Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 20, 1909, p. 3

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wbflwi wall papers window hh ajmsh ah ouhtaijm polkh hordm umo prloa a wall wp oarry th rinaatatook of wind ow uhidm in plain nil fanoy tno all oolora oali in and our took geo hynds juwhmkk acton ftljc fataix 3fvtt rm tiiuimuay brief local items ivhwuiitl in lonklnti uxcrptinimlly wall vlolorlii day nrxl jlfuinltty npult- ho liollriny mnmly wlh bo itrooddny lo plant minlooi rtnilfloiublnk ngw la tho utnu lo t jiiurlnwn in rood hlinim for suinnitr tiia nablunva of lit- ii h fun- worth oblnln lino tlutrihiitotl a ilrot itnd dual dlvlditlwl of fclxly cditu on lho tlollm itoliirtt llclict will hit limitd turn toinornjw until monday rooii to rn turn until thn sfllli at blorlu fata over ull rnlltvnya mr ii v mihitti uddiikoil mm imiiilnl hq union of ci itul pli piotilct in tho methodist church llolkwootl on tito hiindny hclimlii hliaif in tho mlulonuty moviuuiuit the romnlna of pi mctlumn of milwaukee formerly of milton were drought to milton lit at ftntiinlny nnd interred in iiovvob ohuroh cetiiofory nt tho iloyiif ho former tho cuncort iviin hy lho mntlm- ilut chnlr umlir i tit untlorsliip of mui i m thomson on monday ovunlng was an rnjnyublu treat to nil who alt q tided georgetown hern id tho himlnoba nnd of tho ilnlton oil nnd lua cih drill wnu recovered front tho abaft and drilling rontiiiietl bomv d i ago tho blinnihohloni nro n bntigillnu na tivor jlmiiiplnn porry wnuon ono of our high hclmol hoys shot a chicken hawk on bin father runt on tho fourth lino tho otltor other day which in ensured th run fecit nine i noli on from tip to tip of tho wlngfl mr a w km nidi it- hon to n has pu roll a ted the property nt ijniuhouio of mrs iarboiib of iliiffaln tliuio la n oomfortiilito hntiao on tho property mr rnuiklliiiluntnn tinea not inland to rcinovo to unnihoiup nt prnaont john will in jimon of applvhy wiiaiiieblvi1it itioulo hist tluinulay for b ten ling it pair of tuga hnlonglng mr hcotl nvnr hornby juitci laid ho wan drunk when lie stole lho tugo jutlgo gorhnin found him guilty tho conu worn 912 at tlm annual muotlng of tho ouorgotown applo grower aauocla- tlon tlm following dlraotorb wore elect ed i win iltiwmnn v a wilson wnitlininpiioii it o mcotitlough nnd frank j liar her tho asioclnllon lina now h niemhora mr w alglf proprietor of alton wool i on mills which wore destroyed hy flro inst fall in dually engaged preparing to rebuild tho material a on tho ground nnd good headway in lining madu with tho foundation work tli n now ytlllu will ho hugor than tho old uml iil tor t ij nip pud in every reaped at ft recent meeting of tho abii- gravo h nudity hchool nnd upworth longim j f ilrownrldgo was olsctod huporlntondont of tho hiinday school tho following nfllcani of tho longuo worn elected i preuhlent norton n wrlggleaworth i lat vice- prow arthur ruddoll i 2nd viceprow dull nixon t llrd vloeprea it wright i hoc trans geo murdook i orgnubt a k nlxoi uooksfjiful ribld dav iiat flnltirdny anw tho flrt mini- annual klutd day under tho unltod auaplcea of tho public and high bolinola although tho weather wna nob favorable nor tho nttendaneo ui lurga na had liocn hoped for tho gnttioa worn good nnd tho meet wo a flntrnto bucc bh at 2110 oclock lho gnmoa worn atnrtod with n half ntlln run for hnya under 12- of tho ulght or ten entrloa k whlto onnio olf llrit with jno konnudy next in tho tear tlm lltieo bpilnta which followod waa a fiftyyard iiibii open to imlh achoolj it wan won hy arthur pi rat- brook with oladutuno husband in bccond place in tlm uoventyflvu ynrdu for both bohnoln ilia winner wero tho snot a na in tho fifty i hut in the tievontyflvo for hoya under 12 victor oolomnn i canio list with k wltlto close on hu heola androw ohi ten and herbert gnnihlo gob first and second in putting thn weight i but whim it oamo to throw ing tho base ball arthur first brook oar t led off lho pitlin bontlng ills sflcond andrew ourlen hy a good ivon tvet tho half mllo tun eonsutliig of flvo upa around lho ynid wuh won by arthur pit atbrook ngnln hodofoated the other cnntoslnntn hy ooualdernblo inoro limn half a in p it wna nlpand- tuck fop aoooiid hut hertwrt qniiilde croasotl tho lino n good yard ahead of tlm third the atondlng brondjump was wou by arthur first brook with howard oluck aa aoaondi whiln lbs hop-atop- hndjmnp wna onrrlod olf by tawronea dunn with chlahnliu itnnisliaw bub n few inoliea ludilnd the ihreoquurtor irtllocroaa country froin thn sohoolymd to tho liolllng- down ahanty in ilrowns built and back waa eaally wan by rwranoa dunn who oroased tho linn itoforo joe kenuody who wnsueomul attuck the chonl fence a half inlln walk for both achoola whi won hy ii gamble again there waa h light pull fot second place and thin tliuu andy uht ion won the inure tlm gimioi wcr brought to an end with a running hroadjumti which waa won by ilnwnid illnek with fwrnoi dunn aa seooutl news 0i local import wniideitand ibn new moving picture show of tho aetou amuau- tiumtoo in 1 1n building nnxt john- atouoii hardware stort will hn opened to tho puhllfe with thn inlast and limit rflued nloturtia tomorrowovonlhg thai junior lint rmi hula at anieellugat thn pit k nu tin ny evening tint junloi lutau ball i lub orgnulked wl h tint fidlnwiiik ultlitiu hun prei p it lllggtir pnsdrnl- j wallace vloeiiea nt patlcison hoctrembo olnik caplaln a plant mnnnuor c hnimbaw a gauiu is eholei heie on hului- day with pllxabeth street gtielpli blf oardn fakty in ivoaomt at a joint uieuilng of tlm ladles aid hoclely nnd ppwoitli iinguu of the methodist chuiih last tliursday evening it una ileuidcd to nrrnugo for n nmnutcr garden putty in lho park on thtirsitnj i vnnlug hlh july tho ailli iteglmenl hand of ilerllu which waa lho prince of wales body guard bund at lho cjuuliectorcenlennry will ho thu chief atlinclloti thlu mld la oiio of the hast in cnnnda nnd ranks with the illglilandiis xind jiiiiuiih own biuule of toronto mv mark in vanoouvar on tuevdiiy a milton friend it lei veil h letter from win htnrk into of acton in which ha deucrllloa his trip ocrobb llle continent nnd gave blu hn- presslooa uf vnncuuvor 11 o where ha now l until ho reached hrlllsli oolumhln there wns utile ylgn or spring at calgary uiito habtopird mdt for day the mercury stood at seven nliovo ero ho la grontly im pressed hy vancouver ita beautiful situation nnd it womhjrfiil growth having now a population of 1m00 wlilch is expected to double within flvo yean milton champion ilabulldl notop of dltf bmoko btaok tlie lit foot chimney nt tho solo toother tannery of mossrs llenrdmora ac co built about throe years ago hns lately shown signs of disintegration owing to inferior brick o ii paodo of flult the expetb chimney builder who erected tho stack nt tho power hoiiue was brought to town on mon day to inspect nnd repair lho defoctlv e ono nt tho tannery ho found it waa ocriounly cincked for boiiio ihltly feet from tliu top tho top la now being taken down and will be rebuilt by mr dando in tho meantime tho worka nre itoing supplied with atonm from the acton tanning coa boilers prohtable ohrlatlan bervlo ilov ii it home ii a i u general secretary of tho uppor canada hellglotis tract hocloty gnvo very luteroslhig reviews of tho work of tlie society dining tho aeventyblxlh year or ita hlstoiy in tho methodist nnd piesbyleilnii churchea on hguilay hlh i hit thuwoikof theaoclety lu largely among ballots lumberman and miners and baa lioen moat helpful nnd encour aging more efficiently than ovor iw- fore tho dopoaltnry through the ngonts and colporteurs is scattering tho good acod to nil parts of tho dominion bear ing tho glad nteasago in the form of tract card booklet largo vol umo nud tho holy ticrlpturea to ull the above classes last year 6022 copies of tho scriptures nnd 20700 books were sold or distributed free tho support glvon hy the ft lends in acton wua much ap preciated thnan who received euvel- npoa nt tho church aervlccn whoru ho v homo delivered nddrossos tuny return them with tholrofforlnguon the tfnrlug plates of the irbpoctlvo churches next hunday death of an betaamad llaaldant thoro passed away last pi iday nf tor- noon at the family rosldonco fot 22 con 7 naasiigawoya ono of tho most honored yeomen of thin vicinity in tho person nf david black mr illnok had been in poor health for silvern month a in july inst ho had n atlght stroke nnd wns navor nftorwnrd in good health on tuesday of inst woekt a second stroko seised hint from which hn never milled mr dlnck wna itnrn in hcotlaud in lrci nnd when n lad of alx years came with his pnrontu to canada and aottlod in kmuoulng forty years ago next january hi married christina campbell daughter of tho into duncan campbell of nasaa gaweyn nnd they nettled on lho farm where ho died mrs dlaok aurvivob him three chlldron blessed their union two of whom died in infancy and mr john a survives mr illnok wna a sturdy honest outspoken man of tho highest intrgilty uf character and he enjoyed unlvorsol esteem ho wan ii member of knox church acton fot- tunny yours tho funeral on mon day una conducted by his pastor itov j o wilson i a nud interment wna inntlo nt fulrvlow intareetlna brotherhood eervleea tho visit of mr v w thomas loneiul hoorotnry nf thn ilrutherhood of st andrew to ht albanu chnroh last sun day wna an occasion of special inteiest tt tho congregation nnd especially to the young men thn communion eorvloo nt h it m wnu conducted hy tha rector itev mr kollcnian nud wna well nttondod thruu visitors from ouobj wuro present at 10 bo mr thomns nddrosa- ed thn congregation on tho nluis of thn ilrottieilmihl nfbt antliow its scope and its object tho oxtonslon of christs kingdom among men a pro fltablu conferonco wna eomhioted in lho afternoon in the etonlug amuuu brotherhood sorvlco wnu htld thn choir aang special music with splendid effect and mr thomns nddrossed tho people on thu work of tho brother- hood throughout lho world giving interesting particulars of its progress on this lontlnont smith amorlcii groat lliltaln kuropo afiionsind asia kvory whoro ho anltl lho inon are prnyhtg tha spread of christ kingdom wo uied to sing the hymn li ito a mighty army moves tho chnroh of god in k very perfunetmy manner thn nion looked on hi n for mal way nnd the work wna left to thu women and children now ho said tho nion ii very whom nro realising tholr responsibility and tiro taking up their positions nu tho reserves in tho lend after hla addioas thn biotli hood hymn was sung and linen candi dates wnio presented and initiated the junior chapter of hrnthnilinnd hoya whs then oiganlnod with hairy harwood as dhonlnr the loteiestlng proenodlnga of tin day won- conol tided with it htliif hut tender nud elfentlvo address hy thn ileal or in which ho reinlndnd thcuiemiwra of the llrolhfi- hood hint to do tbilr work auueesbrully they must nniiueoialu themselves in anrvlov tiadld joshua uitd his mnn of hi hie tlmsi a fuhklntf colnoliloot it is it xoiiliwhiil u ililliireoliieldeiirti lluu on the nlgbl of the mass mrelliig of tin illlscu tif gtoigtlown to ilu- eusu hiuit option an incipient file oiunind nud the lho bell at lho town litilliiiug out n lie roe nlaiin and nu monday ulght when thu oral option meeting wnu lij pi ogiess lu anton tho eloltrlo cm lent went out of commis sion and left thn hail lit datkuiius just nftei the mauling was nlrely lagun ilav it j dryadalam trrarmnt uiivlt i drysdate m a ii p thn former pastor preached an elo quent set nion to tho congregation nt churchill inst monday nfliruoon hlucu mi drydale retired from lho chtirclu s of churchill ami georgetown hn baa obtained degrees f m a ft inn ynhi university nnd ii i from thn prouhyleilnn olhgo moiuieal he lias just heel npptilnttd iisnoqlitlu minister of ono of thu largest connie- gallnunl cliurchus ht ilt lieslm n v baqussilnbbundhvmohealoonventtoii tlie nitnual convention of pmpirslug hnndiiy hchool association will ho held in tho methodist chinch olett- wllllahi on ii iday oflf runou ami nnd evening lihth may a ery hnlv ml luureiitlng prngrtimnie will bo presented hjieeinl ntldresse will bu delueitif afternoon and evening hy hov j uoss ii p of doviitcumt uond llnptlst cliurcli tmontn tho splemlld bnxpltallty of lho people of oleuv1 uaitia will be enjoyed hy all who attend it is hoped overy school in tho township will be represented by it strong dekgntloti vlalt or knott colletrea lrlnolpal itev dr gaudier 1iinripal of knox colli ge will punch morning nud even ing in icnox chun it uexthiinthi dr gaudier will piestitt hie clului4 of knox ctillego pndowiiikul itonl this vo no rabli theohgicn instil ui inn of whusesplelidid nilotd nil ptn-byteilait- in caniitia la uo justly pnaid la now taking on a new h use of life nnd nglngfor tho iirecllon of linn new buildings in queen- park adjoining the campus of thn uulwrslty nf toron to knox chinch will give dr gatidlur n cordial wulcoimi unit will itinuifoit their iipprechitlii i of the college lie bo worthily lupresrots in a wi practical inn nnor praaohad on lila nlnatleth birthday lnsthundny mi his ninetieth blrlh day hev dr ward rope ono or lho pntrlaicha of tho presbyterian chnroh who now llvts in mo nt real prenchnd a fate well set nion to the congregation of chnlinurb church cluetph of which ho was for nuni ly thirty yum s tho pastor despite his jenra the vein rnhln doctor prenchid ii billing aernuin whkh wns heard hy a congregation llllng lho church to oeiuowlog it la forty yinrs since tho tlootoi went to guolpli nnd to thu p ilnnhe of ihalinois church then tho ougngalion mot lu tho city hall he had taken n prominent plnco lu thn life of thu church until when ho left tho cbnrge chalmers wnu ono of the cltyu leading churches dr wnrdnipo is well known in acton having frequently preached lu knox church in his oailler days mlaa klllmaatera itaolta in oerntany tho port itownn news has tlio fol lowing i diosdon coirespomlent of tho british nnd american lleglster purlin got many says roe pool lug miss jeiiulo killmastui ono of port llownua most gifted it ml accomplished young ladles i hlncero recognition should ho glvon mr harry m fluid for hla pupils re cital lu hotel dunurd on march hlh what wo hoard gavogcnulno pleasure in general acliolnia of mr field dis play tlioio cxqtiisiti cpinlltiob that chnracteruo his own playing though criticism in tho case of pupils recitals should not bo exorcised wo cannot ro fraln froinnnylng hint for instnnco miss kllhunstor stir passed expecta tions shu evinced qualities that go inwards tho making of an nrtlat i thn young lady owns soul technique in general in tor p rotative gifts that augur well for her fit turn career miss kim- mailer la n nloco of mr j c hilt acton j their forueth waddlnat annlvereaiv on wednosdny of last weak mi nnd mra goorgo leslie celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary nnd lho occasion wna a vary hnppy and auspicious ono all tho members of tho family were nt home for thn event excepting harvey who uvea nt ilerkvley in oioy county othor frionds from a distance were mr oyrtth btnlyord of llrownavlllo mr alva htntrord me thomns miss hnunnh stnltord of ouelph mru slbbaltl mrs marflold nud mre gnnihlo of palmorston nnd local relatives and friends including mr and loel loslie mr isaac hnydor nud mlua hoy tier mr nnd mia itoht john aton nud ltov and mrs taylor of ilockwood a most oitjnynblo limn wis spent lu hnppy reminlsnonces nud tha rendering of nu entertaining pro gram mo of songs speeches etc a sumptuous repnst wna lorved many tokens of frlondahip were tondorod tho hrldo und groom of forty years ago finga union jacks oto for tho 21th nt nixons drug store social and personal mic v htnirud of iiiowusvlllii li i i i filemlu here timing lho week mi cliay a g matthew spent lvn oi tin en days in toronto this u ilss lollle i mpelght has in en spending ho pist vut with fi lends in tin onto us muuli llankiui or hamilton lu a guest dill lllg lho wiek of mis iltdi- nil agtiuw t and mrs h j grtihnm or ash- ve wtro gutista this woik of mr nnd mis n f lindsay hov j c wilson ii a mid mr j hi ed nltended tho mi ellng of ouelph preuhjtery on tuesday mi n j moore buslneou mniingtu lho pioneer toronto was nt moon ci nft fur a uet keml visit mr untl mis 11 t lepnge of tti- u to aiflvtd in hcollantl inrb week i a uwnllru visit in tho ilritmifs1 mi itubeit mcdonald of hpt ysldt- uifl on tiruthiy to lako n position ua ireimin with lho grand tiun itall- ny ml j hhptucihoiipresldirtt of lltnpoiiiiiiiiin alliance was a gut st nt monrtliofl during hs atny lo town thlswtek i nnd mtw jaiium hcaritm of luiuiiisit here guests dm iug ibn wiek f their diiukhw mis ounign htotel llitvei avenue mr iiml mrv unas nlehnils of tti- looto uml mis jaiitib mcdcrmld of pincclleld attended tho funeml of the late pavld ilhtck on mmily mi it conte- tmu ileik who lias bteu laid up m tho p tl seven ttksoi so with pot uuioula it atilo he out again milton lt u iner ltnv 1 w ilaikri and mi jaiiios moort were ibe deligii to tint nntiuiil uiiellug of giitilph distiilt at itockwootl on tuesday and wed lies- day mi ilium jooko nf guolpli son or ie late gemgo ii cooke of acton has passed tho until examinations o tint out in lo college or phiiiimicy wllh hnnnis mt jutlson wekh or mcmafi uuueiuii was a guest inst mik f hi untie alex waldie pvq ho i ft on tuesday for his fathnit home in lho okniuigrtn valluy ii c losars j l warren nnd isahli atkinson left on monday to join thu amvnying pmty of mt james warren i l h at ctnvflty altn llioy will spentl thn suiiimui in surveying in lho dlstilu uoilhuist of calgary i fin townsend of hault hu marie mich a foiuitt acton boy liau just iltelnil the nppoliitmeiit of con- iltlng suigioii for tho hospital foi lie insauuiil nuwhtiiy dr towosi und has been pinctlcing nt the moo tho past thirteen j eiu tho novvs says in miking a specialty of sutgeiy hu has liado a unlitblo success among i huso who tilloutud lho iiueitil or ihn into albeit h to wart on thursihiy weie tho following fi lends from a distance mi john mteuntt hochrstei n v mr and mrs jameii hall urnuiplon mrs mckay george town i mi a htowtut mitchell mr oooigo thompson mtowartowu i mi w alclltith toronto i mr ami mrs w m thompson mr and mra j it thompson and duughtci mr and mrs w d johnston mia ihihlc mra mitchell ml g thompson nnd dnughter htewnrlowni mr j thomp son mr j m iluok geoijsilowu nnd mr and mrs a campliell llalllunfad till hydroelectric power lartfoty attended maatlntt of aeton iliampton osoraratowh and milton ltprmnuuvm a- oi ihhm yatefl vlbjltat aotom thnri waa n largely ntte titled moot ing 01 power uiera of the niuiiiiilpalltlos of milton anion georgetown nnd llraiiiplon hetil lu lho rooms of tho hydrokloctilo commission toronto on m ndny afternoon at two oclock tho following ripresnntiitlveh wore piesenti ileevohwackliiimer acton planing mill and riiilldei iteevu pail milton mr hyer milton carpel mauufar- turer mr maitln milton gilst mill mr micnniicll milton thick mnnu farturer mr will ml milton c it wllhnot co faun imphminntl mfgrs mi pikift milton itnevi ij uley georflutown john it itthi gittrgetowit hipet manurui fin i mi dlyfuut georgetimn hoots a hhnes mtg mr wat nut gooigottmn glo l williams ilrampton piesl dent lltionl oftrailo hoot a- hlncmfg j ii iloulter ilrampton w c voung ilrnnitllunr hecjctniy miuiklpalllhs lngliheia of counulsslon mr both- man nnd mr yates littineittitig was impoitiiut and lu- atntctlvo being called iiinlnly for tho purpnboif liiforiuntloit thu meetlngclosed with a unanimous i osolutlon to request tho cominlsslon to send nn engineer to acton milton and georgetown to address n public meeting and to meet thn iisvra bleach place with a vlmv to ascertaining urn amount of power required conserva tor pnglueur yntea was here on tuesday vlidted our iiinnufnctui ii and users of power nnd held very iu- murnglng intetvleivs hrts of oinn city or tol uim i iud4i cnumt f yrsnk j 11iiiv tnalim oath tint ho u nalnr iwrli r of tlm mm nl v j olianav x on initio liiiaiitws lii tli laiy nt tolsrto iunl aiiil sials sforaralil anil tlitt il hrin mill iwr the uni nf ink liljndhhi poltj v1ih far ii i svary uh nf catarrh tint camiol lis ourtrt liy his uu of hall a calarrli llitta vkinkj cukmk hwrtiti to ikforo ma ant autmorltiml in iiiv 1 tpiiurt ttiufltoiuy of lflnihr v l ui ltiki1 a w laho notr t until hull a ltani our is takon inlainally aiil a im illtnily on ilia iiiikhi and tnuoaua siuucit ol ilo wliols syiltii uttiil or laillnionlala v j ohhnttv co toido hoi l hy all drum f rtllt tar comlllloli dc a ciianminq woman yoiittittei saw a heautlfnl woimin who didnt i i- beautiful huh the cliaiui of n lu utiliil woman he in hi i hulr many wumon do not lealle tho atti actions they possess becnuso they do nob give proper attention to the nro or tho hair tha women or lho 100 nro famed for tlieii beauty not because thelt racial ft alures nro superior to those i f olhei women but becnuso they know how to keep yonngby supplying vlgoi lustio and strength lo lho hair up to a few years ago pat man mage could linidly bo obtained in america but now this delightful hair restnrei can hu had in every town in america a t llrown sells- it in acton for aoo a bottle nnd ho guarantees lb to grow beautiful luxuriant hair i to turn dull lifeless hair into lustrous har i to stop falling hnlrt lo stop itching of lho boatp understiiidt a t llrown will give yon your money hack if lb lulls b house- g cleaning m aids m allltctt0 lvib wahhino hoda q nonax s1iouo10iiold ammonia uiiitino g plastrlt paiiitt i- b ma polio don ami inobxioal b1lvuii soap m lloubtthold bofludu g wallpaper to decorate j 5 any room in the house 5 s r s a t browns 8 b s mill st aclon e m mmmmbsisls prtipniit and stationer scrkp 7vcbtkl kuimiius and hagb boiiuht nt goad prices second lunj siovesonj i jiiii msclilncry renirtt moriiis gaxe acton nftssnawcya lumber mills ilarn limber nt any dimeniluns col to ortlcr mill wi i sun april tit cin cm any biiiltllnu miliiruls ncedml in hemlock or plna nn lnrt noilca iiiko mock of blilnfilim for sitln ilili yctr cm from first jrowlli cetlnr sayeht sons njiiih 1 o right downtodate proctor merritt uavo boon iloliik llj liuslnois slnco tlm lirki j inusry in upp vlnn formers with itto lmei improved labor hiving firm mnchlnery anil limy nro now lllvlnjt olion tton to aupplylng farmern when and the public cnernlly wllh ilio i til out isbor saving articles lor tlie uilclien lho chatham khohon cab i not is n dent and uvea limo and worry nnd slichcn drudgery to every woman who uioi ono a modern kitchen cabinet is jnai as necessary to ilia satisfactory working in tlio titclion ii tha best binder or any other mndilncry to tha form tha chatham flreloss cook btovo is tho uioi sclent i tic in mo i ian for making home life tupplar ant providing heller cooked food at much less coit of fuel and attention ii saves 7j nf the fuel 7j of time pnd i rouble anu you can do sit 1i1u and keep coal wtion tlio iitntmer days nro llolldhi kltohon cabinets and wreloofl cookora nn eshlbhlon nl our wrerooms luiitiraled circulnra nn4 full lufornmilon ta till who call proctor ft merritt mill bireel aden oppsito illlt scale latest novelties in straw mats absolute security genuine carters little liver puls mut r slbrmtur of am paoslaaltg wrattm dlsr q jwallace stylish toggery for dressy men suits i vv liavc the exclusive right to sell jjoth century brand clothing in acton a new shipment of suits received consisting of smart snappy styles and catchy patterns at prices that will make jour money pocket laugh furnishings hats gloves belts braces caps ncclleeo shlrts j r outing tics ckiiu 5 wuh wash vests fancy hose underwear unmitleii ii vi wc have tho most uptodate stock in clothing and lurnishings that money could buy selected espec ially for 24th may every man who desires to be well dressed would do well to givo us a call there is class to our clothing the right house ilamimonii iavohiiil bhoitinc ilack now for the new carpets the right house carpets arc best two won derful values ai 100 and 125 i lard wearing rich brussels carpet hie two greatest carpet values la canada tikm- same imch sell in other canadian cities at 125 to 150 j yard wo bought them specially off one of the best english manufacturers shaved our own profits close and there you are two matchless values splendid hardweafing qualities with borders and htairs to match kich to dainty fawns greens- criin- sons blues and combinations in elegant oriental scroll floral persian conventional and mall self colored pat tern t broad variety of sorts suitable for any room they are two carpet bargain wonderi better choosu that new carpet her at once and hhnrc in the saving 100 and 5 thomas c watkints cortnkit kino br gaot huohpon hamilton ont carpenters tools lli in htort rthjutudh to every lohslblo ilnrtlv uro incd nnd if by any cbance wo inn cnt tlio picuna rliile you wimt in stoik iiliui ho iil by find vlrcnj wo luivc iiotkiimtcd the urovvlnk km mil for oarpontora tooihoi hid tliht nott uml with tlio toht of bulldliip niiitmlnls lower thnti tihiiul tlnri tliuuld tw lively nitivity thin hprinj in hid building lino wo uiu umkiiifc a njtcti illy of hand mmm purlkiilnrly tho uxohl8iok which wo rtcll nt tt 75 nnl tiariuilco ltr nnu of tlicni como nntl sod for lonrnclf r f johnstone mli sirfet hardware acton ont specializing in finest of mens turn ill in as ai lho lowosl wttllilo prices tor clean new up to dno roods in correct sly id thais uliat uo nro dubi- no knlclut boo our now up to data nlckwiiak from jc up bocwor hats all ilndes new 1 oncy cqlpred siiikis now pi 11 in and fancy box neuosi colors and stylci in glovlb all roods murbed in plain figures and ono prlco to all r e nelson repairing jewelery wo pay minute attention to all the details of repairing jewellery one perbon gives his whole time to it and we try to do it the way you want it clone geo d prinqle till uwuilur guijlrir ont a pleasure to show our goods the mens store mill street acton ont watch windows for display this is a store of high quality and low prices theru nro thrco ulntla of ulnrel copers iht tlio nlorcucener who through inexparlonco ilnimit know how to judge wtyle nnd qunuty to ttoporato tlio wheat from tho thuit anil who jjeiirrnlly coti thn clmff ho mny w tiqiiara enoujth to only llmrno hlu cuhtomer a fair from tho lhiiir anil who ketirrnlly r profit far thlu chult bill tlinff ihii l worth whllo nt nity prlte huflxulonco in brief ami thu btorokoepar wltn ia niuiliifl of utylo nittl qunlity hut wltn profoni tn buy the unworthy cnll it the bent ntid oil it for tho prlco of the tout hu oxihtcmco it hrlcfur new spring stock of boots and shoes st0vel the shoe han la liifltily pratlfiod whh the rciuli ol hu recent cloarlna aale ho 111 polled hundreds of customer wllh konulno bariiiln in 1ootwonr anil ho moved out bitch a volume of ii 001 nntl sltoou ihti room waa made lor lho coiulonl iondlinn of hla bpleiulid new spring stock of tlie latest ami best in boots and shoes hy ndvanlaijoatubiiylnft for cmth tho ntock ulfora umiaiiat nltracilnnii forcarolul uujora pull stock of si king ru11i1uks itepulrintt ilwaya given puraonal ntleniion aeorge stovel mill st acton ulummffui irmhamenr rokdiaiwu rthtbiuouumi mktimridiivu raidowtipmtim foruuowtkin nfttnecpmruxiqii istpl cikib iok hcadaohi jnl tho yot llle from 11 tew 1 htirvkaeiet who iiiiowh myle nml qunllty who hahn i room for anything clo lio demnnun it nnd gelu it lt n hhrouml onoimh linyr to jrot it at tliu lowot taullilo prlc and a foreftlulited enough uellor lo hull tt willi ndiution of only tlio fiuruht piofit nmrftln who relioh on mall galna from many aalofi rather than largo proriti ull pronu he thrive and dourulie wo clulm to helnnc to tho laut nieiitlnnoil likhu of uuirokeeliorii llundroda have been convliilod that wo nro ntw turtomom nro proving it every liny cor wyndham and macdohald streets clldlph ont thltvls in your garden hot out i ll nlphb o all dtm frtat ft wood seufflar y to llawlla llronj ytl llghl lil kibbp ltaittaiii inltihl lif man 1001 wn i ila anullflhm ntlnjsl aivola hla alio ir miliar otk blkck koent kcton

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