Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1909, p. 2

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at ml ultvih- vt in urn day may lit u jhtun iciiiao onhallltday may h iinumt lay 11 lit kit aiiihonid nanafawaya on alay ulflijlm allln i uej qt v 111 111 tlulili mnjlll n lulli wwr i ml til tilaiiwlllla ikai ilia family i viii tiiaattay ill monday fill in auadlllt lay m llovni- l llraiml mil itarhlx yr manna u llav unluirlilnylr l co pbi mii- u ilia iixldmiiia w ii liitellht mary on lltllt iwirua tumiuinl of m thursday may 31 1ikk isditonial notuh at iho imigtliik uf rlllvoim liultl in tlio town liu on frlilny iiiunlnif to llucum tlio uhulillity at tn id lift n votti in locul rtplimi in hie nmr fiiluro nll tho lofinl nihiutora hum forwfuil and nimmmccri tlinitibulvqu in full ymnathy niu tlmrit vna no liualutlim on llio nut of lliu imdlci wulitint nny nppoiiliift vntou in ndoptliig tlirt roaolutjun to jirucimtil 1 comet own hornl1 p tim notion of dm nmiiu nirotliik of cltlunna on monrtny uvonlnif nn llio iiifblioil of tlm al visibility of inking dollnlto notion for tlio nljolltlon of llw in aoton by tlio pitiinijo of n loent option bylaw wnn vory tlbcla ivf tim lurtfo imiulifr of cltlxfiiu proicnt worn praollcully urirmliiimia in voting for tlln rcholutlon tlila wno pnroly noltlzonu uinotlng cnllod liy n roprtieomtiitlvo cominittrn of cltlxom and ita notion will curry muoli wolfllit in tlio ciwiipnljfn whkli will now i nrffnnlod in dofliilli nttd aggressive form bomb obbbnvationb aoton for local option i lqcul option for acton i thnt wab n fine inootliip on muuiluy night mr hnnnco la no imclt niiniwr ah a paakor on tills ijuoation ho is mnoyrato ronaonnlilo forceful and convincing wasnt lio rosomcoful nnd tnctfiil unddr avory trylnp expflrleiicp wlion tlio ilgtita wont out p ftomo people woro renriy to mnmu tho liquor pnrty with complicity in tlmt occurrence jurluli tlin lliouglit in aoton i tho like might occur in loorgotown tho nuillonco wah clthor anxious to hoar or oxcofdliigly well liolmvod during tho long period of darkness until lamps woro hronght from prlvnto houses should not our town hull commit too make provision for immodlato rallaf of inch emergencies v a few oil lamps ailed nnd trim moil would innuo snfo wicrvp didnt dr gray aurprise youp is iwlngaaked his lloodgnto of orntnry poured out with no uncertain sound oiil hell iiavo to be reovu yet tho clmlrmnhh roforouco to tlm flnu hotly of young mon forming tho choir iwhlnd him can sod soma nmiieomnnt inongat tho half doxen allvorlialrod songsters in tho group however tlm choir wab n good fa a tu ra of tlio occablon nnd aboiild bo mado use of nt fulur functions church fodoratlon if not ohiirch union found practlcnl oxproaslon on monday night all ono body wo some of tho surviving veterans of by gone temperance campaigns woro evidently renewing their youth with tlm resident pastors bo full of flni nnd fight tho m lidos t forces in the oliurohes should do things while overy thing went swimmingly tlila local option business nooda to bo wall thought out for one thing pro vision will imvo to ho niado aomowhero for adequate uptodate public ncconv modatlon homo any thla cannot bo dono with out the bar other some that it can nd liaa boon done in iota of placoa 1 atippoae it depends on tho man who undertake it altogether thla was probably a meeting making for history and i nm glad i went and aean abaorvor unoli- hrved would fnln glvo my impresslona acton wants local optiot a ii ii at oil a no 10 in brntimmnl nivi in a hmrf liulmy innr ipuuiiitiituti gmluulng nf iltlyiuih tisseiiibhd to dlumihm it qimutbui of gen eral loloifiil thou ihut of monday uviinliig in llio town ball tlm incntliig was nailed by the oltlflnu cuiiiullli uliloh mmh rtppolnted by tho ailouu ibiiinhou in town the objiit of tlm imtlug was to rniidldfi hi atlvlaalilllty of imiiigu- tiithig a i nutl option niinpiilgii tat aittiii tin- iittimlitmi timitl iho ciipiu lt- of lliu hull the i1j t wiih iiinul nbly dlwciihutd in all its luiirlngv by mi v h hpiiiu toumto who in piri imps tha best iufoi mill limn upon the hiibjuct of til n gn nt initial qiiintlon of tempcranco in tanntla aj the con clusion of mi npituceti iiiauturly nib ilress in which tho suhjupt of iiilhi optloif kb i elation to thu prettiit lfruiiuf litw anil irs siiliillltj nvur other iiiraaursh was pieuoutld in logical and convincing unity tho clil- uns wero invited to vote upon tho q uoil i o of oigiinlxlng fur n inrtil option cnmpnlgn ftyl they voted ill- nidst unanlmoiiiity h favor of tin reso lutions tiiitio wnuio uncuitiiln uoifnd as to tho tenrjior of the peoplo upon 111 i ifuiiti hoforn thein cluct bundaybotlool convention a union convention of halton county and nelson townahtp sunday bohdol aasoelatlnna will lie hold in tho methoillst church lowville on thurs day may a7th mlaa clarn pavldson the prealdont will take tho chair nt 180 in tho afternoon in addition to papers and aildreaena by local workers aildroaaaa will ih delivered by iluv 3 w magwood o a onkvllln nn reaent day flnndny school nocou- alllos hy uov g w arnold h i guelph on adult illhlo class work by mev fl v ilryee toronto on ualntalnlng interttst in tho hundiiy sohool thorn will bo h plcnlo lunch between the afternoon nnd ivonlng aesslons kvery school in tho county la entitled to send deleguleu onb bad hi8takb in rveausntly hade by the wliut qf aoton peopla ite m aerloua mistake to neglect baoknehe haekaoho la the first symptom of kidney ilia katnl coin- plloatlona may follow iloottia kid ney plua not qnlakly to overcome kid ney 1mb do not delay until too into it may moan diabetes or ilrlghta diboabu raail what a llramptati resident soys you can obtain hooths kidney nils in aoton at urowva drug store mrs kllsn henry of john st rrampton out anya i my ami used booth kidney iiiib and pronounces them fine he atiltnred from a kidney irregularity hiiokanheu nnit pnlna through his in unfiles and htiths boothe kidnoy illln did him iimmo good than all the other mined ion he aver tiaed i nlao nsod this remedy and found in it a good tonic liwjgor- ator and back atrengthoner w nro glad to add out endoraeikiont to lhli valuable kidney and bladder regth hold hy dealers price 60 cents tb r t booth co ltd port krlu on bote canadian agents shot lly nftci jlght oclock kuv j c wiihom ii a utl he chair uv ch- plnlnud that tlioliioetuigwao not call- odnt tho whlin of a few self appointed parsons but hy tto oltlonu coimiill- tco ortlclally itppolitted tho viuldua chnrclioi it is thuroforc ho said n luuoting called by yourselves to discuss a very importtuit uintloi which con cerns oveiy citizen the large main choir of thirty voices with mi a t mnnn as lender nnd mi w h ohlahotiu pi folding at the pin no snng all iiaii tho power of jesus name and i lev g w uarker led in pmyer tho ohnlrninn then invited any per son who desired to reply to the nddresa mr hpeiicn wna about to dallver to tnko n seat on tlm platform nnd nn opportunity would hoglvon him tlioro wna no response mr hpeuco wna thonfntioduced vory felicitously by tho ohnlrinnn ho ox- proaied grfrtt pleasure nt being in acton ngitln nnd tnklng pnrt in tho cnmpnlgn in tho good old county of halton wlinro so mnuy vlctoilea had been won in tho prist on tompernnco lies at tlin outset in rovlmvlng tho history of thla movement dining the past eighty yenrs ho said that after more than thirty yonm of contin uous porsonnl effort mealing xvilh sue- ceases and failures ho mil nn nltsoluto ti nil in it id unwavering faith in the tiltlntatn success of this groat tempor- anco reform of which tho present local option ibsub la only n link in the clinln in n clenr fonlble logical nnd falr- aplrltod nddrcsbof morn linn nn hour mr hpence then presented in a most interesting manner tho nnture hlstnry ediicntlan effect and progress of llio movtnieut nnd proved that stead ily surely bit by bit public opinion s growing stronger and stronger against the liquor trnfllc wo nro wiser to day ho said because of tho mlatnkea mndo in tho past nnd out of nil the oiporlancos of tho past wo havo today 1 a wiso inw on tlio statute books i 2 public opinion behind the inwj ii tlm right kind of men behind tho ontcr- prlso tjtntlatlca wore then given showing the rnpldly growing aentlmont in favor of banishing tho bar in now zealand australia norway and sweden finish whom all liquor bottloa nro irtlwllod poison and lisarthaomlilam of tho skill nnd cross bones i finland iceland groat ijrltnln whom 2wq fowor licenses wero issued laatyonr nnd 110000000 loss spent in liquor many nt tho statoa havo deolarod far prohlhl tlon more then half tho onllro country being undor prohibitory laws in canada every pravlnco la onnotlng local option ontario has rodttcod tho number of lloonscs from 01 ha in 1b7a to less limn 2000 in 1000 in tho aamo time hnltou county hae reduced its number of licensee from 0a to 17 tho evil offoat of the liquor truffle was emphasised nnd tlio groat financial iubs pointed out upnn n vory inw basis of calculation it was shown that aotana tltreo bare take in annually 918100 nnd give nothing of value in return in ninny cusrc lio said tin grocery bills are low iwcauso tho liquor mils nro high if tho bars nro closod tlm money now spent there will go over tho counter into the tills of the innralinnts and trndesmun llunl nosb in ou all over tho country are now lioglnnlng to any i wo cannot afford to havo such large suina of money spent in liquor while in many store hills nro remaining unpaid tho uiornl side was nlso very vividly por- unyod in concluding his address mr 8 pence showed tho groat improvements nf local option over any previous meus- uie and pointed out that thoro la nothing good in the present lloonsn law which la not in the local option in ensure nnd what u had in tho license inw wo nil desire tn got rid of some or tlio points of aupoilarlty nro i i it is abuoliitii prohibition there are no letnll nor wholoanle lloiiiceu u itu oonstltutlnnalily a beyond question ii it is removed from tho realm of politics for hntli the liberals nnd he coniorvatlveu supported it in die bouse 1 it la brought into fnroo upon a better voter list the people who vote ou miinjalpnl matters nnd urn most interested in loonl affairs nro the people who vritn on local option a the woineti who nro municipal voters imvo voto on this measure and who lire muni interested in tlm closing of the linru limn the women p fl the pern mew for violation lire morn severe klrat olfence not les than vi00 nnd may be u00 or three months in ganl nt hard inhor sjoond offence four months in gnol nt hard inhor without option of a fine third offence twelve months in gaol 7 there are nn disputes altout fluov tlin government officers are empow ered to collect them fl theres no dlapiite about enforce litsnt the provincial law and nil its machinery la put in force u kvldenco la much more easily l ibtilliitid and moie i iiuohislvo vluin hscinid at hie diiiiliiiliui cf mi hjieiueh add it was iuid lv im oniy mxmtlid by hem v liliiilell and kmnlvnil unit in hie njtil f hit itli ihi nf fliin inuiiiulpalily of anton heio aseinbled the time lina ooiiiu whnnddliillomitlon dimild lie i il n foi the abolition of tho bnia in hih town by passing a lhiii1optliu lly law and wn heieby rei niiimeiiil that steps lie taken nt onio to nigani the eltuillh willi a view in the uuciesuful airy log of the pinpoint hy law ii tliay unld i tte inivii just hutoiied liminn f llit iui hnlnl impoi taut and nm eliiil itiblieuueh i have evei lieiiidiui ihequislhin we ul nil einenibei hint we have obtiilued nil oui lllieilles hy nintests lonk over the pagohomiiiitoiy all mil pnlitbal nil mil loligloiiii and iiiuial pilvlleies have hi en sinned in ihlx way if tut will take up this question nnd light it uu wo hate in past ias wo will lie well ahta to di ivo mil thebai iiid fifteiminl wonder why we oier tnliu- tiled it wu niiiy hniiopiosltlniiiiil nothing puts us uu iniiv lueltlo betdr tliap tippohltlou if you say we should havo local ophori we liiii have lt and with lliu ekuillnih iihubliliiy now pio vldetl it will pi me iv gteal adviime fiver the badly nhuirvul lliulnte law jin vxpiilem e in the piint has been eilueatlounl the objuct nf this iuiii log was to au ei tain from you wlielliu- wu shall go on wlhi hie cnmpnlgn in biippiut of tho bylaw prnpoiiuil i spenk dtiougly and i do no henuibd i luive hud tikpeileiilit with n similar law the oi then ekplalued the satlsfactoi y results of tho juhipliuu of a law pro hibiting halo in ontnilo california where he was at one time a leuldunt and at iii retains propoi ty humiiufuo toty was the result that ueilibmlng towns which had licenses li 1 the bars out nnd they woro all prospering nnd the inw is nn absohitoauccuss we can do tho same here ho said it is nbuurd to any tlueu bars can run this beautiful town of acton the chairman gnve an oppoitunity for tho propounding of any question relatlvo to the law or its operation but no questions were asked tlio resolution wnu then put nnd it was almost unanimously carried by a standing vote only thico or four falling to voto nnd when tho negntlvo wns asked for no clluon voted nny hov mr kollomnn hi a few wo i- ciiobrii words said that ho felt acton wna going to ho ono of tho heat towns in tho country nud ho wab prepared to do nil ho could to accomplish this the mooting was then ri quested to fleet nfllcers nnd committees to carry nut tho resolution they had adopted the following wero elected piosldontitov j o wilson il a vlco proa uov k p icellsmnn n a secretary h p moore tren surer dr gray committee with power tn appoint subcommlttoeu uov joseph gott henry gilndoll james l warren w j chnpiiiiin from tho ilaptlst church i hov it p kelleman fred nutley jay oarnnlmu nnd l durstnn from ht allmnu church jtov 1 c wilson john cameron hugh wallace j ii hood from knox church t uov g w uarker john h colemnn a t brown il v moojr from tho meth odist church a cordinl voto nf thanks to mr p s sponco for his nddresa wna moved by j ti colemnn nnd seconded by w s ohhdiolm the services of tho choir nnd messrs mnnn nnd qlbhons who snng n duet woro reoognlied with nn appreciative voto hy dr gray nnd john cameron tho mi ding closod with tho nation- al nnlhem nnd the honcdlollon by tho clinlrmnn any person who drinks i3a ten nud onco tnstus oo hatndii will sue that it 1b not only finer in flavor but mint ns ono pound mnkoh many more cups it la economical to use any intelligent poison can mnke some easy money nud not interfere with other business particulars free prof marten 81 carolina st uuiyvto n v no rouble with ann lift hi soap juat follow tho dlrcctloiih on tlio i wrapper r d sunlight does the rest coat i little doe much never injures iinnda or clothes nalbaoawiova mis duvld llojoa nultiiid nrjiniwlir- jurlim ihrougu a jimuway in guelpli liint lililay innriilng hlin wan ualk- lug ileal the iiiiukliimiuistiiel iiouhlug win nut dalueivhoiiaj shied at u pa- slng tiain and inn lignhist 1ioi knock ing hoi ddwiiand tiainpllng ovei hi i the old lady slhtnliiiid n misty wound in tho uralp nt ho buck of ihehthid ami one mm and hg weiu badly biulstd its well its minor bruise on dlltoieiit pints of her body she la also sulferlng fi mil tho sovni e shaking up and shot k to thouyuem wlilpli may have seilciuu t- sults the monthly meet lug of tho muulun circlu of icboiu me chin cli last him day evening wan of more t bun m dlnai y in terest there was n large congrega tion mlaa cnlveit presided and the progiammo she had prepared breathed forth tho ruobpliit of mod urn mission ary thought nnd inspltntlon appro prlnto hytiitis weiu sung by the choir nnd uotos by miss llei tie smith acton nnd master joe u li j 1 ironto miss calvert gavourondliigon sybteiu- nlle glvlnn nnd stownrdsljlp nnd miss wilson ono on n childs gift mr ii p moore of acton dollvcicd a helpful nddress on tlia work of thu laynmns missionary movmnont which contain ed much interesting information nnd inspiration mr john mnrehnll closed the progrnmmo in n brief nddresa pointing nut the privilege now offered to nil olirlbtlnn pooplo to iiavo a shnrv in thoovnngolljtnunn of tlio woild in thla generation nassngnwoya circuit inscolilrlhnted to missions this year sjlll n liirrenso of 830 over inst year if the weather keopa dry thia wcok the seeding will ho well finished in this township lever lumbers toronto will send you free n cake of their famous plantol toilet ioap if you mention this jupcr acton hand laukdry lonne b kltwin llai piirchaud from i clave ilia laundry buiineaa and will glvo it bla wholo lime ind atlrntlon tho formor nronrletor will re mn in for a month o fjlvo lull inmructlona in tlio fine art of imindryinfj which baa made his work so lailifaciory all work niiaranieoa salufactory your continued patronvyo reircci fully sollcliorf a trial ib all i ask w gimson painton papbn hanoun pioturb prahbr bto begs to inform tho ladies of acton and surrounding vicin ity that ho has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices kight also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissoragrohirdfurni turo repaired shop mill street acton 0ppoll william lkery r little digesters positively cure dyspepsia promote digestion money back if they fall lo cure al 11 druull or illrcl from 2bc a box coleman medicine co toronto the use or good fetter paper box fpari 0o to 9100 bulk papers obo pound good raphr u always accapled m an indlcnilon of refinement in 1 lie person whn umi it ii need not tie hlfth priced but shoum ba well chosen in fact if you select your utlonary irom our new block of papers ymi will lie mire of getting e fine quality tor reaifinablecoal e h nixon have a look at our largo stock of splendid buggies in cluding tho famous mclaughlin canada car riage darrlc brantford ml forest and dominion lines ilortcs taken in ex change if values nro right g a black mill st acton cameron moores the 24rth op 7ufky fualniiiit herd ami joil will lm mint to uunl mjinnlhliik fiirnihliiifii or warm wratlmr wonrliik uppuri i uo liavu dcptirlment hluks our lionit ttvllik for tin jt by laying down miwo law lliir i nvi ruij our npollal prii nit hiih wsi k will niabii it r my lot jon union cnrpcl iirfthly nvtihllili yard wulr tliadi r 1 und fawn mvoril ilietniul pci yard ajt tapgsoy carpet- nn lirltnr cartilt inildn at llinprllij than tlllit havu mouuy by iiiyiii ll thin umk ul tcdutrd pilteii 3jl to rhe iq yjid unolcunis two mill four jard 1 wldn 1 pi tlul il ftuni ul ti 171 q nrd mens department nonrly vvfry man wailli ioiik lllijit hi w fr tlio 3 hi it may h a 111 w suit u m w mat utintv colluror a iw llu wo havo tlm lulct krylon in ull of the e uiulcaii navr j motioy nn yunr now suit our man a nnd liny h suitii arc wltineiii heo the ill nuw for tin hlily and wlidbur it 1m 1m jfniia 1 tlia jdotli ami prlcon tunt will lnturt yiuir ladle blouses 9hc ivcry lady nhniild bavr u hhw iiioiim tor tlm a lib and who couldnt ufford it when ynn conlih r thu litlln prkn wo nro auklmv and ilia inn piulity if tho mutermlu jat think of it your lmlt- of linlf 11 tluen fllirrnuit uiimih nihilr l inn lawn and mini in trlmmrd with luce uud iuicrtlnii vory linwt nt mylrn only fjlc muslins th iiiiimlin fir your now ijftmlit hro und u ilia n leant 7orh far the numry wo hv rvcr nikuii yf0 il 3 hid i yard javariafec crcpc clotli thp urwpht tlilnt in wfti ii urahi taatutinn lit all diadeh lirown rcsdu blue tanpfenno etc par yard aftt millinery special 108 k urmi iiuiji mnde of ilraw or fijlfl fuality ninliulr lirulil oil willi ttiollno ttimnilhk itii olllurn liniitlrtilly trimmed willi lower ill our own originut anil individual tyle special uu week t j1 many specials not advertised actons new store new collars abols coat sets etc p hhrris fcq rocksilzood 0nt 1 manufacturers of highgrade woollens especiallv blankets flannels ladies suitings yarns harris co mm sa5- rockwgod 0 qf 0 of gnngq 0b gr b5wi llaj off hmlllob by all who are employ ed the possibility of temporary lack of em ployment must be reo- oghized ttf from nny cause your present employer were compelled si to close down where would you personally stand dependent on rclativo of friend for support or cash ac commodation the prospect is as uninviting as it is unnecessary he prudent and through prudence be independent lay asido irmhe safe custody of a chartered savings bank a small regular sum from your income tho small amount now wasted on unnecessary trifles is sufficient it is remark able how such deposits grow if regularly mode it is surprising the satisfaction that comes from saving and watching the total grow the bank of hamilton is primarily and essentially a savings bank and having established a maxi mum of simplicity and convenionco in this branch of its busi ness it is generally selected by those dosiring a bank for the care of small steady savings an enquiry for the manager will bring porsonal attention to the routino of opening a new savings accbunt bank of hamilton georgetown branch w n mckay aront ilflu amirrttcrliirnld ihoikriv v0h kaik a v ii i t i iiir4ifl ijoijhk wantki ioh mknt wvilkii l found a j 1mb alulhll u i ltm i irlm lluri tn 1 rn llll llal julw67iftw i illffll v ltt ht iinmi tioiri id itu m ir wtivayjtif r n lr h imiivuhu ml i mltlft li wm irnil vt4u blgoils blfioics biggies anf fjtill moflft hudoiks f vi1mi i m v i i p jr k caknokniaavks ml hiihinil vslnk n lo i ff otr h k uv jill 1 nt kmi aia ml lil fitl nr it t hit w wriwaiir iniisimrrt iijuiins uy itu lt municiiaiity of acton court op revision n otitr bln tht ha aral rot i of haitian lor ilia tlllua oi ach ii in li ni i lu ma town hall on mondny may 3it 1000 tfitllr ni toliaar all toinplajaii tgalntl ul all wr r ijcj ii in ilia aul coori j u ichlnhom tu ilil3lliuyolur co c hollow ay tlin firstclass imported lydednlc stallion will uulta lliaaoii of idcoaa follom wadiimur mv uil in i jj oun alalila lot j uli una i r ai noa ocloak ami i loiimul to hi voion lioim aetoo ramaln iidlllonaoolooli lltn 1111 in tlntniuy will irma to ilia ikdiiall houta ooraion ami riitln o nlqlit rrltlajr will isava at h m forlila own habu wliarahawlll rrualu until ilia lollowlnu wad iiruiay alononolaob tarma tolntirio injall ul fab 1b10 vet fur th or patilrtiura lures ihmum 1 sikl mlklullniu co uirjron ami col i actor fordait rionulta draadtoth8tbnd- rd drad traitor with hlah aotlon golden jubilee llkoiwtriliiitkutiitl t b nutwood okiudmt oumi jim oeo wilkii canadian horia show 1003 plrat win nor in claas or glavan will niaku llio icaian nf looo ai followt llomlar may jul lio will leavalilaowntiatila dorrywoai m inxinl in uarr a hotel hirmta vlllt lor uuuii uollllioii lluul ulun for tiiaaila hornby lor noon loordaiown for liliilil vudrjcaai aoton lot nooo oirrinoa lor i illlliliiira lor noon i ion for pildaj cliarteilon for nomi inslawootl ijr tfalijriuy nraliaiii houa hrampton i hia lalu mitllliofollnwliioklfllaymornluf will t cotiiinua1 iliraoob iliar iarmlitliif tlia aliovo ill tho aaaaou lion voi l oil i or oo ami tarma aaa laraa ii jlllnija kustuona iroprlatora 41 h rpgistcred ciaoksoale stallion king edward 0n0 will malia llio taaioii ol 1u0q ai fallowii tbhdayptfhrte aoornolown arilvluu aliout noon ami will in alii iitttit onoji in riuluv irooaatl in pomlnln hotol atatiua ii iha m wt tlia lialaiioo ol ilia iraxin 1m will li a lilt ownatali ui lot iv ird llnr kaqutalnir vorialluraaaiiilmirliuniim imall oanl 1 nicin ullliluh lranilalor notick tochbditon8 in tha hnttvp or tlio eauti or john t drown lta r tha vlllav or aoton in tlio county or halton gentleman daoeaaad notick u linlir qivod imiiuani lo thm 11w hiatal arwliiori am oiliara lit vim oil ma amlnai ilia nuir of j llrnwn wub dkj nil or alimit ilia lavtuitli tlav or naamliar loofl kl rr lw will ilay nf may wft tjj l lfiatil or delfvar lo if j klpnaliliortlia i pflal il i vlllt tlaii and am ami itaanrlihian ilia lull pai i tlm mutuant ol llial idiroi ftnvtli y tliii iirltlaa if lint rurlliar talm unlior tliat afur tlia aalil irooj tn illiirlouio l la miou of tlia laid ila- aamlamoiiitiliatriua amltla t harain vav- mil raoardoiily tulhoalalmaof wliloli ila aliall fcakl i v w adti in ulrator will di i lum for tha aali aaiala or tvjuy i j v t l lartona ol wiioaa olaii u imiica ill mil liavu r oalvoil liy iilin t tlgu lima of mail diitrlbmlon ii j uiinaiul i i is w notick t0lleimt0n8 in tlia mnttarol tha rauuorthomal moom lata or tha vii law of a a ton in tha county or halton villa clark deoaaaad n i imll av iiiirinaiii tn riia lluvlaoil niaiutai of iinurlo mrr tlunlvr wli dial all ormlltor nd utliura intvluj ulaluia hiiii 1i tiaiuu of lm im ttinmaa mnvri wiiu iuimi nil r altnui ilin tllilj jlrtt ilar ofjaiii inn ifa ar rilrul on or lifru ilia uiii lav t itmin lo h mi hy imi rral or dullvr in v j maahliiiion nf id vlllli nfao lillikikiiimt il llallln h linlio isr i n i iiuilorr nf tliu lal vhi ml 1 xtiiiaul ol hi til dvxakfii ilmlr ulirlnun ami aur- u inn i ln am am ilmarlinlnin tlio full iiar- llaiilara of il mr cilaliux tint iairiuul of lliajr aooomiii ami nu natuia of tlio lartiiliiw if an imlil liyiluiui and lurlliar lako untlna llial afinr tllali liit iiniilliimiil lali tlm kuan lib will iiimwihi lo hhiip llinaptilanl iii ilratihtud amoiiu tl m ii hub oiiiliioililjrii iatiiu nuard onry lo ilf olalma of wlilol llior altal inu hay imlle l mttira will lint italian for ill rnlil aatliia nt any iri lltpianr l iaraou ur imraoua of wli iinlliayn liani i uiipii it rlriliiilli jaoii ur ihtnionii of wiinan plvllilliuiiloa ffiafi val iiy tliom al ilia lima or a j alackinko auu tlila urtt day of may iooo mrt

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