts fur ft nnnooeealty mul tho uouoooaelty wne tn he flownre fnt ihcm tn wool nn the great nonunion they decided on n hlg hunch of swoot vlnliin and in ret into thn warm nioub air of thu florlulu inoin with a whirl nf frosty fioalmofle thnt nmdo tho iiindebt tlowiihga nml aond cmtbweub hruntti of inoonun mr jiitieal ihoy know tho pro- pi lutor ivollplon80 dont any the vhilaunre inure llinn fifty oouu will yon t hut mr jonas waa ongrnrbod n i lib innrnlng pupet aud hu boiioi fuoo uuenuid to have no intaraat in blight- eyed git la nnd hunohoa of vlojotn right hflr in tliu proaparoua town i ho bald to hluirolf laying down thu tnper at lout and uninlng toward hu cmtoniori what in thu utultvrp naked thn git la poopln atnrvlng hints whalu lhi niattnr htaivlugp wlierop wlmp why mwrlntlib fluu und thn hiiiib urn thnt down thnroa lieon alok- neaa mul imw they y tho luonk uinnoy la gl lug nut and tho ahopa give nu mora eithlit wtl what ami i do fill you twtiv ytiure nut vtnrvlng at any rale vlidota p thats a lientltlfttl btmoli fur llfly can la myillu huld them up tbolr rolot nintchml tlm oyi s of hnr filmid hul lior own ojoslmd tukouon a fur away look hi10 tm nod tn hoi nniupauloo kllmll would you cmop tndood i wouldnt i nxulalmwl ktlud wlio nlwiiye teomod in- 1 ill lo know thokpliitof hoi filmid iithougbta if not thudiitnlls you doitt know vyob but i do wo inn epotul iboj mdnny for bimda of ihosn poor puoplul myrtla flul iml thn siintclco for hor would y 11 1 xciisi tn mi jimih if wo do not i uy tho vlnlutu f f i whip nuawnrrdlhofhilut haartlly and whalu mnri if you am going to holp tb 010 poo plu lnl 1110 join in und taking somotlung fiom his pooket ho handed it to tlio gills no- other hlg hunk nf allvor and twlcd aa largo ns llinlpil with tlio rushing tliunua or swool warm henrti d ynut li limy inn 1 lod nvny ti tell our 1 not bora now good dooilu lmvif 11 way nf aprandlng out nnd whnthor it renda lkn n fairy talo or not it la trim that hy night two goml sued grncury wngons drovo ulnwly thtoogh tho gloomy ulrofita of tlio jnui isnd thu inn i ilu 11 slaloro in thn mauulon nnd nthera hud got wind ot tho ontro- prlar and tbn chuncku of sllvai bud multiplied delightfully two happy f rod imithore nconinpanlnd the drlvuru of thn wngnns nml dlatrlhutod to ollioi giatafiil uiothorn and f 11 llu- r a mul flhlhliflii liroud nml inoiit horn vogc- t hi on enffto with priiniuou of still fin lbor holp whllu iho mills stayed ahul down it wna it night to innlid onn iuuhii mul crya bight good augoli lllllut huvo hjlllcoll ovui tbn roni ptlon wan a hrilllaut buucubh not a llmvoi nd urn od tha slniplo grucn- ful tolluth of mn two glrld hut tbolr clu ouh worn lllio losos tbolr yu ii uo aim- and to tbolr lioniln unroldod tho pnu ivhlto llllou nf unuollluh and nolf- forgliihig lovo for olluiu thb tilalnino of a boy tlm ho should lui hold to tho umim utatonfvl limns tho ghl tx hold to admit fot 11 iiiitiunt thnt tlio hoy must illitn a neiinun if owing wild nuts n lo unfit nn pari it tn bring up boye thou u o 1 on son in tho woild why tho llfn ot ibo hoy should nob ho junt uu froo from lulnlor luigubirliy nu that of 1 ho ghl undo biuguiigo or viilgnr hi inivlii of any suit in juat ns iut xciwnhlo in ilm hoy uu in thu ghl i in should unt ho allow id foi oik inninont to think hint things an dicuntfoi tho hoy to do tlmt iuii lu hcfiit fin thu ghl ofcmusu illu oiy vusy tn fall into iho habit id drtnlduhlug a duublo staudiiid of nun 11 in for thu bojs and gliln wo huvo bucotno so ncciiiloinod in tills honor ulon to 100 boys dn things ovuiy day and hoar hoyu miy tlilngn which no solfroupntlng girl would dn 01 any that wo hum uucoii- uclouly boccnno roloittlled to tho lilou that puilty in tlm ctiso of 11 glil shoulil ho lilghtr lliiiu in hnye hut thoro in no mil found ulon foi nidi nn iduii thoro is uvuty 10111011 why tho hoy should ha ns itont 11 a pnlllt us uiodost as ill ghl hoys should novor ho nil owed to tliluk thnt tlioy ore pxcuuablo in doing things or buying things that would ho unfit fur their ulstois to pnitlolpato in lloys r na rod with thlu idou in tbolr iiilnds aro 11111 oh tnoro apt to 11111u0 good ninn tmooobitful bnilnohb uion honlthy moo than tlio hoys that mo allow d to in dulge in con no cnnvorantlqu nr ijuoh- llonnhle rocrontliini tlio hoy uhoutd ho on gnod terms with his 1 no th or ho should ho a ahum ulih hla niothot if pnuulhlu hor bunultlvunori nnd fudlngs con antnlug ipiosllous of morality should lat lui purl oil lo hint us much iib pnu- ilblo tin n whun thu hoy ooumii in lontnot with inilo boyc who hnvo not boon nn rem oil lie will do nbto to soo foi hliusulf tho fully und degradation nf hnmurallty wo aro iiwntu thnt thlu is idanl but this is iho btandaid that ihnuld con htnnlly ho kept hoforo tho pnrnul m11u0 thn liny uu clean and niodout aud lospoctnhlo and idwdlont as tho ghls are tlioro is no ruason in tbn world why tlioy should not ho thore ib ovory reason in tho world why tlioy uhoutd ho hut it ib upon tho fathnr liinlnly that the rearing of tbn hoy depend if thn fnthor ho a good innn n gontlo ninn n nutn who llkoa ilfo nnd uinkea iho lieat tiao nf life a man who iibb not forgotten how to bo n liny nnd bow tn piny with boye a innn who like fun bub tnfanu a borlniis vlow nf life hi gone rah the boy will scarcely nooil nny othor liutruottoii thnn nesoolatlon with his prlior the hoy naturally oimilatob thn father tho nirmnullno qiiulltlea of thu imy licgln to develop onrly mul oven during infancy ho boob in tho niiiicullno portion of tho family trulls thnt nttrnct him more thnn fomliilno iraltu thoro nro sumo thlugo tho hoy can toll his ninltior naslor than he onn tell hla fnlli or thorn mo othor things that tho boy ami toll hla father hotter thnn ho can toll his tunlbnr thusscd la tho lioy who has both ralhvr nnd mot hnr who mo npprnnchnhle who mo uy input hollo with hla phases of gimvlh who nro rondy tn fntglve nml piitlont to bogln ovor 11 gain if the boy ban not found thoso things hi hla fathnr nnd mother lb will bo very doubtful indeed if tho hunitayralioot or ohiirolu hie dajbiibnol 11 r leuuhor will lie iiblo 10 supply iiibiobb a talh op tunnvbon ton n y son wos onoo diluting to n filond bn thn ohaiiiibor a pipe hoforo break fait it im tho must delightful auioko of tlio tiny bfthl ho yea yoa roplhwl his fi lend tho first sweet pipe nf the nwaknuod hard i thartihy making n roennalruiillnu fioiutonnysona own words needing iho thnngo of but onn vntvnl llnr jmjis wvokly iiahold uahad champion ilm old ive lookudiill over for yon 1 wanltoiibk you boiiinlblng thi ro wiih nounnwer fiomthu hiond bhnuliloroil ilm lybollt youth guxlug thoughtfully through tho high school inflow mid tho youngm boy pulloil hh shiovo haiold whats ilm mntiorp aro you sick f i hollo diiiklnal nbk f should uny 1 nntl j a boll imig ut this moment mid hnr im ibirauddid tlmros tliksiguul for cbtauou walk bomowlth iiioaltoi school nucan lull mulhin what you in tha hlill tho two hoys scpirulod philip dorkliis wau a fraahmnn p harold uufo wn 11 senior in loaalhan lliroii luontha hniold would finish his high achon course that is ho would finish provided ho proved himsolf lqunl to thu study rfiiilrod of him hotweert tho probont time and thu nml of 1ohrii nry tuilh to toll hjuiild had given hlu studios llllli consideration of latr and football hiukot hnll and otlioi spoi ts a good ih ul 1 ho was captnlu of tin moklnloy high school roothall train bonldt a bulug the ohnuiplon idhluto of tluislliool thu loauou for haioldu unwonted set loiisimus wits explained by tho fact hint im lessor ilouly iho piiuclpal bad nccoutod bhn in thu lower ball that morning nnd biil reiptosti d hlin to atop into his ofllco what tlm pilnclpal sub iiplii not bo rcpiulod t hiiftlduntto say tlmt it convhilld haiold bo must glvo 1110111 ulloutbui tn hssnns if ho hoped to g rail mil o at ilm time bill thlu of rourtto was ills hopo and nuo tlmt of bis piuodtu tho profeuams riinilinkr inul roino on lop of not only a basket hall gitmn and a iiinuliig uiattih urboilulid for thu near future but 11u0 011 top of an important totter rocolvod by haiold that morning tlm letter was from the uiunagni of a rbninploii wcbtorn high sohool foinhall team nod was in the nnturo of it clinl- lungo fui n gmmt to tnku place throo wuiku imnci tho challenge was an iiuduubted honor slnco the wustornnra wcio oiucu pbi trs und was nhd un usual slnco thn footbult season bad pi not ically cloned with tho thnnkv- giving game ill foro coming tosohoul harold hud decided thu challenge mint bo accepted his intel vlow with pro fessoi lleaty nnd hu iiwauonod can- srlonro put a d i if or 01 it fuca nn tho mntler uut ive no tight to disnppolut tlm boyu hy refusing harold argued with hhnuuir and cnrmclonco rtpllod 1 youve no right to disappoint yoin paiunts nml ynur principal nnd to loner jour standmd hy fulling short of thu high watut tuntk you sot in thu be ginning it was dlflloult for harold to conenn- tratu his mind on lessons thnt morning und bu was glad whon school was dls tiilusod ho found philip awaiting him at tho door and tho two sot olf tn gnthui down thostioot at first t hoy talktd about thu baskolball praotlooof tlm day bo foro but piobontly harold lapsed into silence lwlco philip look ed up wondcilugly mid twlco ho 10- firtlned from aponklng iinin tha day yeaia buck that harold iind dofondeil philip fiom mi older lad who was bullying hi in tho laltoi bad regmdod harold ashlu hero to philip hnrohl was tho embodiment ot all that was strong nnd oournguuiip feurlubsiiud uptight hny harold p philips volco broke into tlio si ion co ut last all tight phil fiionwuyhurold said 1 ecu i ling himself with nn elfort what wiib ib you wore going to toll 1110 about p llti thnt thlonsmi nlyulr i was uilutnkou i hud tho iiuulltni is wbotboi its hist to call up tlm thing now luu gone out of throngonu inhid and open up the nlfulr again nr let it lost own up to thronbon phil tlmta tbn tight thing to tin yunii not fed half 11 man unless you do ye thnly how it is i suppoie mild phil adding in n hurst of grati tude mingled with ttdllihutlnii you always help n follow tn soothlnga right hnrohl thats hecanno you always do right yourself i reckon ill go back to th ron so n now mul have it dono with no llino like tho piosont time you know walking on alone philips words mug in harolds emit neonusu you always dn 1 ight youruoir hut i do iii almijmih night myself i wish i did be said hotly hero i mil planning in gn bnok nn father nnd thoprofesbor nnd thn tight ibis very inlnntol a moment bttei bo net hlu shoulders oil night mid walked with a quicker flimoi vlp ihltii dunppnlnt the hoys iibiiut t im hull giituu thnn 1 uu any iluk hiie goon foi extra hnuib old man midnight oil if nnod he and now his old tunllo was on hu fnco and im saw thu path stinlghl for his tread log hu wondered thnt hn bad fur a moment quitslhuiod with hi nisei t ha wau thu harold oaio oliamplun hut im was ohauiplun foi tho light now his huu t was light nml nuoof tlm boys im uutl called out 1 hit huuk liiuim again imveiit you f yeu wan tho laughing answer wont liny of 111 bo aorry woolly art piuhilnhm llmlnuton the ihtstia- tor fi full ti nni a wuslot 11 tt lp on which ho hod been making a study of indiana and cnwpuuoliore und things nittdnum met 1111 nrt editor who insisted upon dnigglng bhn up to nn exhibition nf vry linproeslonlstlo plntlirei you dont buom enthtishiatln rn iiuuktd the edllov na they wore com ing oul didnt you 11 kn thomp keiuluglun temeiiitierlng what ho had hoen told ai it boy couutvd ton he- foio lepljlng thnn 1 llkneinl hayl ivoguttwrniialdeti itunib in now itoohrlla hint nun knit hottor plot tiros ibnu thoiol hvery ihhlyumagnkbie twenty vh ah ago jim h ilvutlou auny mtd their filiuuu pic nb in moores grote tn- mnrrowtjueiins lllithday a lnwu hor 11 1 at uhos 0 motnos to morrow ovenlng knox ohuich hoilal ut i mc- mllhma thu ovenlng mi alex record is adding u imiv vdinmbih und otlmrwlro linprtivlng his residence nn ilowor avpntilt on hunday tlm llltlo tty yearold hniglitpi or mr w p tjniopboll nf main h root ill olf a table audi fiaqlnreil bur ridlm- bone j mr j 1 a hpoght lias lomovud tho paint shop next tlm tdacksiiiith shop na the street to a now foundutlon nn the edgu 6f thn pond this will fonder it ninro coitvunlent a limn in oronguvlllo hns been fined 91 wtfur spitting tobucfo in tho post 11 ii i re mm thou poriyman non suatuln- il a fiiilture of hor ilghl urni ns well as other minor injutlib on filday innrnlng at tho mill hlroot crossing of tho j t it him was returning homo from lulng down imvn and as thu 11 oclock express was coming in it ib lhuuulit sbo uiuimu bewildered nnd lut lliilod and wau utiiick by the iteps nf one of tho rm a fjho hns mi if 1 red iihilii hut is gradually recover- lug utait kmnm nelthci of the ibsuoh of may 2nd 01 olli have hoen to- celved three copies recuived hy my father en myself silica april 1st hnvo boon iiimkod mlssent to btrnshiirg krniiioua nnd ihlshane reepaotlvbly thiru must have been giosa ncgligenco sninewhere as strahnno was cor rectly nnd distinctly printed on thu label yours olc j h v willi our complete system nf mulling tho prliittd nddrosr nppenrlng nu evoiy copy in plnlu type there lu no reason why pnporu should go nulrny wo hope tin imiio complaints nf ibis kind will lie noccubsiiry editor a gang of enrpuutera nro romodulllng tho 1 t it btnllon nnd umioxos aftoi all tho station will ho n pntohod nlfulr neither tho station uorngonts ronldonco nro niuijuato tn their to- qui re incuts and tho old lint racks should bo replaced with n handsome now depot nml a conifortublo robldoiioo dotachod mr mckengue of wollund wna n giuiit at tho manse fot n few days this week tlio marriage of mr notion martin und miss mary danny daughter of mi hoht denny nil of ilrln town ship was followed hy thu do pur lure next iluy nf tha young couple tor ibo city nf vancouver ii 0 their ninny filumls lo this vicinity join in con gratulations und host wishes for imp pi n una and coiofoit in llulr far west home ijuhnoti may hh at ibo molhn list iuiuonago wioxetor tnuevmul mrs a h smith a son maiihiuo martin denny noted above huv jus wakci hookwnod onlolnting dmnin ihilllnufud on mny lhlh hirnh daughter of mr oeo hnssoll ngadlll yours mid 0 months thb lack in womens livc8 a writer in ibo atlantic munthly urrccswllh tho general opinion hint hid maacullno halt of mankind hns con siderably tho heat of ilfo hut adds hint tho question which of womans alleged dlmdvnntngea hns operated the most sorloualy ngiilnst horp lu nno of indl- vldiml opinion for mysolf sbo writes living ns i have dono in a vilhtgo of small ilxo nnd few diversions thn thing i have re sented most hns been nnd in tinw that it lu unt possible thnt it bnb never been possible for 1110 to hlu ino with my tnon folk tu tho vlllngo store or tn thu elioninnkoia shop or tn tho railing nf tho old creek bridge overy o onlug nf my ilfo nnd talk tukn those man folkjif mine i in tho pauses of gossip and of ynrim tlioy huvo 11101a or loss thoroughly exploit ed tnkn it tha yenr round overy ovent nf importanoo thnt hns occurred nn the face of tha earth during tbolr etillro llvesi and oohons of tho pint and porlonta of tho future have not lieon lacking horo tlioy havo fmged their hollufa nml hero thny hnvo norved theinsnlvcs to notion no wondor i hnvo envied thorn 1 nothing llko it ovor onmo into the ilfo of any woman slnco tho world began it couldnt you know there has not boon time things at homo hnd to hu looked after even if thu menfolk did bunomo p ittluts and heroes tbn bal lev had to bo horn nnd roared ami fed 1 iho food hmlyo ba piepjired thu dishes washed tho clothes made unit mended tho hoimo looked nftor anil nil other jobs dono that nobody wanted tn do thin ymi will admit litis taken tltno lots of lime nil tlm time nf nluuteenawontletlib nf nil tlm women wlm hnvo over llvod sumo 0110 biiya ami although i mu the hist tu suggest that it huu turned out no badly either for tbn woman or for tlm race iho bus lenred i must yol insist thai as n rule it has hewn dull for the woman oppobbd to ulano donald had honn to hiiiidtijf school niu on coming home was asked wlmt ho had loin ned tlm lesion was tlm atory nf joseph and tlm sinoll lout unt whs evidently very full nf his- stibjeot oh ho uiild it was about a boy mid i l hrolhera took him null put hint in h hold in tbn ground 1 and tlimi they klllnd minther imy auir took the llrat hnyu omit mid dipped it hi thn hlnild nr this hoy nnd oh no dun aid nob minlhor buy i his ulster interrupted hut rifled hut itnnntd stood ids ground it wuu ton ho insisted tbun im mtded tho toucher snltl kid but 1 dont uan words llko unit womnus ilnuio hninpaliioit fur mny the rjtiitthtlooh lip tlmt ii youi fialiu doui lout going nut ilm dooi t oh imuhuuii living limn tor siivni yeni or morn i in hmdoosulmsnodeip ho bus no time lo fiot with little ghls hntkeiii uphopowoh iimot hlin yetl that is youi oiolbei donr juat gutting in tluxur him known that yon uio beio aud also wlio you uu i hut whiit with lulu to uiret and brldgu to play you si it with hnni u so sliort and fit j hhnil tin mid you oei to wv nut there invdi at dont frit r let those blue eyi a blur homo time i know youll get acquainted loo with hoi why irfniutlinoij in the night when angels vigil kmili hhoasus if youre all right and when you went to sluep i i think youd llko them both i think theyd both llko yon hut what with higher growth and many things to do i lieyro simply rushed tn death hut there my dear dont rry if ihuv ahould stop for hreath well tnueb hioin hy and by j w iolny in iho new york tlm us what a hoy should know a hoy should intimately know thn kngllsh hi lib ho should know it na 1 1 torn t uro qulto aside from us religious teaching iio should know it from having had it lead to him fium hie lailleut yeais nod from rending nnd studying it foi hlniseir under tblsj bumn kindly home intluence mid with the sauio tnctful personal liitrodiicllon every boy should hnvo an opportunity to know thn worlds great storlos hubiuhou crusne nnd gullivers- tiavl- tho hwisn rimlly itohhl- souaiid thu pilgilmb iregiesb a mind will stuied with poetry nnd a luslo cultivated to the love of tlm heat is a liiubtiro to u hit io give this seems so inwy if the homo interest be gin enlly it only requires n wide awake hoy tn become possessed of those hooks tho public library lu access ible to very miiiiy whether tlioy live in vitiligo or city thoro mo nuo very chuip editions of most of them whloli may bo gottiu tho difficulty bow el or is not hint hoys do not hnvo a chance lo eocuro then hut hut tlioy mo too nfton llko tare plants left without any nltuntton no onn sug gests to them the real pleasure in nn occupation whit h lends tn inch know ledge ns host fits thelt growth it la not btiuuge then that in nno very hnpoi taut souse tho hoy is loft to grow wild tlm common seme way la for each boy to keep his eyes whin open mid tako chance that brings a suitable hook within his reach always bo mny tuku up the scripture nnd its recoidu have for generations charmed not ulonogiown people but ibo child ren too tluviuw of kevlowb cauohttiibm all around a moslem inter spoke to his people one ilidny from thu nnlplt in tno mniket place peoplo what shall i preach to you about today p wo dn not know tlioy replied well it yon do not know i bhnll not toll you and down ho en mo fro in tho pulpit thoro wus 110 sirtnon hint hnhliatli the nixt wink tlm old inquiry waa inado and the peoplo rejoined wo know when ibo royal preacher baiii if you know you do nob need 1110 to tell you and ngnln nn abrupt close tu tho services tho third wot k ibo peoplo were innro wary anil replltd homo of iib know and some do not know and now limy expected to trap tho man but ho was wiser thnn they thought lu tiiniu who know toll thoao who do not know ciimo hla utterance and till people wuro trnppiid inatonil binding bvanoblibtourbdoy zamduk wire aiao heap benefit mrs ilirdlu hlllu jolmaton of 108 christina htrent hum in ont glvcb tho following tehtlniuny nf wluit znm- ihik hu dono for herself nnd her hus- hand 1 homo tlmo ago my hiibbnnd waa touting through michigan on tbn car homldnf hope a a singing evango- hst tlm minister in the car hnd a ami who in unine timntioi onntrnoted a aeiloiib akin disease nnd my hnahand unnwnru nf it caught this from him hn war nil broken out in sores which gavogieat pain and bo tiled first nno lotnedy mid then uuntboi but none of them did hlin nny good when nil else had failed wo filially decided to try v uniluk mid boo if this batiit would succeed in healing thu snrou and stopping the itching nnd irritation 1 11111 ptonssd to say that a fnw applications of ziiiihuk inndo n majked impiovomont and peraover- unco foe n blunt thnn with znmhuk elf 00 tod u complete cine about the suinii tlmo sores alan in nkn out nil ovor my bnok and s pi end iapldl until my hack soomod mm big soiul tills was very painful mid its ziuilliik had piovod so honofl- ulnl for my huwhiiud 1 dutormlned lo give it nnotlioi lilal my nurao rubbed my bnok woll with nmlluk we oonlliiued with thlu imitinunt nnd lit 11 lenmiknhly shoit time conuldorlng the lorlonsiiosi ol thn ouio my luvok waa unltu cleared or tha nwfnl boreb on still another occasion i bad need tu iibo nmiluk wbllo cooking soinolhlng on the a love i hnppnned to bum iiiyllnger very bitdly i npfitlod ztiui link and hound up tho finger in tlm uininlug tho pnu had censed and thn hut it denied nicely cot 1ui11 dlienbos oraoinn ringworm hhmd polumilng mid nil kinds nf orup- itmm 7niiiuiik ib itlisolutoly wllhoub eqnitl ib nlsn 0111 os outs burns huilsou sprains snrnloies liloora piles halt 1 heiini pt nh le itch elo all druggists nnd stores relt nt ftoa a box nr postfren from zuinuiik on to- rnntn for pi lee

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