Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 27, 1909, p. 1

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ht jwijcw mttt tt volume xxxiv no ib mvary flulcrlloil vall 111 alvi aotoxt oniaiuo tiiullsday motinincj mav 1100 h iliciliilloii fnc i i smullc copies tiihejc cents v ffiljc cton jxtt iglrm rcvianr tjiuiwday uimimna a tiim vim lrm mumm rrlbdas omm 4ill bthb1ct acton ont tnu of mubttllloaom dollar pur year alrlotly hi advance all aub- serljillntim riucontlniied wlun tlia tint or wlilnlt limy imvn lioin iald liasi n- pi red ttm data t wlilch very mull- turlotlnn la lall la denoted on tit ad- iraaa label advruuk hat trnhaleftt advar lis m silts u cent a fur nonpar iln for aral inner l ion i cent ior lin fur audi autntouoitt naartlon advertisements without apaelfto dl- rmiloitit win it iiiotu1 mi forbid aha attarirad accordingly transient ad- vartlaemontn mull l liald in advanca ad vartl banian la will w eliannad onoa eaolt month if daalred vat cltaaa oflenar titan abov mentioned ilia com- poalluttitouat bo paid fur at regular rata chamva for contract ailverlleamenla must la in the littles by noon on tura- aoi nta pybta monthly knallsli oftlco 10 float btreet lon don id c whore kleaara k and j hardy mt co will roaalv for um nmci ubaarlptlona and advertisement and whera our reader oan frua ok cliara our iiapar when im icnifland it i jioonm editor and rroorlttor fiustnrsb birrrtory rpiios gray m d c m mcgill jj ii g i knimiidkon i l r a uumow uauaaa daman uantai association uro dffloa pradoriok hiroat aetottoot tk a l lloub ursduato ol uulvaralljr of toronto otllea at residence ou willow klret-be- iwud merotiaiiia hank and town hall hioneno an aulon ont lkoal j mickinnon lumjuataa uolicitoh oohvuvamoab ovviokuul dlroal in hlovau moek laorotloon llrencli usiu hitmt oitao weuliaadays attd uatuidaira on goitvayalioer aoantyiraaiidliraaaai ileal uaulaaaaui woiity lo loan ate orwiau iairy man tilock d wit j m uull uub l do dawtiat aoiom odiea at luildauao comet ulllaud pinltliok irsota iiomon qhuioatm or tobomto uthlt tlia lilul anuittibtla uwd ii daalrad at ilnokwood ruaadaji mjscxllahmo vs t and hakdycq auvlrtibino cohtsactohi and muwa connmrowdbht 30 imeat slrcoi london e c england a vila ol tiila iaior can uo aaan haa ol aliarw li vlallora to lioiilou to wltotu atlvloa ar wlliu swait it raguitud lnanqib nonan ivvttdtiam 81- oualpt onturk wy iqtar wihlmbi htora aofloool hooka ol all kuila mail a to ordav iwlodleala of atarydaiarlrtlouoarafully bound rulle r naail and promiillv dona m aimiaol lioknheo if f uooiih aanpa or ijibxtaa lomuaa prlwalaomo nowltnmiaavaquliad laanad at raaldudm in tlia avaulnn praa 1iam olfloa acron mru uehbtnkbt llaimsmd aootiouiift for ilia oonntlaa of walllnotoii add hal ton ordamlallatthavum iaaaa offlna aotob or altayraadaimalo anton will lia pioupuy a- w oidan lull wlth tlia vnav vmm aaull wll rawlva imkuadlatu auoiiilou r j kb11u ikinrakiiauvriomkhii for luu counllti ol wallluutoo haluli and n wlhi tlinciioii and unon vswdari lyutor 10 ulinoia i 0 talaplipna lo klimota or tiirinaa or lalt at fakh ihh omm or will w j uoidon larnwa makar aetor hi racalva luiiueliam allpniloit kitffllal allf illloii to talia in aolon aud vlalulty rauhs mcponald llobnbhr aufitlbnkbh por lua ooiittilm ol walilnbtoi l waiarloo wauiwoitb and lua uly ut llualufi itoad ttuhiilloni t mala mar ba arraiigad a abiqu humhuitlllud urooh oaitub 10100000 vhb wulunoton mutual inhuftanob company kalabtunad 1040 ufl offlo otnolpii oht v nftuhanob on caali anduutual plan anv l n wiiutnwvaianl uunhi t aaton anant i rllblal artists materials watiin coions and 8ui on coions im1ks pybookmby supplies and oliritb nature btudv buppie ioll comitils schools oil stij hunts sflntl inr inlurnmllon ir 1 cainlnuutt no i arllmfl mlmlu ll nlura iliuly hiiipl cauliniiip n jl sijppll waters bros th rlolure btor l wyniuunl hi ouuim1 would you like railroad time scnu your watch to jt jix lit ixftut wa r co ortlolal watloh inaipaotom ororand trunk itallway guelph 0nt stephen cordiner painter papkrhanoeit bionwiiiteu dkootiatou paoplo of acion anrriurrounjina vicinity llial i luvo for inipocllon a masnlficotit aiaotlment of hioholaqb wall papeiiq i truii by strict altenilon to liunlnanaanil mwleraio cliirftei toarcure italiiro of your palrotiarb any work enlrualed 10 my cam altall b axnculed in 0 skilful and tradesman ilka manner ordoralell at liouso on mill si or by dropping 1 card will receive prompt nil on lion 30coton jix jl j2jjt jl bus likie tlis undfrtlnned reapccllully lollclti u10 patronage ul 1i10 pub lic and informs ibcm tltt wall kqulpnatt and btyllah nisjai can always bo tecurcd ai bis labia a comforlablo bus moots all iralns bsiwatn loooom and 6 10 p m careful attention nlven m every order tho wants of com- mere hi travellers fully met john lniilm7uts rtiopnimton aeton chopping mill re0penki tbe clionplna mill la now in full runnlna order and lam prepired ta fill all orders promptly tho mill will run every day and mere will ba no unneceaury delay flour and kekd a full slock of flour and iced bat i jen slocked b g brown proprietor seed corn car of seed corn arrived large choice of varieties also nil kindu of mangel and sugar liccts acton flour and feed store n f moore r noble mnnnkor prop scarclillglif on readymixed paint dorw pay for u pretty litticl dont iy for it ftinty iiunt poat my fur un tiiitriiil mlwliirt pav rofa paint martin sen0ur paint 100 puio ttuaranteort tho bond hardware go limited hetall lmion 07 oublp1i there is danger allcl inr lliqn wlm nesl ilmlr eye ilfilit and wbo ilon 1 1 iun hoed lo tlia first waritlnua iliai no uro ijve in time if your eyrs blur ami black spats lonl hotnroynur vltlon it is tlmo to iumi riir eyes imam- ined and if neces ry nlnmea filled to iliem display wisdom by calling today a d savage oltommuisl and optician ilione 371 31 wyndlum sireet guolpii ont winter session opon january ttltlu all ilanarl mania of llm wj1ii ulhl- nisfch coilkou vonne ami urrard hiraai lottmio our cataloaua aiilalm nur iiiifl otiiv i11 kiiuliirnil t htair ualiiods alttl itaaulla oil to uvllad lo wrllp lor ii if inteiaalad in tlia kind ol anliool work which lirlnui iimi sunaai adiliataw ii miuw irmliudt right downtodate proctor merritt lliveboen doltiu blk bmlness nco ibn first of january in anppjlnrr urmura whb 1 tin iniesl improved lulmr sivlnr firm machinery and tboy are now fllvlnu alion ilon to supplylnft urmers whrs and ibe enerally for tbe k ti10 chatham kitchen cabinet ian qem nnd aavea lime and worry nnd klicben drudflery to every woman who usos one a mimlern klicben cabinet la jii3l aa necessary to llm sallsfacloru workln in the klicben aa tbe beat binder or any oilier machinery to tbe farm tho chatham ftrelou cook btovo is the ulest scientific invention for maklnp boma life happier and providing belter cooked food at much leia cost of fuel and attention it savea 7jx of the fuel 75 of lime and trouble nnd you can do all litis and keep cool when the summer days bto lioltest kitchen uablnou and flreloas cookers onu xblbllionalourwsrerooms llltisiralaa circulars and full information to all wlid call proctor merritt mill bltoet acton oppslto hill a scales georgetown florau go guonoetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specialty all orjoti plaaxl villi r h nixon druggist aaton will rceolve prompt kllanllnn reliable footwear 1 everton 5 eden mills th dc quatlltv ol manitoba family nd paatiy flour for bnlo at lofoqt prlooti onrflwn mdhp choppltib pmjte nnd ohh itnlled every day fowl or bale ctati for wheal and qms henry h0rt0p oirt7 tub lbabt of tiivmu hbu bin litllu or uurlhly bmitty i hhu bud ineti of ourtbly biro t him clluibud by it pnlh ho nnrnnv hucli wonrluotuu btirdmih luirc attd aim en it in with lnhrt truinbln to llto wurdtr ut liiitvina ibtirr ami nnlri tiiitp wcr liiiirtw i tin ro wen hiindu lir ilio uhlli mlubt i i liml only mv lltlln rbllilioii tit it l i ullctl to niu tiny ntnl nlbt i could only iiorillin tbuli aurrowf the 1 1 rblblisli itcurth nmko lllii am aba itowm linr ltrfid in ullorn t hliu hid herfu y hi bbuiric wliun out from it liliiu of flory a for to ntiijtttillc cmiin antl weetot llinn nil in lutnti titiioir iii aotituo tin liitl liil brr iiutiii dniir lirnrt unit iiiib a foruolti n that iiovsr ite own linu uminl who koipellt t liimvunlcti oni full nit to tho itinu liuth jtiivtlu lifiiiifbi ir what tboiijiiutdoni to lb cbll willi i ie wliole maiut bufnio ut h u k0o ittoea only ll w cmulilir iii nt wti can loroiuly rtcnpinieiiit for stylo and jueltiy fid enlr hip ucia of mtr tvadp in pirstclkss shotrs la ntcoiirniientenl eitnuiili o ulve ibcm still urfflr prunibionce ibu year linked on llm abioluto certainty ol rood value wn wm you in come and lei iho now slytoa io tlinlr own lalklnji w williams mill street acton stlucl ynntllt itrnbiug tho fruits of faith i1dv jno w mooi1y v iijan ibinlwulu home wiih n 1 llltln routicnvenil coltnk j nmnnrtlii mllliir hllu of obi miibtmclniuiti to tlio knihs n grotin in tint iiiutidowbolloiiib na over it dlil in obi hiiiihiiid tho sky was litu ue blue could lie tbti nitlbi wefo alook nnd lirlntitijod nduid oviry- thlnp nbont minidowvillo wua juut ub porfuct im u putlu ill on m of liiiiuo lilian nut on 11 low stool ut lint inotbuiti ftiit loouliik up into iho vtm- cniblo fuhluriu with un tinpiunitliiii of umittontblo tundi i iiii8i tlny uuro iilnnf inolliii it ml iluiiklitui near jondui wliiltpithttitil meiillitgltumiu tin m wua u mat bio ulnb iintl a krouti mound tt round wlilcb ulnutor iniiikiiuih too anil lo tlwull upon john hmhvll oi ibictoi johniiklif wuu fitmlliiuly ciillfd bud li vuil wlnit uunio iiiun cull ii hltoit nnd it niuiry life ah h imrifuou bu bud it u in lo tion thut nlbt inivt hiooiiio nutloit i but nlttw dtiilb cbiinicd liim liffuiti ho bud roiimlfil hln fortlutb iiiibmoiio un wuu not it diunuurd tbul la to rnty hu wim niivvr uiuu intoxlcutid lint thoru woto tlintiu whnn bo wuu filmimtt fiotu biu pntluittit n ibiy or ttioro nt n umt lint it isnt iibnut bin wi nre lohik to wiltu lb la story un liud of flrlifhlii dlidiibp biporlnduicd sub hie hrollivr phyulclniifl by puibistuut ilium ilrinuinr tho only tbitip bu loft bin uho uml lunghtur wan tho chlihro in wliirlt tboy lived nnd tho conuobitlon of hulbvlnp hint bin u piiitouct wuu ulnciiri mill unit tuurty hut tnkun tho boiil whoro jimiioo it nil tho rlrltt tortile hut wo will drop unit curtain two youm bad slipped nwny iillnnt ton nnd tier wonderfully htmulniitlvo lirnlti hnil an fur won bor u fulr place among those hiioil utii 1 wbo woavo from tho i outfit fuhtltu of llfou imitl tibiu nnd toniptntlniib lllllo btorloa hint whibt nwny tbe puhsnr hum nnd iintkouhllilllfo full of uwutit nml bonltby nuiuince notwlthutiiiiilliiu t im look of ba o and lliu uvldunt ttyiiipnthy betwien umthor mil diuigblei tboy wetti eiikkd in whnt ietmiid lo iki notmithliib v 1 1 y likn n wilt in illuciiuulon cliirunco miiiibiiiouiit hnil just left flliuti iliidwull hu only utoppud lotiu 01111111111 tosayiinod ovuulngto the widow rttul bo 8roni hut why did jnii limit hi in ki thin mlbiup i ihniitrh you loved him ivivciliilm niainuiap vnui not only lovod but love thitn why uilmofiibiilp you muwt hnvo ii louwiui von inuiiiinu diiii i 1 iniiu a rtiiuon did you toll hliiif no tint i will tidl j on i tun nott ninny n tinin who diluun no tnatier hmv modi 1 nlolj i know that cliireuoo iliiea untl i kiiuw unit blu fnlber iloeu hi did my fnlbur a painful uliiilow on n in nonius tbn niotlieiij fuci hnvo you told hliu iiotliliih of itiup alio iniitilieil no ninlber i tub blui ibeio who only nni way hi wbbib it could bit to- uinvoil km- that i tuld him would pray nnd whonlt wua removed i would cnuilldly ttdl hliu uo why lllliui yon nto n qiuitii gltl uiilona im known whnt ynui objection ib bow onn he glvii up tho bublt look bote mothor dour if i told cliirunco hn would promlnu tn atop drinking and bo would trjto do it in hla own mtronglh i aboittd uinrry him nnd hittll nut- ii vug might ho wrccuod iiu oiirt luu na my jmnr fntbft did mi bqredltary tanto for drlnkt k tia rib i y nowor can tniull onto hint dlaciihd linvti rend mill atlldloil tlilu aiihjcot alnoo fwlltotw iloutli vtu my pour dear utpa u in licnvon now i do hollo vo tint bo font i can niiiiiy claroncc or any imp i inuut know nnd ft el unit n higher powor than meio will force ttisliiilni the nppnllte yonm n ipttter gltl milan tld- wna n filvoiltb fxprosbon of hoi itintlicry woll uiu nnnvii iiiil ion wna lung onnllmifd lilian told iter mother how when iter rullier wiin noittlnu tm ond ho fxphtlnod tn hvv um pullmlogy or iiluoliiilintii nnd diw from iter it iioinlau iiuvij in niiiiiy any mini who wua ovon ii iituduruto dilnkor or iho hum of ii thinking mini until tho higher power inn ulluiliiuted lliu liilivrnnt duilri nnd tho uvhimion nf lliu oliungo u umltmblvd mra ii irdwidl wnu onu of llioee in gitllvi t otiietl whoun will wnn onully warptd nnd iihbnugb a good ilirlntlart woiunti 11 1 e did not poauosu thittutitrdy uluglciura jif piirpouo that makes uie hlgbtiul t po of chilutlnn tionmn- hood in her lnni i she blamed milan for cliirtitiro una wellto do hie mill of wealthy patents am hosblea i bo wbobiiilgihir1iind hud for yfnru look- ell otioti tla ihatrh hu a forrginih cut- cliiklun young m hiuouut una plmud be- j ond iklrl ion and be huh vtry glad tohuaontoti a inluuloii lo ciipipu to piircbnso tin otiinlng wlnloin utiilk fur tho llrm of jtlnrcbrnouitt hon a com puny of hoatiin it wau blu lint tilp on such a mlvuioh hu lulled ut tbe i lard woll cottngo tbn u vetting heftiiu b railed liu in would not tritut hetuilf tnguohlm i prlvato jotefvlow aa hu itft tho collage jm hiipluutrd a kluu a palm i una to uiiiiuhl bopi hsu kluv upon ibn extended bund of ihu young indy nnd uttetn pled loiltuw het towavd hluv tbiiro wan a unit hut kind tealilonco on her putt anil a mul den overling of tho fmt alaa tho tolltalo odor of bin hientb biitruyud bor worst fear foi ho hud uieimd tip to this point lo bu innidlu atidy cbt et foi u oil or llm i h t uiii- utaticeii iiu left lo citlcli lliu train foi new y ik end tibe to her own room to nob botwilf to sleep toioo atul pmyeiu in in mingling that how ihuy partd pel bit pa fin ever hindtiiisb ciiicn and new ill una and expci ifncini did a great den i to chitr thn lonely liouisclartinco miik1i mount apent in imgbind and on llieeotillm ul dont imngluo unit hit wuu udi unkind oi that tbero scijincd to lie any pioba hlllty hint ho might helomu ouu the gientest ooitliudruiii of ids lift um lo illicnvor tho impediment in um way or bis ii iimi with milan liar dwell aluny a nlgtit did hu ppond in it ylug to uolvn tho injktory while it istiue she wua not nu wtll olf in tills woiblu goods na bu wau it wna also true unit uhu was independent of anything and u vol y thing hut iter own etutlonw hoclully tliuiu was nodiltuiiime what could lllief hometliolu bu iboiight bbo wau til lllng with liim but that ibougbt wna only toiupoiar hu knew too well that uhu wan not mm that t tea led souh thiiigu llghlly iiu lovo toi bei wua not tint wild puhiini of uolanied jmilh for neither bo nor she hud so wiy young that life bad 110 expeilenttw fm them it was of a deepei and nxuii iiihliiigtiimllty than unit tbu months iluw on up in- tim goods thut cliirenco hud puithased wuru on llieit way ncroa tbu wutoiw but hu llogoreiljlll into in the ituluinu hu roitimid over tbu contlnunl and em ho was ready to lelurn tbu liees were donning lliolr lunbei gold nnd pill pie when a iiinu u abntu in a stiango count i almoin toly aloitu no fai aupei bnnally knowing aiionu is umuiriiul hu is moiu than likely lo luditlg in hitronpechon looking within hlmsilf ho uiougbt of milan and bei uwittt cbrlstinn cburnclui bur guntlenuus bur deuds of ch iiity tiniong um pool of the village bei ailuilniutiallmiu to iho sick nnd all tho lovo lhatiltiwteiul mound her bouio lire of untrue lie wti bomeuiok iiu felt un worthy of her nor wuu it ihu hut time bu bnd though bo but novor un itiiicb as now ills iiihul tinned to seiloiis subjeols morally hu was ahitnat puritaultu but ho fai us idoitllfj lug hlmwelf with any chinch wau concernid hu bud ho fm falhd lo aeu tbu iiuceuuity it un happenuil nun evening but hu found himself in n small maikiit town 111 kitgbind tvhtitt an ametleau tem po i an en loot nrei wna adv tft tlueil to spoak in tbu tow it hull on tito laws of lluiudlly an amorluati ubioail in always mut tons to uee uomothlng aineilnin i know an amei lean who ubud lo cany a httiall nallonnl thtg with hliu un as to keep up his upliltw of coiiibo maiohmoiint went to thn loltute cjinloslty and boinei it uneus wutti the ptoinpleis that litdiited hbu to go but is it not iiobabiu that tbu divinity unit shapes nm ends also has bomelhing to do with olhtu puitu of our uvosp that huliiio not only luiiud ill whole tldo of tho young uians life hut il warm friendship sprang up between uiuluntuioi mid ithiisulf tho louulb of it all was that ho was invited to visit miirebinounts hfliiiu in massnoluisotth on blu lutuiunitd uuro deliver bis lee- lure meadowltui had its lecture course and olaretico maiohmmint wuu nito of tbn managers it would maki this ulm y ion lung to tell of ihu boninwnrd voyiigo with mr wllford llaldloy tbu silvertongued orator of junneotfciit or of tho won derful ohunge not only hi roapoct tn tbu mitwnrd but tho i tutor llfu of tho young merchant it was in heoumbor hint thn loctni ooursn opened mr ilaitlloy was tbn 111 at mi tho list nnd a full bouse greeted him cliirunco marahiiiount noted aa nhalrmntt mid in littiodurlng llm iipunkur ho touk nncuulon to lull till filmy nf his own change of opinion bothiib to iiiodunilt drinking find thn aonrou nf powur unit oimblod men to abslnhi tho inlioiluuilnn caiibod its tiiiioli coiiiiuont na tho luoiiiiu itself homo people called uhu unco a ciank of onuiue hut there wau onu in that uiidlunen wliiiso heuil bounded vltll n newborn joy thorn waa onu who ba lloted that his words which di opped like pret loua petti is upon hei emu were in answer lo itor ptayois of ootnse he anil lilian hnil met uevornl llintia slnoo hla rolurti but only for a fun tumiiuntu ut a lime htrango to nay this stibjeot hud uour been bioitaliiid tb next moinlug hu wan sinpised to recelvn a dainty little unto wtltton lit ii utttmg llrm luiiiil ir lan thus i at rbiteitro my prujei ib aiihweiid your mllun it wau shoit but in liim it was n whole volume like a flush llm whole thing punned before bis inlud you and i have nothing pnrlkular in do with tin meeting lilians joy ful tears nro not fm our njif neither ate jlftrtincnrf words for mil inia you might biu theii lioniti in busy ios1oi ifydiiihulbl tlalt the hlib w1iv mkn don error oi1inuino laoiyoitu knows soitjulhlng of iho ilfel or whiskey along llm iimi of ici and cilme hut nun who ililnk tn excess nre not nil vli lone and com- piilatively fuw me crlinlnnlc lvcryonekiiiiws of the poverty and touiiy hint follow la lliu wnkn of driinkeiluuat hut niun who drink am nut luvnilahly poor neither- do they all m gleet theli tninlllt im hilety lnltielf la iinl a tiitsuiin if iiinialu oi economic it is a tuns- lion of pbjsical roiuuuun it may it nd lo dlirereut rnmpllcituumt with tlllft i ent individual hut thero tu one point that miiiit be coinliioii ground with all men who drink to excess nnd that is the phyuloii tlfert uui nest humbly i be t lime nnd mueiy that are justly altrlhiilid to whiskey hitwi moth in do with tbu false idens concerning ll these tilings are too tiften huktd upon as the wlndn of inebriety tusliad t lis onu of um factors and llm man whoso point inns mo nut charm lerlul by suili iniiniriululiiiim is apt lo ililnk it is because be di iuku uiiiro inoilernte- y intliu ihitu lo attrlliutu it to its line cuiimi of a dltforoncii in temper- ineiit lie ibitsul like to hu liientloihil in the same couihctiou with ihu oiati who di inkn to excess mul if bin family or fihmds en i uro to suggest that llitioi iu g itlng ton btrnttg a hold on him bu resents it very ipilckly it is fmtniiuto unit whiskey is not moio uniform in its visible rcsiilia for it iu hopleasly alike in list enlelfeet on evei y p rami who di inks it wlullili its usu la cuiiiuionceil ua a sin la 1 tl hem imi or a physicians pre set iptiun if ills conliuiiitd it will tund to dlseuuu ami sulfeilug alcohol is distinctly a poison and poisons nmiitot hu taken imllsci imitl- atuly without causing illsonse tho poison of akobiil cauaes n diseased condll ion of the nerve culls tlmy bo- roino so iicitiatniued tu put forming tbuit duties and fnncllniis under itu inlbienie that they are dependent on it and w hi not perform lliosu functions painlessly without ll tliia cull noces- sailly consllluteslho illseaso iif irieln- kty ami ihu craving fur liquor is moro iy u hj iiipiom of thu dinense home constitutions are moro aiiscop- tlhle tn the poison than others just na so niu constitutions nre more suscep tible to tho poison of different diseases than otht is hut tho dirfuronco iu not a ipioutlnn of intellect oi will it is a pbjsicil illltcronce two moil mny begin to til ink undor similar circum stances and onu mny remain a mod erate di inker whllo tbu otlilr incomes a trunkal d hut tho man who be comes the dninkuid tuny hu the 0110 with tho brightest intellect nnd thn strongest will ttuu u s no advuiu u of possibili ties in this particularity and if thuro wore the moderatn drinker la liable at any time to ciuss tbu soinewbat in- dellnlto nnd uluallc line that la sup posed to bliotcb between himself and tbu corth med drunkitnl of course bo does not intend lo no onu ovni willingly iiiciiiiio an inebriate no one deliberately plans lo dusrny hu health iiilit hla hnpplnoaa or wreck hla business hut whiskey will do nil these ihlngu it iu more insidious than any other poison it iu niitiui trcnohuiouu than any other onomy it proiiiisos hlieiigth to tho feeble and siiecoss to tint discournged hut it in eaks v ury pruiuise audit doeu it uo ihiowdly thai its vlelini dues nut know hu is being chejited whiskey dulls n mans peicepllon an that hu canimt disorlniluatu between advantages and disadvantages it paralj e bis w ill and when uoino gllinmoi log of his ti iiu cnndltlon dual ly ilawim on blu hoiiuiiihid conscious ness and bu li les in give up tho drink he llmlu bu la powutluua to do so wblauuy has controlled hla not ions llko a leleutless deinoii hut that iu only a smalt pat t of ita work it baa crealtd a diseased comlltbm hint hu rantiot oveicome iu iu a ulok man am tho striiiigo feature of llto case la that itu must hnvo tho whlukoy it hna produc ml a condition llint dotunmlij ita on nil tin unce ho ilnesnt unileiatand ihu phlloao- phy of it hut if he ti lus to do wltlmut iiipim- hu snffeis tmtnie hu fi lends may advlso and his family implore hu drlnka because bo niilal ho cuiv lint euro dlkuaso by mitina of a diseased and weakuuid will kvery mini likes to fuel unit he la master of himself kvou lliu uiiiii who dilnka buoatuo ida nsttnclatlons nre depraved wants in utllik ho ami stop wliuu hn cholines hut there la something moio than n ntuio qiiosliun of pie fere nee invoked in most cases ililulneus 1 1 ijnlremeiits liavo nnulh aobrliily a nioeaulty a dtlnklng man onn not secure n pnslllnn tho flint hueslhut unit gleets ills application for woik will del ermine blu iuiiobb iu that it spent duos bo ill ink p kvoiy- ihlllg seems to bingo on thai if im thinks a little occasionally socially oi any olltet inannoi ho may aa woll not go on nllh hla npplltuitlmi no mm wiiulu hliu it is a iiioutlni of tot it i iihst lueium m no job or at least a vory undoaiinhlo jnli tho dunimid for snliiloty in indtn- irlal poslllons huu heon n groat pro moter of lemptlieiiee lefniiiia men who would tint stop ih hiking uuotigh piluolplit have mnde desporntit elfilru tu ntip forliiislness rotuons nnuiu unieu they luivo bucciuded hut they luivii riilfurotl much in doing an it pny lo iifjfvr iimiiotltiio tivkntv vicars aoo ita kim of irtueaat fvom oui- lataju of my doth ibbo llinro were llurrks of mmw at inter vals during tuesday forenoon the boy of today will bu telling their grandchildren about ihu snnw stonn i bey saw on tho 3lh of may 1wwj fifty years liuuce linsnbnll playeis who will face kiln team on haturday kelly wamet whtto kenney uiulth lenus i pi or lfolhrtsnpi ntitroy aa usual 1 kpclght takes tlin hukeiy for big iryut cttrb on the 21th bu latight in the pom nt mill ht a irnut 11 iniltos lobg and nearly 1j potindu in weight uurlng the year jujt thueil tho ladies alii of llu mflhodjt chun if hnvo iiilsed ijiil wl foi chinch ami par- nonage purposes mr a v matthews of myhlcilse n y- nrilved luniie on monday tnatictid ihu littliistbig cersinony with b took place at the paimlal home tbu folbiw- ingthi ai looks well and altboitgb matters agreo with hbu on the nlhci uide hu hasnt gone bin k on the otd ibig yet titu wedthei was nut vety ugioouhlo foi the soibils at liiliiiuii memilluus mid t c moores this week iho pto- n eils in t i b caso was about 911 miss anna matthews wbo by her com tonus attention to thu waiitu of an exacting public while nillrl tiling as deputy in tbn pnutnllloo ibn inst two or tlneo jears won genoral nppn ela tion wuu until led on tuesday evening to mr i v maddock a favorite sales man hi mi h ii leriuyiis store fur n cotipte i yours misa llonley recently roslgntd tbu position of piistmlstiess at hpeyuido and through lite nttenllio tlforta iu oui behalf by mr i henderson o 1 tho vacancy has boon fillet mr john plunk iu tho now oltlcer npey- uldu cot holt v at jrowsons lnr iters tut may ulib lo mi and mr william hunnott n dniighlor iloiiv in krln on may 2ltii to mi and mrs ilobt allan a unit hoiisat imen mills on may mth to mr nnd mrs james anderson blnckamlth n laughter alliiuirn at thu homo of the bibles fathei on iiay 2htb by llov ur tllftord mr p o maddock son or mr i i maddock auetph to anna oldest daitgbtur of mr james mnttbowf post mns tor acton dllli in acton on may 21th jane agnew wlk of tliomna ii harding merchant aged iu yeam and 10 mos dikh iu lnituslng on may 22nd charlotte wife of win center aged u years and 11 months di unat oi itlia on mny sird joint noblnson formerly of hpeyuido aged il years dadv obtnioiibs in callpotlnia onu of thu eunnliigeit sights in all tho golden west hi aftoided by ihu baby ostriches on thu great ostrich farm at lait pasndena tbu baby oatiich i uo loleiusthig study tiu nstrlcben hitnl at their heat in tho spring often in j lug na ninny na fourteen eggu in a nest each egg of mi averago weight nf three pounds it takes usually foiiy days for lliuan eggu to hatch about two- thliduof them producing in the spilog- time tbotigh with eggu laid at other seasons tbu pure ent age u decidedly loua the mother biid gray of plumage aitu mi thu nest during tho day being the color nf thn ground i tho malo occupies the place at night when lilu black plumage renderu him less con spicuous tho nest is a mote hollow in thn earth into which tho eggs nre lain ostrich eggu nre eatable i in fuel at union n great omelette of them will hu hoi veil at tbn paaitdona hotels for anywheio from n iloxcn tn forty poople and tto tautu ia much uuo that or a lions egg tho young ohlcka nto usually put in tho incubators tboy are cunning things particularly when about no veil dayaofnge lliolr font hoi a brown nnd atlll likn thu spines of a pnrouplne until she months old thu sexes look alike thou tho main giowa decidedly dnrkor at two ynnrb of ngu the young oatrlohea acbluvu thulr full height by four yonra they uro tu all lutonli mature tltubt llowdmk the way i t annul irani my pnlh 1orhtotm rloiiilsbiuud and wialth fmiiis roimil me move in thitaliiingmimd i nut atone yet have tiofeai im tbiougb the tlatigii ihadowu thatalioiil mn full a volco oui on i ingliig withatheeiiiigiil alls well calm u my tout that volcu coiniiinnl the iiiikutt l or lam and sui and every ttuil by his word is hmhr- i mkcnngry itillbf wlivsluiuld i ft in t my fntliehovi h und lelgun in grace nnd pmvt f hn will mitleitvi his hlld though earth and in ii may lower i lieu trust ami wait tiled tool llm htm in ll soon be past and tbotiabalt leiiiblhy goal ritbarmtd tafe luimn nt last il o kl nm h a pitchiouk wlun hu ihht h innlml ralbd dninital pltibfirkh nint flut uitro- tluiiil hie pi i lent m ofcaiimtk palish a few milts honi dunift luillne thought he might nut he hut woisn foi one and aiciiidlugly mdend of thu cdinlnirgh ran 1 who nevt r hi aid of any oilier pltrbfm k but that used in tbu barn yard mid puiehuhiit ouu at bast ton ft et long it wna into in the hat- urday uttnlug hi foiu bu canio home and ua a metsiige bud been left lo hi lug it up when he emtio to chinch next dny hu uuin hod into tbu cburcb- ynnl ijermo tho lull tang where bu iniibtm tf sung wau himidiiig amid n group of villagith awf id john heres tbe pitchfork yoti wauled i boltl can till ou i nuii thought inutklu o yotii singing befoio and im ualr mu- tavn if ell ting any belli r lion 1 iiowtotkll a modicl iiu8ano lie u fotul or blu home mid u curbuib to know bow it is niu ho bus sober babltf wu horn sty nnd good will shining out or a cluni frank face iluwoik in business occupies half bis lime i the teat hu spends with bis wire anil children lie insist u that hlu wife beacojiininlcd with bis exact lliianclnl status nnd that not n cent above what he can nlford shall bu epenl he insists on his wifu shilling fully allmaitbil leuponslhllillea and did les by kieplug blu house in older and his ineau piepared foi him you will have unikcd that uilu iiitiiu huabaud of tnlno is a lilt of a inithtei although she bates to admit it womankind invvi to be mastered metals numdicn fiftynine there arn at least uietau known to the chemist at the dann of his tory uilio weiotmlyfmit copper un gold ami h ll v im tin ee moro w ere mill ed by aiicluat ci illallon lion lend ami meicury thike sevuu were all that wue known to fnllic antli and fin the llrst thousand yeaiu of tho ghiisliau eta it is believed that cop per la cause round innut abundantly in thu pine stale wau tho ilit to altrnct tho at ten linn of pilmltho man tin waa piohably ihu second tbu largest deposits being in hiobo tegloiiu longest inhrthittd by the human wice lion caiuu lito gent lal ue betwien a iboua- nnilaud 1jm jeats beknu tho clulut- ian orn a mltan man tuinioj pop a man is a bachelor until bigtuiuiinkdui t lit y tommys pop yes my son tommy and what doeu he call him self aftn wardp tommy pop id bate o loll you my son what ttlouulbd him whnn n limit to lonvo town ono day a certain elderly bishop a hnohelor wtio was especially fond of hla bath givvo htrlol ordora to tho hotiiomald nhotit hlu bawuftub and told iter hot to allow any ono to una it ltowpvct tbu tuinptntlan grow on tho poor housemaid mid film took plunge upon returning unexpectedly thn bishop found truces of tlio recent stolen bath and iiuuatloned tho maid at olusely that alio had to ounfoiia alio wna tho guilty one and wau vety aorry 1 hope you do not think it ia a sin hiahnpp asked juno iu tears eyeing her stonily ho anldt jane your using my tub hi nut a slit but what dibtrobbou inu most u that you would do anything lie bind my hack hint yoil woutd nut do bofiuo my face limpets weekly much like dbmoutiirmbs woman hu said itally ought lo ho a butter oiator than mini why sop uhu nuked ihrciiusir ho replied loiioeilalit extent at least she follows the methods of that fnuied ointoi deninillieiios iu what wuyv she hupiliodi hlhi busy with iho llnuhlng totiulioa nf hoi lollui youienuiiiihoiloausweiedthat doiuoslhonnu used lo piaeuuo talking with hlu uiuuth full or pobhles hliu hastily took tho phis out of her tumuli and lufmnioi him hint ho waa a ineun old thing any way ouro alfaotati ht dotli cnaasi mi v hasmtiuuen of 211 matmiotto htreot monlieal who u a itistlco of the pence and a man nut inclined tn give pialseoxtepi ubuiu it a well due mil at km many yemo i wna tumbled with a uoi inns eruption of um skin this was not only unsightly lint vuiy painful i dial tiled varlouu household tonicities hut as uieso piovtd altogethei unless i took medical advice not one hut several tloctois in turn note consulted but i wau unable to get any porniunont rollof homo tlitut back i iloterfnluod to give v im link a ti in ami after a thoroughly fall test i can uay i nm delighted with it i hawi tho heat reasons for this eiiiiikisloii becnuse whlto everylhltig else i tiled failed absolutely to lellinn my pain nnd rid mo nf my ttoiltile utieo boxes of znm- ikik have winked a coniplelo ouro in my opinion this bnlm should bo even moio wlduly known hint it la mr c 15 hiinfoid j p or woatoti lclngu tin n h says i i had a patch of utxeinu an my nitklu which iinit boon theiu fm ovni twenty yema homutlmis alo tbu dlseaso wriuld hieak out on my slionldeis i had taken solullun or ataenlc hud applied vailouu olntimintu mid tiled all unite of tilings to obtain a emu hut in vain ilinhnk on thu eoiitiaiy proved highly salisfactoiy and ouud um alliitunt i have iiluo ustd zamuuk for llclilng plleu and it has em ell tluin ootnpletety i take coin foi t in helping my inolhermon and it tbu pnbllentton of my opinion or the healing power of imjnk will loud other sulterera tn tiy ll i shall ho glad knr hie toilet of sultetlng caused hypllos in skin diseases it la withoin eipial t iicituiiii uiupunnij tilcius piles bloodpoisoning unloose iileeis ehlt- drunu uofu heads ilngwium salt ilinum qiitu sciatches hunts hiulsuu ami all uklu in jut lew tnthuk iu a peitect mire all dlugglutu mid stuies well ll nt wlun box or postfien frnui am- ink co tot onto furl he pi lee tliicu boxes foi- 1

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